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The Netherlands is "well known" for its nitrogen problems; it has one of the highest reactive nitrogen (Nr) emission densities in the world. It is a small country at the delta of several large European rivers. Ever since the industrial revolution, there has been a growing excess of nutrients and related emissions into the atmosphere (ammonia, nitrogen oxides and nitrous oxide)and into groundwater and surface water (nitrate), leading to a large range of cascading environmental impacts. Vehicular traffic, sewage and animal husbandry are the main sources of oxidized and reduced forms of Nr. This paper provides an overview of the origin and fate of nitrogen in the Netherlands, the various reported impacts of nitrogen, the Dutch and European policies to reduce nitrogen emissions and related impacts. In addition, ways are presented to go forward to potentially solve the problems in a European perspective. Solutions include the improvement of nitrogen efficiencies in different systems, technological options and education.  相似文献   

The Netherlands is "well known" for its nitrogen problems; it has one of the highest reactive nitrogen (Nr) emission densities in the world. It is a small country at the delta of several large European rivers. Ever since the industrial revolution, there has been a growing excess of nutrients and related emissions into the atmosphere (ammonia, nitrogen oxides and nitrous oxide) and into groundwater and surface water (nitrate), leading to a large range of cascading environmental impacts. Vehicular traffic, sewage and animal husbandry are the main sources of oxidized and reduced forms of Nr. This paper provides an overview of the origin and fate of nitrogen in the Netherlands, the various reported impacts of nitrogen, the Dutch and European policies to reduce nitrogen emissions and related impacts. In addition, ways are presented to go forward to potentially solve the problems in a European perspective. Solutions include the improvement of nitrogen efficiencies in different systems, technological options and education.  相似文献   

Asia is the major consumer of fertilizer nitrogen and energy in the world, and consequently shares a considerable proportion of the world creation of reactive nitrogen (Nr). However, if estimated on per capita basis, Asia is characterized by a lower arable land area, fertilizer nitrogen consumption, energy consumption, and gross domestic product, as well as lower daily protein intake. To meet the increasing needs for food and energy for the growing population combined with the improvement of living standards, Nr will inevitably increase. The present study estimates the creation of Nr and the emissions of various N compounds into environment in Asia currently and in 2030. In comparison with the world averages, the lower fertilizer nitrogen and energy use efficiencies, and the lower use of animal wastes for agriculture imply that there is potential for moderating the increase in Nr and its impacts on the environment. Strategies for moderating the increase are discussed.  相似文献   

Asia is the major consumer of fertilizer nitrogen and energy in the world, and consequently shares a considerable proportion of the world creation of reactive nitrogen (Nr). However, if estimated on per capita basis, Asia is characterized by a lower arable land area, fertilizer nitrogen consumption, energy consumption, and gross domestic product, as well as lower daily protein intake. To meet the increasing needs for food and energy for the growing population combined with the improvement of living standards, Nr will inevitably increase. The present study estimates the creation of Nr and the emissions of various N compounds into environment in Asia currently and in 2030. In comparison with the world averages, the lower fertilizer nitrogen and energy use efficiencies, and the lower use of animal wastes for agriculture imply that there is potential for moderating the increase in Nr and its impacts on the environment. Strategies for moderating the increase are discussed.  相似文献   

Asia is the major consumer of fertilizer nitrogen and energy in the world, and consequently shares a considerable proportion of the world creation of reactive nitrogen (Nr). However, if estimated on per capita basis, Asia is characterized by a lower arable land area, fertilizer nitrogen consumption, energy consumption, and gross domestic product, as well as lower daily protein intake. To meet the increasing needs for food and energy for the growing population combined with the improvement of living standards, Nr will inevitably increase. The present study estimates the creation of Nr and the emissions of various N compounds into environment in Asia currently and in 2030. In comparison with the world averages, the lower fertilizer nitrogen and energy use efficiencies, and the lower use of animal wastes for agriculture imply that there is potential for moderating the increase in Nr and its impacts on the environment. Strategies for moderating the increase are discussed.  相似文献   

Reactive nitrogen (Nr) emissions aggravate air and water pollution across the world. The factors influencing Nr emissions have not been clearly uncovered, especially for regions under rapid economic growth. Here we modeled total Nr emissions in mainland China and analyzed factors driving their growth during the decade (2000–2010) of fastest socioeconomic development. Results show that total Nr emissions increased from 24.9 terrogram (Tg) to 35.2 Tg, a 41.7% increase with an average annual growth rate of 3.5%. Agricultural activities, including crop planting and livestock and poultry breeding, together took a substantial but decreasing share, from 75.2% in 2000 to 61.4% in 2010. Industrial wastewater discharge, energy use, and crop production are the three largest sources contributing to the Nr emissions growth. Factors related to scale (e.g., the amount of industrial energy use) led to a growth in Nr emissions, and factors related to efficiency (e.g., industrial energy use per unit of economic output) contributed to reduction. The decreasing effect of efficiency gains, however, was still unable to overcome the increasing effect of the activity scale. More in-depth research studies on mitigation strategies are required, to inform the decoupling between socioeconomic development and Nr emissions.  相似文献   

In the Netherlands, high traffic density and intensive animal husbandry have led to high emissions of reactive nitrogen (N) into the environment. This leads to a series of environmental impacts, including: (1) nitrate (NO3) contamination of drinking water, (2) eutrophication of freshwater lakes, (3) acidification and biodiversity impacts on terrestrial ecosystems, (4) ozone and particle formation affecting human health, and (5) global climate change induced by emissions of N2O. Measures to control reactive N emissions were, up to now, directed towards those different environmental themes. Here we summarize the results of a study to analyse the agricultural N problem in the Netherlands in an integrated way, which means that all relevant aspects are taken into account simultaneously. A simple N balance model was developed, representing all crucial processes in the N chain, to calculate acceptable N inputs to the farm (so-called N ceiling) and to the soil surface (application in the field) by feed concentrates, organic manure, fertiliser, deposition, and N fixation. The N ceilings were calculated on the basis of critical limits for NO 3 concentrations in groundwater, N concentrations in surface water, and ammonia (NH3) emission targets related to the protection of biodiversity of natural areas. Results show that in most parts of the Netherlands, except the western and the northern part, the N ceilings are limited by NH 3 emissions, which are derived from critical N loads for nature areas, rather than limits for both ground- and surface water. On the national scale, the N ceiling ranges between 372 and 858 kton year(-1) depending on the choice of critical limits. The current N import is 848 kton year(-1). A decrease of nearly 60% is needed to reach the ceilings that are necessary to protect the environment against all adverse impacts of N pollution from agriculture.  相似文献   

Nearly all freshwaters and coastal zones of the US are degraded from inputs of excess reactive nitrogen (Nr), sources of which are runoff, atmospheric N deposition, and imported food and feed. Some major adverse effects include harmful algal blooms, hypoxia of fresh and coastal waters, ocean acidification, long-term harm to human health, and increased emissions of greenhouse gases. Nitrogen fluxes to coastal areas and emissions of nitrous oxide from waters have increased in response to N inputs. Denitrification and sedimentation of organic N to sediments are important processes that divert N from downstream transport. Aquatic ecosystems are particularly important denitrification hotspots. Carbon storage in sediments is enhanced by Nr, but whether carbon is permanently buried is unknown. The effect of climate change on N transport and processing in fresh and coastal waters will be felt most strongly through changes to the hydrologic cycle, whereas N loading is mostly climate-independent. Alterations in precipitation amount and dynamics will alter runoff, thereby influencing both rates of Nr inputs to aquatic ecosystems and groundwater and the water residence times that affect Nr removal within aquatic systems. Both infrastructure and climate change alter the landscape connectivity and hydrologic residence time that are essential to denitrification. While Nr inputs to and removal rates from aquatic systems are influenced by climate and management, reduction of N inputs from their source will be the most effective means to prevent or to minimize environmental and economic impacts of excess Nr to the nation’s water resources.  相似文献   

黄云凤  翟元晓  高兵  崔胜辉 《生态学报》2022,42(11):4676-4687
人口增长和城市化进程促使粮食和肉禽奶类食品需求不断增加,由此带来的农业生产活性氮(Nr)大量排放对生态环境及人类健康的影响日益加剧。黄河流域作为中国的粮食主产区,农业生产活动强度高,为研究其Nr排放规律,采用排放因子法估算2000、2005及2010年黄河流域内9省(区)农业生产不同形态Nr的排放源。结果表明:(1)黄河流域9省(区)中,农业生产Nr排放量最大的为河南省,最小的为四川省,河南省Nr排放量是四川的8倍。(2)4种形态Nr排放量从大到小依次为Nr-wp(排放到水体的Nr)、NH3、N2O和NOx。化学氮肥施用和畜禽散养是NH3排放的最主要贡献源,其次是规模化养殖和放牧饲养,四者贡献率达85%以上。农田作物系统径流、淋洗以及畜禽养殖流失淋洗对Nr-wp排放的贡献率各占1/3左右。四季非蔬菜旱地和畜禽养殖是N2O排放的主要来源,其贡献率之和大于66%。(3)黄河流域内9省(区)单位农业GDP、单位耕地面积、单位农村人口Nr排放强度最大的均为青海省,单位农业GDP和单位农...  相似文献   

赵永强  田冬  刘伟 《生态学报》2023,43(12):5162-5172
人类生活消费是陆地生态系统氮素流动的主要驱动力。定量核算和评估农村居民生活消费氮产生(NRUR)及其活性氮(Nr)排放特征,对农村氮的可持续管理和生态环境改善具有重要的指导意义。以中国为例(2000—2020年),建立了NRUR的产生及其活性氮排放核算框架。结果表明:20年来NRUR上升了36.7%,年均5.62 Tg/a,食物消费氮是最大的贡献源(43.2%),工业日用品和家庭生活燃料消费氮分别占31.5%和25.3%;Nr排放量占NRUR的25.4%(年均1.43 Tg/a),其以年均1.3%速率下降;NH3挥发是最大的Nr排放源(50.1%),其次为排入地表水的Nr(31.0%)、NOx(15.8%)和N2O(2.0%),排入地下水的Nr仅占1.1%。加大人类粪尿排泄物的处置能力,减少秸秆燃料的使用比例、优化农村居民生活能源消费结构对农村居民生活消费Nr减排至关重要。  相似文献   

Anthropogenic addition of reactive nitrogen (Nr) to the biosphere is increasing globally and some terrestrial ecosystems are suffering from a state of excess Nr for biological nitrogen (N) demand, termed N saturation. Here, we review the ecological risks in relation to N saturation and prospective responses to N saturation. Excess Nr increases the risks of local extinction of rare plant species, encouragement of exotic plant species, disturbance of nutrient balance in plant organs, and increase of herbivory in plant communities. On the ecosystem scale, excess bioavailable N induces forest decline, disturbance of nutrient cycling within ecosystems, depending on vegetation, soil, land-use, and N-loading history. These Nr risks will increase in the Asian region, where impacts of Nr in natural terrestrial ecosystems have been scarcely studied. Whether much of the terrestrial ecosystems on a global level are in the sate of N saturation or not is still controversial, but the potential risks of excess Nr seem to be increasing. The fundamental ways to mitigate Nr risks are to reduce Nr production, prevent Nr translocation, and promote conversion of Nr to N2. Temporal, but promising actions against ecological N risks may include management of forests and riparian zones, and carbon addition in grassland.  相似文献   

While the amount of reactive nitrogen circulating at the global level has increased markedly in the last century, the effects of this increase are largely seen at the regional level due to interacting ecological and socio-economic factors. In contrast with most other regions of the world, Latin America and the Caribbean (LA-Ca) stand out due to the fact that the major input of reactive nitrogen (Nr) still occurs naturally via biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in natural ecosystems as opposed to anthropogenic inputs of synthetic fertilizer, fossil fuel combustion and cropping with leguminous species. Largely due to economic reasons, the consumption of fertilizer N in the LA-Ca region is still low in comparison with the average consumption of the world. However, the fertilizer N consumption is increasing at a much faster rate than that in developed regions of the world, like USA and Canada. The Nr production through BNF in cultivated plants that fix nitrogen (C-BNF) is 5 times lower than that occurring naturally in Latin America, but is still equivalent to 16% of the world C-BNF. The cultivation of nitrogen-fixing crop species in the LA-Ca region is also increasing, almost entirely due to the expansion of soybean fields in the central and northern regions of Brazil and the Pampa region of Argentina. Other anthropogenic activities in the region that contribute to an increase in the circulation of reactive nitrogen include the impact of biomass burning and urbanization. In the last decade, an average of 47,000 km2 per year of forests was burned in the LA-Ca region. The environmental impact of urban centers in the LA-Ca region has become very important, since an intense urbanization process is occurring in this region, at an intensity that far exceeds urban development in the northern hemisphere. The consequences of increased urbanization include increased emissions of NO x to the atmosphere due to the fossil fuel combustion, and the lack of sewage treatment facilities in most cities of the LA-Ca result in a large volume of untreated sewage discharged into surface waters, creating serious environmental problems. The combination of rapid urbanization and agricultural intensification in this region suggest that concern is warranted for the potential for increase in the circulation of reactive nitrogen in the very near future. At the same time, the opportunity still exists to mitigate some of the consequences of human impact on the nitrogen cycle in a region that still maintains a large fraction of its natural ecosystems intact.  相似文献   

This study presents the life cycle assessment of electricity generation from straw bales and pellets. Straw is the most abundant biomass residue in Europe and its use for energy purposes is promoted on the premise of high greenhouse gas savings. This assumption has delayed the study of sustainability of straw‐fired systems on a broader sense and the literature on the topic is almost absent. This study uses data from specific literature and emissions inventories to model a number of straw pathways. The plant modeled is a medium‐scale straw‐fired power plant of 50 MWth capacity. The results show that electricity from straw‐fired power plants can indeed realize high greenhouse gas savings compared both with existing coal plants and with the European electricity mix. The savings are in the range 70–94%. The influence of the geographical origin of straw is analyzed by using datasets for the cultivation of wheat in five different European countries. The highest emissions are recorded for the case of straw from Spain due to the small yields, whereas cultivation processes in United Kingdom and the Netherlands show high environmental impacts due to the high level of fertilization. Other environmental impacts are evaluated, such as acidification potential, eutrophication, particulate matter emissions, and photochemical ozone formation. The bioenergy system scores worse than the current European electricity mix for all the categories. However, it is important to notice that in Spain and United Kingdom the straw system shows lower impacts compared with the local average coal electricity. Finally, the study investigates the ‘break‐even’ distance at which the higher emissions from the pellets production are paid off by the saved emissions in their transport compared with the bales. The results show that no reasonable break‐even distance exists for road transport, whereas advantages for pellets are evident in any configuration for transoceanic transport.  相似文献   

A further increase in nitrogen (N) intensive biomass supplies to substitute fossil carbon sources implies inclusion of additional reactive nitrogen (Nr) into the biosphere. A Danish model study compared low‐intensity managed seminatural beech forest and a winter wheat system with respect to N losses and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Losses of reactive N to air and groundwater per unit of energy produced were four to six times higher for the winter wheat system. The energy efficiency was an order of magnitude higher in the forest system, whereas the related GHG emission reduction by fossil coal substitution differed by <25%. The question is whether a low or a high intensity of cultivation yields the best overall ecosystem service performance? Given the detrimental effect of excess reactive N on natural ecosystems, we suggest that bioenergy production from unfertilized forest with seminatural structure and function should be preferred over N‐intensive crop production.  相似文献   

This article, focusing on the flow of bulk construction minerals, establishes a mass balance framework for the North West of England, a region that imports more aggregate material than any other in the United Kingdom. The problems associated with construction minerals are of a different nature than most other resource flow issues: Depletion of resources and contamination are not considered major problems; rather it is the environmental impact resulting from life-cycle stages from extraction, transport, processing, through to final disposal that is most important. A mass balance framework can promote a better understanding of the regional flow of materials, and the impact of human activity on surrounding ecosystems, and hence underpin informed decision making. This is of particular relevance at the current time because increasing political emphasis is placed on sustainable resource management and resource productivity at the United Kingdom and European Union levels. Using a mass balance framework to analyze the sustainability impacts of construction and mineral flows in the North West of England, this study finds that flows resulting from construction activity account for 34,075 terajoules (TJ) of energy resulting in 2,701 gigagrams (Gg) of carbon dioxide emissions related to energy use, and 387 Gg of carbon dioxide emissions related to the transportation of the minerals. Against these impacts, the flow of bulk construction mineral salso supports 147,000 jobs within the region.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background Life cycle inventories (LCIs) of agricultural products, infrastructure, inputs and processes are required to optimise food supply chains. In the past, the use of LCA was hindered by the limited availability of databases with LCIs for such agricultural inputs, processes and products in combination with LCIs of other major economic sectors. The ecoinvent database covers this need for the Swiss, and to an extent, the European context. A suitable approach had to be outlined for defining representative datasets for products from arable crops, since there was no comprehensive survey of agricultural production.Methods No single data source was available for defining representative datasets for arable crops. It was therefore decided to define model crops on the basis of a variety of sources in collaboration with experts on the crops in question. The datasets were validated by experts and by comparison with literature. Field emissions were calculated using a set of models taking into account situation-specific parameters. Data defined by this procedure are more generally usable, but their definition is also more laborious. Results and Discussion Selected results (inventories and impact assessment) are presented for infrastructure (buildings, machinery), work processes, fertilisers, pesticides, seed and arable crop products. Infrastructure has a higher share of environmental impacts than in typical industrial processes, often due to low utilisation rates. Energy use is dominated by mechanisation, the use of mineral fertilisers (particularly nitrogen) and grain drying. Eutrophication is caused mainly by nitrogen compounds. In general, field emissions are of decisive importance for many environmental impacts. Conclusion and Outlook The ecoinvent database provides representative agricultural data for the Swiss, and to an extent, the European context. It also provides the meta-information necessary for deciding whether a dataset is suitable for the purpose of a particular LCA study. To further improve the representativeness of the datasets, an environmental farm monitoring network is required.  相似文献   



Recent life cycle assessment studies for vegetable products have identified the agricultural stage as one of the most important contributors to the environmental impacts for these products, while vegetable production systems are characterized by specific but also widely diverse production conditions. In this context, a review aiming at comparing the potential impacts of vegetable products and analyzing the relevance of the methods and data used for the inventory of the farm stage appeared necessary.


Ten papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals or ISO-compliant reports were selected. First, a presentation of the selected papers was done to compare the goal and scope and the life cycle inventory data to the related sections in the ILCD Handbook. Second, a quantitative review of input flows and life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) results (global warming, eutrophication, and acidification) was based on a cropping system typology and on a classification per product group. Third, an in-depth analysis of the methods used to estimate field emissions of reactive nitrogen was proposed.

Results and discussion

The heated greenhouse system types showed the greatest global warming potential. The giant bean group showed the greatest acidification and eutrophication potentials per kilogram of product, while the tomato group showed the greatest acidification and eutrophication potentials per unit of area. Main sources of variations for impacts across systems were yields and inputs variations and system expansion rules. Overall, the ability to compare the environmental impact for these diverse vegetable products from cradle-to-harvest was hampered by (1) weaknesses regarding transparency of goal and scope, (2) a lack of representativeness and completeness of data used for the field stage, and (3) heterogeneous and inadequate methods for estimating field emissions. In particular, methods to estimate reactive nitrogen emissions were applied beyond their validity domain.

Conclusions and recommendations

This first attempt at comparing the potential impacts of vegetable products pinpointed several gaps in terms of data and methods to reach representative LCIA results for the field production stage. To better account for the specificities of vegetable cropping systems and improve the overall quality of their LCA studies, our key recommendations were (1) to include systematically phosphorus, water, and pesticide fluxes and characterize associated impacts, such as eutrophication, toxicity, and water deprivation; (2) to better address space and time representativeness for field stage inventory data through better sampling procedures and reporting transparency; and (3) to use best available methods and when possible more mechanistic tools for estimating Nr emissions.  相似文献   

Forests are a significant pool of terrestrial carbon. A key feature related to forest biomass harvesting and use is the typical time difference between carbon release into and sequestration from the atmosphere. Traditionally, the use of sustainably grown biomass has been considered as carbon neutral in life cycle assessment (LCA) studies. However, various approaches to account for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and sinks of forest biomass acquisition and use have also been developed and applied, resulting in different conclusions on climate impacts of forest products. The aim of this study is to summarize, clarify, and assess the suitability of these approaches for LCA. A literature review is carried out, and the results are analyzed through an assessment framework. The different approaches are reviewed through their approach to the definition of reference land‐use situation, consideration of time frame and timing of carbon emissions and sequestration, substitution credits, and indicators applied to measure climate impacts. On the basis of the review, it is concluded that, to account for GHG emissions and the related climate impacts objectively, biomass carbon stored in the products and the timing of sinks and emissions should be taken into account in LCA. The reference situation for forest land use has to be defined appropriately, describing the development in the absence of the studied system. We suggest the use of some climate impact indicator that takes the timing of the emissions and sinks into consideration and enables the use of different time frames. If substitution credits are considered, they need to be transparently presented in the results. Instead of carbon stock values taken from the literature, the use of dynamic forest models is recommended.  相似文献   

Incorporating the beneficial use of industrial by‐products into the industrial ecology of an urban region as a substitute or supplement for natural aggregate can potentially reduce life cycle impacts. This article specifically looks at the utilization of industrial by‐products (IBPs) (coal ash, foundry sand, and foundry slag) as aggregate for roadway sub‐base construction for the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, urban region. The scenarios compare the use of virgin aggregate with the use of a combination of both virgin and IBP aggregate, where the aggregate material is selected based on proximity to the construction site and allows for minimization of transportation impacts. The results indicate that the use of IBPs to supplement virgin aggregate on a regional level has the potential of reducing impacts related to energy use, global warming potential, and emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), PM10 (particulate matter—10 microns), mercury (Hg), and lead (Pb). Regional management of industrial by‐products would allow for the incorporation of these materials into the industrial ecology of a region and reduce impacts from the disposal of the IBP materials and the extraction of virgin materials and minimize the impacts from transportation. The combination of reduced economic and environmental costs provides a strong argument for state transportation agencies to develop symbiotic relationships with large IBP producers in their regions to minimize impacts associated with roadway construction and maintenance—with the additional benefit of improved management of these materials.  相似文献   

Improved animal health can reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity in livestock systems while increasing productivity. Integrated modelling of disease impacts on farm-scale emissions is important in identifying effective health strategies to reduce emissions. However, it requires that modellers understand the pathways linking animal health to emissions and how these might be incorporated into models. A key barrier to meeting this need has been the lack of a framework to facilitate effective exchange of knowledge and data between animal health experts and emissions modellers. Here, these two communities engaged in workshops, online exchanges and a survey to i) identify a comprehensive list of disease-related model parameters and ii) test its application to evaluating models. Fifty-six parameters were identified and proved effective in assessing the potential of farm-scale models to characterise livestock disease impacts on GHG emissions. Easy wins for the emissions models surveyed include characterising disease impacts related to feeding.  相似文献   

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