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Reactivators of phosphorylated acetylcholinesterase (oximes) are substances used as a human antidotal therapy for organophosphate poisoning. The objective of our study was to examine if juveniles of freshwater microcrustacean Daphnia magna could be employed as test animals in early screen toxicity tests of those substances as a first step for further experiments with daphnids intoxicated by organophosphates. For this purpose, seven different oximes were investigated. It was found that toxicity of all tested oximes increased with time. Mono-quaternary oximes were approximately ten fold (EC50, 14.9 mg.l(-1)) more toxic in 24 hour tests and five fold (EC50 was 79.46 mg.l(-1)) more toxic in 48 hour tests than bis-quaternary oximes. Tests with daphnids were shown to be easy to carry out at low cost and provided valuable results which could be used as a starting point for further research.  相似文献   

Short-term toxicity tests with Daphnia magna are reasonably reproducible. The sensitivity of Daphnia pulex, Daphnia cucullata and Daphnia magna proved to be about the same in short-term tests with 15 different chemical compounds.Reproduction toxicity experiments with Daphnia magna can easily be carried out within three weeks. At least duplicate experiments are necessary to arrive at an approximate no-effect level.  相似文献   

不同种类农药表面活性剂对大型溞的急性毒性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用评价化学品对水生生物毒性的标准试验方法,比较了39种非离子型、6种阴离子型和3种阳离子型的常用代表性表面活性剂对大型溞的急性毒性.结果表明:3种阳离子型表面活性剂1427、1227及C8-10的急性毒性均为剧毒,其中1427毒性最高,EC50值为0.97×10-2 mg·L-1;非离子型表面活性剂中蓖麻油聚氧乙烯醚、吐温和斯潘系列乳化剂均为低毒,而烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚系列和脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚系列表面活性剂的毒性稍偏高,而AEO-7和AEO-5的毒性达到高毒水平,EC50值分别为0.82和0.97 mg·L-1,且此类表面活性剂脂溶性越大,对大型溞的毒性越大;大部分阴离子表面活性剂的毒性为中毒,但NNO表现为高毒,EC50值为0.17 mg·L-1.  相似文献   

Currently there is a surge of interest in exploiting toxicogenomics to screen the toxicity of chemicals, enabling rapid and accurate categorisation into classes of defined mode-of-action (MOA), and prioritising chemicals for further testing. Direct infusion FT-ICR mass spectrometry-based metabolomics can provide a sensitive and unbiased analysis of metabolites in only 15 mins and therefore has considerable potential for chemical screening. The water flea, Daphnia magna, is an OECD test species and is utilised internationally for toxicity testing. However, no metabolomics studies of this species have been reported. Here we optimised and evaluated the effectiveness of FT-ICR mass spectrometry metabolomics for toxicity testing in D. magna. We confirmed that high-quality mass spectra can be recorded from as few as 30 neonates (<24 h old; 224 μg dry mass) or a single adult daphnid (301 μg dry mass). An OECD 24 h acute toxicity test was conducted with neonates at copper concentrations of 0, 5, 10, 25, 50 μg l−1. A total of 5447 unique peaks were detected reproducibly, of which 4768 were assigned at least one empirical formula and 1017 were putatively identified based upon accurate mass measurements. Significant copper-induced changes to the daphnid metabolome, consistent with the documented MOA of copper, were detected thereby validating the approach. In addition, N-acetylspermidine was putatively identified as a novel biomarker of copper toxicity. Collectively, our results highlight the excellent sensitivity, reproducibility and mass accuracy of FT-ICR mass spectrometry, and provide strong evidence for its applicability to high-throughput screening of chemical toxicity in D. magna. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Xiu  Ruiquin  Xu  Yongxiang  Gao  Shirong 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):411-413
The toxicity of deltamethrin, a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide, was determined under standardized conditions (ISO, 1982) in neonates and juveniles of Daphnia magna. Neonates (6 to 24 h old) were more sensitive than juveniles (48 to 72 h old). The 24- and 48-h EC50s (immobilization) in neonates were 0.113 and 0.031 µg l–1, respectively. The toxicity of deltamethrin was highly toxic. The 96-h EC50 was in the ppt (µg l–1) range. Toxicity tests with Daphnia may be used to detect toxic residues in water and sediment in areas treated with deltamethrin and other highly toxic pyrethroid pesticides.  相似文献   

The organophosphorus antidotes, so-called oximes, are able to restore the enzymatic function of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) or butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) via cleavage of organophosphate from the active site of the phosphylated enzyme. In this work, the charged pyridinium oximes containing thiocarboxamide moiety were designed, prepared and tested. Their stability and pKa properties were found to be analogous to parent carboxamides (K027, K048 and K203). The inhibitory ability of thiocarboxamides was found in low µM levels for AChE and high µM levels for BChE. Their reactivation properties were screened on human recombinant AChE and BChE inhibited by nerve agent surrogates and paraoxon. One thiocarboxamide was able to effectively restore function of NEMP- and NEDPA-AChE, whereas two thiocarboxamides were able to reactivate BChE inhibited by all tested organophosphates. These results were confirmed by reactivation kinetics, where thiocarboxamides were proved to be effective, but less potent reactivators if compared to carboxamides.  相似文献   

Food concentration supplied during subchronic and chronic toxicity tests, is one of the most important factors that might influence the response of test organisms to toxicants. The green microalga Scenedesmus incrassatulus was used as food for the cladoceran Daphnia magna, in a chronic toxicity test with the toxicant sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS). Test concentrations were 0.625, 1.25, and 2.5 mg l-1 of SDS, equivalent to 1/40, 1/20, and 1/10 of the average 48-h LC50 previously determined. Food concentrations were 9.5, 19, and 38 mg l-1 (dry wt.). Survival and reproduction were recorded, and the data were analyzed using a life-table approach. After 55 days, the main findings were as follows:
1.  Average clutch size decreased as food concentration increased and there was a negative interaction between the toxicant and the algal concentration.
2.  The Net Reproductive Rate (R 0) of the controls fed the lowest food concentration was approximately 10 times higher than the controls fed the highest food concentration.
3.  R 0's for the treatments with SDS fed the lowest food concentration, were 2.5 to 5 times higher than those fed the highest food concentration.
4.  Reproduction in controls and treatments with the same SDS concentrations, became similar as food level increased.
According to these results, the food concentration to be supplied in chronic toxicity tests should be accurate, as an incorrect food concentration might negatively affect the survival and reproduction of test organisms, thus masking or confounding the effects of the toxicant being examined. A concentration around 10 mg l-1 (dry wt.) of S. incrassatulus seems to be appropriate for D. magna economic toxicity tests.  相似文献   

A continuous spectrophotometric procedure is presented for the measurement of the kinetic properties of acetylcholinesterase (EC with its natural substrate, acetylcholine. The procedure is based upon the production of stoichiometric quantities of H+ upon hydrolysis of substrate. The spectrophotometric reporter is the pH indicator dye, phenol red and the procedure yields continuous time courses for hydrolysis of substrate. Further, this phenol red system and an adaptation of the Ellman et al. (1961, Biochem. Pharmacol. 7, 88–95) procedure for acetylthiocholine as substrate, are described as a rapid screening technique for reversible competitive and noncompetitive inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase activity. The methods are illustrated by determinations of K1 for edrophonium, decamethonium and Al3+.  相似文献   

The Cellular Energy Allocation (CEA) methodology wasdeveloped as biomarker technique to assess the effectof toxic stress on the energy budget of testorganisms. This short-term assay is based on thebiochemical assessment of changes in the energyreserves (total carbohydrate, protein and lipidcontent) and the energy consumption (electrontransport activity). The CEA methodology was evaluatedusing Daphnia magna juveniles exposed for 96hto sublethal lindane and mercury chlorideconcentrations. The ecological relevance of the CEAassay was assessed by comparing the sub-organismalresponse with population level parameters (obtainedfrom 21 day life table experiments) such as theintrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) and themean total offspring per female. Two differentmethodologies were used to assess the effect levels:the no (lowest) observed effect level (NOAECs-LOAECs)approach and the regression-based approach. Bothtoxicants caused a significant decrease in the netenergy budget of D. magna, with a LowestObserved (Adverse) Effect Concentration (LOAEC) of0.18 mg/l and 5.6 µg/l for lindane andHgCl2,respectively. Changes in the lipid content of theorganisms were detected at toxicant concentrationslower than those affecting the total carbohydrate andprotein content. Toxicant specific effects wereobserved on the electron transport activity.Comparison of the CEA results with those of thepopulation level tests revealed that for mercury theCEA based LOAEC was a three times lower than thatbased on rm and the total brood size(18 µg/l). For lindane the CEA based LOAEC was twotimes lower than the LOAEC based on rm(0.32 mg/l) but was higher than that based on thetotal number of offspring produced (0.1 mg/l).Using the regression-based approach, EC10 valueswere calculated using three parameter sigmoid orlogistic models. Comparison between the CEA andrm based EC10 values demonstrates that forboth chemicals similar effect concentrations areobtained: the CEA-based EC10 (0.20 mg/l) forlindane is 1.5 times higher than the rm-basedEC10 threshold (0.13 mg/l), while for mercury thebiomarker-based EC10 value (9 µg/l) was 1.4times lower than the population-based EC10 value(12.5 µg/l).From these results, we suggest that the short-term CEAassay may be useful for predicting long-term effectsat the population level. The consequences of theobserved effects on the energy budget of the testorganism are discussed in the context of the effectsemerging at the population and community level.  相似文献   

Both deleterious mutations and parasites have been acknowledged as potential selective forces responsible for the evolutionary maintenance of sexual reproduction. The pluralist approach to sex proposes that these two factors may have to interact synergistically in order to stabilize sex, and one of the simplest ways this could occur is if parasites are capable of causing synergistic epistasis between mutations in their hosts. However, the effects of both deleterious mutations and parasitism are known to be influenced by a range of environmental factors, so the nature of the interaction may depend upon the organisms' environment. Using chemically mutated Daphnia magna lines, we examined the effects of mutation and parasitism under a range of temperature and food regimes. We found that although parasites were capable of causing synergistic epistasis between mutations in their hosts, these effects were dependent upon an interaction between parasite genotype and temperature.  相似文献   

Compounds containing nitrogen and sulfur atoms can be widely used in various fields, including industry, medicine, biotechnology, and chemical technology. Among them, amides of acids and heterocyclic compounds have an important place. These amides and thiazolidine‐4‐ones showed good inhibitory action against butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and human carbonic anhydrase isoforms. AChE exists at high concentrations in the brain and red blood cells. BChE is an important enzyme that is plentiful in the liver, and it is released into the blood in a soluble form. They were demonstrated to have effective inhibition profiles with Ki values of 23.76–102.75 nM against hCA I, 58.92–136.64 nM against hCA II, 1.40–12.86 nM against AChE, and 9.82–52.77 nM against BChE. On the other hand, acetazolamide showed Ki value of 482.63 ± 56.20 nM against hCA I, and 1019.60 ± 163.70 nM against hCA II. Additionally, Tacrine inhibited AChE and BChE, showing Ki values of 397.03 ± 31.66 and 210.21 ± 15.98 nM, respectively.  相似文献   

Here, we propose five fullerene (C60) derivatives as new drugs against Alzheimer’s disease (AD). These compounds were designed to act as new human acetylcholinesterase (HssAChE) inhibitors by blocking its fasciculin II (FASII) binding site. Docking and molecular dynamic results show that our proposals bind to the HssAChE tunnel entrance, forming stable complex, and further binding free energy calculations suggest that three of the derivatives proposed here could be potent HssAChE inhibitors. We found a region formed by a set of residues (Tyr72, Asp74, Trp286, Gln291, Tyr341, and Pro344) which can be further exploited in the drug design of new inhibitors of HssAChE based on C60 derivatives. Results presented here report for the first time by a new class of molecules that can become effective drugs against AD.  相似文献   

近年来受到重金属工业废水的排放及人类日常活动的影响,我国大面积土壤中重金属含量急剧增高。不同重金属可能通过食物链进入人体,给人类健康带来隐患。因此,减少重金属在动物体肠道中的积累是降低重金属危害的一个重要课题。研究显示,一些益生菌能够在体内外环境中有效地结合重金属,但人们对益生菌结合重金属的能力,及其对重金属的肠道修复机理了解较少。本文针对目前镉、铅、铬等重金属对环境与动物体健康造成严重危害的现状,分析了各类重金属的污染来源,概括了益生菌在环境与动物体肠道中对各种重金属的修复情况及作用机理,重点考察了益生菌在动物体肠道环境中与重金属相互作用的机理研究,同时对未来利用益生菌制剂直接减少人体肠道内重金属积累进行了展望。  相似文献   

A sediment bioassay is being developed using several marine benthic invertebrates to assess the effects of parental transfer of contaminants to the gametes. In this preliminary study, the emphasis was placed on developing methods for the in vitro fertilization of lugworm, Arenicola marina, oocytes.Lugworms exposed to contaminated sediments in outdoor mesocosms were brought to the laboratory, just before the beginning of the spawning period. The reliability of an in vitro fertilization procedure was tested by varying several parts of the method. Main results are that eggs and embryos may be physically damaged by cleaning over a sieve. However, as no negative effects were observed when leaving eggs and sperm together for 24 h, the sperm need not be washed off until the embryos are preserved for further examination later on.A first, incomplete screening of the effects of contaminated harbour dredged sediments indicated some effect on the reproductive success.  相似文献   

V Jackson 《Biochemistry》1987,26(8):2315-2325
We have developed procedures to study histone-histone interactions during the deposition of histones in replicating cells. Cells are labeled for 60 min with dense amino acids, and subsequently, the histones within the nucleosomes are cross-linked into an octameric complex with formaldehyde. These complexes are sedimented to equilibrium in density gradients and octamer and dioctamer complexes separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. With reversal of the cross-link, the distribution of the individual density-labeled histones in the octamer is determined. Newly synthesized H3 and H4 deposit as a tetramer and are associated with old H2A and H2B. Newly synthesized H2A and H2B deposit as a dimer associated with old H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. The significance of these results with respect to the dynamics of histone interactions in the nucleus is discussed. Control experiments are presented to test for artifactual formation of these complexes during preparative procedures. In addition, reconstitution experiments were performed to demonstrate that the composition of these octameric complexes can be determined from their distribution on density gradients.  相似文献   

Results of a toxicity pilot human study approved by the competent ethical Committee are reported. Eleven patients with heavily pre-treated advanced cancer were enrolled in a pilot study with different schedules of time exposure to static magnetic fields (MF), amplitude modulated by ELF. An area including the neck, thoracic and abdomen was MF exposed daily, 5 days/week for 4 weeks according to two different schedules: 20 min daily (4 patients) and 70 min daily (7 patients). ECOG performance status was 1 (2 patients), 2 (8 patients), 3 (1 patient). Toxicity was assessed according to WHO criteria. ECG, Chest X-ray, physical examination, blood cell count and complete blood chemistry were performed before and at the end of the treatment. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) elevation (grade 2 toxicity) in 1 patient and microscopic urinary abnormalities in 5 patients were the only negative effects observed. We conclude that MF can be safely administrated according to the MF exposure schedules.  相似文献   

The mechanism of resistance toB toxicity in barley and wheat was studied in a solution culture experiment using several cultivars displaying a large range of sensitivity to excessB supply. Plants were cultured for 35 d atB concentrations ranging from normal to excessive (15 to 5000 M, respectively) then examined for dry matter production and theB distribution between roots and shoots.In both species, increasedB supply was accompanied by increased tissueB concentrations, development ofB toxicity symptoms and depressed growth. At each level ofB supply, however, resistant cultivars accumulated considerably lessB than did sensitive cultivars, in both roots and shoots. Even at the lowestB supply, at which noB toxicity symptoms developed and growth was not affected, resistant cultivars maintained relatively low tissueB concentrations. No cultivar displayed an ability to tolerate high tissueB concentrations.These results indicate that sensitivity toB toxicity in barley and wheat is governed by the ability of cultivars to excludeB. If theB concentrations of tissues is used to indicate resistance toB toxicity, then cultivars have the same ranking whether cultured at a normal or excessB supply.  相似文献   

酸性土壤上缺磷和铝毒对大豆生长的交互作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以7个磷效率不同的大豆基因型为材料,通过土壤盆栽试验进行石灰和磷肥处理,研究酸性土壤上缺磷和铝毒对大豆生长的交互影响及其基因型差异.结果表明:缺磷和铝毒是酸性土壤上同时存在的影响大豆生长的主要障碍因子,其中铝毒对大豆生长的限制更为严重;缺磷和铝毒对酸性土壤上大豆生长的影响具有显著的交互作用.同时施用石灰(降低铝毒)和磷肥(提高磷有效性)比单施石灰或单施磷肥处理对大豆生长的促进效果更显著;缺磷和铝毒对大豆磷吸收的影响远大于对氮、钾吸收的影响.合理种植大豆对酸性土壤具有较好的改良作用.同时施用石灰[1.103 g Ca(OH)2·kg-1土]和磷肥(2.018 g KH2PO4·kg-1土)可使酸性土壤pH值平均提高38.4%,交换性铝含量降低96.3%,有效磷含量提高3223.8%.种植磷高效大豆基因型比磷低效大豆基因型对酸性土壤的改良效果更好.  相似文献   

The alkaloid juliflorine (1) from Prosopis juliflora inhibited acetylcholinesterase (AChE, EC and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE, EC enzymes in a concentration-dependent fashion with IC50 values 0.42 and 0.12 μM, respectively. Lineweaver-Burk as well as Dixon plots and their secondary replots indicated that the nature of inhibition was purely of non-competitive type with Ki values 0.4 and 0.1 μM, against AChE and BChE, respectively. By molecular docking studies compound 1 was found to be ideally spaced inside the aromatic gorge of AChE with rings A/B remaining at the top and rings C/D penetrating deep into the gorge, that might be due to the greater hydrophobicity of rings C/D as compared to rings A/B, allowing their simultaneous interaction with the peripheral anionic and quaternary ammonium-binding sites. The 1-AChE complex was found to be stabilized by hydrophobic contacts, hydrogen bonding, and π-π stacking between the compound 1 and amino acid residues of the aromatic gorge of AChE. Amino acid residues Tyr70, Asp72, Tyr121, Trp279, and Tyr334 of the peripheral anionic site (PAS) of AChE were found to be exclusively involved in the hydrophobic contacts with compound 1 that might be responsible for the competitive mode of inhibition. Compound 1 also showed dose-dependent (30-500 μg/mL) spasmolytic and Ca2+-channel blocking activities in isolated rabbit jejunum preparations. The cholinesterase inhibitory potential along with calcium-channel blocking activity of compound 1 and safe profile in human neutrophils viable assay could make it a possible drug candidate for Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   

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