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Although sound production has been described for sunfishes, it is previously unknown for basses, both groups of fishes in the family Centrarchidae. We document production of acoustic signals during aggressive encounters in Coosa bass, Micropterus coosae. During dyadic encounters, presumptive winners of contests produced sounds associated with a variety of behaviors, including chases, lateral displays, circle swims, nudging, jerking and during post aggression, while fish were stationary. These sounds are low-frequency, non-harmonic and consist of one to 41 separate pulses. In most trials larger fish won contests, regardless of territory ownership (which fish was put into the test tank first) and size difference.  相似文献   

Gobius cruentatus emit sounds during agonistic interactions. In order to evaluate the effect of boat noise exposure on G. cruentatus territorial behaviour, we played a field-recorded diesel engine boat noise during aggressive encounters between an intruder and a resident fish in a laboratory-controlled tank. We tested two factors: role (resident vs. intruder) and condition (noisy vs. silent); the test animals underwent all the treatments in a round-robin design. Agonistic behavior of the residents was modified by boat noise: during the playback residents were more submissive and won less encounters than in the control (silent) condition. We suggest that sound production is an effective tool for territorial defense, since the impairment of acoustic communication due to the recreational boat noise diminished the ability of the resident to maintain its territory.  相似文献   

The theory of evolutionarily stable strategies (ESS) in asymmetric contests predicts that the propensity of an individual to expose itself to risk during contests depends on the individual's resource-holding-potential (RHP) and on the value of the disputed resource (V) for the individual compared with that for an opponent. If encounters of a territory owner with individuals of high RHP and high food demands (V) increase in frequency, one should expect a decrease in total aggressiveness of the territory owner, and in consequence a decrease of its territory size. Such a decrease should result in a lower amount of food consumed by the territory owner. Using natural variability in RHP and V in Gerris lacustris, I experimentally tested these predictions. The average prey item has higher value (V) for reproductive female water striders (which probably transform most of their food into eggs), than for nonreproductive females and for males. Because males are smaller, they have lower RHP than females, as RHP depends on size. Thus the reproductive females are the class of individuals of high RHP and high food demands (high V). Most nonreproductive females defend food-based territories. I observed two groups of water striders in a seminatural laboratory setting. As predicted, there was a negative correlation between the rate of encounter with reproductive females and size of the territory, and a positive correlation between territory size and number of Drosophila flies consumed by the owner. Territories were smaller in the group with high rates of encounter between territory owners and reproductive females. Territory owners caught the same number of Drosophila flies as non-territorial individuals in this group. In contrast, in the group with fewer encounters between territory owners and reproductive females, territories were larger, and territory owners gained more food than non territorial water striders.  相似文献   

In territorial species, rivals investment in fights over territories may increase when the availability of suitable areas for defense is low. This should occur because low territory availability may increase the costs to maintain and acquire territories. Although such process occurs in small spatial scales (local scale), territory availability in larger scales (regional scale) may also affect fighting investment, as losers should incur additional dispersing costs to find new territories. In this study, we used males of the hilltopping butterfly Strymon mulucha to evaluate the hypothesis that males should invest more in territorial fights when the costs to find new territories are higher (both at local and at regional scale). We timed male–male contests for territories located in 12 hilltops and measured male density per territory in each hilltop (local scale). We also quantified the distance between hilltops containing suitable areas for territories (regional scale). Male–male contests lasted 21 s on average, and copulations did not occur during the observations. The duration of contests was unrelated to the male density per territory or to the distance among hilltops, indicating that the investment in fights was unaffected by the availability of territorial sites, independent of the spatial scale. As male–male contests in S. mulucha are longer than the mean contest duration in other butterfly species and mating is extremely rare, we suggest that the value of each territory may be high enough to favor males that always invest as much as possible in contests.  相似文献   

Territorial interactions between pairs of size mismatched, sexually mature male angelfish Pterophyllum scalare were investigated in three different conditions: with the larger fish resident (the large resident condition), with the smaller fish resident (the small resident condition) and in a neutral territory (the neutral condition). In the two resident conditions, approximately half of the intruders had previously held territories and half had not. In all categories of fight, one fish showed submissive postures and lost the fight; eventual losers performed both attack and threat at a lower rate than eventual winners. Attack rate declined as the encounter progressed, while rate of performance of threat postures increased. In fights on neutral territories, the larger fish won all fights. In all fights with a resident-intruder asymmetry, the resident fish won the encounter, regardless of relative size. In eventual winners but not in eventual losers, levels of attack were lowest in the neutral encounters. In the small resident condition, levels of attack (corrected for activity of the resident) were lower in intruders that had previously held a breeding territory. Relative size influenced behaviour shown during fights, in that overall intensity was correlated negatively with size differential in all conditions. Thus although prior residence is the primary determinant of the outcome of territorial encounters in this species, both relative body size and prior possession of territory also influence the nature of the interaction.  相似文献   

In this study, the author evaluated two adult age groups of the Mexican rivulus Millerichthys robustus with body size asymmetries to determine the strategies used by an annual killifish during agonistic interactions of different ontogenetic stages. To achieve this goal, the author first characterized the ethogram of agonistic interactions of M. robustus composed of seven behavioural units in males and five behavioural units in females. The author then analysed agonistic interaction strategies used by males and females with body size asymmetries in two groups of different adult ages that represent different ontogenetic stages: (a) just after sexual maturity was reached, at 5 weeks of age, and (b) near natural death, at 24 weeks of age. The agonistic behaviour patterns of M. robustus were compatible with the logic of mutual assessment. Large males had an advantage during their interactions in both age groups, winning all of the encounters. Nonetheless, there was more aggression in 5-week-old fish encounters. In addition, small 24-week-old fish were more aggressive than small 5-week-old fish. These changing strategies may be because of the cost–benefits required during a fight at each ontogenetic stage. In the female encounters, size did not predict winners, as both small and large fish won a similar number of encounters, and some contests remained unresolved regardless of age group. There was a tendency for small females of any age to risk more than males in fights to maintain reproductive fitness.  相似文献   

Territorial activities of a lycaenid butterfly, Chrysozephyrus smaragdinus, were observed throughout its adult season to investigate the territorial dynamics. The territories occupied earlier in the season were abandoned later than later‐occupied territories, indicating that the site preference of male C. smaragdinus was largely maintained during the adult season. Three indexes of territory quality based on animal preference, occupation duration (OD), initial occupation date (IOD) and the number of contests (NOC), were highly correlated. Therefore, these preference‐based indexes are consistent and reliable, although they are indirect estimates of benefits obtained from territories. Males arriving at territory sites early in the season were more likely to hold territories of better quality when NOC was used as the index of territory quality. The positive relationship between territory quality and male arrival date is congruent with the result of a previous study showing that early comers tend to hold a territory whereas late comers do not. However, male arrival date was not related to territory quality when OD or IOD was used as an index of territory quality. One possible reason for this apparent discrepancy is that the coefficient of variation of NOC is larger than those of OD and IOD, and therefore NOC could evaluate territory quality more quantitatively than the other two indexes. To date, studies of territoriality in butterflies have not considered the quality of territories. More studies considering the quality of territories will provide new insights into butterfly territoriality.  相似文献   

Field-collected Heliconius cydno Doubleday females were observed producing audible wing clicks during encounters between conspecifics in greenhouses in a large insectary during the day and at roosting time. Occasionally, these females also were observed producing sounds in aggressive encounters with females of a close relative, H. erato (L). However, the wing-clicks were not observed subsequently from first-generation adults born in the greenhouses. The sounds were produced in short trains of 3–10 wing-clicks at the rate of 10 clicks/s. The individual clicks had a mean duration of 1.48 ms and a broad frequency spectrum, with a peak near 1075 Hz. This peak lies near the 1200-Hz frequency of maximal sensitivity measured previously for auditory neurons of H. erato. The production of these previously unreported sounds suggests that wing clicks may play a role in both intra- and interspecific communication among Heliconius species.  相似文献   

Synopsis We hypothesized that blue tang, Acanthurus coeruleus, territories on sites with low biogenic structure would be larger than territories on sites with relatively high biogenic structure due to differences in the amount and distribution of resources. We tested this hypothesis by tracking blue tang over uncolonized pavement and reef crest, two habitat types at opposite ends of the habitat structure spectrum. We recorded density, feeding rates and aggression events in order to evaluate our findings in the context of a territory model and the ideal free distribution model. Territories of A. coeruleus averaged nearly four times larger on pavement sites than on reef crest sites. Conversely, densities of A. coeruleus were significantly lower on pavement sites. While there was no significant difference in the average rates of movement between habitats, average turning angles were significantly higher on reef crest. There were no significant differences in feeding rates between habitats, suggesting that higher territory sizes and lower densities may allow fish on uncolonized pavement to match resource acquisition of fish on reef crest. The insignificant difference of aggression encounters between habitats suggests that movement and density differences among habitats are not solely legacies of differential settlement.  相似文献   

In territorial species, habitat heterogeneity results in some individuals occupying poor quality sites while others occupy high quality sites. Floaters (mature nonbreeders) may accept a low quality territory, because it is the best they can get and defend (‘inferior phenotype hypothesis’), or because it is a strategic alternative for a high quality territory in the long run (‘queue hypothesis’). Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus territories differ consistently in the amount of offspring produced each year and this is related to the distance between the nesting and feeding territories. The inferior phenotype hypothesis was previously rejected on the basis of the absence of morphometric differences (assumed to indicate competitive abilities) among breeders. We investigated social dominance, in the field and in captivity, in relation to the quality of the breeding territory. In the field, birds with high-quality territories won more often compared to those occupying low-quality territories. However, this difference was not apparent in a small dataset of captive birds. These results are discussed in the framework of the long-term fitness prospects of settling in a high or low quality territory.  相似文献   

Many birds display carotenoid-based ornaments, which are typically considered to be honest indicators of individual health and condition. Experimental work on male red-shouldered widowbirds, Euplectes axillaris, has demonstrated a function of the carotenoid-based epaulettes in male contests and territory acquisition. Using two experiments, we investigated whether the natural variation in this colour signal reveals male competitive ability. Males with larger and redder (more longwave) epaulettes established territories to the exclusion of males with smaller and less red signals, which formed a large population of ‘floaters’. In an experiment in which we removed 42 resident males, these floaters rapidly filled up vacant territories. Among removed birds held in captivity, residents strongly dominated floaters in dyadic contests over access to an easily monopolized feeder (i.e. outside the context of territory defence). Only epaulette size predicted the outcome of these male contests. In addition, when competitors were experimentally given similar epaulette signals (removed or painted red to the average population size), the males were involved in more aggressive interactions than during unmanipulated contests, but residents continued to outcompete floaters. On release (after 8 days) to the breeding grounds, most residents (88%) rapidly reclaimed their territories from replacements. Combined, these results suggest that some intrinsic ‘resource-holding potential’, associated with the variation in epaulette signal, is primarily responsible for residents dominating nonresidents. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

We investigated the ecology and interspecific interactions of the two gibbon species (Hylobates lar and H. pileatus) that overlap in distribution within a narrow zone of contact in the headwaters of the Takhong River at Khao Yai National Park in central Thailand. The zone is about 10-km wide, with phenotypic hybrids comprising 6.5% of the adult population. We compared species with respect to diet, territory size, intra- and interspecific group encounters, and territory quality. The two gibbon species exploited the same types of resources within their territories despite variation in the relative abundance of food-plant species between territories. The gibbons were interspecifically territorial, and males of both species displayed aggressive behaviors at both intraspecific and interspecific territorial boundaries. There was no marked difference in the amount of overlap between territories of conspecific and heterospecific pairs of groups. Although the habitat was not homogeneous, territory quality did not vary significantly between species. The species have not diverged in habitat preference or in diet. Neither species dominated in interspecific encounters, and both were reproducing well in the contact zone. We analyzed the potential consequences of several types of interspecific interactions on individual dispersal options and on the structure of the contact zone. Interference competition through interspecific territoriality affects the dispersal of individuals into the range of the other species. In general, territorial competition coupled with limited hybridization leads to predictions of a narrow contact zone or parapatry between species; thus, behavioral and ecological interactions between species need to be considered as potential factors in explaining range borders of primate species.  相似文献   

The grazing fish, ayu,Plecoglossus altivelis Temminck & Schlegel, establishes feeding territorialiry during the young stage. The population density fluctuates from year to year by more than a hundredfold, but the determinant of territory size is less well known. The feeding territoriality of ayu was examined under simulated habitat conditions where fish density was manipulated and food resources were renewable. Fish competed for algae attached to the substrata and were divided into residents with territories, and floaters without territories. By experimental alteration of fish density the number of residents increased with density and rerritory size decreased with density. Floaters intruded into territories in a school to feed on algae, which induced overt aggression of the resident and reduced the productivity of algae growing there. Both the intruding frequency of floaters over territorial areas and their feeding pressure on algae increased at higher floater density. Floaters functioned to shift cost-benefit relationships for various territory sizes. They acted as food competitors to restrict territory size below a maximum through competitive interference. Although the growth rate of residents was inversely related to fish density, residents grew faster than floaters in each group. Under a given set of competitor abundances, economic defensibility determined territory size.  相似文献   

Territorial residents usually win asymmetrical owner‐intruder contests and a variety of hypotheses have been proposed to explain this phenomenon. In the butterfly Chrysozephyrus smaragdinus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), male territorial residents defended their territories against intruders during numerous contests and kept them for many successive days. Field observations and experiments were conducted to examine the factors related to this superiority of residents. Forewing length did not differ between residents and intruders, suggesting that body size is not correlated with resource holding potential. Removal–replacement experiments demonstrated that residency did not serve as an arbitrary means for contest settlement, and did not support the recently presented alternative hypothesis that males with higher body temperature are more likely to win. New residents fought longer in defense of the territory as their residence duration in the territory increased. I discuss these results in light of game theory and suggest that the superiority of residents in C. smaragdinus may be based on the asymmetry of resource (territory) value for residents and intruders.  相似文献   

Forceps Size Does Not Determine Fighting Success in European Earwigs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Male European earwigs (Forficula auricularia) possess substantially larger forceps than females and use these forceps to batter rivals in intrasexual contests to determine dominance. Although previous investigations have shown that male fighting and mating success increases with forceps size, it is not clear that sexual selection acts directly on forceps size per se; increased forceps size may be a correlated response to selection for some other trait. We experimentally reduced forceps length of males and paired them with unmanipulated males in staged encounters. Although apparent (postmanipulation) forceps length did not affect contest outcomes, original (premanipulation) forceps length did: males with longer original forceps won more contests. These results suggest that weapon size itself does not determine success in contests between male European earwigs. Thus, sexual selection may operate on forceps size in some other context or may act on some other trait that covaries with forceps size.  相似文献   

Bullheads Cottus gobio, first found in the River Utsjoki, an Arctic river in Finland, in 1979, were sampled at six sites in August 1991 (two of these sites were also sampled previously in June and July 1991). Mean total length (LT) of C. gobio was 45 mm (n= 1080 fish). Overall, there were slightly more females than males, with males larger than females (mean LT males 52·1 and females 47·6 mm). Prevalence of infection with plerocercoids of Schistocephalus cotti varied from 20·0 to 43·0% over the six sites in August. Juvenile C. gobio had a prevalence of infection of 3·5% whereas in mature fish prevalence was consistently higher in females than in males (38·8 v. 20·1%). There was one plerocercoid per infected juvenile C. gobio. In mature fish the mean number varied between 1·3 and 1·8: 49% had one worm per fish, 38% two or three worms and 13% had four to eight plerocercoids. In juvenile C. gobio, S. cotti were randomly distributed (overdispersion index 1·10), whereas occurrence was slightly aggregated in the LT groups 40–59 and ≥60 mm (overdispersion indices both 1·90). Mean mass of infected fish was higher in all LT groups compared to uninfected C. gobio. After removal of plerocercoids, mean mass of fish tissue remaining was lower compared with uninfected fish for the two LT groups 40–59 and ≥ 60 mm, but higher in C. gobio <40 mm LT. Prevalence and mean intensity of infection over the 3 months did not differ either for the two sites individually or the pooled data. Mean mass of both uninfected and infected fish increased over this period, and were both highest in August as was the mean worm burden. There was, however, no difference in Fulton’s condition factor at any time. Mean mass of plerocercoids in C. gobio of ≥40 mm LT increased significantly comparing June and July with August. Comparison of backcalculated LT of infected and non‐infected bullheads of different age‐groups did not show any significant differences in growth at any age. In each parasite infrapopulation as the number of worms increased so their mean mass decreased significantly but at the same time the total mass of worms in the fish host remained more or less constant in relation to length. Aggregation of parasites in the fish population was low, as the majority were infected by one S. cotti plerocercoid. Gonad development was suppressed in infected C. gobio.  相似文献   

Defense of a territory is a primary factor determining the fitness of territorial individuals. Thus, territorial animals use a variety of means to lower the cost of territorial defense. Although landmarks are known to lower the defense costs of territories, little is known about how they could affect fundamental properties of territories, which could ultimately affect the demography, population regulation, individual behavior, and spatial ecology of a territorial species. This field study examined the effects of natural landmarks on territory size, shape, and defensive costs in Amatitlania siquia, a little‐studied member of the convict cichlid group native to Costa Rica and Nicaragua. We investigated the territorial behavior of 103 breeding pairs in a caldera lake in Nicaragua. During 10‐min focal observations, we recorded the locations at which residents chased intruders and then used these locations to outline the territory boundaries. Landmarks affected both size and shape of A. siquia territories. Territory size decreased as the percentage of the boundary at landmarks increased. Territories with <20% of their boundaries at landmarks were approximately circular in shape, while territories with 20–60% of their boundaries at landmarks were on average more elongated. These variations in territory size and shape significantly affected defense costs, with higher numbers of chases per square meter in small and elongated territories. These effects of landmarks on territory size and shape and defense costs are useful to understand the widely seen size and shape variations in naturally occurring territories.  相似文献   

Predation is an important ecological constraint that influences communication in animals. Fish respond to predators by adjusting their visual signaling behavior, but the responses in calling behavior in the presence of a visually detected predator are largely unknown. We hypothesize that fish will reduce visual and acoustic signaling including sound levels and avoid escalating fights in the presence of a predator. To test this we investigated dyadic contests in female croaking gouramis (Trichopsis vittata, Osphronemidae) in the presence and absence of a predator (Astronotus ocellatus, Cichlidae) in an adjoining tank. Agonistic behavior in T. vittata consists of lateral (visual) displays, antiparallel circling, and production of croaking sounds and may escalate to frontal displays. We analyzed the number and duration of lateral display bouts, the number, duration, sound pressure level, and dominant frequency of croaking sounds as well as contest outcomes. The number and duration of lateral displays decreased significantly in predator when compared with no-predator trials. Total number of sounds per contest dropped in parallel but no significant changes were observed in sound characteristics. In the presence of a predator, dyadic contests were decided or terminated during lateral displays and never escalated to frontal displays. The gouramis showed approaching behavior toward the predator between lateral displays. This is the first study supporting the hypothesis that predators reduce visual and acoustic signaling in a vocal fish. Sound properties, in contrast, did not change. Decreased signaling and the lack of escalating contests reduce the fish’s conspicuousness and thus predation threat.  相似文献   

Receiver bias models of signal evolution are typically regarded as alternatives or complements to ornament evolution due to coevolving mate choice, whereas sexually or socially selected agonistic signals are rarely studied with respect to receiver psychology. Against the background of convergent evolution of red agonistic signals from yellow ancestors in the genus Euplectes (widowbirds and bishops), we experimentally test the function of a yellow signal in the montane marsh widowbird (E. psammocromius), as well as a hypothesized receiver bias for redder (longer wavelength) hues. In a field experiment in southern Tanzania, males that had their yellow wing patches blackened lost their territories or lost territorial contests more often than controls or reddened males, which together with a longer wavelength hue in territory holders, indicates an agonistic signal function. Males painted a novel red hue, matching that of red-signalling congeners, retained their territories and won contests more often than controls. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of a receiver bias driving agonistic signal evolution. Although the sensory or cognitive origin of this bias is yet unknown, it strengthens our view that genetically constrained signal production (i.e. carotenoid metabolism), rather than differential selection, explains the carotenoid colour diversification in Euplectes.  相似文献   

Synopsis Algal growth and damselfish (Eupomacentrus planifrons) territories were studied in two reef habitats at Discovery Bay, Jamaica. Damselfish territories were contiguous in the reef flat (0 to 2.5 m), where the algal composition and biomass varied from territory to territory. In contrast, on the lower reef terrace (22 m), damselfish territories were often spatially segregated. While the algal composition of the territories was more uniform on the reef terrace, the total algal biomass was lower than in the territories on the reef flat. Damselfish are largely herbivorous, and they defend their territories against most intruding fish, including a number of herbivorous species. Areas of the reef terrace outside of damselfish territories were heavily grazed by herbivorous fishes and contained only small quantities of non-crustose algae.The reef terrace territories were characterized by a multispecific turf of algae (greens, blue-greens, and reds) covering the Acropora cervicornis framework and by the leafy, brown alga, Lobophora variegata. A rapid reduction in the biomass of brown algae and filamentous algae was noted when damselfish were permanently removed from their territories. Only calcified, encrusting algae — plants apparently somewhat undesirable as fish food sources — would be common on the terrace zone of this reef if damselfish territories were absent. Damselfish territoriality may significantly influence the dynamics of some reefs by increasing the biomass of the algal turf thereby increasing; reef productivity. Since blue-green algae, potential nitrogen fixers, occur in these algal turfs, the fish may also be indirectly affecting reef nutrition.  相似文献   

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