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Thermostable low molecular weight translational inhibitor was found in wheat germ cell-free extract. The inhibitor was formed during preincubation of wheat S-23 fraction with components of the energy-supplying system (ATP, GTP, phosphoenolpyruvate) in the absence of exogenous mRNA. The inhibitor effectively and irreversibly blocks protein synthesis in both wheat germ and rabbit reticulocyte systems. Our results seem to suggest that the inhibitor can activate wheat endogenous mRNA, which under the standard conditions does not reveal template activity but, once activated, can effectively compete with exogenous mRNA.  相似文献   

An extract was prepared from rabbit reticulocyte ribosomes after treatment with potassium chloride as described by Miller, Hamada, Yang, Cohen & Schweet (1967). This extract has been shown to convert monoribosomes into polyribosomes during protein synthesis in vitro (Cohen, 1968). The nature of this extract was studied in greater detail. Centrifugation of the extract through a sucrose density gradient separated the activity into a fast-sedimenting fraction. The two fractions were shown to have different functions in stimulating cell-free protein synthesis and their active components were shown to be protein or partly protein in nature. Each fraction was analysed by electrophoresis and in the analytical ultracentrifuge. It was concluded that the active component in the fast-sedimenting fraction had a sedimentation coefficient of 15.5s and that of the slow-sedimenting fraction 10.5s.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli extracts activate cell-free protein synthesis systems by providing the catalysts for translation and other supporting reactions. Recent results suggest that high-density fermentations can be used to provide the source cells, but the subsequent cell extract preparation procedure requires multiple centrifugation and dialysis steps as well as an expensive runoff reaction. In the work reported here, the extract preparation protocol duration was reduced by nearly 50% by significantly shortening several steps. In addition, by optimizing the runoff incubation, overall reagent costs were reduced by 70%. Nonetheless, extracts produced from the shorter, less expensive procedure were equally active. Crucial steps were further examined to indicate minimal ribosome loss during the standard 30,000g centrifugations. Furthermore, sucrose density centrifugation analysis indicated that although an incubation step significantly activates the extract, ribosome/polysome dissociation is not required. These insights suggest that consistent cell extract can be produced more quickly and with considerably less expense for large-scale cell-free protein production, especially when combined with high-density fermentation protocols.  相似文献   

In the presence of polyamines, the fidelity of protein synthesis in a wheat germ cell-free system was increased significantly, while it was increased slightly in an E. coli cell-free system. The effective concentration of polyamines for the increase in fidelity of protein synthesis was nearly equal to that for the stimulation of protein synthesis in a wheat germ cell-free system.  相似文献   

As structural genomics and proteomics research has become popular, the importance of cell-free protein synthesis systems has been realized for high-throughput expression. Our group has established a high-throughput pipeline for protein sample preparation for structural genomics and proteomics by using cell-free protein synthesis. Among the many procedures for cell-free protein synthesis, the preparation of the cell extract is a crucial step to establish a highly efficient and reproducible workflow. In this article, we describe a detailed protocol for E. coli cell extract preparation for cell-free protein synthesis, which we have developed and routinely use. The cell extract prepared according to this protocol is used for many of our cell-free synthesis applications, including high-throughput protein expression using PCR-amplified templates and large-scale protein production for structure determinations.  相似文献   

The protein-synthesizing S30 extract of Escherichia coli contains tRNA, which limits its applications in cell-free protein synthesis. Here, we show that at least Arg- and Ser-acceptor activities can be removed from a standard S30 extract by treatment with an immobilized RNase A resin. This RNase-treated extract exhibits no protein synthesis activity, but regains it when supplied with crude E. coli tRNA and a small amount of human placental RNase inhibitor. The protein synthesis is dependent on the addition of tRNA in the presence of the RNase inhibitor. Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase was synthesized with this system and found to be active.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of zeolites on protein synthesis in a cell-free system were investigated. The efficiency of protein synthesis was markedly enhanced upon the addition of zeolites to the reaction mixture. Pretreatment of reaction mixture with the zeolite prior to the start of reaction also stimulated the protein synthesis indicating that the effect is at least partially due to the removal of inhibitory substance(s) from the reaction mixture.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis in wheat germ cell-free extracts occurred at 23 °C but not at 37 °C. Protein synthesis at 37 °C could be restored by supplementation with ribosomal wash fraction from rabbit reticulocytes. Initiation of protein synthesis proved to be the temperature-sensitive site. This heterologous system consisting of the heat-inactivated 30,000g supernatant fraction (S30) of plant origin and ribosomal wash factors of mammalian origin was capable of translating globin and immunoglobulin light-chain mRNA's. Since the active factors in the reticulocyte wash fraction were inactivated at 50 °C and were sensitive to trypsin, it is likely they consist of protein, at least in part.  相似文献   

We have developed a highly productive cell-free protein synthesis system from wheat germ, which is expected to become an important tool for postgenomic research. However, this system has not been optimized for the synthesis of disulfide-containing proteins. Thus, we searched here for translation conditions under which a model protein, a single-chain antibody variable fragment (scFv), could be synthesized into its active form. Before the start of translation, the reducing agent dithiothreitol, which normally is added to the wheat germ extract but which inhibits disulfide formation during translation, was removed by gel filtration. When the scFv mRNA was incubated with this dithiothreitol-deficient extract, more than half of the synthesized polypeptide was recovered in the soluble fraction. By addition of protein disulfide isomerase in the translation solution, the solubility of the product was further improved, and nearly half of the soluble polypeptides strongly bound to the antigen immobilized on an agarose support. This strong binding component had a high affinity as shown by surface-plasmon resonance analysis. These results show that the wheat germ cell-free system can produce a functional scFv with a simple change of the reaction ingredients. We also discuss protein folding in this system and suggest that the disulfide bridges are formed cotranslationally. Finally, we show that biotinylated scFv could be synthesized in similar fashion and immobilized on a solid surface to which streptavidin is bound. SPR measurements for detection of antigens were also possible with the use of this immobilized surface.  相似文献   

1. The effect of high-molecular-weight RNA from reticulocyte polyribosomes (messenger RNA) on protein synthesis by subcellular fractions derived from reticulocytes, reported by Arnstein, Cox & Hunt (1964), has now been studied in detail. Optimum response of the cell-free system requires 30-50mm-K(+) and approx. 5mm-Mg(2+) in the pH range 7.4-7.6. 2. RNA stimulates the incorporation into protein of both free amino acids and of aminoacyl residues from s-RNA. Stimulation by either RNA or polyuridylic acid is dependent on a labile factor or enzyme, which is present in the ;pH5 fraction' and may be concerned with the formation of new polysomes. Quantitatively the response of the cell-free system to RNA is similar to that of polyuridylic acid, and there appears to be competition between messenger RNA and polyuridylic acid or polyadenylic acid.  相似文献   

We have compared the urea stability of the human aromatic amino acid hydroxylases (AAAHs), key enzymes involved in neurotransmitter biosynthesis and amino acid homeostasis. Tyrosine-, tryptophan- and phenylalanine hydroxylase (TH, TPH and PAH, respectively) were transiently activated at low urea concentrations and rapidly inactivated in >3 M urea. The denaturation of TH occurred through two cooperative transitions, with denaturation midpoints of 1.41+/-0.06 and 5.13+/-0.05 M urea, respectively. Partially denatured human TH (hTH) retained more of its secondary structure than human PAH (hPAH), and was found to exist as tetramers, whereas hPAH dissociated into dimers. Furthermore, the urea-induced aggregation of hPAH was 100-fold higher than for hTH. These results suggest that the denatured state properties of the AAAHs contribute significantly to the stability of these enzymes and their tolerance towards missense mutations.  相似文献   

Characterization of protein synthesis factors from rabbit reticulocytes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
As part of our efforts to characterize eukaryotic translation factors, we have sequenced a number of them chemically and inferred sequences from cDNA clones. To our surprise, there appears to be extensive identity of amino acid sequence in most factors characterized to date in that within mammalian species, usually greater than 99% identity is observed. Extreme examples are rabbit EF-1 alpha which is 100% identical to human EF-1 alpha and rabbit eIF-4AI and eIF-4AII which are 100% identical to mouse eIF-4AI and eIF-4AII for those amino acids sequenced (398/406 and 156/407, respectively). An extended analysis has been made of EF-1 alpha which in rabbit has three different post-translational modifications, dimethyllysine, trimethyllysine and glycerylphosphorylethanolamine. A comparison of the primary structure of EF-1 alpha to E. coli EF-Tu indicates an overall sequence identity of 33%. However, within the amino terminal 180 amino acids (the GTP-binding domain), there are found regions of much greater identity (50/85 = 59%).  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a promising source organism for the development of a practical, eukaryotic crude extract based cell-free protein synthesis (CFPS) system. Crude extract CFPS systems represent a snapshot of the active metabolism in vivo, in response to the growth environment at the time of harvest. Therefore, fermentation plays a central role in determining metabolic activity in vitro. Here, we developed a fermentation protocol using chemically defined media to maximize extract performance for S. cerevisiae-based CFPS. Using this new protocol, we obtained a 4-fold increase in protein synthesis yields with extracts derived from wild-type S288c as compared to a previously developed protocol that uses complex growth media. The final luciferase yield in our new method was 8.86 ± 0.28 μg mL−1 in a 4 h batch reaction. For each of the extracts processed under different fermentation conditions, synthesized protein, precursor monomers (amino acids), and energy substrates (nucleotides) were evaluated to analyze the effect of the changes in the growth environment on cell-free metabolism. This study underscores the critical role fermentation plays in preparing crude extract for CFPS reactions and offers a simple strategy to regulate desired metabolic activity for cell-free synthetic biology applications based on crude cell extracts.  相似文献   

Cell-free protein synthesis systems can synthesize proteins with high speed and accuracy, but produce only a low yield because of their instability over time. Here we review our recent advances in a cell-free protein synthesis system prepared from wheat embryos. We first addressed and resolved the source of the instability of existing systems in light of endogenous ribosome-inactivating proteins. We found that conventional wheat germ extracts contained the RNA N-glycosidase tritin and other inhibitors such as thionin, ribonucleases, deoxyribonucleases, and proteases that originate from the endosperm and inhibit translation. Extensive washing of wheat embryos to eliminate endosperm contaminants has resulted in extracts with a high degree of stability and activity. To maximize the translation yield and throughput of the system, we then focused on developing the following issues: optimization of the ORF flanking regions, a new strategy to construct PCR-generated DNAs for screening, and design of an expression vector for large-scale protein production. The resulting system achieves high-throughput expression, with a PCR-directed system at least 50 genes that can be translated in parallel, yielding between 0.1 and 2.3 mg of protein by one person within 2 days. Under the dialysis mode of reaction, the system with the expression vector can maintain productive translation for 14 days. The cell-free system described here bypasses most of the biological processes and lends itself to robotic automation for high-throughput expression of genetic information, thus opening up many possibilities in the post-genome era.  相似文献   

Current cell-free protein expression systems are capable of synthesizing proteins with high speed and accuracy; however, the yields are low due to their instability over time. Escherichia coli based systems are not always sufficient for expression of eukaryotic proteins. This report reviews a high-throughput protein production method based on the cell-free system prepared from eukaryote, wheat embryos. We first demonstrate a method for preparation of this extract that exhibited a high degree of stability and activity. To maximize translation yield and throughput, we address and resolve the following issues: (1) optimization of the ORF flanking regions; (2) PCR-based generation of DNA for mRNA production; (3) expression vectors for large-scale protein production; and (4) a translation reaction that does not require a membrane. The combination of these elemental processes with robotic automation resulted in high-throughput protein synthesis.  相似文献   

D Efron  A Marcus 《FEBS letters》1973,33(1):23-27

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