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The origin of organic matter in recent anoxic sediments of the alpine Lake Bled (NW Slovenia) was determined by analyzing the carbon isotope composition of lipid biomarkers, i.e. alkanes, alcohols, sterols and fatty acids, busing compound specific, carbon isotope analysis. The results indicate that, although biomarker analysis indicated mostly plankton and terrestrial sources for lipids, an important part of sedimentary lipids, especially sterols, are autochthonous, of anaerobic microbial (methanotrophic) origin. Marked differences were observed in δ13C values of lipid biomarkers in settling particles collected 2 m above the bottom, and in δ13C values determined in surface sediment. These results indicate that even some compounds found in both particulate organic matter and sediments are the same in terms of chemical structures, their sources can be different and thus, isotopic composition should be used as a complementary tool for source identification.  相似文献   

为探讨耳石碳(δ13C)、氧(δ18O)稳定同位素在淡水鱼类群体识别中的作用,本研究以养殖条件下不同年龄组四川裂腹鱼为对象,采用稳定同位素质谱仪进行碳、氧同位素测定,揭示耳石中碳、氧稳定同位素特征,探讨其与环境间的关系. 结果表明:1+龄四川裂腹鱼δ13C和δ18O值均与耳石质量无显著相关关系,但在微耳石和星耳石之间存在显著差异;不同年龄四川裂腹鱼微耳石δ13C和δ18O平均值分别为(-9.58±0.06)‰、(-8.33±0.17)‰,其在雌雄个体之间均无显著性差异,但在不同年龄组间存在显著差异. 耳石δ18O和δ13C的关联分析能有效区分四川裂腹鱼不同养殖年龄群体,可作为一种识别淡水鱼类养殖群体的手段.  相似文献   

选取准噶尔盆地古尔班通古特沙漠南缘9个样地中的伊犁郁金香(Tulipa iliensis)自然居群,通过测定各居群中伊犁郁金香的稳定碳同位素组成(δ^13C)、叶片和土壤中全氮、全磷、全钾以及水分含量,分析伊犁郁金香δ^13C值与上述因子之间的相互关系。结果表明:不同生境间伊犁郁金香δ^13C值差异不显著,水分利用方式可能受其基因型的控制而较为保守,同时在一定程度上也受生长环境中环境因子变化的影响,因而会有小的变幅:除了土壤中全钾含量之外,伊犁郁金香的叶片全氮、全磷、全钾、叶片水分含量以及土壤全氮、全磷和土壤水分含量在不同生境间均存在显著差异;其中伊犁郁金香叶片和土壤中的全氮含量与δ^13C值呈显著正相关:随着该植物叶片和土壤中水分含量的下降,伊犁郁金香δ^13C值显著增大,水分利用效率(WUE)明显提高。说明伊犁郁金香δ^13C值是植物的遗传学因子和环境因子共同作用的结果,其叶片及土壤中的氮素含量和有效水分含量是影响伊犁郁金香δ^13C值的关键因子。  相似文献   

目的 人体组织的稳定同位素组成与其生长期间的个体饮食情况、所处环境及代谢状况有关。人头发一经长出便不再与身体进行物质交换,化学性质稳定,易于采集,是研究人体组织稳定同位素组成的良好对象。构成人体的氧、氢元素主要来自于所摄入的水和食物,其中氧、氢稳定同位素组成会通过角蛋白的形式被记录于头发当中。不同地区居民头发中氧、氢稳定同位素组成差异可被用于推断人的饮食情况、生活地域和活动轨迹信息,在法庭科学等研究领域具有重要意义。方法 本研究利用元素分析仪-稳定同位素比质谱仪(EA-IRMS)对国内不同地区常住居民头发样本进行氧、氢稳定同位素比值检测和分析。结果 部分城市间居民头发δ18O和δ2H存在显著性差异,整体δ18O和δ2H存在显著正相关性。对所得稳定同位素数据进行判别分析推断头发的地域来源,其交互验证整体判别准确率为63.9%,结合碳、氮稳定同位素数据后,其判别准确率大幅提升,交互验证的整体判别准确率达到76.0%。随着判别分析中使用的稳定同位素种类的增加,判别函数模型的判别能力明显增强。结论 利用4种元素稳定同位素数据建立的多层感知器神经网络模型的整体判别准确率为82.8%,径向基函数神经网络模型整体判别准确率为78.8%,3种溯源推断数学模型中,多层感知器神经网络模型的判别准确率最高。  相似文献   

华南亚热带山地土壤有机质更新特征及其影响因子   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
选择鼎湖山自然保护区及中国科学院华南植物研究所小良生态站6个土壤剖面,根据土壤有机质碳稳定同位素特征、^14C放射性水平、有机质含量、粒度特征,研究土壤有机质更新特征及其制约因素。结果表明,土壤有机质分解呈明显阶段性:有机质快速分解发生在0-100a之内,自地表向下,有机质含量急剧降低,因碳同位素分馏效应,有机质δ^13C值迅速增加;至170/240a,有机质δ^13C值达最大;自170/240-800/1400a,有机质分解速度变慢,有机质含量缓慢降低,因高δ^13C值组分分解,δ^13C值逐渐减小;约在1500a之后,有机质含量变化甚微,δ^13C值趋于稳定。对比研究表明,粘粒对有机质赋存状态及其更新有直接影响,粒度是制约土壤有机质动态的重要因子;地表植被类型及其发育特征直接影响土壤有机质更新,在植被类型相似情况下,植被覆盖史对土壤剖面有机质动态有明显影响。  相似文献   

The carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition of wood cellulose ( δ 13Ccellulose and δ 18Ocellulose, respectively) reveal well-defined seasonal variations that contain valuable records of past climate, leaf gas exchange and carbon allocation dynamics within the trees. Here, we present a single-substrate model for wood growth to interpret seasonal isotopic signals collected in an even-aged maritime pine plantation growing in South-west France, where climate, soil and flux variables were also monitored. Observed seasonal patterns in δ 13Ccellulose and δ 18Ocellulose were different between years and individuals, and mostly captured by the model, suggesting that the single-substrate hypothesis is a good approximation for tree ring studies on Pinus pinaster , at least for the environmental conditions covered by this study. A sensitivity analysis revealed that the model was mostly affected by five isotopic discrimination factors and two leaf gas-exchange parameters. Modelled early wood signals were also very sensitive to the date when cell wall thickening begins ( t wt). Our model could therefore be used to reconstruct t wt time series and improve our understanding of how climate influences this key parameter of xylogenesis.  相似文献   

东亚地区碳循环研究新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近百年来,温室效应的日益加剧,引发了全球温暖化、海平面上升等一系列重大环境问题,碳循环研究因此而受到全球范围的普遍关注和重视.东亚地区因其独特的气候特征,多样化的物种和生态系统,以及活跃的人类活动而成为世界碳循环研究中不可或缺的一部分.在中、日、韩三国联合启动东亚碳循环前沿研究计划(A3 Foresight Program)三周年之际,《中国科学生命科学》(Science China Life Sciences)2010年第7期发表了东亚地区碳循环研究专题,包括14篇述评和研究论文,从区域碳储量及其变化特征,不同地带森林生态系统的碳源汇变化,草地和农田生态系统的碳储量和碳循环研究中的新方法等多个方面系统展示了东亚地区碳循环研究的最新进展.  相似文献   

以超高产杂交水稻(Oryza sativa L.)"培矮64S/E32"和多年来大面积推广的杂交稻"汕优63"为材料,研究孕穗后剑叶中C4途径酶和对稳定碳同位素分异作用的变化.结果表明,籽粒灌浆期(移栽后68~75 d)的两个品种剑叶中NADP-MDH活性最高,随后下降;超高产杂交水稻"培矮64S/E32"的NADP-MDH的活性明显高于"汕优63";PEPCase和NADP-ME活性在黄熟期之前的叶片中持续上升.不同生育期的叶片与籽粒的△1aC值相近(19.49‰~19.82‰),在成熟期时较高.超高产水稻"培矮64S/E32"叶片的平均△13C值比"汕优63"高0.43‰.  相似文献   

稳定同位素技术在植物水分利用研究中的应用   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
近20a稳定同位素技术在植物生态学研究中的应用得到了长足发展,使得对植物与水分关系也有了更深一步的了解。介绍稳定同位素性碳、氢、氧同位素在研究植物水分关系中的应用及进展,以期能为国内植物水分利用研究提供参考。由于植物根系从土壤中吸收水分时并不发生同位素分馏,对木质部水分同位素分析有助于对植物利用水分来源,生态系统中植物对水分的竞争和利用策略的研究,更好地了解生态系统结构与功能。稳定碳同位素作为植物水分利用效率的一个间接指标,在不同水分梯度环境中,及植物不同代谢产物与水分关系中有着广泛的应用。同位素在土壤-植被-大气连续体水分中的应用,有助于了解生态系统的水分平衡。随着稳定同位素方法的使用,植物与水分关系的研究将取得更大的进展。  相似文献   

The relationship between physiology and temperature has a large influence on population-level responses to climate change. In natural settings, direct thermal effects on metabolism may be exaggerated or offset by behavioural responses influencing individual energy balance. Drawing on a newly developed proxy, we provide the first estimates of the thermal performance curve of field metabolism in a wild fish. We investigate the thermal sensitivity of field metabolic rate in two sympatric, genetically distinct ecotypes of Atlantic cod from the Skagerrak coast of southern Norway. The combined ecotype median of field metabolic rate increased with increasing temperature until around 16°C, coincident with the thermal optimum for growth for juvenile Atlantic cod. Individual cod experienced temperatures in excess of the thermal optimum for field metabolic rate, indicating some degree of thermal limitation of field metabolism in a complex natural environment with the potential for thermal refugia. The two cod ecotypes showed different thermal performance curves for field metabolic rate, revealing that genetic components to temperature sensitivity persist beyond acclimation effects. The cold-adapted fjord ecotype maintained higher field metabolic rates at cooler temperatures than the warm-adapted North Sea ecotype, which showed clear preference for warmer waters around the thermal optimum. Field metabolic rates of the two ecotypes were strongly influenced by year and location of sampling, implying more complex behavioural responses to environmental conditions. We emphasise that the energy uses reflecting physiological conditions in the field should be considered in the evaluation of the effect of climatic variables on fish population dynamics and demonstrate that otolith isotopes provide an analytical framework to answer this question.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯高原3个水土保持树种的水分利用策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解植物对环境的适应对策,通过测定鄂尔多斯高原东部丘陵区3个水土保持树种沙棘、油松和山杏的枝条木质部水和各潜在水源的δ18O值及叶片的δ13C值,应用多元线性混合模型分析各潜在水源的贡献比例,分析3个树种水分来源和水分利用效率的季节动态和种间差异。结果表明: 沙棘、油松和山杏在5月主要利用10 cm深度土壤水,分别占其总水源比例的88.5%、94.0%和91.6%。7月,沙棘主要利用10~25 cm土层土壤水和雨水,比例为44.6%和35.4%;油松主要利用雨水,比例为93.7%;山杏主要利用25~100 cm土层土壤水和雨水,比例分别为55.9%和36.8%。9月,沙棘主要利用25 cm深度和75~100 cm土层土壤水,比例为88.9%;油松主要利用10 cm和50~75 cm土层土壤水,比例为84.5%;山杏利用10~100 cm土层土壤水。5月沙棘的水分利用效率显著高于7月和9月。7月油松的水分利用效率显著高于9月。5月和7月沙棘的水分利用效率显著高于油松和山杏。3个树种在不同季节根据不同水源的可利用性,选择利用不同深度的土壤水或雨水。沙棘和油松干旱时能够提高水分利用效率适应环境变化,可能比山杏更适应当地的半干旱环境。  相似文献   

以超高产杂交水稻(Oryza sativa L.)“培矮64S/E32”和多年来大面积推广的杂交稻“汕优63”为材料,研究孕穗后剑叶中C4途径酶和对稳定碳同位素分异作用的变化。结果表明,籽粒灌浆期(移栽后68~75d)的两个品种剑叶中NADP—MDH活性最高,随后下降;超高产杂交水稻“培矮64S/E32”的NADP-MDH的活性明显高于“汕优63”;PEPcase和NADP—ME活性在黄熟期之前的叶片中持续上升。不同生育期的叶片与籽粒的△^13C值相近(19.49‰~19.82‰),在成熟期时较高。超高产水稻“培矮64S/E32”叶片的平均△^13C值比“汕优63”高0.43‰。  相似文献   

全球碳循环中的失汇及其形成原因   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26  
近 2 0多年来 ,大气碳收支不平衡 ,即碳失汇 ( Missing carbon sink) ,一直是全球碳循环研究的核心问题之一。在总结全球碳失汇的主要研究成果基础上 ,分析了碳失汇数量和可能分布地点 ,并对形成的主要原因 :CO2 施肥作用、氮沉降的变化、变暖促进氮矿化和早期破坏后的森林再生等 ,进行了综述和分析 ,指出了该问题的复杂性。  相似文献   

滨海蓝碳主要指被红树林、盐沼湿地、海草床等蓝碳生态系统所固定的碳,这部分碳对于减缓气候变暖意义重大。其中盐沼湿地作为我国面积最大、分布广泛的滨海湿地,受到人类活动的扰动较多,其碳汇估算的数据缺乏系统性与完整性。通过收集我国的盐沼湿地相关研究与数据,本文对我国盐沼湿地的分布现状及其碳储量、碳埋藏、碳来源、温室气体通量进行了总结,其中我国盐沼湿地的分布面积为(1.27~3.43)×105hm2,总碳储量为(7.5±0.6) Tg,碳埋藏速率为7~955 g C/(m2·a),非CO2温室气体通量分别为23.6~986 μg CH4/(m2·h)和1.58~110 μg N2O/(m2·h)。本文系统梳理了有关我国盐沼湿地碳汇功能的研究,指出我国盐沼湿地碳循环研究仍需加深对机制机理的解析和关键调控因子的探究,以期让盐沼湿地蓝碳为我国的碳达峰与碳中和战略做出更大贡献。  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between mesowear variables and carbon and nitrogen isotopes in 16 species of African antelope (Mammalia: Bovidae). We show significant differences in carbon and nitrogen isotope values between individuals exhibiting sharp versus round cusps, and high versus low occlusal relief. We show significant correlations between mesowear variables and both carbon and nitrogen isotopes. We find significant correlations between mesowear score and nitrogen, but not carbon isotopes. Finally, we find no significant correlations between hypsodonty index and either isotope examined. Our results provide strong support for the use of mesowear variables in palaeodietary reconstructions of antelopes. Our results further suggest that for the antelopes examined here, mesowear signals are a direct result of diet, while hyposodonty may be the result of phylogenetic legacy.  相似文献   

环境条件对植物稳定碳同位素组成的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
植物稳定碳同位素技术是近年兴起的一项快速、可靠的技术。利用稳定碳同位素技术可以揭示碳同化的过程的许多方面的信息。1 3C和1 2 C同位素效应 ,使它们在进行碳循环时发生稳定碳同位素的分馏。植物光合作用过程中CO2 经气孔扩散分差和RUBPCase及PEPCase羧化分馏是造成植物稳定碳同位素比率 (R =1 3C/ 1 2 C)不同于源CO2 中碳同位素比率的主要原因。遗传因素和环境因子同时决定植物碳同位素组成。植物稳定碳同位素技术同时还是古气候重建和预测未来环境变化的理论基础。本文综述了光照、温度、水分、二氧化碳、矿质营养、盐分和大气污染物等环境因素对植物稳定碳同位素组成影响方面的研究进展。  相似文献   

陈菀  郗敏  李悦  孔范龙  孔凡亭 《生态学杂志》2013,32(6):1613-1619
碳作为滨海湿地中重要的生命元素,其生物地球化学循环过程是滨海湿地研究的核心内容之一.稳定同位素技术越来越多地被应用到滨海湿地碳生物地球化学循环过程的研究中,提高了其研究水平,并推动了其研究的进程.本文从有机物质生产、土壤有机质来源、食物链传递、温室气体排放以及可溶性有机碳输出5个方面,综述了滨海湿地碳生物地球化学循环过程的稳定同位素研究进展.通过植物及土壤δ13C值的测定进行有机质的生产机理研究及外源追溯,通过对比各生物种群的δ13C值分析碳在生态系统中的流动过程,通过湿地排放温室气体及可溶性有机碳δ13C值的测定揭示影响碳输出的环境因子.最后,文章总结了当前研究中存在的问题,并对其研究前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

The stable carbon isotope composition of the structural carbonate derived from animal bone hydroxylapatite (δ13CB-HA) could record an animal’s diet. These records provide critical evidence for different paleontological disciplines, e.g., paleodiet analyses, and paleoclimate reconstructions. Compared to those of other body tissues, such as bone collagen or teeth enamel hydroxylapatite, δ13CB-HA values record information on the whole diet of an animal in its last years. δ13CB-HA can be applied to fossil animals of various body sizes. The δ13C analytical instruments available only require that prepared bone samples be approximately 2–5 mg for precise measurement, allowing δ13CB-HA analysis to be feasible on most vertebrate fossils without destructive sampling, especially on small mammals or birds whose teeth are not large enough for sampling or are lost. Moreover, δ13CB-HA can be used from different times or under less than ideal burial environments. For fossils dating back to Devonian or buried in hot and humid regions, dietary information has been completely lost in bone collagen during post-depositional processes but still remained in the δ13CB-HA values because hydroxylapatite is less influenced by diagenetic effects after deposition. In addition, systematic methods such as X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy have been developed to qualitatively or semiquantitatively assess the influence of diagenesis on bone hydroxylapatite to ensure the credibility of the δ13CB-HA values. With the above merits, δ13CB-HA analysis is therefore becoming an increasingly important method in paleodiet-related research. Currently, applications of the δ13CB-HA method on fossil animals are primarily focused on two aspects, namely, paleodietary reconstruction of fossil animals with uncertain diets and paleoenvironmental reconstruction based on the δ13CB-HA values of fossil herbivores. The published researches, combined with our new results from early birds, demonstrate the considerable significance of the δ13CB-HA method in paleontological and paleoenvironmental research. Notably, the δ13CB-HA-based paleodietary analysis of early vertebrates, especially the large number of small birds or mammals discovered in the past decades would be an important work in the near future.  相似文献   

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