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Certain aspects of balance control change with age, resulting in a slight postural instability. We examined healthy subjects between 20-82 years of age during the quiet stance under static conditions: at stance on a firm surface and/or on a compliant surface with eyes either open or closed. Body sway was evaluated from centre of foot pressure (CoP) positions during a 50 sec interval. The seven CoP parameters were evaluated to assess quiet stance and were analyzed in three age groups: juniors, middle-aged and seniors. The regression analysis showed evident increase of body sway over 60 years of age. We found that CoP parameters were significantly different when comparing juniors and seniors in all static conditions. The most sensitive view on postural steadiness during quiet stance was provided by CoP amplitude and velocity in AP direction and root mean square (RMS) of statokinesigram. New physiological ranges of RMS parameter in each condition for each age group of healthy subjects were determined. Our results showed that CoP data from force platform in quiet stance may indicate small balance impairment due to age. The determined physiological ranges of RMS will be useful for better distinguishing between small postural instability due to aging in contrast to pathological processes in the human postural control.  相似文献   

Maintenance of human upright stance requires the acquisition and integration of sensory inputs. Conventional measures of sway have had success in identifying age- and some disease-related changes, but remain unable to address the complexities and dynamics associated with postural control. We investigated the effects of vision, surface compliance, age, and gender on the spectral content of center of pressure (COP) time series. Sixteen healthy young (age 18-24) and older participants (age 55-65) performed trials of quiet, upright stance under different vision (eyes open vs. closed) and surface (hard vs. compliant) conditions. Spectral analyses were conducted to describe COP mean normalized power in discretized bands. Effects of the two sensory modalities and age were distinct in the antero-posterior and medio-lateral directions, and a reorganization of spectral content was evident with increasing task difficulty (eyes open vs. closed and hard vs. compliant surface) and among older adults. These results indicate that vision and surface compliance are predominantly associated with responses from musculature associated with antero-posterior and medio-lateral directions of sway, respectively. Finally, distinguishing between the contributions of different afferent systems to the postural control system using the spectral content of sway bi-directionally may help in diagnosing individuals with balance impairments.  相似文献   

Joint coordination plays a critical role in maintaining postural stability, yet there is limited existing work describing joint coordination patterns in the time–frequency domain. Here, two-joint coordination was examined during quiet upright stance. A wavelet coherence method was applied to quantify the coherence between ankle–trunk and ankle–head angles in the sagittal and frontal planes. Wavelet coherence results indicated intermittent joint coordination particularly for frequencies of 2.5–4.0 Hz. Coherence results were further processed to estimate mean time intervals between coherence instances, coherence burst frequency, and the ratio of in-phase versus anti-phase behaviors. Time intervals between intermittent coherence were 1.3–1.5 sec, coherence burst frequency was ~0.4 Hz, and phase ratios were ~1.0. Intermittent “bursting” of postural muscles may account for the finding of intermittent coherence in the noted frequency band. Some age and/or gender differences in coherence were found, and may be related to comparable differences in postural control ability or strategies. Results from application of this new method support earlier evidence that kinematic coordination is achieved intermittently rather than continuously during quiet upright stance. This method may provide richer information regarding such coordination, and could be a useful approach in future studies.  相似文献   

Several signal processing tools have been employed in the experimental study of the postural control system in humans. Among them, the cross-correlation function has been used to analyze the time relationship between signals such as the electromyogram and the horizontal projection of the center of gravity. The common finding is that the electromyogram precedes the biomechanical signal, a result that has been interpreted in different ways, for example, the existence of feedforward control or the preponderance of a velocity feedback. It is shown here, analytically and by simulation, that the cross-correlation function is depedent in a complicated way on system parameters and on noise spectra. Results similar to those found experimentally, e.g., electromyiogram preceding the biomechanical signal may be obtained in a postural control model without any feedforward control and without any velocity feedback. Therefore, correct interpretations of experimentally obtained cross-correlation functions may require additional information about the system. The results extend to other biomedical applications where two signals from a closed loop system are cross-correlated.  相似文献   

While occupational back-support exoskeletons (BSEs) are considered as potential workplace interventions, BSE use may compromise postural control. Thus, we investigated the effects of passive BSEs on postural balance during quiet upright stance and functional limits of stability. Twenty healthy adults completed trials of quiet upright stance with differing levels of difficulty (bipedal and unipedal stance; each with eyes open and closed), and executed maximal voluntary leans. Trials were done while wearing two different BSEs (SuitX™, Laevo™) and in a control (no-BSE) condition. BSE use significantly increased center-of-pressure (COP) median frequency and mean velocity during bipedal stance. In unipedal stance, using the Laevo™ was associated with a significant improvement in postural balance, especially among males, as indicated by smaller COP displacement and sway area, and a longer time to contact the stability boundary. BSE use may affect postural balance, through translation of the human + BSE center-of-mass, restricted motion, and added supportive torques. Furthermore, larger effects of BSEs on postural balance were evident among males. Future work should further investigate the gender-specificity of BSE effects on postural balance and consider the effects of BSEs on dynamic stability.  相似文献   

Ankle osteoarthritis is a debilitating condition affecting about 1% of the population with approximately 50,000 new instances annually. One treatment is total ankle arthroplasty (TAA), however, its effects on balance are not well understood. This study analyzed balance over a two-year period following TAA. 408 subjects (177 left, 231 right ankles) diagnosed with end-stage ankle osteoarthritis performed quiet standing trials while center of pressure (COP) data were collected. Data were compared across three time points (pre-op, 1-year, and 2-years post-op) and between surgical and non-surgical limbs using a linear mixed model with significance set at P = 0.05. COP excursions in the feet-together condition were not significantly different between limbs after 2 years in anteroposterior or mediolateral directions (P = 0.06, 0.08) after being significantly different between limbs in the anteroposterior (P = 0.014) and mediolateral direction (P < 0.001) pre-op. The vertical ground reaction force significantly decreased across time in the non-surgical limb, while reciprocally increasing in the surgical limb (P < 0.001). After 2 years, no significant difference in vertical ground reaction force between limbs existed (P = 0.20). Limb asymmetry indices decreased at each time point in both conditions (all P < 0.001) and were not significantly different from zero after 2 years in the feet-together condition (P = 0.290). In conclusion, surgical limb balance improved compared to pre-op, resulting in increased symmetry between limbs after 2 years. Vertical ground reaction forces on both limbs converge and limb asymmetry indices approach zero two years post-op. Differences in the COP excursion-loading symmetry relationship between limbs could be useful for identifying instability in other pathologies.  相似文献   

Models of balance control can aid in understanding the mechanisms by which humans maintain balance. A balance control model of quiet upright stance based on an optimal control strategy is presented here. In this model, the human body was represented by a simple single-segment inverted pendulum during upright stance, and the neural controller was assumed to be an optimal controller that generates ankle control torques according to a certain performance criterion. This performance criterion was defined by several physical quantities relevant to sway. In order to accurately simulate existing experimental data, an optimization procedure was used to specify the set of model parameters to minimize the scalar error between experimental and simulated sway measures. Thirty-two independent simulations were performed for both younger and older adults. The model's capabilities, in terms of reflecting sway behaviors and identifying aging effects, were then analyzed based on the simulation results. The model was able to accurately predict center-of-pressure-based sway measures, and identify potential changes in balance control mechanisms caused by aging. Correlations between sway measures and model parameters are also discussed.  相似文献   

A high angular velocity of the thigh of the stance limb, generated by hip extensor musculature, is commonly thought to be a performance-determining factor in sprint running. However, the thigh segment is a component of a linked system (i.e., the lower limb), therefore, it is unlikely that the kinematics of the thigh will be due exclusively to the resultant joint moment (RJM) at the hip. The purpose of this study was to quantify, by means of segment-interaction analysis, the determinants of sagittal plane kinematics of the lower limb segments during the stance phase of sprint running. Video and ground reaction force data were collected from four male athletes performing maximal-effort sprints. The analysis revealed that during the first-third of the stance phase, a hip extension moment was the major determinant of the increasing angular velocity of the thigh. However, during the mid-third of stance, hip and knee extension moments and segment interaction effects all contributed to the thigh attaining its peak angular velocity. Extension moments at the ankle, and to a lesser extent the knee, were attributed with preventing the 'collapse' of the shank under the effects of the interactive moment due to ground reaction force. The angular acceleration of the foot was determined almost completely by the RJM at the ankle and the interactive moment due to ground reaction force. Further research is required to determine if similar results exit for a wide range of athletes and for other stages of a sprint race (e.g. early acceleration, maximal velocity, and deceleration phases).  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of prolonged load carriage on lower limb muscle activity displayed by female recreational hikers. Electromyography (EMG) signals from vastus lateralis (VL), biceps femoris (BF), semitendinosus (ST), tibialis anterior (TA) and gastrocnemius (GM) were recorded for fifteen female hikers carrying four loads (0%, 20%, 30% and 40% body weight (BW)) over 8 km. Muscle burst duration, muscle burst onset relative to initial contact and integrated EMG signals (iEMG) were calculated to evaluate muscle activity, whereas the shift in mean power frequency (MPF) was used to evaluate muscle fatigue. Increased walking distance significantly decreased the MPF of TA; decreased the iEMG for VL, ST and GM; and shortened VL muscle burst duration. Furthermore, carrying 20–40% BW loads significantly increased VL and GM iEMG and increased BF muscle burst duration, whereas a 40% BW load caused a later VL muscle burst onset. The differences observed in muscle activity with increased load mass seem to be adjustments aimed at maintaining balance and attenuating the increased loads placed on the lower limbs during gait. Based on the changes in muscle activity, a backpack load limit of 30% BW may reduce the risk of lower limb injury for female hikers during prolonged walking.  相似文献   

It has been well known that balance instabilities after long-term exposure to microgravity (e.g., Anderson et al. 1986) or bedrest (BR) can be related to alterations and/or adaptations to postural control strategies. Little is known, however, how the reduced muscular activity affects the activation pattern of the lower limb muscles during quiet standing (QS). The purpose of this study was to investigate whether or not any changes in the lower limb muscle activation patterns during QS would occur after BR.  相似文献   



Currently, it is unknown whether the inverted pendulum model is applicable to stooping or crouching postures. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the degree of applicability of the inverted pendulum model to these postures, via examination of the relationship between the centre of mass (COM) acceleration and centre of pressure (COP)–COM difference.


Ten young adults held static standing, stooping and crouching postures, each for 20 s. For both the anterior–posterior (AP) and medio-lateral (ML) directions, the time-varying COM acceleration and the COP–COM were computed, and the relationship between these two variables was determined using Pearson?s correlation coefficients. Additionally, in both directions, the average absolute COM acceleration, average absolute COP–COM signal, and the inertial component (i.e., −I/Wh) were compared across postures.


Pearson correlation coefficients revealed a significant negative relationship between the COM acceleration and COP–COM signal for all comparisons, regardless of the direction (p<0.001). While no effect of posture was observed in the AP direction (p=0.463), in the ML direction, the correlation coefficients for stooping were different (i.e., stronger) than standing (p=0.008). Regardless of direction, the average absolute COM acceleration for both the stooping and crouching postures was greater than standing (p<0.002).


The high correlations indicate that the inverted pendulum model is applicable to stooping and crouching postures. Due to their importance in completing activities of daily living, there is merit in determining what type of motor strategies are used to control such postures and whether these strategies change with age.  相似文献   

Quantitative assessment of the fluctuations of the body centre of mass (CM) while in a stationary bilateral stance on a firm surface is an important criterion of the functional state of human motor-vestibular and sensory apparatus. From analysis of the literature we conclude that more objective characteristics of human balance in quiet standing may be the amount of energy used to maintain the CM in a constant position. Further analysis of the references showed that these characteristics have not been investigated in neurological practice.In this study, the displacement of CM in participants standing in a normal anatomical position was analysed. Forty-five healthy women in three age groups: 18–24, 45–55 and over 60 years participated in the experiments, which consisted of recording changes in partial body weight on the force platform (under one leg) in situations with opened and closed eyes. The specific power of oscillation of body sway and force of lateral swing of CM were calculated. Results indicated that the maximum specific power of oscillation and force of lateral swing were observed in the group of women older than 60 years, especially in the absence of vision. Minimum values occurred in the group of 18–24 years.We also found a considerable variability in all indices in all age groups. This indicates that the stability of the vertical posture in humans depends also on the individual biological characteristics of the central nervous and muscular systems.  相似文献   


Background and aims: Role of the neck and jaw sensory motor system in control of body balance has been established. Tongue is an integral part of jaw sensory motor system and helps in execution of purposeful and precise motor tasks like eating, drinking and speaking. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the possible effects of tongue position on the postural control system.

Materials and method: We compared the mean center of gravity (COG) velocity during quiet standing on an unstable surface with eyes closed during two test conditions: (i) with habitual jaw resting position and (ii) with instructed tongue positioned against the upper incisors. One hundred and sixteen normal healthy male subjects (average age 31.56?±?8.51 years and height 170.86?±?7.26?cm) participated in the study. Their COG velocity (deg/s) was measured using the NeuroCom® Balance Master version 8.5.0 (Clackamas, OR, USA).

Results and conclusions: The results show that COG velocity decreased significantly while tongue was positioned against upper incisors in comparison to the habitual jaw resting position. Our findings suggest that the tongue positioning can modulate postural control mechanisms. Tongue positioning against the upper incisors can enhance the postural stability during upright standing on an unstable surface and in the absence of vision in healthy young adults. Our findings can be of value for evaluation and rehabilitation protocols for postural control dysfunction.  相似文献   



Results of finite element (FE) analyses can give insight into musculoskeletal diseases if physiological boundary conditions, which include the muscle forces during specific activities of daily life, are considered in the FE modelling. So far, many simplifications of the boundary conditions are currently made. This study presents an approach for FE modelling of the lower limb for which muscle forces were included.


The stance phase of normal gait was simulated. Muscle forces were calculated using a musculoskeletal rigid body (RB) model of the human body, and were subsequently applied to a FE model of the lower limb. It was shown that the inertial forces are negligible during the stance phase of normal gait. The contact surfaces between the parts within the knee were modelled as bonded. Weak springs were attached to the distal tibia for numerical reasons.


Hip joint reaction forces from the RB model and those from the FE model were similar in magnitude with relative differences less than 16%. The forces of the weak spring were negligible compared to the applied muscle forces. The maximal strain was 0.23% in the proximal region of the femoral diaphysis and 1.7% in the contact zone between the tibia and the fibula.


The presented approach based on FE modelling by including muscle forces from inverse dynamic analysis of musculoskeletal RB model can be used to perform analyses of the lower limb with very realistic boundary conditions. In the present form, this model can be used to better understand the loading, stresses and strains of bones in the knee area and hence to analyse osteotomy fixation devices.

The effect of different starting stances from a standing position on short sprint times and the subsequent variability in times was investigated in this study. A dual-beam timing light system was used to measure 5- and 10-m times for 3 different standing starts commonly found in the sporting environment: parallel (feet parallel to the start line), split (lead left foot on start line, right leg back), and false (initial parallel start, right leg drops back to split start when movement initiated). The parallel start was found to be significantly (alpha < 0.05) slower than the other 2 stances for both the 5- ( approximately 8.3%) and the 10-m (approximately 5.9%) distances. Within the trial, variation of the different starting stances was equally consistent; however, there was less variability for the 10-m distance (CV = 1.16-1.67%) than the 5-m distance (CV = 1.43-2.15%) for each start for both men and women. The split and false start seem to offer the best option as a movement strategy for minimizing short-distance sprint times. However, the benefits of these 2 starts are less clear if total movement time is the variable of interest.  相似文献   

Neonates were examined for evidence of lateralization of motor function. The stepping test was done and the foot that moved first was recorded. The reaction of both arms to avoid an obstacle was also tested. No evidence for lateralization was found. Previous studies in the neonate have shown asymmetry of anatomical structures subserving language, and functional asymmetry of auditory functions and head position. However, the development of limb handedness occurs only at a later age.  相似文献   

The study investigated the effects of an unilateral ankle muscle fatigue onto independent postural control parameters including the trajectories of the estimated resultant CoP (CoPres) and his components: the centre of gravity (CG) and CoP–CG trajectories.Nine healthy men realized series of 10 toe-lift immediately followed by 10 knee flexions until exhaustion with one (Ex) leg. Maximal isometric voluntary contractions, postural sway measures of each leg, and muscular activities of the ankle muscles were recorded before and immediately after the fatiguing exercise.As expected, the latter induced a decrease in maximal voluntary peak force associated with a greater variability of the relative contribution of each leg on the CoPres, enhanced all postural parameters of the non-exercised leg. A significant decreased of the tibialis anterior EMG activity for the Ex leg and an increased one for the NoEx leg. Finally, following unilateral fatigue, the body sway destabilisation seemed to occur only along the medio-lateral (ML) axis.The enhanced and greater variability of the variance along ML axis might be explained by the recourse at the loading–unloading strategy choice and suggests a central attempt to compensate for pain sensation.  相似文献   

Weight-bearing asymmetry (WBA) may be detrimental to performance and could increase the risk of injury; however, detecting and reducing it is difficult in a field setting. This study assessed whether a portable and simple-to-use system designed with multiple Nintendo Wii Balance Boards (NWBBs) and customized software can be used to evaluate and improve WBA. Fifteen elite Australian Rules Footballers and 32 age-matched, untrained participants were tested for measures of WBA while squatting. The NWBB and customized software provided real-time visual feedback of WBA during half of the trials. Outcome measures included the mean mass difference (MMD) between limbs, interlimb symmetry index (SI), and percentage of time spent favoring a single limb (TFSL). Significant reductions in MMD (p = 0.028) and SI (p = 0.007) with visual feedback were observed for the entire group data. Subgroup analysis revealed significant reductions in MMD (p = 0.047) and SI (p = 0.026) with visual feedback in the untrained sample; however, the reductions in the trained sample were nonsignificant. The trained group showed significantly less WBA for TFSL under both visual conditions (no feedback: p = 0.015, feedback: p = 0.017). Correlation analysis revealed that participants with high levels of WBA had the greatest response to feedback (p < 0.001, ρ = 0.557). In conclusion, WBA exists in healthy untrained adults, and these asymmetries can be reduced using real-time visual feedback provided by an NWBB-based system. Healthy, well-trained professional athletes do not possess the same magnitude of WBA. Inexpensive, portable, and widely available gaming technology may be used to evaluate and improve WBA in clinical and sporting settings.  相似文献   

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