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In the migratory locust, the CRF-related diuretic hormone that stimulates fluid secretion by the Malpighian tubules, and the ovary maturing parsin, a neurohormone able to stimulate oogenesis, are produced by the same neuroendocrine cells of the pars intercerebralis in the brain.  相似文献   

To complete previous results concerning the role of the ovary maturating parsin of Locusta migratoria (Lom OMP), we determined, by an enzyme immunoassay, the titers of circulating ecdysteroids and analyzed circulating vitellogenin (Vg) and o?cyte growth following (1) suppression of 20 hydroxyecdysone (20E) and (2) injection of the Lom OMP, either as an entire molecule in allatectomized adults or as smaller peptides in allatectomized fifth-instar larvae females. Titers of ecdysteroids appeared unrelated to the presence of circulating Vg but increased during the first phase of vitellogenesis and injection of OMP accelerated the occurrence of circulating 20E. Nevertheless, immunoneutralization of 20E at the beginning of adult life delayed but did not prevent rapid o?cyte growth contrary to immunoneutralization of Lom OMP suggesting an additive gonadotropic effect of the neurohormone, distinct from that of 20E. Of two synthetic peptides corresponding to the C- and N-terminal gonadotropic domains of the OMP, respectively, only the C-terminal peptide was able to induce Vg in allatectomized larvae. After metamorphosis, injection of OMP did not induce Vg in adults allatectomized at the beginning of imaginal life but improved the maintenance of circulating Vg in adults allatectomized after Vg appeared in the haemolymph. This result suggests that OMP either delays the Vg mRNA decay or increases the translation of Vg mRNA. Thus, Lom OMP appears to have two distinct roles: an ecdysteroidogenic effect triggered by its C-terminal domain with the ovary as the target tissue and a protecting effect on Vg mRNA probably triggered by its other gonadotropic domain, the N-terminal, with the fat body as the target tissue.  相似文献   

A novel neurohormone, which anticipates ovarian maturation, was recently purified using liquid chromatography from the African locust nervous corpora cardiaca. Both its function and production by the pars intercerebralis of Locusta migratoria lead to its name, the ovary maturating parsin (Lom OMP). In this study, the Lom OMP was physically and chemically characterized. Its multiply charged ion spectrum was interpreted as two peaks of quite equal size having molecular masses of 6923.4 Da (major peak) and 6907.3 Da. The Lom OMP presented no periodic secondary structure according to the far ultraviolet circular dichroism spectrum obtained. It is composed of 65 amino acids and included a high concentration of alanine but is devoid of cysteine, isoleucine, methionine, lysine and threonine. The amino acid sequence indicated only one microheterogeneity, observed at position 26, consisted in the replacement of serine by alanine. The calculated Mr of the two acidic isoforms (calculated pHi = 4.87) were found to be in agreement with mass spectrometry measurements. When compared to the sequence libraries, the Lom OMP, the first insect gonadotropic neurohormone, was revealed as an unique protein.  相似文献   

1. A large number of myotropic factors, presumably of peptidic nature, were separated by means of HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography) from extracts of foreguts, midguts, hindguts and the Malpighian tubules of Locusta migratoria.2. Some factors occur in the intestine as well as in the brain and are actually brain-gut peptides, similar to those described in vertebrates.3. Some factors occur in the whole alimentary canal, while others only occur in specific parts of the intestinal system.4. Two myotropic fractions were present in the Malpighian tubules and could not be detected in other investigated extracts.5. Some factors influenced the contraction pattern of the visceral muscle of the hindgut of Leucophea maderae as well as the oviduct of Locusta migratoria.6. Other peptidic fractions evoked a positive response on the locust oviduct, while they were inactive on the Leucophea hindgut and vice versa.7. In brief, the use of two different bioassays has enabled us to partially characterize new myotropic factors in insects. It becomes increasingly clear that the number of neuropeptides present not only in the nervous system, but also in the gastrointestinal system, of insects is much larger than has long been assumed.  相似文献   

We have isolated two major 6-kDa peptides from extracts of corpora cardiaca of adult females of Locusta migratoria. These peptides have been characterized by peptide sequencing and liquid secondary-ion mass spectrometry. They are structurally related dimers, one (6278.5 Da) being a homodimer (A-A chains), the other (6280.5 Da) being a heterodimer (A-B chains). A 60% similarity exists between the A and B chains. Both peptides have been chemically synthesized and the synthetic compounds appeared to be identical to the native ones. Polyclonal antibodies raised against each of these peptides demonstrated that they were contained within the secretory granules of the intrinsic cells of the glandular lobes of the corpora cardiaca. The physiological significance of these two peptides is unknown but, using the synthetic peptides, we are currently probing their biological role.  相似文献   

东北地区亚洲飞蝗染色体核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用常规压片法对吉林省亚洲飞蝗Locusta migratoria migratoria(L.)的染色体核型进行分析.研究结果表明:亚洲飞蝗性别决定机制为X0型,染色体数目为2n♂=23,染色体组式4L+4M+3S+X,全部为端部着丝粒染色体,NF=23.染色体中最长(L1)与最短(S11)染色体之比大于4:1,臂比大...  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the colon of Locusta migratoria is described. The colon is lined by a thick cuticle that, for the most part, adheres to the underlying epithelium. The cuboid epithelial cells are characterized by moderate invaginations of the apical and, to a lesser extent, basal plasma membranes; the lateral plasma membranes are relatively flat. The bulk of the mitochondria are located in the apical region of the cell and are not particularly associated with any of the plasma membranes. The basal region of the cells contains much rough endoplasmic reticulum, glycogenlike granules, and a predominance of spherical, electron-dense bodies of various sizes. Where muscle fibers make contact with the epithelium, the cells are much reduced; the cytoplasm is usually less electron-dense, and, typically, the nucleus has a thick layer of granular material associated with the inner nuclear membrane. The apical and basal plasma membranes of the reduced epithelial cells contain numerous hemidesmosomes. The apical hemidesmosomes occur in pairs around an extracellular space that contains electron-opaque material. The latter forms tonofibrillae that extend into the endocuticle. Bundles of microtubules are associated with the hemidesmosomes. The tubules traverse the cell from the apical to the basal region. The possible significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Using a radioimmunoassay developed for the determination of crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP), immunoreactive material was detected in extracts of locust nervous tissue. Serial dilutions of a brain extract gave a displacement curve parallel to the CCAP standard curve. One locust nervous system was calculated to contain approximately 1.4 pmol CCAP-like material.In order to investigate whether the immunoreactive substance was similar or identical to the crustacean neuropeptide, isolation and complete characterization was carried out using 800 locust nervous systems. The isolation procedure consisted of pre-purification of the crude extract on a Sep-Pak cartridge, affinity chromatography on a column which was prepared by coupling of anti-CCAP antibody to CNBr-activated Sepharose, and reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In the HPLC-profile immunoreactivity was confined to a single peak which co-chromatographed with authentic CCAP. The peptide was carboxymethylated and analyzed in an automated gas-phase sequencer. Its amino acid sequence, is identical to that of CCAP fromCarcinus maenas.Synthetic CCAP was tested on the isolated locust hindgut in vitro. The peptide proved to be a potent enhancer of gut contractions, with a significant effect being observable at concentrations of 10–10 M. It is concluded that in the locust CCAP may function as a myotropic peptide.  相似文献   

The pars intercerebralis-corpora cardiaca system (PI-CC) of insects is the endocrinological equivalent of the hypothalamus-pituitary system of vertebrates. Peptide profiles of the pars intercerebralis and the corpora cardiaca were characterized using simple sampling protocols in combination with MALDI-TOF and electrospray ionization double quadrupole time of flight (ESI-Qq-TOF) mass spectrometric technologies. The results were compared with earlier results of conventional sequencing methods and immunocytochemical methods. In addition to many known peptides, several m/z signals corresponding to putative novel peptides were observed in the corpora cardiaca and/or pars intercerebralis. Furthermore, for a number of peptides evidence was provided about their localization and MALDI-TOF analysis of the released material from the corpora cardiaca yielded information on the hormonal status of particular brain peptides.  相似文献   

The sub-oesophageal ganglion of Locusta migratoria was searched for neurones responsive to stimulation of the maxillary palps using intracellular recording techniques. Two plant stimuli were used: wheat, a host plant and cabbage, an unacceptable non-host plant. The stimuli were presented to the palp as both intact leaf tissue and as droplets of aqueous solutions of plant extracts. All the sampled neurones that responded to stimulation of the palp also responded to simple mechanical stimulation. However, 25% of the neurones exhibited consistent differences in response to the two plants when presented as both leaf tissue and droplets, strongly suggesting that they also received a chemosensory input. These differential responses most commonly took the form of differences in the duration of cell activity and/or variation in the latency of the onset of response. The receptive fields of differentially responding neurones were confined to the maxillary palp, or at most to the maxillary and labial palps.  相似文献   

Hybridization of a cloned DNA probe to blots of restriction digests of Locusta migratoria genomic DNA showed that a vitellogenin gene is present at one copy per haploid genome in females, and at only one-half that number in males. The genomic region encompassing the 3′-coding end of the gene is polymorphic, as revealed by blots of DNA from individual locusts. DNA from some female locusts yielded two variants in this region, whereas a series of male locusts showed one variant or the other, but never both. The results demonstrate that the vitellogenin gene, which is normally expressed only in females, is X-linked in L. migratoria.  相似文献   

羧酸酯酶(Carboxylesterase,CarE)是一类在生物中广泛分布的多功能家族酶系,在昆虫抗药性形成机制中发挥重要作用。为探讨飞蝗Locusta migratoria(Meyen)羧酸酯酶基因LmCarE25的生物学功能,本文采用荧光实时定量PCR技术进行研究,发现其在飞蝗成虫各组织部位均有表达,其中胃盲囊、翅和肌肉中表达量较低,中肠、马氏管和脂肪体表达量较高。本文尝试在大肠杆菌和昆虫细胞体外重组表达该酶,构建重组表达载体pET32a-LmCarE25,SDS-PAGE结果显示,LmCarE25可在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)和JM109中表达,蛋白分子量约为60 ku,但为包涵体;将LmCarE25基因插入真核表达载体pFastBacHTA中,借助Bac-to-Bac体系获得重组Bacmid,以sf9细胞系作为宿主细胞表达目的蛋白,Western-Blot检测结果显示,LmCarE25获得可溶性表达。上述结果为进一步深入研究飞蝗羧酸酯酶家族功能提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

The Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent kinase CaMKII is a key signaling component in Ca(2+)-dependent physiological processes. The expression and function of CaMKII in insect brain is well documented but less investigated for other tissues of insects. The present study demonstrates that in the locust Locusta migratoria CaMKII is widely expressed in various tissues. Relatively high expression levels of CaMKII were found in the brain, upper part of the digestive tract (pharynx, esophagus), and the flight and leg muscles. The different expression patterns of CaMKII in various tissues, as well as different molecular masses of CaMKII between 48 and 60 kDa indicate a tissue-specific expression of CaMKII variants. The expression was monitored with a polyclonal anti-(rat)CaMKII antibody. About 60% of total CaMKII activity in flight muscle cells is associated to the myofibril-rich, particulate fraction suggesting an important role of CaMKII in sarcomeric function.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity is present in cell bodies and processes in the brain and optic lobes of Locusta migratoria, with processes projecting along the frontal connectives to form a neuropile within the frontal ganglion. Immunoreactive cell bodies and processes are also evident in the hypocerebral and ventricular ganglia with processes extending over the foregut. Tyrosine hydroxylase is the rate-limiting enzyme in dopamine biosynthesis, and high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrochemical detection was used to confirm the presence of dopamine in the innervation to the foregut. Spontaneous foregut contractions are under the control of the ventricular ganglia and are absent when these ganglia are removed. Dopamine leads to an inhibition of both the amplitude and frequency of phasic contractions of the foregut that are produced when the ventricular ganglia are left attached. Dopamine has direct effects on the foregut muscle in the absence of the ventricular ganglia, inhibiting a proctolin-induced contraction in a dose-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Summary By use of well characterized antisera in the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method, we were able to demonstrateMSH andMSH immunoreactive cells and nerve fibres within the nervous system of adults and larvae ofLocusta migratoria and 3-, 5- and 8-day-old adultSarcophaga bullata. In neither of these insect species, any immunoreaction was obtained with a 3MSH-antiserum. Double immuno-histochemical stainings revealed thatMSH-like andMSH-like substances are located in different cells. These cells show no immunoreactivity to a number of antisera against other POMC-derivatives (anti-lipotropin, anti-endorphin, anti-ACTH1–24); thus they appear to containMSH- orMSH-like material in a specific way. The function of the immunologically detected peptides remains to be demonstrated. The distribution of the immunoreactive material suggests that, like in amphibians and other lower vertebrates, the synthesis or release of melanotropins might be under the influence of external stimuli. The present observations support the recently developed concept that even some of the smallest neuropeptides, the melanotropins, have been highly conserved during a long period of evolution.  相似文献   

The digestion of various carbohydrates and synthetic substrates by the gut of Locusta migratoria was analysed quantitatively. Maltose, starch, and sucrose were found to be hydrolysed most rapidly, whereas the splitting of cellobiose, trehalose, lactose, and melecitose took place at much slower rates.The absolute carbohydrase activities in foregut and midgut are nearly equal. However, specific activities are much higher in the foregut. Only low activities were found in extracts from the hindgut and salivary glands. The latter show a pattern of sugar splitting which is different from that found in gut preparations.The distribution of carbohydrase activities between the epithelia and lumina of the foregut, midgut, and hindgut and between soluble and particulate fractions were studied. The midgut epithelium is shown to have a particularly high content of enzymes, although some carbohydrases are rather active also in the epithelium of the hindgut. During hunger periods the relative enzymatic activities of the epithelium are distinctly increased.The isolation and purification of the carbohydrases were attempted and a partial separation of individual enzymes was obtained by gel-filtration. These results indicate the presence of at least seven distinct carbohydrases in the locust gut. The molecular weights of the enzymes were estimated by gel-filtration, and KM values and pH-optima are reported.  相似文献   

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