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In this experiment, hand and forearm vasomotor activity was investigated during localised, but stable heating and cooling of the face, hand and thigh, under open-loop (clamped) conditions. It was hypothesised that facial stimulation would provoke the most potent vascular changes. Nine individuals participated in two normothermic trials (mean body temperature clamp: 36.6 °C; water-perfused suit and climate chamber) and two mildly hyperthermic trials (37.9 °C). Localised heating (+5 °C) and cooling (−5 °C) stimuli were applied to equal surface areas of the face, hand and thigh (perfusion patches: 15 min), while contralateral forearm or hand blood flows (venous-occlusion plethysmography) were measured (separate trials). Thermal sensation and discomfort votes were recorded before and during each thermal stimulation. When hyperthermic, local heating induced more sensitive vascular responses, with the combined thermosensitivity of both limb segments averaging 0.011 mL·100 mL−1·min−1·mmHg−1·°C−1, and 0.005 mL·100 mL−1·min−1·mmHg−1·°C−1 during localised cooling (P<0.05). Inter-site comparisons among the stimulated sites yielded minimal evidence of variations in local thermal sensation, and no differences were observed for vascular conductance (P>0.05). Therefore, regional differences in vasomotor and sensory sensitivity appeared not to exist. When combined with previous observations of sudomotor sensitivity, it seems that, during mild heating and cooling, regional representations within the somatosensory cortex may not translate into meaningful differences in thermal sensation or the central integration of thermoafferent signals. It was concluded that inter-site variations in the cutaneous thermosensitivity of these thermolytic effectors have minimal physiological significance over the ranges investigated thus far.  相似文献   

The thermoregulatory responses of ten paraplegic (PA; T3/4-L4) and nine able-bodied (AB) upper body trained athletes were examined at rest and during prolonged arm-cranking exercise and passive recovery. Exercise was performed for 90 min at 80% peak heart rate, and at 21.5 (1.7)°C and 47.0 (7.8)% relative humidity on a Monark cycle ergometer (Ergomedic 814E) adapted for arm exercise. Mean peak oxygen uptake values for the PA and AB athlete groups were 2.12 (0.41) min−1 and 3.19 (0.38) l · min−1, respectively (P<0.05). At rest, there was no difference in aural temperature between groups [36.2 (0.4)°C for both groups]. However, upper body skin temperatures for the PA athletes were approximately 1.0 °C warmer than for the AB athletes, whereas lower body skin temperatures were cooler than those for the AB athletes (1.3 °C and 2.7 °C for the thigh and calf, respectively). Upper and lower body skin temperatures for the AB athletes were similar. During exercise, blood lactate peaked after 15 min of exercise for both groups [3.33 (1.26) mmol · l−1 and 4.30 (1.03) mmol · l−1 for the PA and AB athletes, respectively, P<0.05] and decreased throughout the remainder of the exercise period. Aural temperature increased by 0.7 (0.5)°C and 0.6 (0.4)°C for the AB and PA athletes, respectively. Calf skin temperature for the PA athletes increased during exercise by 1.4 (2.8)°C (P<0.05), whereas a decrease of 0.8 (2.0)°C (P<0.05) was observed for the AB athletes. During the first 20 min of recovery from exercise, the calf skin temperature of the AB athletes decreased further [−2.6 (1.3)°C; P<0.05]. Weight losses and changes in plasma volume were similar for both groups [0.7 (0.5) kg and 0.7 (0.4) kg; 5.4 (4.9)% and 9.7 (6.2)% for the PA and AB athletes, respectively]. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that the PA athletes exhibit different thermoregulatory responses at rest and during exercise and passive recovery to those of upper body trained AB athletes. Despite this, during 90 min of arm-crank exercise in a cool environment, the PA athletes appeared to be at no greater thermal risk than the AB athletes. Accepted: 7 May 1997  相似文献   

One physiological mechanism used by reptiles to remain within thermal optima is their ability to reversibly alter skin colour, imparting changes in overall reflectance, and influencing the rate of heat gain from incident radiation. The ability to lighten or darken their skin is caused by the movement of pigment within the dermal chromatophore cells. Additionally, lizards, as ectotherms, significantly lower their preferred body temperatures when experiencing stressors such as hypoxia. This decrease in preferred temperature has been proposed to be the result of a downward adjustment of the thermal set-point, the temperature around which the body temperature is typically defended. We tested the hypothesis that lightening of the skin in lizards would be modified by hypoxia in a manner consistent with the known reduction in preferred temperatures. Skin colouration values of the dorsal skin of bearded dragons were analysed at three different levels of oxygen (20.8, 9.9 and 4.9 kPa) and at temperatures spanning the preferred temperature range (30, 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40 C). Hypoxic lizards lightened their skin at lower ambient temperatures more than normoxic ones, and in an oxygen-dependent fashion. The orchestrated adjustment of skin reflectance suggests that this physiological trait is being regulated at a new and lower set-point. Evidence from this study demonstrates that skin colouration plays a role in body temperature regulation and that the reduction in temperature set-point so prevalent in hypoxia is also manifested in this physiological trait.  相似文献   

Low intensity resistance training with slow movement and tonic force generation has been shown to create blood flow restriction within muscles that may affect thermoregulation through the skin. We aimed to investigate the influence of two speeds of exercise execution on skin temperature dynamics using infrared thermography. Thirteen active males performed randomly two sessions of squat exercise (normal speed, 1 s eccentric/1 s concentric phase, 1 s; slow speed, 5 s eccentric/5 s concentric phase, 5 s), using ~50% of 1 maximal repetition. Thermal images of ST above muscles quadriceps were recorded at a rate of 0.05 Hz before the exercise (to determine basal ST) and for 480 s following the initiation of the exercise (to determine the nonsteady-state time course of ST). Results showed that ST changed more slowly during the 5 s exercise (p=0.002), whereas the delta (with respect to basal) excursions were similar for the two exercises (p>0.05). In summary, our data provided a detailed nonsteady-state portrait of ST changes following squat exercises executed at two different speeds. These results lay the basis for further investigations entailing the joint use of infrared thermography and Doppler flowmetry to study the events taking place both at the skin and the muscle level during exercises executed at slow speed.  相似文献   

The abrupt inhibition of breathing in the panting sheep, by mechanical blockage of the nostrils or by the injection of noradrenaline or carbachol into a lateral cerebral ventricle, causes an immediate rise in hypothalamic temperature, followed by a rise in that of the carotid artery blood.

This confirms that evaporation from the surfaces of the upper respiratory tract has an immediate and local effect on brain temperature.

The significance of this relation in a species which controls its core temperature particularly well is discussed.  相似文献   

A close relation between sleep and body temperature has been noted already for a long time. Although a correlation is indisputable, there is at present hardly evidence for a causal involvement of sleep in changes in body temperature. Concerning the reverse, a causal involvement of body temperature in sleep has been demonstrated: if core or skin temperature changes activate thermoregulatory processes aimed at heat loss or heat preservation, sleep is usually disrupted. We have recently proposed that sleep propensity is also affected by more subtle changes in skin temperature, within the thermoneutral range (Van Someren (2000). Chronobiol. Int. 17, 313–354). These changes are likely to modulate the firing properties of thermosensitive neurons in brain areas involved in sleep regulation. Subtle changes in skin temperature occur daily under control of the circadian timing system. They could provide this system with an additional signal pathway to support its neuronal and neurohormonal signals to enforce circadian modulation of sleep propensity. Subtle changes in skin temperature also result from behavior, and could contribute to the changes in sleep propensity resulting from these behaviors. The present review summarizes the neurobiological background and correlational physiological and behavioral data in support of the involvement of skin temperature in the modulation of sleep propensity. It moreover points out the type of experimental investigations needed to support or refute the hypothesis.  相似文献   

1. Examining male residents of the Russian Far-East, changes in their heart rate structures and temperature variations on the hand surfaces under hypoxic and local cold factor were studied.

2. Reliable differences in statistical and spectral-wave indices of human heart rate and hand surface thermal pattern depending on the level of nonspecific resistance.

3. It is possible to select persons resistant to low temperature and oxygen deficiency by their heart rate responses to hypoxia and local cold impacts.  相似文献   

The ear skin temperature as an indicator of the thermal comfort of pigs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between the ear skin temperature and the behaviour of pigs. Fifty-four pigs weighing 75 ± 5 kg were used in three replications (18 pigs per replication) and housed in pens (six pigs per pen) in a controlled climate facility. The room temperature was changed by 2 °C from 18 °C down to 10 °C and up again to 22 °C. The ear skin temperature (EST) was continuously recorded and the activity, lying posture, location and contact with pen mates were scored by 12 min scan sampling for 24 h at the set point temperatures 18 °C, 10 °C and 22 °C. A diurnal rhythm in the EST, the posture and the lying behaviour was found. The EST was highest at night and lowest in the afternoon. During night the pigs had more physical contact to pen mates than during day time. For all three set point temperatures the predominant lying position during the night was the fully recumbent position. The room temperature affected the lying behaviour and the EST. With decreasing room temperature the pigs increased their contact to pen mates and fewer pigs were observed lying in the fully recumbent position. The EST decreased with decreasing room temperature, and the range in the EST's at the three set point temperatures was larger during day than night (4 °C versus 2 °C). The results indicate that pigs adjust their behaviour to a higher EST when resting than when they are active, and they use behavioural adjustment (e.g. increased/decreased contact to pen mates) to bring their skin temperature into a preferred interval.  相似文献   

Extreme environmental conditions present challenges for thermoregulation in homoeothermic organisms such as mammals. Such challenges are exacerbated when two stressors are experienced simultaneously and each stimulus evokes opposing physiological responses. This is the case of cold, which induces an increase in thermogenesis, and hypoxia, which suppresses metabolism conserving oxygen and preventing hypoxaemia. As an initial approach to understanding the thermoregulatory responses to cold and hypoxia in a small mammal, we explored the effects of acclimation to these two stressors on the body temperature (Tb) and the daily and ultradian Tb variations of Sprague-Dawley rats. As Tb is influenced by sleep-wake cycles, these Tb variations reflect underlying adjustments in set-point and thermosensitivity. The Tb of rats decreased precipitously during initial hypoxic exposure which was more pronounced in cold (Tb=33.4±0.13) than in room temperature (Tb=35.74±0.17) conditions. This decline was followed by an increase in Tb stabilising at a new level ~0.5 °C and ~1.4 °C below normoxic values at room and cold temperatures, respectively. Daily Tb variations were blunted during hypoxia with a greater effect in the cold. Ultradian Tb variations exhibited daily rhythmicity that disappeared under hypoxia, independent of ambient temperature. The adjustments in Tb during hypoxia and/or cold are in agreement with the hypothesis that an initial decrease in the Tb set-point is followed by its partial re-establishment with chronic hypoxia. This rebound of the Tb set-point might reflect cellular adjustments that would allow animals to better deal with low oxygen conditions, diminishing the drive for a lower Tb set-point. Cold and hypoxia are characteristic of high altitude environments. Understanding how mammals cope with changes in oxygen and temperature will shed light into their ability to colonize new environments along altitudinal clines and increase our understanding of how Tb is regulated under stimuli that impose contrasting physiological constraints.  相似文献   

Temperature loggers were implanted to record core body temperature (Tcore) and rumen temperature (Trumen) in sheep. The relationship between Tcore and Trumen was compared for fleeced and shorn Merino sheep over a range of environmental temperatures and during stressors involved with shearing. Fleeced sheep maintained higher Tcore and Trumen than shorn sheep in all environmental conditions tested (from thermoneutral up to 33 °C and 55% relative humidity). Shearing of the fleeced sheep resulted in those sheep having a lower Tcore when exposed to hot conditions, compared to the previously shorn sheep. Respiratory rates of fleeced sheep followed similar patterns and were higher than shorn sheep under all environmental conditions. After the fleeced sheep were shorn, their respiratory rates decreased to rates similar to the previously shorn sheep when under heat load, suggesting heat loss other than respiratory evaporative heat loss was augmented.  相似文献   

When heated radiantly, head-body temperature gradients developed in both live and dead Tiliqua scincoides. The gradients were consistently larger in live than in dead individuals, indicating they were enhanced by a physiological component superimposed on the more basic physical components. Large gradients in the initial phases of heating represented a lag effect, the head core beginning to receive heat before the body core because it is closer to the heated surface. Once this lag effect subsided, the body heated more rapidly than the head because it presented a greater incident surface area per unit mass than did the head. Living lizards appeared to maintain head-body temperature differences until the maximum voluntary temperature was approached.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that activating cutaneous TRPM8 receptors by menthol causes an increase in voluntary activity, because of a heat-seeking behavior, that contributes to menthol-induced hyperthermia in mice.  相似文献   

It is known that heating the ram scrotum stimulates heat loss resulting in a decrease in body temperature and that during fever core temperature increases, but local scrotal thermoeffectors operate to maintain normal scrotal temperature. We have investigated whether scrotal warming influences core body temperature and the panting effector during fever generation. We measured rectal temperature, intrascrotal temperature, scrotal skin temperature and respiratory frequency in four adult Merino rams following intravascular injection of saline or lipopolysaccharide at an ambient temperature of 18-20 degrees C while scrotal skin temperature was maintained at 33 degrees C or elevated to 41 degrees C. Compared to maintaining normal scrotal temperature, heating the scrotum increased respiratory frequency and reduced rectal temperature by a similar amount following LPS as following saline. Fever was associated with decreased respiratory frequency compared to saline at both 33 and 41 degrees C scrotal temperature, suggesting that the fever was generated mainly by decreasing respiratory heat loss. We conclude that scrotal thermal afferent stimulation resulted in an offset for the set-point of body temperature regulation in both normothermic and febrile rams.  相似文献   

Future Lunar and Mars habitats will maintain a hypobaric hypoxic environment to minimise the risk of decompression sickness during the preparation for extra-vehicular activity. This study was part of a larger study investigating the separate and combined effects of inactivity associated with reduced gravity and hypoxia, on the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, neurohumoural, and thermoregulatory systems. Eleven healthy normothermic young male subjects participated in three trials conducted on separate occasions: (1) Normobaric hypoxic ambulatory confinement, (2) Normobaric hypoxic bedrest and (3) Normobaric normoxic bedrest. Normobaric hypoxia was achieved by reduction of the oxygen fraction in the air (FiO2=0.141±0.004) within the facility, while the effects of reduced gravity were simulated by confining the subjects to a horizontal position in bed, with all daily routines performed in this position for 21 days. The present study investigated the effect of the interventions on behavioural temperature regulation. The characteristics of the thermal comfort zone (TCZ) were assessed by a water-perfused suit, with the subjects instructed to regulate the sinusoidally varying temperature of the suit within a range considered as thermally comfortable. Measurements were performed 5 days prior to the intervention (D-5), and on days 10 (D10) and 20 (D20) of the intervention. no statistically significant differences were found in any of the characteristics of the TCZ between the interventions (HAMB, HBR and NBR), or between different measurement days (D-5, D10, D20) within each intervention. rectal temperature remained stable, whereas skin temperature (Tsk) increased during all interventions throughout the one hour trial. no difference in Tsk between D-5, D10 and D20, and between HAMB, HBR and NBR were revealed. subjects perceived the regulated temperature as thermally comfortable, and neutral or warm. we conclude that regulation of thermal comfort is not compromised by hypoxic inactivity.  相似文献   

Mean skin temperature (Tsk) was measured in 24 subjects during experiments in a climatic chamber. Three conditions of ambient temperature (Ta = 25.6 degrees, 28.9 degrees and 32.2 degrees C), and three of humidity (relative humidity = 50%, 70% and 90%) were studied. A relationship was established by a linear regression technique. It is valid in the 24 degree-34 degree C range, for air velocity = 0.2 m.s-1, clothing insulation = 0.077 degrees C.m2.w-1 (0.5 clo), metabolic rate = 64 w.m-2 (1.1 met) and radiant temperature = air temperature. In these conditions Tsk = 28.125 + 0.021 Pw + 0.210 Ta (Pw: ambient water vapour pressure in mb). It shows a small humidity influence. The influences of sex, transition from one condition to the next, and air velocity were also studied. Measurements in Africa confirmed the small influence of humidity. Ethnic life-style differences indicated that a high precision in Tsk determination is difficult to achieve.  相似文献   

Ambient temperature can affect physical performance, and an ambient temperature range of −4 °C to 11 °C is optimal for endurance performance in male athletes. The few similar studies of female athletes appear to have found differences in response to cold between the genders. This study investigated whether ambient temperature affects female endurance performance. Nine athletes performed six tests while running on a treadmill in a climatic chamber at different ambient temperatures: 20, 10, 1, −4, −9 and −14 °C and a wind speed of 5 m s−1. The exercise protocol consisted of a 10-min warm-up, followed by four 5-min intervals at increasing intensities at 76%, 81%, 85%, and 89% of maximal oxygen consumption. This was followed by an incremental test to exhaustion. Although peak heart rate, body mass loss, and blood lactate concentration after the incremental test to exhaustion increased as the ambient temperature rose, no changes in time to exhaustion, running economy, running speed at lactate threshold or maximal oxygen consumption were found between the different ambient temperature conditions. Endurance performance during one hour of incremental exercise was not affected by ambient temperature in female endurance athletes.  相似文献   

A ‘double-container model’ was used for core temperature (Tc) measurement by microwave emission radiometry (MR) of warm fluid inside a tube, placed in a container with a cooler fluid. The intensity of microwaves emitted from the warmer fluid inside the tube were measured using a MR metering device, consisting of an antenna linked to a low-noise radio frequency amplifier (bandwidth 500 MHz, centered at 4.0 GHz). Based on the MR measurements, a Tc prediction model was developed for measuring the temperature of fluid inside a tube, achieving a sensitivity of ±0.5 °C at environmental temperature of 33–37 °C.  相似文献   

Skin temperature is an essential physiological parameter of thermal comfort. The purpose of this research was to reveal the effects of clothing thermal resistance and operative temperature on local skin temperature (LST) and mean skin temperature (MST). The LSTs (at 32 sites) in stable condition were measured for different clothing thermal resistances 1.39, 0.5 and 0.1 clo. To study the effect of environmental temperature on LST and MST, the LSTs were also measured for operative temperatures 23, 26 and 33 °C. The experimental data showed that the effect of clothing thermal resistance on the foot was greater compared to the other human parts, and the effect of operative temperature on many parts of the human body was great, such as foot, hand, trunk, and arm. The MSTs measured on the conditions that air speed was under 0.1 m/s, RH was about 30–70%, and metabolic rate was about 1 met, were collected from previous studies. On the basis of these experimental data, a MST prediction equation with the operative temperature and clothing thermal resistance as independent variables, was obtained by multiple linear regression. This equation was a good alternative and provided convenience to predict the MST in different operative temperatures and clothing thermal resistances.  相似文献   

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