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Purification of PCNA as a nucleotide excision repair protein.   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
Human cell free extracts carry out nucleotide excision repair in vitro. The extract is readily separated into two fractions by chromatography on a DEAE column. Neither the low salt (0.1 M KCl) nor the high salt (0.8 M KCl) fractions are capable of repair synthesis but the combination of the two restore the repair synthesis activity. Using the repair synthesis assay we purified a protein of 37 kDa from the high salt fraction which upon addition to the low salt fraction restores repair synthesis activity. Amino acid sequence analysis, amino acid composition and immunoblotting with PCNA antibodies revealed that the 37 kDa protein is the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) known to stimulate DNA Polymerases delta and epsilon. By using an assay which specifically measures the excision of thymine dimers we found that PCNA is not required for the actual excision reaction per se but increases the extent of excision by enabling the excision repair enzyme to turn over catalytically.  相似文献   

Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is the most versatile and universal pathway of DNA repair that is capable of repairing virtually any damages other than a double strand break (DSB). This pathway has been shown to be inducible in several systems. However, question of a threshold and the nature of the damage that can signal induction of this pathway remain poorly understood. In this study it has been shown that prior exposure to very low doses of osmium tetroxide enhanced the survival of wild type Saccharomyces cerevisiae when the cells were challenged with UV light. Moreover, it was also found that osmium tetroxide treated rad3 mutants did not show enhanced survival indicating an involvement of nucleotide excision repair in the enhanced survival. To probe this further the actual removal of pyrimidine dimers by the treated and control cells was studied. Osmium tetroxide treated cells removed pyrimidine dimers more efficiently as compared to control cells. This was confirmed by measuring the in vitro repair synthesis in cell free extracts prepared from control and primed cells. It was found that the uptake of active 32P was significantly higher in the plasmid substrates incubated with extracts of primed cells. This induction is dependent on de novo synthesis of proteins as cycloheximide treatment abrogated this response. The nature of induced repair was found to be essentially error free. Study conclusively shows that NER is an inducible pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its induction is dependent on exposure to a threshold of a genotoxic stress.  相似文献   

Purification of PCNA as a nucleotide excision repair protein   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Human cell free extracts carry out nucleotide excision repair in vitro. The extract is readily separated into two fractions by chromatography on a DEAE column. Neither the low salt (0.1 M KCl) nor the high salt (0.8 M KCl) fractions are capable of repair synthesis but the combination of the two restore the repair synthesis activity. Using the repair synthesis assay we purified a protein of 37 kDa from the high salt fraction which upon addition to the low salt fraction restores repair synthesis activity. Amino acid sequence analysis, amino acid composition and immunobloting with PCNA antibodies revealed that the 37 kDa protein is the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) known to stimulate DNA Polymerases δ and ε. By using an assay which specifically measures the excision of thymine dimers we found that PCNA is not required for the actual excision reaction per se but increases the extent of excision by enabling the excision repair enzyme to turn over catalytically.  相似文献   

Thoma F 《The EMBO journal》1999,18(23):6585-6598
Nucleotide excision repair (NER) and DNA repair by photolyase in the presence of light (photoreactivation) are the major pathways to remove UV-induced DNA lesions from the genome, thereby preventing mutagenesis and cell death. Photoreactivation was found in many prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, but not in mammals, while NER seems to be universally distributed. Since packaging of eukaryotic DNA in nucleosomes and higher order chromatin structures affects DNA structure and accessibility, damage formation and repair are coupled intimately to structural and dynamic properties of chromatin. Here, I review recent progress in the study of repair of chromatin and transcribed genes. Photoreactivation and NER are discussed as examples of how an individual enzyme and a complex repair pathway, respectively, access DNA lesions in chromatin and how these two repair processes fulfil complementary roles in removal of UV lesions. These repair pathways provide insight into the structural and dynamic properties of chromatin and suggest how other DNA repair processes could work in chromatin.  相似文献   

The position of nucleosomes on DNA participates in gene regulation and DNA replication. Nucleosomes can be repressors by limiting access of factors to regulatory sequences, or activators by facilitating binding of factors to exposed DNA sequences on the surface of the core histones. The formation of UV induced DNA lesions, like cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs), is modulated by DNA bending around the core histones. Since CPDs are removed by nucleotide excision repair (NER) and photolyase repair, it is of paramount importance to understand how DNA damage and repair are tempered by the position of nucleosomes. In vitro, nucleosomes inhibit NER and photolyase repair. In vivo, nucleosomes slow down NER and considerably obstruct photoreactivation of CPDs. However, over-expression of photolyase allows repair of nucleosomal DNA in a second time scale. It is proposed that the intrinsic abilities of nucleosomes to move and transiently unwrap could facilitate damage recognition and repair in nucleosomal DNA.  相似文献   

To investigate the relationship between chromatin dynamics and nucleotide excision repair (NER), we have examined the effect of chromatin structure on the formation of two major classes of UV-induced DNA lesions in reconstituted dinucleosomes. Furthermore, we have developed a model chromatin-NER system consisting of purified human NER factors and dinucleosome substrates that contain pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone photoproducts (6-4PPs) either at the center of the nucleosome or in the linker DNA. We have found that the two classes of UV-induced DNA lesions are formed efficiently at every location on dinucleosomes in a manner similar to that of naked DNA, even in the presence of histone H1. On the other hand, excision of 6-4PPs is strongly inhibited by dinucleosome assembly, even within the linker DNA region. These results provide direct evidence that the human NER machinery requires a space greater than the size of the linker DNA to excise UV lesions efficiently. Interestingly, NER dual incision in dinucleosomes is facilitated by recombinant ACF, an ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling factor. Our results indicate that there is a functional connection between chromatin remodeling and the initiation step of NER.  相似文献   

The main pathway by which mammalian cells remove DNA damage caused by UV light and some other mutagens is nucleotide excision repair (NER). The best characterised components of the human NER process are those proteins defective in the inherited disorder xeroderma pigmentosum (XP). The proteins known to be involved in the first steps of the NER reaction (damage recognition and incision-excision) are heterotrimeric RPA, XPA, the 6 to 9 subunit TFIIH, XPC-hHR23B, XPG, and ERCC1-XPF. Many interactions between these proteins have been found in recent years using different methods both in mammalian cells and for the homologous proteins in yeast. There are virtually no quantitative measurements of the relative strengths of these interactions. Higher order associations between these proteins in solution and even the existence of a complete "repairosome" complex have been reported, which would have implications both for the mechanism of repair and for the interplay between NER and other cellular processes. Nevertheless, evidence for a completely pre-assembled functional repairosome in solution is inconclusive and the order of action of repair factors on damaged DNA is uncertain.  相似文献   

Previous studies point to the XPC-hHR23B complex as the principal initiator of global genome nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway, responsible for the repair of UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD) and 6-4 photoproducts (6-4PP) in human cells. However, the UV-damaged DNA binding protein (UV-DDB) has also been proposed as a damage recognition factor involved in repair of UV-photoproducts, especially CPD. Here, we show in human XP-E cells (UV-DDB deficient) that the incision complex formation at UV-induced lesions was severely diminished in locally damaged nuclear spots. Repair kinetics of CPD and 6-4PP in locally and globally UV-irradiated normal human and XP-E cells demonstrate that UV-DDB can mediate efficient targeting of XPC-hHR23B and other NER factors to 6-4PP. The data is consistent with a mechanism in which UV-DDB forms a stable complex when bound to a 6-4PP, allowing subsequent repair proteins--starting with XPC-hHR23B--to accumulate, and verify the lesion, resulting in efficient 6-4PP repair. These findings suggest that (i) UV-DDB accelerates repair of 6-4PP, and at later time points also CPD, (ii) the fraction of 6-4PP that can be bound by UV-DDB is limited due to its low cellular quantity and fast UV dependent degradation, and (iii) in the absence of UV-DDB a slow XPC-hHR23B dependent pathway is capable to repair 6-4PP, and to some extent also CPD.  相似文献   

The removal of oxidative damage from Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA is thought to be conducted primarily through the base excision repair pathway. The Escherichia coli endonuclease III homologs Ntg1p and Ntg2p are S. cerevisiae N-glycosylase-associated apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) lyases that recognize a wide variety of damaged pyrimidines (H. J. You, R. L. Swanson, and P. W. Doetsch, Biochemistry 37:6033-6040, 1998). The biological relevance of the N-glycosylase-associated AP lyase activity in the repair of abasic sites is not well understood, and the majority of AP sites in vivo are thought to be processed by Apn1p, the major AP endonuclease in yeast. We have found that yeast cells simultaneously lacking Ntg1p, Ntg2p, and Apn1p are hyperrecombinogenic (hyper-rec) and exhibit a mutator phenotype but are not sensitive to the oxidizing agents H2O2 and menadione. The additional disruption of the RAD52 gene in the ntg1 ntg2 apn1 triple mutant confers a high degree of sensitivity to these agents. The hyper-rec and mutator phenotypes of the ntg1 ntg2 apn1 triple mutant are further enhanced by the elimination of the nucleotide excision repair pathway. In addition, removal of either the lesion bypass (Rev3p-dependent) or recombination (Rad52p-dependent) pathway specifically enhances the hyper-rec or mutator phenotype, respectively. These data suggest that multiple pathways with overlapping specificities are involved in the removal of, or tolerance to, spontaneous DNA damage in S. cerevisiae. In addition, the fact that these responses to induced and spontaneous damage depend upon the simultaneous loss of Ntg1p, Ntg2p, and Apn1p suggests a physiological role for the AP lyase activity of Ntg1p and Ntg2p in vivo.  相似文献   

Nucleotide excision repair (NER) requires the coordinated sequential assembly and actions of the involved proteins at sites of DNA damage. Following damage recognition, dual incision 5′ to the lesion by ERCC1‐XPF and 3′ to the lesion by XPG leads to the removal of a lesion‐containing oligonucleotide of about 30 nucleotides. The resulting single‐stranded DNA (ssDNA) gap on the undamaged strand is filled in by DNA repair synthesis. Here, we have asked how dual incision and repair synthesis are coordinated in human cells to avoid the exposure of potentially harmful ssDNA intermediates. Using catalytically inactive mutants of ERCC1‐XPF and XPG, we show that the 5′ incision by ERCC1‐XPF precedes the 3′ incision by XPG and that the initiation of repair synthesis does not require the catalytic activity of XPG. We propose that a defined order of dual incision and repair synthesis exists in human cells in the form of a ‘cut‐patch‐cut‐patch’ mechanism. This mechanism may aid the smooth progression through the NER pathway and contribute to genome integrity.  相似文献   

Inadequate oxygenation of cardiac muscle leads to rapid loss of high energy compounds essential for contractile function. ATP can be regenerated by synthesis de novo, a route operating at a relatively slow rate in the heart. Myocytes isolated from mature rat heart have been used to measure the rate of ATP synthesis de novo from both [14C]glycine and [14C]ribose. Incorporation of glycine into ATP is accelerated 10-fold in the presence of 1 mM ribose. Myocytes also accumulate both precursors into IMP and four other metabolites on the de novo synthesis pathway. These metabolites represent 80% of the glycine entering the pathway. The potential of de novo synthesis for restoration of adenine nucleotides appears to be limited by the rates of early reactions, adenylosuccinate synthetase being only one of the enzymes operating at a sufficiently slow rate to make this pathway an inherently weak route for the restoration of normal energy status in post-ischemic myocardium. Interventions are being sought to alleviate these apparent metabolic delays.  相似文献   

Xie Z  Liu S  Zhang Y  Wang Z 《Nucleic acids research》2004,32(20):5981-5990
Nucleotide excision repair (NER) removes many different types of DNA lesions. Most NER proteins are indispensable for repair. In contrast, the yeast Rad23 represents a class of accessory NER proteins, without which NER activity is reduced but not eliminated. In mammals, the complex of HR23B (Rad23 homolog) and XPC (yeast Rad4 homolog) has been suggested to function in the damage recognition step of NER. However, the precise function of Rad23 or HR23B in NER remains unknown. Recently, it was suggested that the primary function of RAD23 protein in NER is its stabilization of XPC protein. Here, we tested the significance of Rad23-mediated Rad4 stabilization in NER, and analyzed the repair and biochemical activities of purified yeast Rad23 protein. Cellular Rad4 was indeed stabilized by Rad23 in the absence of DNA damage. Persistent overexpression of Rad4 in rad23 mutant cells, however, largely failed to complement the ultraviolet sensitivity of the mutant. Consistently, deficient NER in rad23 mutant cell extracts could not be complemented by purified Rad4 protein in vitro. In contrast, partial complementation was observed with purified Rad23 protein. Specific complementation to the level of wild-type repair was achieved by adding purified Rad23 together with small amounts of Rad4 protein to rad23 mutant cell extracts. Purified Rad23 protein was unable to bind to DNA, but stimulated the binding activity of purified Rad4 protein to N-acetyl-2-aminofluorene-damaged DNA. These results support two roles of Rad23 protein in NER: (i) its direct participation in the repair biochemistry, possibly due to its stimulatory activity on Rad4-mediated damage binding/recognition; and (ii) its stabilization of cellular Rad4 protein.  相似文献   

The DNA damage checkpoint is a surveillance mechanism activated by DNA lesions and devoted to the maintenance of genome stability. It is considered as a signal transduction cascade, involving a sensing step, the activation of a set of protein kinases and the transmission and amplification of the damage signal through several phosphorylation events. In budding yeast many players of this pathway have been identified. Recent work showed that G1 and G2 checkpoint activation in response to UV irradiation requires prior recognition and processing of UV lesions by nucleotide excision repair (NER) factors that likely recruit checkpoint proteins near the damage. However, another report suggested that NER was not required for checkpoint function. Since the functional relationship between repair mechanisms and checkpoint activation is a very important issue in the field, we analyzed, under different experimental conditions, whether lesion processing by NER is required for checkpoint activation. We found that DNA damage checkpoint can be triggered in an NER-independent manner only if cells are subjected to liquid holding after UV treatment. This incubation causes a time-dependent breakage of DNA strands in NER-deficient cells and leads to partial activation of the checkpoint kinase. The analysis of the genetic requirements for this alternative activation pathway suggest that it requires Mec1 and the Rad17 complex and that the observed DNA breaks are likely to be due to spontaneous decay of damaged DNA.  相似文献   

J Qiu  M X Guan  A M Bailis    B Shen 《Nucleic acids research》1998,26(13):3077-3083
Two closely related genes, EXO1 and DIN 7, in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been found to be sequence homologs of the exo1 gene from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe . The proteins encoded by these genes belong to the Rad2/XPG and Rad27/FEN-1 families, which are structure-specific nucleases functioning in DNA repair. An XPG nuclease deficiency in humans is one cause of xeroderma pigmentosum and those afflicted display a hypersensitivity to UV light. Deletion of the RAD2 gene in S. cerevisiae also causes UV hypersensitivity, due to a defect in nucleotide excision repair (NER), but residual UV resistance remains. In this report, we describe evidence for the residual repair of UV damage to DNA that is dependent upon Exo1 nuclease. Expression of the EXO1 gene is UV inducible. Genetic analysis indicates that the EXO1 gene is involved in a NER-independent pathway for UV repair, as exo1 rad2 double mutants are more sensitive to UV than either the rad2 or exo1 single mutants. Since the roles of EXO1 in mismatch repair and recombination have been established, double mutants were constructed to examine the possible relationship between the role of EXO1 in UV resistance and its roles in other pathways for repair of UV damaged DNA. The exo1 msh2 , exo1 rad51 , rad2 rad51 and rad2 msh2 double mutants were all more sensitive to UV than their respective pairs of single mutants. This suggests that the observed UV sensitivity of the exo1 deletion mutant is unlikely to be due to its functional deficiencies in MMR, recombination or NER. Further, it suggests that the EXO1 , RAD51 and MSH2 genes control independent mechanisms for the maintenance of UV resistance.  相似文献   

A combination of hydrodynamic and cross-linking studies were used to investigate self-assembly of the Escherichia coli DNA repair protein UvrB. Though the procession of steps leading to incision of DNA at sites flanking damage requires that UvrB engage in an ordered series of complexes, successively with UvrA, DNA, and UvrC, the potential for self-association had not yet been reported. Gel permeation chromatography, nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and chemical cross-linking results combine to show that UvrB stably assembles as a dimer in solution at concentrations in the low micromolar range. Smaller populations of higher order oligomeric species are also observed. Unlike the dimerization of UvrA, an initial step promoted by ATP binding, the monomer-dimer equilibrium for UvrB is unaffected by the presence of ATP. The insensitivity of cross-linking efficiency to a 10-fold variation in salt concentration further suggests that UvrB self-assembly is driven largely by hydrophobic interactions. Self-assembly is significantly weakened by proteolytic removal of the carboxyl terminus of the protein (generating UvrB*), a domain also known to be required for the interaction with UvrC leading to the initial incision of damaged DNA. This suggests that the C terminus may be a multifunctional binding domain, with specificity regulated by protein conformation.  相似文献   

In this study the role of nucleotide excision repair (NER) in protecting mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells against the genotoxic effects of UV-photolesions was analysed. Repair of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD) in transcribed genes could not be detected whereas the removal of (6-4) photoproducts (6-4PP) was incomplete, already reaching its maximum (30%) 4 h after irradiation. Measurements of repair replication revealed a saturation of NER activity at UV doses >5 J/m2 while at a lower dose (2.5 J/m2) the repair kinetics were similar to those in murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). Cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of photolesions were determined in ES cells differing in NER activity. ERCC1-deficient ES cells were hypermutable (10-fold) compared to wild-type cells, indicating that at physiologically relevant doses ES cells efficiently remove photolesions. The effect of the NER deficiency on cytoxicity was only 2-fold. Exposure to high UV doses (10 J/m2) resulted in a rapid and massive induction of apoptosis. Possibly, to avoid the accumulation of mutated cells, ES cells rely on the induction of a strong apoptotic response with a simultaneous shutting down of NER activity.  相似文献   

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