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Alternating poly(Arg-Leu) and copolypeptides with Arg-Leu and His-Leu sequences were prepared by condensation of the corresponding p-nitrophenyl dipeptide esters in the presence of 1-hydroxybenzotriazole. Arginine was used without any protection and histidine side chains were protected using π-benzyloxymethyl group recently introduced in peptide chemistry. The ability of these polypeptides with alternating hydrophilic and hydrophobic residues to form water-soluble β-sheets was investigated by CD.  相似文献   

The rotatory dispersion of the β-form of polypeptides is considered. The parameter b0 of the Moffit-Yang equation is calculated quantum mechanically. The results obtained b0 = ?30, agrees with experiment which gives b0 near zero for the β-form.  相似文献   

We present a fully automatic structural classification of supersecondary structure units, consisting of two hydrogen-bonded β strands, preceded or followed by an α helix. The classification is performed on the spatial arrangement of the secondary structure elements, irrespective of the length and conformation of the intervening loops. The similarity of the arrangements is estimated by a structure alignment procedure that uses as similarity measure the root mean square deviation of superimposed backbone atoms. Applied to a set of 141 well-resolved nonhomologous protein structures, the classification yields 11 families of recurrent arrangements. In addition, fragments that are structurally intermediate between the families are found; they reveal the continuity of the classification. The analysis of the families shows that the α helix and β hairpin axes can adopt virtually all relative orientations, with, however, some preferable orientations; moreover, according to the orientation, preferences in the left/right handedness of the α–β connection are observed. These preferences can be explained by favorable side by side packing of the α helix and the β hairpin, local interactions in the region of the α–β connection or stabilizing environments in the parent protein. Furthermore, fold recognition procedures and structure prediction algorithms coupled to database-derived potentials suggest that the preferable nature of these arrangements does not imply their intrinsic stability. They usually accommodate a large number of sequences, of which only a subset is predicted to stabilize the motif. The motifs predicted as stable could correspond to nuclei formed at the very beginning of the folding process. Proteins 30:193–212, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The shear piezoelectricity was observed in oriented films of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) and copolymers of β-hydroxybutyrate (HB) and β-hydroxyvalerate (HV). The piezoelectric stress constant 314 = e14ie14 (polarization/strain), the piezoelectric strain constant d14 = d14id14 (polarization/stress), the elastic constant c = c′ + ic″ and the dielectric constant = ′ − i″ were determined at a frequency of 10 Hz over a temperature range from −150° to +150°C. Piezoelectric relaxations as well as elastic and dielectric relaxations were clearly observed at the glass transition temperature of about 15°C. In order to evaluate the piezoelectric constants (e2 and d2) for the piezoelectric phase which consists of the crystalline region and the oriented non-crystalline region, a spherical dispersion two phase model was utilized. Assuming the appropriate fixed values for the elastic and dielectric constants in the piezoelectric phase, d2 and d2 were calculated as a function of temperature. For a PHB and a copolymer (17 HV/83 HB), e2 and d2 showed relaxations, leading to a conclusion that the instantaneous piezoelectric constant in the crystalline phase is constant independent of temperature but the piezoelectric constant in the oriented non-crystalline phase is relaxational and has the opposite sign. For a copolymer (25 HV/75 HB) and a chloroform treated copolymer (17 HV/83 HB), e2 and d2 were constant independent of temperature, indicating that the oriented non-crystalline phase has disappeared owing to the increased molecular flexibility due to copolymerization or annealing in chloroform vapour.  相似文献   

In anterior pituitaries from male rats, it appeared that 5α-androstane-3β, 17β-diol was quickly metabolized into 5α-androstane-3β,6α-17β-triol and 5α-androstane-3β,7α, 17β-triol by action of 6α- and 7α-hydroxylases. Hydroxysteroid hydroxylases were located in endoplasmic reticulum and were dependent on NADPH+. Their optimum pH was 8.0, optima temperature, 37°C, and their apparent Km was 2.7 μM. Hydroxylative reactions were not reversible and not modified by gonadectomy. Hydroxylation seemed an efficient control of the pituitary level of 5α-andros-tane-3β, 17β-diol.  相似文献   

Health benefits of cereal β-glucan are linked to its high viscosity. Although viscosity of β-glucan gum solutions has been reported previously, there are conflicting reports about its behavior at elevated temperatures. Therefore, the viscosity behavior of barley β-glucan gum obtained in a pilot plant (PP) or in a laboratory (LAB) was determined at different shear rates (1.29–129 s−1) and temperatures (0.1–75 °C) in this study. Viscosity decrease with temperature was demonstrated for both gums and activation energy Ea was calculated from the Arrhenius equation. None of the fresh gum solutions exhibited thixotropic behavior at ≤1% (w/w) concentration, but the measurement demonstrated that increased shear rate is not applicable to polymer solutions of low viscosity. Information about rheological properties of β-glucan will lead to better understanding of its behavior under physiological and processing conditions.  相似文献   

Natural vitamin E consists of four different tocopherol and four different tocotrienol homologues (α, β, γ, δ) that all have antioxidant activity. However, recent data indicate that the different vitamin E homologues also have biological activity unrelated to their antioxidant activity. In this review, we discuss the anti-inflammatory properties of the two major forms of vitamin E, α-tocopherol (αT) and γ-tocopherol (γT), and discuss the potential molecular mechanisms involved in these effects. While both tocopherols exhibit anti-inflammatory activity in vitro and in vivo, supplementation with mixed (γT-enriched) tocopherols seems to be more potent than supplementation with αT alone. This may explain the mostly negative outcomes of the recent large-scale interventional chronic disease prevention trials with αT only and thus warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Adhesion to collagens by most cell types is mediated by the integrins α1β1 and α2β1. Both integrin α subunits belong to a group which is characterized by the presence of an I domain in the N-terminal half of the molecule, and this domain has been implicated in the ligand recognition. Since purified α1β1 and α2β1 differ in their binding to collagens I and IV and recognize different sites within the major cell binding domain of collagen IV, we investigated the potential role of the α1 and α2 I domains in specific collagen adhesion. We find that introducing the α2 I domain into α1 results in surface expression of a functional collagen receptor. The adhesion mediated by this chimeric receptor (α1-2-1β1) is similar to the adhesion profile conferred by α2β1, not α1β1. The presence of α2 or α1-2-1 results in preferential binding to collagen I, whereas α1 expressing cells bind better to collagen IV. In addition, α1 containing cells bind to low amounts of a tryptic fragment of collagen IV, whereas α2 or α1-2-1 bearing cells adhere only to high concentrations of this substrate. We also find that collagen adhesion of NIH-3T3 mediated by α2β1 or α1-2-1β1, but not by α1, requires the presence of Mn2+ ions. This ion requirement was not found in CHO cells, implicating the I domain in cell type-specific activation of integrins. J. Cell. Physiol. 176:634–641, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two γ-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) receptor chimeras were designed in order to elucidate the structural requirements for GABAA receptor desensitization and assembly. The (α1/γ2) and (γ2/α1) chimeric subunits representing the extracellular N-terminal domain of α1 or γ2 and the remainder of the γ2 or α1 subunits, respectively, were expressed with β2 and β2γ2 in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf-9) cells using the baculovirus expression system. The (α1/γ2)β2 and (α1/γ2)β2γ2 but not the (γ2/α1)β2 and (γ2/α1)β2γ2 subunit combinations formed functional receptor complexes as shown by whole-cell patch–clamp recordings and [3H]muscimol and [3H]flunitrazepam binding. Moreover, the surface immunofluorescence staining of Sf-9 cells expressing the (α1/γ2)-containing receptors was pronounced, as opposed to the staining of the (γ2/α1)-containing receptors, which was only slightly higher than background. To explain this, the (α1/γ2) and (γ2/α1) chimeras may act like α1 and γ2 subunits, respectively, indicating that the extracellular N-terminal segment is important for assembly. However, the (α1/γ2) chimeric subunit had characteristics different from the α1 subunit, since the (α1/γ2) chimera gave rise to no desensitization after GABA stimulation in whole-cell patch–clamp recordings, which was independent of whether the chimera was expressed in combination with β2 or β2γ2. Surprisingly, the (α1/γ2)(γ2/α1)β2 subunit combination did desensitize, indicating that the C-terminal segment of the α1 subunit may be important for desensitization. Moreover, desensitization was observed for the (α1/γ2)β2γ2 receptor with respect to the direct activation by pentobarbital. This suggests differences in the mechanism of channel activation for pentobarbital and GABA.  相似文献   

Simple approximate expressions have been derived from the theory of Zimm and Bragg for use in the analysis of experimental data on the helix-coil transition in polypeptide. On the basis of the resulting expressions practical procedures are proposed to determine two basic parameters characterizing a thermally induced transition, i.e., helix initiation parameter σ and enthalpy change for helix formation, ΔH. They have been applied to the data for poly(β-benzyl L -aspartate) (PBLA) with the result: σ = 1.6 × 10?4 and ΔH = ?450 cal/mole for PBLA in m-cresol; σ = 0.6 × 10?4 and ΔH = 260 cal/mole for PBLA in chloroform containing 5.7 vol-% of dichloroacetic acid. This result gives evidence that σ may change not only from one polypeptide to another but also for a given polypeptide in different solvents. The change in limiting viscosity number [η] accompanying the transition was measured in the same solvents. The curve of [η] versus helical content had a relatively monotonic shape for the chloroformdichloroacetic acid solutions as compared with that for the m-cresol solutions, indicating that [η] depended largely on σ. Provided that [η] is a direct measure of the mean-square radius of gyration, 〈S2〉, the results are consistent with the theoretical predictions of Nagai and of Miller and Flory for 〈S2〉.  相似文献   

Poly-β-benzyl-L -aspartate (poly[Asp(OBzl)]) forms either a lefthanded α-helix, β-sheet, ω-helix, or random coil under appropriate conditions. In this paper the Raman spectra of the above poly[Asp(OBzl)] conformations are compared. The Raman active amide I line shifts from 1663 cm?1 to 1679 cm?1 upon thermal conversion of poly[Asp(OBzl)] from the α-helical to β-sheet conformation while an intense line appearing at 890 cm?1 in the spectrum of the α-helix decreases in intensity. The 890 cm?1 line also displays weak intensity when the polymer is dissolved in chloroform–dichloroacetic acid solution and therefore is converted to the random coil. This line probably arises from a skeletal vibration and is expected to be conformationally sensitive. Similar behavior in the intensity of skeletal vibrations is discussed for other polypeptides undergoing conformational transitions. The Raman spectra of two cross-β-sheet copolypeptides, poly(Ala-Gly) and poly(Ser-Gly), are examined. These sequential polypeptides are model compounds for the crystalline regions of Bombyx mori silk fibroin which forms an extensive β-sheet structure. The amide I, III, and skeletal vibrations appeared in the Raman spectra of these polypeptides at the frequencies and intensities associated with β-sheet homopolypeptides. Since the sequential copolypeptides are intermediate in complexity between the homopolypeptides and the proteins, these results indicate that Raman structure–frequency correlations obtained from homopolypeptide studies can now be applied to protein spectra with greater confidence. The perturbation scheme developed by Krimm and Abe for explaining the frequency splitting of the amide I vibrations in β-sheet polyglycine is applied to poly(L -valine), poly-(Ala-Gly), poly(Ser-Gly), and poly[Asp(OBzl)]. The value of the “unperturbed” frequency, V0, for poly[Asp(OBzl)] was significantly greater than the corresponding values for the other polypeptides. A structural origin for this difference may be displacement of adjacent hydrogen-bonded chains relative to the standard β-sheet conformation.  相似文献   

One of the hallmarks of cells undergoing mitotic division is their rounded morphology and reduced adhesion to the substratum. We have studied and compared the attachment of interphase and mitotic cells to substrata coated with fibronectin and vitronectin. We have found that adhesion of mitotic cells, as compared to interphase cells, is significantly reduced to fibronectin, but is higher to vitronectin. These results correlate well with the expression of α5β1 and αVβ3 integrins, the respective receptors for fibronectin and vitronectin, on the cell surface. Mitotic cells show higher levels of αVβ3 and very low levels of α5β1 proteins on the cell surface as compared to interphase cells. This difference in the levels of these integrins also reflects in the total amounts of fibronectin and vitronectin present on the cell surface of these cells. We have further shown, by flow cytometry, that binding of vitronectin, or the synthetic peptide-GRGDSP-, causes an increase in the intracellular levels of Ca2− in mitotic cells, but no change is seen in the interphase cells. Binding of fibronectin to either of these cells fails to elicit any response. One interesting feature of our results is that the levels of total, i.e., cytoplasmic plus membrane bound, α5β1 and αVβ3 integrins of mitotic and interphase cells remain the same, thus implying an alteration in the distribution of integrin chains between the plasma membrane and the cytoplasm during the conversion of interphase cells into the mitotic phase. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The past two decades have seen great progress in understanding the mechanisms of ecosystem stability in local ecological systems. There is, however, an urgent need to extend existing knowledge to larger spatial scales to match the scale of management and conservation. Here, we develop a general theoretical framework to study the stability and variability of ecosystems at multiple scales. Analogously to the partitioning of biodiversity, we propose the concepts of alpha, beta and gamma variability. Gamma variability at regional (metacommunity) scale can be partitioned into local alpha variability and spatial beta variability, either multiplicatively or additively. On average, variability decreases from local to regional scales, which creates a negative variability–area relationship. Our partitioning framework suggests that mechanisms of regional ecosystem stability can be understood by investigating the influence of ecological factors on alpha and beta variability. Diversity can provide insurance effects at the various levels of variability, thus generating alpha, beta and gamma diversity–stability relationships. As a consequence, the loss of biodiversity and habitat impairs ecosystem stability at the regional scale. Overall, our framework enables a synthetic understanding of ecosystem stability at multiple scales and has practical implications for landscape management.  相似文献   

β‐dystroglycan (β‐DG) is a widely expressed transmembrane protein that plays important roles in connecting the extracellular matrix to the cytoskeleton, and thereby contributing to plasma membrane integrity and signal transduction. We previously observed nuclear localization of β‐DG in cultured cell lines, implying the existence of a nuclear targeting mechanism that directs it to the nucleus instead of the plasma membrane. In this study, we delineate the nuclear import pathway of β‐DG, characterizing a functional nuclear localization signal (NLS) in the β‐DG cytoplasmic domain, within amino acids 776–782. The NLS either alone or in the context of the whole β‐DG protein was able to target the heterologous GFP protein to the nucleus, with site‐directed mutagenesis indicating that amino acids R779 and K780 are critical for NLS functionality. The nuclear transport molecules Importin (Imp)α and Impβ bound with high affinity to the NLS of β‐DG and were found to be essential for NLS‐dependent nuclear import in an in vitro reconstituted nuclear transport assay; cotransfection experiments confirmed the dependence on Ran for nuclear accumulation. Intriguingly, experiments suggested that tyrosine phosphorylation of β‐DG may result in cytoplasmic retention, with Y892 playing a key role. β‐DG thus follows a conventional Impα/β‐dependent nuclear import pathway, with important implications for its potential function in the nucleus. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 706–717, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ammonium 2,6-anhydro-3-deoy- -glycero- -talo-octonate (1), a potent inhibitor of the enzyme CMP-KDO synthetase, its C-2 epimer 2, and the methyl β-(3) and α-glycoside (4) of KDO were studied by 1H- and 13C-n.m.r. spectroscopy. Compound 1 was also analysed by X-ray crystallography. Each compound adopted a 5C2 chair conformation with the side chain equatorial. The preponderant side-chain conformation of 1 in solution was the same as that in the crystal and was stabilised by an intramolecular hydrogen bond from HO-8 to the carboxylate group. This hydrogen bond appeared to be present also in 3. However, the side-chain conformation of 2 and 4 was different from that in 1 and 3. The metal-ion-binding properties, determined on the basis of the line-broadening effects of Mn2+ on the 13C-n.m.r. signals, showed that the carboxylate group was involved in the binding with O-8 in 1 and 3 and with O-6 and O-8 in 2 and 4.  相似文献   

3β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD)/Δ5→4-isomerase activity in steroidogenic tissues is required for the synthesis of biologically active steroids. Previously, by use of dehydroepiandrosterone (3β-hydroxy-5-androsten-17-one, DHEA) as substrate, it was established that in addition to steroidogenic tissues 3β-HSD/Δ5→4-isomerase activity also is expressed in extraglandular tissues of the human fetus. In the present study, we attempted to determine whether the C-5,C-6-double bond of DHEA serves to influence 3β-HSD activity. For this purpose, we compared the efficiencies of a 3β-hydroxy-5-ene steroid (DHEA) and a 3β-hydroxy-5α-reduced steroid (5α-androstane-3β,17β-diol, 5α-A-diol) as substrates for the enzyme. The apparent Michaelis constant (Km) for 5α-A-diol in midtrimester placenta, fetal liver, and fetal skin tissues was at least one order of magnitude higher than that for DHEA, viz the apparent Km of placental 3β-HSD for 5α-A-diol was in the range of 18 to 40 μmol/l (n = 3) vs 0.45 to 4 μmol/l for DHEA (n = 3); for the liver enzyme, 17 μmol/l for 5α-A-diol and 0.60 μmol/l for DHEA, and for the skin enzyme 14 and 0.18 μmol/l, respectively. Moreover, in 13 human fetal tissues evaluated the maximal velocities obtained with 5α-A-diol as substrate were higher than those obtained with DHEA. A similar finding in regard to Kms and rates of product formation was obtained by use of purified placental 3β-HSD with DHEA, pregnenolone, and 3β-hydroxy-5α-androstan-17-one (epiandrosterone) as substrates: the Km of 3β-HSD for DHEA was 2.8 μmol/l, for pregnenolone 1.9 μmol/l, and for epiandrosterone 25 μmol/l. The specific activity of the purified enzyme with pregnenolone as substrate was 27 nmol/mg protein·min and, with epiandrosterone, 127 nmol/mg protein·min. With placental homogenate as the source of 3β-HSD, DHEA at a constant level of 5 μmol/l behaved as a competitive inhibitor when the radiolabeled substrate, [3H]5α-A-diol, was present in concentrations of 20 to 60 μmol/l, but a lower substrate concentrations the inhibition was of the mixed type; similar results were obtained with [3H]DHEA as the substrate at variable concentrations in the presence of a fixed concentration of 5α-A-diol (40 μmol/l). These findings are indicative that both steroids bind to a common site on the enzyme, however, the binding affinity for these steroids appear to differ markedly as suggested by the respective Kms. Studies of inactivation of purified placental 3β-HSD/Δ5→4-isomerase by an irreversible inhibitor, viz 5,10-secoestr-4-yne-3,10,17-trione, were suggestive that the placental protein adopts different conformations depending on whether the steroidal substrate has a 5α-configuration, e.g. epiandrosterone, or a C-5,C-6-double bond e.g. DHEA or pregnenolone. The lower rates of product formation obtained with placenta and fetal tissues by use of 3β-hydroxy-5-ene steroids as substrates when compared with those obtained with 3β-hydroxy-5α-reduced steroids may be explained by a combination of factors, including: (i) inhibition of 3β-HSD activity by end products of metabolism of 3β-hydroxy-5-ene steroids, e.g. 4-androstene-3,17-dione formed with DHEA as substrate; (ii) higher binding affinity of the enzyme for 3β-hydroxy-5-ene steroids—and possibly for their 3-oxo-5-ene metabolites; (iii) lack of a requirement for the isomerization step with 5α-reduced steroids as substrates, and (iv) the possible presence in fetal tissues of an enzyme with 3β-HSD activity only (i.e. no Δ5→4-isomerase).  相似文献   

Cyclic strain has been shown to modulate endothelial cell (EC) morphology, proliferation, and function. We have recently reported that the focal adhesion proteins focal adhesion kinase (pp125FAK) and paxillin, are tyrosine phosphorylated in EC exposed to strain and these events regulate the morphological change and migration induced by cyclic strain. Integrins are also localized on focal adhesion sites and have been reported to induce tyrosine phosphorylation of pp125FAK under a variety of stimuli. To study the involvement of different integrins in signaling induced by cyclic strain, we first observed the redistribution of α and β integrins in EC subjected to 4 h cyclic strain. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) seeded on either fibronectin or collagen surfaces were subjected to 10% average strain at a frequency 60 cycles/min. Confocal microscopy revealed that β1 integrin reorganized in a linear pattern parallel with the long axis of the elongated cells creating a fusion of focal adhesion plaques in EC plated on either fibronectin (a ligand for α5β1) or collagen (a ligand for α2β1) coated plates after 4 h exposure to cyclic strain. β3 integrin, which is a vitronectin receptor, did not redistribute in EC exposed to cyclic strain. Cyclic strain also led to a reorganization of α5 and α2 integrins in a linear pattern in HUVEC seeded on fibronectin or collagen, respectively. The expression of integrins α5, α2, and β1 did not change even after 24 h exposure to strain when assessed by immunoprecipitation of these integrins. Cyclic strain-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of pp125FAK occurred concomitant with the reorganization of β1 integrin. We concluded that α5β1 and α2β1 integrins play an important role in transducing mechanical stimuli into intracellular signals. J. Cell. Biochem. 64:505–513. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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