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Since 1980, as part of the Ituri Project, researchers have been studying numerous aspects of the biology, health, economy, and social relations of Efe (Pygmies) and Lese villagers living in the Ituri Forest region of north-eastern Zaire. The Efe are seminomadic people who hunt and gather forest resources for their own consumption and for exchange with sedentary subsistence farmers. The Lese are Sudanic-speaking subsistence farmers who practice shifting slash-and-burn horticulture and live in semipermanent villages. Relations between the Efe and Lese have been close for many generations and extend beyond economic exchange to include most aspects of ritual and social life. This paper serves as an introduction to five subsequent papers that report findings from research on these two forest-living populations. It provides background information concerning the ecology and history of human occupation of the Ituri region of central Africa; it describes the study area and the study populations; it discusses how the annual subsistence cycles of the Efe and Lese relate to rainfall and food availability; and it provides further information concerning Ituri Project research during the last 7 years.  相似文献   

For the inhavitants of an isolated niche like the Ituri rain forest of N-E Zaire, the interplay of natural selection and conditioning by daily physical activity should influence the physical development of growing children, provided general health and nutrition stay within acceptable limits. The general health of 389 children between 5 and 15 years of age (207 Lese villagers and 182 Efe Pygmies) living in that area, appears to be fairly good, although the hematocrite is low (37 and 34% respectively). Tuberculine reaction is positive in over 50%, intestinal parasites generally present while more than 50% are free of dental caries. Efe children stand peristently some 10 cm smaller and weigh 5 to 6 kg less than Lese of the same age, who reach only the 3rd percentile of European children (Tanner-Whithouse 1963). In the motorfitness, Efe score better than Lese for balance and flexibility tests. Both appear superior to European children of the same age, they are equal or better for strength, even when adjusted for body size. Against this background, the Oxygen uptake (VO2) at increasing work load on the step test of 58 Lese and 56 Efe indicates similar efficiency. The Efe reach a fixed VO2 with higher Heart Rate (HR), which is consistent with their smaller size, hence smaller heart and stroke volume. The difference disappears when adjusted for body size. Children living in the Ituri forest tend to be fitter than Europeans notwithstanding their health condition. This belies any Energy Proteine Malnutrition (EPM) form earky childhood on, and supports the thesis that the small body size of the Efe follows genetic factors and does not result from poor health or chronic EPM in childhood.  相似文献   

Anomalously low endemic goiter prevalence among Efe pygmies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The existence of endemic goiter, caused by iodine deficiency and the presence of a dietary goitrogen, has been noted in eastern Zaire by a number of authors (De Visscher et al.: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 21:175-188, 1961; Delange et al.: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 34:1059, 1972). In the Ituri Forest of Huate-Zaire, two distinct populations, the Efe (pygmy) and Lese (Bantu), live in association with each other and have similar diets. The goiter survey reported here documents differences in goiter prevalence and severity between the nomadic pygmy and village-living Bantu populations. While the Efe have an overall goiter prevalence of 9.4%, the Lese have a goiter prevalence of 42.9%. Furthermore, Efe women living in Lese villages and subsisting on a Lese diet have a prevalence of goiter similar to that of forest-living Efe women. Village-living individuals born of Efe mothers and Lese fathers have a prevalence of goiter greater than that of pure Efe but less than that of Lese. While our data cannot exclude dietary explanations for the difference in goiter prevalence between the Efe and Lese, they do support the hypothesis that the Efe possess an adaptation to an iodine-deficient environment that does not result in the development of goiters.  相似文献   

Using oral histories, archival materials, and observations of present behavior, a largely hypothetical historical reconstruction of the natural resource exploitation and subsistence practices of Lese farmers and Efe foragers in the Ituri Forest of northeastern Zaïre is presented. Distinct epochs associated with the advent of forest agriculture, Belgian colonization, and post-independence economic collapse have resulted in changes in local population density, the range of forest resources exploited, and the spatial distribution and intensity of resource use. Broadly speaking, there has been a historical trend toward sedentism, spatial clumping of settlements, localization of resource exploitation, reduced importance of forest carbohydrates in the diet, and an increased reliance on agricultural products. Over time the Efe and Lese exchange system has changed, in relation to the items traded and the relative dependence of each partner on the exchange relationship. Involvement in this alliance has had a considerable impact on Efe settlement pattern, diet, and probably fecundity. It ultimately placed the Lese in a position of power over the Efe, and provided the farmers with means to enter a transient monetary economy. By providing a retrospective on Efe and Lese subsistence, we hope to demonstrate that to decipher the relative benefits and constraints of this contemporary exchange relationship, we must understand their historical etiology.  相似文献   

Ecology and ovarian function among Lese women of the Ituri Forest, Zaire   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ovarian function is examined in 35 Lese women inhabiting the Ituri Forest of northeastern Zaire over a period of 4 months through measurements of progesterone in saliva samples collected twice weekly. Ovulatory frequency is found to be only 56% on average, with a pattern of age variation similar to that observed in western women, though lower in level at each age. Average luteal progesterone levels of the Lese women are lower than those of Boston controls even if only ovulatory cycles are considered. Women with the poorest nutritional status, inferred from longitudinal weight changes and weight for height, show the greatest compromise of ovarian function, and the average ovulatory frequency of the whole sample declines in parallel with a period of weight loss over four months. It is suggested that low ovulatory frequency and luteal insufficiency contribute to the low fecundity of the Lese population and that nutritional status is likely to be one of the ecological factors modulating this effect.  相似文献   

The mean total digital ridge-counts among a sample of Efe of the Ituri forest is 96.4 in males (n = 153) and 96.6 in females (n = 54). These are the lowest values yet recorded and probably represent the lower extreme in the spectrum of ridge-counts of non-pathological populations.  相似文献   

The Lese are subsistence farmers living in the Ituri Forest of north-east Za?re. They exhibit significant birth seasonality, with lowest frequencies of conception when food production is least, nutritional status is low and ovarian function, as measured by salivary steroid hormone levels, is reduced. Efe pygmy foragers, who live in the same geographical area but are less dependent on cultivated foods and have a more flexible life style, do not exhibit frequent fluctuations in nutritional status nor significant birth seasonality. These findings support a model of birth seasonality relating climatic variables to variation in fertility through a causal chain linking rainfall to food production to energy balance to ovarian function to fertility. The model, which emphasises an ecological approach to the study of human reproduction, should have broad applicability since seasonality of food production and energy balance is widespread geographically and across a wide variety of economies and cultures.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare parental assessments of child body weight status with BMI measurements and determine whether children who are incorrectly classified differ in body composition from those whose parents correctly rate child weight. Also to ascertain whether children of obese parents differ from those of non‐obese parents in actual or perceived body weight. Research Methods and Procedures: Weights, heights, BMI, and waist girths of New Zealand children ages 3 to 8 years were determined. Fat mass, fat percentage, and lean mass were measured by DXA (n = 96). Parents classified child weight status as underweight, normal‐weight, slightly overweight, or overweight. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2000 percentiles of BMI were used. Results: Parents underestimated child weight status. Despite having 83% more fat mass than children with BMI values below the 85th percentile, only 7 of 31 children with BMI values at or above the 85th percentile were rated as slightly overweight or overweight. In the whole sample, participants whose weight status was underestimated by parents (40 of the 96 children) had l9% less fat mass but similar lean mass as children whose weight status was correctly classified. However, children of obese and non‐obese parents did not differ in body composition or anthropometry, and obese parents did not underestimate child weight more than non‐obese parents. Discussion: Because parents underestimate child weight, but BMI values at or above the 85th percentile identify high body fat well, advising parents of the BMI status of their children should improve strategies to prevent excessive fat gain in young children.  相似文献   

The Wavelet Interpolation Method (WIM) was applied to the longitudinal records of individuals' heights and weights from 6 to 17 years of age (1983 to 1994) in an athlete group (male: 45, female: 50) and a control group (male: 85, female: 85). The criterion of maturity was derived from age at Maximum Peak Velocity (MPV) of height in the control group. Ages at MPV of height and weight were compared between the athletes and control subjects. The WIM was also applied to mean heights from 6.5 to 17.5 years of all the subjects classified by maturation rate in order to derive a model of growth velocity types.Among the athletes, the males were early-maturing and the females tended to be late-maturing. The difference between the ages at MPV of height and weight in males and females was less in the athletes group than in the control group. For the growth velocity model, in the athlete group, three types could be confirmed among the males, and five among the females. By making use of the type models, it was possible to clarify the spans of adolescence as classified by maturation rates, and it was concluded that the period following the age at MPV seems appropriate for the introduction of regular athletic training for each level of maturity.  相似文献   

Most studies of mate choice have focused on female preference for male traits because it is generally assumed that since males provide less parental investment they are not choosy. However, if males suffer missed opportunity costs by mating with lower quality females, selection should favor males with the ability to discriminate among females. We tested the hypothesis that male house mice (Mus musculus) discriminate between females that differ in nutritional status (non-food-deprived versus food-deprived). We recorded the time males spent investigating either type of female and used that to determine preference (spending ≥55% of their total investigation time with one female). We also examined the effects of female nutritional status and female preference status (preferred versus non-preferred) on the reproductive success of males. Males did not display a preference for non-food-deprived females nor did their reproductive success vary with nutritional status or preference status of females. Interestingly, males spent more time investigating females that were closest to the male's own weight. In addition, pairs that were closer in weight were more likely to produce a litter. These results suggest that male house mice are capable of discriminating among females and that such discrimination may influence their reproductive success.  相似文献   

30 Ituri women (Zaire) -- 14 Efe and 16 Balese -- were targeted as subjects in this study designed to verify that, under field conditions, the salivary steroid method can reliably discern follicular and luteal levels of progesterone in normal menstrual cycles and to examine the hypothesis that infertility among these women is due to tubal factors. Findings of normal ovulatory function in fertile women would support the hypothesis; findings of abnormal gonadal function might either indicate a chronic endocrine imbalance or the short-term effects of nutritional and other stressors. All potential subjects ranged in age between 20-35 years, were involved in stable conjugal unions, had no nursing children, and reported either no births or none within the last 6 years. 25 women completed the study. The Boston field control subjects consisted of 18 volunteers ranging in age between 18-43 years. All reported a history of regular menstrual cycles and were nither using oral steroid contraceptives nor engaged in a regular exercise program. The African women had significantly lower luteal progesterone levels than did the Boston controls. Additionally, a significantly higher proportion of the African women failed to demonstrate clear luteal activity, suggesting that a higher rate of anovulation contributed to the low average luteal progesterone levels. The composite-cross-sectional profile for the Ituri Forest women suggests that the average luteal phase for this group was shorter than for the Boston controls. Further investigations need to determine whether gonadal dysfunction such as observed in this study is a regular feature of the reproductive physiology of women in the Ituri Forest, or whether it emerges only in periods of food shortage and significant weight loss. Gonorrhea may be the major cause of infertility in the Ituri region, but it is likely that other factors directly affecting gonadal function contributed to the observed pattern of low fertility. Clearly, the study illustrates the potential usefulness of salivary steroid assays.  相似文献   

Two groups of 26 male and 26 female rats at the initial age 30 ± 2 days were fed during 31 weeks on diets containing 20 percent of yellow lupin seeds having low (LG) or high (HG) gramine content. The animals were mated twice within nutritional groups, 1 male: 1 female, and their main reproductive parameters were recorded. In both reproductive cycles body weight of females at mating, after parturition and after 21‐days lactation was lower in HG than in LG group. Fertility rate and body weight of neonates were not affected by the diet while number of neonates per litter tended to be lower by 0.7 and 0.8 pups in HG than in LG group. Body weight of weaners was also substantially smaller in dams fed on HG than LG diet. Relative weight of spleen but not of liver, kidney and heart was significantly greater in HG females. Four weeks old males and females issued from the first litters born to LG and HG animals (ten males and ten females per treatment) were fed individually on respective diets during 3 weeks. Feed intake and growth rate did not differ between the treatments. In males relative weight of liver and testicles was greater, while hematocrit and red blood count were lower in HG than in LG group. In females organ weights did not differ. Activity of liver enzymes determined in males was not affected by the diet. It may be concluded that high‐gramine lupin affects negatively lactational performance, probably via lower feed intake, but it does not induce apparent teratogenic effects in the progeny.  相似文献   



Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency is the most common presentation of a disorder of sex development (DSD) in genetic females. A report of prenatal growth retardation in cases of 46,XY DSD, coupled with observations of below-optimal final height in both males and females with congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency, prompted us to investigate prenatal growth in the latter group. Additionally, because girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia are exposed to increased levels of androgens in the absence of a male sex-chromosome complement, the presence or absence of typical sex differences in growth of newborns would support or refute a hormonal explanation for these differences.


In total, 105 newborns with congenital adrenal hyperplasia were identified in our database. Gestational age (weeks), birth weight (kg), birth length (cm) and parental heights (cm) were obtained. Mid-parental height was considered in the analyses.


Mean birth weight percentile for congenital adrenal hyperplasia was 49.26%, indicating no evidence of a difference in birth weight from the expected standard population median of 50th percentile (P > 0.05). The expected sex difference in favor of heavier males was not seen (P > 0.05). Of the 105 subjects, 44 (27%; 34 females, 10 males) had birth length and gestational age recorded in their medical chart. Mean birth length for this subgroup was 50.90 cm (63rd percentile), which differed from the expected standard population median of 50th percentile (P = 0.0082). The expected sex difference in favor of longer males was also not seen (P > 0.05).


The prenatal growth retardation patterns reported in cases of 46,XY disorders of sex development do not generalize to people with congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Sex differences in body weight and length typically seen in young infants were not seen in the subjects who participated in this study. We speculate that these differences were ameliorated in this study because of increased levels of prenatal androgens experienced by the females infants.  相似文献   

Salivary testosterone levels were measured in a population of New World indigenous adult hunter-gatherer males in order to compare circulating levels of free unbound bioactive steroid with those previously reported among Boston and nonwestern males. The study population consisted of adult Aché hunter-gatherer males (n=45) living in eastern Paraguay. Morning and evening salivary testosterone levels (TsalA.M.; TsalP.M.) among the Aché were considerably lower than western values (Boston) and even lower than other previously reported nonwestern populations (Efe, Lese, Nepalese). No association was observed between height, weight, or age and salivary testosterone levels within the Aché group, although older men (ages>40) were poorly represented in the study sample. Nevertheless, a mild correlation was observed between Aché TsalA.M. levels and BMI (r=0.133,p=0.0725). Comparison of Aché values with those for other populations confirms the prevalence of significant interpopulational variation in testosterone levels among adult males. Interpopulational variation in male testosterone is not as great, however, as has been documented for ovarian steroids among females, nor is it likely that such variation reflects differences in male fecundity. Nevertheless, such interpopulational variation in salivary testosterone levels may have a functional significance in the regulation of protein anabolism in skeletal muscle, thereby affecting the overall energy budget of the organism. It is suggested that relative suppression of average testosterone may be adaptive under conditions of chronic energy shortage. This research was funded by the National Science Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, Sigma Xi, and Harvard University. The author is a doctoral candidate in biological anthropology at Harvard University. He received his B.A. in anthropology and psychology from UCLA in 1988 and his M.A. in anthropology from Harvard in 1994. His research interests include male reproductive ecology, male hormone function, foraging societies, evolutionary biology, and behavioral evolution.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare weight-specific and global psychosocial concerns and health-compromising behaviors among overweight and nonoverweight youth across gender and ethnicity. Methods: A cross-sectional school-based survey of 31,122 adolescents in grades 7 to 12. Based on self-reported heights and weights, respondents were categorized as nonoverweight (body mass index (BMI) <85th percentile), moderately overweight (85th percenile <BMI <95th percentile), or severely overweight (BMI >95th percentile). Results: Global psychosocial concerns, such as emotional well-being, suicidal ideation, future job concerns, and peer concerns, did not differ greatly between nonoverweight, moderately overweight, and severely overweight adolescents. Substance abuse behaviors were equally or less prevalent among the overweight group. Overweight girls were significantly less likely to consume alcohol, whereas overweight boys were at lower risk for marijuana use. In contrast, overweight youth were more likely to perceive their health as only fair or poor and were more likely to express weight-specific concerns and engage in behaviors such as chronic dieting and binge eating than nonoverweight youth. Overweight American Indian girls perceived their physical health more positively than nonoverweight American Indian girls. Strong associations were found between overweight status and chronic dieting among African American boys and girls. Conclusions: Nutritional counseling and educational programs need to address the weight-specific concerns and behaviors of overweight adolescents. However, assumptions regarding global psychosocial concerns and health-compromising behaviors among overweight adolescents of different genders and ethnicities should be avoided. These broad issues need to be explored in more depth at both the research and intervention levels.  相似文献   

Secular change in adult height of residents in a rural indigenous community in the Valley of Oaxaca was evaluated. Subjects were measured in 1971 (49 males, 26 females 19–70 years), 1978 (128 males, 124 females 19–82 years) and 2000 (155 males, 255 females 19–89 years). Heights were adjusted for estimated loss with age using two protocols; height at 21 years of age was also estimated. The effects of age and secular factors on measured and adjusted heights were evaluated through segmented linear regressions for three birth periods, <1930, 1930 through 1959 and ≥1960 which approximate significant periods in Mexican history. Secular increase in height occurred but estimated rates varied over time and between sexes. Males born before 1930 showed a secular increase in height but females did not. Adults of both sexes born 1930–1959 showed secular gains and estimated rates did not differ. The secular gain in height continued among those born 1960 and later and estimated rates were similar in both sexes. Estimated height at 21 years of age increased in males (not significant) but not in females born before 1930, showed little or no change in those born between 1930‐1959, and increased (not significant) in those born 1960 and later. Combining observations on adults with those for youth in the community indicated several phases of secular change in height that varied with years of birth. Am J Phys Anthropol 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Reproductive performance was studied in transgenic males from lines expressing and transmitting four hybrid genes: mouse metallothionein-I/human growth hormone (GH) (MT/hGH), MT/hGH placental variant (MT/hGH.V), MT/bovine GH (MT/bGH) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase/bGH (PEPCK/bGH). Each male was exposed to three normal females for 1 week and to three different normal females for another week. Females were examined for vaginal plugs and necropsied on day 14 of pregnancy. Males were killed for analysis of organ weights, numbers of testicular spermatids, numbers of epididymal sperm and measurements of plasma glucose concentration. Fertility of MT/hGH and MT/hGH.V transgenic males was significantly lower than in normal males, primarily because most males failed to impregnate any females. In females that became pregnant, the numbers of corpora lutea, total fetuses and live fetuses did not differ from those in females mated to normal (nontransgenic) males. Fetal crown-rump length on day 14 of pregnancy did not differ between litters sired by normal or by transgenic males. Weights of testes and seminal vesicles were significantly greater in all four types of transgenic male, but daily sperm production per unit weight (g-1) of testis was not affected and epididymal sperm reserves were either normal or slightly higher than normal. Plasma glucose concentrations were significantly higher in PEPCK/bGH mice than in other mice. Average or individual reproductive performance of transgenic males from the various lines did not correlate with any of the parameters examined except for significantly heavier seminal vesicles in MT/hGH and MT/hGH.V males than in normal males; these transgenic males exhibited a high incidence of infertility. Since hGH and hGH.V, but not bGH, are lactogenic in rodents, it was concluded that chronic stimulation of GH and prolactin receptors by ectopically produced human GHs in transgenic mice compromises male fertility by an unknown mechanism. Reduced fertility of transgenic males with MT/hGH or MT/hGH.V hybrid genes is due to failure to inseminate or impregnate females rather than to reduced numbers of spermatozoa or gross changes in the male reproductive system.  相似文献   

We examined changes in weight for 10 captive adult male cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) from before the birth of infants through the first 16 weeks of infant life. Compared to before birth, males weighed significantly less in Weeks 1–4, 5–8, and 9–12 following the birth. Weights in Weeks 13–16 did not differ significantly from prebirth weights. Maximum weight loss for individual males ranged from 1.3 to 10.8% of prebirth body weight. Males in groups with fewer helpers lost significantly more weight than ones in groups with more helpers. For the 3 males that had no helper other than their mates, weight loss was particularly striking, ranging from 10.0 to 10.8% of their prebirth body weight. These results suggest that caring for infants is energetically costly, and that in this cooperatively breeding species, the presence of more individuals to share the burden of infant carrying reduces the cost to individual caregivers.  相似文献   

B. Floyd   《HOMO》2008,59(1):47-66
Surveys reveal that Chinese from the southernmost provinces are, on average, consistently shorter and lighter than their peers in provinces to the north, though explanations for this variation differ. The present study helps to distinguish between genetic and developmental explanations by comparing differences in regional and provincial heights and weights of 3184 children born in Taiwan between 1975 and 1980 whose families had emigrated from different regions of China at varying times in the past, but who all lived in a relatively affluent district in Taipei at the time of measurement. Linear regression analyses adjusted heights for measurement age and relevant (and available) socioeconomic and demographic variables. Results of these analyses suggested that clinal genetic variation is an important contributor to regional differences in China. Whether entering primary school or departing middle school, children of northern Chinese ancestry living in Taipei were significantly taller (males, 25-30 mm, p0.014; females, 18 mm; p0.008) and heavier (males, 2.5-3.8 kg; p0.081; females, 0.9-3.4 kg, p0.046) than those of southern ancestry, with those from central provinces intermediate in most comparisons. Additionally, provincial backgrounds of Taipei middle school girls with family origins in 12 provinces across China and in Taiwan were significantly associated with height (n=905; p=0.003) and weight (n=900; p=0.001). The pattern of change in mean values across provinces of origin suggests that as developmental circumstances become more equal for residents of various provinces in China, already documented declines in mean height differences, particularly in some central and southern provinces, will shrink further.  相似文献   

Harvey I.  Fisher 《Ibis》1967,109(3):373-382
Male Laysan Albatrosses are heavier (3300 gm.) than females (3000 gm.) upon arrival on Midway. This difference between the sexes persists except at egg-laying and during certain periods of incubation. Weights of males and females are essentially the same at egg-laying, perhaps because of the presence of the 300 gm. egg in the female, but mostly because the males have lost weight in the pre-egg phase. Losses in weight during the long, continuous incubation spans are about 18–25% of the body weight. Males show a net loss of about 10% during the entire incubation period; there is no statistically significant change in the weights of the females. Weights of both sexes decline in parallel from the end of incubation to mid-May. Thereafter, they increase as attentiveness to the young is less and the parents have more time to forage at sea. Nevertheless, the body weights of both sexes at the end of the breeding season (July) are down 10–45%. Decreased body weights of breeding birds cannot be attributed solely to the rigours of parental care; former breeders and juveniles not yet of breeding age show a similar decline in weight. It is suggested that the normal pattern of yearly breeding by adult Laysan Albatrosses may be broken by failure to add weight (fat) before the breeding season. Former breeders consistently weigh 15–20% less than current breeders. Nestlings normally show a gradual increase in body weight from hatching in late January until mid-May, at which time they may be significantly heavier than either parent. As a result of the increased energy requirements of locomotion and wing exercise and decreased food supplied by parents, nestlings lose about 30% of the May weight before they finally go to sea in Jufy A possible “mutation” for small body weight is discussed.  相似文献   

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