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We have studied the fate of neurofilament proteins (NFPs) in mouse retinal ganglion cell (RGC) neurons from 1 to 180 d after synthesis and examined the proximal-to-distal distribution of the newly synthesized 70-, 140-, and 200-kD subunits along RGC axons relative to the distribution of neurofilaments. Improved methodology for intravitreal delivery of [3H]proline enabled us to quantitate changes in the accumulation and subsequent decline of radiolabeled NFP subunits at various postinjection intervals and, for the first time, to estimate the steady state levels of NFPs in different pools within axons. Two pools of newly synthesized triplet NFPs were distinguished based on their kinetics of disappearance from a 9-mm "axonal window" comprising the optic nerve and tract and their temporal-spatial distribution pattern along axons. The first pool disappeared exponentially between 17 and 45 d after injection with a half-life of 20 d. Its radiolabeled wavefront advanced along axons at 0.5-0.7 mm/d before reaching the distal end of the axonal window at 17 d, indicating that this loss represented the exit of neurofilament proteins composing the slowest phase of axoplasmic transport (SCa or group V) from axons. About 32% of the total pool of radiolabeled neurofilament proteins, however, remained in axons after 45 d and disappeared exponentially at a much slower rate (t 1/2 = 55 d). This second NFP pool assumed a nonuniform distribution along axons that was characterized proximally to distally by a 2.5-fold gradient of increasing radioactivity. This distribution pattern did not change between 45 and 180 d indicating that neurofilament proteins in the second pool constitute a relatively stationary structure in axons. Based on the relative radioactivities and residence time (or turnover) of each neurofilament pool in axons, we estimate that, in the steady state, more neurofilament proteins in mouse RGC axons may be stationary than are undergoing continuous slow axoplasmic transport. This conclusion was supported by biochemical analyses of total NFP content and by electron microscopic morphometric studies of neurofilament distribution along RGC axons. The 70-, 140-, and 200-kD subunits displayed a 2.5-fold proximal to distal gradient of increasing content along RGC axons. Neurofilaments were more numerous at distal axonal levels, paralleling the increased content of NFP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have examined the distribution of microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) in the lumbar segment of spinal cord, ventral and dorsal roots, and dorsal root ganglia of control and beta,beta'-iminodipropionitrile- treated rats. The peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique was used for light and electron microscopic immunohistochemical studies with two monoclonal antibodies directed against different epitopes of Chinese hamster brain MAP2, designated AP9 and AP13. MAP2 immunoreactivity was present in axons of spinal motor neurons, but was not detected in axons of white matter tracts of spinal cord and in the majority of axons of the dorsal root. A gradient of staining intensity among dendrites, cell bodies, and axons of spinal motor neurons was present, with dendrites staining most intensely and axons the least. While dendrites and cell bodies of all neurons in the spinal cord were intensely positive, neurons of the dorsal root ganglia were variably stained. The axons of labeled dorsal root ganglion cells were intensely labeled up to their bifurcation; beyond this point, while only occasional central processes in dorsal roots were weakly stained, the majority of peripheral processes in spinal nerves were positive. beta,beta'- Iminodipropionitrile produced segregation of microtubules and membranous organelles from neurofilaments in the peripheral nervous system portion and accumulation of neurofilaments in the central nervous system portion of spinal motor axons. While both anti-MAP2 hybridoma antibodies co-localized with microtubules in the central nervous system portion, only one co-localized with microtubules in the peripheral nervous system portion of spinal motor axons, while the other antibody co-localized with neurofilaments and did not stain the central region of the axon which contained microtubules. These findings suggest that (a) MAP2 is present in axons of spinal motor neurons, albeit in a lower concentration or in a different form than is present in dendrites, and (b) the MAP2 in axons interacts with both microtubules and neurofilaments.  相似文献   

To begin to understand the regulation and roles of neurofilament phosphorylation, we localized the phosphorylated domains on the 140-145-kDa neurofilament subunit (NF-M) and identified the protein kinases that may specifically phosphorylate the sites within these domains in vivo. Mouse retinal ganglion cells were labeled in vivo by injecting mice intravitreally with [32P]orthophosphate, and neurofilament-enriched fractions were obtained from the optic axons. Two-dimensional phosphopeptide map analysis of NF-M after digestion with alpha-chymotrypsin and trypsin revealed seven major (M8-M14) and at least eight minor (M1-M7 and M15) phosphopeptides. Two-dimensional phosphopeptide map analyses of NF-M phosphorylated in vitro by individual purified or endogenous axonal cytoskeleton-associated protein kinases showed that five peptides (M9-M13) were substrates for the heparin-sensitive second messenger-independent protein kinase(s). Protein kinase A and/or protein kinase C phosphorylated eight other peptides (M1-M8). Two alpha-chymotryptic peptides (C1 and C2) that were phosphorylated by protein kinase A but not by the endogenous independent kinase(s) were isolated by high performance liquid chromatography on a reverse-phase C8 column. Partial sequence analysis of peptides C1 (S R V S G P S ...) and C2 (S R G S P S T V S ...) showed that the peptides were localized on the head domain of NF-M at 25 and 41 residues from the amino terminus, respectively. Tryptic digest of peptide C1 (less than 12 kDa) generated the phosphopeptides M1-M6. Peptide C2 was a breakdown product of peptide C1. Since the polypeptide sites targeted by second messenger-independent kinase(s) associated with neurofilaments are localized on the carboxyl-terminal domain, separate aspects of NF-M function appear to be regulated by separate kinase systems that selectively phosphorylate head or tail domains of the polypeptide.  相似文献   

Two classes of polyomavirus large T antigen were distinguished, differing in their modes of association with the cell nucleus. A weakly associated class, the nucleoplasmic T antigen, representing 30 to 40% of the total, was solubilized when cells were lysed isotonic buffer at pH 7.2. A more tightly bound class retained in isolated nuclei, the retained T antigen, was extractable either at pH 9.0 or in 2 M NaCl. The retained T antigen contained an additional mole of phosphate, 4 mol of PO4 per mol of T antigen, compared with the nucleoplasmic T antigen (3 mol of PO4 per mol of T antigen). Limit digestion with staphylococcal V8 protease yielded equivalent amounts of five peptides ranging in size from 7.5 to 20 kilodaltons. Additional phosphorylation within a 12-kilodalton peptide accounted for most of the difference in phosphate content between retained and nucleoplasmic T-antigen classes.  相似文献   

Previous immunohistochemical studies of the long-term effects of the noradrenergic neurotoxin DSP-4 have demonstrated a remarkably selective vulnerability of norepinephrine (NE) axons of the locus coeruleus (LC). NE axons originating in non-LC NE neurons appear to be largely resistant to the neurotoxic action of DSP-4. We conducted this study to evaluate the acute effects of DSP-4 on NE axons in four different brain regions: cerebral cortex, cerebellum, ventral forebrain, and hypothalamus. NE levels were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) 6 and 24 hr and 14 days after DSP-4 administration. NE axons in these brain regions were visualized in brain sections at 6 and 24 hr after drug treatment, using a specific antiserum to NE. HPLC assays revealed profound reductions of NE levels in cerebral cortex and cerebellum, but only minor decreases in ventral forebrain and hypothalamus. NE immunohistochemistry showed dramatic differences in the acute effects of DSP-4 on NE axon staining: nearly complete loss of staining in cortex and cerebellum, in contrast to an almost unchanged staining pattern in ventral forebrain and hypothalamus. This study demonstrates that NE immunohistochemistry is a valuable tool to assess the acute effects of DSP-4 on NE axons in different brain regions. The results provide the first direct evidence that NE axons are not uniformly acted on by DSP-4 and suggest that the acute effects of DSP-4 are restricted to LC axons.  相似文献   

The intrinsic circuitry of the motor cortex comprises a complex network of connections whose synaptic relationships are poorly understood. This study was designed to determine the characteristics of subsets of GABAergic neurons containing the calcium-binding proteins parvalbumin (PV) and calbindin (CB), and their relationships with intrinsic axons in motor cortex. Immunohistochemically identified PV-containing neuronal profiles were more evenly distributed across cortical laminae (38% in II-III, 32% inV, 30% in VI) and more numerous (2.1/1) than CB-containing neuronal profiles (71% in II-III, 17% in V, 12% in VI). Relationships between neurons and axons intrinsic to motor cortex were visualized with fluorescent markers using the laser scanning confocal microscope. Similar percentages of PV (43%) and CB-immunoreactive (IR) (40%) neurons formed sparsely distributed appositions (1-5/neuron) with anterogradely labeled axons. The mean distances of such appositions from the somata were significantly different for the two groups (PV, mean = 22 microm, range = 1.6-93 microm; CB, mean = 32 microm, range = 6.2-132 microm). PV-IR neurons had a lower ratio of axosomatic/axodendritic appositions (1/99) compared with CB-IR neurons (14/86). Ultrastructural studies confirmed these findings. Fifty-seven percent of CB-IR neurons and 38% of PV-IR neurons formed synapses with intrinsic axons. Both populations received sparse input (1-6 synapses/neuron). Nearly all appositions between labeled terminals and postsynaptic profiles formed one synapse. Postsynaptic dendrites of PV-IR neurons (mean = 1.4 microm diameter) were larger than those of CB-IR neurons (mean = 1.1 microm), indicating more proximal synapses. Distinct input patterns of intrinsic axons to the two populations of neurons suggest unique roles in cortical processing.  相似文献   

The intrinsic circuitry of the motor cortex comprises a complex network of connections whose synaptic relationships are poorly understood. This study was designed to determine the characteristics of subsets of GABAergic neurons containing the calcium-binding proteins parvalbumin (PV) and calbindin (CB), and their relationships with intrinsic axons in motor cortex. Immunohistochemically identified PV-containing neuronal profiles were more evenly distributed across cortical laminae (38% in II-III, 32% in V, 30% in VI) and more numerous (2.1/1) than CB-containing neuronal profiles (71% in II-III, 17% in V, 12% in VI). Relationships between neurons and axons intrinsic to motor cortex were visualized with fluorescent markers using the laser scanning confocal microscope. Similar percentages of PV (43%) and CBimmunoreactive (IR) (40%) neurons formed sparsely distributed appositions (1-5/neuron) with anterogradely labeled axons. The mean distances of such appositions from the somata were significantly different for the two groups (PV, mean =22 mum, range = 1.6-93 mum; CB, mean = 32 mum, range = 6.2-132 mum). PV-IR neurons had a lower ratio of axosomatic/ axodendritic appositions (1/99) compared with CB-IR neurons (14/86). Ultrastructural studies confirmed these findings. Fifty-seven percent of CB-IR neurons and 38% of PV-IR neurons formed synapses with intrinsic axons. Both populations received sparse input (1-6 synapses/neuron). Nearly all appositions between labeled terminals and postsynaptic profiles formed one synapse. Postsynaptic dendrites of PV-IR neurons (mean = 1.4 mum diameter) were larger than those of CB-IR neurons (mean = 1.1 mum), indicating more proximal synapses. Distinct input patterns of intrinsic axons to the two populations of neurons suggest unique roles in cortical processing.  相似文献   

The phosphorylated carboxyl-terminal "tail" domains of the neurofilament (NF) subunits, NF heavy (NF-H) and NF medium (NF-M) subunits, have been proposed to regulate axon radial growth, neurofilament spacing, and neurofilament transport rate, but direct in vivo evidence is lacking. Because deletion of the tail domain of NF-H did not alter these axonal properties (Rao, M.V., M.L. Garcia, Y. Miyazaki, T. Gotow, A. Yuan, S. Mattina, C.M. Ward, N.S. Calcutt, Y. Uchiyama, R.A. Nixon, and D.W. Cleveland. 2002. J. Cell Biol. 158:681-693), we investigated possible functions of the NF-M tail domain by constructing NF-M tail-deleted (NF-MtailDelta) mutant mice using an embryonic stem cell-mediated "gene knockin" approach that preserves normal ratios of the three neurofilament subunits. Mutant NF-MtailDelta mice exhibited severely inhibited radial growth of both motor and sensory axons. Caliber reduction was accompanied by reduced spacing between neurofilaments and loss of long cross-bridges with no change in neurofilament protein content. These observations define distinctive functions of the NF-M tail in regulating axon caliber by modulating the organization of the neurofilament network within axons. Surprisingly, the average rate of axonal transport of neurofilaments was unaltered despite these substantial effects on axon morphology. These results demonstrate that NF-M tail-mediated interactions of neurofilaments, independent of NF transport rate, are critical determinants of the size and cytoskeletal architecture of axons, and are mediated, in part, by the highly phosphorylated tail domain of NF-M.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) has been reported to require binding of 14-3-3 proteins for optimal activation by phosphorylation. We examined the effects of phosphorylation at Ser19, Ser31 and Ser40 of bovine TH and human TH isoforms on their binding to the 14-3-3 proteins BMH1/BMH2, as well as 14-3-3 zeta and a mixture of sheep brain 14-3-3 proteins. Phosphorylation of Ser31 did not result in 14-3-3 binding, however, phosphorylation of TH on Ser40 increased its affinity towards the yeast 14-3-3 isoforms BMH1/BMH2 and sheep brain 14-3-3, but not for 14-3-3 zeta. On phosphorylation of both Ser19 and Ser40, binding to the 14-3-3 zeta isoform also occurred, and the binding affinity to BMH1 and sheep brain 14-3-3 increased. Both phosphoserine-specific antibodies directed against the 10 amino acids surrounding Ser19 or Ser40 of TH, and the phosphorylated peptides themselves, inhibited the association between phosphorylated TH and 14-3-3 proteins. This was also found when heparin was added, or after proteolytic removal of the N-terminal 37 amino acids of Ser40-phosphorylated TH. Binding of BMH1 to phosphorylated TH decreased the rate of dephosphorylation by protein phosphatase 2A, but no significant change in enzymatic activity was observed in the presence of BMH1. These findings further support a role for 14-3-3 proteins in the regulation of catecholamine biosynthesis and demonstrate isoform specificity for both TH and 14-3-3 proteins.  相似文献   

Vitellogenin (Vtg), a large lipoglycophosphoprotein, is the most important precursor of the yolk proteins, and the major source of nutrients for the developing embryo in oviparous species. After its uptake by the oocytes, Vtg is converted into lipovitellins (high and light) and phosvitin, which are deposited into crystalline yolk platelets. We describe here the presence of two high molecular mass lipovitellin isoforms in Bufo arenarum mature oocytes with masses of 113 and 100 kDa, respectively. The amino acid sequence analysis of p113 and p100 peptides showed a high sequence homology between both polypeptides and the complete reported sequences of Xenopus laevis vitellogenin. Using specific antibodies, we determined that the Vtg uptake begins early during oogenesis, at the previtellogenic stage, and continues until oocytes have reached their mature status. In addition, we found that large endocytic vesicles mediate Vtg uptake in stage I oocytes, and that the size of the endocytic vesicles declines with oogenesis progression. In terms of the Vtg protein trafficking, we detected the Vtg precursor (190 kDa) in the liver of estradiol-injected females. Finally, we propose a subclassification of B. arenarum stage II oocytes into three physiologically and morphologically distinct periods (early, mid and late).  相似文献   

Plasmalogen is a major phospholipid of mammalian cell membranes. Recently it is becoming evident that the sn-1 vinyl-ether linkage in plasmalogen, contrasting to the ester linkage in the counterpart diacyl glycerophospholipid, yields differential molecular characteristics for these lipids especially related to hydrocarbon-chain order, so as to concertedly regulate biological membrane processes. A role played by NMR in gaining information in this respect, ranging from molecular to tissue levels, draws particular attention. We note here that a broad range of enzymes in de novo synthesis pathway of plasmalogen commonly constitute that of diacyl glycerophospholipid. This fact forms the basis for systematic crosstalk that not only controls a quantitative balance between these lipids, but also senses a defect causing loss of lipid in either pathway for compensation by increase of the counterpart lipid. However, this inherent counterbalancing mechanism paradoxically amplifies imbalance in differential effects of these lipids in a diseased state on membrane processes. While sharing of enzymes has been recognized, it is now possible to overview the crosstalk with growing information for specific enzymes involved. The overview provides a fundamental clue to consider cell and tissue type-dependent schemes in regulating membrane processes by plasmalogen and diacyl glycerophospholipid in health and disease.  相似文献   

The DNA double strand break repair gene XRCC4, an important caretaker of genome stability and XRCC3 are suggested to play an imperative role in the development of carcinogenesis. However, no evidence has been provided showing that these genes are associated with risk of urinary bladder cancer (UBC). The study was designed to examine the polymorphisms associated with two genes namely XRCC4 G1394T (rs6869366), intron 3 (rs28360317), intron 7 rs1805377 and rs2836007 and XRCC3 (rs861539 and rs1799796), respectively and investigate their role as susceptible markers for UBC risk in North Indian cohort. In this hospital-based case–control study histologically confirmed 211 UBC patients and 244 age and gender matched controls of similar ethnicity were genotyped by means of PCR-RFLP. Significant different distributions in the frequency of the XRCC4 intron 3 genotype, but not the XRCC4 G1394T or intron 7 genotypes, between the UBC and control groups were observed. XRCC4 intron 7 Del/Del conferred enhanced risk (OR 1.94; P 0.017) in UBC. Interestingly, XRCC −1394 G>T variant genotype GG was associated with reduced risk (OR 0.27; P 0.020). However, none of the four polymorphisms in XRCC4 were associated with tobacco smoking and risk of recurrence in patients treated with BCG immunotherapy. Similarly, none of the XRCC3 polymorphisms were associated with UBC susceptibility. Our results suggested that the XRCC4 intron 3 rs6869366 genotype and intron 7 rs28360317 may be associated with UBC risk and may be a novel useful marker for primary prevention and anticancer intervention.  相似文献   

Bifunctional cross-linking reagents DSP, DSS, and BSOCOES were used to cross-link 125I-surface-labeled viable T lymphocytes. The cross-linked cells were solubilized in Nonidet-P40, immunoprecipitated with anti-Ti (monoclonal antibody T40/25) or anti-T3 (monoclonal antibodies UCHT-1 or OKT3), and analyzed by SDS-PAGE. With all three cross-linkers, the intact cross-linked products obtained with monoclonal antibody T40/25 from HPB-ALL cells were 20-30 kd heavier than the Ti dimer (Mr 80,000). When the DSP cross-linked product was isolated using either anti-Ti or anti-T3 monoclonal antibodies and then cleaved, bands having molecular weights identical with both the Ti and T3 subunits were obtained. The two-dimensional SDS-PAGE analysis (nonreducing followed by reducing conditions) of the DSS and BSOCOES cross-linked products revealed the specifically cross-linked bands to have Mr 40,000 and Mr 28,000. These data indicate that the Ti molecule and the T3 molecule are spatially associated on the cell surface and suggest the predominant association is between the Ti beta subunit (Mr 40,000) and the T3 heavy subunit (Mr 28,000).  相似文献   

Periodontal disease (PD) is the most common inflammatory disease of the oral cavity of domestic carnivores. In Human Medicine molecular genetics research showed that several genes play a role in the predisposition and progression of this complex disease, primarily through the regulation of inflammatory mediators, but the exactly mechanisms are poorly understood. This study aims to contribute to the characterization of the genetic basis of PD in the dog, a classically accepted model in Periodontology. We searched for genetic variations in the interleukin-6 (IL6) gene, in order to verify its association with PD in a case-control study including 25 dogs in the PD case group and 45 dogs in the control group. We indentified and characterized three new genetic variations in IL6 gene. No statistically significant differences were detected between the control and PD cases groups. Our results do not support an evidence for a major role contribution of these variants in the susceptibility to PD in the analyzed population. Nevertheless, the sequence variant I/5_g.105 G > A leads to an amino acid change (arginine to glutamine) and was predicted to be possibly damaging to the IL6 protein. A larger cohort and functional studies would be of extreme importance in a near future to understand the possible role of IL6 variants in this disease.  相似文献   

The carbocyanine dye, DiI, has been used to study the retinal origin of the uncrossed retinofugal component of the mouse and to show the course taken by these fibres through the optic nerve and chiasm during development. Optic axons first arrive at the chiasm at embryonic day 13 (E13) but do not cross the midline until E14. After this stage, fibres taking an uncrossed course can be selectively labelled by unilateral tract implants of DiI. The earliest ipsilaterally projecting ganglion cells are located in the dorsal central retina. The first sign of the adult pattern of distribution of ganglion cells with uncrossed axons located mainly in the ventrotemporal retina is seen on embryonic day 16.5, thus showing that the adult line of decussation forms early in development. A small number of labelled cells continue to be found in nasal and dorsal retina at all later stages. At early stages (E14-15), retrogradely labelled uncrossed fibres are found in virtually all fascicles of the developing nerve, intermingling with crossed axons throughout the length of the nerve. At later stages of development (E16-17), although uncrossed fibres pass predominantly within the temporal part of the stalk, they remain intermingled with crossed axons. A significant number of uncrossed axons also lie within the nasal part of the optic stalk. The position of uncrossed fibres throughout the nerve in the later developmental stages is comparable to that seen in the adult rodent (Baker and Jeffery, 1989). The distribution of uncrossed axons thus indicates that positional cues are not sufficient to account for the choice made by axons when they reach the optic chiasm.  相似文献   

A high molecular mass aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase complex has been isolated from a murine erythroleukemia cell line. This multienzyme complex contains activities for the arginyl-, aspartyl-, glutamyl-, glutaminyl-, isoleucyl,- leucyl-, lysyl-, methionyl-, and prolyl-tRNA synthetases. This enzyme composition, the polypeptide pattern observed upon sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and the relative stoichiometry of the component polypeptides are characteristic of high molecular mass complexes of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases isolated from a variety of mammalian tissues and cell types. Negatively stained preparations of native complex and of glutaraldehyde-treated material have been examined by electron microscopy. In both cases, a distinctive particle is observed which appears in several orientations. The most common views are of two different projections of a squarish particle that measures approximately 27 x 27 nm. Other commonly observed views are of a "U" shape, a rectangle, and a triangle. All of these views are seen in both gradient-purified samples and those prepared directly from material as isolated. These data are consistent with a model for the multienzyme aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase complex as a "cup" or elongated U structure. These studies demonstrate that the high molecular mass complex of eukaryotic aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases does have a coherent structure that can be visualized by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

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