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AIMS: To determine the effects on xylitol accumulation and ethanol yield of expression of mutated Pichia stipitis xylitol dehydrogenase (XDH) with reversal of coenzyme specificity in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae. METHODS AND RESULTS: The genes XYL2 (D207A/I208R/F209S) and XYL2 (S96C/S99C/Y102C/D207A/I208R/F209S) were introduced into S. cerevisiae, which already contained the P. stipitis XYL1 gene (encoding xylose reductase, XR) and the endogenously overexpressed XKS1 gene (encoding xylulokinase, XK). The specific activities of mutated XDH in both strains showed a distinct increase in NADP(+)-dependent activity in both strains with mutated XDH, reaching 0.782 and 0.698 U mg(-1). In xylose fermentation, the strain with XDH (D207A/I208R/F209S) had a large decrease in xylitol and glycerol yield, while the xylose consumption and ethanol yield were decreased. In the strain with XDH (S96C/S99C/Y102C/D207A/I208R/F209S), the xylose consumption and ethanol yield were also decreased, and the xylitol yield was increased, because of low XDH activity. CONCLUSIONS: Changing XDH coenzyme specificity was a sufficient method for reducing the production of xylitol, but high activity of XDH was also required for improved ethanol formation. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The difference in coenzyme specificity was a vital parameter controlling ethanolic xylose fermentation but the XDH/XR ratio was also important.  相似文献   

1,2,4‐Butanetriol (BT) is used as a precursor for the synthesis of various pharmaceuticals and the energetic plasticizer 1,2,4‐butanetriol trinitrate. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, BT is biosynthesized from xylose via heterologous four enzymatic reactions catalyzed by xylose dehydrogenase, xylonate dehydratase, 2‐ketoacid decarboxylase, and alcohol dehydrogenase. We here aimed to improve the BT yield in S. cerevisiae by genetic engineering. First, the amount of the key intermediate 2‐keto‐3‐deoxy‐xylonate as described previously was successfully reduced in 41% by multiple integrations of Lactococcus lactis 2‐ketoacid decarboxylase gene kdcA into the yeast genome. Since the heterologous BT synthetic pathway is independent of yeast native metabolism, this manipulation has led to NADH/NADPH imbalance and deficiency during BT production. Overexpression of the NADH kinase POS5Δ17 lacking the mitochondrial targeting sequence to relieve NADH/NADPH imbalance resulted in the BT titer of 2.2 g/L (31% molar yield). Feeding low concentrations of glucose and xylose to support the supply of NADH resulted in BT titer of 6.6 g/L with (57% molar yield). Collectively, improving the NADH/NADPH ratio and supply from glucose are essential for the construction of a xylose pathway, such as the BT synthetic pathway, independent of native yeast metabolism.  相似文献   

Pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase is a metabolic enzyme transferring the reducing equivalent between two nucleotide acceptors such as NAD+ and NADP+ for balancing the intracellular redox potential. Soluble transhydrogenase (STH) of Azotobacter vinelandii was expressed in a recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain harboring the Pichia stipitis xylose reductase (XR) gene to study effects of redox potential change on cell growth and sugar metabolism including xylitol and ethanol formation. Remarkable changes were not observed by expression of the STH gene in batch cultures. However, expression of STH accelerated the formation of ethanol in glucose-limited fed-batch cultures, but reduced xylitol productivity to 71% compared with its counterpart strain expressing xylose reductase gene alone. The experimental results suggested that A. vinelandii STH directed the reaction toward the formation of NADH and NADP+ from NAD+ and NADPH, which concomitantly reduced the availability of NADPH for xylose conversion to xylitol catalyzed by NADPH-preferable xylose reductase in the recombinant S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The current climate crisis demands replacement of fossil energy sources with sustainable alternatives. In this scenario, second-generation bioethanol, a product of lignocellulosic biomass fermentation, represents a more sustainable alternative. However, Saccharomyces cerevisiae cannot metabolize pentoses, such as xylose, present as a major component of lignocellulosic biomass. Xylose isomerase (XI) is an enzyme that allows xylose consumption by yeasts, because it converts xylose into xylulose, which is further converted to ethanol by the pentose-phosphate pathway. Only a few XI were successfully expressed in S. cerevisiae strains. This work presents a new bacterial XI, named GR-XI 1, obtained from a Brazilian goat rumen metagenomic library. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed the bacterial origin of the gene, which is related to Firmicutes XIs. After codon optimization, this enzyme, renamed XySC1, was functionally expressed in S. cerevisiae, allowing growth in media with xylose as sole carbon source. Overexpression of XySC1 in S. cerevisiae allowed the recombinant strain to efficiently consume and metabolize xylose under aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

We focused on the effects of a mutation of xylose reductase from Pichia stipitis (PsXR) on xylose-to-ethanol fermentation using recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae transformed with PsXR and PsXDH (xylitol dehydrogenase from P. stipitis) genes. Based on inherent NADH-preferring XR and several site-directed mutagenetic studies using other aldo-keto reductase enzymes, we designed several single PsXR mutants. K270R showing decreased NADPH-preferring activity without a change in NADH-preferring activity was found to be a potent mutant. Strain Y-K270R transformed with K270R PsXR and wild-type PsXDH showed a 31% decrease in unfavorable xylitol excretion with 5.1% increased ethanol production as compared to the control in the fermentation of 15 g l(-1) xylose and 5 g l(-1) glucose.  相似文献   

【目的】了解酿酒酵母线粒体NAD(H)激酶Pos5p对呼吸链活性的维持是否与其抗氧化功能有关。【方法】比较在不同类型的氧化胁迫试剂作用下,野生菌BY4742、POS5基因缺失体pos5Δ及其回补体pos5Δ/POS5-YEp的呼吸链各个酶复合体的活性变化及细胞内活性氧水平变化。【结果】在非胁迫条件下,pos5Δ的各个复合体活性明显低于BY4742,而pos5Δ/POS5-YEp的活性有所恢复,这与它们的胞内活性氧水平相一致。在甲萘醌胁迫下,BY4742和pos5Δ的各个复合体活性都发生不同程度的下降,但pos5Δ/POS5-YEp的活性都升高。在H2O2、马来酸二乙酯胁迫下,除个别复合体外,BY4742、pos5Δ和pos5Δ/POS5-YEp的呼吸链复合体活性都降低,尤以pos5Δ的活性降低最为严重,BY4742的活性降低则较少,而pos5Δ/POS5-YEp在H2O2胁迫下的活性降低得到了缓解。说明甲萘醌、H2O2和马来酸二乙酯胁迫会造成酿酒酵母呼吸链各个复合体发生损伤,而过表达Pos5p则有助于缓解甲萘醌和H2O2引起的损伤。【结论】Pos5p对呼吸链的作用与其抗氧化功能有相关性。  相似文献   

The development of tolerant microorganisms is needed for the efficient fermentation of inhibitory lignocellulose hydrolysates. In the current work, the fermentation performance of six selected strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in dilute-acid spruce hydrolysate was compared using two different modes of fermentation; either single pulse addition of hydrolysate to exponentially growing cells or continuous feeding of the same amount of hydrolysate in a controlled fed-batch fermentation was made. All strains performed better in fed-batch mode than when all hydrolysate was added at once. However, the difference between strain performances varied significantly in the two fermentation modes. Large differences were observed between strains during the fed-batch experiments in the in vitro ability to reduce the furan compounds furfural and 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF). A common feature among the strains was the induction of NADPH-coupled reduction of furfural and HMF, with the exception of strain CBS 8066. This strain also performed relatively poorly in both batch and fed-batch fermentations. Strain TMB3000--previously isolated from spent sulphite liquor fermentation--was by far the most efficient strain with respect to specific fermentation rate in both pulse addition and fed-batch mode. This strain was the only strain showing a significant constitutive NADH-coupled in vitro reduction of HMF. The ability to induce NADPH-coupled reduction together with the level of the apparently constitutive NADH-coupled reduction appeared to be key factors for selecting a suitable strain for fed-batch conversion of lignocellulose hydrolysate.  相似文献   

孙明娣  史锋  王小元 《微生物学通报》2010,37(12):1740-1746
酿酒酵母线粒体NAD(H)激酶Pos5p显示出重要功能,其缺失将导致细胞抗氧化性能出现障碍。为了了解Pos5p的抗氧化作用机制及其与调节辅酶NAD(H)和NADP(H)之间的关系,比较了在不同类型的氧化胁迫试剂作用下,野生型BY4742、POS5基因缺失体pos5-及其回补体pos5-/POS5-YEp的生长表型,同时采用高效液相色谱测定细胞内辅酶含量。结果表明,在超氧生成试剂甲萘醌(VK3)、过氧化氢(H2O2)和GSH消耗试剂马来酸二乙酯(DEM)存在时,pos5-都表现出明显的生长缺陷,而各抗氧化基因缺失体只在其相应胁迫下表现出生长缺陷。在正常生长条件下,pos5-的NADPH含量降低,pos5-/POS5-YEp则提高,表明Pos5p对胞内NADPH的供应有重要作用。在VK3、H2O2和DEM胁迫下,BY4742、pos5-及pos5-/POS5-YEp的NADP(H)含量均有不同程度的下降,其中pos5-的NADP(H)/NAD(H)比率下降最为严重,而pos5-/POS5-YEp较pos5-有明显提高,这与其氧化胁迫表型相一致。因此,在细胞面临不同类型的氧化胁迫时,Pos5p都能有效行使其NAD(H)激酶活性,补充NADP(H)的损耗,从而对细胞起到抗氧化保护作用。  相似文献   

He X  Zhang B  Tan H 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(10):773-778
Three plasmids, pHX4, pHXA4 and pHXC4, containing sterol C-24(28) reductase gene (ERG4) under the control of ERG4, ADH1 or CUP1 promoters, respectively, and the copper resistance gene as the selection marker were constructed, and they were then introduced into Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Ergosterol production in recombinant strains was enhanced. Under the optimal culture condition, ergosterol content in recombinant strains YEH56(pHX4), YEH56(pHXA4) and YEH56(pHXC4) was 1.2, 1.4 and 1.5-fold (47 mg g–1) of that in the original strain.  相似文献   

Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has become an attractive cell factory for production of commodity and speciality chemicals and proteins, such as industrial enzymes and pharmaceutical proteins. Here we evaluate most important expression factors for recombinant protein secretion: we chose two different proteins (insulin precursor (IP) and α-amylase), two different expression vectors (POTud plasmid and CPOTud plasmid) and two kinds of leader sequences (the glycosylated alpha factor leader and a synthetic leader with no glycosylation sites). We used IP and α-amylase as representatives of a simple protein and a multi-domain protein, as well as a non-glycosylated protein and a glycosylated protein, respectively. The genes coding for the two recombinant proteins were fused independently with two different leader sequences and were expressed using two different plasmid systems, resulting in eight different strains that were evaluated by batch fermentations. The secretion level (μmol/L) of IP was found to be higher than that of α-amylase for all expression systems and we also found larger variation in IP production for the different vectors. We also found that there is a change in protein production kinetics during the diauxic shift, that is, the IP was produced at higher rate during the glucose uptake phase, whereas amylase was produced at a higher rate in the ethanol uptake phase. For comparison, we also refer to data from another study, (Tyo et al. submitted) in which we used the p426GPD plasmid (standard vector using URA3 as marker gene and pGPD1 as expression promoter). For the IP there is more than 10-fold higher protein production with the CPOTud vector compared with the standard URA3-based vector, and this vector system therefore represent a valuable resource for future studies and optimization of recombinant protein production in yeast.  相似文献   

Acetoin is widely used in food and cosmetics industries as a taste and fragrance enhancer. To produce (R)-acetoin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, acetoin biosynthetic genes encoding α-acetolactate synthase (AlsS) and α-acetolactate decarboxylase (AlsD) from Bacillus subtilis and water-forming NADH oxidase (NoxE) from Lactococcus lactis were integrated into delta-sequences in JHY605 strain, where the production of ethanol, glycerol, and (R,R)-2,3-butanediol (BDO) was largely eliminated. We further improved acetoin production by increasing acetoin tolerance by adaptive laboratory evolution, and eliminating other byproducts including meso-2,3-BDO and 2,3-dimethylglycerate, a newly identified byproduct. Ara1, Ypr1, and Ymr226c (named Ora1) were identified as (S)-alcohol-forming reductases, which can reduce (R)-acetoin to meso-2,3-BDO in vitro. However, only Ara1 and Ypr1 contributed to meso-2,3-BDO production in vivo. We elucidate that Ora1, having a substrate preference for (S)-acetoin, reduces (S)-α-acetolactate to 2,3-dimethylglycerate, thus competing with AlsD-mediated (R)-acetoin production. By deleting ARA1, YPR1, and ORA1, 101.3 g/L of (R)-acetoin was produced with a high yield (96% of the maximum theoretical yield) and high stereospecificity (98.2%).  相似文献   

【目的】构建可用于纤维素乙醇高效生产的混合糖发酵重组酿酒酵母菌株,并利用菊芋秸秆为原料进行乙醇发酵。【方法】筛选在木糖中生长较好的酿酒酵母YB-2625作为宿主菌,构建木糖共代谢菌株YB-2625 CCX。进一步通过r DNA位点多拷贝整合的方式,以YB-2625 CCX为出发菌株构建木糖脱氢酶过表达菌株,并筛选得到优势菌株YB-73。采用同步糖化发酵策略研究YB-73的菊芋秸秆发酵性能。【结果】YB-73菌株以90 g/L葡萄糖和30 g/L木糖为碳源进行混合糖发酵,乙醇产量比出发菌株YB-2625 CCX提高了13.9%,副产物木糖醇产率由0.89 g/g降低至0.31 g/g,下降了64.6%。利用重组菌YB-73对菊芋秸秆进行同步糖化发酵,48 h最高乙醇浓度达到6.10%(体积比)。【结论】通过转入木糖代谢途径以及r DNA位点多拷贝整合过表达木糖脱氢酶基因可有效提高菌株木糖发酵性能,并用于菊芋秸秆的纤维素乙醇生产。这是首次报道利用重组酿酒酵母进行菊芋秸秆原料的纤维素乙醇发酵。  相似文献   

Polyphosphates of different chain lengths (P3, P4, P15, P35), (1 μM) inhibited 10, 60, 90 and 100%, respectively, the primer (tRNA) dependent synthesis of poly(A) catalyzed poly(A) polymerase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The relative inhibition evoked by p4A and P4 (1 μM) was 40 and 60%, respectively, whereas 1 μM Ap4A was not inhibitory. P4 and P15 were assayed as inhibitors of the enzyme in the presence of (a) saturating tRNA and variable concentrations of ATP and (b) saturating ATP and variable concentrations of tRNA. In (a), P4 and P15 behaved as competitive inhibitors, with Ki values of 0.5 μM and 0.2 μM, respectively. In addition, P4 (at 1 μM) and P15 (at 0.3 μM) changed the Hill coefficient (nH) from 1 (control) to about 1.3 and 1.6, respectively. In (b), the inhibition by P4 and P15 decreased V and modified only slightly the Km values of the enzyme towards tRNA.  相似文献   

A gene encoding NAD(P)H-dependent carbonyl reductase (CR) from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Aeropyrum pernix K1 was overexpressed in Escherichia coli. Its product was effectively purified and characterized. The expressed enzyme was the most thermostable CR found to date; the activity remained at approximately 75% of its activity after incubation for 10 min up to 90 °C. In addition, A. pernix CR exhibited high stability at a wider range of pH values and longer periods of storage compared with CRs previously identified from other sources. A. pernix CR catalyzed the reduction of various carbonyl compounds including ethyl 4-chloro-3-oxobutanoate and 9,10-phenanthrenequinone, similar to the CR from thyroidectomized (Tx) chicken fatty liver. However, A. pernix CR exhibited significantly higher Km values against several substrates than Tx chicken fatty liver CR. The three-dimensional structure of A. pernix CR was determined using the molecular replacement method at a resolution of 2.09 Å, in the presence of NADPH. The overall fold of A. pernix CR showed moderate similarity to that of Tx chicken fatty liver CR; however, A. pernix CR had no active-site lid unlike Tx chicken fatty liver CR. Consequently, the active-site cavity in the A. pernix CR was much more solvent-accessible than that in Tx chicken fatty liver CR. This structural feature may be responsible for the enzyme’s lower affinity for several substrates and NADPH. The factors contributing to the much higher thermostability of A. pernix CR were analyzed by comparing its structure with that of Tx chicken fatty liver CR. This comparison showed that extensive formation of the intrasubunit ion pair networks, and the presence of the strong intersubunit interaction, is likely responsible for A. pernix CR thermostability. Site-directed mutagenesis showed that Glu99 plays a major role in the intersubunit interaction. This is the first report regarding the characteristics and three-dimensional structure of hyperthermophilic archaeal CR.  相似文献   

Due to its high content of lactose and abundant availability, cheese whey powder (CWP) has received much attention for ethanol production in fermentation processes. However, lactose‐fermenting yeast strains including Kluyveromyces marxianus can only produce alcohol at a relatively low level, while the most commonly used distiller yeast strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae cannot ferment lactose since it lacks both β‐galactosidase and the lactose permease system. To combine the unique aspects of these two yeast strains, hybrids of K. marxianus TY‐22 and S. cerevisiae AY‐5 were constructed by protoplast fusion. The fusants were screened and characterized by DNA content, β‐galactosidase activity, ethanol tolerance, and ethanol productivity. Among the genetically stable fusants, the DNA content of strain R‐1 was 6.94%, close to the sum of the DNA contents of TY‐22 (3.99%) and AY‐5 (3.51%). The results obtained by random‐amplified polymorphic DNA analysis suggested that R‐1 was a fusant between AY‐5 and TY‐22. During the fermentation process with CWP, the hybrid strain R‐1 produced 3.8% v/v ethanol in 72 h, while the parental strain TY‐22 only produced 3.1% v/v ethanol in 84 h under the same conditions.  相似文献   

A thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) has been identified in the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus (Ss). This enzyme is a homodimeric flavoprotein that was previously identified as NADH oxidase in the same micro-organism ('Biotechnol. Appl. Biochem. 23 (1996) 47'). The primary structure of SsTrxR is made of 323 amino acid residues and contains two putative betaalphabeta regions for the binding of FAD, and a NADP(H) binding consensus sequence in the proximity of a CXXC motif. These findings indicate that SsTrxR is structurally related to the class II of the pyridine nucleotide-disulphide oxidoreductases family. Moreover, the enzyme exhibits a NADP(H) dependent thioredoxin reductase activity requiring the presence of FAD. Surprisingly, the reductase activity of SsTrxR is reduced in the presence of a specific inhibitor of mammalian TrxR. This finding demonstrates that the archaeal enzyme, although structurally related to eubacterial TrxR, is functionally closer to eukaryal enzymes. Experimental evidences indicate that a disulphide bridge is required for the reductase but also for the NADH oxidase activity of the enzyme. These results are further supported by the significantly reduced activities exerted by the C147A mutant. The integrity of the CXXC motif is also involved in the stability of the enzyme.  相似文献   

An internally truncated C gene of adr hepatitis B virus core antigen with long internal deletion (aa81–aa116) (ΔHBcAg with 36aa truncation) was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the products (ΔrHBcAg) were purified from a crude lysate of the yeast by three steps: Sephrose CL-4B chromatography, sucrose step-gradient ultracentrifugation and CsCl-isopycnic ultracentrifugation. Results of ELISA test and density analysis of CsCl-isopycnic ultracentrifugation indicated that the purified products (ΔrHBcAg protein) with HBeAg antigenicity mainly located at the densities of 1.23 g ml−1. Observation and analysis of the purified ΔrHBcAg products by AFM indicated that the ΔrHBcAg (core) protein produced in S. cerevisiae could self-assemble into three or more size classes of core particles which exhibited a polymorphous distribution of ΔrHBcAg (core) particles. These different size classes of core particles mainly centred on the range whose mean diameter was from 10 nm to 48 nm, especially on the position of 11 nm, 15.6 nm and the range from 27 nm to 41 nm, respectively. Furthermore, the most number of core particles mainly centred on the range whose mean diameter was from 27 nm to 41 nm. These results above indicated that the truncated internal long fragment (aa81–aa116) probably had no effect on self-assembly of the HBcAg core particles which implied the internal length fragment (aa81–aa116) was not the sole domain for self-assembly of HBcAg dimer or the truncated HBcAg protein subunit formed the fresh interactive domain with each other. These initial results above by AFM analysis were very important for further research on the self-assembly, ultrastructure, subunit interaction and core internal deletion mutant (CIDM) function of HBcAg core particles.  相似文献   

The present work aims to address the gas-phase biotransformation of geraniol into citronellol using growing cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker's yeast) in a continuous-closed-gas-loop bioreactor (CCGLB). This study revealed that the gaseous geraniol had a severe effect on the production of biomass during the growing cell biotransformation resulting in the decrease in the specific growth rate from 0.07 to 0.05 h?1. The rate of reaction of the growing cell biotransformation was strongly affected by agitation and substrate flow rates. The highest citronellol concentration of 1.18 g/L and initial rate of reaction of 7.06 × 10?? g/min g(cell) were obtained at 500 rpm and 8 L/min, respectively.  相似文献   

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