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In investigation was conducted annually from 2002 to 2005 between the second week of May and the end of September on the incidence of scarab beetle, Schizonycha ruficollis (Fabricius) in a teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) nursery at Ramdongari, Nagpur, India. The immature stages, that is white grubs of the scarab beetle damaged 14%-52% of teak seedlings in the nursery beds, whereas the adult of the species, that is scarab beetles, were recorded on three new host trees ( Ziziphus xylopyra, Acacia catechu and A. leucophloea) in addition to the reported hosts such as ziziphus (Z. jujuba and Z. mauritiana). Beetles of the S. ruficollis started emerging from the nursery beds just after the pre-monsoon showers and continued for 10-18 days. While beetle of S. ruficollis defoliated tree hosts available in the surroundings, the immature stages of the beetle caused major damage by feeding on root systerfls of teak seedlings with symptoms of wilting and mortality in forest nursery beds. The result of chemical and biological treatments for the management of grubs of S. ruficollis in nursery beds indicated phorate 10% granular at the rate of 20 g/m^2 and chlorpyriphos 20% emulsifiable concentrate at the rate of 5.0 mL/m^2 to be effective. Grubs of S. ruficollis have not been recorded previously as a major pest of teak (T. grandis). This is also the first report on occurrence of S. ruficollis adults on tree hosts such as Z. xylopyra, A. catechu and A. leucophloea. White grubs being pests of economic importance and the toughest insects to manage, information given in this paper on incidence, pest status and management of Schizonycha ruficollis is of importance to researchers and forest nursery managers.  相似文献   

Abstract The ladybeetle, Delphastus catalinae (Horn), is one of the most commonly used predacious natural enemies being commercially reared for controlling whiteflies, including Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B (= B. argentifolii Bellows & Perring), on various ornamental and vegetable crops under greenhouse conditions. The development, survivorship, and fecundity of D. catalinae feeding on B. tabaci biotype B on collard plants were determined in the laboratory, and the age-specific life table parameters were analyzed based on the life history data. Developmental time was 4.0, 1.9, 1.1, 1.4, 5.2, and 5.3 days for eggs, first, second, third, fourth instars, and pupae, respectively, with an average of 18.9 days from oviposition to adult emergence for both sexes, 19.0 days for females, and 18.8 days for males. Adult longevities averaged 146.6 days for both sexes, 122.6 days for females, and 170.5 days for males. After an average 4.9 days preoviposition period, females laid a mean of 5.6 eggs per day over a 97.0-day period. Net reproductive rate ( R 0) and gross reproductive rate (ΣM mx ) were estimated by life table analysis at 276.8 and 325.1, respectively. Generation time (T) and doubling time (DT) were 35.6 and 4.8 days respectively, and the intrinsic rate of natural population increase ( rm ) was estimated at 0.158, or l = 1.171 for the finite rate of increase. The rm value of D. catalinae is similar to or higher than those of the whitefly feeding on most vegetable and ornamental crops, indicating that the ladybeetle is capable of regulating populations of B. tabaci biotype B and other whiteflies under greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

Several species of the genus Urtica (especially Urtica dioica, Urticaceae), are used medicinally to treat a variety of ailments. To better understand the chemical diversity of the genus and to compare different accessions and different taxa of Urtica, 63 leaf samples representing a broad geographical, taxonomical and morphological diversity were evaluated under controlled conditions. A molecular phylogeny for all taxa investigated was prepared to compare phytochemical similarity with phylogenetic relatedness. Metabolites were analyzed via UPLC–PDA–MS and multivariate data analyses. In total, 43 metabolites were identified, with phenolic compounds and hydroxy fatty acids as the dominant substance groups. Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) provides a first structured chemotaxonomy of the genus. The molecular data present a highly resolved phylogeny with well-supported clades and subclades. U. dioica is retrieved as both para- and polyphyletic. European members of the U. dioica group and the North American subspecies share a rather similar metabolite profile and were largely retrieved as one, nearly exclusive cluster by metabolite data. This latter cluster also includes – remotely related – Urtica urens, which is pharmaceutically used in the same way as U. dioica. However, most highly supported phylogenetic clades were not retrieved in the metabolite cluster analyses. Overall, metabolite profiles indicate considerable phytochemical diversity in the genus, which largely falls into a group characterized by high contents of hydroxy fatty acids (e.g., most Andean-American taxa) and another group characterized by high contents of phenolic acids (especially the U. dioica-clade). Anti-inflammatory in vitro COX1 enzyme inhibition assays suggest that bioactivity may be predicted by gross metabolic profiling in Urtica.  相似文献   

Newly emerged larvae of the fleshfly, Boettcherisca peregrina were exposed to two different CdCl2 concentrations of 100μg/g and 400 mg/g diet fresh weight (DFW). They were administered in the diets until the end of larval stage. Cd-exposed larvae accumulated significant amounts of Cd and this accumulation increased with the exposure dose and time. The body weights were lightened and lengths of larvae were shortened considerably after Cd exposure, especially at the higher Cd concentration. The total larval duration was also extremely affected due to Cd exposure. The average duration was prolonged significantly by 14 h at the lower Cd concentration, while it was increased by 33.7 h over controls at the higher Cd concentration. A significant decrease in contents of either soluble proteins, total lipids or caloric values in the hemolymph occurred due to Cd exposure throughout the entire tested period but after 120 h of Cd exposure. In contrast, when exposed to Cd with its higher concentration, total sugar contents in the hemolymph were increased strikingly over the whole tested time, except after 96 h of Cd exposure, while they were not apparently altered except after 24 h of Cd exposure at the lower concentration. Thus, it is suggested that Cd exposure shows significant adverse impact on the growth and development, as well as metabolism, in larvae of this fleshfly, depending on its exposure time and dose.  相似文献   

We have compared the biodiversity variations in moth communities between unmanaged forests and commercial forests in a mountainous environment (Pyrenees France). The aim was to evaluate the impact of forestry activities on moth diversity. The data collected from the insects were analysed with a Bayesian specific similarity index (noted SSP index) and by statistical biodiversity indexes comparison. It was seen that diversity and richness were decreased in the plantation compared to the unmanaged forest. Interestingly, the composition of the communities of moths was shown to be not only related to the presence/absence of host plants, but also to be in relation with changes in the differences in forest architecture (i.e. the relative coverage by the different vegetation levels). However, the moth community in the commercial forest still has a high capacity to converge with the moth community present in more natural forests. We report here a list of 177 species of moths, providing information on the distribution of some uncommon species, poorly studied as yet in the Pyrenees.  相似文献   

Biology of the aphid Therioaphis maculata was studied on alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), including four resistant (Mesa-Sirsa, CUF101, Baker and Lahontan) and two susceptible (ARC and Caliverde) alfalfa cultivars, and one of the most cropped Brazilian cultivars, Crioula. Under controlled conditions, antibiosis (i.e., reduced longevity, fecundity and increased mortality of the aphid) was observed mainly on the resistant alfalfa cultivars, except on Lahontan. Crioula seemed to be tolerant to aphids. Present data support geographic limitation usage of cultivars, and we suggest Baker and Mesa-Sirsa as sources of antibiosis, and provide biological information of a tropical T. maculata biotype on alfalfa.  相似文献   

We examined the dietary diversity and food intake of Phrynocephalus frontalis, compared the difference of insect diversity in the natural habitats with different lizard densities, and discussed the potential role of this lizard in the desert ecosystem. The results show that: (1) arthropodans of the orders Coleoptera, Hymenoptera and Hemiptera were major dietary components of P. frontalis; (2) coleoptera larvae always formed the predominant component of lizard diets; (3) dietary diversities of P. frontalis were not significantly different between summer and autumn or between the two sexes; (4) the similarity in trophic niches between seasons was 0.756, whereas the similarity in trophic niches between sexes was 0.994; (5) stomach content weight of lizards varied significantly among different seasons, but there was no significant difference in stomach content weight between sexes; (6) insect diversity differed significantly among the groups of the habitat with different degrees of lizard density, and the habitat with moderate lizards density had the highest insect diversity. We infer that P. frontalis prey mainly on insects and change their diet and food intake with season; males and females consumed similar preys in types and weights. As an important predator, P. frontalis could affect the insect community in the arid ecosystem of Hunshandak Desert on the Mongolian Plateau.  相似文献   

Life table parameters of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover, were estimated on five cotton cultivars (‘ Sealand' ,‘Siokra' ,' Vararnin' ,‘ Bakhtegan' and ‘ Sahel' ). Demographic parameters of the cotton aphid were assessed at 27.5 ± 1 ℃, 65% + 10% RH and a photoperiod of 14:10 (L: D)h. The shortest developmental time for the nymphal stages was 5.5 days on ‘Siokra' and the longest was 6.1 days on‘ Sealand'. The highest offspring per female was 29.6 on ‘Sahel' and the lowest was 15.3 on ‘Sealand'. The rm values varied from 0.272 on ‘Sealand' to 0.382 (day^-1) on ‘Varamin'. Jackknife estimates of the A. gossypii parameters on these cultivars indicated the greatest developmental rate and fecundity on ‘ Varamin' and the poorest on ‘ Sealand' cultivar.  相似文献   

The changes in fatty acid compositions during nutritional interaction among almond Amygdalus communis Linnaeus (Rosales: Rosaceae) (host plant), lacebug Monosteria unicostata (Mulsant and Rey) (Heteroptera: Tingidae) and its predator Piocoris luridus Fieber (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) were determined by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analyses. The fatty acid profiles of phospholipids and triacylglycerols were substantially different. Unlike the general observations for virtually most terrestrial insects, arachidonic and eicosapentaenoic acids were detected in high proportions of phospholipid fractions in both insects, especially in P. luridus. Also the almond tissues provide very little oleic acid to the herbivore diet, yet both insect species developed high proportions of this component. Our data reveals instances of specific accumulation of fatty acid biosynthesis, elongation/desaturation, and not incorporating selected fatty acids into cellular lipids.  相似文献   

Laboratory bioassays were conducted to determine the effect of food source on the survival of Tribolium castaneum Herbst, Oryzaephilus surinamensis L. and Rhyzopertha dominica F., after exposure to five diatomaceous earth (DE) formulations: Protect-It, Insecto, Perma-GuardTM, Dryacide and SilicoSec. Adults of these species were exposed to DEs at the rate of 0.5 mg/cm^2 for 1 day on filter paper inside plastic Petri dishes. After exposure, the initial mortality was counted and live individuals of the three species were held for a week in glass vials containing 50 mg wheat flour, rice and whole wheat, respectively. In the second experiment, after 1 day exposure to DEs, beetles were transferred to Petri dishes without food and held for a week to determine if the presence of food source would decrease the mortality of beetles. Experiments were carried out at 27℃ and 55% RH in the dark. The initial mortality in both of the experiments reached 100% for the three species exposed to Protect-It and in the case ofR. dominica and O. surinamensis exposed to Dryacide. In contrast, low level of mortality (〈 10%) was observed for T. castaneum exposed to Perma-GuardTM and Insecto. The mortality after the post-treatment period on food was decreased for the three species exposed to Perma-GuardTM and in the case of T. castaneum and R. dominica exposed to Insecto and SilicoSec. Adults of O. surinamensis were the most susceptible followed by R. dominica and 100% adult mortality was obtained, whereas T. castaneum were the least susceptible beetles to DEs. Protect-It and Dryacide were the most efficient DE formulations and can be used effectively in a stored grain integrated pest management program.  相似文献   

Wang W L  Liu Y  Chen J L  Ji X L  Zhou H B  Wang G 《农业工程》2009,29(3):186-191
The effects of intercropping of wheat cultivars and oilseed rape on the densities of wheat aphid, Sitobion avenae, and their arthropod natural enemies were evaluated. Three winter wheat cultivars with different resistant levels to S. avenae were used: ‘KOK’ (high resistance), ‘Xiaobaidongmai’ (low resistance) and ‘Hongmanghong’ (susceptible). The results showed that the densities of S. avenae were significantly higher on the monoculture pattern than on either the 8-2 intercropping pattern (eight rows of wheat with two rows of oilseed rape) or the 8-4 intercropping pattern (eight rows of wheat with four rows of oilseed rape). The mean number of predators and the mummy rates of S. avenae were significantly higher in two intercropping patterns than those in the monoculture pattern. The densities of S. avenae, ladybeetles, and mummy rate of S. avenae were significantly different among different wheat cultivars. The highest densities of S. avenae and ladybeetles were found on wheat cultivar Hongmanghong. The lowest densities of S. avenae associated with high mummy rate of S. avenae were found on wheat cultivar Xiaobaidongmai. The results showed that wheat-oilseed rape intercropping conserved more predators and parasitoids than in wheat monoculture fields, and partial resistance of wheat cultivar Xiaobaidongmai had complementary or even synergistic effects on parasitoid of S. avenae.  相似文献   

春小麦品种对麦长管蚜生长发育和繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在室内25 ℃条件下研究了7种不同抗性的春小麦品种(系)对麦长管蚜生长发育和繁殖的影响.结果表明,不同抗性品种(系)对麦长管蚜若蚜发育历期、存活率、成蚜寿命和生殖力有显著的影响,麦长管蚜在抗性强的品种上成蚜寿命短、产仔量少;以内禀增长率作为测定抗生性的指标,供试小麦品种(系)对麦长管蚜抗生性的大小依次为辽春10号>02C-MB >新春6号>巴丰1号>永良4号>内麦19>蒙花1号,与田间抗性鉴定结果基本相同.  相似文献   

The relative occurrence and seasonal abundance of aphids and their natural enemies were visually assessed between May and July 2005–2006 in four types of habitats located in Gembloux (Namur province, Belgium): green pea, wheat and stinging nettle either planted in or naturally growing in woodland adjacent to these crops. Results showed that: (i) Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris, Sitobion avenae F. and Microlophium carnosum Buckton were the most common aphid species, respectively, on green pea, wheat and stinging nettle either in or near field crops; (ii) stinging nettle and field crops shared several important aphidophagous insect species such as the ladybird Coccinella septempunctata L., hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus De Geer and braconid wasp Aphidius ervi Haliday; (iii) the shared beneficial species were typically recorded earlier on stinging nettles than on crops; and (iv) the spatial occurrence of the invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis Pallas was distinctly associated with stinging nettles, particularly in 2005. Stinging nettles and field crops partially coincide in time, enabling the movement of natural enemies among them. These findings suggest that the presence of stinging nettles in landscapes seems to enhance the local density of aphidophagous insect communities necessary for aphid biocontrol in field crops.  相似文献   

The effects of intercropping of wheat cultivars and oilseed rape on the densities of wheat aphid, Sitobion avenae, and their arthropod natural enemies were evaluated. Three winter wheat cultivars with different resistant levels to S. avenae were used: ‘KOK’ (high resistance), ‘Xiaobaidongmai’ (low resistance) and ‘Hongmanghong’ (susceptible). The results showed that the densities of S. avenae were significantly higher on the monoculture pattern than on either the 8-2 intercropping pattern (eight rows of wheat with two rows of oilseed rape) or the 8-4 intercropping pattern (eight rows of wheat with four rows of oilseed rape). The mean number of predators and the mummy rates of S. avenae were significantly higher in two intercropping patterns than those in the monoculture pattern. The densities of S. avenae, ladybeetles, and mummy rate of S. avenae were significantly different among different wheat cultivars. The highest densities of S. avenae and ladybeetles were found on wheat cultivar Hongmanghong. The lowest densities of S. avenae associated with high mummy rate of S. avenae were found on wheat cultivar Xiaobaidongmai. The results showed that wheat-oilseed rape intercropping conserved more predators and parasitoids than in wheat monoculture fields, and partial resistance of wheat cultivar Xiaobaidongmai had complementary or even synergistic effects on parasitoid of S. avenae.  相似文献   

UV-B胁迫小麦上麦长管蚜的生命表参数和取食行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】为明确UV-B胁迫小麦对麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae (Fabricius)种群生命表参数和取食行为的影响。【方法】采用特定年龄生命表方法和刺探电位图谱(EPG)技术, 研究了不同强度UV-B胁迫处理小麦对麦长管蚜生命表参数和取食行为的影响。【结果】生命表结果表明, 取食高强度(0.75 mW/cm2) UV-B辐射小麦后, 麦长管蚜种群内禀增长率rm、 净增殖率R0、 繁殖力F下降, 平均世代周期T缩短, 且差异显著(P<0.05); 取食低强度(0.2 mW/cm2)UV-B辐射小麦后, 麦长管蚜种群生命表参数与对照组(正常光照处理小麦饲喂的蚜虫种群)无显著差异(P>0.05)。刺探电位图谱结果显示, 高强度UV-B处理组np波(即非取食)数量显著增加, pd波(刺探波)首次出现的时间延迟, 表明紫外处理小麦干扰了蚜虫的在叶表面的正常刺探活动, 延长了搜索和刺探时间; C波持续时间显著延长, 反映取食难度加大, 有效取食时间缩短, 从而影响种群生命表参数; 而低强度UV-B处理组小麦对蚜虫取食行为影响与对照组差异不显著, 但pd波首次出现时间显著延长。【结论】高强度UV-B胁迫小麦会严重影响麦长管蚜的生长发育、 繁殖与取食行为。  相似文献   

张广珠  胡春祥  苏建伟  戈峰 《生态学报》2009,29(9):4745-4752
在加倍CO2浓度(0.7 mL/L)的人工气候箱中培养小麦感蚜品种(铭贤169)和抗蚜品种(KOK1679)幼苗30d,正常CO2浓度(0.35 mL/L)处理为对照.应用刺探电位图谱(EPG)技术对麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae (Fab.),在苗期小麦上的取食行为进行了比较研究.结果表明:蚜虫在加倍CO2浓度下生长的2个小麦品种上的取食过程中,电势降落次数(pd波个数)显著增加,刺探总时间(C波总时间)显著延长,首次出现在小麦韧皮部取食的时间(E2)显著滞后,被动取食持续时间(E2波的总时间)显著拉长.因此,加倍CO2浓度可能通过影响小麦而对麦长管蚜的取食行为产生了明显的间接影响.  相似文献   

昼夜温度波动变化是气候变暖的主要特征之一,昼夜变温幅度对生物的影响越来越受到科学家的关注。与恒温研究相比,变温幅度对昆虫生活史特征影响的研究还十分有限。因此,本研究模拟自然界24 h温度变化,并首次全面研究了相同平均温度(22℃)下不同变温幅度(±0℃、±6℃、±12℃)对麦长管蚜Sitobion avenae生理指标(温度耐受性、呼吸)与生态指标(发育、存活、寿命、繁殖、种群参数)的影响。结果表明,与变温幅度±0℃和±12℃相比,变温幅度±6℃显著提高了麦长管蚜整体存活、寿命、繁殖以及净增值率与世代周期。与其它处理相比,较大变温幅度±12℃显著阻碍了麦长管蚜若虫发育,抑制了整体存活,缩短了寿命,降低了繁殖量,且显著降低了种群内禀增长率、净增值率与世代周期。但是,较大变温幅度±12℃,显著提高了成蚜的耐热、耐寒性与CO2呼吸速率。研究还发现,在不同变温幅度中,麦长管蚜成蚜耐寒性的提高是以寿命为代价的。由此可见,以往以恒温为基础的昆虫种群表型及数量动态预测模型均存在局限,昼夜变温幅度作为必要因素,应考虑纳入种群表型及数量动态预测模型中,从而提高昆虫田间发生情况预测预...  相似文献   

In order to predict possible locations of Harmonia axyridis Pallas (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and Episyrphus balteatus DeGeer (Diptera: Syrphidae) in the field, we studied their oviposition and prey preferences in relation to several host plant–prey associations under laboratory conditions. Oviposition preference of H. axyridis and E. balteatus females was determined for three aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae)–host plant associations: Microlophium carnosum Buckton on stinging nettle [ Urtica dioica L. (Urticaceae)], Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris on green pea [ Pisum sativum L. (Fabaceae)], and Sitobion avenae F. on wheat [ Triticum aestivum L. (Poaceae)]. Prey preference of H. axyridis and E. balteatus larvae was determined with the aphids M. carnosum , A. pisum , and S. avenae . Harmonia axyridis females showed a strong oviposition preference for the stinging nettle– M. carnosum association. The preferred association for ovipostion by E. balteatus was pea-hosting A. pisum , on which fecundity was also highest. Feeding behaviour was less restricted in H. axyridis , in which the preferred preys were M. carnosum and S. avenae . A lower specificity of predation was observed in E. balteatus larvae with respect to A. pisum . These laboratory experiments may help us to understand the spatial distribution of H. axyridis and E. balteatus in the field.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨不同大豆品种对红绿两种色型豌豆蚜Acyrthosiphon pisum种群参数的影响,为大豆品种的抗蚜性评价及豌豆蚜的预测预报与综合防治提供试验依据。【方法】在光周期10L∶14D、温度23±1℃,相对湿度60%±10%,光照强度212μmol/m2·s的人工气候箱中,观察和分析4个大豆品种(汾豆牧绿2号、南夏豆25、南黑豆20和南豆5号)叶片上红绿两种色型豌豆蚜的成虫寿命、繁殖和种群生命表参数。【结果】在大豆品种汾豆牧绿2号上,红绿两种色型豌豆蚜成虫寿命均最短,繁殖力均最弱,且红色型豌豆蚜成虫寿命比绿色型长1.07 d,内禀增长率是绿色型豌豆蚜的29.93倍;在南夏豆25上,红色型豌豆蚜成虫寿命比绿色型长2.46 d,内禀增长率是绿色型豌豆蚜的5.86倍;在南黑豆20上,红色型豌豆蚜成虫寿命比绿色型长2.47 d,内禀增长率是绿色型豌豆蚜的1.54倍;在南豆5号上,红色型豌豆蚜成虫寿命比绿色型短0.02 d,内禀增长率是绿色型豌豆蚜的1.41倍。【结论】不同大豆品种对红色和绿色型豌豆蚜种群参数的影响不同,且两种色型豌豆蚜对不同大豆品种适应性反应也不相...  相似文献   

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