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Impairment of the insulin regulation of energy metabolism is considered to be an etiologic key component for metabolic disturbances. Methods for studies of insulin sensitivity thus are highly topical. There are clear indications that reduced insulin sensitivity contributes to the metabolic disturbances that occurs especially among obese lactating cows. Direct measurements of insulin sensitivity are laborious and not suitable for epidemiological studies. We have therefore adopted an indirect method originally developed for humans to estimate insulin sensitivity in dairy cows. The method, "Revised Quantitative Insulin Sensitivity Check Index" (RQUICKI) is based on plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin and free fatty acids (FFA) and it generates good and linear correlations with different estimates of insulin sensitivity in human populations. We hypothesized that the RQUICKI method could be used as an index of insulin function in lactating dairy cows. We calculated RQUICKI in 237 apparently healthy dairy cows from 20 commercial herds. All cows included were in their first 15 weeks of lactation. RQUICKI was not affected by the homeorhetic adaptations in energy metabolism that occurred during the first 15 weeks of lactation. In a cohort of 24 experimental cows fed in order to obtain different body condition at parturition RQUICKI was lower in early lactation in cows with a high body condition score suggesting disturbed insulin function in obese cows. The results indicate that RQUICKI might be used to identify lactating cows with disturbed insulin function.  相似文献   

The euglycaemic clamp method may offer a precise and clinically valid approach to assess the in vivo potency of new insulin analogues or derivatives relative to a human insulin standard. The proposed protocol was designed to overcome problems due to differences in pharmacokinetics between the test and standard preparations. An analogue of human insulin, GlyA21+ArgB27+ThrB30-NH2, which is absorbed very slowly after subcutaneous injection, and human insulin were compared in intravenous clamp experiments in pigs. Both insulins were infused for 4 h to achieve steady state glucose metabolism. The infusion rate ranged from 2.5-8 pmol min-1 kg-1. Parallel dose response curves were obtained with the mean glucose infusion rate from 180-240 min as the response and the logarithm of the insulin infusion rate as the dose. Standard bioassay analysis showed that the molar potency of the analogue relative to human insulin was 95.2% with a 95% confidence interval of 82.3-111.2%. To assess the clinical validity of the method a similar euglycaemic clamp study was carried out in human volunteers. The insulin infusion rates were 3 and 6 pmol min-1 kg-1, and the mean glucose infusion rate over the final 180-240 min period of the clamp was used as response. The statistical analysis showed, as in the pig clamp bioassay, no significant deviations from steady state or from the assumption of parallelism. The resulting molar potency of the analogue relative to human insulin was 85.5% with a 95% confidence interval of 49.5-128.4%. This was in agreement with the result of the pig clamp bioassay.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Free fatty acids released during triglyceride lipolysis play an important role in obesity-associated insulin resistance of glucose disposal. Individual sensitivity of lipolysis to the suppressive effect of insulin varies greatly among healthy subjects. It is possible that genetic factors contribute to this variation. Among the many proteins involved in the regulation of lipolysis, hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) represents a prime candidate for genetic variants contributing to the biological variation of insulin sensitivity of lipolysis. We determined the insulin sensitivity of lipolysis (suppression of isotopically [primed-continuous infusion of d5 glycerol] measured glycerol rate of appearance) and of glucose disposal, using a three-step (n = 20) or standard (n = 53) hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp in 73 healthy, unrelated subjects. To assess the possible role of genetic polymorphisms, we directly sequenced the coding region of the HSL gene and the noncoding exon B from these subjects. We identified two silent mutations and three amino acid polymorphisms: Arg262Met (prevalence, 5%), Glu620Asp (prevalence, 31%) and Ser681Ile (prevalence, 22%). The latter two are located in the regulatory domain of HSL but neither had a significant impact on insulin sensitivity of lipolysis or glucose disposal (with and without adjustment for obesity and age as covariates; all P values > 0.20). We conclude that a number of genetic polymorphisms in HSL exist, some of which are highly prevalent. Neither of the polymorphisms we identified in the coding region, however, contributed measurably to the biological variation of insulin sensitivity in our lean, healthy population.  相似文献   

Birds have much higher plasma glucose and fatty acid levels compared to mammals. In addition, they are resistant to insulin-induced decreases in blood glucose. Recent studies have demonstrated that decreasing fatty acid utilization alleviates insulin resistance in mammals, thereby decreasing plasma glucose levels. This has yet to be examined in birds. In the present study, the levels of glucose and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BOHB), a major ketone body and indicator of fatty acid utilization, were measured after the administration of chicken insulin, acipimox (an anti-lipolytic agent), or insulin and acipimox in mourning doves (Zenaidura macroura). Insulin significantly decreased whole blood glucose levels (19%), but had no effect on BOHB concentrations. In contrast, acipimox decreased blood BOHB levels by 41%, but had no effect on whole blood glucose. In addition to changes in blood composition, levels of glucose uptake by various tissues were measured after the individual and combined administration of insulin and acipimox. Under basal conditions, the uptake of glucose appeared to be greatest in the kidney followed by the brain and skeletal muscle with negligible uptake by heart, liver and adipose tissues. Acipimox significantly decreased glucose uptake by brain (58% in cortex and 55% in cerebellum). No significant effect of acipimox was observed in other tissues. In summary, the acute inhibition of lipolysis had no effect on glucose uptake in the presence or absence of insulin. This suggests that free fatty acids alone may not be contributing to insulin resistance in birds.  相似文献   

The biophysical properties and cellular distribution of ion channels largely determine the input/output relationships of electrically excitable cells. A variety of patch pipette voltage clamp techniques are available to characterize ionic currents. However, when used by themselves, such techniques are not well suited to the task of mapping low-density channel distributions. We describe here a new voltage clamp method (the whole cell loose patch (WCLP) method) that combines whole-cell recording through a tight-seal pipette with focal extracellular stimulation through a loose-seal pipette. By moving the stimulation pipette across the cell surface and using a stationary whole-cell pipette to record the evoked patch currents, this method should be suitable for mapping channel distributions, even on large cells possessing low channel densities. When we applied this method to the study of currents in cultured chick myotubes, we found that the cell cable properties and the series resistance of the recording pipette caused significant filtering of the membrane currents, and that the filter characteristics depended in part upon the distance between the stimulating and recording pipettes. We describe here how we determined the filter impulse response for each loose-seal pipette placement and subsequently recovered accurate estimates of patch membrane current through deconvolution.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) is active in murine adipocytes and has beneficial metabolic effects in animal models of type 2 diabetes mellitus. We assessed whether FGF21 influences lipolysis in human adipocytes and 3T3-L1 cells. FGF21 had no short-time effect (h) while a 3-day incubation with FGF21 attenuated hormone-stimulated lipolysis. FGF21 did not influence the mRNA expression of genes involved in regulating lipolysis, but significantly reduced the expression of the lipid droplet-associated phosphoprotein perilipin without affecting differentiation. Via reduced release of fatty acids into the circulation, the anti-lipolytic effect could be a mechanism through which FGF21 promotes insulin sensitivity in man.  相似文献   

A modified procedure for preparation of hamster adipocytes by collagenase digestion under carefully controlled conditions has been developed. The adipocytes were 4- to 8-fold more sensitive to catecholamine stimulation of lipolysis than cells prepared by a commonly used method (Hittelman, K.J., Wu, C.F. and Butcher, R.W. (1973) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 304, 188-196) and also more sensitive to the anti-lipolytic action of insulin. The effects of insulin on lipogenesis, measured as [3H]glucose conversion to cell lipids, and on catecholamine-stimulated lipolysis were compared under identical conditions with the same cell batch. Isoprenaline-stimulated lipolysis was found to be half-maximally inhibited by an insulin concentration 8-fold lower than that stimulating lipogenesis to a corresponding extent (half-maximal effects at insulin concentrations of 40 vs. 300 pM). A similar difference was found when cells had been stimulated with adrenaline instead of isoprenaline.  相似文献   

The hyperglycemic clamp is considered to be the gold standard for determining both first and second phase insulin secretion. In order to achieve a reasonable insulin plateau for the second phase, it has become common practice to clamp for 120 or even 180 minutes at 10 mM. It is unknown whether earlier insulin determinations would be sufficient to predict second phase insulin secretion. We therefore reviewed the hyperglycemic clamp data of 58 subjects with different degrees of glucose tolerance to assess whether one or more insulin concentrations determined at earlier time points of the clamp could predict second phase insulin secretion (insulin and C-peptide concentration at 120 minutes). The correlation coefficients between second-phase insulin secretion and plasma insulin or C-peptide at 60 min were 0.95 and 0.96, respectively (both p<0.00005). Averaging plasma insulin or C-peptide over 2 or more adjacent time points did not improve the correlation. In conclusion, a one-hour hyperglycemic clamp can provide the standard measurement of first phase insulin secretion plus a good approximation of second phase insulin secretion.  相似文献   

In phenotype experiments in mice, determination of dynamic insulin sensitivity often uses the insulin tolerance test. However, the interpretation of this test is complicated by the counterregulation occurring at low glucose. To overcome this problem, we determined the dynamic insulin sensitivity after inhibition of endogenous insulin secretion by diazoxide (25 mg/kg) in association with intravenous administration of glucose plus insulin (the DSGIT technique). Estimation of insulin sensitivity index (SI) by this technique showed good correlation to SI from a regular intravenous glucose tolerance test (r = 0.87; P < 0.001; n = 15). With DSGIT, we evaluated dynamic insulin sensitivity in mice with a rat insulin promoter (beta-cell-targeted) dominant-negative mutation of hepatic nuclear factor (HNF)-1alpha [RIP-DN HNF-1alpha (Tg) mice]. When insulin was administered exogenously at the same dose in Tg and wild-type (WT) mice, plasma insulin levels were higher in WT, indicating an increased insulin clearance in Tg mice. When the diazoxide test was used, different doses of insulin were therefore administered (0.1 and 0.15 U/kg in WT and 0.2 and 0.25 U/kg in Tg) to achieve similar insulin levels in the groups. Minimal model analysis showed that SI was the same in the two groups (0.78 +/- 0.21 x 10(-4) min.pmol(-1).l(-1) in WT vs. 0.60 +/- 0.11 in Tg; P = 0.45) as was the glucose elimination rate (P = 0.27). We conclude that 1) the DSGIT technique determines the in vivo dynamic insulin action in mice, 2) insulin clearance is increased in Tg mice, and 3) chronic islet dysfunction in RIP-DN HNF-1alpha mice is not compensated with increased insulin sensitivity.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of back problems in equine orthopedics can be a difficult task. The aim of our study was to develop a new method for estimating the stiffness of the equine back in vivo. We measured the activity of the long back muscle at two locations on both sides at thoracic vertebrae T12 and T16 of 15 horses flexing and extending their back at stance using telemetric surface electromyography, while simultaneously recording the motion of the back with a video camera system. Out of these paired data sets we computed a transfer function in the frequency domain and evaluated its capability of capturing the biomechanical behavior. The transfer function was evaluated via correlation between calculated and actual motion resulting in correlation coefficients of 0.89 for lateral flexion and 0.83 for ventral extension at T16 and 0.82 for lateral flexion and 0.83 for ventral extension at T12. The transfer function was fitted to a filter polynomial of second order, and related to the motion equation. By comparison of coefficients we gained an estimate for the stiffness of the back resulting in a mean value of approximately 6100 N/m for lateral flexion and 650 N/m for ventral extension. This new method enables clinicians in equine orthopedics to estimate back stiffness in horses, and it also provides reality grounded values for biomechanical models of the equine back.  相似文献   

A hyperglycemic clamp (HGC) was developed for use in conscious cats. In 21 healthy, normal glucose tolerant cats glucose disposal rate (M), insulin sensitivity (ISI (HGC)), and beta-cell response (I) at arterial plasma glucose of 9 mmol.l (-1) were measured. The HGC was tolerated well and steady state glucose infusion was achieved. Compared to values reported for humans, M values for the cats were low, which appeared to relate to both a low ISI (HGC) and a low I. HGC measures correlated with fasting plasma glucose and insulin concentrations as well as with their HOMA (homeostasis model assessment) and QUICKI (quantitative insulin sensitivity check index) counterparts. Also, I and ISI (HGC) correlated with their counterparts derived from intravenous glucose tolerance tests. In conclusion, this is the first report of hyperglycemic glucose clamping in cats. The procedure (HGC) allows for measurements of glucose disposal, beta-cell response and insulin sensitivity. Compared to human data, both insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion appeared to be low in cats. This is compatible with the carnivorous nature of this species, for which insulin resistance would be advantageous during periods of restricted food availability.  相似文献   

Training increases insulin sensitivity of both whole body and muscle in humans. To investigate whether training also increases insulin sensitivity of adipose tissue, we performed a three-step hyperinsulinemic, euglycemic clamp in eight endurance-trained (T) and eight sedentary (S) young men [insulin infusion rates: 10,000 (step I), 20,000 (step II), and 150,000 (step III) microU x min(-1) x m(-2)]. Glucose and glycerol concentrations were measured in arterial blood and also by microdialysis in interstitial fluid in periumbilical, subcutaneous adipose tissue and in quadriceps femoris muscle (glucose only). Adipose tissue blood flow was measured by (133)Xe washout. In the basal state, adipose tissue blood flow tended to be higher in T compared with S subjects, and in both groups blood flow was constant during the clamp. The change from basal in arterial-interstitial glucose concentration difference was increased in T during the clamp but not in S subjects in both adipose tissue and muscle [adipose tissue: step I (n = 8), 0.48 +/- 0.18 mM (T), 0.23 +/- 0.11 mM (S); step II (n = 8), 0.19 +/- 0.09 (T), -0.09 +/- 0.24 (S); step III (n = 5), 0.47 +/- 0.24 (T), 0.06 +/- 0.28 (S); (T: P < 0.001, S: P > 0.05); muscle: step I (n = 4), 1. 40 +/- 0.46 (T), 0.31 +/- 0.21 (S); step II (n = 4), 1.14 +/- 0.54 (T), -0.08 +/- 0.14 (S); step III (n = 4), 1.23 +/- 0.34 (T), 0.24 +/- 0.09 (S); (T: P < 0.01, S: P > 0.05)]. Interstitial glycerol concentration decreased faster in T than in S subjects [half-time: T, 44 +/- 9 min (n = 7); S, 102 +/- 23 min (n = 5); P < 0.05]. In conclusion, training enhances insulin sensitivity of glucose uptake in subcutaneous adipose tissue and in skeletal muscle. Furthermore, interstitial glycerol data suggest that training also increases insulin sensitivity of lipolysis in subcutaneous adipose tissue. Insulin per se does not influence subcutaneous adipose tissue blood flow.  相似文献   

Background: Currently, only 7 out of 16 Federal States of Germany provide testicular cancer incidence rates with an estimated completeness of at least 90% which complicates the regional comparison of incidence rates. The aim of this study was to provide a novel approach to estimate the testicular cancer incidence in Germany by using nationwide hospitalization data. Methods: We used the nationwide hospitalization data (DRG statistics) of the years 2005–2006 including 16,6 million hospitalizations among men. We identified incident testicular cancer cases by the combination of a diagnosis of testicular cancer and an orchiectomy during the same hospitalization and estimated the age-specific and age-standardized (World Standard Population) incidence of testicular cancer across Federal States. We also analyzed available cancer registry data from 2005 to 2006. Results: A total of 8544 hospitalizations indicated incident testicular cancer cases in 2005–2006. The nationwide crude incidence rate of testicular cancer was 10,6 per 100.000 person-years. The ratio of the number of registered cases (cancer registry) to the estimated number of cases based on the hospitalization statistics ranged between 79% and 100%. There was only little variation of the age-standardized DRG-based incidence estimates across Federal States (range: 8,2–10,6 per 100.000 person-years). Discussion: We provided testicular cancer incidence estimates for each of the 16 Federal States of Germany based on hospitalization data for the first time. The low within-population incidence variability in Germany and high between-population incidence variability in Europe may indicate that ecologic factors play a causal role in the European variation of testicular cancer.  相似文献   

The objective was to compare the ability of the rapid insulin sensitivity test (RIST), the hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp (HIEC), and the insulin tolerance test (ITT) to detect hepatic insulin sensitizing substance (HISS) dependent insulin action. HISS action was augmented by feeding and inhibited by fasting, blockade of hepatic nitric oxide synthase, or blockade of hepatic muscarinic cholinergic receptors. A significant correlation was found between the RIST index and ITT nadir (r2 = 0.84) but not between the glucose infusion rate of the HIEC and RIST index. There was, however, a relationship between the RIST index and the initial response during the HIEC. Use of the HIEC resulted in HISS-dependent insulin resistance in both conscious and anesthetized animals. We concluded that since the RIST and ITT were comparable in quantifying both HISS-dependent and HISS-independent insulin action, the RIST was validated against this standard. The observation that the HIEC is capable of detecting HISS action in the first rising slope of the test but not at the end of the test and that HISS release is fully blocked after the conclusion of the HIEC raises concerns about the use of the commonly used HIEC.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We have established a technique to estimate the total rate of nitric oxide (NO) formation in mice, based on inhalation of a stable oxygen isotope (18O(2)). Changes of NO production with age were also studied. METHODS: The experiments were performed in eight-week- (n=6) and eight-month-old (n=6-7), respectively, female (C57/Bl6xCBAca) mice. Pairs of conscious mice were kept in an air-tight closed system allowing breathing of a mixture containing 18O(2). The 18O(2)-technique was validated by L-NAME (10mg/kg) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 8 mg/kg) administration. The concentrations of O(2) and CO(2) in the system were controlled and plasma nitrate analyzed by GC/MS technique. RESULTS: NO formation was similar in young and old mice (young=7.68+/-1.47 vs. old = 6.25+/-1.49 micromol/kg/h, n.s.). Total NO production was reduced after L-NAME treatment in young animals by 91% and in old animals by 71% (p<0.05 for both), whereas LPS administration increased NO production (114+/-17%, p<0.05).Conclusion. NO formation is unaltered with age in mice. The 18O(2)-technique is a valid and specific technique to estimate whole body NO production in conscious mice.  相似文献   

1. Rates of lipolysis were measured at different concentrations of glucagon in adipocytes prepared from parametrial adipose tissue of fed or starved rats in different reproductive states. All experiments were performed in the presence of a high concentration of adenosine deaminase (1 unit/ml). 2. Maximal rates of lipolysis (elicited by 25 nM-glucagon in each instance) were higher in adipocytes from peak-lactating rats than those from pregnant animals in both the fed and starved states. 3. Of adipocytes from fed animals, those from peak-lactating rats were the most sensitive to glucagon, whereas those from late-pregnant and early-lactating rats were 1-2 orders of magnitude less sensitive. 4. Adipocytes from 24 h-starved rats showed a much smaller stimulation of lipolysis by glucagon, making the assessment of sensitivity difficult. Therefore, rates of lipolysis were also measured in the presence of a maximally anti-lipolytic dose of insulin. The presence of insulin did not alter the relative sensitivities to glucagon of adipocytes from fed animals in different reproductive states, although all dose-response curves were shifted to the right. When lipolysis in adipocytes from starved animals was measured in the presence of insulin, it became evident that starvation for 24 h markedly increased the sensitivity of adipocytes from late-pregnant rats to glucagon, but did not affect that of cells from animals in the other reproductive states. 5. It is concluded that the large changes in sensitivity to glucagon that occurred during the reproductive cycle may enable the modulation of adipose-tissue lipolysis in vivo to satisfy the different metabolic requirements of the animal in the transition from pregnancy to peak lactation.  相似文献   

The conventional acoustic reflection technique in which acoustic waves are launched through the mouth cannot be applied during sleep, nor can it be applied to the nasopharynx, which is the major site of occlusion in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. We propose a new technique of nasal acoustic reflection to measure pharyngeal cross-sectional areas including the nasopharynx. The acoustic waves are introduced simultaneously to both nostrils during spontaneous nasal breathing. A new algorithm takes into account the nasal septum with asymmetric nasal cavities on both sides and assumes prior knowledge of the cross-sectional area of the nasal cavities and the position of the nasal septum. This method was tested on an airway model with a septum and on healthy human subjects. The conventional technique gave inaccurate measurements for pharyngeal cross-sectional areas for an airway model with asymmetric branching, whereas the new technique measured them almost perfectly. The oro- and hypopharyngeal cross-sectional area measurements acquired by the new method were not different from those obtained by the conventional method in normal subjects. This new method can be used as a monitor of upper airway dimensions in nocturnal polysomnography.  相似文献   

In this publication we describe a peptide insulin receptor antagonist, S661, which is a single chain peptide of 43 amino acids. The affinity of S661 for the insulin receptor is comparable to that of insulin and the selectivity for the insulin receptor versus the IGF-1 receptor is higher than that of insulin itself. S661 is also an antagonist of the insulin receptor of other species such as pig and rat, and it also has considerable affinity for hybrid insulin/IGF-1 receptors. S661 completely inhibits insulin action, both in cellular assays and in vivo in rats. A biosynthetic version called S961 which is identical to S661 except for being a C-terminal acid seems to have properties indistinguishable from those of S661. These antagonists provide a useful research tool for unraveling biochemical mechanisms involving the insulin receptor and could form the basis for treatment of hypoglycemic conditions.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance contributes to the pathophysiology of diabetes, obesity, and their cardiovascular complications. Mouse models of these human diseases are useful for gaining insight into pathophysiological mechanisms. The reference standard for measuring insulin sensitivity in both humans and animals is the euglycemic glucose clamp. Many studies have compared surrogate indexes of insulin sensitivity and resistance with glucose clamp estimates in humans. However, regulation of metabolic physiology in humans and rodents differs and comparisons between surrogate indexes and the glucose clamp have not been directly evaluated in rodents previously. Therefore, in the present study, we compared glucose clamp-derived measures of insulin sensitivity (GIR and SI(Clamp)) with surrogate indexes, including quantitative insulin-sensitivity check index (QUICKI), homeostasis model assessment (HOMA), 1/HOMA, log(HOMA), and 1/fasting insulin, using data from 87 mice with a wide range of insulin sensitivities. We evaluated simple linear correlations and performed calibration model analyses to evaluate the predictive accuracy of each surrogate. All surrogate indexes tested were modestly correlated with both GIR and SI(Clamp). However, a stronger correlation between body weight per se and both GIR and SI(Clamp) was noted. Calibration analyses of surrogate indexes adjusted for body weight demonstrated improved predictive accuracy for GIR [e.g., R = 0.68, for QUICKI and log(HOMA)]. We conclude that linear correlations of surrogate indexes with clamp data and predictive accuracy of surrogate indexes in mice are not as substantial as in humans. This may reflect intrinsic differences between human and rodent physiology as well as increased technical difficulties in performing glucose clamps in mice.  相似文献   

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