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Wex (1993) observes through the statuary of great historical cultures how body language appears to reflect the evolution of the respective status of man and woman. On the other hand, Serres (1997) reports that the feminine statues-menhirs of his so called groupe rouergat are represented with legs spread out, while masculine statues show broad as well as narrow postures. We examined this observation more systematically and further applied to it the properly ethological reading grid of Wex as a contribution to the history of gender relationships. A preliminary quantitative analysis aimed to determine which attributes give certainty about the sexual identity of the statues-menhirs. Special attention is given to the figures who underwent a gender change.  相似文献   

Au Pliensbachien, un trend morphologique se developpe chez les Tragophyllocerassimpliquant un mécanisme hétérochronique (paedomorphose par néoténie) pour I'acquisition d'une morphologie suboxycône. Ce changement morphologique majeurest concomitant avecl'ingression de ces formes dans les mers de plateforme euroboréale ob la compétition inter-taxons est forte. Cette option morphofonctionnelle et évolutive, canalisée essentiellement par des contraintes externes étant amorcée, le genre va I'exploiter dans la mesure de ses possibilités (potentialités intrinsèques) en perfectionnant son oxycônie. Au contraire dans les mers téthysiennes, les Juraphyllites ne montrent pas d'évolution pour la morphologie de la coquille; celle-ci reste subplatycône durant tout le Lias moyen et il n'y a pas de changements environnementaux majeurs (milieux tamponnés). En outre la prolifération d'ornementations plus grossières, aussi bien chez les Juraphyllites que chez les Tragopbylloceras, correspond probablement à une meilleure exploitation des biomes d'Europe du NW et de la Téthys à une période bien précise qui est le Carixien moyen. Ce développement d'ornementation similaire chez des taxons partageant un héritage évolutif commun mais séparés paléogéographiquement, évoque le rôle prépondérant des contraintes internes. Ainsi l'évolution des Juraphyllites des Tragophyllocerasau Lias moyen paraît donc ètre un exemple de parallèlisme au sens strict du terme.□Évolution, hétérochronies, Juraphyllitidae, Lias, ontogenèse, Paléogéographie. A morphological trend in the Pliensbachian Tragophyllocerns involves a heterochronic process (paedomorphosis by neoteny) to acquire a suboxycone morphology. This major morphological change is concomitant with the ‘ingression’ of Tragophylloceras in the Euroboreal platform seas, where competition between taxa was strong. This functional-morphological and evolutionary option is mainly canalized by extrinsic constraints. Exploring these possibilities, Tragophylloceras then exploits and improves the oxycone option. By contrast, in the Tethyan seas, Juraphyllites shows no change in shell coiling; it stays subplatycone during all the Pliensbachian. There is no major environmental change. Moreover, the proliferation of coarser ornamentation in Juraphyllitesand Tragophylloceras probably corresponds to a better exploitation of the Euroboreal and Tethyan marine habitats during the Middle Carixian. The development of similar ornamentation in palaeogeographically separate taxa with a common evolutionary origin is mainly canalized by intrinsic constraints. The evolution of Juraphyllites and Tragophylloceras appears to be a good example of parallelism sensu stricto. □ Evolution, heterochrony, Juraphyllitidae, Lios, ontogeny, palaeogeography.  相似文献   

The lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Paleocene and Eocene formations have been reconsidered on the basis of 18 dated boreholes that intersect the Basque Country, Peyrehorade, Sainte-Suzanne and Sauvelade allochthonous tectonic units, as well as the autochthonous units of the Pey-Saint-Lon anticline, the Arzacq Basin and the North Pyrenean Trough. Correlation of the formations identified in the boreholes and at outcrop has made it possible to outline the sedimentary evolution of this region during the Early Paleogene and to date the various stages of Pyrenean compression on the basis of sedimentary gaps and syntectonic detrital input. The Lasseube Formation is present over the entire study area. Sedimentation becomes differentiated during the Late Selandian-Early Ypresian period. In the North Pyrenean Trough and in the Peyrehorade, Sainte-Suzanne and Sauvelade units, the detrital-clayey Pont-Labau Formation is well developed and all its members are represented (Guillempau, Latapy, Néez, Libaros and Artigueloutan; zones upper P 3b-P 6b; upper NP 5-NP 11). A sedimentary gap showing erosion, and involving zones upper P 3b-upper P 4a and upper NP 5-NP 7, characterises the Basque units, the Pey-Saint-Lon anticline and the western part of the Arzacq Basin. Sedimentation recommences in zone P 8 with middle-bathyal deposits of the Cassoua Member and then continues with the Artigueloutan Member (transition facies towards the Louts Formation) or limestone resembling that of the Meilhan Formation. The Gan Formation shows an east-west polarity. In the east, between the Sainte-Suzanne Unit and the North Pyrenean Trough, the formation is argillaceous with a dominant neritic character, apart from a circalittoral to epibathyal passage in its lower part (zone P 7) containing numerous planktonic foraminifera. The formation is of a detrital and carbonate nature in the west (Sainte-Marie-de-Gosse 1). The bathyal Donzacq Formation appears to transgress a previously deformed surface. Two domains existed during the Lutetian: a continental to neritic domain in the south and a bathyal domain in the north (the Saint-Geours-d'Auribat and Miretrain formations) separated by a variably thick transition zone that is affected by thrust fronts. Two new formations - the Orthez and Sorde-l'Abbaye formations - are proposed, and the Marly limestone formation of Saint-Barthélémy (Douvillé, 1905) is redefined. The Orthez Formation (Sauvelade Unit) is composed of marl and continental conglomerate with neritic carbonate interbedding and belongs to the sub-zones NP 15a and b. The Sorde-l'Abbaye Formation (Peyrehorade Unit and the Basque units p. p.) is composed of neritic carbonate sediments (Lutetian-Priabonian). The Saint-Barthélémy Formation is made up of syntectonic conglomerate, turbiditic limestone and pelagic marl in the central part of the Basque units (NP 15a-NP 16). The Bartonian and Priabonian stages are characterised by carbonate sediments in the Arzacq Basin (Siest Formation). Its base is diachronous: Upper Lutetian (zone SB 16) in the east and Late Bartonian grading to Priabonian in the west (zones SB 17/18 and SB 19). The sediments are argillaceous (Côte des Basques Formation) along the Atlantic coast, in the central part of the Basque units and in the Bayonne-Cauneille syncline. Major thickness variations reflect tectonic phases at the top of the Lasseube Formation in the north (erosion pre NP 8), the Néez Member (NP 7/NP 8 boundary), the Artigueloutan Member (NP 11/NP 12 boundary), and the Gan Formation (P 8/P 9 boundary). The syntectonic conglomerate and breccia indicate the development of thrust fronts in the Libaros Member (NP 8), at the base of the Pillardou and Artigueloutan members (NP 9b, c-NP 10), in the Saint-Geours-d'Auribat Formation (NP 14b) and in the Orthez and Saint-Barthélémy formations (between zones NP 15a and NP 16).  相似文献   

The IR data for the R1 CO-O-CHR2-CO-NHR3 derivatives are interpreted in terms of a H…π interaction involving the N? H bond and the π orbitals of the ester function and giving rise to a high ν(C?O) frequency and a low ν frequency. The resulting molecular conformation corresponds to the angular values ? # ?90°, ψ # 0°. The H…π interaction in MeCO-L-Lac-NHMe is highly destabilized by water and aprotic solvents but is retained in methanol. Considering the high ν(C?O) ester or amide frequency of the middle function in β-folded depsipeptide or peptide sequences, it may be supposed that the residue indexed i + 2 in β turns experiences a H…π interaction which has a stabilizing effect on β turns. Some examples concerning valinomycin and some model compounds are discussed.  相似文献   

Two genes in a pedigree are identical by descent if they are two copies of a common ancestor gene. To obtain an unambiguous definition of the set of genes, at some autosomal locus, any gene is defined as an ordered pair of zygotes: the zygote who carries the gene, and the parent who transmitted it. The natural ordered structure on the set of zygotes yields an ordered structure upon the set of genes. Any event of the mendelian segregation splits down the set of genes into non-overlaping classes of identical genes: when considered as an ordered sub-set of genes, each class is shown to have the algebraic properties of a tree. Given a sub-set ?? of genes, a family of exclusive events ensuring identity between all genes of ?? is identified as a family of genic trees with some property. This relationship between segregational events and genic trees is extended to the case where two sub-sets ?? and ??′ of genes are considered together. As a consequence, a general method is obtained to compute either identity coefficients involving any number of genes splitted into one or two identity classes, or the fifteen coefficients defined among four genes, whichever the relationships between zygotes and genes might be. Using this approach to deal with the allelic structure in a set of genes carried by related zygotes is suggested.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. An electron microscopic study is made of merozoites and schizogony of Eimeria magna and Eimeria tenella from rabbits and chickens infected 5 days before fixation.
The merozoite outer layer is formed by a unit membrane lined by a dense osmiophilic layer. A micropyle is present. The apical complex of the cell is constituted by a conoid surmounted by 2 rings and surrounded by another from which about 26 subpellicular, tubular fibrils start. Two "rhoptries" (= toxonemes) go thru the conoid to the apex of cell. Rare sarconemes (= convoluted tubes) are disseminated in the anterior part of merozoites. A nucleus with nucleolus, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, lipid globules and glucidic grains were observed.
Schizogony starts by the formation of a multinucleated schizont which has a centriolar structure. The new merozoites appear as evaginations of the schizont's membrane. Cellular organelles (conoid, rhoptries, micropyle, sarconemes) differentiate and the nuclei enter the diverticula of the schizont. Then the development of merozoites proceeds by "external budding".
The ultrastructural similarities between the merozoites of Eimeria and the endodyocytes of Toxoplasmea, appear to us to be extremely interesting and indicate a close relationship between the Toxoplasmea and the Coccidia.  相似文献   

Paleogene sedimentation in the Alpes Maritimes and Alpes de Haute Provence regions is composed of one complete sedimentary sequence. This sequence begins with the continental Formation from Microcodium and continues with the Cerithium layers, the Calcaires Nummulitiques and the Marnes Bleues, which are overlaid by the turbidites of the Grès d’Annot Formation. Sedimentation starts in the Nummulites perforatus zone close to the base of ‘the Truncorotaloides rohri zone (P 14) and ends in the Cassigerinella chipolensis-Pseudohastigerina micra zone (P 18) and the NP21 zone in the upper part of the Grès d’Annot. More biomarkers were used in order to define a more detailed local biozonation (biozones AMP 1 to AMP 7). Four local zones were also defined by the last occurrence of Nummulites millecaput and N. perforatus-N. ptukhiani and then by the first appearance of N. retiatus (AMGF 1-4). The evolution of benthic foraminiferal assemblages shows an increase in bathymetry from the internal platform in the Cerithium layers to the calcareous platform with large foraminifers, then to the external platform and the deep offshore environment of the Marnes Bleues and Grès d’Annot. Low faunal diversity in the Grès d’Annot together with the predominance of agglutinated species indicates a poorly oxygenated, organic rich and turbidite environment. Seven steps (SD 1 to SD 7) in the Eocene marine transgression are shown from East to West by detailed local biozonation and sequence analysis. Grès d’Annot sedimentation is also diachronous, beginning within the Truncorotaloides rohri zone (P 14, AMP 1) in the East and ending within the Pararotalia opima opima zone (P 20, middle Rupelian) in the West (Barrême). Small foraminifer Paleogene fauna from the Alpes Maritimes and Alpes de Haute Provence was studied from 400 samples. It is composed of 378 species. Two new taxa are proposed: Fissurina niceana n. sp. and Globocassidulina alpina n. sp. The species from the Escarène and Gorbio neighborhood described by M. von Hantken (1884) were re-examined.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The taxonomic position of Selenidiidae Brasil in the class of gregarines is discussed in relation to the study of its life cycles, its possible schizogony and the fine structure of its trophozoites. The cycle of gregarines which belong to the genus Selenidium Giard is characterized by trophozoites with pendular or coiling movements, nuclear transformations in gamonts during syzygy just before cyst formation, anisogamy, sporocysts with 4 sporozoites. Schizogony of the Selenidiidae is not yet demonstrated. The “kystes á meérozoites” within the gut epithelium of Sabellaria alveolata, could be one of the stages of schizogony of S. hollandei. This sole example in our study and the absence of schizogony in numerous species, especially in S. pendula, the type species, shows that this criterion is uncertain, actually, in the definition of the order Archigregarinida Grassé. Ultrastructural studies of S. hollandei and S. pendula show that the cortical region in trophozoites of the genus Selenidium is different from that of Eugregarinida. In the Selenidiidae the epicyte is composed of longitudinal folds. Under the wall, consisting of 3 membranes there is a well-defined pellicular fibrillar system. In S. hollandei, the trophozoite has a fibrillar formation, corresponding to a conoid in its anterior region. The trophozoites of S. hollandei and S. pendula contain anterior dense bodies or rhoptries which are very well developed. All these characteristics conform to the ultrastructural organization of the dissemination forms (merozoites, schizozoites, sporozoites): The results allow one to give a new definition of the Order Archigregarinida: Order Archigregarinida (Grassé): Gregarines with ultrastructural organization of the trophozoites similar to that of dissemination forms. Presence of a well defined pellicular fibrillar system. Intestinal parasites of polychaete worms.  相似文献   

Epigravettian dwellings from Eastern Europe give the Mammoth a privileged place: in the spectacular and elaborated architecture of their huts, like in the leading site Mezhyrich. However, the range of hunted and/or eaten game shows a variety of species including small ones such as the hare, testifying economical choices or even cultural practices where the Mammoth is not dominant. Magdalenian cave art, in Western Europe, gives the Mammoth a significant, sometimes exceptional place, like in Rouffignac or Combarelles, next to the even more important place of the Bison or the Horse. However, the dietary habits of the artists prove the prominent value of the Reindeer compared with the Horse. In Western Europe, wide and different landscapes and environments produced an economical-cultural mosaic. In the eastern part of Europe, the strong uniformity of climates and environments promoted an economical and environmental block leading to a sedentary lifestyle of the people, demonstrated by the concentration of huts. In the dreams of the hunters, as well as in their daily life, the incredible complexity of the relationship between men with animals revealed its creative and nourishing power.  相似文献   

Lithic industries in Corsica have been subject to important modifications during the 3rd and 2nd millennium cal. BC. Polished tools changed almost totally during that period, the majority of all lithic tools disappeared. The development of metallurgy is probably the main reason for these changes; they show the new place of lithic productions in the activities of the different communities within the island.  相似文献   

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