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Glycogen synthase preparations from Saccharomyces cerevisiae contained two polypeptides of molecular weights 85,000 and 77,000. Oligonucleotides based on protein sequence were utilized to clone a S. cerevisiae glycogen synthase gene, GSY1. The gene would encode a protein of 707 residues, molecular mass 80,501 daltons, with 50% overall identity to mammalian muscle glycogen synthases. The amino-terminal sequence obtained from the 85,000-dalton species matched the NH2 terminus predicted by the GSY1 sequence. Disruption of the GSY1 gene resulted in a viable haploid with glycogen synthase activity, and purification of glycogen synthase from this mutant strain resulted in an enzyme that contained the 77,000-dalton polypeptide. Southern hybridization of genomic DNA using the GSY1 coding sequence as a probe revealed a second weakly hybridizing fragment, present also in the strain with the GSY1 gene disrupted. However, the sequences of several tryptic peptides derived from the 77,000-dalton polypeptide were identical or similar to the sequence predicted by the GSY1 gene. The data are explained if S. cerevisiae has two glycogen synthase genes encoding proteins with significant sequence similarity The protein sequence predicted by the GSY1 gene lacks the extreme NH2-terminal phosphorylation sites of the mammalian enzymes. The COOH-terminal phosphorylated region of the mammalian enzyme over-all displayed low identity to the yeast COOH terminus, but there was homology in the region of the mammalian phosphorylation sites 3 and 4. Three potential cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase sites are located in this region of the yeast enzyme. The region of glycogen synthase likely to be involved in covalent regulation are thus more variable than the catalytic center of the molecule.  相似文献   

For spatial orientation and navigation, many insects derive compass information from the polarization pattern of the blue sky. The desert locust Schistocerca gregaria detects polarized light with a specialized dorsal rim area of its compound eye. In the locust brain, polarized-light signals are passed through the anterior optic tract and tubercle to the central complex which most likely serves as an internal sky compass. Here, we suggest that neurons of a second visual pathway, via the accessory medulla and posterior optic tubercle, also provide polarization information to the central complex. Intracellular recordings show that two types of neuron in this posterior pathway are sensitive to polarized light. One cell type connects the dorsal rim area of the medulla with the medulla and accessory medulla, and a second type connects the bilaterally paired posterior optic tubercles. Given the evidence for a role of the accessory medulla as the master clock controlling circadian changes in behavioral activity in flies and cockroaches, our data open the possibility that time-compensated polarized-light signals may reach the central complex via this pathway for time-compensated sky-compass navigation.  相似文献   

The fluoride ion is a potent and specific inhibitor of cytoplasmic pyrophosphatase (PPase). Fluoride action on yeast PPase during PP(i) hydrolysis involves rapid and slow phases, the latter being only slowly reversible [Smirnova, I. N., and Baykov, A. A. (1983) Biokhimiya 48, 1643-1653]. A similar behavior is observed during yeast PPase catalyzed PP(i) synthesis. The amount of enzyme.PP(i) complex formed from solution P(i) exhibits a rapid drop upon addition of fluoride, followed, at pH 7.2, by a slow increase to nearly 100% of the total enzyme. The slow reaction results in enzyme inactivation, which is not immediately reversed by dilution. These data show that fluoride binds to an enzyme.PP(i) intermediate during the slow phase and to an enzyme.P(i) intermediate during the rapid phase of the inhibition. In Escherichia coli PPase, the enzyme.PP(i) intermediate binds F(-) rapidly, explaining the lack of time dependence in the inhibition of this enzyme. The enzyme.PP(i) intermediate formed during PP(i) hydrolysis binds fluoride much faster (yeast PPase) or tighter (E. coli PPase) than the similar complex existing at equilibrium with P(i). It is concluded that PPase catalysis involves two enzyme.PP(i) intermediates, of which only one (immediately following PP(i) addition and predominating at acidic pH) can bind fluoride. Simulation experiments have indicated that interconversion of the enzyme.PP(i) intermediates is a partially rate-limiting step in the direction of hydrolysis and an exclusively rate-limiting step in the direction of synthesis.  相似文献   

Cytochrome o, a protoheme IX pigment, has been proposed as the terminal oxidase of the filamentous bacterium, Vitreoscilla. Aerobic and anaerobic photolysis of CO-liganded whole cells demonstrated the presence of a second CO-reactive pigment, cytochrome o'. At temperatures lower than -100 degrees C, anaerobic photolysis dissociated only about 25% of the total CO-liganded components to reveal the unliganded cytochrome o'. At these temperatures, the photolysis of cytochrome o could not be demonstrated. At warmer temperatures, recombination of CO with the reduced cytochrome o' occurred with an apparent energy of activation of 5.8 kcal/mol. Aerobic photolysis of whole cells demonstrated two oxygen-bound intermediates. At temperatures lower than -95 degrees C, a spectrally distinct compound with absorption maxima at 428, 534, and 564 nm appeared (form I'); the apparent second order rate constant (k+1) for the formation of this intermediate was found to be 9.1 M-1 s-1, the reverse rate (k-1) was 9.9 X 10(-5) s-1, and the equilibrium constant (Kd) was 1.1 X 10(-5) M. This oxygen intermediate of cytochrome o' is spectrally and kinetically similar to the oxygen intermediate of cytochrome o seen in Escherichia coli. At temperatures warmer than -90 degrees C, photolysis of aerobic samples resulted in the immediate formation of a second oxygen-bound intermediate (form I) with absorption maxima at 422, 534, and 564 nm. This second intermediate results from the binding of oxygen to the cytochrome o (oxygenated cytochrome o). These data support the proposal that whole cells of Vitreoscilla contain two alternative pathways of electron transport, one terminating with cytochrome o and the other with cytochrome o'.  相似文献   

Immunological evidence for the existence of H1-like histone in yeast   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In view of the controversies about the existence of histone H1 in yeast we have reinvestigated the problem by studying yeast proteins extracted with perchloric acid and salt. Perchloric-acid-extracted proteins from whole cells contain only two fractions which comigrate with 'authentic' yeast high-mobility-group proteins (HMG) in both SDS and acid urea gels. These extracts show a considerable cross-reaction with anti-(calf thymus HMG) antiserum and do not react with antiserum to mouse liver H1. The isolation of 'authentic' yeast HMG by the standard salt/trichloroacetic acid procedure gives two types of preparations containing different numbers of protein bands. The poorer preparation reacts only with the anti-HMG antiserum whereas the richer preparation also gives considerable cross-reaction with the anti-H1 antiserum. Immunoblotting analysis performed on the salt-extracted proteins reveals the presence of three protein bands giving positive immunoreaction with the anti-H1 antiserum. The immunoreactive bands have electrophoretic mobilities close to that of the marker calf thymus H1 and similar to the mobilities of the presumptive yeast H1 fractions found by other authors.  相似文献   

The availability of label-free data derived from yeast cells (based on the summed intensity of the three strongest, isoform-specific peptides) permitted a preliminary assessment of protein abundances for glycolytic proteins. Following this analysis, we demonstrate successful application of the QconCAT technology, which uses recombinant DNA techniques to generate artificial concatamers of large numbers of internal standard peptides, to the quantification of enzymes of the glycolysis pathway in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A QconCAT of 88 kDa (59 tryptic peptides) corresponding to 27 isoenzymes was designed and built to encode two or three analyte peptides per protein, and after stable isotope labeling of the standard in vivo, protein levels were determined by LC-MS, using ultra high performance liquid chromatography-coupled mass spectrometry. We were able to determine absolute protein concentrations between 14,000 and 10 million molecules/cell. Issues such as efficiency of extraction and completeness of proteolysis are addressed, as well as generic factors such as optimal quantotypic peptide selection and expression. In addition, the same proteins were quantified by intensity-based label-free analysis, and both sets of data were compared with other quantification methods.  相似文献   

Summary The regulatory mechanism of ATP regeneration by the glycolytic pathway in Hansenula jadinii cells was investigated by analyzing the initial stage of CDP-choline fermentation. As a result, the on-off of ATP regeneration was found to be determined by the ATP concentration overcoming the inhibitory effect of phosphate buffer on hexokinase activity. The concentration of ATP at the initial stage of fermentation was greatly influenced by the kinds and amounts of glycogen in cells. Based on these results, the regulatory mechanism of ATP regeneration by the glycolytic pathway is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Mutants of Staphylococcus aureus were isolated which were unable to utilize d-galactose or lactose, but which were able to utilize all other carbohydrates tested. Growth of the mutants on a peptone-containing medium was inhibited by d-galactose. Of those mutants selected for further study, one (tagI2) was missing d-galactose 6-phosphate isomerase, one (tagK3) was missing d-tagatose 6-phosphate kinase, and one (tagA4) was missing d-tagatose 1, 6-diphosphate aldolase. Each of these mutants accumulated the substrate of the missing enzyme intracellularly. Spontaneous revertants of each of the mutants simultaneously regained their ability to utilize d-galactose and lactose, lost their sensitivity to d-galactose, regained the missing enzymatic activities, and no longer accumulated intermediates of the d-tagatose 6-phosphate pathway. These data support our previous contention that the physiologically significant route for the metabolism of d-galactose and the d-galactosyl moiety of lactose in S. aureus is the d-tagatose 6-phosphate pathway. Furthermore, a mutant constitutive for all three enzymes of this pathway was isolated, indicating that the products of the tagI, tagK, and tagA genes are under common genetic control. This conclusion was supported by the demonstration that d-galactose 6-phosphate isomerase, d-tagatose 6-phosphate kinase, and d-tagatose 1, 6-diphosphate aldolase are coordinately induced in the parental strain.  相似文献   

It has been suggested in the literature that the glycolytic enzymes are organized into a multi-enzymic complex. We have evaluated this hypothesis for the phosphotriose-glycerate phosphate group of glycolytic enzymes of muscle using sucrose density gradient centrifugation, gel filtration, and ultrafiltration. Attempts were made to avoid dilution and changes in pH. The ratio of activities of the phosphotriose-glycerate phosphate group of enzymes was similar to that found in several other tissues that has led to their designation as a constant proportion group of enzymes. However, no evidence was obtained that they exist as a multi-enzymic complex in chicken breast muscle. As the pH of the press juice is raised to 7.0 and the temperature to 25°C, association occurs between some components in the muscle press juice as evidenced by a blocking of the pores of an ultrafiltration membrane. This association, however, does not involve the enzymes of the phosphotriose-glycerate phosphate group.  相似文献   

Genetic and biochemical evidence for a defective xylan degradation pathway was found linked to the xylose operon in three lactococcal strains, Lactococcus lactis 210, L. lactis IO-1, and L. lactis NRRL B-4449. Immediately downstream of the xylulose kinase gene (xylB) (K. A. Erlandson, J.-H. Park, W. El Khal, H.-H. Kao, P. Basaran, S. Brydges, and C. A. Batt, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66:3974-3980, 1999) are two open reading frames encoding a mutarotase (xylM) and a xyloside transporter (xynT) and a partial open reading frame encoding a beta-xylosidase (xynB). These are functions previously unreported for lactococci or lactobacilli. The mutarotase activity of the putative xylM gene product was confirmed by overexpression of the L. lactis enzyme in Escherichia coli and purification of recombinant XylM. We hypothesize that the mutarotase links xylan degradation to xylose metabolism due to the anomeric preference of xylose isomerase. In addition, Northern hybridization experiments suggested that the xylM and xynTB genes are cotranscribed with the xylRAB genes, responsible for xylose metabolism. Although none of the three strains appeared to metabolize xylan or xylobiose, they exhibited xylosidase activity, and L. lactis IO-1 and L. lactis NRRL B-4449 had functional mutarotases.  相似文献   

Chromosome segregation during mitosis requires kinetochores, specialized organelles that mediate chromosome attachment to spindle microtubules. We have shown previously that in budding yeast, Plc1p (phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C) localizes to centromeric loci, associates with the kinetochore proteins Ndc10p and Cep3p, and affects the function of kinetochores. Deletion of PLC1 results in nocodazole sensitivity, mitotic delay, and a higher frequency of chromosome loss. We report here that despite the nocodazole sensitivity of plc1Delta cells, Plc1p is not required for the spindle checkpoint. However, plc1Delta cells require a functional BUB1/BUB3-dependent spindle checkpoint for viability. PLC1 displays strong genetic interactions with genes encoding components of the inner kinetochore, including NDC10, SKP1, MIF2, CEP1, CEP3, and CTF13. Furthermore, plc1Delta cells display alterations in chromatin structure in the core centromere. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments indicate that Plc1p localizes to centromeric loci independently of microtubules, and accumulates at the centromeres during G(2)/M stage of cell cycle. These results are consistent with the view that Plc1p affects kinetochore function, possibly by modulating the structure of centromeric chromatin.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)‐anchored proteins play important roles in cell wall biogenesis/assembly and the formation of lipid microdomains. The lipid moieties of mature GPI‐anchored proteins in yeast typically contain either ceramide moieties or diacylglycerol. Recent studies have identified that the GPI phospholipase A2 Per1p and O‐acyltransferase Gup1p play essential roles in diacylglycerol‐type lipid remodelling of GPI‐anchored proteins, while Cwh43p is involved in the remodelling of lipid moieties to ceramide. It has been generally proposed that phosphatidylinositol with diacylglycerol containing a C26 saturated fatty acid, which is generated by the sequential activity of Per1p and Gup1p, is converted to inositolphosphorylceramide by Cwh43p. In this report, we constructed double‐mutant strains defective in lipid remodelling and investigated their growth phenotypes and the lipid moieties of GPI‐anchored proteins. Based on our analyses of single‐ and double‐mutants of proteins involved in lipid remodelling, we demonstrate that an alternative pathway, in which lyso‐phosphatidylinositol generated by Per1p is used as a substrate for Cwh43p, is involved in the remodelling of GPI lipid moieties to ceramide when the normal sequential pathway is inhibited. In addition, mass spectrometric analysis of lipid species of Flag‐tagged Gas1p revealed that Gas1p contains ceramide moieties in its GPI anchor.  相似文献   

Immunological studies on the carboxypeptidase Y mutant prcl-l of Saccharomyces cerevisiae revealed the origin of mutation in the structural gene of carboxypeptidase Y. The absence of carboxypeptidase Y has no effect on growth, even after drastic changes of growth conditions. A double mutant (prc 1- leu2-) lacking carboxypeptidase Y and auxotrophic for leucine is able to grow on the peptide benzyloxycarbonylglycylleucine (Cbz-Gly-Leu) as sole nitrogen source, indicating the existence of a second carboxypeptidase. Using a new peptidase test, the existence of this second enzyme, called carboxypeptidase S, was confirmed biochemically.  相似文献   

Z Lobo  P K Maitra 《FEBS letters》1982,139(1):93-96
Rat liver mitochondria contain an ATP-dependent proteolytic system which is localized on the outside of the inner membrane. It is capable of utilizating both the ATP produced within the mitochondria as well as that supplied externally. The system is dependent on Ca2+. Its physiological function is seen in the normal breakdown of mitochondria during their turnover. The system may be selective for the breakdown of the inner membranes.  相似文献   

In yeast the GCN2 kinase mediates translational control ofGCN4 by phosphorylating the subunit of eIF-2 in response to extracellular amino acid limitation. Although phosphorylation of eIF-2 has been shown to inhibit global protein synthesis, amino acid starvation results in a specific activation effect onGCN4 mRNA translation. Under the same conditions, translation of other mRNAs appears only slightly affected. The mechanism responsible for the observed selectivity of the GCN2 kinase is not clear. Here, we present genetic evidence that suggests that locally restricted action of the GCN2 kinase facilitatesGCN4-specific translational regulation.  相似文献   

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