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Characterization of the Bacillus thuringiensis strains isolated from Taiwan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Over 100 Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) isolates which produced phase bright inclusions have been isolated from soil samples from different areas in Taiwan. Three types of crystal proteins were visualized by phase contrast microscopy. Among these isolates, only 14 different types of plasmid profiles have been observed. They all possess a variety of plasmids ranging from a few kb to around 250 kb in size. With respect to the crystal protein profiles, the plasmid profiles, and the shapes of crystal proteins, we found that the majority of our isolates (87%) were different from most of the known Bt strains. Our other two types of isolates (10 and 3%) resembled Bt var. kurstaki HD1 and Bt var. israelensis, respectively. Most of our isolates were active against Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera) and Aedes aegypti (Diptera). Most interestingly, two of our isolates, Nos. 82 and 96, were found highly toxic to Heliothis virescens, even compared with the standard strain, Bt var. kurstaki HD1. Using insecticidal crystal protein (ICP) gene probe from Bt var. aizawai HD-133 to probe the total DNA of our isolates, we observed that at least one plasmid from each of the tested strains reacted with the probe. A 10 kb plasmid from some of our isolates hybridized with the probe. This probably is the first evidence demonstrating that the ICP gene sequence can be found in a low molecular weight plasmid.  相似文献   

Seven Bacteroides fragilis strains were cultured from samples collected from horses. From all the tested strains, as well as from the reference B. fragilis strains: enterotoxigenic NCTC 11925 and nonenterotoxigenic IPL 323 strain, DNA was isolated using Genomic DNA PREP PLUS isolation kit manufactured by A&A Biotechnology (Poland). To detect the enterotoxin (fragilysin) gene, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was applied, using the following starters: 404 (GAG CCG AAG ACG GTG TAT GTG ATT TGT) and 407 (TGC TCA GCG CCC AGT ATA TGA CCT AGT). DNA obtained from bacterial cells was amplified in a thermocycler (Techne). The temperature profile was as follows: 1 cycle (4 min. 94 degrees C), 40 cycles (1 min. 94 degrees C, 1 min. 52 degrees C, 1 min. 74 degrees C). Amplification products were detected by electrophoresis in agarose gel (1%) with ethidium bromide added. The presence of the fragilysin gene was detected in two strains. Among the strains isolated from horses enterotoxin gene-possessing Bacteroides fragilis strains (ETBF) can be detected.  相似文献   

Abstract Strains of Bacillus cereus and B. thuringiensis were tested by the Tecra VIA kit for the ability to produce a diarrhoeal enterotoxin. The strains of B. thuringiensis were isolated from commercial B. thuringiensis -based insecticides (BactimosTM, DiPelTM, FlorbacTM FC, ForayTM 48B, NovodorTM FC, TurexTM, VecTobacTM, XenTariTM). The production of diarrhoeal enterotoxin varied by a factor of more than 100 among the different strains tested. B. cereus (F4433/73) produced the highest amount of enterotoxin and the B. thuringiensis strain isolated from DiPelTM the lowest. The products were tested for their content of diarrhoeal enterotoxin and all products, except MVPTM which does not contain viable B. thuringiensis spores, contained diarrhoeal enterotoxins. The results indicates an potential risk for gastroenteritis outbreak caused by B. thuringiensis .  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis INTA 7-3, INTA 51-3, INTA Mo9-5 and INTA Mo14-4 strains were obtained from Argentina and characterized by determination of serotype, toxicity, plasmid composition, insecticidal gene content ( cry and vip ) and the cloning of the single- vip3A gene of the INTA Mo9-5 strain. The serotype analysis identified the serovars tohokuensis and darmstadiensis for the INTA 51-3 and INTA Mo14-4 strains, respectively, whereas the INTA Mo9-5 strain was classified as "autoagglutinated". In contrast to the plasmid patterns of INTA 7-3, INTA 51-3 and INTA Mo9-5 (which were similar to B. thuringiensis HD-1 strain), strain INTA Mo14-4 showed a unique plasmid array. PCR analysis of the four strains revealed the presence of cry genes and vip3A genes. Interestingly, it was found that B. thuringiensis 4Q7 strain, which is a plasmid cured strain, contained vip3A genes indicating the presence of these insecticidal genes in the chromosome. Bioassays towards various lepidopteran species revealed that B. thuringiensis INTA Mo9-5 and INTA 7-3 strains were highly active. In particular, the mean LC(50) obtained against A. gemmatalis larvae with the INTA Mo9-5 and INTA 7-3 strains were 7 (5.7-8.6) and 6.7 (5.6-8.0) ppm, respectively. The INTA Mo14-4 strain was non-toxic and strain INTA 51-3 showed only a weak larvicidal activity.  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess the properties of B. thuringiensis naturally occurring in the intestines of bank voles. METHODS AND RESULTS: Seventeen Bacillus thuringiensis strains, exhibiting typical growth on selective medium for the B. cereus group and characterized by the ability to produce parasporal crystals, were isolated from bank voles trapped in the ?omza Landscape Park of the Narew River Valley (north-east Poland). All isolates were characterized by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of chromosomal DNA and SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of whole-cell proteins. Six pulsotypes were found with PFGE typing, using SmaI or NotI as restriction enzymes. Significant differences in chromosome size, ranging from 2.4 to 4.2 Mb for the B. thuringiensis strains studied, were noted. Strain heterogeneity in pulsotypes was also reflected by the similarity of whole-cell protein profiles of the strains. Environmental isolates and reference strains grouped at 71% similarity according to SDS-PAGE data and at 84% on the basis of biochemical tests. CONCLUSIONS: B. thuringiensis from intestines of bank voles demonstrated an important level of heterogeneity. The comparison of PFGE profiles and SDS-PAGE of whole-cell protein patterns may be useful to evaluate the relationship between B. thuringiensis isolates. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The results presented in this paper may help to explain the diversity of B. thuringiensis.  相似文献   

Three selected strains of Bacillus thuringiensis native to Mexico produced endochitinases, chitobiosidases, and N-acetyl--glucosaminidases in a medium containing colloidal chitin as a main carbon source. Two types of chitinases were clearly identified: endochitinases and chitobiosidases. Chromosomal location of a chitinase gene in B. thuringiensis LBIT-82 was resolved.  相似文献   

To explore effective and ecofriendly means of controlling wheat flag smut (WFS) using biocontrol agents, three endophytic strains (58-2-1, 37-1 and YC-1) of Bacillus sp. were isolated from winter wheat plants in China and identified as Bacillus thuringiensis based on their 16S rDNA sequences as well as phenotypic characteristics. Four morphological (leaf length, root length, dry weight and tiller numbers) and one physiological [root vigour (RV)] parameters of wheat plants treated by strains 58-2-1 and 37-1 were significantly enhanced compared to the control. The soluble sugar contents in the roots of wheat samples treated by the two strains were significantly lower than the control. The resistance of wheat varieties to WFS was investigated by inoculation tests. Of the 12 wheat varieties tested, 6 (Yunhan-618, Bainongaikang-58, Kaimai-20, Zhengmai-9023, 04-zhong-36 and Yanzhan-4110) were identified as WFS-highly resistant (HR), 3 (Pumai-9, Jinboshi-1 and Yunong-202) WFS-moderately resistant (MR), 1 (Yubao-1) WFS-susceptible (S) and 2 (Yumai-012 and Yunong-416) WFS-highly susceptible (HS) varieties. The Urocystis tritici-induced yield loss on the S/HS varieties was significantly higher than that on the HR/MR ones. The strains 58-2-1 and 37-1 had control efficacies of 6.7–100% (av.54.8%) and 33.3–100% (av. 66.5%) on 9 and 7 out of 12 varieties, respectively. The strains 58-2-1 and 37-1 had enhanced yields of 10.2–54.9% (av. 32.9%) and 2.8–43.4% (av. 24.8%) on 10 and 8 out of 12 varieties, respectively. This is the first report on endophytic B. thuringiensis strains isolated from wheat plants with the abilities to suppress WFS and to enhance yields on multiple wheat varieties.  相似文献   

The coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) was first reported infecting Costa Rican coffee plantations in the year 2000. Due to the impact that this plague has in the economy of the country, we were interested in seeking new alternatives for the biological control of H. hampei, based on the entomopathogenic bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis. A total of 202 B. thuringiensis isolates obtained from Costa Rican coffee plantations infested with H. hampei were analyzed through crystal morphology of the crystal inclusions and SDS-PAGE of 6-endotoxins, while 105 strains were further evaluated by PCR for the presence cry, cyt and vip genes. Most of the Bt strains showed diverse crystal morphologies: pleomorphic (35%), oval (37%), bipyramidal (3%), bipyramidal and oval (12%), bipyramidal, oval and pleomorphic (10%) and bipyramidal, oval and cubic (3%). The SDS-PAGE analyses of the crystal preparations showed five strains with delta-endotoxin from 20 to 40 kDa, six from 40 to 50 kDa, seven from 50 to 60 kDa, 19 from 60 to 70 kDa, 29 from 70 to 100 kDa and 39 from 100-145 kDa. PCR analyses demonstrated that the collection showed diverse cry genes profiles having several genes per strain: 78 strains contained the vip3 gene, 82 the cry2 gene, 45 the cry1 and 29 strains harbored cry3-cry7 genes. A total of 13 strains did not amplified with any of the cry primers used: cry1, cry2, cry3-7, cry5, cry11, cry12 and cry14. Forty-three different genetic profiles were found, mainly due to the combination of cry1A genes with other cry and vip genes. The genetic characterization of the collection provides opportunities for the selection of strains to be tested in bioassays against H. hampei and other insect pests of agricultural importance.  相似文献   

Sporeformers isolated from a commercially canned food were identified as Bacillus cereus, lactose-positive variants. The thermal resistance of spore crops produced from each of two representative cultures was determined in 0.067 M phosphate buffer at pH 7.0. The D121.1 values for one isolate were approximately 0.03 min (z = 9.9C), whereas the D121.1 values for the other isolate were 2.35 min (z = 7.9 C). Thermal inactivation results for heat-stressed isolates from each strain showed no significant alteration in heat resistance from that of the two parent spore crops. Both isolates were reactive when injected into the ligated rabbit ileum.  相似文献   

The pine processionary moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa Den. and Schiff. (Lep., Thaumetopoeidae) is one of the most harmful insect pests for pine species in Mediterranean countries including Turkey. Two Bacillus thuringiensis isolates obtained from T. pityocampa were identified and characterized in terms of crystal shape using electron microscopy, SDS–PAGE analysis, cry gene contents, H-serotype and insecticidal activity. Examination by a scanning electron microscope showed that Tp6 and Tp14 isolates have flat square and bipyramidal crystal shapes, respectively. PCR analysis showed that Tp6 contains cry3 gene and Tp14 isolate contains cry1 and cry2 genes. On the other hand, the presence of Cry3 and Cry1 proteins were confirmed by observation of approximately 65- and 130-kDa proteins by SDS–PAGE in Tp6 and Tp14 isolates, respectively. According to H-serotype results, these isolates were identified as Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. morrisoni (H8a8b). Toxicity tests were performed against six insect species belonging to Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. The highest insecticidal activity was 100% for Tp6 isolate on larvae of Agelastica alni and Leptinotarsa decemlineata and 100% for Tp14 isolate on larvae of Malacosoma neustria. Our results indicate that isolates Tp6 and Tp14 may be valuable biological control agents for various coleopteran and lepidopteran pests.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis strains were found to be naturally present in the soils of southern Sweden, being isolated from nine out of 12 sites examined. Forest soil samples were more rich in B. thuringiensis strains than soil samples collected from cultivated areas. A wide diversity of B. thuringiensis strains, representing different biochemical groups, was isolated; samples from Aspö and Fogdö regions showed the highest degree of diversity.R. Landén and M. Bryne are with the Department of Microbiology, Stockholm University, S-10691 Stockholm, Sweden. A. Abdel-Hameed is with the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Kasr-El-Aini Street, Cairo, Egypt. A. Abdel-Hameed's present address is the Department of Applied Chemistry and Microbiology, PO Box 27, Viikki, Building B, SF-00014 University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess the prevalence and properties of Bacillus thuringiensis isolated from the intestines of small mammals. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bacillus thuringiensis was found in 11% of rodents and 17% of insectivores. Using PFGE of chromosomal DNA, SDS-PAGE of whole-cell proteins and biochemical tests (API system), 12 isolates and three reference strains were classified. Numerical analysis revealed 61% and 89% similarity of protein profiles and biochemical properties of the bacilli, respectively. The results of PFGE were consistent with the outcomes of the analysis of protein profiles. CONCLUSIONS: Although B. thuringiensis is not common in the intestines of small mammals, it is heterogeneous at the genotypic and phenotypic level. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The results presented here help to explain the diversity and the ecological significance of B. thuringiensis. Future study should focus on the toxic activity of the isolated strains.  相似文献   

将编码cyt1Aa基因和 p2 0蛋白基因的DNA片段分别克隆连接于两个不同的穿梭载体 pBU 4和pMK 3上 ,构建了重组质粒 pBA 30和 pMA 6,通过电击法 ,将重组质粒分别转化 B .s野生株2 2 97,获得了转化菌株Bs 97 30和Bs 97 6。SDS PAGE和Westernblot分析证实了cyt1Aa基因在转化菌株Bs 97 30中获得了表达 ,而在转化菌株Bs 97 6中未检测到cyt1Aa基因表达的蛋白。转化菌株Bs 97 30中 ,cyt1Aa基因与B .s二元毒素基因同步于菌体生长的对数期起始表达 ,并持续至芽孢形成。生测结果表明 ,转化菌株Bs 97 30中cyt1Aa基因的表达并未明显增强其对敏感和抗性致倦库蚊幼虫的毒力。其原因可能是弱毒性的 cyt1Aa蛋白在转化菌株中的表达量不高。  相似文献   

Six isolates of Bacillus thuringiensis isolated from soil samples confirmed to be toxic to mosquito larvae were differentiated using a PCR-Based technique. Three of these isolates initially identified using a serological technique were further differentiated with the PCR amplification of the delta-endotoxin target sequences. Using the total DNA of isolates as template, at least four isolates yielded amplicons one or all the crystal protein genes, cryI a, b, c, or II with sizes ranging from 238-1070 bp. None of these isolates yielded an amplicon for any of Cry IV A, B and D tested. Of the four isolates identified by PCR technique one isolate remained unidentified by serology.  相似文献   

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