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Populations with multiple morphological or behavioural types provide unique opportunities for studying the causes and consequences of evolutionary diversification. A population of the medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis) at El Garrapatero on Santa Cruz Island, Galápagos, features two beak size morphs. These morphs produce acoustically distinctive songs, are subject to disruptive selection and mate assortatively by morph. The main goal of the present study was to assess whether finches from this population are able to use song as a cue for morph discrimination. A secondary goal of this study was to evaluate whether birds from this population discriminate songs of their own locality versus another St Cruz locality, Borrero Bay, approximately 24 km to the NW. I presented territorial males with playback of songs of their own morph, of the other morph, and of males from Borrero Bay. Males responded more strongly to same-morph than to other-morph playbacks, showing significantly shorter latencies to flight, higher flight rates and closer approaches to the playback speaker. By contrast, I found only minor effects of locality on responsiveness. Evidence for morph discrimination via acoustic cues supports the hypothesis that song can serve as a behavioural mechanism for assortative mating and sympatric evolutionary divergence.  相似文献   

Riflemen/tītipounamu (Acanthisitta chloris) are kin-based cooperatively breeding birds, which appear able to recognise their relatives. Here, we investigate the potential for vocalisations to act as recognition cues in riflemen. We identified an appropriate contact call and recorded it at the nest from 19 adult riflemen. Measurements of call characteristics were individually repeatable. In addition, call similarity was significantly correlated with relatedness among all birds and among males. Thus, in principle, these contact calls contain sufficient information for individual recognition of familiar kin, and some assessment of relatedness between unfamiliar birds. To test whether riflemen responded differently to calls of kin, we broadcast calls of relatives and non-relatives as separate treatments in a playback experiment. Focal birds rarely responded aggressively or affiliatively, and their tendency to do so was unrelated to treatment. We conclude that zip calls are suitable kin recognition cues, but whether they are used as such remains unknown.  相似文献   

A territorial intruder often poses more of a threat to the territory holder of the same sex as itself. As territorial aggression is associated with costs, aggression shown by birds towards territorial intruders of the opposite sex deserves investigation. This behaviour could arise due to the reproductive value of a mate or through mutualism between members of a pair. We investigated these hypotheses by presenting mated pairs of Tawny Owls Strix aluco with playback of male calls, female calls and a male and female duetting, and recording the number and intensity of responses by the male and female territory holders. Females responded significantly more often to female than to male calls. Males responded equally often to male and female playback. Males which had previously bred successfully with their mate were significantly more likely to respond to female playback in the spring, which suggested males were responding to female playback due to the reproductive value of their mate. There was no evidence of mutualism between members of a pair.  相似文献   

We investigated the signal function of vocal imitation of contact calls in orange-fronted conures (OFCs; Aratinga canicularis) in Costa Rica. OFCs live in dynamic social systems with frequent flock fusions and fissions. Exchanges of contact calls precede these flock changes. During call exchanges, the similarity between the contact calls of different individuals may either increase (converge) or decrease (diverge). We conducted a playback experiment on wild-caught captive birds in which we simulated convergent, divergent and no-change interaction series with male and female contact calls. OFCs responded differently to convergent and divergent series of contact calls, but only when we considered the sex of the test birds. Males called most in response to convergent series, whereas females demonstrated high calling rates in response to both convergent and divergent interactions. Both sexes responded most to contact calls from the opposite sex, but overall females produced more calls and had shorter latencies to calling than males. These results demonstrate that OFCs can discriminate between male and female contact calls and that subtle changes in contact call structure during interactions have signal function. The stronger overall response to convergent series suggests that convergence of contact calls is an affiliative signal.  相似文献   

In many altricial birds, fledglings disperse when they are no longer fed, and this dispersal marks the end of parental care. In some species, however, young remain in close association with their parents after nutritional independence. Because juveniles are still inferior foragers at this stage, they might benefit from parental assistance in locating good feeding sites, but this possibility remains largely unexplored. Here, we show that parents and helpers in pied babbler (Turdoides bicolor) societies use a recruitment call to direct nutritionally independent, but inexperienced, foragers to particular food patches. Observations and a playback experiment indicated that adult babblers use a "purr" call to recruit group members to a foraging patch. Creation of experimental foraging patches supported observations that individuals tend to give the call when they are foraging on abundant, divisible food sources and when their group contains independent fledglings (youngsters who are no longer fed directly). Fledglings responded to calls more often than adults, who frequently encountered aggression from the caller if they did, and the fledglings gained significant foraging benefits. This is the first study to demonstrate that altricial birds may use recruitment calls to extend parental care past the period of direct provisioning.  相似文献   

Male blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis stuhlmanni) of Budongo Forest, Uganda, produce two acoustically distinct alarm calls: hacks to crowned eagles (Stephanoaetus coronatus) and pyows to leopards (Panthera pardus) and a range of other disturbances. In playback experiments, males responded to leopard growls exclusively with a series of pyows and to eagle shrieks predominantly with hacks. Responses to playbacks of these alarm call series matched the responses to the corresponding predators, suggesting that the calls conveyed something about the nature of the threat. When responding to a series of hacks, indicating an eagle, males responded predominately with hacks, but produced significantly more calls if their group members were close to the playback stimulus than far away, regardless of their own position. When responding to a series of pyows, indicating a range of disturbances, males responded with pyows, but call rates were independent of the distance of other group members. The results suggest that males took into account the degree of danger experienced by other group members.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(1):73-86
Functional analyses of three vocalizations of male brown-headed cowbirds, Molothrus ater, are presented and it is shown that two of these function as songs. Perched song (PS) is given by stationary birds and is used over short distances in male-male aggression and female courtship. The ‘flight whistle’ (FW) is a multisyllabic, usually pure tone, vocalization and the ‘single syllable flight call’ (SS) a monosyllabic pure tone. FWs and SSs are given occasionally by perched males and repetitively by flying males. Field playbacks of FWs showed that male cowbirds responded in the agonistic way most passerines respond to playback of conspecific song. Playbacks of the female's chatter call demonstrated that males of all three subspecies use FWs and SSs, but almost never PSs, to communicate with a female as they approach her. Thus FWs and SSs are used to communicate over long distances with both males and females. FWs are also used in one critical short-distance context as they are significantly more likely than PSs to be given just before copulations in nature, at least in our western study area. By contrast, studies of captive eastern cowbirds showed that PSs regularly precede copulations whereas FWs rarely do so. These different results for western and eastern birds may be an artefact of captivity and/or a result of geographical variation in behaviour.  相似文献   

In multiple animal taxa, including many birds and primates, members of mated pairs produce coordinated acoustic displays known as duets. By observing the behaviour of territorial animals as they respond to playback‐simulated duets of rivals, we can gain insight into the behavioural significance of vocal duets. Playback experiments, however, have been conducted across a very narrow range of duetting animals. Furthermore, many studies have been conducted with single‐speaker playback, whereas stereo‐speaker playback offers more spatially realistic simulation of duets. Moreover, by evaluating the reactions of animals to separate loudspeakers broadcasting male and female duet contributions, we can study the interactions of both males and females with same‐sex vs. opposite‐sex rivals. We used a paired experimental design to broadcast duet stimuli through a single‐speaker and a stereo‐speaker apparatus to 30 pairs of duetting barred antshrikes Thamnophilus doliatus in Costa Rica. Our goals were (1) to evaluate whether territorial antbirds respond more aggressively to male vs. female duet components and (2) to assess aggressive responses of antbirds towards single‐speaker vs. stereo‐speaker playback. Neither males nor females differentiated between the loudspeaker simulating the male vs. female duet contribution during stereo‐speaker playback trials. Barred antshrikes displayed significantly stronger responses to stereo‐speaker playback compared with single‐speaker playback. Males displayed stronger playback responses than females with closer, quicker and more vocal responses. These results provide evidence for a joint resource defence function of antbird duets given that pairs responded together with equivalent intensity to male and female simulated intruders. This is the first study to show that although duetting is an aggressive territorial signal, birds do not necessarily respond to sex‐specific components of duets. Our results support the idea that spatially realistic stereo presentation of duet stimuli is critical for experimental duet research.  相似文献   

We conducted interactive playback experiments on foraging flocks of orange‐fronted conures, Aratinga canicularis, using loud contact calls that had been recorded at sites ranging from 0 to 30 km from the playback site. Responses were scored on the basis of the proximity of approach to the speaker, the number of different vocalizations produced by the responding flock, and the duration of respondent vocal interactions with the playbacks. Overall response strength decreased significantly as distance between playback and recording sites was increased up to 9 km, and remained at a steady low level for greater distances. As 9 km is the upper limit of conure home ranges measured in this study site, this nonlinear effect of response with distance suggests that response strength is partly determined by familiarity with calls of local birds. An additional and independent amount of the variation in response strength was explained by the structural similarity between respondent and stimulus calls. This correlation could be caused by a preference to interact with known stimulus birds whose calls have converged during prior associations. However, our data suggest that responding birds subtly changed their call structure during longer trials to more closely match the stimulus call. If subsequently verified as a common phenomenon, this finding could provide an important explanation for the remarkable imitative abilities of parrots.  相似文献   

We used playback experiments to test whether alarm calls affected the foraging behavior of eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus). We subjected chipmunks, foraging at artificial feeding stations, to three playback treatments (silent, control noise, and alarm call) and examined changes in vigilant and foraging behavior. Chipmunks responded to alarm calls with a greater degree and duration of vigilant behavior, such as look‐ups and alert postures. Chipmunks also ran a shorter distance to cover and took longer to re‐emerge from the burrow after hearing an alarm call. Alarm calls caused individuals to spend more time exposed at the feeding stations; however, individuals also took significantly fewer seeds after hearing an alarm call. This was not due to a difference in the time spent handling food, but rather to a slower rate of loading. Chipmunks appear to sacrifice energy gain by increasing vigilance after hearing an alarm call. This study suggests that to avoid the costs of unnecessary escape behavior, individuals directly assess their own risk rather than relying only on indirect cues such as alarm calls.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that social stimulation, derived from the presence and activities of conspecifics, can hasten and synchronize breeding in colonies of birds was tested. A modified playback/recorder system was used to continuously exaggerate the amount of colony sound available to zebra finches throughout their courtship period. Males that heard 'sound supplements' generated from their own colony sang more than males in control colonies that did not receive playback; males that heard samples from a different colony, sang at an intermediate level. Females that were exposed to the vocalizations of their mate and playback from a colony other than their own, laid eggs earlier and more synchronously than females in control colonies. Females that heard the vocalizations of their mate along with playback samples generated from their own colony, laid eggs more synchronously but not earlier than control females. Both acoustic treatments caused females to lay larger clutches. Social stimulation influences the breeding schedule and clutch size in zebra finch colonies. If there are advantages associated with these effects, social stimulation may contribute to the maintenance of colonial breeding systems.  相似文献   

M. de L. BROOKE 《Ibis》1986,128(4):502-512
I studied the calls of White-chinned Petrels Procellaria aequinoctialis and Grey Petrels P. cinerea at the Prince Edward Islands in the Southern Ocean. White-chinned Petrels gave two calls. One, the Wheezy call, was usually given from within breeding burrows, was given in response to playback of strange (= non-mate) calls, and probably served a burrow defence function. The other call, the Rattle call, was uttered roughly as often on the ground as from within the burrow. This call was mostly given by males and probably served as sexual advertisement. The one identified call type of the Grey Petrel was given in the same circumstances as the Wheezy call of the White-chinned Petrel.
In both species there was evidence of mate recognition of calls. Birds tended to remain silent to the playback of the mate's call, whereas they responded vocally to strange calls.
This vocal system, where both sexes share two call types but where sexual dimorphism in call is absent, has not been described before for petrels. Possible reasons for the variation in petrel vocal systems are discussed.  相似文献   

The response of the male túngara frog ( Physalaemus pustulosus ) to conspecific whines of different frequencies was examined. In the first series of playback experiments (fixed frequency), three types of synthetic stimuli were used, corresponding to calls of high frequency (HFF; x + 2 SD), mid-frequency (MFF; x ), and low frequency (LFF; x − 2 SD) for the study population. In the second series of interactive playback experiments (relative frequency), whines of frequency relative to that of the male subject were used: male frequency + 2 SD (HRF), male frequency (MRF), and male frequency −2 SD (LRF). In the fixed frequency experiments, male vocal response did not vary among treatments. However, in the relative frequency experiments, males responded with more whines, and above all, with more chucks, to stimuli of similar or higher frequency than to stimuli of lower frequency than their own. In other words, male vocal competition escalates when competitors have whines with similar or relatively higher frequencies to their own, but does not increase when competitors have call frequencies that are at the mean or higher for the population. This differential response might result from competition between males of different sizes, since the frequency of the whine and male size is significantly correlated.  相似文献   

Male Kuvangu frogs show repetitive calling of pulsed advertisement calls in which up to seven calls are repeated in short succession. Recordings of pairwise interactions between males showed that calls were highly synchronized, with individual calls interdigitating with each other. Males frequently switched between the leader and follower role with neither male dominating the interaction. Interactive playback experiments using synthetic calls revealed that males slightly but significantly increased the number of calls per call group with increases in stimulus call number. Males also significantly increased call rate with the number of calls in the playback stimulus. Furthermore, when presented with shortened intercall intervals, males increased their own intercall intervals, thus ‘skipping’ a call and avoiding overlap with the playback. The low degree of call matching suggests that repetitive calling, apart from maintaining a male's attractiveness to females relative to rival males, may mediate male-male competition. In addition, synchronized interdigitated calling may serve to reduce predation, while maintaining species-specific temporal features of advertisement calls important to females. Kuvangu running frogs may have reduced the costs associated with synchrony and alternation by using a signal timing scheme that allows them to do both simultaneously.Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.    相似文献   

The communication via percussion of the abdomen on the substrate for species recognition and mate location of males and females of two sympatric species of the recently described insect order Mantophasmatodea (Heelwalkers) was investigated. Each sex produced a single and distinctive call. The female call consisted of repeated single pulses, whereas the more complex male call comprised repeated pulse trains. The calls of males and females of the two species were of similar general structure, but differed in most temporal characters such as pulse and pulse train repetition time. In behavioral playback experiments females reacted to the call of conspecific males by calling and decreasing locomotion. When stimulated with the call of the heterospecific, sympatric male, females showed no reaction. Males exhibited abdominal rubbing, high tapping rates, increased activity (both movement and active searching) as well as characteristic searching behavior at branch nodes, when presented with the conspecific female call. Being stimulated with the playback of the heterospecific female call and the conspecific male call respectively, males responded with less intense locomotor and searching behavior. The drumming behavior in the control situation (no playback) suggests that males sometimes call in the absence of other individuals.  相似文献   

By capturing territorial Carolina wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus) and housing them in portable cages on their territories, I could control each one's location in its territory and distance from neighbours in experiments on the use of song repertoires. Experiment 1 demonstrated that these wrens sang more songs in the centre of their territories than at the edge, but that they did not use more song types or different song types at the centre than at the edge. In experiment 2, in which I played tape-recorded songs at two distances from wrens caged in the centres of their territories, birds responded more strongly to songs at 25m, simulating an intruder, than to songs at 165 m, simulating a territorial neighbour. Birds also switched more frequently between song types and sang more song types per 100 songs in response to the nearer playback. Experiment 3 compared captive wrens 140 m, 80 m, 20 m, or 0 m apart on adjacent territories. As the distance between neighbours decreased, birds sang less, but also switched more frequently between song types, used more song types per 100 songs, and matched songs with neighbours more frequently. There were no differences in the kinds of song types sung at different distances from neighbours. A comparison of the results from experiments 1 and 3 confirms that the use of song repertoires is influenced by distance from conspecifics and not by location in the territory.  相似文献   

Learned vocal signals could be important in the formation of prezygotic isolation between two hybridising taxa. This study examined whether vocal variation in the parrot Platycercus elegans facilitates the separation of individuals from two subspecies, P. e. elegans (CR) and P. e. flaveolus (YR). CR and YR have very different plumage coloration, respectively deep crimson and pale yellow, but hybridise where they meet creating an intermediate population (WS). In a factorial design playback experiment, we conducted 108 playback trials on three focal populations (YR, WS, CR), in and around this area of hybridisation, to test if they respond differently to contact calls from their own or another population. We also analysed whether differences in acoustic variables of the stimulus calls predicted the response to the call. We did not find any indication that individuals from the three focal populations responded differently to calls sampled from their own or another subspecies. We did find an effect of two of the five acoustic variables that we used to describe and classify contact calls from the three source populations. Specifically, duration of the stimulus call positively affected the response from individuals from WS and negatively the response from CR, and CR responded more to stimulus calls with a lower peak frequency. Overall, we found no indication that acoustic variation in contact calls on a subspecies level is involved in maintaining plumage colour differences between P. e. elegans and P. e. flaveolus subspecies.  相似文献   


The reed frog Hyperolius tuberilinguis is a prolonged breeder with an advertisement call that varies in complexity from one to six click notes. Call complexity increases with chorus size, but calls containing more than three notes are rare. In playback experiments to males, subjects responded by increasing the complexity of their calls, without closely matching the stimulus and rarely exceeding the stimulus in complexity. Stimuli less complex than their own evoked a reduction in complexity. Call repetition rate remained unchanged in the responses. In two-choice phonotaxis experiments, females discriminated against one-note calls, and two- and three-note calls were the most attractive. Males thus adjust their calling in the presence of neighbours to a pattern most preferred by females. Calls of higher complexity may be more easily detected or located by females in the noisy environment of a chorus.  相似文献   

Many functions in behavioural processes of small passerines are regulated via vocal messages. Song plays an important role in the development of reproductive barriers and thus playback experiments can often be used for investigating the potential for reproductive isolation through behavioural mechanisms. Moltoni's warbler Sylvia (cantillans) moltonii is characterized by diagnostic vocalizations and a peculiar pattern of distribution, being parapatric and partly sympatric with the nominate Sylvia c. cantillans. With this work, we test whether these two closely related taxa react equally to their own song and to the song of the other taxon, shedding light on whether they perceive each other's songs as coming from the same species. We carried out 184 playback experiments within the mainland range of the two forms. We judged the response of the bird on a scale of scores. Each taxon responded more strongly to playback when faced with the song of its own taxon. This held true when applied only to males or females. Additionally, birds tested for both songs showed a stronger response to the song of their own taxon. The distributional context (sympatry vs. allopatry) did not affect bird response. Results indicate that a certain degree of reproductive isolation between the two taxa (because of diverged mate recognition systems) already exists; consistently with genetic data and with the peculiar pattern of distribution; this suggests that the two taxa have reached species status.  相似文献   

During vocal contests, animals alter both the timing and the patterning of responses to their opponents. Time-specific responses (such as overlapping an opponent's song) and pattern-specific responses (such as matching the type of an opponent's song) may reveal information about interacting animals. Here we explore the consequences of overlapping and frequency matching during song contests of male black-capped chickadees, Poecile atricapillus. Using interactive playback, we engaged birds of high and low dominance status in vocal interactions with a simulated territorial intruder. The playback intruder either overlapped or avoided overlapping the subjects' songs and either matched or avoided matching the frequency of the subjects' songs. Individuals who were overlapped by the playback intruder showed higher variability in their song length and song timing than individuals who were not overlapped. Individuals who were frequency-matched by the playback intruder responded with more agitated responses (more flights and passes over the speaker and closer distances of closest approach) and spent more time farther away from the loudspeaker. We argue that the timing of song delivery and the choice of song type are distinct functional components of vocal interactions, where overlapping and matching songs are threatening signals that have separate consequences for opponent behaviour and song performance. High-ranking males responded at greater distances from the loudspeaker in all treatments and responded with lower agitation levels than low-ranking males. We demonstrate that males of different quality show different behavioural responses to territorial intruders, where males of high status appear reluctant to engage an intruder as intensely as males of low status.  相似文献   

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