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Recent microwear analyses have demonstrated that wear patterns can be correlated with dietary differences. However, much of this work has been based on analyses of museum material where dates and locations of collection are not well known. In view of these difficulties, it would be desirable to compare microwear patterns for different genera collected from the same area at the same time. The opportunity to do this was provided by the collections of the Smithsonian Venezuelan Project (Handley, 1976), in which multiple primate genera were collected from the same humid tropical forest sites within the same month. The monkeys represent a wide range of dietary preferences, and include Saimiri, Cebus, Chiropotes, Ateles, Aotus, Pithecia, and Alouatta. As in previous microwear analyses, epoxy replicas were prepared from dental impressions, as described by Rose (1983) and Teaford and Oyen (1989). Two micrographs were taken of facet 9 on an upper second molar of each specimen. Computations and analyses were the same as described by Teaford and Robinson (1989). Results reaffirm previously documented differences in dental microwear between primates that feed on hard objects versus those that do not--with Pithecia and Alouatta at the extremes of a range of microwear patterns including more subtle differences between species with intermediate diets. The subtle microwear differences are by no means easy to document in museum samples. However, additional results suggest that 1) the width of microscopic scratches may be a poor indicator of dietary differences, 2) large and small pits may be formed differently, and 3) there are very few seasonal differences in dental microwear in the primates at these humid tropical forest sites.  相似文献   

Buccal microwear patterns on teeth are good indicators of the abrasiveness of foodstuffs and have been used to trace the dietary habits of fossil species, including primates and hominids. However, few studies have addressed the variability of this microwear. The abrasiveness of dietary components depends not only on the hardness of the particles ingested, but also on the presence of dust and other exogenous elements introduced during food processing. These elements are responsible for the microwear typology observed on the enamel surfaces of primate teeth. Here we analyzed the variability of buccal microwear patterns in African Great Apes (Gorilla gorilla and Pan troglodytes), using tooth molds obtained from the original specimens held in several osteological collections. Our results suggest that ecological adaptations at subspecies or population level account for differences in microwear patterns, which are attributed to habitat and ecological conditions within populations rather than differences between species. The findings from studies on the variability of buccal dental microwear in extant species will contribute to a better understanding of extinct hominids’ diet and ecology.  相似文献   

One problem with dental microwear analyses of museum material is that investigators can never be sure of the diets of the animals in question. An obvious solution to this problem is to work with live animals. Recent work with laboratory primates has shown that high resolution dental impressions can be obtained from live animals. The purpose of this study was to use similar methods to begin to document rates and patterns of dental microwear for primates in the wild. Thirty-three Alouatta palliata were captured during the wet season at Hacienda La Pacifica near Canas, Costa Rica. Dental impressions were taken and epoxy casts of the teeth were prepared using the methods of Teaford and Oyen (1989a). Scanning electron micrographs were taken of the left mandibular second molars at magnifications of 200x and 500x. Lower magnification images were used to calculate rates of wear, and higher magnification images were used to measure the size and shape of microwear features. Results indicate that, while basic patterns of dental microwear are similar in museum samples and samples of live, wild-trapped animals of the same species, ecological differences between collection locales may lead to significant intraspecific differences in dental microwear. More importantly, rates of microwear provide the first direct evidence of differences in molar use between monkeys and humans.  相似文献   



Dental microwear analyses are commonly used to deduce the diet of extinct mammals. Conventional methods rely on the user identifying features within a 2D image. However, recent interdisciplinary research has lead to the development of an advanced methodology that is free of observer error, based on the automated quantification of 3D surfaces by combining confocal microscopy with scale-sensitive fractal analysis. This method has already proved to be very efficient in detecting dietary differences between species. Focusing on a finer, intra-specific scale of analysis, the aim of this study is to test this method''s ability to track such differences between individuals from a single population.

Methodology/Principal Findings

For the purposes of this study, the 3D molar microwear of 78 individuals from a well-known population of extant roe deer (Capreolus caprelous) is quantified. Multivariate statistical analyses indicate significant seasonal and sexual differences in individual dental microwear design. These are probably the consequence of seasonal variations in fruit, seed and leaf availability, as well as differences in feeding preference between males and females due to distinct energy requirements during periods of rutting, gestation or giving birth. Nevertheless, further investigations using two-block Partial Least-Squares analysis show no strong relationship between individual stomach contents and microwear texture. This is an expected result, assuming that stomach contents are composed of food items ingested during the last few hours whereas dental microwear texture records the physical properties of items eaten over periods of days or weeks.


Microwear 3D scale-sensitive fractal analysis does detect differences in diet ranging from the inter-feeding styles scale to the intra-population between-season and between-sex scales. It is therefore a possible tool, to be used with caution, in the further exploration of the feeding biology and ecology of extinct mammals.  相似文献   

Here we compare dental microwear textures from specimens of the fossil genus Mesopithecus (Cercopithecidae, Colobinae) from the late Miocene of Eastern Europe with dental microwear textures from four extant primate species with known dietary differences. Results indicate that the dental microwear textures of Mesopithecus differ from those of extant leaf eaters Alouatta palliata and Trachypithecus cristatus and instead resemble more closely those of the occasional hard-object feeders Cebus apella and Lophocebus albigena. Microwear texture data presented here in combination with results from previous analyses suggest that Mesopithecus was a widespread, opportunistic feeder that often consumed hard seeds. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that early colobines may have preferred hard seeds to leaves.  相似文献   

A recent study of occlusal microwear in Australopithecus afarensis described this species as an opportunistic dweller, living in both forested and open environments and greatly relying on fallback resources and using fewer food-processing activities than previously suggested. In the present study, analysis of buccal microwear variability in a sample of A. afarensis specimens (n = 75 teeth) showed no significant correlations with the ecological shift that took place around 3.5 Ma in Africa. These results are consistent with the occlusal microwear data available. In fact, significant correlations between buccal and occlusal microwear variables were found. However, comparison of the buccal microwear patterns showed clear similarities between A. afarensis and those hominoid species living in somewhat open environments, especially the Cameroon gorillas. A diet based mainly on succulent fruits and seasonal fallback resources would be consistent with the buccal microwear patterns observed.  相似文献   

Using dental microwear textural analysis, we aim to explore variations in feeding habits within and between wild reindeer populations (Rangifer tarandus) in Norway. Specimens from the two wild reindeer areas of Knutshø and Hardangervidda were hunted between late August and the end of September 2014, and found to share very similar topological and ecological characteristics (continental alpine tundra). Despite the homogenisation of plant resources at the end of the snow-free period, dental microwear textural analysis on cheek teeth indicates differences in feeding behaviors between the two populations, in that reindeer from Knutshø might display a more “grazing” signal than the ones from Hardangervidda. Such differences in dental microwear textures reflect the differences in feeding habits that could be linked with differences in population density of reindeer. The Knutshø reindeer density is lower than at Hardangervidda, where primary food resources like grasses, sedges, and lichens are less abundant. Analyses also show the differences in gender for the population of Knutshø, but more studies are necessary for the clearest interpretation of data. Our results emphasize the need to explore local variations at a monthly time frame in order to better assess the versatility of dental microwear textures before applying this kind of analysis to either extant or extinct multi-population scales.  相似文献   

Tooth microwear was analyzed for a large sample of wild-shot barren-ground caribou (Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus) from the Kaminuriak population of eastern Canada. This sample was compared to the microwear of specimens from three Pleistocene localities in North America (Alaska) and western Europe (Caune de l’Arago in France and Salzgitter in Germany). The results show that the extant samples from eastern Canada have seasonal variation in microwear and presumably in diet. The differences in microwear between the various seasons may reflect a cyclic migration of the population within a year. The extinct population from Alaska has extremely blunt teeth (mesowear), as blunt as those of modern zebras and bison. This observation is corroborated by the lowest number of microwear pits. The findings are untypical, as most typical caribou teeth have sharper apices, and we interpret this as an indication of a local habitat that was different with animals feeding on non-typical vegetation. The combination of Rangifer from Caune de l’Arago and Salzgitter reveals a pattern in microwear variability. The Salzgitter is interglacial and shows a greater diversity of browsing (broad spectrum on average number of pits) than the glacial Caune de l’Arago. The interglacial population from Salzgitter is interesting because it shows several different types of browsing. Collectively all the Rangifer teeth show that diet of a brachydont taxon can vary across most of the dietary morphospace of ungulates as represented by tooth microwear. The three Pleistocene samples exhibit microwear that is different from the extant population in question. This observation implies that the recent diet of Rangifer has changed from the typical caribou diet in the past. This indicates dietary change within a species. This is important because it represents dietary evolution without changes in tooth morphology.  相似文献   

In the late Middle and early Late Pleistocene, Neandertals inhabited a wide variety of ecological zones across western Eurasia during both glacial and interglacial times. To elucidate the still poorly understood effects of climatic change on Neandertal subsistence patterns, this study employs dental microwear texture analysis to reconstruct the diets of Neandertal individuals from various sites across their wide temporal and geographic ranges. The results of this study reveal environmentally-driven differences in the diets of Neandertal groups. Significant differences in microwear signatures, correlated with paleoecological conditions, were found among Neandertal groups that lived in open, mixed, and wooded environments. In comparison to recent hunter-gatherer populations with known, yet diverse diets, the occlusal molar microwear signatures of all the Neandertal groups indicate that their diet consisted predominantly of meat. However, the results of this study suggest that plant foods did form an important part of the diet of at least some Neandertal groups (i.e., those that lived in mixed and wooded habitats). Overall, the proportion of plant foods in the Neandertal diet appears to have increased with the increase in tree cover.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to estimate changes in feeding preferences of the proboscidean species Gomphotherium subtapiroideum (Schlesinger 1917) by means of dental microwear analyses. The dietary changes are first evaluated through the ontogeny of this species, between juveniles and adults, and are then studied through geological time, from early Middle Miocene (MN5) to middle Late Miocene (MN8–9) localities of the German Molasse Basin. The microwear patterns of juvenile and adult individuals of G. subtapiroideum from Sandelzhausen (MN5) differ merely by the variable “length of scratches”, emphasizing longer jaw movements during mastication in adults. The microwear signatures of G. subtapiroideum do not vary significantly between the two geological time periods studied, but reflect mixed feeding preferences in both cases. These results imply that, despite an important environmental change at that time (drying and opening), the ecology of G. subtapiroideum and, especially, its feeding habits were not affected. Its dental microwear pattern is then compared with those of other species of Proboscidea from the Middle-Late Miocene of Germany, namely Deinotherium giganteum and Gomphotherium steinheimense.  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro turnover in dental microwear   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Given the potential usefulness of dental microwear analyses in interpretations of archaeological and paleontological material, it is surprising how little we know about changes in individual microwear features through time. The purpose of this study was to document the turnover in primate dental microwear through in vivo dental studies of monkeys raised on different diets, and through in vitro studies of the abrasive effects of monkey chow biscuits on isolated monkey teeth. As in previous studies, epoxy replicas were prepared from dental impressions and examined under a scanning electron microscope. Results indicate that, under certain conditions, the turnover in primate dental microwear can be on the order of days, hours, or even minutes. Individual microscopic wear features can be obliterated within 24 hours on the molars of laboratory monkeys, and monkey chow biscuits can easily scratch the enamel of isolated monkey teeth. Monkeys raised on a hard diet showed more rapid turnover in dental microwear than monkeys raised on a soft diet. However, paired-sample tests revealed that, for all animals, the molar shearing facets were being abraded at a significantly slower rate than molar crushing/grinding facets. In light of these results, investigators should make every effort to use large samples in interspecific comparisons of dental microwear involving species with variable diets. Another implication of these results is that changes in dental microwear might be useful indicators of changes in oral behavior over relatively short periods of time.  相似文献   

This study quantitatively examined molar microwear in nine species of extant small-bodied faunivorous primates and microchiropterans. Comparative analyses were performed within the food category faunivory, both between hard- and soft-object feeding faunivores and between primarily insectivorous and carnivorous taxa. Additionally, microwear in faunivores was compared to that reported in the literature for frugivorous and folivorous primates. The results indicated that although insectivores and carnivores could not be distinguished by microwear analyses, hard-object faunivores (i. e., those that primarily consume beetles or actively comminute bone) can be readily distinguished from soft-object faunivores (i. e., moth, caterpillar, or vertebrate flesh specialists). The hard-object faunivores consistently exhibited greater pit frequencies (in excess of 40%). Furthermore, comparisons of these microwear data on faunivorous mammals to previous work on frugivorous and folivorous primates (Teaford, 1988, pers. comm.; Teaford and Runestad, 1992, pers. comm.; Teaford and Walker: American Journal of Physical Anthropology 64:191–200, 1984) permitted three observations to be made. 1) Faunivores tend to have higher mean feature densities than either frugivores or folivores, although these differences are not consistently statistically distinct. 2) Faunifores and frugivores that feed on hard-objects have comparable mean pit frequencies. 3) Although it is impossible to distinguish faunivores and folivores on the basis of metric analysis of gross molar morphology, this distinction can be made on microwear criteria. Both hard- and soft-object faunivores exhibit much higher mean pit frequencies than primarily folivorous species. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


The study of dental wear was first used years ago to infer the palaeoecology of fossil mammals and in particular their diet. Results depend predominantly on the scale of the analysis used. Analyses of dental macrowear, mesowear or microwear do not provide the same type of dietary information, be it about the seasonal, annual or lifetime diet. This contribution focuses on emblematic species, cave bears (Ursidae), in particular Ursus spelaeus spelaeus. Methods used by previous researchers to infer their dietary preferences and thus their palaeoecology are reviewed and compared. This review is complemented by an analysis of several specimens of cave bears from the Goyet cave in Belgium, using dental microwear texture analysis (DMTA), a methodology widely applied for reconstructing palaeodiets. Three main conclusions are drawn here: (1) DMTA is the method that provides the most precise palaeobiological inferences; (2) during the pre-dormancy period, cave bears show dietary flexibility; (3) dental wear alone might be not sufficient to provide a complete reconstruction of the cave bear palaeodiet.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2018,17(8):545-556
The dental microwear textures of six individuals from Hortus cave, France are compared to Neandertals from different ecological zones and time periods. Molar Phase II facets were scanned using white-light confocal microscopy and scale sensitive fractal analysis yielded enamel surface textural characteristics. The juvenile Hortus III and the older adult Hortus XI exhibit relatively low anisotropy (epLsar) and textural fill volume (Tfv) and are distinct from young adults with higher values. These differences may be related to age, such that only young adults were engaged in the mastication of tough, fibrous vegetation, whereas Hortus XI (50+ years) and Hortus III (6.5–7.9 years) did not. Sub-Phase Vb Hortus individuals exhibit reduced dietary hardness (Asfc) suggesting a greater reliance on soft foods, like meat. Differences between individuals from Hortus cave correspond to both sub-phase variation in climate and intrinsic lifeways.  相似文献   

Incisor microwear patterns have been shown to reflect aspects of diet and ingestive behaviors in a wide range of nonhuman primates. While some studies have suggested that anterior dental microwear might be used to infer unusual front tooth use practices in archaeological populations, quantitative work on modern human incisors has thus far been limited. In this study we examined dental microwear on the maxillary central incisors of three groups of humans: Aleutian Islanders (n = 16), Arikara from the Mobridge Site in South Dakota (n = 15), and a Late Woodland Bluff sample from Jersey County, Illinois (n = 17). High-resolution replicas were prepared and examined by scanning electron microscopy following conventional procedures. Photomicrographs were taken at consistent locations on the labial surface, and microwear was quantified using Microware 3.0 (Ungar, 1997). Statistical test results revealed significant differences among the groups in microwear feature densities, sizes, and shapes. The Aleut, Arikara, and Illinois Bluff samples showed a gradient of increasing microwear density, increasing linearity in feature shape, and decreasing feature size. These differences evidently correspond to amount of meat consumption, and apparently to degree of use of the incisors in heavy loading. No differences were observed between groups in heterogeneity of feature orientations, and no sex-related differences were found. Associations between incisor microwear on the one hand and subsistence practice and anterior tooth use on the other likely have important implications for the study of hominid paleobiology. Am J Phys Anthropol 109:387–396, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Pliopithecinae and Crouzeliinae (Primates: Pliopithecidae) are distinguished dentally by the sharper crests, more compressed cusps, larger foveae, and narrower molars of the latter. Traditionally, such differences were qualitatively related to increased folivory in crouzeliines. This was subsequently disproved by microwear and shearing crest analyses, indicating that all pliopithecids were soft‐fruit eaters, except for the more folivorous crouzeliine Barberapithecus. This seems however at odds with the occlusal morphology of the latter, intermediate between those of Pliopithecus and the more derived crouzeliine Anapithecus. To further assess dietary evolution in this group, we report results of dental microwear for two Iberian pliopithecids: Pliopithecus canmatensis, from several Abocador de Can Mata localities (11.8–11.7 Ma, MN8), and Barberapithecus huerzeleri from Castell de Barberà (ca. 11.2–10.5 Ma, MN8, or MN9). Contrary to previously published results, our analyses suggest that all pliopithecids, including Barberapithecus, had a frugivorous diet with a significant sclerocarpic component—apparently more marked in some pliopithecines (such as P. canmatensis) than in the crouzeliine Anapithecus. If our interpretation is correct, it would mean that, within the framework of a frugivorous diet with some hard‐object feeding, crouzeliine dental evolution would have been driven by selection pressures towards increased soft‐fruit consumption instead of folivory. Dental differences between pliopithecids and hominoids with a significant sclerocarpic component (i.e., orangutans) might be related to phylogenetic constraints, different food‐processing methods and/or fracture toughness of hard foods consumed. Although additional research would be required, results suggest that dietary niche partitioning played a significant role in the radiation of European pliopithecids. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:573–582, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The analysis of dental microwear is commonly used by paleontologists and anthropologists to clarify the diets of extinct species, including herbivorous and carnivorous mammals. Currently, there are numerous methods employed to quantify dental microwear, varying in the types of microscopes used, magnifications, and the characterization of wear in both two dimensions and three dimensions. Results from dental microwear studies utilizing different methods are not directly comparable and human quantification of wear features (e.g., pits and scratches) introduces interobserver error, with higher error being produced by less experienced individuals. Dental microwear texture analysis (DMTA), which analyzes microwear features in three dimensions, alleviates some of the problems surrounding two-dimensional microwear methods by reducing observer bias. Here, we assess the accuracy and comparability within and between 2D and 3D dental microwear analyses in herbivorous and carnivorous mammals at the same magnification. Specifically, we compare observer-generated 2D microwear data from photosimulations of the identical scanned areas of DMTA in extant African bovids and carnivorans using a scanning white light confocal microscope at 100x magnification. Using this magnification, dental microwear features quantified in 2D were able to separate grazing and frugivorous bovids using scratch frequency; however, DMTA variables were better able to discriminate between disparate dietary niches in both carnivorous and herbivorous mammals. Further, results demonstrate significant interobserver differences in 2D microwear data, with the microwear index remaining the least variable between experienced observers, consistent with prior research. Overall, our results highlight the importance of reducing observer error and analyzing dental microwear in three dimensions in order to consistently interpret diets accurately.  相似文献   

Examination of incisor microwear in three species of Colobus revealed that the predominantly folivorous C. badius more closely resembles C. satanas, a seed predator/folivore, than C. guereza, another predominantly folivorous species. This demonstrates that species of the same broad dietary category can have very different patterns of incisor microwear, indicative of differences in food procurement behavior and/or the physical properties of dietary items for some portion of the diet. Conversely, species of different categories can have microwear patterns that, superficially at least, are quite similar. The dissimilarity in incisor microwear between C. badius and C. guereza is mirrored to a certain extent in molar microwear, although the differences are not nearly so great on the molars. The differences between C. badius and C. guereza may involve different food items in the major, folivorous portions of their diets, or they may relate to differences in the very minor fruit and bark components. The similar microwear patterns of C. badius and C. satanas demonstrate that incisor microwear by itself is unreliable for assigning fossil species to broad dietary categories. Incisor microwear can be used to infer finer dietary distinctions in fossil species for which dietary category has been determined by other means.  相似文献   

The swallowtail butterfly Papilio polytes is known for its striking resemblance in wing pattern to the toxic butterfly Pachliopta aristolochiae and is a focal system for the study of mimicry evolution. Papilio polytes females are polymorphic in wing pattern, with mimetic and nonmimetic forms, while males are monomorphic and nonmimetic. Past work invokes selection for mimicry as the driving force behind wing pattern evolution in P. polytes. However, the mimetic relationship between P. polytes and P. aristolochiae is not well understood. In order to test the mimicry hypothesis, we constructed paper replicas of mimetic and nonmimetic P. polytes and P. aristolochiae, placed them in their natural habitat, and measured bird predation on replicas. In initial trials with stationary replicas and plasticine bodies, overall predation was low and we found no differences in predation between replica types. In later trials with replicas mounted on springs and with live mealworms standing in for the butterfly's body, we found less predation on mimetic P. polytes replicas compared to nonmimetic P. polytes replicas, consistent with the predator avoidance benefits of mimicry. While our results are mixed, they generally lend support to the mimicry hypothesis as well as the idea that behavioral differences between the sexes contributed to the evolution of sexually dimorphic mimicry.  相似文献   

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