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Summary A similar pattern of variation with time in observed maxima of daily dose equivalent rates in human thyroids (TD - µSv·d–1) and of daily fallout radioactivities (FR - kBq·m–2) has been found after the Chernobyl accident. An estimate of the time-lag between the maxima in TD lines and the preceding FR peaks was made of about seven days for adult and nine days for juveniles. Applying this time-lag it was possible to estimate transfer factors from the fall-out to thyroid dose equivalent: the highest estimated values were 221 µSv/kBq·m–2 for adult and 641 µSv/kBq·m–2 for juvenile thyroids. These values differ from those published by UNSCEAR (United Nations 1988), which have been calculated for various regions of Czechoslovakia, from ingestion and inhalation intake estimates. A broad variation of transfer factor values could be expected to result from such transfer calculations using ingestion and inhalation estimates. The findings also support the concept of a need for prolonged iodine prophylaxy after emissions of radioiodine into the environment.Abbreviations TD dose equivalent rates in thyroids [µSv·d–1] - FR fall-out radioactivity (-ies) [kBq·m–2]  相似文献   

A population-based case-control study was conducted to estimate the radiation-related risk of thyroid cancer in persons who were exposed in childhood to (131)I from the Chernobyl accident of April 26, 1986 and to investigate the impact of uncertainties in individual dose estimates. Included were all 66 confirmed cases of primary thyroid cancer diagnosed from April 26, 1986 through September 1998 in residents of Bryansk Oblast, Russia, who were 0-19 years old at the time of the accident, along with two individually matched controls for each case. Thyroid radiation doses, estimated using a semi-empirical model based on environmental contamination data and individual characteristics, ranged from 0.00014 Gy to 2.73 Gy and had large uncertainties (median geometric standard deviation 2.2). The estimated excess relative risk (ERR) associated with radiation exposure, 48.7/Gy, was significantly greater than 0 (P = 0.00013) but had an extremely wide 95% confidence interval (4.8 to 1151/Gy). Adjusting for dose uncertainty nearly tripled the ERR to 138/Gy, although this was likely an overestimate due to limitations in the modeling of dose uncertainties. The radiation-related excess risk observed in this study is quite large, especially if the uncertainty of dose estimation is taken into account, but is not inconsistent with estimates previously reported for risk after (131)I exposure or acute irradiation from external sources.  相似文献   

Summary As a presupposition for estimating the mean tissue dose from intravascularly injected Thorotrast results of investigations on tissue distribution and steady state activity ratios of232Th and daughters in Thorotrast patients were compiled and are presented as best estimates. Special emphasis has been given to the non-uniformity of Thorotrast distribution on the organ 2and cellular level on the basis of results from animal experiments. Moreover, the variation widths of the mean tissue doses were calculated from the individual standard errors of the mean Thorotrast tissue distribution and activity ratios.According to the results of Thorotrast tissue distribution analyses about 97% of intravascularly injected colloidal ThO2 are retained by the organs of the reticulo-endothelial-system (RES) of the average Thorotrast patient (liver: 59%; spleen: 29%; bone marrow: 9%). Only 0.7 and 0.1% are distributed within the lungs and the kidneys, respectively. The fractional retention of232Th in the marrow-free skeleton proved to be 2% on the average. Considering in addition the results on the steady state activity ratios between232Th and its daughters and self-absorption of-energy in Thorotrast agglomerates the mean annual tissue doses to the liver, spleen, red bone marrow, lungs (respiratory zone), and cells on bone surface, e.g., from 30 ml intravascularly injected Thorotrast are about 30 (10–70), 80 (30–200), 10 (4–27), 4.5 (1.8–11.3), and 15 (6–38) rad. The variation widths of the mean tissue doses given in brackets are based upon an average individual standard error of the mean Thorotrast tissue distribution and activity ratios of 150%. The data on mean tissue doses, however, do not include variations of the dose due to macroscopic inhomogeneities of Thorotrast distribution on the organ level, which in the liver may go up to a factor of 50. Contrary to the mean tissue dose the local annual dose, i.e., the dose to cells adjacent to the surface of 0.1–50 µm Thorotrast aggregates is between 40 and 40,000 rad.Paper presented on the occasion of a WHO meeting of a Scientific Group on the Long-Term Effects of Radium and Thorium in Man. Geneva, Sept. 12–16, 1977Dedicated to Prof. Dr. med. F. Sommer, Homburg/Saar, on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

The use of fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology in the evaluation of solitary hot thyroid nodules was examined in 24 patients. Satisfactory FNA specimens were obtained from 22 patients. None of the cytologic samples was considered malignant or suspicious for malignancy. The cytologic findings were indeterminate in one instance--a smear with follicular features. The smears from the other 21 patients were judged to be benign. If FNA had been used as the initial diagnostic step, the need for a thyroid scan would thus perhaps have been avoided in 21 of the 24 patients. These results support the idea that FNA is the most effective procedure in the evaluation of the solitary thyroid nodule, whether functional or not.  相似文献   



When investigating radiation accidents, it is very important to determine the exposition dose to the individuals. In the case of exposures over 1 Gy, clinicians may expect deterministic effects arising the following weeks and months, in these cases dose estimation will help physicians in the planning of therapy. Nevertheless, for doses below 1 Gy, biodosimetry data are important due to the risk of developing late stochastic effects. Finally, some accidental overexposures are lack of physical measurements and the only way of quantifying dose is by biological dosimetry.


The analysis of chromosomal aberrations by different techniques is the most developed method of quantifying dose to individuals exposed to ionising radiations.1,2 Furthermore, the analysis of dicentric chromosomes observed in metaphases from peripheral lymphocytes is the routine technique used in case of acute exposures to assess radiation doses.

Materials and methods

Solid stain of chromosomes is used to determine dicentric yields for dose estimation. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for translocations analysis is used when delayed sampling or suspected chronically irradiation dose assessment. Recommendations in technical considerations are based mainly in the IAEA Technical Report No. 405.2


Experience in biological dosimetry at Gregorio Marañón General Hospital is described, including own calibration curves used for dose estimation, background studies and real cases of overexposition.


Dose assessment by biological dosimeters requires a large previous standardization work and a continuous update. Individual dose assessment involves high qualification professionals and its long time consuming, therefore requires specific Centres. For large mass casualties cooperation among specialized Institutions is needed.  相似文献   

Imaging dose in radiation therapy has traditionally been ignored due to its low magnitude and frequency in comparison to therapeutic dose used to treat patients. The advent of modern, volumetric, imaging modalities, often as an integral part of linear accelerators, has facilitated the implementation of image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT), which is often accomplished by daily imaging of patients. Daily imaging results in additional dose delivered to patient that warrants new attention be given to imaging dose. This review summarizes the imaging dose delivered to patients as the result of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging performed in radiation therapy using current methods and equipment. This review also summarizes methods to calculate the imaging dose, including the use of Monte Carlo (MC) and treatment planning systems (TPS). Peripheral dose from CBCT imaging, dose reduction methods, the use of effective dose in describing imaging dose, and the measurement of CT dose index (CTDI) in CBCT systems are also reviewed.  相似文献   

A study of the morphological structure and functional activity of the rat thyroid gland was carried out after 22 months following a single exposure to external radiation. The 3-month-old animals were irradiated with doses of 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 5.0 Gy. Blood was assayed for thyroxin (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) levels, while liver tissue--for NADP-MDH activity and thyroid tissue--for thyroperoxidase activity. The thyroid was studied histologically, morphometrically and by electron microscope. The decreased T4 concentrations 2.59-fold in the 5.0 Gy group, the increased T3/T4 in the 2.0 and 0.25 Gy groups, the reduced diameter of cellular nuclei and follicles, the flat follicular epithelium and diminished number of thyrocyte ultrastructures indicate thyroid hypofunction in the irradiated animals. The morphological changes are characterized by enhanced diffuse and focal sclerotic changes in thyroid, most pronounced at high irradiation doses (1.0-5.0 Gy), whereas the hemosiderosis foci suggest that the structural changes are consequences of radiation-induced destructive injuries in the gland parenchyma. Two of the thyroids (0.5 Gy) demonstrate foci with pronounced lymphoid infiltration, while follicular carcinomas were detected in 4 thyroids (2.0 Gy), and in one thyroid (0.5 Gy) in one thyroid (5.0 Gy). The remote effects of radiation were dose-dependent destructive, sclerotic and atrophic processes, decreased functional activity, stimulation of development of autoimmune aggression and carcinogenesis in thyroid.  相似文献   

Exposures in space consist of low-level background components from galactic cosmic rays (GCR), occasional intense-energetic solar-particle events, periodic passes through geomagnetic-trapped radiation, and exposure from possible onboard nuclear-propulsion engines. Risk models for astronaut exposure from such diverse components and modalities must be developed to assure adequate protection in future. NASA missions. The low-level background exposures (GCR), including relativistic heavy ions (HZE), will be the ultimate limiting factor for astronaut career exposure. We consider herein a two-mutation, initiation-promotion, radiation-carcinogenesis model in mice in which the initiation stage is represented by a linear kinetics model of cellular repair/misrepair, including the track-structure model for heavy ion action cross-sections. The model is validated by comparison with the harderian gland tumor experiments of Alpen et al. for various ion beams. We apply the initiation-promotion model to exposures from galactic cosmic rays, using models of the cosmic-ray environment and heavy ion transport, and consider the effects of the age of the mice prior to and after the exposure and of the length of time in space on predictions of relative risk. Our results indicate that biophysical models of age-dependent radiation hazard will provide a better understanding of GCR risk than models that rely strictly on estimates of the initial slopes of these radiations.Submitted paper presented at the International Symposium on Heavy Ion Research: Space, Radiation Protection and Therapy, Sophia-Antipolis, France, 21–24 March 1994  相似文献   

Summary Seeds ofTrifolium andTrigonella were planted after exposure to different dose rates 61.0, 75.8, 116.6 and 265.0 r/day from a radium tube for a period of seven days. The general effect was a tendency towards increase in the number of nodules and of lateral roots per plant, especially at a total dose of about 816 r.Colchicine treatment was found to have a similar effect.  相似文献   

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