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The effect of water salinity and ions on metallothionein-like proteins (MTLP) concentration was evaluated in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus. MTLP concentration was measured in tissues (hepatopancreas and gills) of crabs acclimated to salinity 30 ppt and abruptly subjected to a hypo-osmotic shock (salinity 2 ppt). It was also measured in isolated gills (anterior and posterior) of crabs acclimated to salinity 30 ppt. Gills were perfused with and incubated in an isosmotic saline solution (ISS) or perfused with ISS and incubated in a hypo-osmotic saline solution (HSS). The effect of each single water ion on gill MTLP concentration was also analyzed in isolated and perfused gills through experiments of ion substitution in the incubation medium. In vivo, MTLP concentration was higher in hepatopancreas than in gills, being not affected by the hypo-osmotic shock. However, MTLP concentration in posterior and anterior gills significantly increased after 2 and 24 h of hypo-osmotic shock, respectively. In vitro, it was also increased when anterior and posterior gills were perfused with ISS and incubated in HSS. In isolated and perfused posterior gills, MTLP concentration was inversely correlated with the calcium concentration in the ISS used to incubate gills. Together, these findings indicate that an increased gill MTLP concentration in low salinity is an adaptive response of the blue crab C. sapidus to the hypo-osmotic stress. This response is mediated, at least in part, by the calcium concentration in the gill bath medium. The data also suggest that the trigger for this increase is purely branchial and not systemic.  相似文献   

A levamisole-sensitive (Ki = 0.72 mM) alkaline phosphatase (pH optimum 9.1) and a levamisole-insensitive alkaline phosphatase (pH optimum 7.1) are present in gills of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus. Both enzymes are distinct from ouabain-sensitive ATPase. Specific activity for either phosphatase is greatest in the acinar tissue, which lines the branchial vessels. Histochemical localization of the enzymes confirmed this distribution. Activity of levamisole-sensitive alkaline phosphatase is affected by acclimation salinity. Vmax of the levamisole-sensitive alkaline phosphatase is greater in high-salinity crabs than in low-salinity crabs; apparent Km is not significantly different. The levamisole-sensitive alkaline phosphatase associated with the acinar tissue lining the branchial vessels may modulate the osmoregulatory response in blue crabs.  相似文献   

The effects of inorganic ions and of the hydrogen ion on oxygen-binding properties of most respiratory pigments are opposite. The addition of salt to the medium increases oxygen affinities, and the addition of H+ decreases oxygen affinities of crustacean hemocyanins. These oxygenation properties, as observed in vitro, suggest that the oxygen-transport system must adapt to ionic changes in the blood. In fact, decreases in the salt concentration of the blood of estaurine blue crabs are accompanied by increases in pH, probably resulting from the input of ammonia produced in deamination of the intracellular pool of free amino acids as the cells conform to osmotic changes in body fluids. The result is a stability of hemocyanin function until the blood becomes very dilute. As the acclimation salinity is reduced from 35 to 15 o/ooo, the ionic effects on respiratory transport are balanced and there is no change in total oxygen uptake. At 5 o/ooo salinity, however, the higher blood pH is manifested in an elevation of the total oxygen concentration of prebranchial blood, probably because the Bohr shift is no longer opposed by a critical level of salt in the blood. Under these conditions the role of hemocyanin in aerobic respiration is reduced at high environmental oxygen levels, but it may be enhanced in hypoxic uaters.  相似文献   

Shell disease of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

From a respiratory and metabolic standpoint, a blue crab isin an extremely precarious condition during a molt. A molt isphysiologically possible for two major reasons. First, a premoltalkalosis anticipates the acidosis that arises during actualexuviation when the gas exchanger and ventilatory appendageare impaired and thus anaerobic metabolism must be activated.Second, the crab is able to revert to more primitive forms ofskeletal support and, immediately after exuviation, gas exchange.These mechanisms are very fragile, however, as are the cardiovascularmechanisms that provide the force for exuviation; any one mayfail. Changes in various enzyme activities and in free aminoacid content of the tissues, which are usually associated withosmotic challenges, are associated specifically with a moltas well. I suggest that they are related to isosmotic wateruptake and cell volume regulation.  相似文献   

Exposure of crabs to water supersaturated with air resulted in formation of gas emboli in the hemal system, which in turn caused localized ischemia. More than one-third of the exposed crabs died during the 2 days following the episode. In surviving crabs, the most severely affected organs and tissues were the gills, heart, and antennal gland. Especially in gills, emboli were still present in apparently healthy crabs 35 days following exposure to water supersaturated with air. Evidence of ischemic injury was focal in character except in the antennal gland, where the epithelium of the labyrinth was sometimes extensively degenerate. Repair processes apparently did not involve hemocytes except for occasional fibroblastic infiltration in damaged gill lamellae.  相似文献   

Observations of cuticular structures mineralized with silica within the Crustacea have been limited to the opal teeth of copepods, mandibles of amphipods, and recently the teeth of the gastric mill in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus. Copepod teeth are deposited during premolt, with sequential elaboration of organic materials followed by secretion of silica into the tooth mold. The timing of mineralization is in stark contrast to that of the general integument of crustaceans in which calcification is completely restricted to the postmolt period. To determine the timing of molt‐related deposition and silicification of the teeth of the gastric mill, the medial tooth of the blue crab C. sapidus was examined histologically and ultrastructurally across the molt cycle. Histological data revealed deposition of the organic matrix of the epicuticle and exocuticle during premolt. No evidence of postmolt changes in the thickness of the epicuticle and exocuticle, or any deposition of endocuticle, was observed. Scanning electron microscopy revealed degradation of the outer surface of the old tooth during premolt. During premolt, epithelial structures resembling papilla appeared to secrete a fibrous web that coalesces to become the matrix of the new tooth. Semi‐quantitative elemental analyses indicated simultaneous deposition of silica and organic matrix, and demonstrated a homogeneous distribution of silicon throughout the epicuticle of the tooth at all stages. However, there is evidence of deposition (presumably silicification) during postmolt as spaces between the papillae become filled in. Thus, the pattern and timing of deposition and silicification of the tooth are different from both teeth of copepods and the general exoskeleton of decapods, and may facilitate rapid resumption of feeding and consumption of the exuvia in early postmolt. J. Morphol. 277:1648–1660, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A bicarbonate-dependent ATPase (EC was found in microsomal preparations from blue crab gills. When the crabs were transferred to low salinity (200 mosmolal) from seawater (1000 mosmolal), the HCO3- dependent ATPase increased in all gill pairs, reaching its new steady state in 2 weeks. The greatest increase occurred in the sixth and seventh gill pairs (approx. 2.5-fold). Maximal enzyme activity was observed at an Mg2+ concentration of 2 mM and an optimal pH of 7.8. The apparent Ka for HCO3- was found to be 8.9 mM. Kinetic analysis showed that low-salinity adaptation increased the Vmax without altering the Km for ATP. When the microsomes from high-salinity crab gills were treated with detergent or assayed at different temperatures, the total enzyme activity did not reach the activity levels after adaptation to low salinity. These results suggest that the alteration of HCO3- -ATPase activity may be due to synthesis, rather than modulation of membranes or of the existing enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase (CA) induction in the gills of the euryhaline blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, was measured in response to lowered environmental salinity. Simultaneous measurements of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity were made in gills and nonbranchial tissues to determine whether ODC activity and the resultant synthesis of polyamines played a role in the initiation and regulation of CA induction. CA induction in the seventh gill pair (G7) was proportional to the decrease in ambient salinity, but activity in the third gill pair (G3) remained unchanged. Induction began by 24 hr after low salinity transfer, much earlier than previously reported, and peaked after 4 days. The magnitude of salinity change affected the magnitude of CA induction only, not the time course. A general cell volume regulatory response, as measured by the appearance of total ninhydrin-positive substances (TNPS) in the hemolymph, was initiated within 4 hr of low salinity transfer and was complete by 24 hr post-transfer. General cell swelling may be the initial signal in the pathway of CA induction. ODC activity in the gills of acclimated animals was not influenced by salinity. For crabs transferred from 35 to 25 ppt, ODC activity did not change significantly over the time course of acclimation. There was an early but transient increase in ODC activity in all tissues for crabs acclimated to 28 ppt and transferred to 15 ppt. Induction of ODC activity does not appear to be a precursor for CA induction; therefore, it does not appear that polyamines are substantially involved in the up-regulation of transport enzyme activity in low salinity. ODC, and resultant polyamine synthesis, may, however, have a role in cell volume regulation.  相似文献   

In this study the pattern of arthrodial membrane deposition in Callinectes sapidus was determined by histological and ultrastructural examination of tissues from the carpus joint of the cheliped collected during premolt, ecdysis, postmolt, and intermolt. Apolysis in the arthrodial membrane occurs at stage D(0) and is synchronous with apolysis of the calcified cuticle. Epicuticle formation begins at early stage D(1) and is completed in late stage D(1). Procuticle deposition starts at D(2) and continues until ecdysis. Numerous cytoplasmic extensions occur throughout the lamellae. Component fibers of the arthrodial membrane are intimately associated with dense plaques on the apical membrane of the underlying hypodermal cells, suggesting a site for fiber polymerization. Deposition of the arthrodial membrane continues after ecdysis, with most of the cuticle thickening occurring during stage C. When stained with PAS and counterstained with hematoxylin, a difference can be discerned between preecdysial and postecdysial procuticle of the arthrodial membrane, a distinction not made in previous studies. The boundary between the arthrodial membrane and calcified cuticle is thicker than either of the two layers and the layers overlap rather than butting up against one another. This pattern suggests that underlying hypodermal cells have to produce multiple types of cuticle over the molt cycle. A summary of the various molting patterns in C. sapidus suggests that the control of these diverse events may prove to be complex.  相似文献   

The effect of acclimation salinity and salinity changes on the concentration of high-energy phosphate metabolites and arginine kinase (AK) flux was examined in vivo in juvenile blue crabs using 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Crabs were acclimated for 7 days to a salinity of 5 or 35 per thousand and then placed in a flow apparatus that could sustain the animals while NMR spectra were acquired. Crabs were subjected to either hyperosmotic salinity changes, where an animal acclimated to 5 per thousand was exposed to a salinity of 35 per thousand, or hyposmotic changes, which involved the reciprocal exchange. Neither acclimation salinity nor salinity change had a significant effect on the concentrations of arginine phosphate, inorganic phosphate or ATP. 31P-NMR saturation transfer experiments were used to determine the effect of salinity on the forward and reverse flux of the AK reaction. There was no significant effect of acclimation salinity or salinity change on the flux rate through this reaction. This is in contrast to previous results, which showed that AK flux in isolated muscle was sensitive to prevailing osmotic conditions (Holt and Kinsey, J. Exp. Biol. 205 (2002) 1775-1785). The present study indicates that the integrated osmoregulatory capacity of the intact animal is sufficient to preserve cellular energy status and enzyme function during acute salinity changes.  相似文献   

Quite different ultrastructural changes were observed in the columnar cell and the goblet cell of the silkworm midgut after administration of the crystalline toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis. Shortly after the ingestion of the toxin, the deep infoldings of the basal cell membrane of some columnar cells became very irregular in shape and the mitochondria near the basal region were transformed into a condensed form. A few goblet cells showed relatively high electron density in the cytoplasm. The earliest pathological changes were slight and located in a region lying between the first and second thirds of the midgut. With the passage of time, they spread anteriorly and posteriorly to include the entire anterior two thirds of the midgut and became more profound. The cytoplasm of columnar cells became very electron transparent. Most mitochondria were transformed into a condensed form and the endoplasmic reticulum assumed a vacuole-like configuration. The basal infoldings of the cell membrane almost disappeared. On the other hand, the cytoplasm of the goblet cells became very electron dense and granular. The clear basal infoldings of the cell membrane were enlarged making a striking contrast with the dense cytoplasm. However, the mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum did not show any pathological deformation.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated a marked change in sugar moieties of glycoproteins of the cuticle of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, between 0.5 and 3 h post-ecdysis. The present study has identified a glycosidase that appears in the cuticle during the early post-ecdysial hours. The enzyme has affinities for p-nitrophenyl derivatives of both N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylgalactosamine. Both activities are competitively inhibited by chitobiose, suggesting that the enzyme could be a N-acetylhexosaminidase (EC Atypical of N-acetylhexosaminidases described to date, this enzyme has a pH optimum of 7.0. The enzyme activity is high during the post-ecdysial period coincident with the changes in glycoprotein profiles observed in vivo. Partial purification of the enzyme has been accomplished by Sephacryl size-exclusion chromatography followed by concanavalin A affinity chromatography.  相似文献   

Blood PO2 in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus, a very active species of tropical origin, is lower at 22 degrees C than that of larger crabs in colder waters. These low oxygen levels permit its hemocyanin to be highly oxygenated at the gill, and to deliver almost half of its oxygen to the tissues in resting animals. Sustained muscular activity results in conspicuous decreases in blood PO2, pH and hemocyanin oxygenation. Although the venous reserve is fully utilized, hemocyanin oxygenation at the gill decreases so much that there is no change in its total quantitative function. The large Bohr shift becomes functional during activity, but its quantitative importance is not clear.  相似文献   

Crustacean gills function in gas exchange, ion transport, and immune defense against microbial pathogens. Hemocyte aggregates that form in response to microbial pathogens become trapped in the fine vasculature of the gill, leading to the suggestion by others that respiration and ion regulation might by impaired during the course of an immune response. In the present study, injection of the pathogenic bacterium Vibrio campbellii into Callinectes sapidus, the Atlantic blue crab, caused a dramatic decline in oxygen uptake from 4.53 to 2.56 micromol g-1 h-1. This decline in oxygen uptake is associated with a large decrease in postbranchial PO2, from 16.2 (+/-0.46 SEM, n=7) to 13.1 kPa (+/-0.77 SEM, n=9), while prebranchial PO2 remains unchanged. In addition, injection of Vibrio results in the disappearance of a pH change across the gills, an indication of reduced CO2 excretion. The hemolymph hydrostatic pressure change across the gill circulation increases nearly 2-fold in Vibrio-injected crabs compared with a negligible change in pressure across the gill circulation in saline-injected, control crabs. This change, in combination with stability of heart rate and branchial chamber pressure, is indicative of a significant increase in vascular resistance across the gills that is induced by hemocyte nodule formation. A healthy, active blue crab can eliminate most invading bacteria, but the respiratory function of the gills is impaired. Thus, when blue crabs are engaged in the immune response, they are less equipped to engage in oxygen-fueled activities such as predator avoidance, prey capture, and migration. Furthermore, crabs are less fit to invade environments that are hypoxic.  相似文献   

The noncalcified inner branchiostegal cuticle, which lines the branchial chamber, was examined histologically and ultrastructurally over the molt cycle in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus. In intermolt crabs (stage C4) the epithelium underlying the inner cuticle is cuboidal and has abundant intercellular spaces and a prominent basement membrane. Apolysis occurs at stage D0 and dissolution of the cuticle is accompanied by the formation of numerous lysosomes in the epithelium. During stage D1, cells increase in height, apical mitochondria become more abundant, and the cuticle continues to be resorbed. An epicuticle is formed in early D2, arising from a fusion of small subunits apparently attached to short apical microvilli. Cuticle deposition continues through D2 and is complete by stage D3. By the time cuticle deposition is complete, the epithelium has become extremely columnar and cells are filled with bundles of microtubules. In stage D4, an amorphous electron‐dense core appears in the microtubule‐filled cells, which are attached to the cuticle at their apical end and anchored to their basement membrane at the basal surface. These microtubule‐filled cells persist through ecdysis, stage E, but during stage A1 the cores disappear and some organelles begin to reappear in the cytoplasm. By stage A2, the cells return to the cuboidal morphology seen in intermolt and remain so throughout the remainder of the molt cycle. This new pattern of cuticle deposition resembles that observed in the gills of crustaceans in that the cuticle is uncalcified and there is no postecdysial cuticle formation. However, instead of apolysis being delayed until just before ecdysis, the inner cuticle is formed during the first half of premolt, allowing the epithelial cells time to differentiate into a morphology that provides tensile strength for the stress of ecdysis. These new observations demonstrate that cuticle formation can follow very diverse structural and temporal patterns. In order to integrate and coordinate these diverse patterns, it is suggested that a suite of feedback mechanisms must be present. J. Morphol. 240:267–281, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Total ecdysteroid titers [estimated by radioimmunoassay (RIA)] in embryos of the blue crab increased from ~6 ng 20-hydroxyecdysone equivalents/g in the immature embryo to a maximum of ~500 ng 20-hydroxyecdysone equivalents/g in maturing embryos; titers dropped to ~300 ng 20-hydroxyecdysone equivalents/g in prehatch embryos. High-pressure reverse-phase chromatography of the embryo extracts resolved five RIA-active components. α-Ecdysone and the polar conjugate of 20-hydroxyecdysone were present in low quantities. The concentration of 20-hydroxyecdysone increased during embryogenesis to a maximum of ~160 ng/g in maturing embryos and decreased only slightly in the prehatch embryos. Two unidentified components were also detected and the changes in their concentrations were estimated. One, an apolar component (peak III), accounted for as much as 63% of the total RIA activity as the embryos matured. The estimated concentration of this component increased from 85 ng/g in early embryos to 475 ng/g in maturing embryos, then decreased by 50% in the prehatch embryos. The level of the other, more polar component (peak II) increased from 7.5 to 75 ng/g as the embryos developed. The increase in the concentration of ecdysteroids during embryogenesis indicates that crab embryos have the capacity to synthesize ecdysteroids and suggests that these hormones may have a physiological role in the embryonic development of crustaceans.  相似文献   

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