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Selective logging with natural regeneration is advocated as a near‐to‐nature strategy and has been implemented in many forested systems during the last decades. However, the efficiency of such practices for the maintenance of forest species are poorly understood. We compared the species richness, abundance and composition of ground‐dwelling beetles between selectively logged and unlogged forests to evaluate the possible effects of selective logging in a subtropical broad‐leafed forest in southeastern China. Using pitfall traps, beetles were sampled in two naturally regenerating stands after clearcuts (ca. 50 years old, stem‐exclusion stage: selectively logged 20 years ago) and two mature stands (> 80 years old, understory re‐initiation stage: selectively logged 50 years ago) during 2009 and 2010. Overall, selective logging had no significant effects on total beetle richness and abundance, but saproxylic species group and some abundant forest species significantly decreased in abundance in selectively logged plots compared with unlogged plots in mature stands. Beetle assemblages showed significant differences between selectively logged and unlogged plots in mature stands. Some environmental characteristics associated with selective logging (e.g., logging strategy, stand age, and cover of shrub and moss layers) were the most important variables explaining beetle assemblage structure. Our results conclude that selective logging has no significant impacts on overall richness and abundance of ground‐dwelling beetles. However, the negative effects of selective logging on saproxylic species group and some unlogged forest specialists highlight the need for large intact forested areas for sustaining the existence of forest specialist beetles.  相似文献   

1. Tropical fruit‐feeding Nymphalidae butterflies are widely used in research, monitoring, and conservation projects, but to date a key aspect of their behaviour – dispersal – remains poorly understood. They have anecdotally been described as ‘relatively sedentary’ based on movement vectors from mark‐recapture studies, but this may be inaccurate because plot‐based studies in small sampling areas often underrepresent long‐distance movements. 2. Based on data from a peat‐swamp forest in Borneo, it was found that these butterflies may be much more mobile than previously thought, as they frequently moved distances of 1–2 km between sampling plots. Median daily movements were approximately 200–250 m, and over lifespans of one or more months these movements may sum to total life‐time dispersals of several kilometres. 3. Recapture rates for long‐distance movements between sampling plots were between 28.2% and 41.6% of the re‐encounter rates that would be predicted by a random‐walk approximation/Brownian motion (without accounting for survival rates), supporting the hypothesis that it is a suitable model of dispersal in this group, although further research is needed to confirm this. 4. There was no evidence that butterflies occupied permanent home ranges, and it is suggested that a permanent home range or territorial behaviour would be maladaptive in this group. Pseudo‐replication caused by ‘trap‐happy’ behaviour was not found to be widespread, and some recommendations are provided regarding the treatment of recapture data in trap‐based studies. 5. These findings substantially increase the spatial parameters for future research and conservation projects in this group and are also applicable to theoretical modelling studies. An abstract for this article in Bahasa Indonesia is included in the online supporting information File S1.  相似文献   

Bias? What bias? The evolution of downstream larval‐feeding in animals   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The homology of larval-feeding modes has been a major element in recent discussions about animal phylogeny. 'Downstream-feeding' is one of the two main larval-feeding modes, and is usually equated to an opposed-band system involving ciliary bands called the prototroch and metatroch. Larval-feeding in Spiralia is reviewed here and the homology hypothesis of downstream larval-feeding is expanded, encompassing any feeding involving the prototroch. It is often argued that the presence of planktotrophic larvae using downstream-feeding is plesiomorphic among spiralian animals, and that there is a bias in transformations, such that feeding larvae tend to be lost rather than gained. These hypotheses are assessed in relation to the Spiralia, Trochozoa and particularly polychaete annelids. Cladistic parsimony analyses are performed based on datasets of Rouse & Fauchald (1997) and Rouse (1999) , with an additional character based on downstream larval-feeding. Methods adopted to assess the possibility of a bias in transformations towards loss of downstream larval-feeding include: expanded primary homology arguments, character transformations favouring reversals and polymorphic terminals coded as having downstream larval-feeding. These measures all tend to favour the possibility that downstream larval-feeding will be plesiomorphic, and tends to be lost rather than gained. Nevertheless, all analyses show that downstream larval-feeding is not plesiomorphic, and appears to have evolved multiple times. The results support a conclusion that the prototroch has become associated with feeding a number of times. Hypotheses of metazoan phylogeny that are predicated on the assumption that downstream-feeding larvae are plesiomorphic (e.g. Peterson et al . 1997 ) should be re-assessed.  相似文献   

Trans‐equatorial long‐distance migrations of high‐latitude breeding animals have been attributed to narrow ecological niche widths. We suggest an alternative hypothesis postulating that trans‐equatorial migrations result from a possible increase in the rate at which body stores to fuel migration are deposited with absolute latitude; that is, longer, migrations away from the breeding grounds surpassing the equator may actually enhance fueling rates on the nonbreeding grounds and therewith the chance of a successful, speedy and timely migration back to the breeding grounds. To this end, we first sought to confirm the existence of a latitudinal trend in fuel deposition rate in a global data set of free‐living migratory shorebirds and investigated the potential factors causing this trend. We next tested two predictions on how this trend is expected to impact the migratory itineraries on northward migration under the time‐minimization hypothesis, using 56 tracks of high‐latitude breeding shorebirds migrating along the East Asian‐Australasian Flyway. We found a strong positive effect of latitude on fuel deposition rate, which most likely relates to latitudinal variations in primary productivity and available daily foraging time. We next confirmed the resulting predictions that (1) when flying from a stopover site toward the equator, migrants use long jumps that will take them to an equivalent or higher latitude at the opposite hemisphere; and (2) that from here onward, migrants will use small steps, basically fueling only enough to make it to the next suitable staging site. These findings may explain why migrants migrate “the extra mile” across the equator during the nonbreeding season in search of better fueling conditions, ultimately providing secure and fast return migrations to the breeding grounds in the opposite hemisphere.  相似文献   

A major goal in macroecology is to determine how body size varies geographically, and explain why such patterns exist. Recently, a grid‐cell assemblage analysis found significant body size trends with latitude and temperature in Plethodon salamanders, and support for the heat‐balance hypothesis as a possible explanation for these trends. Here we demonstrate that the heat‐balance hypothesis is unlikely to have generated this pattern, and that there is no overall body size trend with temperature in Plethodon. Using data from 3155 local Plethodon assemblages, we find no support for body size clines with latitude, and no relationship between body size and temperature. We also found that body size did not covary with elevation, in contrast to what was predicted by heat‐balance. We then examined the various scenarios under which body size clines across grid‐cell assemblages could evolve via heat‐balance, and found that none were tenable in light of the existing data. Instead, a single, widely distributed species was responsible for the pattern across grid‐cell assemblages. Finally, we examined why phylogenetic eigenvector regression does not account for phylogenetic non‐independence among taxa, and should not be used to account for shared evolutionary history in assembly‐level analyses. Assemblage‐level patterns are a useful means of assessing biogeographic trends, and are an important complement to within‐species and cross‐species patterns. However, while the use of grid‐cell assemblage approaches from digital databases is expedient, their results must be examined critically, and whenever possible, compared with data obtained from local species assemblages (particularly for ecological mechanisms that operate at the level of individuals). Finally, our results emphasize the importance of using corroborative data to evaluate alternative hypotheses, so that potential mechanisms that explain bioegeographic patterns are properly assigned.  相似文献   

Feldman LJ 《Bioscience》1988,38(9):612-618
Defining interactions of roots with the surrounding soil environment has been the focus of many recent investigations. As a result of these efforts, we are gaining an appreciation of the varied and often surprising strategies whereby roots adjust to and condition their soil environment for optimal growth and development. This article summarizes current knowledge of the often complex interactions between roots and biotic and abiotic factors within the soil. These interactions are interpreted in terms of modifications in the development or the physiology of the root.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to examine the role and type of behavioural mechanisms that function in house fly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae), resistance to an imidacloprid‐containing commercial fly bait, QuickBayt®, using an insecticide‐susceptible and an imidacloprid‐resistant strain. Mortality and feeding behaviour were observed through choice bioassays of three post‐imidacloprid selected house fly generations to determine whether flies would consume the bait in the presence of an alternative food source. Mortality rates in choice containers progressively decreased in post‐selection flies as QuickBayt® no‐choice selections proceeded. There were no differences between the proportions of flies observed contacting QuickBayt® and sugar, respectively, a finding that eliminates repellency as a mechanism of stimulus‐dependent behavioural resistance. However, differences in QuickBayt® consumption and subsequent mortality between choice and no‐choice containers provided strong support for the evolution of consumption irritancy‐ or taste aversion‐related behavioural resistance. The results of this study support the responsible rotation of insecticide bait formulations for house fly control.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of the EEG amplitude depression in the α band has been performed in two paradigms varying in the degree of involvement of functionally different attention processes: visual search for the relevant stimulus (RS) among many irrelevant stimuli (iRS) and oddball. Simple visual examination of several identical stimuli was used as a control for the visual search task. The method of videooculography was used for verification of gaze direction during RS search. The EEG dynamics in the α band (desynchronization, D) was considered to be a correlate of attention processes. The visual search task performance revealed considerably higher D after RS finding compared to the control. The higher degree of D during the search seems to be due to the higher complexity of the task and complexity of visual environment. The D in the frontal regions, which has the greatest amplitude, supposedly reflects the performance of an adequate motor performance program under the control of voluntary (top-down) attention. At the same time, the D in the occipital and parietal areas seems to reflect the processes of involuntary attention activated due to the change in visual information (the finding of the only RS among numerous iRS). In the oddball task, presentation of both RS and iRS also induced D, which proved to be more marked in response to RS and maximal in the visual areas. We suppose that D under oddball reflects the involvement of involuntary attention.  相似文献   

The honeybee has an invaluable economic impact and is a model for studying immunity, development and social behavior. The recent sequencing and annotation of the honeybee genome facilitates the study of its hemolymph, which reflects the physiological condition and mediates immune responses. We aimed at making a proteomic reference map of honeybee hemolymph and compared gel‐free and gel‐based techniques. One hundered and four 2‐DE spots corresponding to 62 different proteins were identified. Eight identical 2‐DLC experiments resulted in the identification of 32 unique proteins. One repeat was clearly not representative for the potential of the given 2‐DLC setup. Only 27% of the identified hemolymph proteins were found by both techniques. In addition, we found proteins of three different viruses which creates possibilities for biomarker design. Future hemolymph studies will benefit from this work.  相似文献   

The conservation of migratory birds requires internationally coordinated efforts that, in turn, demand an understanding of population dynamics and connectivity throughout a species' range. Whimbrels (Numenius phaeopus) are a widespread long‐distance migratory shorebird with two disparate North American breeding populations. Monitoring efforts suggest that at least one of these populations is declining, but the level of migratory connectivity linking the two populations to specific non‐breeding sites or identifiable conservation threats remains unclear. We deployed light‐level geolocators in 2012 to track the migration of Whimbrels breeding near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. In 2013, we recovered 11 of these geolocators, yielding complete migration tracks for nine individuals. During southbound migration, six of the nine Whimbrels stopped at two staging sites on the mid‐Atlantic seaboard of the United States for an average of 22 days, whereas three individuals made nonstop flights of ~8000 km from Churchill to South America. All individuals subsequently spent the entire non‐breeding season along the northern coasts of Brazil and Suriname. On their way north, all birds stopped at the same two staging sites used during southbound migration. Individuals staged at these sites for an average of 34 days, significantly longer than during southbound migration, and all departed within a 5‐day period to undertake nonstop flights ranging from 2600 to 3100 km to the breeding grounds. These extended spring stopovers suggest that female Whimbrels likely employ a mixed breeding strategy, drawing on both endogenous and exogenous reserves to produce their eggs. Our results also demonstrate that this breeding population exhibits a high degree of connectivity among breeding, staging, and wintering sites. As with other long‐distance migratory shorebirds, conservation efforts for this population of Whimbrels must therefore focus on a small, but widely spaced, suite of sites that support a large proportion of the population.  相似文献   

This paper raises the general question of whether there are any national peculiarities that characterize the scientific and philosophical roots of Russian-language evolutionary developmental biology. The researchers and theories are surveyed which, with hindsight, have been crucial for the Russian tradition when it comes to general methodological principles and constituting concepts. Based on published works and archival documents the main concepts of the “founding fathers” of the Russian tradition with their “Western analogues” are compared. The focus is on A. O. Kowalevsky (1840–1901), I. I. Metschnikov (1945–1916), A. N. Sewertzoff (1866–1936), I. I. Schmalhausen (1884–1963) and the parallelisms between them and E. Haeckel (1834–1919), V. Franz (1883–1950), and C. H. Waddington (1905–1977). In addition, the problem of specific influences constituting the Russian-language context of the Modern Synthesis is addressed. The major thesis of this paper is that the very character of the Russian developmental biology and its intellectual environment predisposed a strong bias towards environmentalist interpretations and thus anticipated what we now call “ecological developmental biology”. This paper is an extended version of my talk delivered to the First and founding meeting of the European Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology (EDD), 16–19 August (Prague, Czech Republic). I thank Scott Gilbert for inviting me to this meeting
Georgy S. LevitEmail:

In spite of the advances in our knowledge of cancer biology, most cancers remain not curable with present therapies. Current treatments consider cancer as resulting from uncontrolled proliferation and are non-specific. Although they can reduce tumour burden, relapse occurs in most cases. This was long attributed to incomplete tumour elimination, but recent developments indicate that different types of cells contribute to the tumour structure, and that the tumour's cellular organization would be analogous to that of a normal tissue, with a main mass of differentiating cells sensitive to anti proliferative agents, together with a small percentage of quiescent, resistant stem cells responsible for replenishing the tumour: the Cancer Stem Cells (CSCs). Anti-CSCs targeted therapeutic agents would prevent tumour regeneration. New mouse models tailored to exploit this novel concept will be critical to develop CSC-based anti-cancer therapies. Here we review the biological basis and the therapeutic implications of the stem-cell model of cancer.  相似文献   

Bottom‐up control is a fundamental structuring force in food webs. Food webs of ocean‐exposed sandy beaches are predicted to be bottom‐up controlled systems, underpinned by imported organic matter rather than in situ primary production. This ecological model of resource‐based regulation of biological assemblages is juxtaposed against a prevailing paradigm built around a dominance of physical drivers in sandy beach ecosystems. Surprisingly, given the apparently ubiquitous energetic subsidies of beach food webs, the central premise of bottom‐up control has not been tested. Here we experimentally manipulated in situ nutrient levels on a sandy beach to test food web responses at the levels of primary producers (benthic microalgae) and their grazers (meiofauna). The meiofauna community as a whole appeared most strongly influenced by the local physical environment, particularly changes in sediment grain size – this supports the traditional ‘environmental control paradigm’. We also detected a significant, positive response of two consumer groups of the meiofauna (nematodes, ostracods) to nutrient enrichment that supports a model of biological, bottom‐up control. Although the predicted response of elevated producer biomass following nutrient enrichment was not detected, intense grazing pressure on new, stimulated production may have masked positive responses by the primary producers. Multichannel regulation of food webs is likely for many exposed sandy beaches, albeit an often lower importance of in situ bottom‐up forces compared with stronger environmental control.  相似文献   

Trade-offs are a core component of many evolutionary models, particularly those dealing with the evolution of life histories. In the present paper, we identify four topics of key importance for studies of the evolutionary biology of trade-offs. First, we consider the underlying concept of 'constraint'. We conclude that this term is typically used too vaguely and suggest that 'constraint' in the sense of a bias should be clearly distinguished from 'constraint' in the sense of proscribed combinations of traits or evolutionary trajectories. Secondly, we address the utility of the acquisition-allocation model (the 'Y-model'). We find that, whereas this model and its derivatives have provided new insights, a misunderstanding of the pivotal equation has led to incorrect predictions and faulty tests. Thirdly, we ask how trade-offs are expected to evolve under directional selection. A quantitative genetic model predicts that, under weak or short-term selection, the intercept will change but the slope will remain constant. Two empirical tests support this prediction but these are based on comparisons of geographic populations: more direct tests will come from artificial selection experiments. Finally, we discuss what maintains variation in trade-offs noting that at present little attention has been given to this question. We distinguish between phenotypic and genetic variation and suggest that the latter is most in need of explanation. We suggest that four factors deserving investigation are mutation-selection balance, antagonistic pleiotropy, correlational selection and spatio-temporal variation, but as in the other areas of research on trade-offs, empirical generalizations are impeded by lack of data. Although this lack is discouraging, we suggest that it provides a rich ground for further study and the integration of many disciplines, including the emerging field of genomics.  相似文献   

Haeckel created much of our current vocabulary in evolutionary biology, such as the term phylogeny, which is currently used to designate trees. Assuming that Haeckel gave the same meaning to this term, one often reproduces Haeckel's trees as the first illustrations of phylogenetic trees. A detailed analysis of Haeckel's own evolutionary vocabulary and theory revealed that Haeckel's trees were genealogical trees and that Haeckel's phylogeny was a morphological concept. However, phylogeny was actually the core of Haeckel's tree reconstruction, and understanding the exact meaning Haeckel gave to phylogeny is crucial to understanding the information Haeckel wanted to convey in his famous trees. Haeckel's phylogeny was a linear series of main morphological stages along the line of descent of a given species. The phylogeny of a single species would provide a trunk around which lateral branches were added as mere ornament; the phylogeny selected for drawing a tree of a given group was considered the most complete line of progress from lower to higher forms of this group, such as the phylogeny of Man for the genealogical tree of Vertebrates. Haeckel's phylogeny was mainly inspired by the idea of the scala naturae, or scale of being. Therefore, Haeckel's genealogical trees, which were only branched on the surface, mainly represented the old idea of scale of being. Even though Haeckel decided to draw genealogical trees after reading On the Origin of Species and was called the German Darwin, he did not draw Darwinian branching diagrams. Although Haeckel always saw Lamarck, Goethe, and Darwin as the three fathers of the theory of evolution, he was mainly influenced by Lamarck and Goethe in his approach to tree reconstruction.  相似文献   

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