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Reid JB 《Plant physiology》1983,72(3):759-763
Internode length in light-grown peas (Pisum sativum L.) is controlled by the interaction of genes occupying at least five major loci, Le, La, Cry, Na, and Lm. The present work shows that the genes at all of the loci examined (Le, Cry, and Na) also exert an effect on internode length in plants grown in complete darkness. Preliminary results using pure lines were verified using either segregating progenies or near isogenic lines. The major cause of the differences was due to a change in the number of cells per internode rather than to an alteration of the cell length. Since the genes occupying at least two of these loci, Le and Na, have been shown to be directly involved with gibberellin metabolism, it appears that gibberellins are not only essential for elongation in the dark but are limiting for elongation in the nana (extremely short, na), dwarf (Na le), and tall (Na Le) phenotypes. These results are supported by the large inhibitory effects of AMO 1618 treatments on stem elongation in dwarf and tall lines grown in the dark and the fact that applied gibberellic acid could overcome this inhibition and greatly promote elongation in a gibberellin-deficient na line. It is clear that the internode length genes, and in particular the alleles at the Le locus, are not acting by simply controlling the sensitivity of the plant to light.  相似文献   

Bone densitometry is used to assess skeletal health in clinical and research settings, with the goal of achieving reproducible measurements of bone mass that help to identify individuals predisposed to fracture. The search is now on for better methods of capturing additional factors that contribute to bone strength, including bone size, geometry, microarchitecture, and turnover rates. This has proved particularly challenging in growing children, whose bones continually change in size, shape, and mass. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry is the preferred method for measuring bone mass in children, but the technique has several limitations, and interpreting the findings can be problematic. Peripheral quantitative computed tomography is a promising method for assessing bone mass and other indices correlating with bone strength, but a lack of precision and paediatric norms currently restricts its clinical utility. Although bone mineral density is predictive of future fracture risk in adults, the evidence in children is less conclusive, and a diagnosis of osteoporosis in a child should not be made on densitometric findings alone. Developing a clearer understanding of how measures of bone mass and strength correlate with bone fracture in children will help target preventive strategies for those in greatest need.  相似文献   

The Congo Basin is one of three key convective regions on the planet which, during the transition seasons, dominates global tropical rainfall. There is little agreement as to the distribution and quantity of rainfall across the basin with datasets differing by an order of magnitude in some seasons. The location of maximum rainfall is in the far eastern sector of the basin in some datasets but the far western edge of the basin in others during March to May. There is no consistent pattern to this rainfall distribution in satellite or model datasets. Resolving these differences is difficult without ground-based data. Moisture flux nevertheless emerges as a useful variable with which to study these differences. Climate models with weak (strong) or even divergent moisture flux over the basin are dry (wet). The paper suggests an approach, via a targeted field campaign, for generating useful climate information with which to confront rainfall products and climate models.  相似文献   

Although several randomized controlled trials (RCTS) of surgically menopausal women have provided evidence that estrogen protects aspects of memory, many cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, including those from the RCT, the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study (WHIMS), have reported inconsistent information with regard to the relationship between estrogen and aspects of cognitive function. Although numerous reasons could be offered to explain these discrepancies in research findings, recent evidence from rodent, nonhuman primate, and human studies consistently suggests that one possibility may be critical to our understanding of the estrogenic effect on memory. Results of these animal and human studies indicate that the initiation of estrogen treatment at the time of menopause, or soon after ovariectomy (OVX), provides a window of opportunity for the preservation of memory in females whereas the administration of the hormone following a considerable delay in time after OVX has little or no beneficial effect on cognition. Considering the evidence that, in several organ systems, heightened disease risks accrue to a longer duration of estrogen deprivation in women, it would seem important to determine whether this is also true for brain structure and function in order to protect the quality of life for the considerable number of women who undergo a surgical menopause before their natural menopause had occurred.  相似文献   

The increased susceptibility of pregnant women to malaria infection has long been recognized, but the magnitude of the disease burden in this particular group, together with the pathophysiology of maternal malaria and the specific difficulties in treatment, have only recently been the focus of research. Most research on maternal malaria has derived from sub-Saharan Africa where transmission is high, whereas most of the studies on the treatment of malaria and the effect of non-falciparum species has been conducted in low-transmission areas of Asia. In this paper, we attempt to improve our understanding of the disease and its mechanisms from observed differences and similarities between contrasting areas of transmission, and to identify priorities for future research.  相似文献   

Calls to understand the links between ecology and evolution have been common for decades. Population dynamics, i.e. the demographic changes in populations, arise from life history decisions of individuals and thus are a product of selection, and selection, on the contrary, can be modified by such dynamical properties of the population as density and stability. It follows that generating predictions and testing them correctly requires considering this ecogenetic feedback loop whenever traits have demographic consequences, mediated via density dependence (or frequency dependence). This is not an easy challenge, and arguably theory has advanced at a greater pace than empirical research. However, theory would benefit from more interaction between related fields, as is evident in the many near-synonymous names that the ecogenetic loop has attracted. We also list encouraging examples where empiricists have shown feasible ways of addressing the question, ranging from advanced data analysis to experiments and comparative analyses of phylogenetic data.  相似文献   

Biologists have long assumed that pollinator behavior is an important force in angiosperm speciation, yet there is surprisingly little direct evidence that floral preferences in pollinators can drive floral divergence and the evolution of reproductive (ethological) isolation between incipient plant species. In this study, we expose computer-generated plant populations with a wide variation in flower color to selection by live and virtual hummingbirds and bumblebees and track evolutionary changes in flower color over multiple generations. Flower color, which was derived from the known genetic architecture and phenotypic variance of naturally occurring plant species pollinated by both groups, evolved in simulations through a genetic algorithm in which pollinator preference determined changes in flower color between generations. The observed preferences of live hummingbirds and bumblebees were strong enough to cause adaptive divergence in flower color between plant populations but did not lead to ethological isolation. However, stronger preferences assigned to virtual pollinators in sympatric and allopatric scenarios rapidly produced ethological isolation. Pollinators can thus drive ecological speciation in flowering plants, but more rigorous and comprehensive behavioral studies are required to specify conditions that produce sufficient preference levels in pollinators.  相似文献   

Fat affects meat quality, value and production efficiency as well as providing energy reserves for pregnancy and lactation in farm livestock. Leptin, the adipocyte product of the obese (ob) gene, was quickly seen as a predictor of body fat content in animals approaching slaughter and an aid to assessing reproductive readiness in females. Its participation in inflammation and immune responses that help animals survive infection and trauma has clear additional relevance to meat and milk production. Furthermore, almost a decade of discoveries of nucleotide polymorphisms in the leptin and leptin receptor genes has suggested useful applications relating to feed intake regulation, the efficiency of feed use, the composition of growth, the timing of puberty, mammogenesis and mammary gland function and fertility in cattle, pigs and poultry. The current review attempts to summarise where research has taken us in each of these aspects and speculates on where future research might lead.  相似文献   

Three of Malaysia’s endangered large mammal species are experiencing contrasting futures. Populations of the Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) have dwindled to critically low numbers in Peninsular Malaysia (current estimates need to be revised) and the state of Sabah (less than 40 individuals estimated). In the latter region, a bold intervention involving the translocation of isolated rhinos is being developed to concentrate them into a protected area to improve reproduction success rates. For the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), recently established baselines for Peninsular Malaysia (0.09 elephants/km2 estimated from one site) and Sabah (between 0.56 and 2.15 elephants/km2 estimated from four sites) seem to indicate globally significant populations based on dung count surveys. Similar surveys are required to monitor elephant population trends at these sites and to determine baselines elsewhere. The population status of the Malayan tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni) in Peninsular Malaysia, however, remains uncertain as only a couple of scientifically defensible camera-trapping surveys (1.66 and 2.59 tigers/100 km2 estimated from two sites) have been conducted to date. As conservation resources are limited, it may be prudent to focus tiger monitoring and protection efforts in priority areas identified by the National Tiger Action Plan for Malaysia. Apart from reviewing the conservation status of rhinos, elephants and tigers and threats facing them, we highlight existing and novel conservation initiatives, policies and frameworks that can help secure the long-term future of these iconic species in Malaysia.  相似文献   

While flying remains one of the safest means of travel, reported birdstrikes on aircraft have risen. This is a result of increased aircraft flight movements, changes in agricultural methods and greater environmental awareness contributing to growing populations of hazardous bird species, as well as more diligent reporting of incidents. Measures to mitigate this hazard require accurate data about the species involved; however, the remains of birds from these incidents are often not easy to identify. Reported birdstrikes include a substantial number where the species cannot be determined from morphology alone. DNA barcoding offers a reliable method of identifying species from very small amounts of organic material such as blood, muscle and feathers. We compare species identification based on morphological criteria and identifications based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I DNA barcoding methods for New Zealand species. Our data suggest that DNA-based identification can substantially add to the accuracy of species identifications, and these methods represent an important addition to existing procedures to improve air safety. In addition, we outline simple and effective protocols for the recovery and processing of samples for DNA barcoding.  相似文献   

Estrogens in vascular biology and disease: where do we stand today?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Whereas hormone therapy may increase the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke in menopausal women, epidemiological studies (protection in premenopausal women) suggest and experimental studies (prevention of fatty streak development in animals) demonstrate a major atheroprotective action of estradiol. There is also evidence for a thrombogenic effect of oral estrogens. An understanding of the deleterious and beneficial effects of estrogens is thus required. RECENT FINDINGS: The immuno-inflammatory system plays a key role in the development of fatty streak deposit as well as in the rupture of the atherosclerotic plaque. Whereas estradiol favors an anti-inflammatory effect in vitro (cultured cells), it rather elicits a pro-inflammatory response in vivo involving several subpopulations of the immuno-inflammatory system, which could contribute to plaque destabilization. Endothelium is another important target for estrogens, since estradiol potentiates endothelial nitric oxide and prostacyclin production. The respective actions of estrogens on these cell populations may be influenced by the timing of hormonal therapy initiation, hormone regimens, status of the vessel wall and expression of isoforms of estrogen receptors alpha and beta. SUMMARY: A better understanding of the balance between the deleterious and beneficial effects of estrogens is required and should help to improve hormonal therapy safety and to optimize the prevention of cardiovascular disease after menopause.  相似文献   

The nature and cost of single genes of major effect is one of the longest running controversies in biology. Resistance, whether to xenobiotics or to parasites, is often paraded as an obvious example of a single gene effect that must carry an associated fitness 'cost'. However, a review of the xenobiotic resistance literature shows that empirical evidence for this hypothesis is, in fact, scarce. We postulate that such fitness costs can only be fully interpreted in the light of the molecular mutations that might underlie them. We also derive a theoretical framework both to encompass our current understanding of xenobiotic resistance and to begin to dissect the probable cost of parasite resistance.  相似文献   

Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - We overview recent advances in the theoretical modeling, in particular via numerical simulation, of various vital human erythrocyte phenomena. The...  相似文献   

Invasive plants disrupt ecosystems from local to landscape scales. Reduction or reversal of spread is an important goal of many invasive plant management strategies, but few general guidelines exist on how to achieve this aim. We identified the main drivers of spread, and thus potential targets for management, using a spatially explicit simulation model tested on different life history categories in different spread and landscape scenarios. We used boosted regression trees to determine the parameters that most affected spread. Additionally, we analysed how spread reacted to changes in those parameters over a broad realistic range. From our results we deduce four simple management guidelines: (1) Manage dispersal if possible, as mean dispersal distance was an important driver of spread for all life history categories; (2) short bursts of rapid spread or more usual year on year spread can have different drivers, therefore managers need to decide what type of spread they want to slow; (3) efforts to manage spread will have variable outcomes due to interactions between, and non-linear responses to, key drivers of spread; and (4) the most useful demographic rates to target depend on dispersal ability, life history and how spread is measured. Fecundity was found to be important for driving spread only when reduced to low levels and particularly when the species was short lived. For longer lived species management should target survival, or age of maturity, especially when dispersal ability is limited.  相似文献   

Chromatin in eukaryotic cells is a negatively charged long polymer consisting of DNA, histones, and various associated proteins. With its highly charged and heterogeneous nature, chromatin structure varies greatly depending on various factors (e.g. chemical modifications and protein enrichment) and the surrounding environment (e.g. cations): from a 10-nm fiber, a folded 30-nm fiber, to chromatin condensates/droplets. Recent advanced imaging has observed that chromatin exhibits a dynamic liquid-like behavior and undergoes structural variations within the cell. Current computational modeling has made it possible to reconstruct the liquid-like chromatin in the cell by dealing with a number of nucleosomes on multiscale levels and has become a powerful technique to inspect the molecular mechanisms giving rise to the observed behavior, which imaging methods cannot do on their own. Based on new findings from both imaging and modeling studies, we discuss the dynamic aspect of chromatin in living cells and its functional relevance.  相似文献   

The granuloma in tuberculosis (TB), referred to as the tubercle, is a lesion containing multiple cell types and is the one definite hallmark of this disease. A number of tubercle phenotypes are seen during infection yet how these contribute to development of TB remains unclear. Here we highlight recent results using diverse models of tubercle development as well as recent findings from studies of human TB in an attempt to illustrate the plasticity of the tubercle and to place it between the poles of pathology and protection. Such insights could lead to future interventions to address TB as a global health issue.  相似文献   

This paper examines the general biology of mycorrhizal associations alongside the wide range of alternative trophic adaptations which higher plants may employ when competing for limited resources of specific nutrients within an ecosystem. All examples described come from highly nutrient-impoverished heathlands or open woodlands of the kwongan of southwest Australia. An account is given of the general patterns of rooting morphology and their association with various mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal nutrient-acquiring strategies, including various forms of parasitism, epiparasitism, autotrophy with or without mycorrhizal association. Taxonomic affinities of each grouping are examined alongside growth and life form characteristics. A case study of patterns of utilization of a specific nutrient, nitrogen in a Banksia woodland ecosystem is presented to illustrate how a multifaceted approach can be used for studying species responses and interactions. The study categorizes species according to nitrate-utilizing ability and suggests how 15N natural abundance of soil and plant components and organic solutes of nitrogen is xylem might be utilized to separate species into different trophic categories. Response of the ecosystem to fire is examined in respect of the nutritional interrelationships of component species as the ecosystem changes from being nitrate dominant immediately after fire to increasingly ammonium-producing thereafter. The paper concludes by examining generally trophic relationships within whole ecosystems and outlines some of the challenges for future research in this connection.  相似文献   

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