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1. Diving apnoea in Rana pipiens was initiated by submerging the external nares. As the water level was raised above the frog, both buccal and lung pressure increased by an amount corresponding to the water head. During submergence the external nares remained closed, although the apnoeic period was punctuated by ventilation movements which moved gas between the lungs and buccal cavity. 2. Bilateral section of the ophthalmic nerves did not alter the normal pattern of ventilation in air, although it often resulted in the intake of water into the buccal cavity on submergence. Introduction of water into the buccal cavity, either naturally as in denervates or by injection through a catheter in intact frogs, triggered sustained electromyographical activity in some respiratory muscles. 3. Electroneurograms recorded from the cut peripheral end of an ophthalmic nerve showed that receptors in the external narial region were stimulated by movement of a water meniscus across them. Activity could also be recorded in the ophthalmic nerve in response to water flow past the submerged nares. Punctate stimulation of the narial region confirmed that these receptors were mechanosensitive. 4. Bilateral electrical stimulation of the central ends of cut ophthalmic nerves in lightly anaesthetized frogs caused apnoea with a latency of less than 200 ms. The external nares remained closed throughout the period of stimulation although buccal pressure events, resembling underwater ventilation movements, occurred when stimulation was prolonged.  相似文献   

Functional analysis of lung ventilation in salamanders combined with historical analysis of respiratory pumps provides new perspectives on the evolution of breathing mechanisms in vertebrates. Lung ventilation in the aquatic salamander Necturus maculosus was examined by means of cineradiography, measurement of buccal and pleuroperitoneal cavity pressures, and electromyography of hypaxial musculature. In deoxygenated water Necturus periodically rises to the surface, opens its mouth, expands its buccal cavity to draw in fresh air, exhales air from the lungs, closes its mouth, and then compresses its buccal cavity and pumps air into the lungs. Thus Necturus produces only two buccal movements per breath: one expansion and one compression. Necturus shares the use of this two-stroke buccal pump with lungfishes, frogs and other salamanders. The ubiquitous use of this system by basal sarcopterygians is evidence that a two-stroke buccal pump is the primitive lung ventilation mechanism for sarcopterygian vertebrates. In contrast, basal actinopterygian fishes use a four-stroke buccal pump. In these fishes the buccal cavity expands to fill with expired air, compresses to expel the pulmonary air, expands to fill with fresh air, and then compresses for a second time to pump air into the lungs. Whether the sarcopterygian two-stroke buccal pump and the actinopterygian four-stroke buccal pump arose independently, whether both are derived from a single, primitive osteichthyian breathing mechanism, or whether one might be the primitive pattern and the other derived, cannot be determined. Although Necturus and lungfishes both use a two-stroke buccal pump, they differ in their expiration mechanics. Unlike a lungfish (Protopterus), Necturus exhales by contracting a portion of its hypaxial trunk musculature (the m. Iransversus abdominis) to increase pleuroperitoneal pressure. The occurrence of this same expiratory mechanism in amniotes is evidence that the use of hypaxial musculature for expiration, but not for inspiration, is a primitive tetrapod feature. From this observation we hypothesize that aspiration breathing may have evolved in two stages: initially, from pure buccal pumping to the use of trunk musculature for exhalation but not for inspiration (as in Necturus); and secondarily, to the use of trunk musculature for both exhalation and inhalation by costal aspiration (as in amniotes).  相似文献   

The respiratory cycles of Rana and Bufo has been disputed in relation to flow patterns and to the respiratory dead-space of the buccal volume. A small tidal volume combined with a much larger buccal space motivated the "jet steam" model that predicts a coherent expired flow within the dorsal part of the buccal space. Some other studies indicate an extensive mixing of lung gas within the buccal volume. In Bufo schneideri, we measured arterial, end-tidal and intrapulmonary PCO(2) to evaluate dead-space by the Bohr equation. Dead-space was also estimated as: V(D)=(total ventilation-effective ventilation)/f(R), where total ventilation and f(R) were measured by pneumotachography, while effective ventilation was derived from the alveolar ventilation equation. These approaches were consistent with a dead space of 30-40% of tidal volume, which indicates a specific pathway for the expired lung gas.  相似文献   

Breathing is a vital process providing the exchange of gases between the lungs and atmosphere. During quiet breathing, pumping air from the lungs is mostly performed by contraction of the diaphragm during inspiration, and muscle contraction during expiration does not play a significant role in ventilation. In contrast, during intense exercise or severe hypercapnia forced or active expiration occurs in which the abdominal “expiratory” muscles become actively involved in breathing. The mechanisms of this transition remain unknown. To study these mechanisms, we developed a computational model of the closed-loop respiratory system that describes the brainstem respiratory network controlling the pulmonary subsystem representing lung biomechanics and gas (O2 and CO2) exchange and transport. The lung subsystem provides two types of feedback to the neural subsystem: a mechanical one from pulmonary stretch receptors and a chemical one from central chemoreceptors. The neural component of the model simulates the respiratory network that includes several interacting respiratory neuron types within the Bötzinger and pre-Bötzinger complexes, as well as the retrotrapezoid nucleus/parafacial respiratory group (RTN/pFRG) representing the central chemoreception module targeted by chemical feedback. The RTN/pFRG compartment contains an independent neural generator that is activated at an increased CO2 level and controls the abdominal motor output. The lung volume is controlled by two pumps, a major one driven by the diaphragm and an additional one activated by abdominal muscles and involved in active expiration. The model represents the first attempt to model the transition from quiet breathing to breathing with active expiration. The model suggests that the closed-loop respiratory control system switches to active expiration via a quantal acceleration of expiratory activity, when increases in breathing rate and phrenic amplitude no longer provide sufficient ventilation. The model can be used for simulation of closed-loop control of breathing under different conditions including respiratory disorders.  相似文献   

To elucidate the role of the water receptor in the frog (Rana catesbeiana), reflex activities elicited by its excitation were studied. Application of tap water to the oral mucosa depressed the rhythmical movement of gorge (buccal) respiration, accompanied by an elevation of the inner pressure of the oral cavity (buccal pressure). Tonic reflex discharges were elicited in the nerves innervating the submental and submaxillary muscles, which close the nostrils, the pterygoid and the profound portion of the major masseter muscles, which produce a strong bite, and the geniohyoid and hyoglossus muscles, which elevate buccal pressure. These muscles, except for the pterygoid, also participate in the rhythmical movement of gorge respiration as expiratory muscles. Rhythmical movements in the minor masseter and sternohyoid muscles, which act as inspiratory muscles in gorge respiration, were depressed by the water stimulation of the oral mucosa. These findings indicate that the water receptor plays a role in the interruption of gorge respiratory movements, accompanied by an elevation of buccal pressure.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the reflex response of the expiratory muscles to pulmonary congestion and edema. The electromyograms of two thoracic and four abdominal expiratory muscles were recorded in 12 anesthetized dogs. Pulmonary edema was induced by rapid saline infusion in six dogs and injection of oleic acid into the pulmonary circulation in the remaining six dogs. Both forms of pulmonary edema reduced pulmonary compliance, interfered with gas exchange, and induced a rapid and shallow breathing pattern. The electrical activity of all abdominal muscles was suppressed during both forms of pulmonary edema. In contrast, the electromyogram activity of the thoracic expiratory muscles was not significantly affected by pulmonary edema. Acute pulmonary arterial hypertension produced in two dogs by inflating a balloon in the left atrium had no effect on ventilation or expiratory muscle electrical activity. In two vagotomized dogs, pulmonary edema did not inhibit the expiratory muscles. We conclude that pulmonary edema suppresses abdominal but not thoracic expiratory muscle activity by vagal reflex pathway(s). Extravasation of fluid into the lung appears to be more important than an increase in pulmonary vascular pressure in eliciting this response.  相似文献   

Frog sounds involve expulsion of air through the larynx. Inmating, release, rain, and territorial calls, the air vibratesvocal cords and/or arytenoid cartilages. Sound is amplifiedand radiated by the distended buccal cavity and vocal sacs.Distress calls are emitted with open mouth, with minimum laryngealmodulation. The trunk is filled by inflation cycles, but airis driven out by synchronized contractions of the body wallmusculature. The pressure levels are more than five times thoseduring ventilation. In the release call of Bufo valliceps the dilatators and constrictorsof the larynx fire simultaneously keeping the larynx closed.As the pulmonary pressure reaches a peak they cease firing.The arytenoids then separate and vibrate, as do the vocal cords.The dilatators terminate the sound pulse by pulling vibratorsout of the air stream, hence the very sharp termination. Prolongedrelease call sequences include interpulse Teinflations thatreturn air from buccal cavity to lung. Frogs apparently evolved from amphibians too small to use aspirationbreathing. Vocalization represented a critical factor in theirsocial organization and its importance locked these animalsinto reliance upon pulse-pumping rather than the more efficientaspiration breathing.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Respiratory gas bladders are found in the Osteoglossomorpha,Elopomorpha and Euteleostei and are absent in the Clupeomorpha.All teleosts with respiratory gas bladders share a common patternof air ventilation: during the transfer phase gas is transferredpassively from the gas bladder to the buccal cavity. Subsequently,gas is expelled during the active expulsion phase mediated byaction of the geniohyoideus muscle causing a positive pressurepulse in the buccal cavity. This is followed by an active intakephase by action of the sternohyoideus muscle creating a negativepressure pulse, which is succeeded by an extensive compressivephase by action of the geniohyoideus muscle forcing fresh airinto the gas bladder. Saltatory evolution of gas bladders andtheir buccal pumps seems to have proceeded by major transformationsin structural design without appreciable changes in the patternof neural control. The hypothesis of symmorphosis in gas bladderdesign is well corroborated by the independent evolution ofaccessory esophageal pumps in three unrelated lineages. Evolutionaryreversals (Primitive lung evolving into nonrespiratory hydrostaticswim bladder which subsequently reverts back to become a respiratorygas bladder) have occurred repeatedly. Such reversed shiftsare facilitated by the conserved neuromuscular pattern duringfunctional transformations. Experimental comparative evidenceis offered for the notion that evolutionary innovations mayinvolve the addition of entirely new functions (respiratory)of a structural complex (gas bladder) while the original functions(hydrostatic, hearing and sound production) are rigidly retained.The paucity in Elopomorpha and absence in Clupeomorpha of respiratorygas bladders reflect the lack of functional demands for newhabits in the environment rather than the absence of essentialpreexisting building blocks.  相似文献   

To differentiate the effects of gas and liquid ventilation on cardiopulmonary function during early development, we compared the clinical, physiological, and histological profiles of gas- and liquid-ventilated preterm lambs (n = 16; 108-116 days gestation). Immediately after cesarean section delivery, ventilation commenced using gas delivered by a volume ventilator (n = 9) or liquid perfluorochemical (n = 7) delivered by a mechanically assisted liquid ventilation system. Pulmonary gas exchange, acid-base status, vital signs, and respiratory compliance were assessed during the 3-h protocol; sections of the lungs were obtained for histological analyses when the animals were killed. Six of nine gas-ventilated lambs expired from respiratory failure before 3 h, with the remaining animals experiencing severe respiratory insufficiency, pneumothoraces, and cardiovascular deterioration. Six of seven liquid-ventilated lambs survived with good gas exchange and cardiovascular stability and without fluorothorax; one experienced ventricular fibrillation before 1 h and expired despite pulmonary stability. Respiratory compliance was significantly greater in the liquid- than in the gas-ventilated lambs. Histological analyses of gas-ventilated lungs demonstrated nonhomogeneous lung expansion, with thick-walled gas exchange spaces containing proteinaceous exudate, hemorrhage, and hyaline membranes. In contrast, liquid-ventilated lungs appeared clear, with thin-walled and uniformly expanded gas exchange spaces that were free of hyaline membranes and luminal debris. Morphometric analyses demonstrated that surface area and gas exchange index were greater in the liquid- than in the gas-ventilated lambs. These results indicate that elimination of surface active forces by liquid ventilation during early development provides more effective gas exchange with less barotrauma compared with gas ventilation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Determination of pulmonary ventilation in anuran amphibians is usually accomplished from recordings of buccal pressure or by pneumotachography. Considering the well described changes in ventilatory pattern during increased respiratory drive, it is pertinent to determine whether the two methods produce comparable ventilatory responses. To resolve this question, a toad was equipped with both a buccal cannula and a pneumotachograph enabling a direct comparison of the two methods. While the two methods result in similar determinations of the overall ventilatory response to hypoxia, there was a poor correlation between buccal pressure and exhaled volume for individual breaths.  相似文献   

We developed a model to demonstrate how a hopping kangaroo breathes. Interestingly, a kangaroo uses less energy to breathe while hopping than while standing still. This occurs, in part, because rather than using muscle power to move air into and out of the lungs, air is pulled into (inspiration) and pushed out of (expiration) the lungs as the abdominal organs "flop" within the kangaroo's body. Specifically, as the kangaroo hops upward, the abdominal organs lag behind, and the insertion of the diaphragm is pulled toward its origin, flattening the dome and increasing the vertical dimension of the thoracic cavity (the thoracic cavity and lungs enlarge). Increasing the volume of the thoracic cavity reduces alveolar pressure below atmospheric pressure (barometric pressure), and air moves into the alveoli by bulk flow. In contrast, the impact of the organs against the diaphragm at each landing causes expiration. Specifically, upon landing, the abdominal organs flop into the diaphragm, causing it to return to its dome shape and decreasing the vertical dimension of the thoracic cavity. This compresses the alveolar gas volume and elevates alveolar pressure above barometric pressure, so air is expelled. To demonstrate this phenomenon, the plunger of a syringe model of the respiratory system was inserted through a compression spring. Holding the syringe and pressing the plunger firmly against a hard surface expels air from the lungs (the balloon within the syringe deflates) and compresses the spring. This models the kangaroo landing after a hop forward. Subsequently, the compression spring provides the energy for the "kangaroo" to "hop" forward upon the release of the syringe, and air enters the lungs (the balloon within the syringe inflates). The model accurately reflects how a hopping kangaroo breathes. A model was chosen to demonstrate this phenomenon because models engage and inspire students as well as significantly enhance student understanding.  相似文献   

The release vibration and release call of Bufo valliceps have been studied by electromyography of the muscles involved, coupled with pressure and sound recording. The sequences are powered by contraction of the muscles of the body envelope and with the energy transmitted via the compressed pulmonary contents. Each pulse of a call starts as the laryngeal muscles relax and pulmonary pressure forces the arytenoid cartilages apart. Sound emission ceases when the laryngeal dilators pull the arytenoids out of the airstream. Reverse flow of air from buccal cavity to lungs may occur within prolonged release sequences. Inflation of the vocal sac results in marked increase in amplitude of the radiated sound without equivalent increase in amplitude of the myograns. The call is intimately associated with the pulsepumping method of breathing used by frogs.  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨腹式呼吸训练法对慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)伴Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭患者肺通气状态、血气指标及运动耐力的影响。方法:选择我院2020年07月2022年12月期间收治的100例COPD伴Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭患者,根据随机数字表法将患者分为对照组[常规治疗基础上接受双水平气道正压(BIPAP)辅助通气,n=50]和研究组(对照组的基础上接受腹式呼吸训练法干预,n=50)。对比两组临床相关指标、肺通气状态、血气指标及运动耐力指标。结果:研究组的喘憋消失时间、体温恢复正常时间、住院时间、肺部啰音消失时间短于对照组(P<0.05)。两组干预1周后第1秒呼气的最大容积(FEV1)、最大自主分钟通气量(MVV)、用力肺活量(FVC)均升高,且研究组高于对照组(P<0.05)。两组干预1周后氧分压(PaO22)、血氧饱和度(SpO2)均升高,且研究组高于对照组;二氧化碳分压(PaCO2)下降,且研究组低于对照组(P<0.05)。两组干预1周后6 min步行距离(6MWT)升高,且研究组高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:腹式呼吸训练法有助于改善COPD伴Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭患者的临床症状,调节肺通气状态、血气指标,提高运动耐力。  相似文献   

In acute experiments on cats with closed chest the author studied the influence of artificial ventilation of increased frequency or volume on the pulmonary edema degree, foam formation intensity, pulmonary gas exchange and the animals survival in experimental pulmonary edema caused by intravenous infusion of mixture fatty acids. It was shown, that artificial ventilation of increased frequencies or volumes in pulmonary edema reduces the increase of the pulmonary coefficient and edema liquid quantity at the beginning of edema and it does not become stronger in following stages. Artificial ventilation of increased regimes decreases the foam formation, increases survival of the animals, delays the arterial pressure decrease, improves the pulmonary gas exchange. Artificial ventilation of increased frequency is more effective then ventilation of increased volume decreases foam formation and improves gas exchange in the lungs.  相似文献   

Dynamics of pulmonary ventilation, electric activity of the intercostal muscles and of the alveolar gas composition was studied in 12 healthy men during dosaged muscular work; these men were given different gas mixtures to breathe. The respiratory response at the initial period of work in inhalation of the hypoxic-hypercapnic gas mixture was greater than that in persons who breathed room air. This response practically disappeared after oxygen hyperventilation. Apparently the rapid component of the ventilation response to the muscular work was largely due to increased sensitivity of the respiratory centre to the chemoreceptive drive.  相似文献   

The large pine weevil, Hylobius abietis (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is the most important insect pest of young coniferous plants. The implementation of new control methods requires not only a profound knowledge of the ecology and behaviour of the pest, but particularly of its physiology. Standard metabolic rate (SMR) and discontinuous gas exchange cycles (DGCs) were recorded in parallel with abdominal ventilation movements in adults of H. abietis using a differential electrolytic respirometer‐actograph. Quiescent weevils displayed DGCs of the constriction, flutter, and ventilation phases of the CFV type, while bursts of carbon dioxide were always accompanied by abdominal pumping movements, i.e., muscular ventilation in the closed subelytral cavity (SEC). In some beetles the C phase was absent and thus (C)FV cycles were recorded. In addition, at the beginning and often at the end of a burst, the SEC was rhythmically opened and closed by movements of the last abdominal segments. Continuous pumping movements and an absence of DGCs were signs of stress imposed by handling or by a new environment, even if the beetle was not moving. All individuals showed clear DGCs after recovering from handling and apparatus stress lasting 2–3 h. The results show that in the monitoring of DGCs, it is essential to determine whether they are of the constriction, flutter, and open phases (CFO), or the CFV subtype of the constriction, flutter, and burst (CFB) cycles. Use of our simple closed‐system respirometer enables non‐invasive simultaneous recording of SMR, oxygen uptake, DGCs, and active ventilation in H. abietis and other beetles. The topical application of adult H. abietis with sublethal doses of a botanical insecticide, NeemAzal T/S, caused essential respiratory failures: cyclic gas exchange was lost and irregular pumping movements appeared. In the treated beetles normal DGCs did not resume.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Structural evolution of the vertebrate lung illustratesthe principle that the emergence of seemingly new structuressuch as the mammalian lung is due to intensification of oneof the functions of the original piscine lung. The configurationof the mechanical support of the lung in which elastic and collagenfibers form a continuous framework is well matched with thefunctional demands. The design of the mammalian gas exchangecells is an ingenious solution to meet the functional demandsof optimizing maintenance pathways from nucleus to the cytoplasmwhile simultaneously providing minimal barrier thickness. Surfactantis found in the most primitive lungs providing a protectivecontinuous film of fluid over the delicate epithelium. As thelung became profusely partitioned, surfactant became a functionallynew surface-tension reduction device to prevent the collapseof the super-thin foam-like respiratory surface. Experimentalanalyses have established that in lower vertebrates lungs areventilated with a buccal pulse pump, which is driven by identicalsets of muscles acting in identical patterns in fishes and frogs.In the aquatic habitats suction is the dominant mode of feedinggenerating buccal pressure changes far exceeding those recordedduring air ventilation. From the perspective of air ventilationthe buccal pulse pump is overdesigned. However in terrestrialhabitats vertebrates must operate with higher metabolic demandsand the lung became subdivided into long narrow airways andprogressively smaller air spaces, rendering the pulse pump inefficient.With the placement of the lungs inside a pump, the aspirationpump was established. In mammals, the muscular diaphragm representsa key evolutionary innovation since it led to an energeticallymost efficient aspiration pump. Apparently the potential energycreated by contraction of the diaphragm during inhalation isstored in the elastic tissues of the thoracic unit and lung.This energy is released when lung and thorax recoil to bringabout exhalation. It is further determined experimentally thatrespiratory and locomotory patterns are coupled, further maximizingthe efficiency of mammalian respiration. Symmorphosis is exhibitedin the avian breathing apparatus, which is endowed with a keyevolutionary innovation by having the highly specialized lungcontinuously ventilated by multiple air sacs that function asbellows. Functional morphologists directly deal with these kindsof functional and structural complexities that provide an enormouspotential upon simple changes in underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

Activity patterns of motoneurones which innervate spiracular muscles in two blaberid cockroaches, Blaberus discoidalis and Gromphadorhina portentosa, have been monitored during two homologous behaviour patterns: respiratory and non-respiratory tracheal ventilation. Based upon the activity of spiracular motoneurones during these two activities, the abdominal spiracles have been divided into three functional groups: vestigial, respiratory and non-respiratory. In Blaberus discoidalis spiracle 3 is vestigial, spiracles 6, 7, 8 and 10 are respiratory, and spiracles 4, 5 and 9 are non-respiratory. In Gromphadorhina portentosa spiracles 3 and 10 are vestigial, spiracle 4 is non-respiratory and spiracles 5–9 are respiratory.Respiratory spiracles in both species are characterized by activity patterns of their motoneurones during respiratory tracheal ventilation: low frequency firing at irregular intervals during the respiratory pause and a higher frequency burst synchronous with the expiratory abdominal compression. Non-respiratory spiracles are characterized by complete inactivity of their opener motoneurones during respiratory tracheal ventilation. These motoneurones are activated by mechanical stimulation in both species, which simultaneously suppresses activity in respiratory opener motoneurones. In Blaberus discoidalis, there are no differences between activity patterns of respiratory and non-respiratory closer motoneurones. In Gromphadorhina portentosa, not only do respiratory and non-respiratory closer motoneurones have different activity patterns, but the activity pattern of respiratory closer motoneurones is different during respiratory and non-respiratory tracheal ventilation. The functional implications of these several spiracular motoneurone activity patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Postmortem microsphere studies in adult human lungs have demonstrated the existence of intrapulmonary arteriovenous pathways using nonphysiological conditions. The aim of the current study was to determine whether large diameter (>25 and 50 microm) intrapulmonary arteriovenous pathways are functional in human and baboon lungs under physiological perfusion and ventilation pressures. We used fresh healthy human donor lungs obtained for transplantation and fresh lungs from baboons (Papio c. anubis). Lungs were ventilated with room air by using a peak inflation pressure of 15 cm H(2)O and a positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 cm H(2)O. Lungs were perfused between 10 and 20 cm H(2)O by using a phosphate-buffered saline solution with 5% albumin. We infused a mixture of 25- and 50-microm microspheres (0.5 and 1 million total for baboons and human studies, respectively) into the pulmonary artery and collected the entire pulmonary venous outflow. Under these conditions, evidence of intrapulmonary arteriovenous anastomoses was found in baboon (n = 3/4) and human (n = 4/6) lungs. In those lungs showing evidence of arteriovenous pathways, 50-microm microspheres were always able to traverse the pulmonary circulation, and the fraction of transpulmonary passage ranged from 0.0003 to 0.42%. These data show that intrapulmonary arteriovenous pathways >50 microm in diameter are functional under physiological ventilation and perfusion pressures in the isolated lung. These pathways provide an alternative conduit for pulmonary blood flow that likely bypasses the areas of gas exchange at the capillary-alveolar interface that could compromise both gas exchange and the ability of the lung to filter out microemboli.  相似文献   

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