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The relationship between glycolysis and respiration was examined in a model of pancreatic B-cell dysfunction, namely in tumoral insulin-producing cells of the RINm5F line. A rise in D-glucose concentration from 2.8 to 16.7 mM increased the utilization of D-[5-3H]glucose and production of [14C]lactate from D-[U-14C]glucose, whereas decreasing the oxidation of either D-[U-14C]glucose or D-[6-14C]glucose. Whereas 2.8 mM D-glucose augmented O2 uptake above basal value, a further rise in D-glucose concentration to 16.7 mM decreased respiration, which remained higher, however, than basal value. Whether at low or high concentration, D-glucose exerted a pronounced sparing action upon the oxidation of endogenous nutrients in cells prelabeled with either L-[U-14C]glutamine or [14C]palmitate and, nevertheless, augmented above basal value the rate of lipogenesis, ATP/ADP content, adenylate charge, and cytosolic NADH/NAD+ and NADPH/NADP+ ratios. The generation of ATP resulting from the catabolism of either exogenous D-glucose or endogenous nutrients was not affected by the rise in hexose concentration from 2.8 to 16.7 mM. Thus, in sharp contrast with the situation found in normal islet cells, a rise in D-glucose concentration, instead of stimulating mitochondrial oxidative events, caused, through a Crabtree effect, inhibition of hexose oxidation and O2 consumption in tumoral islet cells.  相似文献   

The pre-administration of reserpine in a dose of 5 mg/kg b.o. i.v. 24 before the experiment reduced the calcium content of the thoracic aorta of rabbits weighing 1,000--1,500 g. It had no effect on the calcium level in older animals. The calcium content also fell after 10 days' administration of reserpine in daily doses of 0.1 mg/kg b.w. Pre-administration of the monoaminooxidase inhibitors phenelsine and nialamide inhibited the reserpine-induced decrease in the calcium content of the vascular wall, although by themselves they had no effect on it. Prothiadene, a thymoanaleptic, likewise inhibited, the decrease in the calcium content when administered per os in a dose of 5 mg/kg b.w. 5 hours before reserpine.  相似文献   

The pancreatic islet is a highly coupled, multicellular system that exhibits complex spatiotemporal electrical activity in response to elevated glucose levels. The emergent properties of islets, which differ from those arising in isolated islet cells, are believed to arise in part by gap junctional coupling, but the mechanisms through which this coupling occurs are poorly understood. To uncover these mechanisms, we have used both high-speed imaging and theoretical modeling of the electrical activity in pancreatic islets under a reduction in the gap junction mediated electrical coupling. Utilizing islets from a gap junction protein connexin 36 knockout mouse model together with chemical inhibitors, we can modulate the electrical coupling in the islet in a precise manner and quantify this modulation by electrophysiology measurements. We find that after a reduction in electrical coupling, calcium waves are slowed as well as disrupted, and the number of cells showing synchronous calcium oscillations is reduced. This behavior can be reproduced by computational modeling of a heterogeneous population of β-cells with heterogeneous levels of electrical coupling. The resulting quantitative agreement between the data and analytical models of islet connectivity, using only a single free parameter, reveals the mechanistic underpinnings of the multicellular behavior of the islet.  相似文献   

The growth arrest after hypophysectomy in rats is mainly due to growth hormone (GH) deficiency because replacement of GH or insulin-like growth factor (IGF) I, the mediator of GH action, leads to resumption of growth despite the lack of other pituitary hormones. Hypophysectomized (hypox) rats have, therefore, often been used to study metabolic consequences of GH deficiency and its effects on tissues concerned with growth. The present study was undertaken to assess the effects of hypophysectomy on the serum and pancreatic levels of the three major islet hormones insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin, as well as on IGF-I. Immunohistochemistry (IHC), in situ hybridization (ISH), radioimmunoassays (RIA), and Northern blot analysis were used to localize and quantify the hormones in the pancreas at the peptide and mRNA levels. IHC showed slightly decreased insulin levels in the cells of hypox compared with normal, age-matched rats whereas glucagon in cells and somatostatin in cells showed increase. IGF-I, which localized to cells, showed decrease. ISH detected a slightly higher expression of insulin mRNA and markedly stronger signals for glucagon and somatostatin mRNA in the islets of hypox rats. Serum glucose concentrations did not differ between the two groups although serum insulin and C-peptide were lower and serum glucagon was higher in the hypox animals. These changes were accompanied by a more than tenfold drop in serum IGF-I. The pancreatic insulin content per gram of tissue was not significantly different in hypox and normal rats. Pancreatic glucagon and somatostatin per gram of tissue were higher in the hypox animals. The pancreatic IGF-I content of hypox rats was significantly reduced. Northern blot analysis gave a 2.6-, 4.5-, and 2.2-fold increase in pancreatic insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin mRNA levels, respectively, in hypox rats, and a 2.3-fold decrease in IGF-I mRNA levels. Our results show that the fall of serum IGF-I after hypophysectomy is accompanied by a decrease in pancreatic IGF-I peptide and mRNA but by partly discordant changes in the serum concentrations of insulin and glucagon and the islet peptide and/or mRNA content of the three major islet hormones. It appears that GH deficiency resulting in a low IGF-I state affects translational efficiency of these hormones as well as their secretory responses. The maintenance of normoglycemia in the presence of reduced insulin and elevated glucagon serum levels, both of which would be expected to raise blood glucose, may result mainly from the enhanced insulin sensitivity, possibly due to GH deficiency and the subsequent decrease in IGF-I production.  相似文献   

The removal of extracellular HCO3 together with a decrease in pCO2, in order to maintain a normal extracellular pH, caused a sustained increase of intracellular pH in rat pancreatic islets. This increase was more marked in glucose-deprived than in glucose-stimulated islets, and was associated with a facilitation of 45Ca efflux from the glucose-deprived islets. Such a facilitation was slightly reduced in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ and abolished at low extracellular Na+ concentration. It failed to occur in glucose-stimulated islets, whether in the presence or absence of extracellular Ca2+. The removal of HCO3 and decrease in the pCO2 also reduced the magnitude of both the secondary rise in 45Ca efflux and stimulation of insulin release normally evoked by an increase in glucose concentration. These findings suggest that changes in intracellular pH affect both the outflow of Ca2+ from islet cells as mediated by Na+-Ca2+ countertransport and the inflow of Ca2+ by gated Ca2+ channels. The experimental data are also compatible with the view that islet cells are equipped with an active process of bicarbonate-chloride exchange involved in the regulation of intracellular pH.  相似文献   

Summary The surfaces of isolated pancreatic islet cells were studied with the scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Islets were isolated from the pancreas of Wistar rats by collagenase treatment and were incubated either in glucose-free medium or in 300 mg% glucose for one hour. Immunoreactive insulin (IRI) in the media of both control and experimental preparations was assayed. Islets were then transferred to 4% glutaraldehyde, buffered with cacodylate, pH 7.4, and prepared for scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Cell masses average 200 in diameter. Alpha cells appear pyramidal in shape, are about 8 in diameter and appear in groups. Beta cells are round or oval in shape and have an average diameter of 10 . Glucose stimulation raised the IRI value tenfold and increased the number of blebs and other surface irregularities per unit area of beta cell surface. Comparison with transmission electron micrographs suggests that the blebs are related to the process of emiocytosis.Supported by U.S.P.H.S. Grant AM-10151.  相似文献   

The effects of experimentally induced hypothermia on exocrine pancreatic secretion in rabbits were investigated. During hypothermia the flow of pancreatic juice decreased to 50% of basal values and recovered after rewarming. Hypothermia scarcely affected HCO-3, Cl- and Na+ concentrations but did cause significant alterations in K+ concentrations. During hypothermia and later normothermia a parallel secretion in the enzymes amylase, chymotrypsin and trypsin was seen to take place. Enzyme secretion decreased throughout the experimental period in the rabbits undergoing hypothermia and later normothermia, as in the case of the control animals.  相似文献   

Somatostatin, insulin and glucagon concentrations in rat pancreas were measured following various intervals of food-deprivation. Tissue concentrations, as measured by radioimmunoassay, were correlated with A-, B-, and D-cell number and size using a scanning integrating image analyzer (Quantimet 720). Alterations in total islet hormone content were not correlated to changes in size or distribution of cells. This implies that changes in tissue content reflect changes in turnover of peptides rather than changes in cell size or number.  相似文献   

The selective a2 adrenergic antagonist yohimbine has been shown to prevent the noradrenaline induced inhibition of insulin secretion from isolated rat islets of Langerhans, Binding studies utilizing [3H]yohimbine showed specific binding to dispersed rat islet cells with a Kd of 2.9 nM and receptor concentration of 645 fmols/mg protein. The use of chloroquine to inhibit receptor recycling did not affect binding of the ligand. Binding studies and secretion data are consistent with the suggestion that adrenergic receptors of the 2 sub-type may play a dominant role in the regulation of insulin secretion.  相似文献   

Fluorescein rapidly accumulates in rat pancreatic islets exposed to fluorescein diacetate. The influence of environmental agents upon cellular pH was examined in fluorescein-labelled islets by recording their fluorescence intensity at 520 nm after excitation at 490 and 435 nm, respectively. Glucose caused a rapid, sustained and dose-related increase in cellular pH. Another nutrient secretagogue, 2-ketoisocaproic acid, also increased cellular pH. The stimulation of islet cells by non-nutrient secretagogues, e.g. by glibenclamide or in response to an increase in extracellular K+ concentration, decreased cellular pH, indicating that the nutrient-induced increase in cellular pH is not merely a consequence of stimulated Ca2+ inflow and/or insulin release. In either the presence of amiloride or absence of bicarbonate, glucose decreased cellular pH. These results strongly suggest that the acidification of islet cells which can be expected from the increased metabolism of glucose in glucose-stimulated islets is normally masked and overcome by stimulation of such processes as Na+/H+ and HCO3-/Cl- exchange.  相似文献   

Suspensions rich in pancreatic beta-cells were prepared from non-inbred ob/ob-mice, incubated with 10 micrometer-chlorotetracycline, and analysed for fluorescence polarization in a microscope. Throughout the temperature range 16--38 degrees C, fluorescence was enhanced by 5 mM-Ca2+ in the incubation medium; 20 mM-D-glucose decreased the fluorescence measured in the presence of Ca2+. Fluorescence showed a curvilinear negative regression on temperature. The curves were rectified to a virtually ideal degree by Arrhenius transformations of data. Non-parametric testing of differences between linearized regression lines forms the basis for the following conclusions. The temperature-dependence of fluorescence intensity appeared to be smaller for Ca2+-specific signals than for the background fluorescence of chlorotetracycline in Ca2+-deficient cells. D-Glucose significantly diminished the polarization of fluorescence in cells incubated with Ca2+. It is suggested that D-glucose increases the mobility of Ca2+ in beta-cell plasma membranes; this mobility increase may help to explain previously reported effects of D-glucose on 45Ca2+ fluxes and membrane electric potential.  相似文献   

The islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) immunoreactivity of the adult rat pancreas is located in insulin-containing B cells as well as in somatostatin-containing D cells. In both cell types, the IAPP immunoreactivity is identical to rat synthetic IAPP in terms of its elution position after reversed phase HPLC and its binding to IAPP antibodies. The IAPP content per 10(6) B-cells is more than 100 fold lower than the corresponding insulin content, but comparable to the IAPP content of D cells. After induction of diabetes by streptozotocin, pancreatic IAPP seems predominantly located in somatostatin-containing cells. In normal rats, pancreatic insulin and IAPP content increase 20 fold from birth to 12 weeks of age; beyond week 12, the further rise in pancreatic insulin was not paralleled by an increase in IAPP content.  相似文献   

Summary The Ca2+-activated K+ channel in rat pancreatic islet cells has been studied using patch-clamp single-channel current recording in excised inside-out and outside-out membrane patches. In membrane patches exposed to quasi-physiological cation gradients (Na+ outside, K+ inside) large outward current steps were observed when the membrane was depolarized. The single-channel current voltage (I/V) relationship showed outward rectification and the null potential was more negative than –40 mV. In symmetrical K+-rich solutions the single-channelI/V relationship was linear, the null potential was 0 mV and the singlechannel conductance was about 250 pS. Membrane depolarization evoked channel opening also when the inside of the membrane was exposed to a Ca2+-free solution containing 2mm EGTA, but large positive membrane potentials (70 to 80 mV) were required in order to obtain open-state probabilities (P) above 0.1. Raising the free Ca2+ concentration in contact with the membrane inside ([Ca2+]i) to 1.5×10–7 m had little effect on the relationship between membrane potential andP. When [Ca2+]i was increased to 3×10–7 m and 6×10–7 m smaller potential changes were required to open the channels. Increasing [Ca2+]i further to 8×10–7 m again activated the channels, but the relationship between membrane potential andP was complex. Changing the membrane potential from –50 mV to +20 mV increasedP from near 0 to 0.6 but further polarization to +50 mV decreasedP to about 0.2. The pattern of voltage activation and inactivation was even more pronounced at [Ca2+]i=1 and 2 m. In this situation a membrane potential change from –70 to +20 mV increasedP from near 0 to about 0.7 but further polarization to +80 mV reducedP to less than 0.1. The high-conductance K+ channel in rat pancreatic islet cells is remarkably sensitive to changes in [Ca2+]i within the range 0.1 to 1 m which suggests a physiological role for this channel in regulating the membrane potential and Ca2+ influx through voltage-activated Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

Summary In an attempt to identify pancreatic islet cells emitting formaldehyde-induced fluorescence (FIF), the pancreatic islets of the domestic fowl were studied by combined fluorescence, ultrastructural, silver-impregnation and immunohistochemical methods in the same section or in consecutive semi-thin and ultra-thin sections. The results indicate that islet cells emitting intense FIF exhibit a strongly argyrophil reaction with the Grimelius' silver method and also immunohistochemical reaction with anti-glucagon serum, but not with anti-5-HT serum. Therefore, the fowl islet A cell, a peptide hormone-producing cell, stores simultaneously catecholamine as biogenic amine. The islet B and D cells did not display any FIF, any argyrophil reaction with the Grimelius' silver method, or any immunoreactivity with anti-glucagon or anti-5-HT sera. The fluorescent but non-argyrophil cells dispersed in the exocrine acinus may well be PP cells.  相似文献   

The insulin secretagogue D-glucose induces both accumulation of nonesterified arachidonic acid (35 microM) in pancreatic islets and a rise in beta cell cytosolic [Ca++]i. Arachidonate amplifies both voltage-dependent Ca++ entry in secretory cells and depolarization-induced insulin secretion. Here, arachidonate induced a biphasic rise in [Ca++]i of Fura-2AM loaded beta cells which increased with arachidonate concentration (5-30 microM), was reversed upon washout, and was unaffected by the arachidonate oxygenase inhibitor BW755C. The sustained phase of the rise was abolished by removal of extracellular Ca++ and amplified by depolarization with KCl. The accumulation of nonesterified arachidonate in islets stimulated by D-glucose may therefore promote the D-glucose-induced rise in beta cell [Ca++]i.  相似文献   

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