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Mycoplasma agassizii and M. testudineum have been associated with upper respiratory tract disease (URTD) in the threatened desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). Because microbiological culture methods have proven difficult to employ in wild desert tortoises, our goal was to develop a sensitive and specific qPCR method for detecting and quantifying mycoplasma DNA in nasal lavage fluid collected in the field. Primers for 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences specific for M. agassizii and M. testudineum were designed, together with primers that recognize conserved sequences of both microorganisms. Standard curves generated with DNA extracted from known numbers of mycoplasma cells revealed a lower detection limit of approximately 5 fg. The qPCR method did not recognize normal flora DNA, and nasal lavage fluid contained no interfering substances. Nasal lavage samples collected from 20 captive desert tortoises housed at the Desert Tortoise Conservation Center (Clark County, Nevada, USA) revealed the presence of M. agassizii DNA in 100% of the tortoises. Concentrations ranged from a low of 6 pg ml− 1 to a high of 72,962 pg ml− 1. Only one of the tortoises was positive for M. testudineum. Interestingly, not all of the qPCR positive tortoises showed evidence of seroconversion, suggesting that they were colonized but not infected. This new quantitative method will provide a critical tool for managing threatened populations of the desert tortoise.  相似文献   

A new tortoise beetle species, Cyrtonota abrili, is described from the Antioquia and Caldas departments in Colombia. New faunistic data are provided for 87 species, including 16 new additions to the country’s fauna. A checklist of the known 238 species of tortoise beetles recorded from Colombia is given.  相似文献   

Xin S  Jian-Xiu C  Louis D 《ZooKeys》2011,(78):27-41
In this paper, we describe a new species of the genus Allonychiurus Yoshii, 1995, characterized by the presence of an apical swelling on the fourth antennal segment as well as a combination of chaetotaxic and pseudocellar characters. The genus Allonychiurus is redefined. Four of its species are considered as incertae sedis: Allonychiurus michelbacheri (Bagnall, 1948), Allonychiurus spinosus (Bagnall, 1949), Allonychiurus caprariae (Dallai, 1969) and Allonychiurus sensitivus (Handschin, 1928). The three species Allonychiurus borensis (Beruete, Arbea & Jordana, 1994), Allonychiurus sensilatus (Thibaud & Massoud, 1979) and Allonychiurus vandeli (Cassagnau, 1960) are removed from Allonychiurus and placed in Micronychiurus Bagnall, 1949, Thalassaphorura Bagnall, 1949 and Spinonychiurus Weiner, 1996 respectively. The synonymy of Thibaudichiurus Weiner, 1996 with Allonychiurus is rejected and Allonychiurus foliatus (Rusek, 1967) and Allonychiurus mariangeae (Thibaud & Lee, 1994) are re-allocated to Thibaudichiurus. List and identification key to the world species of the genus are given.  相似文献   

Ferris CD 《ZooKeys》2010,(71):49-70
Based on genitalic studies, the new genus Pionenta is established for two taxa formerly placed under Antepione. The taxa hewesata and ochreata (and previously associated synonyms) are now synonomized as Pionenta ochreata. Three species of Antepione are now recognized: Antepione thisoaria, Antepione imitata, Antepione tiselaaria with the taxa comstocki, constans, and indiscretata synonomized under Antepione imitata. No new species are described. Adults and genitalia are illustrated, including type specimens.  相似文献   

A new species, Notopygus longiventris Sun & Sheng, sp. n., collected from Benxi County, Liaoning Province, China, and N. emarginatus Holmgren, 1857, reared from Neurotoma sibirica Gussakovskij (Hymenoptera, Pamphiliidae) from Haicheng, Liaoning Province, are reported. The new species is placed within existing key to species.  相似文献   

Species of the genus Dercetina Gressitt & Kimoto, 1963 in Taiwan are revised. Dercetina azumai Gressitt and Kimoto, 1966, Dercetina itoi Kimoto, 1969, and Dercetina shirozui Kimoto, 1969 are redescribed. Dercetina chinensis (Weise, 1889), Dercetina taiwana (Chûjô, 1938), and Dercetina unifasciata (Allard, 1889) are removed from synonymy with Dercetina flavocincta (Hope, 1831). Dercetina flavocincta and Dercetina nakanei Kimoto, 1969 are transferred to the genus Arthrotus Motschulsky, 1858. Lectotypes are designated for Dercetis taiwana Chûjô, 1938, and Antipha varipennis Jacoby, 1890. The synonymies of Antipha flavofasciata Baly, 1879 and Dercetes femoralis Weise, 1922 with Arthrotus flavocincta (Hope, 1831), Antipha varipennis Jacoby, 1890 with Dercetina chinensis (Weise, 1889) are supported. A new species, Dercetina barclayi sp. n. which was confused with Dercetina flavocincta, is described from Myanmar.  相似文献   

Yang D  Zhu Y 《ZooKeys》2011,(159):11-18
Sinosciapus liuaesp. n. is newly described from Taiwan. The genus Sinosciapus is discussed and a key to the three known Oriental species is provided.  相似文献   

Hu B  Wang S  Zhang J  Li H 《ZooKeys》2011,(83):43-56
A NEW SPECIES AND NEW RECORD OF GRACILLARIID MOTHS FROM CHINA ARE REPORTED: Conopomorpha flueggella Li, sp. n. and Epicephala relictella Kuznetzov, 1979. Specimens were collected on flowers or leaves of Flueggea suffruticosa (Pall.) Baill. (Euphorbiaceae) at night, and reared from fruits in captivity. Larvae of both species feed on the seeds of Flueggea suffruticosa, but they can be differentiated externally by the position of the red pattern on the thorax and abdomen. Morphology of the eggs, larvae, pupae and the life history of the two species are described and compared. Images of the life history and figures of the genital structures are provided.  相似文献   

The Rheocricotopus (Psilocricotopus) chalybeatus species group from China is reviewed. Three new species, R. (P.) brochus sp. n., R. (P.) rotundus sp. n. and R. (P.) serratus sp. n. are described as adult males. R. (P.) imperfectus Makarchenko & Makarchenko, 2005, R. (P.) robacki (Beck & Beck, 1964) and R. (P.) valgus Chaudhuri & Sinharay, 1983 are recorded from China for the first time and annotated. The diagnosis for the species group is emended and a key to adult males of the species group in China is presented.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of Chamaedrilus glandulosus (Michaelsen, 1888) s. l., most commonly known previously as Cognettia glandulosa, is revised. A recent molecular systematic study has shown that this taxon harbours two cryptic, but genetically well separated lineages, each warranting species status. In this study these two lineages are scrutinized morphologically, on the basis of Michaelsen’s type material as well as newly collected specimens from Central and Northern Europe. Chamaedrilus glandulosus s. s. is redescribed and Chamaedrilus varisetosus sp. n. is recognized as new to science. The two species are morphologically very similar, differing mainly in size, but seem to prefer different habitats, with Chamaedrilus glandulosus being a larger aquatic species, and Chamaedrilus varisetosus being smaller and mainly found in moist to wet soil.  相似文献   

The genus Trachionus Haliday, 1833 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Alysiinae, Dacnusini) is reported for the first time from China. The genus is represented by four new species from Shaanxi province (NW China), which are described and illustrated. An identification key to the species in China is presented, a key to the genera of the Trachionus group and notes on the relationships with other Palaearctic species are added.  相似文献   

The taxonomic composition and systematic position of Agriopodes Hampson is examined through an integrated approach using adult and larval morphology, biology, and molecular sequence data. The type-species of Agriopodes, Moma fallax Herrich-Schäffer is shown to be derived within the Acronicta grisea Walker species-group; accordingly, Agriopodes is relegated to synonymy under Acronicta Ochsenheimer, syn. n. (Acronictinae). Additionally, molecular markers and morphology show that Agriopodes is not monophyletic: Agriopodes tybo (Barnes) is not closely related to A. fallax nor to Acronicta, and is transferred to a new genus, Chloronycta Schmidt & Anweiler, gen. n. The immature stages of Chloronycta tybo comb. n. are described and illustrated for the first time. Although previously treated as a valid species, we show that Agriopodes geminata (Smith) represents the northern terminus of clinal variation in wing pattern of A. fallax and synonymize A. geminata under A. fallax (syn. n.). The history and identity of Agriopodes corticosa (Boisduval), a nomen dubium, is discussed.  相似文献   

A new weevil, Pheude punctatus gen. et sp. n., of the tribe Dryotribini in Cossoninae, is described from Guangdong Province, South China. It differs from the related genera Dryotribus Horn and Microtribodes Morimoto in having antennae with seven articles and a distinct scutellum, and from Ochronanus Pascoe and Stenomimus Wollaston in having long antennae, a rostrum with a medio-longitudinal furrow beginning at the posterior margin of the eyes and extending approximately midway on the rostrum, and a moderately elevated, medio-longitudinal carina extending the full length of the pronotum. Other diagnostic characters and illustrations are provided. A key to the genera of Dryotribini known from China is given.  相似文献   

Seven species of the subgenus Polistella Ashmead of the genus Polistes Latreille including a new species, P. brunetus Nguyen & Kojima, sp. n. described here, are recognized to occur in northeastern Vietnam, the easternmost part of the eastern slope of the Himalayas. A key to these species is provided. Their distributional records are remarked. Nests of P. delhiensis Das & Gupta, P. mandarinus de Saussure and P. brunetus are also described.  相似文献   

A recent substantial rearrangement of the 882 described eleutherodactyline frog species has considerably improved the understanding of their systematics. Nevertheless, many taxonomic aspects of the South American eleutherodactyline species remain unknown and require further investigation using morphological, cytogenetic and molecular approaches. In this work, the karyotypes of the Brazilian species Ischnocnema juipoca (Atibaia and Campos do Jordão, SP), Barycholos cf. ternetzi (Uberlândia, MG, and Porto Nacional, TO), and Pristimantis crepitans (Chapada dos Guimarães and São Vicente, MT) were analyzed using Giemsa staining, Ag-NOR labeling, and C-banding techniques. All individuals had a diploid number of 22 chromosomes, but the Fundamental Numbers were different among species. The herein described low chromosome number of Pristimantis crepitans is unique within this genus, suggesting that cytogenetically this species is not closely related either to its congeneric species or to Ischnocnema. In addition, karyotype differences, mainly in the NOR position, clearly distinguished the two Barycholos populations, besides indicating the existence of a so far undescribed species in this genus. A taxonomic review could clarify the systematic position of P. crepitans and verify the hypothetic new Barycholos species.  相似文献   

Xie L  Yan Y  Huang R  Yang M 《ZooKeys》2011,(160):47-57
A new species Damaeus (Paradamaeus) yushuensissp. n. is described from Three Rivers' Headwaters National Natural Reserve, Qinghai province, China. This is the first record of this subgenus in China. A key is given to distinguish all species of the genus.  相似文献   

A new hoverfly species, Cheilosia barbafacies Vujić & Radenković sp. n. (Diptera, Syrphidae), is described and distinguished from the closely related species Cheilosia pascuorum Becker, 1894, based on material collected from the mountains of the Balkan Peninsula. Diagnostic characteristics and an identification key for the members of the proxima group of Cheilosia s. str., including the new taxon, are provided.  相似文献   

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