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Notch receptors are expressed in neurons and glia in the adult nervous system, but why this expression persists is not well-understood. Here we examine the role of the Notch pathway in the postnatal mouse main olfactory system, and show evidence consistent with a model where Notch2 is required for maintaining sustentacular cell function. In the absence of Notch2, the laminar nature of these glial-like cells is disrupted. Hes1, Hey1, and Six1, which are downstream effectors of the Notch pathway, are down-regulated, and cytochrome P450 and Glutathione S-transferase (GST) expression by sustentacular cells is reduced. Functional levels of GST activity are also reduced. These disruptions are associated with increased olfactory sensory neuron degeneration. Surprisingly, expression of Notch3 is also down-regulated. This suggests the existence of a feedback loop where expression of Notch3 is initially independent of Notch2, but requires Notch2 for maintained expression. While the Notch pathway has previously been shown to be important for promoting gliogenesis during development, this is the first demonstration that the persistent expression of Notch receptors is required for maintaining glial function in adult.  相似文献   

In Xenopus, the dorso-ventral (D/V) axis is thought to be specified by the bone morphogenetic proteins (Bmp) activity arising through interaction with antagonists such as Noggin, Chordin and Follistatin. We report here, through inactivation of noggin1 (nog1) that this gene is not essential by itself to establish the D/V patterning. However, at blastula stage, inactivation of nog1 strongly amplifies chordin (chd) phenotype, revealing redundant functions of these two genes on D/V axis formation. Substantial dorsal tissues remaining in the double nog1-chd morphant suggested that other anti-Bmp factors may pattern the D/V axis. We isolated two potential candidates, the follistatin-like (fstl) genes. We found that fstl2 is an early gastrula expressed gene. Its inactivation, similar to nog1, strongly enhances the chd phenotype. Moreover, the penetrance of the ventralization phenotype is much higher when we inactivated simultaneously chd, nog1 and fstl2. Altogether, our data reveal that, while Chordin is the main player of the D/V axis, sufficient to maintain proper activity of Bmp gradient, the structures remaining in the chd mutant (namely dorsal and dorso-lateral territories, in both mesodermal and ectodermal layers) result from the anti-Bmp activity carried by Nog1 and Fstl2 at blastula and gastrula stages.  相似文献   

The definitive endoderm forms during gastrulation and is rapidly transformed into the gut tube which is divided along the anterior-posterior axis into the foregut, midgut, and hindgut. Lineage tracing and genetic analysis have examined the origin of the definitive endoderm during gastrulation and demonstrated that the majority of definitive endoderm arises at the anterior end of the primitive streak (APS). Foxh1 and Foxa2 have been shown to play a role in specification of the APS and definitive endoderm. However, prior studies have focused on the role of these factors in specification of foregut definitive endoderm, while their role in the specification of midgut and hindgut definitive endoderm is less understood. Furthermore, previous analyses of these mutants have utilized definitive endoderm markers that are restricted to the anterior endoderm, expressed in extraembryonic endoderm, or present in other germ layers. Here, we characterized the expression of several novel definitive and visceral endoderm markers in Foxh1 and Foxa2 null embryos. In accordance with previous studies, we observed a deficiency of foregut definitive endoderm resulting in incorporation of visceral endoderm into the foregut. Interestingly, this analysis revealed that formation of midgut and hindgut definitive endoderm is unaffected by loss of Foxh1 or Foxa2. This finding represents a significant insight into specification and regionalization of mouse definitive endoderm.  相似文献   

A prominent feature of glial cells is their ability to migrate along axons to finally wrap and insulate them. In the embryonic Drosophila PNS, most glial cells are born in the CNS and have to migrate to reach their final destinations. To understand how migration of the peripheral glia is regulated, we have conducted a genetic screen looking for mutants that disrupt the normal glial pattern. Here we present an analysis of two of these mutants: Notch and numb. Complete loss of Notch function leads to an increase in the number of glial cells. Embryos hemizygous for the weak Notch(B-8X) allele display an irregular migration phenotype and mutant glial cells show an increased formation of filopodia-like structures. A similar phenotype occurs in embryos carrying the Notch(ts1) allele when shifted to the restrictive temperature during the glial cell migration phase, suggesting that Notch must be activated during glial migration. This is corroborated by the fact that cell-specific reduction of Notch activity in glial cells by directed numb expression also results in similar migration phenotypes. Since the glial migration phenotypes of Notch and numb mutants resemble each other, our data support a model where the precise temporal and quantitative regulation of Numb and Notch activity is not only required during fate decisions but also later during glial differentiation and migration.  相似文献   

In heterothallic Ascomycota, two opposite but distinct mating types control all sexual processes. Using mating crosses, mating types were assigned to ten isolates of the heterothallic fungal species Ophiostoma quercus. Primers were subsequently designed to target the MAT1-1-1, MAT1-1-3 (of the mating type 1 idiomorph), and MAT1-2-1 (of the mating type 2 idiomorph) genes in these isolates. Results showed that all isolates contained the full gene sequence for the MAT1-2-1 gene. In addition, fragments of the MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-1-3 genes were sequenced from all isolates. These results were unexpected, as each isolate from a heterothallic species would typically contain only one of the two possible MAT idiomorphs.  相似文献   

Chromosome translocations in neoplasia commonly result in fusion genes that may encode either novel fusion proteins or normal, but ectopically expressed proteins. Here we report the cloning of a novel fusion gene in a common type of salivary and bronchial gland tumor, mucoepidermoid carcinomas (MEC), as well as in benign Warthin's tumors (WATs). The fusion, which results from a t(11;19)(q21-22;p13) translocation, creates a chimeric gene in which exon 1 of a novel gene of unknown function, designated WAMTP1, is linked to exons 2-5 of the recently identified Mastermind-like Notch coactivator MAML2. In the fusion protein, the N-terminal basic domain of MAML2, which is required for binding to intracellular Notch (Notch ICD), is replaced by an unrelated N-terminal sequence from WAMTP1. Mutation analysis of the N-terminus of WAMTP1-MAML2 identified two regions of importance for nuclear localization (amino acids 11-20) and for colocalization with MAML2 and Notch1 ICD in nuclear granules (amino acids 21-42). Analyses of the Notch target genes HES5 and MASH1 in MEC tumors with and without the WAMTP1-MAML2 fusion revealed upregulation of HES5 and downregulation of MASH1 in fusion positive MECs compared to normal salivary gland tissue and MECs lacking the fusion. These findings suggest that altered Notch signaling plays an important role in the genesis of benign and malignant neoplasms of salivary and bronchial gland origin.  相似文献   

Wnt signals have been shown to be involved in multiple steps of vertebrate neural patterning, yet the relative contributions of individual Wnts to the process of brain regionalization is poorly understood. Wnt1 has been shown in the mouse to be required for the formation of the midbrain and the anterior hindbrain, but this function of wnt1 has not been explored in other model systems. Further, wnt1 is part of a Wnt cluster conserved in all vertebrates comprising wnt1 and wnt10b, yet the function of wnt10b during embryogenesis has not been explored. Here, we report that in zebrafish wnt10b is expressed in a pattern overlapping extensively with that of wnt1. We have generated a deficiency allele for these closely linked loci and performed morpholino antisense oligo knockdown to show that wnt1 and wnt10b provide partially redundant functions in the formation of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB). When both loci are deleted, the expression of pax2.1, en2, and her5 is lost in the ventral portion of the MHB beginning at the 8-somite stage. However, wnt1 and wnt10b are not required for the maintenance of fgf8, en3, wnt8b, or wnt3a expression. Embryos homozygous for the wnt1-wnt10b deficiency display a mild MHB phenotype, but are sensitized to reductions in either Pax2.1 or Fgf8; that is, in combination with mutant alleles of either of these loci, the morphological MHB is lost. Thus, wnt1 and wnt10b are required to maintain threshold levels of Pax2.1 and Fgf8 at the MHB.  相似文献   

Members of the Frizzled family of integral membrane proteins are implicated in many developmental events, including specifying cell fate, orienting cell and planar polarity, and directing cell migration. Frizzleds function as cell surface receptors for secreted Wnt proteins. We report here the isolation of a mutation in cfz-2, a Caenorhabditis elegans Frizzled gene. Mutation of cfz-2 causes defective cell migration, disorganization of head neurons, and can cause ectopic axon outgrowth. Analysis of mosaic animals shows that CFZ-2 functions cell nonautonomously, but does not rule out an autonomous role. CFZ-2 is expressed primarily in the anterior of embryos and in several cells in the head of adults. Our analysis of interactions between CFZ-2 and other Wnt pathways reveals that three Wnts, CWN-1, CWN-2 and EGL-20, and a Frizzled, MOM-5, function redundantly with one another and with CFZ-2 for specific cell migrations. In contrast, CWN-1, CWN-2, EGL-20, CFZ-2, and MOM-5 antagonize one another for other migrations. Therefore, CFZ-2 functions by collaborating with and/or antagonizing other Wnt signaling pathways to regulate specific cell migrations.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that chitin is present in nematodes. However, its precise role in embryogenesis is unclear and it is unknown if chitin is necessary in other nematode tissues. Here, we determined the roles of chitin and the two predicted chitin synthase genes in Caenorhabditis elegans by chitin localization and gene disruption. Using a novel probe, we detected chitin in the eggshell and discovered elaborate chitin localization patterns in the pharyngeal lumen walls. Chitin deposition in these two sites is likely regulated by the activities of chs-1 (T25G3.2) and chs-2 (F48A11.1), respectively. Reducing chs-1 gene activity by RNAi led to eggs that were fragile and permeable to small molecules, and in the most severe case, absence of embryonic cell division. Complete loss of function in a chs-1 deletion resulted in embryos that lacked chitin in their eggshells and failed to divide. These results showed that eggshell chitin provides both mechanical support and chemical impermeability essential to developing embryos. Knocking down chs-2 by RNAi caused a defect in the pharynx and led to L1 larval arrest, indicating that chitin is involved in the development and function of the pharynx.  相似文献   

Cul5-based complex is a member of ECS (Elongin B/C-Cul2/Cul5-SOCS-box protein) ubiquitin ligase family. The cellular function of the Cul5-based complex is poorly understood. In this study, we found that oocyte septum formation and egg production did not occur in either cul-5- or rbx-2-depleted cul-2 homozygotes, although control cul-2 homozygotes laid approximately 50 eggs. These phenotypes are reminiscent of those caused by the MAP kinase mpk-1 depletion. In fact, activation of MPK-1 was significantly inhibited in cul-5-depleted cul-2 mutant and cul-2-depleted cul-5 mutant. Yeast two-hybrid analysis and RNAi-knockdown experiments suggest that oocyte maturation from pachytene exit and MPK-1 activation are redundantly controlled by the RBX-2-CUL-5- and RBX-1-CUL-2-based complexes.  相似文献   

During the development of the Drosophila wing, the activity of the Notch signalling pathway is required to establish and maintain the organizing activity at the dorsoventral boundary (D/V boundary). At early stages, the activity of the pathway is restricted to a small stripe straddling the D/V boundary, and the establishment of this activity domain requires the secreted molecule fringe (fng). The activity domain will be established symmetrically at each side of the boundary of Fng-expressing and non-expressing cells. Here, I present evidence that the Drosophila tumour-suppressor gene lethal (2) gaint discs (lgd) is required to restrict the activity of Notch to the D/V boundary. In the absence of lgd function, the activity of Notch expands from its initial domain at the D/V boundary. This expansion requires the presence of at least one of the Notch ligands, which can activate Notch more efficiently in the mutants. The results further suggest that Lgd appears to act as a general repressor of Notch activity, because it also affects vein, eye, and bristle development.  相似文献   

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