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A genetic transformation system with similarities to those reported for gram-negative bacteria was found to be associated with membrane vesicles of the ruminal cellulolytic genus Ruminococcus. Double-stranded DNA was recovered from the subcellular particulate fraction of all the cellulolytic ruminococci examined. Electron microscopy revealed that the only particles present resembled membrane vesicles. The likelihood that the DNA was associated with membrane vesicles (also known to contain cellulosomes) was further supported by the adherence of the particles associated with the subcellular DNA to cellulose powder added to culture filtrates. The particle-associated DNA comprised a population of linear molecules ranging in size from <20 kb to 49 kb (Ruminococcus sp. strain YE73) and from 23 kb to 90 kb (Ruminococcus albus AR67). Particle-associated DNA from R. albus AR67 represented DNA derived from genomic DNA of the host bacterium having an almost identical HindIII digestion pattern and an identical 16S rRNA gene. Paradoxically, particle-associated DNA was refractory to digestion with EcoRI, while the genomic DNA was susceptible to extensive digestion, suggesting that there is differential restriction modification of genomic DNA and DNA exported from the cell. Transformation using the vesicle-containing fraction of culture supernatant of Ruminococcus sp. strain YE71 was able to restore the ability to degrade crystalline cellulose to two mutants that were otherwise unable to do so. The ability was heritable and transferred to subsequent generations. It appears that membrane-associated transformation plays a role in lateral gene transfer in complex microbial ecosystems, such as the rumen.  相似文献   

The biofilm matrix contributes to the chemistry, structure, and function of biofilms. Biofilm-derived membrane vesicles (MVs) and DNA, both matrix components, demonstrated concentration-, pH-, and cation-dependent interactions. Furthermore, MV-DNA association influenced MV surface properties. This bears consequences for the reactivity and availability for interaction of matrix polymers and other constituents.The biofilm matrix contributes to the chemistry, structure, and function of biofilms and is crucial for the development of fundamental biofilm properties (46, 47). Early studies defined polysaccharides as the matrix component, but proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids are all now acknowledged as important contributors (7, 15). Indeed, DNA has emerged as a vital participant, fulfilling structural and functional roles (1, 5, 6, 19, 31, 34, 36, 41, 43, 44). The phosphodiester bond of DNA renders this polyanionic at a physiological pH, undoubtedly contributing to interactions with cations, humic substances, fine-dispersed minerals, and matrix entities (25, 41, 49).In addition to particulates such as flagella and pili, membrane vesicles (MVs) are also found within the matrices of gram-negative and mixed biofilms (3, 16, 40). MVs are multifunctional bilayered structures that bleb from the outer membranes of gram-negative bacteria (reviewed in references 4, 24, 27, 28, and 30) and are chemically heterogeneous, combining the known chemistries of the biofilm matrix. Examination of biofilm samples by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has suggested that matrix material interacts with MVs (Fig. (Fig.1).1). Since MVs produced in planktonic culture have associated DNA (11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 30, 39, 48), could biofilm-derived MVs incorporate DNA (1, 39, 40, 44)?Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Possible interactions between matrix polymers and particulate structures. Shown is an electron micrograph of a thin section through a P. aeruginosa PAO1 biofilm. During processing, some dehydration occurred, resulting in collapse of matrix material into fibrillate arrangements (black filled arrows). There is a suggestion of interactions occurring with particulate structures such as MVs (hollow white arrow) and flagella (filled white arrows) (identified by the appearance and cross-dimension of these highly ordered structures when viewed at high magnification), which was consistently observed with other embedded samples and also with whole-mount preparations of gently disrupted biofilms (data not shown). The scale bar represents 200 nm.  相似文献   

The filamentous cyanobacteria Planktothrix spp. occur in the temperate region of the Northern hemisphere. The red-pigmented Planktothrix rubescens bacteria occur in deep, physically stratified, and less eutrophic lakes. Planktothrix is a known producer of the toxic heptapeptide microcystin (MC), which is produced nonribosomally by a large enzyme complex consisting of peptide synthetases and polyketide synthases encoded by a total of nine genes (mcy genes). Planktothrix spp. differ in their cellular MC contents as well as the production of MC variants; however, the mechanisms favoring this diversity are not understood. Recently, the occurrence of Planktothrix strains containing all mcy genes but lacking MC has been reported. In this study, 29 such strains were analyzed to find out if mutations of the mcy genes lead to the inability to synthesize MC. Two deletions, spanning 400 bp (in mcyB; one strain) and 1,869 bp (in mcyHA; three strains), and three insertions (IS), spanning 1,429 bp (in mcyD; eight strains), 1,433 bp (in mcyEG; one strain), and 1,433 bp (in mcyA; one strain), were identified. Though found in different genes and different isolates and transcribed in opposite directions, IS were found to be identical and contained conserved domains assigned to transposable elements. Using mutation-specific primers, two insertions (in mcyD and mcyA) and one deletion (in mcyHA) were found regularly in populations of P. rubescens in different lakes. The results demonstrate for the first time that different mutations resulting in inactivation of MC synthesis do occur frequently and make up a stable proportion of the mcy gene pool in Planktothrix populations over several years.  相似文献   

Xenorhabdus nematophilus secretes a large number of proteins into the culture supernatant as soluble proteins and also as large molecular complexes associated with the outer membrane. Transmission electron micrographs of X. nematophilus cells showed that there was blebbing of the outer membrane from the surface of the bacterium. The naturally secreted outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) were purified from the culture supernatant of X. nematophilus and analyzed. Electron microscopy revealed a vesicular organization of the large molecular complexes, whose diameters varied from 20 to 100 nm. A sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profile of the vesicles showed that in addition to outer membrane proteins, several other polypeptides were also present. The membrane vesicles contained lipopolysaccharide, which appeared to be of the smooth type. Live cells of X. nematophilus and the OMV proteins derived from them exhibited oral insecticidal activity against neonatal larvae of Helicoverpa armigera. The proteins present in the OMVs are apparently responsible for the biological activity of the OMVs. The soluble proteins left after removal of the OMVs and the outer membrane proteins also showed low levels of oral toxicity to H. armigera neonatal larvae. The OMV protein preparations were cytotoxic to Sf-21 cells in an in vitro assay. The OMV proteins showed chitinase activity. This is the first report showing toxicity of outer membrane blebs secreted by the insect pathogen X. nematophilus into the extracellular medium.  相似文献   

The maternally inherited mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) is present in multimeric form within cells and harbors sequence variants (heteroplasmy). While a single mtDNA variant at high load can cause disease, naturally occurring variants likely persist at low levels across generations of healthy populations. To determine how naturally occurring variants are segregated and transmitted, we generated a mini-pig model, which originates from the same maternal ancestor. Following next-generation sequencing, we identified a series of low-level mtDNA variants in blood samples from the female founder and her daughters. Four variants, ranging from 3% to 20%, were selected for validation by high-resolution melting analysis in 12 tissues from 31 animals across three generations. All four variants were maintained in the offspring, but variant load fluctuated significantly across the generations in several tissues, with sex-specific differences in heart and liver. Moreover, variant load was persistently reduced in high-respiratory organs (heart, brain, diaphragm, and muscle), which correlated significantly with higher mtDNA copy number. However, oocytes showed increased heterogeneity in variant load, which correlated with increased mtDNA copy number during in vitro maturation. Altogether, these outcomes show that naturally occurring mtDNA variants segregate and are maintained in a tissue-specific manner across generations. This segregation likely involves the maintenance of selective mtDNA variants during organogenesis, which can be differentially regulated in oocytes and preimplantation embryos during maturation.  相似文献   

The ability of eight structurally related naturally occurring flavonoids in inhibiting lipid peroxidation and mitochondrial membrane permeability transition (MMPT), as well as respiration and protein sulfhydryl oxidation in rat liver mitochondria, was evaluated. The flavonoids tested exhibited the following order of potency to inhibit ADP/Fe(II)-induced lipid peroxidation, estimated with the thiobarbituric acid assay: 3′-O-methyl-quercetin > quercetin > 3,5,7,3′,4′-penta-O-methyl-quercetin > 3,7,3′,4′-tetra-O-methyl-quercetin > pinobanksin > 7-O-methyl-pinocembrin > pinocembrin > 3-O-acyl-pinobanksin. MMPT was estimated by the extent of mitochondrial swelling induced by 10 μM CaCl2 plus 1.5 mM inorganic phosphate or 30 μM mefenamic acid. The most potent inhibitors of MMPT were quercetin, 7-O-methyl-pinocembrin, pinocembrin, and 3,5,7,3′,4′-penta-O-methyl-quercetin. The first two inhibited in parallel the oxidation of mitochondrial protein sulfhydryl involved in the MMPT mechanism. The most potent inhibitors of mitochondrial respiration were 7-O-methyl-pinocembrin, quercetin, and 3′-O-methyl-quercetin while the most potent uncouplers were pinocembrin and 3-O-acyl-pinobanksin. In contrast 3,7,3′,4′-tetra-O-methyl-quercetin and 3,5,7,3′,4′-penta-O-methyl-quercetin showed the lowest ability to affect mitochondrial respiration. We conclude that, in general, the flavonoids tested are able to inhibit lipid peroxidation on the mitochondrial membrane and/or MMPT. Multiple methylation of the hydroxyl substitutions, in addition to sustaining good anti-lipoperoxidant activity, reduces the effect of flavonoids on mitochondrial respiration, and therefore, increases the pharmacological potential of these compounds against pathological processes related to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Mx1 has been implicated in resistance to the influenza virus. We have now identified four alleles of the Mxl gene in domesticated breeds of pigs. Two of the alleles encode deletion variants (a 3-bp deletion in exon 13 and an 11-bp deletion in exon 14), which might be expected to interfere with Mx activity. The porcine Mxl genes corresponding to wild type, the 3-bp deletion mutant, and the 11-bp deletion mutant were cloned and expressed in NIH3T3 cells, and the antiviral activity for influenza virus was assayed. Virus yield was observed to be 10–100-fold greater with the 11-bp deletion allele than that for wild type and the 3-bp deletion alleles. The results suggest that the 11-bp deletion type is lacking antiviral activity able to contribute to the interference of influenza virus replication.  相似文献   

The results of microcosm experiments performed with the fish-pathogenic bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida acting as a donor showed that promiscuous plasmid pRAS1, which encodes tetracycline resistance, is transferred at a high frequency in marine sediments even in the absence of a selective factor. The presence of oxytetracycline resulted in an increase in the transfer frequency compared with that of a microcosm to which no selective factor was added. Transfer frequencies of 3.4 × 10-1 transconjugant per recipient and 3.6 transconjugants per donor cell were obtained in a microcosm to which oxytetracycline had been added. Hybridization with a DNA probe specific for plasmid pRAS1 revealed that 45.8% of the oxytetracycline-resistant isolates obtained from a microcosm with no selective pressure carried the plasmid, while 86.8% of the isolates obtained from a microcosm to which oxytetracycline had been added carried the plasmid. Phenotypic characterization of the transconjugants revealed that the plasmid had been transferred to a variety of different biotypes in both microcosms. The diversity among the transconjugants isolated from the microcosm to which oxytetracycline had been added was substantially lower than the diversity among the transconjugants isolated from the microcosm to which no selective agent had been added.  相似文献   

Spheroplasts were disrupted with 0.2% Brij 58 and the separation of intact cells, spheroplasts, disrupted spheroplasts, fragmented membrane, and supernatant was performed on a linear 40~55% sucrose gradient. About half an amount of nucleic acid components was distributed in disrupted spheroplast fractions, while only a small amount of protein components was found in these fractions.

DNA polymerase in the fragmented membrane fraction incorporated 3H-TTP more rapidly than that in the supernatant fraction for the first 5 to 6 min, and then the incorporation rate decreased, while DNA polymerase in the supernatant fraction incorporated 3H-TTP linearly up to 20 min when native DNA was used as a primer. The former required native DNA as a primer and showed little activity towards denatured DNA, while the latter incorporated 3H-TTP at a similar rate to both the primer DNA’s.

DNA polymerase of the fragmented membrane fraction synthesized various sizes of DNA from short to a size of primer when native DNA was used as a primer, while when denatured DNA was used, products were only short. DNA polymerase of the supernatant fraction synthesized various sizes of DNA when both native and denatured DNA’s were used as primers.  相似文献   

Nucleic acids exist in a dynamic equilibrium with a number of molecules that constantly interact with them and regulate the cellular activities. The inherent nature of the structure and conformational integrity of these macromolecules can lead to altered biological activity through proper targeting of nucleic acids binding ligands or drug molecules. We studied the interaction of naturally occurring methylxanthines such as theophylline, theobromine and caffeine with DNA, using UV absorption and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic methods, and especially monitored their binding affinity in the presence of Mg2+ and during helix-coil transitions of DNA by temperature (Tm) or pH melting profiles. The study indicates that all these molecules effectively bind to DNA in a dose dependent manner. The overall binding constants of DNA-theophylline = 3.5×103 M−1, DNA-theobromine = 1.1×103 M−1, and DNA-Caffeine = 3.8×103 M−1. On the other hand Tm/pH melting profiles showed 24–35% of enhanced binding activity of methylxanthines during helix-coil transitions of DNA rather than to its native double helical structure. The FTIR analysis divulged that theophylline, theobromine and caffeine interact with all the base pairs of DNA (A-T; G-C) and phosphate group through hydrogen bond (H-bond) interaction. In the presence of Mg2+, methylxanthines altered the structure of DNA from B to A-family. However, the B-family structure of DNA remained unaltered in DNA-methylxanthines complexes or in the absence of Mg2+. The spectral analyses indicated the order of binding affinity as “caffeine≥theophylline>theobromine” to the native double helical DNA, and “theophylline≥theobromine>caffeine to the denatured form of DNA and in the presence of divalent metal ions.  相似文献   

When S-layered strains of Bacillus stearothermophilus and Aneurinibacillus thermoaerophilus, possessing S-layers of different lattice type and lattice constant as well as S-(glyco)protein chemistry, and isogenic S-layerless variants were subjected to membrane vesicles (MVs) from P. aeruginosa during plaque assays on plates or CFU measurements on cell suspensions, all bacterial types lysed. Electron microscopy of negative stains, thin sections, and immunogold-labelled MV preparations revealed that the vesicles adhered to all bacterial surfaces, broke open, and digested the underlying peptidoglycan-containing cell wall of all cell types. Reassembled S-layer did not appear to be affected by MVs, and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis showed that the S-(glyco)proteins remained intact. meso-Diaminopimelic acid, as a peptidoglycan breakdown product, was found in all culture supernatants after MV attack. These results suggest that even though MVs are much larger than the channels which penetrate these proteinaceous arrays, S-layers on gram-positive bacteria do not form a defensive barrier against the lytic action of MVs. The primary mode of attack is by the liberation from the MVs of a peptidoglycan hydrolase, which penetrates through the S-layer to digest the underlying peptidoglycan-containing cell wall. The S-layer is not affected by MV protease.  相似文献   

Chromogranin A (CHGA) plays a fundamental role in the biogenesis of catecholamine secretory granules. Changes in storage and release of CHGA in clinical and experimental hypertension prompted us to study whether genetic variation at the CHGA locus might contribute to alterations in autonomic function, and hence hypertension and its target organ consequences such as hypertensive renal disease (nephrosclerosis). Systematic polymorphism discovery across the human CHGA locus revealed both common and unusual variants in both the open reading frame and such regulatory regions as the proximal promoter and 30-UTR. In chromaffin cell-transfected CHGA 30-UTR and promoter/luciferase reporter plasmids, the functional consequences of the regulatory/non-coding allelic variants were documented. Variants in both the proximal promoter and the 30-UTR displayed statistical associations with hypertension. Genetic variation in the proximal CHGA promoter predicted glomerular filtration rate in healthy twins. However, for hypertensive renal damage, both end-stage renal disease and rate of progression of earlier disease were best predicted by variants in the 30-UTR. Finally, mechanistic studies were undertaken initiated by the clue that CHGA promoter variation predicted circulating endothelin-1. In cultured endothelial cells, CHGA triggered co-release of not only the vasoconstrictor and pro-fibrotic endothelin-1, but also the pro-coagulant von Willebrand Factor and the pro-angiogenic angiopoietin-2. These findings, coupled with stimulation of endothelin-1 release from glomerular capillary endothelial cells by CHGA, suggest a plausible mechanism whereby genetic variation at the CHGA locus eventuates in alterations in human renal function. These results document the consequences of genetic variation at the CHGA locus for cardiorenal disease and suggest mechanisms whereby such variation achieves functional effects.  相似文献   

The innate immune system employs Toll-like receptors (TLRs) for the detection of invading microorganisms based on distinct molecular patterns. For example, TLR9 is activated by microbial DNA and also by short therapeutic CpG-containing oligonucleotides (CpG-ODN). TLR9 activation leads to the production of interferons and the priming of humoral adaptive immune responses. Unfortunately, the principles of ligand recognition by TLR9 are poorly understood, and genetic variants of TLR9, which may affect its function, have not been characterized systematically on the molecular level. We therefore sought to functionally characterize reported single nucleotide polymorphisms of TLR9 in the HEK293 model system. We discovered that two variants, P99L and M400I, are associated with altered receptor function regarding NF-κB activation and cytokine induction. Our investigations show that for the most functionally impaired variant, P99L, the ability to respond to physiological and therapeutic TLR9 ligands is severely compromised. However, CpG-ODN binding is normal. CpG-ODN recognition by TLR9 thus appears to involve two separate events, CpG-ODN binding and sensing. Our studies highlight Pro-99 as a residue important for the latter process. In genotyping studies, we confirmed that both M400I (rs41308230) and P99L (rs5743844) are relatively rare variants of TLR9. Our data add rs41308230 and rs5743844 to the list of functionally important TLR variants and warrant further research into their relevance for infectious disease susceptibility or responsiveness to CpG-ODN-based therapies.  相似文献   

Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) leaf plasma membrane vesicles were loaded with an NADH-generating system (or with ascorbate) and were tested spectrophotometrically for their ability to reduce external, membrane-impermeable electron acceptors. Either alcohol dehydrogenase plus NAD+ or 100 millimolar ascorbate was included in the homogenization medium, and right-side-out (apoplastic side-out) plasma membrane vesicles were subsequently prepared using two-phase partitioning. Addition of ethanol to plasma membrane vesicles loaded with the NADH-generating system led to a production of NADH inside the vesicles which could be recorded at 340 nanometers. This system was able to reduce 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol-3′-sulfonate (DCIP-sulfonate), a strongly hydrophilic electron acceptor. The reduction of DCIP-sulfonate was stimulated severalfold by the K+ ionophore valinomycin, included to abolish membrane potential (outside negative) generated by electrogenic transmembrane electron flow. Fe3+-chelates, such as ferricyanide and ferric citrate, as well as cytochrome c, were not reduced by vesicles loaded with the NADH-generating system. In contrast, right-side-out plasma membrane vesicles loaded with ascorbate supported the reduction of both ferric citrate and DCIP-sulfonate, suggesting that ascorbate also may serve as electron donor for transplasma membrane electron transport. Differences in substrate specificity and inhibitor sensitivity indicate that the electrons from ascorbate and NADH were channelled to external acceptors via different electron transport chains. Transplasma membrane electron transport constituted only about 10% of total plasma membrane electron transport activity, but should still be sufficient to be of physiological significance in, e.g. reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ for uptake.  相似文献   

Horizontal gene transfer drives the rapid evolution of bacterial populations. Classical processes that promote the lateral flow of genetic information are conserved throughout the prokaryotic world. However, some species have nonconserved transfer mechanisms that are not well known. This is the case for the ancient extreme thermophile Thermus thermophilus. In this work, we show that T. thermophilus strains are capable of exchanging large DNA fragments by a novel mechanism that requires cell-to-cell contacts and employs components of the natural transformation machinery. This process facilitates the bidirectional transfer of virtually any DNA locus but favors by 10-fold loci found in the megaplasmid over those in the chromosome. In contrast to naked DNA acquisition by transformation, the system does not activate the recently described DNA-DNA interference mechanism mediated by the prokaryotic Argonaute protein, thus allowing the organism to distinguish between DNA transferred from a mate and exogenous DNA acquired from unknown hosts. This Argonaute-mediated discrimination may be tentatively viewed as a strategy for safe sharing of potentially “useful” traits by the components of a given population of Thermus spp. without increasing the genome sizes of its individuals.  相似文献   

Fungi with Rhizoctonia-like mycelia were isolated from the foliage, stem-base and roots of ericaceous plants collected from nurseries in Scotland. Isolated fungi were identified as either binucleate Rhizoctonia spp. or Rhizoctonia solani on the basis of hyphal characteristics and nuclear number. The optimum temperature range for growth of binucleate Rhizoctonia spp. and R. solani was 20 and 25 C, resepctively. All isolates tested for pathogenicity caused foliar browning, and webs of mycelial growth were observed on dead and dying foliage. Binucleate Rhizoctonia spp. and R. solani are recorded for the first time on container-grown ericaceous plants in Scotland.  相似文献   

Cytoembryological observations were attempted to reveal the cytological origin of megagametophyte with supernumerary egg cells. It was shown that all ovules underwent a normal megasporogenesis. The meiosis of megasporocyte consisted of two successive divisions, which gave rise to four haploid megaspores. It was the chalazal spore that developed to form the megagametophyte while the three micropylar megaspores degenerated quickly. After first mitosis in the functional megaspore the two nuclei were separated to the micropylar and chalazal poles by a large central vacuole, meanwhile a differential enlargement of the two-nucleate embryo sac was visualized. The micropylar side enlarged quickly and in contrast, the chalazal side remains almost unchanged. Immediately afterward, the second mitosis took place forming four-nucleate embryo sac. During the second mitosis, nucleus located in the narrow area of chalazal side divided transversely, with its upper sister nucleus migrating to the central or micropylar part of the embryo sac, while the nucleus in the micropylar side divided at an angle of about 45° against the micropylar-chalazal axis. Through the third mitosis, two patterns of nuclear arrangement deviating from polygonum were observed. (i) One nuclear distribution pattern was two, two, four respectively in chalazal, central and micropylar parts. And during maturation the four micropylar nuclei differentiated as egg apparatus consisting of two egg cells and two synergids. The two central nuclei, which presumably suppressed the movement of nucleus toward centre part from both micropylar and chalazal sides developed into central cell with two polar nuclei. And the two chalazal nuclei organized into antipodal cells. Rarely indeed, one nucleus of either chalazal or micropyle side did migrate to join the formation of central cell. (ii) The other nuclei arrangement pattern was two and six respectively positioned in chalazal and micropylar sides. During maturation, five micropylar nuclei differentiated into egg apparatus consisted of three egg cells and two synergids. The sixth one migrated to form the upper polar nucleus. The lower nucleus of the chalazal side developed into antipodal cell which divided quickly, and the upper nucleus became the lower polar nucleus.  相似文献   

Fusarium spp. isolated from diseased Euphorbia spp. in Europe were assessed for pathogenicity to North American accessions of leafy spurge ( Euphorbia esula/virgata ). Of the nine strains of Fusarium spp. isolated from diseased E. stepposa or E. virgata in the Caucasus region of Russia and E. esula/virgata in southern France, all were pathogenic to leafy spurge. There were significant differences in virulence among strains. Four strains, including the two that were most virulent, were identified as F. oxysporum . Four of the five other strains were identified as F. solani and one was identified as F. proliferatum . Three of the four most virulent strains to leafy spurge were isolated from E. stepposa . The most virulent strain was associated with root damage caused by insect biological control agents, as found earlier with domestic strains of Fusarium spp. pathogenic to leafy spurge. Two strains identified as F. solani were vegetatively compatible. It was concluded that further screening of a larger set of strains of foreign Fusarium spp. under quarantine conditions in the US or in limited overseas facilities would be justified, and could yield promising biological control agents for leafy spurge.  相似文献   

C. F. Aquadro  K. M. Lado    W. A. Noon 《Genetics》1988,119(4):875-888
A 40-kb region around the rosy and snake loci was analyzed for restriction map variation among 60 lines of Drosophila melanogaster and 30 lines of Drosophila simulans collected together at a single locality in Raleigh, North Carolina. DNA sequence variation in D. simulans was estimated to be 6.3 times greater than in D. melanogaster (heterozygosities per nucleotide of 1.9% vs. 0.3%). This result stands in marked contrast to results of studies of phenotypic variation including proteins (allozymes), morphology and chromosome arrangements which are generally less variable and less geographically differentiated in D. simulans. Intraspecific polymorphism is not distributed uniformly over the 40-kb region. The level of heterozygosity per nucleotide varies more than 12-fold across the region in D. simulans, being highest over the hsc2 gene. Similar, though less extreme, variation in heterozygosity is also observed in D. melanogaster. Average interspecific divergence (corrected for intraspecific polymorphism) averaged 3.8%. The pattern of interspecific divergence over the 40-kb region shows some disparities with the spatial distribution of intraspecific variation, but is generally consistent with selective neutrality predictions: the most polymorphic regions within species are generally the most divergent between species. Sequence-length polymorphism is observed for D. melanogaster to be at levels comparable to other gene regions in this species. In contrast, no sequence length variation was observed among D. simulans chromosomes (limit of resolution approximately 100 bp). These data indicate that transposable elements play at best a minor role in the generation of naturally occurring genetic variation in D. simulans compared to D. melanogaster. We hypothesize that differences in species effective population size are the major determinant of the contrasting levels and patterns of DNA sequence and insertion/deletion variation that we report here and the patterns of allozyme and morphological variation and differentiation reported by other workers for these two species.  相似文献   

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