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A sporulating, aerobic Bacillus sp., isolated from Chimanimani hot springs, Zimbabwe, produced endoglucanase when cultured on medium with initial pH between 5.0 and 9.0 and at 30 to 60°C. Optimal production of endoglucanase was at pH 6.0. The enzyme was constitutively produced when the organism was cultured on starch, cellobiose, carboxymethylcellulose, sucrose, glucose, galactose, Avicel, lactose, mannose or maltose.The authors are with the Fermentation and Food Group, Department of Biochemistry, University of Zimbabwe, Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe  相似文献   

A bacterium capable of degrading microcystin-RR (MC-RR) was isolated from a Saudi eutrophic lake which was previously reported to have microcystin-producing cyanobacteria. Based on the analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence, the isolated strain SSZ01, most likely belong to the genus Bacillus with a highest sequence similarity (99%) with Bacillus flexus strain EMGA5. It was found that B. flexus strain SSZ01, possesses an mlrA gene encoding the most important enzyme for MC degradation. This strain was capable of degrading MC-RR, at a concentration of 10 mg l−1, in batch experiments under environmentally relevant conditions. The degradation of MC-RR was completely removed within 4 d. The degradation of MC-RR by this strain occurred in a rich medium nutrient broth (NB), indicating that this could likely occur along with other organic compounds found in the environment. Therefore, the coexistence of such bacteria with MCs in the same environment can contribute to the self-purification of the ecosystem from such potent toxins. This is the first study to report that B. flexus can degrade MCs.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to isolate bacterial strains capable of biologically removing tungstate (WO42−). Thirty-eight water samples were collected from various areas of Anzali lagoon, Iran. Initial screening of a total of 100 bacterial isolates at pH 5, resulted in the selection of one isolate with maximum adsorption capacity of 65.4 mg tungstate/g dry weight. It was tentatively identified as Bacillus sp. according to morphological and biochemical properties and named strain MGG-83. Tungsten concentration was measured spectrophotometrically using the dithiol method. Higher adsorption capacity was observed in the acidic pH ranging from 1 to 3. At pH 2, the strain removed 274.4 mg tungstate/g dry weight within 5 min from the solution with 300 mg WO42−/l initial concentration and thereafter adsorption rate decreased remarkably. The applicability of the Freundlich isotherm for representation of the experimental data was investigated. Using 1 mM sodium azide and 10 mM 2,4−dinitrophenol, it was shown that only 20% reduction occurred in adsorption and steam sterilization of the bacterial cells resulted in 11% decrease in tungstate uptake. Temperature variations (20–40°C) had no significant effect on tungstate uptake. Pretreatment with the cations had no effect in uptake but pretreatment with anions decreased the tungstate uptake as indicated: sulfate > chromate > nitrate > molybdate > selenate > rhenate. Tungstate was removed from metal-laden biomass after desorption treatments by addition of different desorbing solutions with the results sodium acetate > EDTA > NaCl > KOH > H2SO4.  相似文献   

Microbial colonization of petroleum industry systems takes place through the formation of biofilms, and can result in biodeterioration of the metal surfaces. In a previous study, two oil reservoir Bacillus strains (Bacillus licheniformis T6-5 and Bacillus firmus H2O-1) were shown to produce antimicrobial substances (AMS) active against different Bacillus strains and a consortium of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) on solid medium. However, neither their ability to form biofilms nor the effect of the AMS on biofilm formation was adequately addressed. Therefore, here, we report that three Bacillus strains (Bacillus pumilus LF4—used as an indicator strain, B. licheniformis T6-5, and B. firmus H2O-1), and an oil reservoir SRB consortium (T6lab) were grown as biofilms on glass surfaces. The AMS produced by strains T6-5 and H2O-1 prevented the formation of B. pumilus LF4 biofilm and also eliminated pre-established LF4 biofilm. In addition, the presence of AMS produced by H2O-1 reduced the viability and attachment of the SRB consortium biofilm by an order of magnitude. Our results suggest that the AMS produced by Bacillus strains T6-5 and H2O-1 may have a potential for pipeline-cleaning technologies to inhibit biofilm formation and consequently reduce biocorrosion.  相似文献   

A strain of Bacillus produced an amylase with properties characteristically different from known bacterial amylases. The purified 80 kDa protein of pI 5.1 dextrinized starch, glycogen and pullulan. The temperature and pH optima of the enzyme were 60 °C and 6.6 respectively. In the presence of 0.05 M CaCl2, the enzyme retained stability for 15 min at 80 °C. Antibodies raised to the amylase protein showed no reaction with -amylases of Bacillus sp. and B. licheniformis. In culture, proteolytic degradation of the enzyme was observed.  相似文献   

Xylanase production was performed by growing a Bacillus isolate on agricultural by-products, wheat straw, wheat bran, corn cobs and cotton bagasse. A maximum xylanase activity of 180 U/ml was obtained together with a cellulase activity of 0.03 U/ml on 4 (w/v) corn cobs. Electrophoretic analysis showed the presence of three endo--1, 4-xylanases having molecular weights of about 22, 23 and 40 kDa. Xylanolytic activity was stable up to 50 °C in the pH range of 4.5–10 and the highest activity was observed at 70 °C and pH 6.5.  相似文献   

Alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. strain 41M-1, isolated from soil, produced xylan-degrading enzymes extracellularly. Optimum pH for the crude xylanase preparation was about pH 9, confirming the production of novel alkaline xylanase(s) by the isolate. Xylanases were induced by xylan, but were not produced in the presence of xylose, arabinose or glucose. Xylanase productivity was influenced by culture pH, and production at pH 10.5 was higher than that at pH 8.0. Zymogram analysis of the culture supernatant showed the alkaline xylanase with a molecular mass of 36 kDa.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis INTA 7-3, INTA 51-3, INTA Mo9-5 and INTA Mo14-4 strains were obtained from Argentina and characterized by determination of serotype, toxicity, plasmid composition, insecticidal gene content ( cry and vip ) and the cloning of the single- vip3A gene of the INTA Mo9-5 strain. The serotype analysis identified the serovars tohokuensis and darmstadiensis for the INTA 51-3 and INTA Mo14-4 strains, respectively, whereas the INTA Mo9-5 strain was classified as "autoagglutinated". In contrast to the plasmid patterns of INTA 7-3, INTA 51-3 and INTA Mo9-5 (which were similar to B. thuringiensis HD-1 strain), strain INTA Mo14-4 showed a unique plasmid array. PCR analysis of the four strains revealed the presence of cry genes and vip3A genes. Interestingly, it was found that B. thuringiensis 4Q7 strain, which is a plasmid cured strain, contained vip3A genes indicating the presence of these insecticidal genes in the chromosome. Bioassays towards various lepidopteran species revealed that B. thuringiensis INTA Mo9-5 and INTA 7-3 strains were highly active. In particular, the mean LC(50) obtained against A. gemmatalis larvae with the INTA Mo9-5 and INTA 7-3 strains were 7 (5.7-8.6) and 6.7 (5.6-8.0) ppm, respectively. The INTA Mo14-4 strain was non-toxic and strain INTA 51-3 showed only a weak larvicidal activity.  相似文献   

Bacteriocins are antimicrobial peptides synthesized and secreted by bacteria and could potentially be used as natural food preservatives. Here, we report the production of bacteriocin-like inhibitor substances (Bt-BLIS) by five Mexican strains of Bacillus thuringiensis. Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. morrisoni (LBIT 269), B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (LBIT 287), B. thuringiensis subsp kenyae (LBIT 404), B. thuringiensis subsp. entomocidus (LBIT 420) and B. thuringiensis subsp. tolworthi (LBIT 524) produced proteinaceous Bt-BLIS with high levels of activity against Bacillus cereus and other gram-positive bacteria. Although none was active against the gram-negative bacteria, Escherichia coli, Shigella species and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the five Bt-BLIS demonstrated antimicrobial activity against Vibrio cholerae, the etiologic agent of cholera. Biochemical and biophysical studies demonstrated that the five Bt-BLIS could be categorized into two groups, those produced by LBIT 269 and 287 (Group A) and LBIT 404, 420, 524 (Group B), based on relative time of peptide synthesis, distinctive bacterial target specificity and stability in a wide range of temperatures and pH. Because of their stability and bactericidal activities against B. cereus and V. cholerae agents of emetic, diarrheal and lethal syndromes in humans, these Bt-BLIS could potentially be used as biodegradable preservatives in the food industry.  相似文献   

An alkaline cellulase from Bacillus sp. HSH-810 was purified 8.7-fold with a 30% yield and a specific activity of 71 U mg–1 protein. It was optimally active at pH 10 and 50 °C and was stable from pH 6 to 10 with more than 60% activity remaining after heating at 60 °C for 60 min. The molecular mass of cellulase was 80 kDa. It was inhibited by 50% by Fe3+ (1 mM) and Mn2+ (0.1 mM) but was relatively insensitive to Hg2+ and Pb2+ at 1 mM.Revisions requested: 8 October 2004/1 December 2004; Revisions received 29 November 2004/5 January 2005  相似文献   

Two separate, extracellular proteolytic activities were demonstrated in four strains of Leuconostoc oenos isolated from Argentinian wines. The first took place in the early growth phase and the other had its maximum at the end of growth. The two proteolytic enzymes had different pH and temperature optima. Divalent metal ions had different effects not only on each L. oenos strain but also on each of the two proteases from each strain.  相似文献   

A recombinant plasmid construct, pLPX6.5, harbouring a 6.5 kb Hind III fragment of genomic DNA, from an alkalophilic, thermophilic Bacillus NCIM 59 and coding for xylanase activity, was electroporatically transformed into Bacillus subtilis MI 111. The expression of the recombinant xylanases was confirmed by cross-reactivity with antibodies raised against purified xylanase II (M r 15,800) from NCIM 59. However, as there were different xylan hydrolysis products from NCIM 59 and the host B. subtilis, the two xylanases appear to have different modes of action. Xylanase expression in the transformants was 6-fold higher than in the host. There was no significant enhancement in the expression of recombinant xylanases by adding xylan to the growth medium.The authors are with the Division of Biochemical Sciences, National Chemical Laboratory, Pune-411008, India  相似文献   

The deep subseafloor rock in oil reservoirs represents a unique environment in which a high oilcontamination and very low biomass can be observed. Sampling this environment has been a challenge owing to the techniques used for drilling and coring. In this study, the facilities developed by the Brazilian oil company PETROBRAS for accessing deep subsurface oil reservoirs were used to obtain rock samples at 2,822-2,828 m below the ocean floor surface from a virgin field located in the Atlantic Ocean, Rio de Janeiro. To address the bacterial diversity of these rock samples, PCR amplicons were obtained using the DNA from four core sections and universal primers for 16S rRNA and for APS reductase (aps) genes. Clone libraries were generated from these PCR fragments and 87 clones were sequenced. The phylogenetic analyses of the 16S rDNA clone libraries showed a wide distribution of types in the domain bacteria in the four core samples, and the majority of the clones were identified as belonging to Betaproteobacteria. The sulfate-reducing bacteria community could only be amplified by PCR in one sample, and all clones were identified as belonging to Gammaproteobacteria. For the first time, the bacterial community was assessed in such deep subsurface environment.  相似文献   

为研究番茄青枯雷尔氏菌强致病力菌株的变异,探索了继代培养、在NB培养基上不同时间培养、不同pH处理7d和15d、不同温度处理1h后对强致病力菌株变异的影响。结果表明:随着继代培养的培养代数增加,平均弱化指数成增大趋势,在第10代出现了无致病力菌株;在NB培养基上培养15d时,强致病力菌株已完全转化为不确定菌株和无致病力菌株,在培养30d时,强致病力菌株几乎完全转化为无致病菌株;pH7.0时,处理7d和15d后,强致病力菌株比例均为最大,分别为93.33%和92.22%,pH5.8时,强致病力菌株比例最低,分别为46.67%和31.11%;用不同温度处理强致病力菌株发现,温度50℃时,菌株死亡,温度40℃时,活菌数显著低于其他(4~30℃)处理,强致病力菌株比例为4~40℃所有处理中最低。  相似文献   

A halophilic, thermotolerant Bacillus strain (B3-15), isolated from water of a shallow, marine hot spring at Vulcano Island (Eolian Islands, Italy), produced an exocellular polysaccharide at 165 mg l–1. It grew on kerosene as sole carbon source and was resistant to Cd2+, Zn2+, As2+ and Hg2+. From 16S rDNA analysis, strain B3-15 was related to B. licheniformis. The exopolysaccharide was a tetrasaccharide repeating unit essentially constituted by sugars having a manno-pyranosidic configuration.  相似文献   

The growth of red pepper plug seedlings was promoted by Bacillus cereus MJ-1, B. macroides CJ-29, and B. pumilus CJ-69 isolated from the rhizosphere. Gibberellins (GAs), a well-known plant growth-promoting hormone, were detected in the culture broth of their rhizobacteria. Among the GAs, the contents of GA1, GA3, GA4, and GA7, physiologically active GAs, were comparatively higher than those of others, suggesting that the growth promoting effect was originated from the GAs. This isthe first report on the production of GA5, GA8, GA34, GA44, and GA53 by bacteria.  相似文献   

The biodegradation of photographic gelatin grade (Bloom 225) material was studied by viscometry in aqueous solution (at 37 °C, 6.67% w/w) using filamentous fungi isolated and identified from cinematographic film stored in different Spanish archives. From viscosity data, different variables such as molecular weight and chain scission were calculated. To ensure initial spore suspension concentration was standardized for all the biodegradation experiments, a correlation between transmittance at 530 nm of fungal spore suspensions and the corresponding cytometric determination of populations was established for all the fungal strains studied in this work. The bioassay experiments were carried out at 25 and 4 °C using an initial concentration of fungi of 4.5×105 conidia/mL except in the case of the genus Alternaria, where the concentration was 10 times lower. The fungal strains were three species of Aspergillus, i.e., A .ustus, A. nidulans var. nidulans, A. versicolor, seven Penicillium chrysogenum strains, and Cladosporium cladosporioides, Alternaria alternata, Mucor racemosus, Phoma glomerata, and Trichoderma longibrachiatum. All were gelatinase positive. Through the viscosity decay profiles with bioassay-time and the corresponding calculated chain scission, the relative quantitative gelatinase efficiency of these fungi has been evaluated.  相似文献   

Liu C  Xu W  Liu F  Jiang S 《Mycopathologia》2007,164(3):127-134
The present work deals with the capability for producing fumonisin by Fusarium proliferatum strains isolated from asparagus in China. Fifty of F. proliferatum strains were randomly selected and incubated on cultures of maize grain and asparagus spear, respectively. Fumonisin levels (FB1 and FB2) were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS/MS). The results showed that all 50 strains produced fumonisins in maize culture within a wide range of concentrations, 10–11,499 μg/g and 2–6,598 μg/g for FB1 and FB2, respectively. On culture of asparagus spear,48 strains (96%) produced fumonisins in the range 0.2–781.6 μg/g and no detected to 40.3 μg/g for FB1 and FB2, respectively. All of F. proliferatum strains produced much higher levels of FB1, FB2 and total fumonisins (FB1 + FB2) in maize grain culture than in asparagus spear culture. Meanwhile, fumonisin B3 (FB3) was identified in all maize culture extracts and most of asparagus spear culture extracts. This is the first study carried out the fumonisin-producing ability of F. proliferatum strains isolated from asparagus in China. The information obtained is useful for assessing the risk of fumonisins contamination in asparagus spear. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

This study presents the improved biodegradation of Congo red, a toxic azo dye, using mutant Bacillus sp. obtained by random mutagenesis of wild Bacillus sp. using UV and ethidium bromide. The mutants obtained were screened based on their decolorization performance and best mutants were selected for further studies. Better decolorization was observed in the initial Congo red concentration range 100–1000 mg/l for wild species whereas mutant strain was found to offer better decolorization up to 3000 mg/l. Mutant strain offered 12–30% reduction in time required for the complete decolorization by wild strain. The optimum pH and temperature were found to be 7.0 and 37 °C, respectively. Two efficient strains such as Bacillus sp. ACT 1 and Bacillus sp. ACT 2 were isolated from the various mutants obtained. Bacillus sp. ACT 2 showed improved enzymatic production and Bacillus sp. ACT 1 showed improved growth compared to wild strain. The enzyme responsible for the degradation was found to be azoreductase by SDS–PAGE and about 53% increased production of enzyme was achieved with mutant species. The experimental data were modeled using growth and substrate inhibition models.  相似文献   

An extracellular, highly thermostable and alkaline CMCase was purified from Bacillus sp. VG1 using ion exchange and gel filtration chromatography. Enzyme was optimally produced in a medium containing 1.0% CMC and 0.5% tryptone. The purified CMCase had a pH optimum of 9–10 and a half life of 12 min even at 100 °C. The enzyme activity was reduced by Hg2+ and stimulated by Co2+, Na+ and K+. Various detergents and proteinases moderately inhibited the CMCase activity. The molecular weight studies showed a single band on SDS–PAGE.  相似文献   

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