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The effect of isooctane extraction on photooxidation ofc-type cytochromes was investigated inChromatium chromatophores.Photooxidation of cytochromec-555 was not affected by isooctane-extraction except that the dark recovery was accelerated. Photooxidation of cytochromec-552 was abolished by thorough extraction of ubiquinone-7, but the quantum yield of the cytochrome photooxidation remained unchanged until 90|X% of the total ubiquinone was extracted. The photooxidation of cytochromec-552 was recovered by the addition of ubiquinone-7 but not by menaquinone. A dark incubation of sufficient length was needed for maximal quantum yield of cytochromec-555 photooxidation in the presence of 30 mM ascorbate.It is proposed that there are two types of photosynthetic units (or associations of molecules involved in the primary redox reactions) inChromatium chromatophores. The combinations of primary electron donor-reaction center chlorophyll-primary electron acceptor may be cytochromec-552-P890-ubiquinone in one type and cytochromec-555-P890-X in another.  相似文献   

S. Morita  J. Gibson  M. L. Edwards 《BBA》1970,216(2):384-391
1. The hemoprotein content of autotrophic Chromatium strain D has been measured from difference spectra, using solvent-extracted and intact cells.

2. The quantities of the individual cytochromes were estimated by absorbance differences at single wavelengths and by peak-trough differences in spectra obtained from reduced versus oxidized, and CO-treated reduced versus reduced preparations. The concentrations found in intact cells weer 1.15, 0.49 and 0.56 nmoles heme per mg protein for cytochromes c553, cc′ and , respectively. In intact cells, the corresponding values were 1.33, 0.47 and 0.67 nmoles heme per mg protein.

3. The mesoheme content of the cells, estimated as pyridine hemochromogen, was 2.08 nmoles heme per mg protein, while the amount of protoheme was negligible.  相似文献   

William W. Parson 《BBA》1969,189(3):397-403
A single, 20-nsec actinic flash oxidizes all of the P870 in Chromatium chromatophores, but only about one half of the cytochrome C422. A second flash, 1–10 msec later, oxidizes most of the remaining cytochrome. The cytochromes which undergo oxidation on the first and second flashes are indistinguishable with respect to their absorption spectra, their kinetics of oxidation and reduction, and their response to N-methylphenazonium methosulfate (PMS) or continuous actinic illumination. The effect of PMS is to increase the total amount of cytochrome C422 which is in the reduced form in the dark, and which is available for photooxidation. The conclusion is that each P870 reaction center is responsible for the oxidation of two C422 hemes.  相似文献   

Quantum efficiencies of bacteriorhodopsin photochemical reactions.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A H Xie 《Biophysical journal》1990,58(5):1127-1132
Determination of quantum efficiencies of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) photoreactions is an essential step toward a full understanding of its light-driven proton-pumping mechanism. The bR molecules can be photoconverted into and from a K state, which is stable at 110 K. I measured the absorption spectra of pure bR, and the photoequilibrium states of bR and K generated with 420, 460, 500, 510, 520, 540, 560, 570, 580, 590, and 600 nm illumination at 110 K. The fraction of the K population in the photoequilibrium state, fk, is determined by AbR and AK the absorbances of the bR and K states at the excitation wavelengths, and also by phi 1 and phi 2, the quantum efficiencies for the bR to K and K to bR photoconversion: fK = phi 1 AbR/(phi 1AbR + phi 2Ak). By assuming that the ratio phi 1/phi 2 is the same at two different but close wavelengths, for example 570 and 580 nm, the value of phi 1/phi 2 at 570 and 580 nm was determined to be 0.55 +/- 0.02, and the spectrum of the K state was obtained with the peak absorbance at 607 nm. The values of phi 1/phi 2 at the other excitation wavelengths were then evaluated using the known K spectrum, and show almost no dependence on the excitation wavelength within the main band. The result phi 1/phi 2 = 0.55 +/- 0.02 disagrees with those of many other groups. The advantages of this method over others are its minimal assumptions and its straightforward procedure.  相似文献   

G.D. Case  W.W. Parson 《BBA》1973,325(3):441-453
Shifts in the absorption bands of bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoids in Chromatium vinosum chromatophores were measured after short actinic flashes, under various conditions. The amplitude of the bacteriochlorophyll band shift correlated well with the amount of cytochrome c-555 that was oxidized by P870+ after a flash. No bacteriochlorophyll band shift appeared to accompany the photooxidation of P870 itself, nor the oxidation of cytochrome c-552 by P870+. The carotenoid band shift also correlated with cytochrome c-555 photooxidation, although a comparatively small carotenoid shift did occur at high redox potentials that permitted only P870 oxidation.

The results explain earlier observations on infrared absorbance changes that had suggested the existence of two different photochemical systems in Chromatium. A single photochemical system accounts for all of the absorbance changes.

Previous work has shown that the photooxidations of P870 and cytochrome c-555 cause similar changes in the electrical charge on the chromatophore membrane. The specific association of the band shifts with cytochrome c-555 photooxidation therefore argues against interpretations of the band shifts based on a light-induced membrane potential.  相似文献   

Bacon Ke  Thomas H. Chaney 《BBA》1971,226(2):341-353
Triton treatment of chromatophores of carotenoid-deficient Chromatium followed by density-gradient centrifugation led to a separation into three subchromatophore fractions. Unlike the case with chromatophores of regular Chromatium, Triton releases about 1/3 of the total bulk bacteriochlorophyll into one fraction (designated G, for green) whose major absorption-band maximum is at 780 nm. One fraction (H, for heavy) absorbs at 805 and 885 nm, with an absorbance ratio A885 nm/A805 nm between 1.5 and 2; another fraction (L, for light) absorbs at 805 nm and has a shoulder at 825 nm. The absorption and fluorescence emission spectra of the three fractions at room temperature and 77°K indicate that the different bacteriochlorophyll forms are efficiently separated by Triton treatment.

The reaction center P890 is concentrated exclusively in the H-fraction, at a level of 5–7% of the bulk bacteriochlorophyll. The solubilized bacteriochlorophyll absorbing at 780 nm can be totally and irreversibly bleached by 5 mM ferricyanide. The other bacteriochlorophyll forms in the H- and L-fractions are also irreversibly bleached by ferricyanide to variable extents. P890 is the only component that can be re-reduced by ascorbate after ferricyanide oxidation. The P890 content estimated by reversible chemical bleaching agrees well with that obtained by reversible light bleaching. The different bacteriochlorophyll forms, with the exception of the 780-nm absorbing form, are relatively stable toward light bleaching. Again, only P890 is reversibly bleached by light.

Cytochromes-555 and -553 are distributed in both the H-and L-fractions, but not in the solubilized-bacteriochlorophyll G-fraction. However, only cytochromes in the H-fraction which contains all of the P890 can undergo coupled oxidation. Excitation with 20-nsec ruby-laser pulses shows that cytochrome-555 can be oxidized in 2–3 μsec by photooxidized P890, indicating that necessary conformation for rapid electron transport is retained in the subchromatophore particles.

The data on fractionation and redox reactions obtained here, together with direct kinetic measurements recently reported in the literature lend further support to the view that oxidation of these two cytochromes is mediated by the same reaction center, P890.  相似文献   

Luit Slooten  Adriaan Nuyten 《BBA》1981,638(2):305-312
(1) The ATPase enzyme in untreated chromatophores from Rhodospirillum rubrum is in a low-activity state (designated as E°). It can be activated by application of a transmembrane Δ\?gmH+ generated by light-induced electron transport, or by application of acid-base jumps. (2) After rapid dissipation of the light-induced Δ\?gmH+, the active state of the ATPase enzyme decays (in the absence of added substrates or products) to a low-activity state (designated as E′), with a half-time of the order of 2–4 min. This state differs from E° in that E′ (but not E°) can be rapidly reactivated by addition of substrate, but only when the Mg2+ concentration is kept below 20–30 μM. Since this is characteristic of an activated enzyme containing tightly bound ADP (Slooten, L. and Nuyten, A. (1981) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 638, 313–326), it is suggested that release of endogenous, tightly bound ADP is one of the factors involved in activation of the ATPase enzyme.  相似文献   

S. J. Kennel  M. D. Kamen 《BBA》1971,234(3):458-467
Variations in the nature of the iron-containing proteins in Chromatium sp. strain D, grown under varying conditions of substrate and as a function of growth phase, are investigated. The results obtained show no significant changes induced by manipulation of these parameters. At least 80% of the heme protein present is membrane-bound and can be released only by detergent treatment. All but a small fraction is of c type, a minor protoheme component (cytochrome b′) being present. The membrane-bound cytochrome cannot be identified with those which are freely soluble.  相似文献   

Dark grown leaves of wheat were irradiated with red light of different intensities, at a temperature close to 0°C. The rate of photoreduction of the protochlorophyllide 650-form into chlorophyllide 684-form was measured. On continued irradiation the chlorophyllide 684-form was photodecomposed. By comparing the rates of the two processes the quantum yield for photooxidation of the chlorophyllide 684-form was calculated. The quantum yield was 2°10-5 at an intensity of 2200 W m-2, and increased with decreasing light intensity to 3.2°10-5 at an intensity of 170 W m-2.  相似文献   

Mitsuo Nishimura 《BBA》1968,153(4):838-847
The functioning of cytochromes f and b in the electron-transfer chain of red algae, Porphyridium and Porphyra, was studied. Effects of inhibitors, temperature, etc. on the oxidation-reduction reactions of these cytochromes are shown. The interaction of two photochemical systems through dark electron-transfer in the 10-msec range was demonstrated. The reaction time of electron-transfer reactions was measured with pulsed excitation. Two electron-transfer paths, a non-cyclic path connecting two photochemical systems and a cyclic electron-transfer path around photochemical system I are postulated and a scheme for photosynthetic electron transfer in Porphyridium and Porphyra is presented.  相似文献   

The two products from the reaction of horse heart ferricytochrome c with Chloramine-T, the FIII and FII CT-cytochromes, contain modification of the methionines to methionine sulfoxides, but they are distinct in their physiological functions. Conformational and heme-configurational characterization of the two CT-cytochromes has been carried out by using absorption, circular dichroism, fluorescence, proton magnetic resonance, and resonance Raman spectroscopy. The pH-absorption spectroscopic behavior, thermal stability, and ionization of the phenolic hydroxyls have also been reported. Spectroscopic studies of the heme c fragment, H8, in the presence of dimethylsulfoxide, as a model for CT-cytochrome heme configuration, were also conducted. The ferric and the ferrous CT-cytochromes above pH 7.5 have similar, yet distinct, spectroscopic properties, absorption, CD, resonance Raman, and PMR spectra, typical of low-spin hexacoordinated hemes, but distinct from those of the unmodified protein. The ferric spectrum lacks the 695-nm band, and the reduced spectrum contains an additional inflection at about 400 nm, a feature also observed in the spectra of ferrous H8-DMSO systems. The CD, resonance Raman, and PMR spectra are typical of a cytochrome with a loosened heme crevice and altered coordination configuration. The Methionine-80 proton resonances are absent in the uupfield PMR spectra of both the CT-ferricytochromes. The ferrous spectra, on the other hand, contain all the Met-80 resonances, but with smaller upfield shifts than those of the native protein. Both CT-ferric cytochromes are less stable in the acid region and convert to high-spin forms with a two-step transition and with a distinct set of pK a values. The overall conformation is nearly identical to that of the native protein, but it is less stable to thermal unfolding. All the factors differentiating the modified preparations from the unmodified protein are more pronunced in the case of FII, with FIII being the closest to the unmodified form. The two functionally distinct CT-cytochromes are two conformational isomers; conformationally and heme configurationally, they are spectroscopically very similar, yet distinct. Both contain an altered heme iron coordination configuration. The sulfur of Met-80 is repalced by the oxygen of Met-80 sulfoxide of a different configuration, R or S. Both contain a loosened heme crevice and are conformationally less stable than the native protein, FII CT-cytochrome c being the most deranged.  相似文献   

Duane C. Yoch  Daniel I. Arnon 《BBA》1970,197(2):180-184
The nitrogenase activity (measured by N2 or acetylene reduction) of cell-free extracts of the photosynthetic bacterium Chromatium was coupled to photochemically generated ATP and reductant. The ATP was formed through cyclic photophosphorylation by bacterial chromatophores. The reductant (reduced ferredoxin) was generated by a heated preparation (incapable of O2 and ATP production) of spinach chloroplasts. The nitrogenase activity of Chromatium extracts was supported by reduced Chromatium or Clostridium pasteurianum ferredoxin but not by that of spinach chloroplasts.  相似文献   

George D. Case  William W. Parson   《BBA》1973,292(3):677-684
The isoionic pH of Chromatium chromatophores is 5.2±0.1. At pH 7.7, the net charge on the chromatophore is approx. −1·104. If a change in this charge accompanies the oxidation of an electron carrier, the midpoint redox potential (Em) of that carrier should be a function of the solution ionic strength (I). of that carrier should be a function of the solution ionic strength (I).

The Em values of P870 and cytochrome c-555 increase strongly with increasing I at low values of I. The Em of cytochrome c-552 also increases with increasing I, though not so strongly. These effects probably cannot be attributed to an influence of I on the activity coefficient of a dissociable ion. We conclude that, when either P870 or cytochrome c-555 loses an electron, no specific ions (including protons) are bound or released in significant amounts, and the absolute value of the charge on the chromatophore decreases.

The Em values of the primary and secondary electron acceptors, X and Y, do not depend on I. Because these Em values have been shown previously to depend on pH, we conclude that the uptake of a proton keeps the charge on the chromatophore constant when either X or Y accepts an electron. This means that the primary and secondary electron transfer reactions in Chromatium result in a net decrease in the charge on the photosynthetic membrane. They do not result in the translocation of protons across the membrane.

The Em of the soluble flavocytochrome c-552 from Chromatium depends only weakly on I, but depends strongly on the pH. The uptake of a proton appears to keep the net charge on this cytochrome constant upon reduction.  相似文献   

A membrane potential jump was induced by the addition of valinomycin in the presence of a KCl concentration gradient across the membrane of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides chromatophores. As well as a carotenoid band shift, which is known to be an indicator of membrane potential, absorbance changes due to the oxidation-reduction reactions of cytochromes accompanied the jump. Under aerobic conditions with no reductant added, a part of cytochrome c2 was reduced by an inside-positive potential jump of about 100 mV in the time range of tens of seconds. This can be explained by the location of the cytochrome on the inner side of the chromatophore membrane and electrophoretic flow of electrons across the membrane. On the other hand, in the presence of 1 mM ascorbate, a similar jump of membrane potential induced a rapid oxidation of cytochrome c2 and a subsequent reduction. A rapid reduction of b-type cytochrome was also observed. Antimycin A inhibited the c2 oxidation, but did not inhibit the b reduction. The oxidation of cytochrome c2 may be explained by a diffusion-potential-induced electron flow to cytochrome b and a simultaneous electron donation by cytochrome b and cytochrome c2 to a common electron acceptor, possibly a quinone.  相似文献   

1. The cytochromes of chromatophores from photosynthetically grown Rhodopseudomonas capsulata have been characterised both spectrally, using the carotenoid free mutant Ala Pho+, and thermodynamically, using the technique of redox titrations. Five cytochromes were present; two cytochromes b, E0 = 60 mV at pH 7.0; and three cytochromes c, E0 = 340 mV, Et?0 = 120 mV, E0 = 0 mV at pH 7.0.2. Redox titrations at different values of pH indicated that the mid point potentials of all the cytochromes varied with pH over some parts of the range between pH 6 and 9, with the possible exception of cytochrome c340.3. The effects of succinate and NADH on the steady state reduction of the cytochromes are reported. Succinate could reduce cytochromes c340, c120 and b60; NADH could reduce cytochromes c340, c120, b60 and b?25. Cytochrome c0 could be reduced by dithionite but not by the other substrates tested.  相似文献   

Effect of a highly efficient inhibitor of Photosystem II (PS II), K-15 (4-[methoxy-bis-(trifluoromethyl)methyl)-2,6-dinitrophenyl hydrazone methyl ketone), was investigated using the D1/D2/cytochrome b559 reaction centre (RC) complex. A novel approach for photoaccumulating reduced pheophytin (Pheo) in the absence of the strong reducing agent, sodium dithionite, was demonstrated which involved illumination in the presence of TMPD (from 5 to 100 M) under anaerobic conditions. The addition of K-15 at concentrations of 0.5 M and 2 M resulted in approx. 50% and near 100%, respectively, inhibition of this photoreaction, while subsequent additions of dithionite eliminated the inhibitory effect of K-15. Methyl viologen induced similar inhibition at much higher concentrations (>1 mM). Moreover, K-15 efficiently quenched the variable part of chlorophyll fluorescence (which is the recombination luminescence of the pair P680 + Pheo). A 50% inhibition was induced by 5 M K-15 and the effect was maximal in the range 20 to 200 M. Photooxidation of P680 in the presence of 0.1 mM silicomolybdate was also efficiently inhibited by K-15 (50% inhibition at 15 M). The data are consistent with the idea put forward earlier (Klimov et al. 1992) that the inhibitory effect of K-15 is based on facilitating a rapid recombination between Pheo and P680 + (or Z+) via its redox properties. The inhibitor can be useful for suppressing PS II reactions in isolated RCs of PS II which are resistant to all traditional inhibitors, like diuron, and probably functions by substituting for QA missing in the preparation.At a concentration of 0.5–50 M K-15 considerably increased both the rate and extent of cytochrome b559 photoreduction in the presence, as well as in the absence, of 5 mM MnCl2. Consequently it is suggested that K-15 also serves as a mediator for electron transfer from Pheo to cytochrome b559.Abbreviations K-15 4-[methoxy-bis-(trifluoromethyl)methyl]-2,6-dinitrophenyl hydrazone methyl ketone - P680 the primary electron donor of PS II - Pheo pheophytin - PS II Photosystem II - QA and QB the primary and the secondary electron acceptor of PS II - RC reaction centre - SiMo silicomolybdate - TMPD N,N,N,,N,-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine - Z secondary electron donor of PS II  相似文献   

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