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Population-genetic models are developed to investigate the consequences of viability selection at a diallelic X-linked locus subject to genomic imprinting. Under complete paternal-X inactivation, a stable polymorphism is possible under the same conditions as for paternal-autosome inactivation with differential selection on males and females. A necessary but not sufficient condition is that there is sexual conflict, with selection acting in opposite directions in males and females. In contrast, models of complete maternal-X inactivation never admit a stable polymorphism and alleles will either be fixed or lost from the population. Models of complete paternal-X inactivation are more complex than corresponding models of maternal-X inactivation, as inactivation of paternally derived X chromosomes in females screens these chromosomes from selection for a generation. We also demonstrate that polymorphism is possible for incomplete X inactivation, but that the parameter conditions are more restrictive than for complete paternal-X inactivation. Finally, we investigate the effects of recurrent mutation in our models and show that deleterious alleles in mutation–selection balance at imprinted X-linked loci are at frequencies rather similar to those with corresponding selection pressures and mutation rates at unimprinted loci. Overall, our results add to the reasons for expecting less selectively maintained allelic variation on X chromosomes.  相似文献   

H. G. Spencer 《Genetics》1997,147(1):281-287
I model the effect of genomic imprinting on the equilibrium allele frequencies at an autosomal diallelic locus subject to viability selection and mutation. The population size is assumed to be very large; male and female mutation rates may be unequal. Different models examine cases of the inactivation of one gene (with both complete and partial penetrance) and of differential expression of genes according to the parent of origin. In the simplest cases the frequency of the deleterious allele is approximately twice that of a dominant nonimprinting mutant, but considerably less than that of a recessive nonimprinting mutant. Under imprinting, selection and unequal mutation rates interact: other things being equal, male-biased mutation leads to lower mutant frequencies under maternal imprinting and higher frequencies under paternal imprinting. I also model cases where just one allele is imprintable (and the other not). These models allow us to predict the frequency of a failure to imprint in a normally imprinting system, as well as the frequency of imprinting at a standard nonimprinting locus.  相似文献   

Van Cleve J  Feldman MW 《Genetics》2007,176(2):1101-1118
Genomic imprinting is a phenomenon by which the expression of an allele at a locus depends on the parent of origin. Two different two-locus evolutionary models are presented in which a second locus modifies the imprinting status of the primary locus, which is under differential selection in males and females. In the first model, a modifier allele that imprints the primary locus invades the population when the average dominance coefficient among females and males is >12 and selection is weak. The condition for invasion is always heavily contingent upon the extent of dominance. Imprinting is more likely in the sex experiencing weaker selection only under some parameter regimes, whereas imprinting by either sex is equally likely under other regimes. The second model shows that a modifier allele that induces imprinting will increase when imprinting has a direct selective advantage. The results are not qualitatively dependent on whether the modifier locus is autosomal or X linked.  相似文献   

We examine how genomic imprinting may have evolved at an X-linked locus, using six diallelic models of selection in which one allele is imprintable and the other is not. Selection pressures are generated by genetic conflict between mothers and their offspring. The various models describe cases of maternal and paternal inactivation, in which females may be monogamous or bigamous. When inactivation is maternal, we examine the situations in which only female offspring exhibit imprinting as well as when both sexes do. We compare our results to those previously obtained for an autosomal locus and to four models in which a dominant modifier of biallelic expression is subjected to the same selection pressures. We find that, in accord with verbal predictions, maternal inactivation of growth enhancers and paternal inactivation of growth inhibitors are more likely than imprinting in the respective opposite directions, although these latter outcomes are possible for certain parameter combinations. The expected outcomes are easier to evolve than the same outcomes for autosomal loci, contradicting the available evidence concerning the direction of imprinting on mammalian sex chromosomes. In most of our models stable polymorphism of imprinting status is possible, a behavior not predicted by verbal accounts.  相似文献   

Spencer HG  Dorn T  LoFaro T 《Genetics》2006,173(4):2391-2398
Under several hypotheses for the evolutionary origin of imprinting, genes with maternal and reproductive effects are more likely to be imprinted. We thus investigate the effect of genomic imprinting in single-locus diallelic models of maternal and fertility selection. First, the model proposed by Gavrilets for maternal selection is expanded to include the effects of genomic imprinting. This augmented model exhibits novel behavior for a single-locus model: long-period cycling between a pair of Hopf bifurcations, as well as two-cycling between conjoined pitchfork bifurcations. We also examine several special cases: complete inactivation of one allele and when the maternal and viability selection parameters are independent. Second, we extend the standard model of fertility selection to include the effects of imprinting. Imprinting destroys the "sex-symmetry" property of the standard model, dramatically increasing the number of degrees of freedom of the selection parameter set. Cycling in all these models is rare in parameter space.  相似文献   

G. P. Pearce  H. G. Spencer 《Genetics》1992,130(4):899-907
The phenomenon of genomic imprinting has recently excited much interest among experimental biologists. The population genetic consequences of imprinting, however, have remained largely unexplored. Several population genetic models are presented and the following conclusions drawn: (i) systems with genomic imprinting need not behave similarly to otherwise identical systems without imprinting; (ii) nevertheless, many of the models investigated can be shown to be formally equivalent to models without imprinting; (iii) consequently, imprinting often cannot be discovered by following allele frequency changes or examining equilibrium values; (iv) the formal equivalences fail to preserve some well known properties. For example, for populations incorporating genomic imprinting, parameter values exist that cause these populations to behave like populations without imprinting, but with heterozygote advantage, even though no such advantage is present in these imprinting populations. We call this last phenomenon "pseudoheterosis." The imprinting systems that fail to be formally equivalent to nonimprinting systems are those in which males and females are not equivalent, i.e., two-sex viability systems and sex-chromosome inactivation.  相似文献   

We describe results for a diploid, two-locus model for the evolution of a female mating preference directed at an attractive male trait that is subject to viability and/or fertility selection. Using computer simulation, we studied a large, random sample of parameter values, assuming additivity of alleles at the preference locus and partial dominance at the trait locus. Simulation results were classifiable into nine types of parameter sets, each differing in equilibria, evolutionary trajectories, and rates of evolution. For many parameters, evolutionary trajectories converged on curves within the allelic frequency plane and subsequently evolved along the curves toward fixation. Neutrally stable curves of equilibria did not occur in Fisherian models that assume only viability and sexual selection unless there is complete dominance at the trait locus. The Fisherian models also exhibited oscillation of allelic frequencies and unique polymorphic equilibria. “Sexy son” models in which attractive males had reduced fertility were much less likely to lead to increase in traits and preferences than were the Fisherian models. However, if less fertile males had increased viability, trait polymorphisms and fixation of rare “sexy” alleles occurred. In general, the behavior of the diploid model was much more complex than that of analogous haploid or polygenic models.  相似文献   

For the Levene model with soft selection in two demes, the maintenance of polymorphism at two diallelic loci is studied. Selection is nonepistatic and dominance is intermediate. Thus, there is directional selection in every deme and at every locus. We assume that selection is in opposite directions in the two demes because otherwise no polymorphism is possible. If at one locus there is no dominance, then a complete analysis of the dynamical and equilibrium properties is performed. In particular, a simple necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an internal equilibrium and sufficient conditions for global asymptotic stability are obtained. These results are extended to deme-independent degree of dominance at one locus. A perturbation analysis establishes structural stability within the full parameter space. In the absence of genotype-environment interaction, which requires deme-independent dominance at both loci, nongeneric equilibrium behavior occurs, and the introduction of arbitrarily small genotype-environment interaction changes the equilibrium structure and may destroy stable polymorphism. The volume of the parameter space for which a (stable) two-locus polymorphism is maintained is computed numerically. It is investigated how this volume depends on the strength of selection and on the dominance relations. If the favorable allele is (partially) dominant in its deme, more than 20% of all parameter combinations lead to a globally asymptotically stable, fully polymorphic equilibrium.  相似文献   

Ziehe M  Gregorius HR 《Genetics》1981,98(1):215-230
Population genetic models, such as differential viability selection between the sexes and differential multiplicative fecundity contributions of the sexes, are considered for a single multiallelic locus. These selection models usually produce deviations of the zygotic genotype frequencies from Hardy-Weinberg proportions. The deviations are investigated (with special emphasis put on equilibrium states) to quantify the effect of selective asymmetry in the two sexes. For many selection regimes, the present results demonstrate a strong affinity of zygotic genotype frequencies for Hardy-Weinberg proportions after two generations, at the latest. It is shown that the deviations of genotypic equilibria from the corresponding Hardy-Weinberg proportions can be expressed and estimated by means of selection components of only that sex with the lower selection intensity. This corresponds to the well-known fact that viability selection acting in only one sex yields Hardy-Weinberg equilibria.  相似文献   

The Evolution of the Y Chromosome with X-Y Recombination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A. G. Clark 《Genetics》1988,119(3):711-720
A theoretical population genetic model is developed to explore the consequences of X-Y recombination in the evolution of sex chromosome polymorphism. The model incorporates one sex-determining locus and one locus subject to natural selection. Both loci have two alleles, and the rate of classical meiotic recombination between the loci is r. The alleles at the sex-determining locus specify whether the chromosome is X or Y, and the alleles at the selected locus are arbitrarily labeled A and a. Natural selection is modeled as a process of differential viabilities. The system can be expressed in terms of three recurrence equations, one for the frequency of A on the X-bearing gametes produced by females, one for each of the frequency of A on the X- and Y-bearing gametes produced by males. Several special cases are examined, including X chromosome dominance and symmetric selection. Unusual equilibria are found with the two sexes having very different allele frequencies at the selected locus. A significant finding is that the allowance of recombination results in a much greater opportunity for polymorphism of the Y chromosome. Tighter linkage results in a greater likelihood for equilibria with a large difference between the sex chromosomes in allele frequency.  相似文献   

Previous studies of mutation modification have considered models in which selection is a result of viability differences that are sex symmetric. The results of a numerical study of a model in which selection is a result of fertility differences between mated pairs demonstrate that the type of selection to which a population is subject can have a significant impact on the evolution of various parameters of the genetic system. When the fertility of matings between individuals with different genotypes exceeds the fertility of at least some of the matings between individuals with the same genotype, selection may favor increased rates of mutation, in contrast to the results from all existing constant viability models with random mating and infinite population size. Increased mutation rates are most frequently favored when forward and back mutation occur at approximately equal rates and when the modifying locus is loosely linked to the selected locus. We present one example in which selection favors increased rates of mutation even though the selection scheme is reducible to one of differential viability between the sexes.  相似文献   

We develop a series of models that examine the effects of differential selection between the sexes on cytonuclear polymorphism and disequilibria. A detailed analysis is provided for populations under constant fertility or viability selection censused at life stages without frequency differences in the sexes. We show analytically that cytonuclear disequilibria can be generated de novo if the cytoplasmic and nuclear loci each affect female fitness and there is a nonmultiplicative fitness interaction between them. While computer simulations demonstrate that the majority of disequilibria produced by random selection are transient and small in magnitude, measurable permanent disequilibria can result from selective differences both within and between the two sexes. We derive analytic conditions for a protected cytonuclear polymorphism and use numerical simulations to quantitate the likelihood of obtaining permanent nuclear, cytoplasmic, and cytonuclear variation under various patterns of selection. The numerical analysis identifies special selection regimes more likely to generate disequilibria and maintain cytonuclear polymorphism and reveals a direct correlation to the strength of selection. As a byproduct, our models also provide the first decomposition of the different parental contributions to cytonuclear dynamics and the analytic conditions under which selection can cause cytoplasmic frequency changes or a cytonuclear hitchhiking effect.  相似文献   

We define ESS (Evolutionary Stable Strategy) conditions for the evolution of genomic imprinting at an X-linked locus. The system analysed is designed for mammalian imprinting in which X-linked genes typically undergo random X-inactivation and lack Y-linked homologues. We consider two models that map cellular gene expression to fitness in females subject to random X-inactivation. In the first model, female fitness is simply a function of the average gene expression across all cells. In the second model, each cell contributes independently to fitness, and female fitness is assessed as the average of these contributions across all cells. In both models, imprinting readily evolves when sexual selection favours different levels of gene expression in the two sexes. Imprinting is beneficial as it improves adaptation in both sexes. There are limits to the improvement in adaptation when sexual selection is strong and favours greater gene expression in males (the heterogametic sex). We also consider the consequences of an active Y-linked homologue on the evolution of imprinting. Our analysis suggests that restrictive conditions apply for the evolution of polymorphic ESSs at an X-linked imprinted loci.  相似文献   

The equilibrium structure of models of differential selection in the sexes is investigated. It is shown that opposing additive selection leads to stable polymorphic equilibria for only a restricted set of selection intensities, and that for weak selection the selection intensities must be of approximately the same magnitude in the sexes. General models of opposing directional selection, with arbitrary dominance, are investigated by considering simultaneously the stability properties of the trivial equilibria and the curve along which multiple roots appear. Numerical calculations lead us to infer that the average degree of dominance determines the equilibrium characteristics of models of opposing selection. It appears that if the favored alleles are, on the average, recessive, there may be multiple polymorphic equilibria, whereas only a single polymorphic equilibrium can occur when the favored alleles are, on the average, dominant. The principle that the average degree of dominance controls equilibrium behavior is then extended to models allowing directional selection in one sex with overdominance in the other sex, by showing that polymorphism is maintained if and only if the average fitness in heterozygotes exceeds one.  相似文献   

When selection differs between males and females, pleiotropic effects among genes expressed by both sexes can result in sexually antagonistic selection (SA), where beneficial alleles for one sex are deleterious for the other. For hermaphrodites, alleles with opposing fitness effects through each sex function represent analogous genetic constraints on fitness. Recent theory based on single‐locus models predicts that the maintenance of SA genetic variation should be greatly reduced in partially selfing populations. However, selfing also reduces the effective rate of recombination, which should facilitate selection on linked allelic combinations and expand opportunities for balancing selection in a multilocus context. Here, I develop a two‐locus model of SA selection for simultaneous hermaphrodites, and explore the joint influence of linkage, self‐fertilization, and dominance on the maintainance of SA polymorphism. I find that the effective reduction in recombination caused by selfing significantly expands the parameter space where SA polymorphism can be maintained relative to single‐locus models. In particular, linkage facilitates the invasion of male‐beneficial alleles, partially compensating for the “female‐bias” in the net direction of selection created by selfing. I discuss the implications of accounting for linkage among SA loci for the maintenance of SA genetic variation and mixed mating systems in hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

The correlation between relatives on the supposition of genomic imprinting   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Spencer HG 《Genetics》2002,161(1):411-417
Standard genetic analyses assume that reciprocal heterozygotes are, on average, phenotypically identical. If a locus is subject to genomic imprinting, however, this assumption does not hold. We incorporate imprinting into the standard quantitative-genetic model for two alleles at a single locus, deriving expressions for the additive and dominance components of genetic variance, as well as measures of resemblance among relatives. We show that, in contrast to the case with Mendelian expression, the additive and dominance deviations are correlated. In principle, this correlation allows imprinting to be detected solely on the basis of different measures of familial resemblances, but in practice, the standard error of the estimate is likely to be too large for a test to have much statistical power. The effects of genomic imprinting will need to be incorporated into quantitative-genetic models of many traits, for example, those concerned with mammalian birthweight.  相似文献   

Natural Selection and Y-Linked Polymorphism   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Andrew G. Clark 《Genetics》1987,115(3):569-577
Several population genetic models allowing natural selection to act on Y-linked polymorphism are examined. The first incorporates pleiotropic effects of a Y-linked locus, such that viability, segregation distortion, fecundity and sexual selection can all be determined by one locus. It is shown that no set of selection parameters can maintain a stable Y-linked polymorphism. Interaction with the X chromosome is allowed in the next model, with viabilities determined by both X- and Y-linked factors. This model allows four fixation equilibria, two equilibria with X polymorphism and a unique point with both X- and Y-linked polymorphism. Stability analysis shows that the complete polymorphism is never stable. When X- and Y-linked loci influence meiotic drive, it is possible to have all fixation equilibria simultaneously unstable, and yet there is no stable interior equilibrium. Only when viability and meiotic drive are jointly affected by both X- and Y-linked genes can a Y-linked polymorphism be maintained. Unusual dynamics, including stable limit cycles, are generated by this model. Numerical simulations show that only a very small portion of the parameter space admits Y polymorphism, a result that is relevant to the interpretation of levels of Y-DNA sequence variation in natural populations.  相似文献   

Sex differences in the fitness effects of alleles at a single locus (intralocus sexual antagonism, or SA) have several evolutionary consequences. Among the consequences of SA, polymorphisms at genes partially linked to the sex-determining region of the sex chromosome pair potentially drive the evolution of suppressed recombination between the sex chromosomes. Understanding the conditions under which SA polymorphism can exist at such pseudo-autosomal (or PAR) loci should increase understanding of the evolution of recombination between sex chromosome pairs, and can help predict when we may expect potentially empirically detectable allele frequency differences between the sexes. Models so far published have concluded that PAR genes can maintain SA polymorphisms over a wider range of selection coefficients than autosomal ones, but have used restrictive assumptions. We expand the modeling of SA alleles at a single locus with the full range of degrees of linkage to the male-specific region, to include strong or weak selection and the possibility of different dominance coefficients in the two sexes. We confirm the previous major conclusion that SA polymorphisms are generally maintained in a larger region of parameter space if the locus is in the PAR than if it is autosomal.  相似文献   

Spencer HG  Clark AG 《Genetics》2006,174(2):931-935
A consequence of genomic imprinting is that offspring are more similar to one parent than to the other, depending on which parent's genes are inactivated in those offspring. We hypothesize that genomic imprinting may have evolved at some loci because of selection to be similar to the parent of one sex or the other. We construct and analyze an evolutionary-genetic model of a two-locus two-deme system, in which one locus codes for a character under local selection and the second locus is a potential cis-acting modifier of imprinting. A proportion of males only migrate between demes every generation, and prebreeding males are less fit, on average, than females. We examine the conditions in which an imprinting modifier allele can invade a population fixed for a nonimprinting modifier allele and vice versa. We find that the conditions under which the imprinting modifier invades are biologically restrictive (high migration rates and high values of recombination between the two loci) and thus this hypothesis is unlikely to explain the evolution of imprinting. Our modeling also shows that, as with several other hypotheses, polymorphism of imprinting status may evolve under certain circumstances, a feature not predicted by verbal accounts.  相似文献   

Curtsinger JW 《Genetics》1980,96(4):995-1006
This paper addresses the assertion that X-linked and haplodiploid genetic systems are inherently limited with respect to the potential for selectively maintained genetic polymorphisms. Using a variation of Haldane and Jayakar's (1964) parameterization of selection on an X-linked locus, analytical expressions are derived for the proportion of the total parameter space (P) in which stable diallelic polymorphism is attained. P is a function of the ratio of selection coefficients (r) associated with homozygous and hemizygous genotypes, and the intensity of selection (s). Analytical expressions for the opportunity for polymorphism at an autosomal locus (P(a)) are also derived for comparison to the X-linked case. P and P(a) are maximal and equal if the ratios of selection coefficients are -1 and selection is intense. Otherwise, P is slightly less than P(a), but the difference between autosomal and sex-linked loci is less than the range of values of P obtained over the range of r. Several arguments are presented suggesting that polymorphism arising from differential selection in the sexes (r < 0) is probabilistically and biologically feasible.  相似文献   

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