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描述了采自广东省阳江市海水网箱养殖尖吻鲈鳃上寄生的单殖吸虫鳞盘虫科Diplectanidae Bychowsky,1957、拟合片虫属Pseudorhabdosynochus Yamaguti,1958中的1新种,文中量度μm,模式标本保存于中山大学华南寄生生物研究中心.  相似文献   

报道了寄生于中国南海的芝麻斑鱼Epinephelus rhyncholepis(Bleeker)(Serranidae)上的香港拟大杯虫Megalocotyloides hongkongensis sp.nov.和寄生于黑鲷Acanthopagrus schlegeli(Bloch)(Sparidae)上的鲷裸盘虫Anoplodiscus spari(Yamaguti,1958)。前者为新种,隶属于分室科Capsalidae (Barid,1853)、轮足亚科Trochpodinae、拟大杯足属Megalocotyoides;后者为中国新纪录,隶属于裸盘虫科Anoplodiscidae(Tagliani,1912)、裸盘虫属Anoplodiscus。香港拟大杯虫Megalocotyloides hongkongensis sp.nov.具分室科、Trochopodinae亚科的形态特征。虫体背腹扁平,呈长椭圆形,体表光滑无棘。前端腹面有一对前吸器,成对吸盘状结构,通过一头冠在前背面联系,有头腺。眼点2对,位于咽前。后吸器盘状,无柄,分成5隔和周边5个小隔室,中央小室缺;后吸盘边上有肌肉缘,周围有精致的圆齿状边缘膜,边缘小钩14个;中央大钩3对,有肌肉纤维支持着,第1对钩大,远端尖,近端钝,分叉,有明显的肌腱通过大钩的分叉牵拉,第2对钩细长,远端有刺钩,第3对钩尖细,远端钩尖略弯曲,3对中央大钩成直线纵向排列,有肌腱牵引。口开于咽中央,咽肌肉质,发达,呈5瓣状。食道不明显或缺。两肠支前端达咽的水平处,末端终止于后吸器前,呈树枝状分布,末端不汇合。睾刃个并列,椭圆形,前端略尖,位于体中部。输出管在中部吻合形成输精管,呈盘曲长管状,阴茎囊椭圆形,靠近卵巢的右上角,阴茎细长,卷曲在阴茎囊内。阴茎复合体包含有肌肉质的阴茎、射精管、前列腺球和前列腺储藏囊。阴茎囊远端与子宫远端联合形成生殖腔,其生殖孔开口于体左侧的前吸器旁。卵巢圆球形,位于睾丸前,输卵管自卵巢发出后,向前略大成卵模,周围有发达的梅氏腺,子宫粗短,开口于生殖腔。卵黄腺呈滤泡状,自咽水平处随肠支,略呈对称状分布至后吸器前,贮卵黄囊位于卵巢前。阴道富肌肉质,管状,近端膨大形成受精囊,远端窄,开口于共同生殖腔下方。卵呈多面体形,虫卵的一端有一根卷曲的长极丝。鲷裸盘中Anoplodiscus spari(Yamaguti,1958)具裸盘虫科Anoplodiscidae、裸盘虫属Anoplodiscus的形态特征。虫体背腹扁平,体前端有一对假吸盘,开口于体外,后吸器盘状,无钩,不分室。具2对眼点,咽发达。食道不明显或缺。单支肠支不对称地呈树枝状分布,末端终止于后吸器前。睾丸单个,圆球形,位于体中部。具贮精囊,阴茎囊长,管状,具有几丁质支持器,卵巢卵圆形,位于睾丸前,具受精囊和阴道,卵黄腺发达,呈大滤泡状,自交接器水平处随肠支,略呈对称状分布至后吸器前。  相似文献   

记述了寄生于广东海洋鱼类五带豆娘鱼Abudefduf vaigiensis、六带豆娘鱼Abudefduf sexfasciatus和孟加拉豆娘鱼Abudefduf bengalensis鳃上的新海盘虫属Neohaliotrema Yamaguti,19653新种,瘤钩新海盘虫Neohaliotrema tukerhamatus sp.nov.,倒钩新海盘虫Neohaliotrema antiacanthus sp.nov.和孟加拉新海盘虫Neohaliotrema bengalensis sp.nov.3新种的中央大钩具有瘤状突起而相似于大棘新海盘虫Neohaliotrema macracanthum Zhukow,1976,但新种背中央大钩具有附片及腹中央大钩内突上有小钩与已知种不同,交接器尤其是支持器也存在较大的差异。瘤钩新海盘虫N.tukerhamatus sp.nov.的交接管末端有1锥状结构,支持器较长,前端为窄片状,末端分叉,腹中央大钩内突上有1小钩,背中央大钩具有1C形的附片;倒钩新海盘虫N.antiacanthus sp.nov.的支持器位于交接管中部弯曲处,呈倒钩形,腹中央大钩内突上有1小钩...  相似文献   

海南岛海水鱼类单殖吸虫研究及宽海盘虫二新种记述   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
记述了采自海南岛后水湾的眶棘双边鱼Ambassis gymnocephalus Lacépéde鳃上寄生的宽海盘虫2新种.张氏宽海盘虫Euryhaliotrema zhangjianyingi sp nov.以其边缘小钩明显长于两对中央大钩,支持器的套环状特殊结构,两对中央大钩和联结片而不同于属内的已知种;双边鱼宽海盘虫,Euryhaliotrema ambassisi sp.nov.以其交接器的量度,后吸器中央大钩内突基部较宽,外突较小,钩基部较直,钩尖短而不同于相似种和属内已知种.文中量度μm,模式标本保存在海南师范学院生物系.  相似文献   

记述了弓鳍鱼亚科一新种:Cyclurus orientalis(东方圆尾鱼),标本采集于中国湖南省湘乡市下湾铺早始新世至中始新世下湾铺组。化石因具有以下特征而被归入弓鳍鱼亚科(Ami-inae):尾前椎为双椎型;除第一尾椎和第一尾下骨外,其余尾椎和尾下骨均一对一愈合;无膜质尾骨;背鳍长。因其第一冠状骨上的牙齿顶端圆钝,而被归入Cyclurus属。本新种与Cy-clurus属中其他种的区别在于:背鳍鳍条较少;身体短而高;脊椎和椎体较少。在始新世淡水鱼类的跨太平洋分布达到鼎盛时,由于弓鳍鱼亚科并非仅分布于太平洋两岸的类群,因此不能作为跨太平洋分布的指示类群。弓鳍鱼亚科在北半球的分布范围更广,与某些其他淡水鱼类群例如狗鱼科(Esocidae)和骨舌鱼科(Osteoglossidae)相似,这种现象只能用有别于形成跨太平洋分布的地质背景来解释。  相似文献   

记录短痣金小蜂亚科Colotrechninae(小蜂总科:金小蜂科)中国1新纪录属:短痣金小蜂属Colotrechnus Thomson,及中国1新纪录种:绿短痣金小蜂Colotrechnus viridis (Masi)。这是短痣金小蜂亚科在中国的首次记录,提供了形态描述、分布及形态特征图,同时提供了短痣金小蜂属世界已知6种的分种检索表。研究标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

1964—1965年在吉林省饮马河、长春、农安的7只绿翅鸭(Anas crecca crecca Linnaeus)中有6只在门静脉中获得毕哈亚科一新属新种血吸虫,计雄虫20条,雌虫11条,描述于下。模式标本保存于吉林医科大学寄生虫学教研室。  相似文献   

我国结鱼属鱼类的系统分类及一新种的记述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
结鱼属(Tor Gray)是鲃亚科中以下唇的唇后沟相连、侧瓣之间具中叶为共同离征的一个自然类群。我国结鱼属有3个亚属9个种(亚种),其中包括一个新种,即半刺结鱼Tor(Tor)hemispinus,sp.nov.其主要鉴别特征是:背鳍最后不分枝鳍条有一半分节柔软,下唇中叶很短、吻须长、侧线鳞较多。 在鲃亚科中,下唇及唇后沟的演变具有划分属级特征的意义。从唇后沟中断到相通,直至中叶的出现,反映从四须鲃Barbodes到圆唇鱼Cyclocheilich-thys再到结鱼的演化过程,这正是它们从杂食性过渡到底栖性的结果。在结鱼中,随着底栖适应性的进一步加强,中叶由雏形发展为舌状的一个序列,呈现与食性相关的形态变异。半刺结鱼的中叶结构标志着类似圆唇鱼的祖先已经完成了向结鱼演化的初级阶段,因此它是结鱼属中迄今知道的最为原始的一个种。最后,通过特征分析,对已知9个种(亚种)的系统发育,用分支图解加以表示。  相似文献   

记述采自中国南海日本红娘鱼(Lepidotrigla japonica)鳃上的单殖吸虫1新种:红娘鱼轮盘虫(Trochopus lepidotrigla sp.nov.),以及绿鳍鱼(Chelidonichthys kumu)鳃上的1中国新记录种:戈尔韦轮盘虫(Trochopus gaillimhe Little,1929)。新种红娘鱼轮盘虫以其后吸器上3对锚钩特殊的形态大小而区别于该属的近似种。所有标本均保存于华南师范大学生命科学学院鱼类寄生虫学研究室。  相似文献   

采自大别山的两种刺束梗孢,其中长孢刺束梗孢(Akanthomyceslongisporus)为新种,有拉丁文描述和图版。本种孢梗束多,密集,棕褐色,棒状。产孢结构和纤细刺束梗孢(A.gracilis相似,瓶梗以密集的子实层状被覆孢梗束。分生孢子多单细胞,少数双细胞,纺锤形至柱形,8.8~14.8×2.0~3.0μm。新几内亚刺束梗孢的标本同时并存刺状和棒状的孢梗束,这支持Samson将虫束梗孢属视为刺束梗孢属异名的观点。标本保存于安徽农业大学虫生真菌室(RCEF)  相似文献   

Calicobenedenia polyprioni n. sp. (Capsalidae) is described from the external surfaces (skin and eye) of wreckfish, Polyprion americanus (Teleostei, Perciformes, Polyprionidae), from the north Atlantic Ocean. The monotypic Calicobenedenia n. gen. is proposed for this species and is characterized, in part, by its members possessing an aseptate haptor armed with 14 submarginal hooks and 1 pair of anchors, a common genital pore opening marginally immediately posterior to the left cephalic lobe, 2 testes juxtaposed near the body midlength, and by lacking cephalic suckers or adhesive discs, accessory haptoral sclerites, and a uterine valve. The new genus most closely resembles Entobdella, which differs from Calicobenedenia by having an aseptate haptor armed with 14 submarginal hooks, 2 pairs of anchors, and a pair of accessary sclerites.  相似文献   

Sundatrema langkawiense n. g., n. sp. (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) is described from the gills of the orbfish Ephippus orbis (Bloch) (Ephippidae) off the Island of Langkawi, Malaysia, in the Andaman Sea. This new genus has the ancyrocephalid characteristics of four anchors, 14 marginal hooks and two bars, but differs from other four-anchored monogenean genera, and notably from Parancylodiscoides Caballero & Bravo Hollis, 1961 (found on the ephippids Chaetodipterus spp. off Central and South America), by having a unique combination of features. These include a muscular genital sucker and a vas deferens and vagina on the same (sinistral) side of the body. It is similar to Parancylodiscoides in having four haptoral reservoirs opening at the anchoral apertures, four anchors, similar connecting bars and small marginal hooks. The new species is characterised by the above generic features and by possessing a small, short copulatory organ lacking an accessory piece. Diplectanum longiphallus MacCallum, 1915 (previously attributed to Ancyrocephalus Creplin, 1839, Tetrancistrum Goto & Kikuchi, 1917 and Pseudohaliotrema Yamaguti, 1953) is transferred to Parancylodiscoides as P. longiphallus (MacCallum, 1915) n. comb.  相似文献   

A new species belonging to a new genus of Monogenoidea was found on the gills of Euleptorhamphus viridis from the Indian Ocean. The opisthohaptor of the new genus consists of two medially overlapping rows of clamps situated on a double fold along the oblique posterior margin of the body. Clamp are of Microcotyle type, their springs having accessory pieces. Three pairs of larval hooks are present. The genital atrium is armed with three groups of spines. The first group comprises spines surrounding the female aperture; the second one surrounds the cirrus in an incomplete circle; the third group consists of two lateral groups of spines arising from two muscular pad-like structures. Vagina armed with a chitionous spine opens on the right-hand side which is longer than the left-hand one. Behind the U-shaped ovarium vitellaria merge in an undifferentiated mass and completely cover the branches of the intestine and the testes. The new genus is close to the genera Chlamydaxine Unnithan, 1957 and Axine Abildgaard, 1794 differing from the former by an armed genital atrium and from the latter by two medially overlapping rows of clamps.  相似文献   

Bathycestus brayi n. gen., n. sp. (Pseudophyllidea: Triaenophoridae) is proposed to accommodate a new cestode from a deep-sea fish, the shortfin spine eel Notacanthus bonaparte (Notacanthiformes: Notacanthidae), from the northeastern Atlantic. The new genus is placed in the Triaenophoridae because it possesses a uterine pore on the ventral surface, a marginal genital pore, and a follicular vitellaria. Bathycestus most closely resembles Eubothrioides, Fistulicola, Probothriocephalus, and Pseudeubothrioides, which have also an unarmed scolex, a single set of genital organs per proglottid, an unarmed cirrus, cortical vitellaria, and a compact rather dendritic ovary. It differs from these genera by combination of the following features: a sagittate scolex with a weakly developed apical disc and free posterior margins of bothria, no neck, a long cirrus sac, reaching to the median third of proglottids and angled anteromedially in its proximal part, the posterior position of the vagina in relation to the cirrus sac, the testes in 2 lateral fields confluent postovarially, circumcortical vitellaria continuous longitudinally, and unoperculate eggs. Bathycestus brayi n. sp. is the first cestode to be described from a deep-sea fish of the genus Notacanthus.  相似文献   

Moniligerum n. g. is erected for Moniligerum blairi n. sp. (Opisthotrematidae) and Nudacotyle undicola n. sp. (Nudacotylidae) is described, both from the small intestine of Trichechus manatus L. from Martin County, Florida. The new genus is placed in the family Opisthotrematidae Poche, 1926, subfamily Lankatrematinae Yamaguti, 1958. Moniligerum differs from other genera in the subfamily (Lankatrema Crusz & Fernand, 1954, and Lankatrematoides Blair, 1981) by the possession of an anterior collar and in the form of the ovary (compact and not transversely elongated) and vitellarium (single median lobed mass). Nudacotyle undicola differs from N. valdevaginatus, the most similar species, in body size, the length of the caeca, the shape of the vitellarium and the position of the genital pore, cirrus pouch and ovary.Supported in part by Cooperative Agreement No. 14-16-0008-1204 from the US Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Serivice. Florida Agricultural Experimental Stations Journal Series No. 3820.Supported in part by Cooperative Agreement No. 14-16-0008-1204 from the US Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Serivice. Florida Agricultural Experimental Stations Journal Series No. 3820.  相似文献   

Pluviantaenia kassalensis n. g., n. sp. (Davaineidae), from the intestine of Pluvianus aegyptius (Charadriiformes, Glareolidae) in the Kassala area of the Sudan, differs from other davaineid cestodes in having an armed scolex with an inflated pseudorostellum terminating in two fan-shaped lobes, in the absence of suckers, the presence of a very large sucker-like genital atrium provided distally with a powerful sphincter, and the presence of a thin-walled cirrus-sac, smaller than the genital atrium, enclosing a robust, armed cirrus. The genital atrium cirrus-sac complex, but not the female organs, may be duplicated bilaterally and/or additional sets may occur in marginal or submarginal positions.  相似文献   

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