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Menstrual patterns and progesterone levels were monitored for 5 years from a cohort of 28 female vervet monkeys that were individually caged indoors. Three distinct cycle types (short, normal, and prolonged) were defined according to cycle length. Mean length of the normal cycle (32.5 days) and menses duration (4.8 days) are in agreement with previous reports. Prolonged cycles (> 50 days) contributed 20% of the total, with a decreased incidence during the natural peak breeding period. Weekly progesterone measurements indicated that many prolonged cycles were associated with an extended luteal phase, while others were probably due to lack of ovulation. From these data it would appear that the vervet monkey, although not strongly seasonal, does favor a particular time of year for breeding in a colony housed indoors.  相似文献   

To test whether the male could contribute to the birth peak seen in both wild and captive vervets, testicular volume and peripheral testosterone concentration were measured monthly in nine adults throughout a 14-month period. Volume was an average of 15% greater during the months of June to September, the period of natural breeding activity in the wild, than at other times of the year. Testosterone concentration rose throughout the time period but did not correlate with testicular volume. Quarterly biopsies of the right testis in animals either used for or withheld from breeding revealed the presence of spermatozoa and the existence of spermatogenesis throughout the year. There was no correlation of testicular volume with breeding status or biopsy. If these results from individually caged animals are representative of group-caged and wild animals, then such small seasonal changes are unlikely to affect year-round breeding. Therefore, a physiological contribution by the male to natural birth peaks seen in the wild and captivity is not readily apparent.  相似文献   

Behavioral changes associated to the menstrual cycle in a social group of vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) were studied. Three adult females were used as experimental subjects and in these, vaginal smears were taken every other day in order to detect their menstrual cycles. Only the dominant and the mid-ranking female showed regular cycles while the low-ranking female showed amenorrhea. The menstrual cycles were divided into five periods (menstrual, premenstrual, luteal, ovulatory and follicular) which were related to the behavioral data. Social behavior recordings were taken during one hour daily for five consecutive months; the data were adjusted twice in order to follow the cycles of the females with regular menstruations. By plotting in a matrix the relative frequencies of joins and displacements, the social position of each animal as well as the group's social organization and dynamics were evaluated. A clear tendency towards social rejection (emitting less joins and increasing the amount of displacements) was detected during the premenstrual periods of the dominant female which abruptly changed towards affiliation during menstruation. This observation was detected in all group members no matter their age-sex class or social position during the five months of observation. When the data were analyzed following the mid-ranking female's cycle, no consistent changes were apparent. The importance of social stimuli in the modulation and expression of hormone-related behavior is stressed, as well as the need of using social settings in the experimental analyses of premenstrual mood and behavior disorders.  相似文献   

The structure of the photoreceptors of the vervet monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops) has been investigated by light and electron microscopy. In this species the photoreceptors can be readily differentiated and adequately described by the classical terminology of rods and cones, with rods being the more numerous. Rods are long, slender cells while cones are shorter and stouter. Both rods and cones are highly differentiated cells and consist of an outer segment, a connecting cilium, and inner segment, a nuclear region and a synaptic process leading to a synaptic ending. Morphological differences are noted between rods and cones for the various regions of these cells.  相似文献   

The morphology of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and closely associated Bruch's membrane (complexus basalis) and choriocapillaris have been investigated by electron microscopy in the vervet monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops). The RPE is composed of a single layer of cuboidal cells joined laterally by apically-located junctional complexes. Basally (sclerally) these cells display numerous infoldings while apically (vitreally) abundant processes enclose and interdigitate with rod outer segments. Internally the large vesicular nucleus is centrally located and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and lysosome-like bodies, are plentiful. Rough endoplasmic reticulum, polysomes and melanosomes while present are not abundant. Phagosomes of outer segment discs are noted in various stages of uptake and degradation. The choriocapillaris is highly fenestrated over large areas. Bruch's membrane shows the typical pentalaminate structure noted in other mammalian species without a tapetum lucidum.  相似文献   

Twenty early pregnancies were diagnosed and monitored in vervet monkeys by ultrasonography. Non-gravid uteri became increasingly echogenic from cycle days 7 to 26. The first definite sign of pregnancy was a gestational cavity of 2 mm (+/- 0.80) at 33.0 (+/- 1.48) days menstrual age, which was also used to date all subsequent features. Earlier signs, such as an endometrial line swelling or endometrial 'pregnancy' ring, as reported for other non-human primate species, could not be reliably and consistently used to diagnose pregnancy in vervet monkeys. A rapid increase of the gestational cavity size from days 37 to 49 corresponded closely to a rapid increase in plasma progesterone concentration from day 39 to 49. The first yolk sac was recognizable at 38.0 days (+/- 3.10) and measured 3.3 mm (+/- 0.40) in diameter. A heart beat could be detected at 45.5 (+/- 1.73) days and the size of the first measurable embryo at 35 days was 2 mm. The dating of most features was within the range reported for other non-human primate species.  相似文献   

The St. Kitts vervet (Cercopithecus aethiops)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The expression of endometrial beta3 integrin and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (IGFBP-1) was studied in cycling and pregnant vervet monkeys. There were clear changes of beta3 integrin expression during the menstrual cycle, with the strongest immunostaining observed on day 26. Moderate to strong expression was observed during pregnancy. The expression of IGFBP-1 during the menstrual cycle was weak but upregulated during pregnancy with moderate to strong staining. The administration of a single dose of onapristone at 10 mg/kg on days 17, 21 and 22 of the menstrual cycle, followed by a biopsy on days 22, 22 and 26, respectively, and during pregnancy (34-44 days menstrual age) 24 h before the biopsy, disrupted and desynchronized the endometrium. However, no effect on beta3 integrin expression could be observed and staining reflected the untreated patterns. The same applied to IGFBP-1 except that during pregnancy the expression of this protein was reduced or abolished. The results suggest that beta3 integrin is associated with endometrial receptivity in vervet monkeys and that IGFBP-1 plays an important role during pregnancy in this species. The administration of onapristone appeared to only influence IGFBP-1 expression. To our knowledge, this is the first time that these endometrial proteins have been investigated in vervet monkeys. This study should therefore contribute to improving our understanding of the reproductive function of this species.  相似文献   

Aim Species distribution models are invaluable tools in biogeographical, ecological and applied biological research, but specific concerns have been raised in relation to different modelling techniques in terms of their validity. Here we compare two fundamentally different approaches to species distribution modelling, one based on simple occurrence data where the lack of an ecological framework has been criticized, and the other firmly based in socio‐ecological theory but requiring highly detailed behavioural information that is often limited in availability. Location (Sub‐Saharan) Africa. Methods We used two distinct techniques to predict the realized distribution of a model species, the vervet monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops Linnaeus, 1758). A maximum entropy model was produced taking 13 environmental variables and presence‐only data from 174 sites throughout Africa as input, with an additional 58 sites retained to test the model. A time‐budget model considering the same environmental variables was constructed from detailed behavioural data on 20 groups representing 14 populations, with presence‐only data from the remaining 218 sites reserved to test model predictions on vervet monkey occurrence. Both models were further validated against a reference species distribution map as drawn up by the African Mammals Databank. Results Both models performed well, with the time budget and maximum entropy algorithms correctly predicting vervet monkey presence at 78.4% and 91.4% of their respective test sites. Similarly, the time‐budget model correctly predicted presence and absence at 87.4% of map pixels against the reference distribution map, and the maximum entropy model achieved a success rate of 81.8%. Finally, there was a high level of agreement (81.6%) between the presence–absence maps produced by the two models, and the environmental variables identified as most strongly driving vervet monkey distribution were the same in both models. Main conclusions The time‐budget and maximum entropy models produced accurate and remarkably similar species distribution maps, despite fundamental differences in their conceptual and methodological approaches. Such strong convergence not only provides support for the credibility of current results, but also relieves concerns about the validity of the two modelling approaches.  相似文献   

The hormone calcitonin, which occurs predominantly within the C cells of the mammalian thyroid gland, is also found within the pulmonary endocrine cells of the epithelium of the tracheobronchial tree. A study was made of the distribution of immunoreactive calcitonin (iCT) in the African green monkey. Using two different region-specific antisera, the total respiratory iCT comprised 2.5% and 5.8% of the total thyroid iCT. The mean concentration of iCT in the right lung exceeded that in the left, and the mean concentration of the right middle or right upper lobe exceeded that of all other lobes. Embryologically, the ultimobranchial bodies contribute their iCT-producing C cell primordia to the thyroid gland near the level of the primitive laryngotracheal cleft and shortly after the early arborization of the bronchial tree. In monkeys and most other mammals, the right main stem bronchus is larger and develops earlier than the left. The data suggest an early migration of cells from the ultimobranchial bodies to the bronchi, eventually giving rise to the iCT-containing pulmonary endocrine cells.  相似文献   

Rhodanese (thiosulphate sulphurtransferase , EC from Cercopithecus aethiops (vervet monkey) liver has been isolated and purified by means of extraction, ammoniumsulphate and pH fractionation, anion-exchange chromatography, Sephacryl S-300 gel chromatography and cation-exchange chromatography. A yield of about 10% pure enzyme with a specific activity of 242 U/mg protein corresponding to a purification factor of 523 was obtained. The enzyme was physically characterized and its homogeneity determined by electrophoretic studies and gel chromatography. The rhodanese enzyme has a molecular weight of 37,000 daltons, a D020 ,w value of 7.6 X 10(-7) cm2 sec-1, a Stokes radius (molecular size) of 2.75 X 10(-7) cm and a frictional ratio of 1.071.  相似文献   

Two distinctive aminopeptidase isozymes have been identified in the serum of the vervet monkey. The l-methionine-sensitive cytosol aminopeptidase (AP; E.C. is present in all samples, while the cystyl aminopeptidase (CAP; E.C. isozyme, which is resistant to inhibition by 0.1 m l-methionine, is found only in the serum of pregnant females. The pregnancy-specific CAP isozyme appears in the serum between the fifth and the eleventh weeks of a nearly 22-week pregnancy. The overall aminopeptidase activity and the activity of the l-methionine-insensitive isozymes alone are both significantly greater in the serum of pregnant females than in nonpregnant females. Consequently, the presence of the cystyl aminopeptidase isozyme in the serum is a useful diagnostic indicator of pregnancy in the vervet monkey.  相似文献   

The lungs of four adult specimens of the vervet monkey (Cercopithecus aethiops) have been examined by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. A morphometric evaluation of the structural components directly involved in gas exchange has been carried out and the data have been modelled to estimate the anatomical diffusing capacity of the lung. The upper air-conducting airways of the lung were lined by an epithelium characterized by ciliated cells among which were dispersed goblet cells. The alveolar surface was lined by squamous type I pneumocytes and cuboidal type II granular pneumocytes. The blood-gas (tissue) barrier consisted of an epithelial cell, a common basal lamina, and an endothelial cell in the thin parts of the interalveolar septum. In the thicker parts of the septum, an interstitial space interposed between the basal laminae of the epithelial and endothelial cells contained supportive elements such as collagen, elastic tissue, and fibrocytes. The alveoli, the blood capillaries, and septal tissue composed 73%, 16%, and 11%, respectively, of the parenchyma. The harmonic and arithmetic mean thicknesses of the blood-gas (tissue) barrier were 0.311 micron and 1.048 microns; the surface area of the blood-gas (tissue) barrier per unit body weight was 50 cm2g-1, and the surface density was 117 mm2.mm3-1. The weight-specific total morphometric diffusing capacity was 0.11 mlO2 (sec.mbar.kg)-1. In comparison, the pulmonary morphometric characteristics of vervet monkey lung were superior to those of the other primates (Macaca irus, M. mulatta, and Homo sapiens) for which equivalent data are available. The gas-exchange potential of the lungs of the nonhuman primates as revealed by morphometric studies surpasses that of man, a feature that can be attributed to the relatively less energetic human lifestyle.  相似文献   

A preliminary assessment of individual female differences in conception rate and fetal wastage has been determined for a population of wild vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops). One of three troops of vervet monkeys, the subjects of a long-term behavioral study, was trapped and blood was obtained for electrophoretic analysis. Pregnant females exhibited a distinctive serum aminopeptidase phenotype allowing a conclusive determination of pregnancy. Of the seven females diagnosed as pregnant, three later gave birth. Of the females that aborted, two were nulliparous and one was very old. Studies of captive animals have indicated that age and rank may affect a female's ability to carry a fetus to term. These factors, rather than the trapping procedure, may have been responsible for most of the fetal loss in the trapped troop. A comparison of all three troops for a 3-year period indicated that there were fluctuations in yearly birth success of individual females, as well as a relatively high miscarriage rate. The results of this study indicate the advantages of obtaining joint behavioral and biological data.  相似文献   

Summary Eyes of vervets were fixed by several methods, and the iris capillaries were studied by electron microscopy. The capillaries have a continuous endothelium without fenestrae. Tight junctions are always present in intercellular clefts of the endothelium, and marginal folds are frequent. A rather thick basement membrane is present, similar to what is found in the human iris. Pericytes are frequent, and specialized areas of membrane contact between endothelium and pericytes are described. Peculiar marginal vacuoles are found in the endothelium after perfusion with hypertonic fixative.  相似文献   

Summary Sectors of anterior segments of vervet eyes were exposed to solutions of different osmolarities (Cercopithecus aethiops). After hypertonic incubation followed by isotonic fixation, as well as after fixation directly in hypertonic fixative, the ciliary epithelium showed constant changes. These changes consisted of a shrinkage pattern with dilations of intercellular clefts in the superficial region of the epithelium, whereas no dilations occurred in the basal layer. The basal junctional complex of the superficial cell layer was always intact. The detailed structure of this complex is described. The conclusion is drawn that it functions as a barrier to the molecules of the solutes in question, and that it may also have this function in vivo with regard to molecules of similar size.  相似文献   

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