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近年来我国的林业和林业产业都取得了一定的发展,造林技术作为林业发展的基础技术,也取得了一定的发展成就。尤其是雨季造林,对林业产业的发展有着很大的决定性作用。  相似文献   

目的:总结出银杉直播造林切实可行的技术方法,为珍稀树种银杉野外回归提供新的途径,并为合理保护银杉及银杉自然保护区的可持续管理提供科学依据。方法:通过设计不同地点、不同整地方式、不同遮阴度的直播造林试验,对银杉出苗率、死亡率、苗木生长等数据进行统计分析。结果:与海拔约700 m的玉溪镇插旗比较而言,银杉直播造林在海拔约1 400 m的阳溪镇青菜坪,出苗效果好,死亡率低,保存率高;整地方式以小块状整地为宜,大块状和带状整地破土面积较大,导致直播苗在裸露的地上生长,故保存率较低;当林分郁闭度超过0.7时,发芽率显著降低,苗木死亡率显著提高,说明银杉小苗不特别耐阴。结论:银杉直播造林宜选择在海拔约1 400 m、土层深厚、排水方便、黄壤或黄棕壤等与天然银杉分布立地条件相近的地方,采用小块状整地,郁闭度不宜超过0.7;银杉种子萌发有隔年出苗现象,银杉直播萌发出苗集中在5~6月,幼苗死亡高发期为6~8月,必须加强苗期前三年的管理,重点是5~8月。  相似文献   

环境因子对笼养朱鹮自然繁殖的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年3~7月,在陕西省洋县对人工饲养条件下朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)的自然繁殖进行了研究。18对繁殖鸟的窝卵数平均为(3.10±0.54)枚,孵化率26.2%,育雏成功率64.7%。当笼舍面积低于某一阈值时,窝卵数与笼舍面积呈明显正相关(Pearson,r=0.591,P<0.01)。出壳数、出飞数均与巢距遮荫树的距离呈负相关(Pearson,r1=-0.674,P1<0.05;r2=-0.677,P2<0.05)。亲鸟的繁殖经验对繁殖成功率没有显著影响,营巢环境是影响自然繁殖成功率的重要因素。  相似文献   

植苗造林是以苗木作为材料进行栽植的造林方法,又称栽植造林,是应用最普遍的一种造林方法。加强生态林业建设是当前林业工作的主要任务,天然林资源受到严格保护,木材生产逐步由以采伐天然林为主,大规模的退耕还林渐次展开,那么,植树造林、增大森林覆盖面积很有必要。文章对植苗造林的方法及技术做出简单的介绍。  相似文献   

1 植物名称檀香(Santalum album L.). 2 材料类别成年优质树木嫩芽. 3 培养条件以MS为基本培养基.(1)不定芽的诱导培养基:6-BA 2.0 mg·L-1(单位下同)+NAA 0.2;(2)2,4-D 2.0.  相似文献   

刘登义 《生态学报》1997,17(1):105-108
在自然植物种群中,病原菌与寄主植物不仅在个体发育的水平上相互作用,而且在系统发育的水平上相互作用。这后一种相互作用的结果就是病原菌与寄主植物的共进化。本文论述了病原菌与寄主植物共进化的主要方面病原菌的致病力和寄主植物种群的遗传结构。鉴于传媒方式在进化上具有重要意义,本文还简单介绍了媒体传布的菌病的种群模型  相似文献   

杜爽  韩锋  马蕊 《生物信息学》2019,26(12):85-90
自然圣境(sacred natural sites,简称SNS)是自然保护地体系的重要构成,也是典型的文化景观。它们作为人与自然互动的历史记录,所蕴藏的文化价值是其赖以存在的根基。从单纯的自然保护到融合文化价值的整体性保护,反观国外SNS保护工作的方向性转变,有助于在全球发展主义时代背景下从“术”的层面重新审视中国SNS保护工作中面临的诸多挑战,对于推进中国生态文明建设具有重大意义。从世界遗产角度,在阐述SNS概念的基础上,全面梳理不同国际组织机构参与下的SNS保护实践进展;总结目前在其保护中涉及的景观方法和生物文化多样性方法等主流保护方法;最后指出在国家公园体制背景下,充分开展本土SNS基础调研,完善相关规划并确立保护条例,在遗产地可持续发展的基础上协调SNS中的人际间及人与其他物种的公平关系是中国SNS保护成功的关键。  相似文献   

金佳莉  王成  贾宝全 《生态学杂志》2018,29(11):3723-3734
在人类积极的土地利用调控下(植树造林),研究景观格局变化对城乡热场环境的影响,可为今后的城市造林工程建设与优化提供参考,并为未来景观格局与热场环境的相关研究提供新视角.本研究以北京平原区百万亩造林项目为背景,运用遥感技术和地理信息系统,利用矩阵转移及耦合分析,评估平原造林对城市热场环境的实际作用,探究因城市造林工程引起的景观格局变化与城市地表温度变化的相关关系.结果表明: 北京平原造林工程后,森林和公园的面积比例分别增加了7.6%和0.5%;平原区有19.2%区域热场强度降低,其中,城郊有23.3%区域的热场强度减弱,但仍有23.5%的城市区域存在热场增强的情况;在城乡尺度上,森林和公园面积比例、森林和湿地的平均斑块面积(MPS)与地表亮温(LST)变化呈显著负相关;在城市市区,森林的面积加权平均形状指数(AWMSI)与LST变化呈显著正相关;在城郊区域,森林的MPS和AWMST与LST变化均呈显著负相关,而公园则相反.北京实施平原造林工程后,增加的城市森林和公园对城市热场的缓解有一定作用,但范围有限,主要集中在城郊区的造林点周围,且森林与湿地越集中,越有利于热场的缓解;受研究粒度、时相、地形、人类活动等因素影响,土地利用结构调控引起的景观格局变化与地表温度变化之间存在非线性相关.  相似文献   

城市近自然园林的理论基础与营建方法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
近自然园林是一种可持续发展的园林规划和建设理念,是生态园林建设的模式之一,也是实现节约型园林的主要措施和未来园林的发展方向。本文在分析我国园林建设问题的基础上,阐述了近自然园林的概念、内涵与理论基础,提出了近自然园林营建的基本原则,详细总结了近自然园林的设计、营造和管护方法,并探讨了当前近自然园林建设中存在的问题与措施,为强化近自然园林理念、促进我国城市近自然园林的研究与建设提供了依据。  相似文献   

半自然水域中长江江豚食性与摄食行为的初步观察   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
于道平  蒋文华  糜励 《兽类学报》2003,23(3):198-202
2001 年4 月至2002 年3 月, 观察5 头系上标记的长江江豚在夹江中的摄食行为。结果表明: 长江江豚在半自然水域中饲养适应期大约需要两个月, 豢养初期其体重下降幅度约13.8 %; 从经济和适口性来看, 供饲饵料中以鲤鱼最合适, 夹江投放鱼苗应以草鱼、鲢鱼为主。建立人工投食后, 长江江豚日食量在夏季仅占体重的4.1 %、冬季约9.5 % , 均数约6.3 % , 比池内人工饲养下的日食量至少低3 % , 因此夹江中豚类活动能量有1/3 来自自由捕食; 长江江豚每天上午和下午的摄食速度差异显著( P < 0.05) , 推测其夏季野外捕食发生在清晨或傍晚, 冬季在中午。  相似文献   

The cilia of Tetrahymena were amputated by the use of a procedure in which the cells remained viable and regenerated cilia. Deciliated cells were nonmotile, and cilia regeneration was assessed by scoring the percentage of motile cells at intervals following deciliation. After a 30-min lag, the deciliated cells rapidly recovered motility until more than 90% of the cells were motile at 70 min after amputation. Cycloheximide inhibited both protein synthesis and cilia regeneration. This indicated that cilia formation in Tetrahymena was dependent on protein synthesis after amputation. Conversely, colchicine was found to inhibit cilia regeneration without affecting either RNA or protein synthesis. This observation suggested the action of colchicine to be an interference with the assembly of ciliary subunit proteins. The finding that colchicine binds to microtubule protein subunits isolated from cilia and flagella (13) supports this possibility. The potential of the colchicine-blocked cilia-regenerating system in Tetrahymena for studying the assembly of microtubule protein subunits during cilia formation and for isolating ciliary precursor proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

虎眼万年青的直接体细胞胚胎发生和植株再生   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以虎眼万年青(Ornithogalum caudatum Jacq.)子鳞茎的鳞叶为外植体,不经过愈伤组织阶段,直接诱导体细胞胚胎发生并再生植株。组织切片和扫描电镜的观察结果表明:体细胞胚来自鳞叶表皮最外层的单个细胞。这个细胞经第一次平周分裂,成为2-细胞原胚,然后依次经过4-细胞原胚、球形胚、香蕉形胚等阶段发育成小植株,其形态学发育过程与合子胚相似。小植株移入土中,1周后即可成活。此外,还观察到直接体细胞胚只产生于鳞叶的近轴面,而远轴面无体细胞胚产生,这两个部位在细胞结构和形态上有显著差异。  相似文献   

The preceding account has attempted to examine the interactions between light absorption and photosynthesis, with reference to both unicellular and multicellular terrestrial and aquatic plants. There are, however, some notable plant groups to which no direct reference has been made, e.g. mosses, liverworts and lichens. Although many have similar optical properties to terrestrial vascular plants (Gates, 1980) and apparently similar photosynthetic responses (see Green & Snelgar, 1982; Kershaw, 1984) they may possess subtle, as yet unknown differences. For instance, the lichen thallus has a high surface reflectance although the transmittance is virtually zero (Gates, 1980; Osborne, unpublished results). It is envisaged, however, that differences in optical properties between species will reflect differences in degree not kind. Although not all variation in photosynthesis is due to differences in light absorption a number of accounts suggest that this is a contributing factor. Variations in leaf absorptance have been found to account for most of the variation in leaf photosynthesis at low Jis (see Ehleringer & Björkman, 1978a; Osborne & Garrett, 1983). There is, however, little direct experimental evidence on light absorption and photosynthesis in either microalgal species or aquatic macrophytes. We also do not know over what range of incident photon flux densities photosynthesis is determined largely by changes in light absorption. Plants growing under natural conditions also experience large diurnal and seasonal fluctuations in Ji, unlike species grown under laboratory conditions. The occurrence of transitory peaks in Ji tends to overshadow the fact that the average Ji is often lower than the J1 required to saturate photosynthesis, i.e. 1500–2000 μmol m-2 s-1, depending on the growth treatment. Using the data of Monteith (1977) and I W m2= 5 μmol m-2 s-1, and with photosynthetically active radiation 50% of total solar radiation, the daily mean value for Britain is approximately 450 μmol m-2 s-1, with a maximum in June of 1000μmol m-2 s-1 and a minimum during the winter of 75 μmol m-2 s-1. Such values could be even lower on shaded understory leaves and considerably lower for aquatic species. Based on average values of net photosynthesis for a terrestrial plant leaf, light saturation would only be expected in June while for most of the year the average values would lie largely on the light-limited portion of the photosynthesis light response curve. Although the daily average values in tropical climates may be higher during the winter months, they are remarkably similar throughout the world for the respective summers in the northern and southern hemispheres, because the increased daylength at high latitudes compensates for the lower Jis. The expected lower dark respiration rates during the winter may also partially offset the effects of a lower light level. There is therefore a trade-off between high Jis for a short period of time against a lower Ji for a longer period of time. We might expect different photosynthetic responses to these two very different conditions. Importantly, a low Ji with a long daylength may enable a plant to photosynthesize at or near its maximum photon efficiency for most of the day. Although the response of the plant to fluctuations in Ji is complicated because it is affected by the previous environmental conditions, this may indicate that light absorption has a much greater significance under natural conditions, particularly for perennial species. The bias in many laboratories towards research on terrestrial vascular plants also tends to ignore the fact that a number of multicellular and unicellular aquatic species survive in very low light environments. Furthermore, the direct extrapolation of photosynthetic responses from measurements on single leaves to those of whole plants is clearly erroneous. Although this is obvious, many physiological ecologists have attributed all manner of things to the photosynthetic responses of ‘primary’ leaves. Most researchers have ignored problems associated with composite plant tissues and internal light gradients. Clearly caution is required in interpreting the photosynthesis light-response curve of multicellular tissues based on biochemical features alone. Also, the importance of cell structure on light absorption and photosynthesis has generally been ignored and attributed solely to the effects of structural features on CO2 diffusion. In doing so the work of two or three generations of plant physiologists has been ignored. Haberlandt (1914) at the turn of the century probably first implicated the role of cell structure in leaf optics, and Heath (1970) stressed that in order to completely understand the role of light in photosynthesis we need to know the flux incident on the chloroplast itself. Even this suggestion may need modification because of the capacity of the internal chloroplast membranes for scattering light. It is worth emphasizing the importance of light gradients within tissues and their role in regulating photosynthesis, particularly at light saturation. Measurements of light gradients are fraught with problems because of experimental difficulties and the majority (few) are based on reflectance and transmittance measurements. Seyfried & Fukshansky (1983) have shown that light incident on the lower surface of a Cucurbita cotyledon produced a larger light gradient than light incident from above, indicating the importance of the spatial arrangement of the tissues with respect to the light source. Also, light incident on the lower surface of leaves of Picea sitchensis was less ‘effective’ in photosynthesis than light from above (Leverenz & Jarvis, 1979). Clearly, two tissues could have the same gross absorptance but different photosynthetic rates because of differences in the internal light environment. Fisher & Fisher (1983) have recently found asymmetries in the light distribution within leaves, which they related to asymmetries in photosynthetic products due to differences in solar elevation. Such modifications in light distribution could be important for a number of solar-tracking species. Changes in light absorption are brought about by a whole gamut of physiological, morphological and behavioural responses which serve to optimize the amount of light absorbed. Perhaps the simplest way of regulating the amount of light absorbed is by restricting growth either to particular times of the year or to conditions when the light climate is favourable. We are still largely ignorant of many details of these modifications. In particular, differences in tissue structure such as the size and number of vacuoles or the effects of organelles on the scattering component of the internal light environment of photosynthetic tissues are not understood. A better understanding of the interaction of light with plants in aquatic systems is also required. It is unfortunate that light-absorptance measurements are not routinely made in photosynthetic studies, and this is quite clearly a neglected area of study. That these measurements are not made is even more surprising, since techniques have been available for over sixty years (Ulbricht, 1920). Absorptance measurements are of particular importance in the photosynthetic adaptation of microalgae, where only a small proportion of the incident photon flux density is absorbed. For multicellular species more detailed information is required on internal light gradients and their variability. Light-absorptance measurements are also important in any study relating kinetic data on CO2 fixation to in vivo photosynthesis, especially when there are large variations in the morphology and structure of the photosynthetic organ.  相似文献   

水葫芦是世界性的有害水生杂草之一.本文就水葫芦的形态特征、发生危害及其自然天敌进行了综述,并提出了水葫芦的防治策略.  相似文献   

尖顶羊肚菌原生质体的分离及再生   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
培养在液体培养基中的尖顶肚菌(Morchella conica Pers)菌丝体可以分离出大量的原生质体。在组合的2号酶液中,在30℃下经4.5小时处理的产量最高(为6.2×10~6个原生质体/100mg·ml)。此法分离得的原生质体再生力很强,液体培养18小时即可再生成菌丝。再生的细胞进行植板培养后形成了菌丝体,并获得了从原生质体再生的菌株。  相似文献   

火炬松成熟合子胚培养直接器官发生和植株再生   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
基因型Hb,Ma和Mc的火炬松成熟合子胚在附加1.0mg/LNAA,4.0mg/LBA,500mg/LLH和500mg/L谷氨酰胺的TE培养基上培养12周后,在子叶和胚轴部位形成不定芽原基。然后将合子胚转移到附加0.5mg//LNAA,0.05mg/LIBA,2mg/LBA,500mg/LLH和500mg/L谷氨酰胺的TE不定芽分化培养基上,6周后分化产生大量不定芽,3种基因型中,Hb的直接不定芽  相似文献   

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