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A field survey of plant and flower sex ratio and secondary sex characteristics was made in Silene alba. Female-biased plant sex ratios were found, as seems typical for the species. Sex ratio distribution correlated with a gradient of soil moisture (with the more moist area having a more female-biased ratio) and with changes in the density of Silene (intermediate and higher density areas having greater female bias). The floral sex ratio was significantly female-biased only at the site that was most female-biased in terms of plant sex ratio. Otherwise the population of flowers was significantly male-biased. Male and female plants harvested from the field differed in secondary sexual characteristics. Males had more flowers and invested proportionately more biomass in leaf, but less in root, stem and reproductive tissue than did females. Although both males and females were larger in terms of total dry weight at the moist site, males produced more flowers at the driest (high density) site. Here the female bias in plant sex ratio was intermediate, but the floral sex ratio was significantly male-biased. A glasshouse experiment was performed in which plants were grown at four densities. Density significantly influenced plant survivorship and the probability of flowering, and increased female bias in the pots, but it did not affect patterns of biomass allocation in flowering plants. Patterns of male and female biomass allocation did not differ in the experiment, except in terms of reproductive allocation (greater in females) and allocation to leaf, greater in males, but only at the lowest density. This work urges caution in interpreting differences between males and females in the field as secondary sex characteristics, since we find such properties to be overlapping under experimental conditions. It supports the idea that males and females of a species may sustain different reproductive output under differing conditions.  相似文献   

To understand genetic and phenotypic constraints on the sex ratio in a parasitic wasp that attacks fly pupae, I carried out a laboratory study of sex ratio variability in five strains of Muscidifurax raptor (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). I manipulated the environment through combinations of temperature and day length, and the numbers of females that attack a group of hosts. The change of phenotype in each strain over the range of environmental conditions describes the norm of each reaction for that strain, and measures how a strain responds to environmental variation to create phenotypic variability. Sex ratio in parasitic wasps is a complex trait that has several components—the numbers of eggs laid by an ovipositing wasp and the fraction of eggs that are fertilized (female). Further, sex ratio may be influenced by a female's reaction to other females exploiting the same hosts (superparasitism). I found no strain-environment interactions in either sex ratio or fecundity when I varied environmental conditions. Although strains differed in sex ratio and fecundity, all strains produced a more female-biased sex ratio and had higher fecundity when temperature and day length increased. Sex ratio and fecundity were phenotypically correlated, and strains with greater fecundity also produced a more female-biased sex ratio. All strains facultatively shifted sex ratio toward a higher fraction of males with increasing female density, despite apparent differences in superparasitism among strains. Males and females survived equally during development, so that mortality differences among strains and across environments could not account for sex ratio variability. This study indicates that sex ratio variability among strains is constrained by the correlation between sex ratio and fecundity, and that strains display similar facultative shifts in sex ratio as female density increases because sex ratio shifts are insensitive to differing levels of superparasitism.  相似文献   

Sex ratio has been studied from many theoretical and empirical perspectives, but a general assumption in sex ratio research is that changes in sex ratio occur because of selection on sex ratio itself. I carried out a quantitative genetic experiment—a diallel cross among three strains—on a parasitic wasp, Muscidifurax raptor (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), to measure genetic variation for sex ratio. I also tested whether sex ratio may change as a consequence of selection on other life-history traits by estimating genetic covariances between sex ratio, fecundity, longevity, and development time. Most of the variation among strains could be accounted for by a maternal effect, likely caused by a microsporidian parasite that was transmitted through the West Germany (WG) strain. Genetic variation was small by comparison, but almost all traits were affected by dominance. The only significant additive genetic effect was for fecundity early in life. Upon crossing, all traits displayed heterosis: more female-biased sex ratio, greater fecundity, longer life, and faster development time. All life-history traits were correlated phenotypically, but the correlations were mainly the result of decreased performance in crosses with the WG strain that carried the microsporidian parasite. Dominance genetic correlations were also found between sex ratio, fecundity, and longevity. How the correlation between sex ratio and other life-history traits would affect sex ratio evolution depends upon the frequencies of sex-ratio genotypes within a population as well as the signs of the correlations, because sex ratio is under frequency-dependent selection whereas other traits are generally under directional selection. Although the results from crosses among laboratory populations should be approached with caution, the inbreeding depression (the difference between inbred and outcrossed progeny) found in M. raptor implies that the evolution of a female-biased sex ratio could be affected by selection for inbreeding avoidance.  相似文献   

Numerous hypotheses have been developed to explain sex allocation. In male-dispersing, female cooperatively breeding species, the local resource competition model predicts male-biased birth sex ratio, the local resource enhancement model predicts female-biased birth sex ratio, and the population adjustment model predicts that biased birth sex ratio should not be favored if the two sexes are equally costly to rear. The male quality model predicts that, in polygynous species, females in better physical condition will either produce more sons than daughters or invest more heavily in sons than in daughters. White-headed langurs are a female philopatry and female cooperatively breeding species. During a 11-yr study, a total of 133 births were recorded, among which birth sex ratio (M:F = 73:49) was significantly male-biased. This is consistent with the prediction of the local resource competition model. On the other hand, if mothers balanced their investment between the two sexes, according to Fisher's population adjustment model, males should be the less-costly-to-rear sex. However, we found no sex difference for infant mortality (12.3% in males and 12.2% in females), and sons induced slightly longer interbirth interval (son: 26.4 ± 1.1 mo, daughter: 24.1 ± 0.6 mo) and lactational period (son: 20.9 ± 1.0 mo, daughters: 19.6 ± 0.5 mo) for their mothers. Thus, the population adjustment model was not supported by this study. The local resource enhancement model was not supported because birth sex ratio did not bias to females who provided more reproductive assistance. On the individual level, probit regression showed no relation between birth sex ratio and group size. Because the group size was considered to be negatively related to female physical condition, our study did not support the male-quality model. We suggested several possibilities to explain these results.  相似文献   

Udo M. Savalli 《Ostrich》2013,84(3-4):297-301
Savalli, U.M. 1994. Sexual dimorphism and sex ratio in the Yellowshouldered Widowbird Euplectes macrourus soror. Ostrich. 65: 297–301.

Yellowshouldered (Yellowbacked) Widowbirds Euplectes macrourus soror are sexually dimorphic in plumage and size. At Kakamega, western Kenya, adult males were all black except for the yellow shoulders, contrary to previous reports that yellow-mantled individuals were predominant in this area. Males were larger than females, with wing length the best single measure to distinguish sex (since immature males are streaky brown, like females). Immature males had shorter wings and tails than did adult males, but did not differ in other measures of size. The sex ratio of netted birds was near 1:1, but nearly half of the males were immature. The breeding sex ratio was nearly even in one year but heavily male biased the second, suggesting that not all females may breed.  相似文献   

Adaptive sex allocation has frequently been studied in sexually size dimorphic species, but far less is known about patterns of sex allocation in species without pronounced sexual size dimorphism. Parental optimal investment can be predicted under circumstances in which sons and daughters differ in costs and/or fitness returns. In common terns Sterna hirundo, previous studies suggest that sons are the more costly sex to produce and rear. We investigated whether hatching and fledging sex ratio and sex‐specific chick mortality correlated with the ecological environment (laying date, clutch size, hatching order and year quality) and parental traits (condition, arrival date, experience and breeding success), over seven consecutive years. Population‐wide sex ratios and sex‐specific mortality did not differ from parity, but clutch size, mass of the father, maternal breeding experience and to some extent year quality correlated with hatching sex ratio. The proportion of sons tended to increase in productive years and when the father was heavier, suggesting the possibility that females invest more in sons when the environmental and the partner conditions are good. The proportion of daughters increased with clutch size and maternal breeding experience, suggesting a decline in breeding performance or a resources balance solved by producing more of the cheaper sex. No clear patterns of sex‐specific mortality were found, neither global nor related to parental traits. Our results suggest lines for future studies on adaptive sex allocation in sexually nearly monomorphic species, where adjustment of sex ratio related to parental factors and differential allocation between the offspring may also occur.  相似文献   

What happens when a population with environmental sex determination (ESD) experiences a change to an extreme environment that causes a highly unbalanced sex ratio? Theory predicts that frequency-dependent selection would increase the proportion of the minority sex and decrease the level of ESD in subsequent generations. We empirically modeled this process by maintaining five laboratory populations of a fish with temperature-dependent sex determination (the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia) in extreme constant temperature environments that caused highly skewed sex ratios to occur initially. Increases in the minority sex consistently occurred from one generation to the next across all five populations, first establishing and then maintaining a balanced sex ratio until termination of the experiment at 8 to 10 generations. The extent to which the level of ESD changed as balanced sex ratios evolved, however, was not consistent. Two populations that experienced high temperatures each generation displayed a loss of ESD, and in one of these ESD was virtually eliminated. This suggests that temperature-insensitive, sex-determining genes were being selected. In populations maintained in low temperature environments, however, the level of ESD did not decline. Instead, the response of sex ratio to temperature was adjusted upward or downward, perhaps by selection of sex-determining genes sensitive to higher (or lower) temperatures. The two different outcomes at low versus high temperatures occurred independent of the geographic origin of the founding population. Our results demonstrate that ESD is capable of evolving in response to selection.  相似文献   

In naturally polygamous organisms such as Drosophila, sperm competitive ability is one of the most important components of male fitness and is expected to evolve in response to varying degrees of male–male competition. Several studies have documented the existence of ample genetic variation in sperm competitive ability of males. However, many experimental evolution studies have found sperm competitive ability to be unresponsive to selection. Even direct selection for increased sperm competitive ability has failed to yield any measurable changes. Here we report the evolution of sperm competitive ability (sperm defense‐P1, offense‐P2) in a set of replicate populations of Drosophila melanogaster subjected to altered levels of male–male competition (generated by varying the operational sex ratio) for 55–60 generations. Males from populations with female‐biased operational sex ratio evolved reduced P1 and P2, without any measurable change in the male reproductive behavior. Males in the male‐biased regime evolved increased P1, but there was no significant change in P2. Increase in P1 was associated with an increase in copulation duration, possibly indicating greater ejaculate investment by these males. This study is one of the few to provide empirical evidence for the evolution of sperm competitive ability of males under different levels of male–male competition.  相似文献   

The female-biased sex ratio in the genus Silene is the most widely documented example of sex ratio bias in plants. It has recently been shown that the genetic basis of sex ratio in this species involves a system of sex ratio distorters and restorers, but it is not known if these genetic elements are of fundamental importance in natural populations. I crossed plants from natural populations with known testers to examine the frequencies of sex ratio distorters and restorers in eight populations of S. alba, and to determine the extent that these elements are responsible for the sex ratio variation in nature. The genetic basis of sex ratio varied from one population to another, suggesting that sex ratio evolution occurs over a relatively small spatial scale and is asynchronous among local demes. The resulting variation in the frequency of sex ratio alleles among populations explained most of the sex ratio variation seen in nature, which suggests that the ecology and evolution of this trait in natural populations is governed primarily by underlying dynamics of selfish genetic elements. The possible causes and the evolutionary consequences of population structure at genes controlling sex ratio are discussed, as are the implications of these results for the overall importance of selfish genetic elements in natural populations.  相似文献   

云南省人口的性比   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王洪林 《人类学学报》1996,15(3):225-232
对云南省1990年人口普查时的性比(男:女100)进行了分析研究,发现:(1)云南省总人口的性比(105.67)比1982年人口普查时提高了2.89,比全国的(106.60)仅低0.93,开始高出“性比较为严衡状态”(1003.5:1000),为1005.3:1000,且后8年年均递升速度为1982年的18年的2.19倍。(2)景颇族的性比特别低(95.77),而汉族0—14岁儿童性比则为107.27。(3)云南“大跃进”与“国民经济暂时旧难”时期出生的人,1982年”三普”时(20—24岁)性比特别低(101.11),可1990年“四普”时(28—32岁)却达107.84。(4)城镇人口的性比(113.01),比农村入门的性比(105.67)高得多,但差异在减小,(5)全省各地人口性比不同。  相似文献   

Within a population of simultaneous hermaphrodites, individuals may vary in both their current reproductive investment (biomass invested in gonads) and in how they allocate that investment between male and female function. In the chalk bass, Serranus tortugarum, estimates of both reproductive allocation and reproductive success as a male and a female can be made for individuals of different sizes. As individuals increase in size, their investment in gamete production increases, and there is a shift in allocation to a stronger female bias. Spawning frequency as a female in pair spawnings and as a male in both pair spawning and streaking (an alternative mating tactic) does not vary with individual size. As a result, larger individuals should release more sperm or eggs per spawn. Size-assortative pair spawning in this species leads to larger individuals having higher potential returns in total male reproductive success than smaller individuals, which should lead to increases in absolute levels of sperm production in larger individuals when individuals compete for fertilizations through sperm competition. However, smaller individuals contribute a smaller proportion of the sperm released in spawns with multiple spawners and thus are under more intense sperm competition than larger individuals, which should select for increases in male allocation in smaller individuals, all else equal. A local-mate-competition (LMC) model predicts that these factors select for increasing absolute male and female investment with individual size but a relative shift to more female-biased allocation as individual size increases. These predictions are supported by gonadal data. The predictions of average male allocation from the quantitative LMC model were 21.6% and 25.7%, whereas the collections averaged 21.3%. This close agreement of both the mean male allocation and its relative shift with individual size between model and data support the hypothesis that size-specific shifts in sex allocation in this species represent an adaptive response to patterns of mating success and sperm competition.  相似文献   

Female hymenoptera are renowned for their ability to adjust offspring sex ratio to local mate competition. When two females share a patch, they frequently produce clutches that differ in size, the female with the larger clutch optimally producing a more female‐biased sex ratio and vice versa. Females can base their sex allocation on their own clutch size only (“self‐knowledge”) or on both females’ clutch sizes (“complete knowledge”). Few studies have genotyped offspring so that each mother's contribution can be considered separately while none has found that both sources of information are used simultaneously. We genotyped 2489 wasps from 28 figs and assigned their maternity to one of the two foundress females. We argue that likelihood is a very convenient method to compare alternative models, while fitness calculations help to appreciate the cost of maladaptation. We find that the pollinating fig wasp Platyscapa awekei simultaneously uses its own as well as the other females clutch size in allocating sex. Indeed, the complete knowledge model explains the data 36 times better than the self‐knowledge model. However, large clutches contained fewer males than the optimal predictions leading to a median selection coefficient of 0.01.  相似文献   

Genetic variation can be beneficial to one sex yet harmful when expressed in the other—a condition referred to as sexual antagonism. Because X chromosomes are transmitted from fathers to daughters, and sexually antagonistic fitness variation is predicted to often be X-linked, mates of relatively low-fitness males might produce high-fitness daughters whereas mates of high-fitness males produce low-fitness daughters. Such fitness consequences have been predicted to influence the evolution of female mating biases and the offspring sex ratio. Females might evolve to prefer mates that provide good genes for daughters or might adjust offspring sex ratios in favor of the sex with the highest relative fitness. We test these possibilities in a laboratory-adapted population of Drosophila melanogaster , and find that females preferentially mate with males carrying genes that are deleterious for daughters. Preferred males produce equal numbers of sons and daughters, whereas unpreferred males produce female-biased sex ratios. As a consequence, mean offspring fitness of unpreferred males is higher than offspring fitness of preferred males. This observation has several interesting implications for sexual selection and the maintenance of population genetic variation for fitness.  相似文献   

The evolution of biased sex ratios in a randomly structured population stems from individual selection acting through local parental control (LPC) of the sex ratio and hence of the mating success of the sons and/or daughters. As a general rule, the sex ratio is biased away from the sex whose fitness is most affected by changes in the local sex ratio. This is the sex whose fitness is subject to the most effective parental control. The bias acts to increase the fitness of the rarer, controlled sex and to increase parental productivity. In the specific case of the evolution of the female-biased Hamiltonian ratios, LPC can affect the mating success of sons but has no effect on the success of daughters. It is argued here and elsewhere (Nunney, unpubl.) that group selection can only promote the spread of a genotype through the maintenance of a positive association of individuals of that genotype. The importance of positive association is well established in the special case of kin selection. Given such a definition, group selection plays no part in the evolution of the Hamiltonian sex ratios, although it is possible to conceive of circumstances under which group selection could favor an even more extreme sex ratio bias. In general, such circumstances involve kin selection. It is argued that the examination of differences in group productivity is not a useful way of looking at the process of natural selection, since (i) by dividing up almost any evolving population into random groups, some groups (those with the highest frequency of the fittest individuals) will be more productive than others; and (ii) in the specific case of the evolution of the Hamiltonian ratios, it is possible to develop models either with or without a group structure and get the same result. Hamilton (1967) originally suggested that a female-biased sex ratio arose in his model because of the advantage of reducing local mate competition (specifically, reducing competition between brothers for mates). This possibility was eliminated by developing a model in which competition between the brothers was prevented regardless of the sex ratio. It was found that the optimum sex-ratio strategy was unaffected. On the other hand, the idea of local parental control has, in each case examined, been able to account for the predicted optimum strategy.  相似文献   

When environmental conditions exert sex-specific selection on offspring, mothers should benefit from biasing their sex allocation towards the sex with the highest fitness in a given environment. Yet, studies show mixed support for such adaptive strategies in vertebrates, which may be due to mechanistic constraints and/or weak selection on facultative sex allocation. In an attempt to disentangle these alternatives, we quantified sex-specific fitness returns and sex allocation (sex ratio and sex-specific mass at birth) according to maternal factors (body size, age, birth date, and litter size), habitat, and year in a viviparous snake with genotypic sex determination. We used data on 106 litters from 19 years of field survey in two nearby habitats occupied by the meadow viper Vipera ursinii ursinii in south-eastern France. Maternal reproductive investment and habitat quality had no differential effects on the growth and survival of sons and daughters. Sex ratio at birth was balanced despite a slight female-biased mortality before birth. No sexual mass dimorphism between offspring was evident. Sex allocation was almost random apart for a trend towards more male-biased litters as females grew older, which could be explained by an inbreeding avoidance strategy. Thus, a weak selection for facultative sex allocation seems sufficient to explain the almost equal sex allocation in the meadow viper.  相似文献   

Non-random sex allocation in relation to parental, ecological and phenological factors has been investigated in several correlational studies of birds, mostly based on few breeding seasons and relatively small sample sizes, which have led to different results. We investigated sex ratio of nestling barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) in relation to adult sex ratio, laying date, clutch size, colony size and meteorological conditions in a sample of 553 broods (>2200 nestlings) during 10 years. At the population level, nestling sex ratio varied among years and deviated from parity in two years. Sex ratio among adults did not predict offspring sex ratio in the current or the following year. At the within-family level, the proportion of sons increased with laying date in large clutches, did not vary among clutches of intermediate size, and tended to decline with laying date in small clutches. Large colonies harbored more sons. The proportion of males increased with temperature during laying whereas the effects of temperature during the pre- or post-laying periods and that of rainfall were non-significant. These patterns of variation of offspring sex ratio did not differ between years. Thus, we identified several potential causal sources of variation in barn swallow offspring sex ratio, including temporal, phenological and ecological factors. The observation of an association of offspring sex with temperature during laying is novel for birds and may be mediated by effects on maternal steroid hormones profile. The ecological and evolutionary implications of present findings are discussed in the light of adaptive sex allocation theory.  相似文献   

Bias in sex ratios at hatching and sex specific post hatching mortality in size dimorphic species has been frequently detected, and is usually skewed towards the production and survival of the smaller sex. Since common terns Sterna hirundo show a limited sexual size dimorphism, with males being only about 1–6% larger than females in a few measurements, we would expect to find small or no differences in production and survival of sons and daughters. To test this prediction, we carried out a 2-year observational study on sex ratio variation in common terns at hatching and on sex specific post hatching mortality. Sons and daughters hatched from eggs of similar volume. Post hatching mortality was heavily influenced by hatching sequence. In addition, we detected a sex specific mortality bias towards sons. Overall, hatching sex ratio and sex specific mortality resulted in fledging sex ratios 8% biased towards females. Thus, other reasons than body size may be influencing the costs of rearing sons. Son mortality was not homogeneous between brood sizes, but greater for two-chick broods. Since adults rearing two-chick broods were younger, lighter and bred consistently later than those rearing three-chick broods, it is suggested that lower capacity of two-chick brood parents adversely affected offspring survival of sons. Though not significantly, two-chick broods tended to be female biased at hatching, perhaps to counteract the greater male-biased nestling mortality. Thus, population bias in secondary sex ratio is not limited to strongly size dimorphic species, but species with a slight sexual size dimorphism can also show sex ratio bias through a combination of differential production and mortality of sons and daughters.  相似文献   

The influence of operational sex ratio on the mating behavior of female field crickets,Gryllus pennsylvanicus, was investigated. Females were predicted to be more discriminating under conditions of high mate availability and show less selectivity when males were rare. Such selectivity was indicated in this study with the proportion of courtships leading to a mating changing with sex ratio. Females accepted almost 70% of all courtships at the female-biased sex ratio, but only about half of all courtships were successful at even or male-biased sex ratios. Females moved least at the female-biased sex ratio. There was also a trend for females to be guarded more under male-biased conditions. Female weight did not influence any of the behaviors examined.  相似文献   

The relative power of queens and workers at controlling sex allocation in the ant Colobopsis nipponicus is investigated in this study. Results show that C. nipponicus completely satisfies Hamilton's assumptions concerning colony social structure: monogyny, monoandry, and no worker reproduction. A genetic survey of the population structure rejects possibilities of local mate competition, local resource enhancement, and local resource competition, which all can bias population-allocation ratios from 0.5. Although these factors are absent, the observed sex-allocation ratio (male investment/total sexual investment; 0.250 ± 0.027) is significantly biased toward females and is not different from the estimated optimal ratio for workers (0.252). Thus, it appears that workers are likely to win in conflicts over sex allocation with queens.  相似文献   

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