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Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) promotes the survival of a subpopulation of non-neuronal cells developing from trunk neural crest. It was therefore important to determine whether this factor is present in the nervous system at early developmental stages. Immunocytochemistry using specific polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies was combined with three highly sensitive assays: bFGF-induced proliferation of bovine adrenal cortex-derived capillary endothelial cells (ACE), a radioimmunoassay for bFGF (RIA) and Western blot analysis. bFGF immunoreactivity was localized to the cytoplasm of neuroepithelial cells derived from embryonic day 2 (E2) quail neural tubes and cultured for one day in a chemically defined medium. Specific staining was observed in young sensory neurons in cultures of neural crest clusters as well as in a subpopulation of non-neuronal cells. In cultured E7 dorsal root ganglia, immunostaining was confined to neuronal cell bodies and fibers. In situ, staining of spinal cord and ganglionic neurons appeared on E6 and increased in intensity towards E10. Various mesoderm-derived structures such as the limb buds, the mesenchyme dorsal to the neural tube, the vertebral muscles and cartilage showed specific staining patterns in addition to neural tissue. In agreement with the results of immunocytochemical studies, 1.4ng bFGF per mg protein was detected in spinal cord extracts by RIA as early as E3, its concentration increased to 8.0 ng mg-1 on E5 and then to a maximum of 18.0 ng mg-1 protein on E10, this was followed by a subsequent decrease in concentration in older embryos. On the other hand, high levels of bFGF were present in vertebral tissues from E10 onwards. Extracts of immunopositive tissues were subjected to heparin-Sepharose affinity chromatography and eluted in a stepwise salt gradient. Fractions that eluted from the columns at 2 M NaCl contained a bFGF-like protein as revealed by their ability to stimulate the proliferation of ACE cells and by Western blot analysis. These data demonstrate that bFGF is expressed during early nervous system development in both central and peripheral neurons.  相似文献   

D K Vyas  D Jacob 《Acta anatomica》1976,95(4):518-528
Adrenal glands of eight Indian species of birds, namely Columba livia, Passer domesticus, Corvus splendens, Acridotheres tristis, Acridotheres ginginianus, Milvus migrans, Francolinus pondicerianus and Bubulcus ibis were examined during the sexually active and inactive phases of their annual reproductive cycles. Excepting A ginginianus and M. migrans, among members of either sex of the remaining six species the weight of the adrenal gland increases during the period of sexual activity. Histologically, the interrenal tissue of these birds could be divided into a peripheral subcapsular zone and a central zone. The cytochemical content of these two zones varies between sexual activity and inactivity. In sexually active birds of both sexes, interrenal cells of the central zone exhibit an increased concentration of alkaline phosphatase, glycogen, acid mucopolysaccharides and gross lipids, while in the subcapsular interrenal cells there is a prominent increase of ascorbic acid content. Cytochemical contents of chromaffin cells remain unchanged except acid phosphatase, which increases during the sexually active phase.  相似文献   

A total of 597 faecal samples were collected from western grey kangaroos (Macropus fuliginosus), Euros (M. robustus), red kangaroos (M. rufus) in Western Australia and Eastern Grey Kangaroos (M. giganteus) from Victoria and screened for the presence of Eimeria by PCR at the 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) locus. The overall prevalence was 24.3% (145/597). At the 18S rRNA locus, sequences were obtained for 25 of the 145 positives. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that all the macropod-derived Eimeria species grouped in a separate marsupial clade that included Eimeria trichosuri from brushtail possums. At least 6 different clades were identified within the marsupial isolates and many of the genotypes identified are likely to be valid species, however morphological and biological data need to be collected to match sequences to previously characterized Eimeria species or identify if they are new species.  相似文献   

The species of Eimeria in rabbits for meat production in Britain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eight species of coccidia were recognized in 596 faeces samples from 3 commercial rabbitries in South East England. The level of infection was related to management methods and at one site it was reduced by an outbreak of mucoid enteritis and/or its treatment with oxytetracycline. In samples from rabbits managed conventionally in the wire cages over droppings-pits, 96% contained oocysts and of these, 60% had 1000-10000 oocysts/g. Mixed infections were common, 67% of the animals carrying 2-4 different species. Eimeria, media, E. magna and E. perforans occurred most frequently; E. coecicola, E. irresidua and E. flavescens were less common and E. intestinalis and E. piriformis were relatively rare. E. stiedai was not recorded.  相似文献   

The utricular macula was examined in 20 bird species belonging to 13 families. Two types of hair cells, a bouton-innervated and a calyceal hair cell, were found. The calyceal hair cells are found situated in two zones that follow the anterior and lateral borders of the utricular macula in all except two species. In the rhea and mute swan, only one zone was found, corresponding to the inner zone of the other species. The majority of calyceal hair cells are present in the anterior and lateroposterior part of the inner zone. They are often gathered in a common calyx. More hair cells are found within the same calyx in birds than described in previously examined reptile and mammalian species. In nine specimens of four species belonging to four different families, the calyceal hair cells constitute between 7 and 12% of the total number of hair cells, which varies from about 20,000 to 40,000.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that molecules of in vitro-cultured primary turkey kidney cells bound to 23-, 40-, and 60- to 65-kDa antigens of sodium dodecyl sulfate-solubilized sporozoites of Eimeria adenoeides. Similar binding to antigens of three other species of avian Eimeria, E. tenella, E. acervulina, and E. meleagrimitis, is now reported. Strips containing the most avidly bound sporozoite antigen (approximately 40 kDa) were excised from the sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels on which E. adenoeides antigens had been electrophoretically separated. The strips were homogenized and injected into mice to produce hybridoma cell lines. Twelve cell lines secreting monoclonal antibodies (McAb) that reacted with E. adenoeides sporozoites were detected. One of these McAb, H11C3, reacted with structures in the anterior tip of sporozoites of E. adenoeides and five other species of avian Eimeria. When included in the inoculation medium, this McAb significantly inhibited invasion of cultured kidney cells by sporozoites of E. adenoeides and E. tenella. In contrast, when the sporozoites were pretreated with McAb H11C3 and then washed free of the antibody, no inhibition of invasion was observed.  相似文献   

With an antibody against whole embryonic chick heart, avian embryos of different stages were stained from beginning of cardiogenesis on. The earliest positive staining was encountered in a stage where heart tissue was already morphologically recognizable. This was also the case for myotomes and extrinsic eye muscles. Positive staining with anti-desmin of the same stages was possible slightly later. At the onset anti-desmin showed a staining pattern different from that of anti-heart staining.  相似文献   

Summary Within the limits of the experiment,i.e. 60 cm, the depth of rooting of three pasture species in a sandy loam soil was found to be directly affected by the depth to which irrigation water penetrated the soil. Some practical implications for irrigation farming are discussed.The species reacted differently to the deeper wetting treatments; white clover produced a larger weight of roots, subterranean clover a lesser weight, and there was no difference in the weight of roots with perennial ryegrass. However, the weight of roots relative to the total weight of the plant decreased with increase in the wetting depth in all three species. The effect of growth of roots on the total growth of the plants is discussed and it is suggested that root growth is not a determinate of total production when the supply of nutrients is not limiting.The vertical distribution of the roots is discussed.  相似文献   

In pre-streak chick embryos, the extraembryonic posterior marginal zone is able to induce an embryonic axis at an ectopic site without contributing cells to the induced primitive streak. This region expresses mesoderm-inducing factors that are capable of inducing an ectopic streak. Downstream of these events, chordin and bone morphogenetic protein acting within the central disc may play mutually opposing roles influencing streak formation. Although extraembryonic regions are important in establishing the embryonic axis, there does not appear to be an anterior region with head-inducing activity similar to that of the anterior visceral endoderm of the mammalian embryo.  相似文献   

Mean heart rate (MHR) was determined during incubation and in hatchlings of 14 altricial avian species to investigate (1) if there is a common developmental pattern of heart rate in altricial embryos and (2) if heart rate changes during incubation are correlated with changes in embryonic growth rate. On the basis of normalized incubation MHR increased approximately linearly in 12 of 14 species from as early as 30-40% of incubation to that of pipped embryos. The MHR of hatchlings was equal to or higher than that of pipped embryos in seven species. Passerine embryos and hatchlings maintained higher MHR in comparison to parrots of similar egg mass, which may reflect phylogenetic differences in development. Embryonic MHR increased at a higher rate while embryonic growth rates were highest during the first 40% of incubation in tit, budgerigar and crow embryos than during subsequent development when relative growth rates decreased. MHR became independent of yolk-free wet mass at a smaller fraction of hatchling mass in budgerigar and crow than in the tit, suggesting that MHR is more likely to increase continuously after 40% of incubation in small altricial species than larger species.  相似文献   

Problems in the identification of species of Eimeria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper is concerned with the principles upon which coccidia of the genus Eimeria may be characterized. Reference strains for comparative purposes usually are not available and the limitations of morphological data for speciation are discussed. The value of other parameters are considered such as host and site specificity, pathogenicity, immunological specificity, pre-patent period, sporulation time, enzyme variation, and DNA buoyant density. The weight afforded to each of these parameters for specific identification may vary according to the parasite and host studied. Determinations of physiological and behavioral characteristics that are now becoming available should be included in species definitions wherever possible.  相似文献   

Potential stimulation produced by avian embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This is the first study reporting the detection and molecular characterization of Eimeria in bats in Spain, specifically in 12 of 32 chiropteran species described in the Iberian Peninsula. A total of 76 faecal samples were collected from different bat roosting sites across Spanish territory. The DNA was extracted from the samples and sequenced by targeting the Eimeria SSU-rRNA gene. Two Eimeria species were detected in 29 of the 76 faecal samples (38%), and the bat-specific Eimeria rioarribaensis and rodent-specific Eimeria jerfinica were detected in 4 (5%) and 25 (33%) of the samples, respectively. This is the first report of E. rioarribaensis in the bats Rhinolophus euryale, Myotis myotis and Nyctalus lasiopterus, extending the host and geographical ranges for this bat coccidian parasite. The identification of the rodent-specific parasite species E. jerfinica in bats indicates the occurrence of this species in Spain, although its presence has not previously been reported in wild rodents in this country. Considering that most of the Eimeria spp. reported in bats were described only on the basis of morphometric data, molecular studies are required to determined which Eimeria species occur in bats, to complete the identification of these species and to clarify the phylogeny.  相似文献   

Development of an in vitro Eimeria (E.) tenella model could be valuable as a tool for vaccine, coccidiostats or molecular biology research. 1.0 × 10,000 sporozoites per 0.1 mL were inoculated into the allantoic cavity of ten-day-old chicken embryos. The complete life-cycle of E. tenella was accomplished in eight-nine days at 37 °C and 70% humidity. The addition of 100 U insulin to the embryos could remarkably improve the output of oocysts. The development of the parasite within the embryos was systematically observed, allowing guidelines to be set regarding the appropriate times at which different developmental stages of the parasite may be sampled.  相似文献   

Monitoring morphogenetic processes, at high resolution over time, has been a long-standing goal of many developmental cell biologists. It is critical to image cells in their natural environment whenever possible; however, imaging many warm-blooded vertebrates, especially mammals, is problematic. At early stages of development, birds are ideal for imaging, since the avian body plan is very similar to that of mammals. We have devised a culturing technique that allows for the acquisition of high-resolution differential interference contrast and epifluorescence images of developing avian embryos in a 4-D (3-D + time) system. The resulting information, from intact embryos, is derived from an area encompassing several millimeters, at micrometer resolution for up to 30 h.  相似文献   

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