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Analyses of human airway architecture based on calculations of airflow resistance or energy dissipation suggest that the branching pattern is not optimized for minimizing energy loss by flow dissipation during respiration. Airway flow dissipates only a few percent of the total body work during normal breathing, so branching patterns deviate from minimum energy loss to also optimize other physiological needs. Studies of airway performance often record some measure of expiration, such as FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 s), because airway constriction during expiration limits the rate of rapid respiration. We posit that lung structure is optimized for the rate of expiration as well as minimum energy loss. By increasing the daughter-to-parent airway diameter ratio (h) from 0.794 (corresponding to the energy minimum for symmetrically branching airways) to 0.85 (the observed value in humans) luminal pressures at airway generations 4-15 were substantially increased during exercise (a 4.5 and 15 cmH2O increase during moderate and heavy exercise, respectively). Values of h somewhat larger than 0.794 help airways remain open during expiration by increasing both viscous pressure drop and convective acceleration pressure drop. Asymmetric bifurcations also exhibit higher proximal airway pressures than symmetric ones, but the improvement was not large.  相似文献   

Bioprocess design problems are frequently multivariate and complex. However, they may be visualised by a graphical representation of the design constraints and correlations governing both the process and system under consideration, namely windows of operation. Windows of operation exist at all stages of process design and find use both in the identification of key constraints from limited information, and also, with more detailed knowledge, the sensitivity of a process to design or operating changes. In this way windows of operation may be used to help understand and optimise a bioprocess design. In this paper the formulation, development and application of windows of operation is discussed for a range of biological processes including fermentation, protein recovery and biotransformation.UCL is the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council's Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Biochemical Engineering and the Council's support is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

A photobioreactor system has been designed, constructed and implemented to achieve high photosynthetic rates in high-density photoautotrophic algal cell suspensions. This unit is designed for efficient oxygen and biomass production rates, and it also can be used for the production of secreted products. A fiber-optic based optical transmission system that is coupled to an internal light distribution system illuminates the culture volume uniformly, at light intensities of 1.7 mW/cm(2) over a specific surface area of 3.2 cm(2)/cm(3). Uniform light distribution is achieved throughout the reactor without interfering with the flow pattern required to keep the cells in suspension. An on-line ultrafiltration unit exchanges spent with fresh medium, and its use results in very high cell densities, up to 10(9) cells/mL [3% (w/v)] for eukaryotic green alga chlorella vulgaris. DNA histograms obtained form flow cytometric analysis reveal that on-line ultrafiltration influences the growth pattern. Prior to ultrafiltration the cells seem to have at a particular point in the cell cycle where they contain multiple chromosomal equivalents. Following ultrafiltration, these cells divide, and the new cells are committed to division so that cell growth resumes. The Prototype photobioreactor system was operated both in batch and in continuous mode for over 2 months. The measured oxygen production rate of 4-6 mmol/L culture h under continuous operation is consistent with the predicted performance of the unit for the provided light intensity.  相似文献   

This paper comprises the scientific justification for the Farm Constructed Wetland (FCW) Design Manual for Northern Ireland and Scotland. Moreover, this document addresses an international audience interested in applying wetland systems in the wider agricultural context. Farm constructed wetlands combine farm wastewater (predominantly farmyard runoff) treatment with landscape and biodiversity enhancements, and are a specific application and class of integrated constructed wetlands (ICW), which have wider applications in the treatment of other wastewater types such as domestic sewage. The aim of this review paper is to propose guidelines highlighting the rationale for FCW, including key water quality management and regulatory issues, important physical and biochemical wetland treatment processes, assessment techniques for characterizing potential FCW sites and discharge options to water bodies. The paper discusses universal design, construction, planting, maintenance and operation issues relevant specifically for FCW in a temperate climate, but highlights also catchment-specific requirements to protect the environment.  相似文献   

For the purposes of a successful ex vivo gene therapy we have proposed and analyzed a new concept of an integrated microfluidic system for combined magnetic cell separation, electroporation, and magnetofection. For the analysis of magnetic and electric field distribution (given by Maxwell equations) as well as dynamics of magnetically labeled cell and transfection complex, we have used finite element method directly interfaced to the Matlab routine solving Newton dynamical equations of motion. Microfluidic chamber has been modeled as a channel with height and length 1 mm and 1 cm, respectively. Bottom electrode consisted of 100 parallel ferromagnetic straps and the upper electrode was plate of diamagnetic copper. From the dynamics of magnetic particle motion we have found that the characteristic time-scales for the motion of cells (mean capture time ~ 4 s) and gene complexes (mean capture time ~ 3 min), when permanent magnets are used, are in the range suitable for efficient cell separation and gene delivery. The largest electric field intensity (~10 kV/m) was observed at the edges of the microelectrodes, in the close proximity of magnetically separated cells, which is optimal for subsequent cell electroporation.  相似文献   

The results obtained in the study of the possibility of using magnetic sorbents for the construction of a diagnostic assay system based on the antigen-antibody interaction are presented. As a model, Yersinia pestis capsular antigen and immunoglobulins to it have been used. A solid-phase immunofluorescent liposomal assay method has been developed; this method can be used for the detection of biopolymers in the sample under study and for the determination of their activity.  相似文献   

A structured approach to design and operation of biotransformation (bioconversion) processes, based on previous case studies, has been developed. This requires knowledge of the key characteristics of a biotransformation which determine the constraints on process selection. The approach is illustrated for five biotransformations, two enzymic and three microbial. Some generic problems such as low water solubility and volatility of reactants, reactant and product toxicity have been identified. The microblal oxidations of toluene and fluorobenzene to toluenecis-glycol and fluorocatechol respectively byPseudomonas putida have been used to illustrate how these constraints may be overcome by addition of tetradecane as a second liquid phase, use of a membrane oxygenator and introduction ofin situ product removal.  相似文献   

Single-column chromatography is widely used in the biopharmaceutical industries, although multi-column alternatives in the form of simulated moving bed (SMB) processes are now emerging. It may be difficult, however, to determine which column alternative will be best suited for a given application, and this work sets out to address this issue. A systematic approach is presented that is based on a full economic appraisal of each process alternative based on an optimization of the net annual profit. Single-column processes with and without recycling are considered, as are both the SMB and the Varicol process. The cyclic steady state for the SMB and Varicol processes is determined directly by complete discretization. The approach is applied to a case study based on a linear isotherm where it is found that for this particular system, a recycling policy is not necessary for the single column. When comparing the single-column process with the multi-column alternatives, the single column is the most economical provided the life time of the project is short; however, the economic benefits of the more capital-intensive multi-column processes are greater if the life time of the project is over 5 years. The SMB process is found to perform marginally better than the Varicol process over 15 years; however, this may be because not all extra degrees of freedom for the Varicol process were considered.  相似文献   

The design and operation of a twin-chambered modification ofthe Gliwicz — Haney in situ grazing vessel is described.Grazing rates are determined in one chamber, while the secondfunctions as a self-draining plankton trap.  相似文献   

Viscosity regulation allowed the sedimentation of dextran to be increased from 1.89 to 2.89 g.h–1 within a novel centrifugal bioreactor. At an enzyme activity of 187 U, dextran pelleting was 1.66 mg g.h–1. U which was 50% greater than at an enzyme activity of 1344 U. Reactor productivity, at 1.5–2 g.h–1, was similar for both batch and semi-continuous trials. Rotor core design influenced productivity. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

We have synthesized and evaluated five series of polymeric gadolinium chelates which are of interest as potential MRI blood pool contrast agents. The polymers were designed so that important physical properties including molecular weight, relaxivity, metal content, viscosity, and chelate stability could be varied. We have shown that, by selecting polymers of the appropriate MW, extended blood pool retention can be achieved. In addition, relaxivity can be manipulated by changing the polymer rigidity, metal content affected by monomer selection, viscosity by polymer shape, and chelate stability by chelator selection.  相似文献   

This review paper deals with the problem of the design and operation of marine reserves in the context of modern views on the hierarchical organization of marine ecosystems. The state of the art in the theoretical aspect of the establishment and development of marine protected areas (MPAs) is discussed. Despite the increasing number of publications on MPAs, which are mainly focused on social and economic issues, studies devoted to the ecological bases for the establishment and operation of marine reserves are still scarce. However, the low efficiency of the existing MPAs and their systems may be a result of the lack of an ecological background in MPA designs. Recent threats to the diversity of marine organisms are analyzed, and changes in the relative significance of anthropogenic factors affecting the marine biological diversity are assessed. The hierarchical nature of and the existence of characteristic spatial scales in the marine ecosystems are critical issues that must be taken into account together with scale-oriented analysis of the anthropogenic threats. On the basis of the scale-oriented concept of the marine ecosystems, new theoretical approaches to the design and operation of MPAs are formulated. In particular, theoretical bases for the estimation of the minimal size of marine reserves and a hierarchical approach to the design of MPA systems are proposed. Formal schemes of classification of sea bottom communities (The Marine Habitat Classification for Britain and Ireland and EUNIS) are discussed.  相似文献   

Efficient and accurate protein localization is essential to cells and requires protein-targeting machineries to both effectively capture the cargo in the cytosol and productively unload the cargo at the membrane. To understand how these challenges are met, we followed the interaction of translating ribosomes during their targeting by the signal recognition particle (SRP) using a site-specific fluorescent probe in the nascent protein. We show that initial recruitment of SRP receptor (SR) selectively enhances the affinity of SRP for correct cargos, thus committing SRP-dependent substrates to the pathway. Real-time measurement of cargo transfer from the targeting to translocation machinery revealed multiple factors that drive this event, including GTPase rearrangement in the SRP–SR complex, stepwise displacement of SRP from the ribosome and signal sequence by SecYEG, and elongation of the nascent polypeptide. Our results elucidate how active and sequential regulation of the SRP–cargo interaction drives efficient and faithful protein targeting.  相似文献   

Cerebrovascular dysfunction and cognitive decline are highly prevalent in aging, but the mechanisms underlying these impairments are unclear. Cerebral blood flow decreases with aging and is one of the earliest events in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). We have previously shown that the mechanistic/mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) drives disease progression in mouse models of AD and in models of cognitive impairment associated with atherosclerosis, closely recapitulating vascular cognitive impairment. In the present studies, we sought to determine whether mTOR plays a role in cerebrovascular dysfunction and cognitive decline during normative aging in rats. Using behavioral tools and MRI‐based functional imaging, together with biochemical and immunohistochemical approaches, we demonstrate that chronic mTOR attenuation with rapamycin ameliorates deficits in learning and memory, prevents neurovascular uncoupling, and restores cerebral perfusion in aged rats. Additionally, morphometric and biochemical analyses of hippocampus and cortex revealed that mTOR drives age‐related declines in synaptic and vascular density during aging. These data indicate that in addition to mediating AD‐like cognitive and cerebrovascular deficits in models of AD and atherosclerosis, mTOR drives cerebrovascular, neuronal, and cognitive deficits associated with normative aging. Thus, inhibitors of mTOR may have potential to treat age‐related cerebrovascular dysfunction and cognitive decline. Since treatment of age‐related cerebrovascular dysfunction in older adults is expected to prevent further deterioration of cerebral perfusion, recently identified as a biomarker for the very early (preclinical) stages of AD, mTOR attenuation may potentially block the initiation and progression of AD.  相似文献   

Systemic inflammatory response syndromes (SIRS) may be caused by both infectious and sterile insults, such as trauma, ischemia-reperfusion or burns. They are characterized by early excessive inflammatory cytokine production and the endogenous release of several toxic and damaging molecules. These are necessary to fight and resolve the cause of SIRS, but often end up progressively damaging cells and tissues, leading to life-threatening multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). As inflammasome-dependent cytokines such as interleukin-1β are critically involved in the development of MODS and death in SIRS, and ATP is an essential activator of inflammasomes in vitro, we decided to analyze the ability of ATP removal to prevent excessive tissue damage and mortality in a murine LPS-induced inflammation model. Our results indeed indicate an important pro-inflammatory role for extracellular ATP. However, the effect of ATP is not restricted to inflammasome activation at all. Removing extracellular ATP with systemic apyrase treatment not only prevented IL-1β accumulation but also the production of inflammasome-independent cytokines such as TNF and IL-10. In addition, ATP removal also prevented systemic evidence of cellular disintegration, mitochondrial damage, apoptosis, intestinal barrier disruption and even mortality. Although blocking ATP receptors with the broad-spectrum P2 purinergic receptor antagonist suramin imitated certain beneficial effects of apyrase treatment, it could not prevent morbidity or mortality at all. We conclude that removal of systemic extracellular ATP could be a valuable strategy to dampen systemic inflammatory damage and toxicity in SIRS.  相似文献   

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