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The sexual behaviour of Triturus cristatus is described. The first stage of sexual behaviour consists of an orientation phase in which the male approaches the female, sniffs her and moves in front of and perpendicular to her. The second stage is a prolonged period of static display with two different tail movements, called Fan and Lash, in 13.8 ± 1.3 bouts (x? ± SE) with intervals of 10.5 ± 0.3 s between bouts. Each bout contains 6.7 ± 0.3 regular Fan beats at a frequency of 0.5–0.8 Hz. This Fanning provides olfactory and mechanical stimulation to the female. 15% of bouts also contain a violent Lash, in which the male rapidly slaps the female's flank. Some Lashes are used to stop the female when she tries to move away. In the third stage of the sexual sequence, the male turns away, Creeps for 6.7 ± 0.3 s (x? ± SE) and then Quivers his tail. A receptive female follows and touches his tail, and the male deposits a spermatophore and then turns to one side with his tail folded along his flank in a position called Brake. The female now approaches again and the male steps away sideways in a movement called Rebrake. After several Rebrakes the male stops, the female touches his tail and the spermatophore may now be picked up in her cloaca. This sequence can be repeated several times during one encounter. This behaviour is discussed in relation to previous studies of courtship in this genus.  相似文献   

The duration of the early stages of meiotic prophase was determined in the oogenesis of T. cristatus cristatus by means of autoradiography. The oocytes were being investigated during 39 days from the moment of 3H-thymidine injection. It was shown that preleptotene lasts 1--2, leptotene ca. 4, zygotene 5 and pachytene 26 days. When studying the preparations obtained 1 day after the injection of 3H-thymidine, the silver grains were found to be localized over the nuclei at all stages of meiotic prophase; this suggests the amplification of rDNA which begins in leptotene-zygotene and ends in early diplotene.  相似文献   

Pheromones are an important component of sexual communication in courting salamanders, but the number of species in which their use has been demonstrated with behavioral evidence remains limited. Here we developed a behavioral assay for demonstrating courtship pheromone use in the aquatically courting Iberian ribbed newt Pleurodeles waltl. By performing an in-depth study of the courtship behavior, we show that females invariably open their cloaca (cloacal gaping) before engaging in pinwheel behavior, the circling movement that is the prelude to spermatophore uptake. In contrast, cloacal gaping was not observed in failed courtships, where females escaped or displayed thanatosis. Since gaping mainly occurred during male amplexus and cloacal imposition, which is the obvious period of pheromone transfer, we next investigated whether male courtship water (i.e., water holding courtship pheromones) alone was able to induce this reaction in females. These tests showed that courtship water induced cloacal gaping significantly more than water, even in the absence of a male. Cloacal gaping thus provides a simple and robust test for demonstrating courtship pheromone use in the Iberian ribbed newt. Since opening the cloaca is an essential prerequisite for spermatophore pick-up in all internally fertilizing salamanders, we hypothesize that variations on this assay will also be useful in several other species.  相似文献   

Linda  Hedlund 《Journal of Zoology》1990,220(1):33-40
This study investigates differences in mating success in male crested newts, Triturus cristatus. In experiments, mating success varies considerably between individual males. Male size affects mating success, but the maximal height of the male's crest is more important. Male size and crest height are correlated, but in partial correlation analysis only crest height is significantly correlated with mating success. Motivation is also an important factor in determining male mating success as males that had been isolated for a week were more successful than freshly caught males. Newts might be limited in their ability to produce spermatophores, and isolation gives the male time to produce more spermatophores. It is likely that motivational state is less important in a natural population than size and crest height, because wild males are often interrupted during courtship before spermatophore deposition and hence are highly motivated to mate.  相似文献   

2003年及2004年3~6月在河南郑州市区对夜鹭(Nycticorax nycticorax)的求偶行为进行了观察。结果表明,3月中旬至5月底雄性夜鹭表现出占区及固定的仪式化求偶行为,主要包括伸展炫耀、扬举炫耀、炫耀羽毛和配偶形成后的相互爱抚4个方面,其中前两种行为是夜鹭主要的求偶行为。在营巢地,求偶行为从早上日出之前夜鹭觅食归来开始,一直持续至日落前后。夜鹭的配偶选择包括雄性之间对巢区的竞争、雄鹭与雌鹭的相互选择等一系列过程。  相似文献   

Morphology of the chromaffin cells of Triturus cristatus during a complete annual cycle has been investigated. General ultrastructural characteristics are similar for all chromaffin cells, including numerous small mitochondria, well-developed Golgi apparatus and rough endoplasmic reticulum with short cisternae. The primary difference among cells is the type of the chromaffin granules they posses. These are of two kinds: adrenalin (A) and noradrenalin granules (NA). Both types are simultaneously present in the chromaffin cells but with different ratios during the year. During December–January and May–August, NA granules largely prevail, while in September–November and February–April, A and NA granules are present in about equal quantities. The total quantity of catecholamine granules, however, is relatively constant throughout the year. These findings suggest that T. cristatus has a single type of chromaffin cell, the granule content of which varies according to different functional states. The catecholamines are apparently discharged by exocytosis.  相似文献   

Oogenesis is a critical event in the formation of female gametes, whose role in development is to transfer genomic information to the next generation. During this process, the gene expression pattern changes dramatically concomitant with genome remodelling, while genomic information is stably maintained. The aim of the present study was to investigate the chromatin architecture in newt oocytes. Using fluorescence microscopy, as well as transmission electron microscopy (TEM), immunohistochemical method and RE-ChIP assay, some peculiar aspects of chromatin and chromosome organization and evolution in crested newt oogenesis were investigated. We focussed our investigations on detection of certain epigenetic modifications (H4 hyperacetylation, H2A ubiquitinylation and cytosine methylation) at the rRNA gene (18S-5.8S-28S) promoter region. Our findings suggest that there is an involvement of some epigenetic modifications as well as of linker histone variants in chromatin architecture dynamics during crested newt oogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary The histochemical localisation of acid -glycerophosphatase has been studied, by optical and electron microscopy, in the sperm cells of the newt. The enzymatic activity is restricted to some of the acrosomal structures, other parts of the cell being unreactive.The subcellular localisation of this enzyme, and of other four acid hydrolases (Proteinase, DNase, RNase and -glucuronidase) has been studied using biochemical techniques. The sedimentability of the before mentioned hydrolases with the acrosomes detached from the entire cells and their solubilisation by Triton X-100, have been examined.The evidence obtained was discussed in relation to the hypothesis of a lysosomal-like nature of the acrosome.  相似文献   

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