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The Alu dimeric elements are a common feature of the primate genomes, where they constitute a family of related sequences (1). The identification of a free left Alu monomer (FLAM) family plus a free right Alu monomer (FRAM) family suggests that the dimeric structure results from the fusion of a FLAM sequence with a FRAM sequence (2). Here, we describe a very old Alu-like monomeric family, referred to as FAM for fossil Alu monomer. This family arose from a 7SL RNA sequence and gave birth to the FLAM and FRAM families. From the results obtained, the evolution of the Alu family can be subdivided into two phases. The first phase, which involves only monomeric elements, is characterized by deep remodelling of the progenitor sequences and ends with the appearance of the first Alu dimeric element through the fusion of a FLAM and a FRAM element. The second phase, still in progress, starts with the first Alu dimeric element. This phase is characterized by the stabilization of the progenitor sequences.  相似文献   

The Tc1-like transposable elements, originally described in Caenorhabditis elegans, have a much wider phylogenetic distribution than previously thought. In this paper, we demonstrate that Tc1 shares sequence identity in its open reading frame and terminal repeats with a new transposable element Barney (also known as TCb1-Transposon Caenorhabditis briggsae 1). Barney was detected and isolated by Tc1 hybridization from the closely related nematode species, Caenorhabditis briggsae. The conserved open reading frames of Tc1 and Barney share identity with a structurally similar family of elements named HB found in Drosophila melanogaster, after the introduction of 3 small centrally located deletions in HB1. These reading frames would code for proteins with 30% amino acid identity (42% when conservative changes are included). Tc1, Barney and HB1 contain highly conserved blocks of amino acids which are likely to be in the functional domains of the putative transposase.  相似文献   

V Babich  N Aksenov  V Alexeenko  S L Oei  G Buchlow  N Tomilin 《Gene》1999,239(2):341-349
Short interspersed repeats of the Alu family located in promoters of some human genes contain high-affinity binding sites for thyroid hormone receptor, retinoic acid receptor and estrogen receptor. The standard binding sites for the receptors represent variants of duplicated AGGTCA motif with different spacing and orientation (direct, DR, or inverted, IR), and Alu sequences were found to have functional DR-4, DR-2 or variant IR-3/IR-17 elements. In this study we analyzed distribution and abundance of the elements in a set of human genomic sequences from GenBank and their association with Alu repeats. Our results indicate that a major fraction of potentially active DR-4, DR-2 and variant IR-3/IR-17 elements in the genes is located within Alu repeats. Alu-associated DR-2 elements are conserved in primate evolution. However, very few Alu have potential DR-3 glucocorticoid-response elements. Gel-shift experiments with the probe (AUB) corresponding to the consensus Alu sequence just upstream of the RNA polymerase III promoter B-box and containing duplicated AGGTCA motif indicate that the probe interacts in a sequence-specific manner with human nuclear proteins which bind to standard IR-0, DR-1, DR-4 or DR-5 elements. The AUB sequence was also able to promote thyroid hormone-dependent trans-activation of a reporter gene. The results support the view that Alu retroposons played an important role in evolution of regulation of the primate gene expression by nuclear hormone receptors.  相似文献   

The regions around the human insulin gene have been studied by heteroduplex, hybridization and sequence analysis. These studies indicated that there is a region of heterogeneous length located approximately 700 bp before the 5' end of the gene; and that the 19 kb of cloned DNA which includes the 1430 bp insulin gene as well as 5650 bp before and 11,500 bp after the gene is single copy sequence except for 500 bp located 6000 bp from the 3' end of the gene. This 500 bp segment contains a member of the Alu family of dispersed middle repetitive sequences as well as another less highly repeated homopolymeric segment. The sequence of this region was determined. This Alu repeat is bordered by 19 bp direct repeats and also contains an 83 bp sequence which is present twice. The regions flanking the human and rat I insulin genes were compared by heteroduplex analysis to localize homologous sequences in the flanking regions which could be involved in the regulation of insulin biosynthesis. The homology between the two genes is restricted to the region encoding preproinsulin and a short region of approximately 60 bp flanking the 5' side of the genes.  相似文献   

Two families with autosomal dominantly inherited desmoid tumors have recently been shown to have germline mutations at the 3' end of the APC gene. We subsequently identified an Amish family with autosomal dominantly inherited desmoid tumors. Genetic analysis performed on one family member, a 47-year-old man with multiple desmoid tumors and no colon polyps, revealed a protein truncating mutation in the middle of the APC gene. The truncating mutation is the result of a 337-bp insertion of an Alu I sequence into codon 1526 of the APC gene. The presence of a poly(A) tail at the 3' end of the insertion suggests that the Alu I sequence was inserted by a retrotranspositional event. Germline insertions of Alu I sequences have occasionally been reported to cause other genetic diseases including type I neurofibromatosis, hereditary site-specific breast cancer (BRCA2), and hemophilia B. However, this is the first report of a germline mutation of the APC gene resulting from an Alu I insertion.  相似文献   

We have developed a single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) protocol for typing both sequence and length variations in an Alu element located in intron 20 of the human apolipoprotein B (apo B) gene. Using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), we simultaneously amplified and isotopically labeled the apo B intron 20 Alu. The Alu tail, which is composed of two arrays of variable numbers of tandem repeats, (TTTX)y (X = A or G) and (T)z, was separated from the rest of the PCR product by restriction enzyme digestion with PstI. Length variation in the Alu tail (IN20-REP) was thus separated from sequence variation in the Alu body (IN20-SEQ), rendering the SSCP patterns both eaiser to interpret and more informative. In a sample of 242 unrelated individuals from Nancy, France, we observed 11 SSCP alleles at the IN20-SEQ locus that differed only in sequence. At the IN20-REP locus, we observed 7 alleles that differed in both sequence and length. All alleles at both loci were subcloned and sequenced. One additional allele that did not undergo a detectable mobility shift in SSCP gels was uncovered at each locus during sequencing of the SSCP alleles. The additional IN20-SEQ allele was typed by restriction enzyme digestion. Although the number of IN20-SEQ and IN20-REP alleles was large, most were uncommon; the three most common alleles at each locus represented more than 94% of those sampled. We also typed the children of the 242 unrelated French individuals, enabling verification of the Mendelian segregation of the two loci and construction of haplotypes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In the primate genome, a typical Alu element corresponds to a dimeric structure composed of two different but related monomeric sequences arranged in tandem. However, the analysis of primate sequences found in GenBank reveals the presence of free left and free right Alu elements. Here, we report the statistical study of those monomeric elements. We found that only a small fraction of them results from a deletion of a dimeric Alu sequence. The majority derives from the amplification of monomeric progenitor sequences and constitutes two families of monomeric elements: a family of free left Alu monomers that is composed of two subfamilies and a small family of free right Alu monomers. Both families predated the dimeric Alu elements, and a phylogenetic analysis strongly suggests that the first progenitor of the dimeric Alu family arose through the fusion of a free left monomer with a free right monomer.  相似文献   

Structure and variability of recently inserted Alu family members.   总被引:31,自引:11,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
The HS subfamily of Alu sequences is comprised of a group of nearly identical members. Individual subfamily members share 97.7% nucleotide identity with each other and 98.9% nucleotide identity with the HS consensus sequence. Individual subfamily members are on the average 2.8 million years old, and were probably derived from a single source 'master' gene sometime after the human/great ape divergence. The recent Alu family member insertions provide a better image of the structure of Alu retroposons before they have had the opportunity to change significantly. All of the HS subfamily members are flanked by perfect direct repeats as a result of insertion at staggered nicks. The 'master' gene from which the HS subfamily members were derived had an oligo-dA rich tail at least 40 bases long. The 'master' gene is very rich in CpG dinucleotides, but nucleotide substitutions within subfamily members accumulated in a random manner typical for Alu sequence with CpG substitutions occurring 9.2 fold faster than non-CpG substitutions.  相似文献   

The chromosomal region constituting the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has undergone complex evolution that is often difficult to decipher. An important aid in the elucidation of the MHC evolution is the presence of Alu elements (repeats) which serve as markers for tracing chromosomal rearrangements. As the first step toward the establishment of sets of evolutionary markers for the MHC, Alu elements present in selected MHC haplotypes of the human species, the gorilla, and the chimpanzee were identified. Restriction fragments of cosmid clones from the libraries of the three species were hybridized with Alu-specific probes, Alu elements were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction, and the amplification products were sequenced. In some cases, sequences of the regions flanking the Alu elements were also obtained. Altogether, 31 new Alu elements were identified, representing six Alu subfamilies. The average density of Alu elements in the MHC is one element per four kilobases (kb) of sequence. Alu elements have apparently been inserted steadily into the MHC over the last 65 million years (my). On average, one Alu element is inserted into the primate MHC every 4 my. Analysis of the human DR3 haplotype supports its origin by duplication from an ancestral haplotype consisting of DRB1 and DRB2 genes. The sharing of an old Alu element by the DRB1 and DRB2 genes, in turn, supports their divergence from a common ancestor more than 55 my ago.  相似文献   

The human albumin-alpha-fetoprotein genomic domain contains 13 repetitive DNA elements randomly distributed throughout the symmetrical structures of these genes. These repeated sequences are located at different sites within the two genes. The human albumin gene contains five Alu elements within four of its 14 intervening sequences. Two of these repeats are located in intron 2, and the remaining three are located in introns 7, 8, and 11. The human alpha-fetoprotein gene contains three of these Alu elements, one in intron 4 and the remaining two in the 3'-untranslated region. In addition, the human alpha-fetoprotein gene contains a Kpn repeat and two classes of novel repeats that are absent from the human albumin gene. Six of the Alu elements within the two genes are bound by short direct repeats that harbor five base substitutions in 120 possible positions (60 bp times 2 termini). The absence of Alu repeats from analogous positions in rodents indicates that these repeats invaded the albumin-alpha-fetoprotein domain less than 85 Myr ago (the time of mammalian radiation). Furthermore, considering the conservation of terminal repeats flanking the Alu sequences of the albumin-alpha-fetoprotein domain (0.042 changes per site), we submit that the average time of Alu insertion into this gene family could have been as recently as 15-30 Myr ago.  相似文献   

Numerous flanking nucleotide sequences from two primate interspersed repetitive DNA families have been aligned to determine the integration site preferences of each repetitive family. This analysis indicates that both the human Alu and galago Monomer families were preferentially inserted into short d(A+T)-rich regions. Moreover, both primate repeat families demonstrated an orientation specific integration with respect to dA-rich sequences within the flanking direct repeats. These observations suggest that a common mechanism exists for the insertion of many repetitive DNA families into new genomic sites. A modified mechanism for site-specific integration of primate repetitive DNA sequences is provided which requires insertion into dA-rich sequences in the genome. This model is consistent with the observed relationship between galago Type II subfamilies suggesting that they have arisen not by mere mutation but by independent integration events.  相似文献   

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