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The murine alpha B-crystallin/small heat shock protein gene is expressed at high levels in the lens and at lower levels in the heart, skeletal muscle, and numerous other tissues. Previously we have found a skeletal-muscle-preferred enhancer at positions -427 to -259 of the alpha B-crystallin gene containing at least four cis-acting regulatory elements (alpha BE-1, alpha BE-2, alpha BE-3, and MRF, which has an E box). Here we show that in transgenic mice, the alpha B-crystallin enhancer directs the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene driven by the alpha B-crystallin promoter specifically to myocardiocytes of the heart. The alpha B-crystallin enhancer was active in conjugation with the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase promoter/human growth hormone reporter gene in transfected rat myocardiocytes. DNase I footprinting and site-specific mutagenesis experiments showed that alpha BE-1, alpha BE-2, alpha BE-3, MRF, and a novel, heart-specific element called alpha BE-4 are required for alpha B-crystallin enhancer activity in transfected myocardiocytes. By contrast, alpha BE-4 is not utilized for enhancer activity in transfected lens or skeletal muscle cell lines. Alpha BE-4 contains an overlapping heat shock sequence and a reverse CArG box [5'-GG(A/T)6CC-3']. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays with an antibody to serum response factor and a CArG-box-competing sequence from the c-fos promoter indicated that a cardiac-specific protein with DNA-binding and antigenic similarities to serum response factor binds to alpha BE-4 via the reverse CArG box; electrophoretic mobility shift assays and antibody experiments with anti-USF antiserum and heart nuclear extract also raised the possibility that the MRF E box utilizes USF or an antigenically related protein. We conclude that the activity of the alpha B-crystallin enhancer in the heart utilizes a reverse CArG box and an E-box-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

The interaction of the heat shock factor (HSF) with the heat shock element (HSE) was determined by a non-radioactive electrophoretic mobility shift assay, in order to analyze HSF regulation in Neurospora crassa. HSF binds to HSE under normal, non-stress conditions and is thus constitutively trimerized. Upon heat shock, the HSF-HSE complex shows a retarded mobility. This was also observed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, where this mobility shift was shown to be due to HSF phosphorylation [Sorger and Pelham (1988) Cell 54, 855-864]. In N. crassa, HSE-dependent electrophoretic mobility shift is temperature- and time-dependent. Under normal growth conditions, the HSF is located in the cytoplasm as well as in the nucleus. In germinating conidia the HSF shows a retarded mobility typical for heat shock even at normal growth temperatures. No HSF-dependent mobility shift was detectable in aerial hyphae.  相似文献   

Lens alpha-crystallin, alpha A- and alpha B-crystallin, and Hsp27 are members of the small heat shock protein family. Both alpha A- and alpha B-crystallin are expressed in the lens and serve as structural proteins and as chaperones, but alpha B-crystallin is also expressed in nonlenticular organs where Hsp27, rather than alpha A-crystallin, is expressed along with alpha B-crystallin. It is not known what additional function Hsp27 has besides as a heat shock protein, but it may serve, as alpha A-crystallin does in the lens, to stabilize alpha B-crystallin. In this study, we investigate aspects on conformation and thermal stability for the mixture of Hsp27 and alpha B-crystallin. Size exclusion chromatography, circular dichroism (CD), and light scattering measurements indicated that Hsp27 prevented alpha B-crystallin from heat-induced structural changes and high molecular weight (HMW) aggregation. The results indicate that Hsp27 indeed promotes stability of alpha B-crystallin.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that in non-oncogenic adenovirus-transformed baby rat kidney cells a complex of hsp27 and a 22-kDa protein is present, which is lacking in oncogenic cells (Zantema, A., de Jong, E., Lardenoije, R., and van der Eb, A. J. (1989) J. Virol. 63, 3368-3375). Here we show that the 22-kDa protein is identical to alpha B-crystallin. The complex of hsp27 and alpha B-crystallin is also found in some other (non-transformed) cells. However, in most cells tested only hsp27 and no alpha B-crystallin is synthesized. Gel filtration studies show that both proteins are present almost exclusively in a 700-kDa complex. Heat treatment makes the complex fall apart, which is accompanied by a change in the conformation of alpha B-crystallin. Upon recovery, complexes are formed again from both pre-existing and newly synthesized proteins.  相似文献   

Human alpha B-crystallin gene and preferential promoter function in lens   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

This study represents the initial characterization of the heat shock factor (HSF) in filamentous fungi. We demonstrate that HSFs from Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Tolypocladium nivea, Paecilomyces farinosus, and Verticillium lecanii bind to the heat shock element (HSE) constitutively (non-shocked), and that heat shock resulted in increased quantities and decreased mobility of HSF-HSE complexes. The monomeric molecular mass of both heat-induced and constitutive HSFs was determined to be 85.8 kDa by UV-crosslinking and the apparent molecular masses of the native HSF-HSE complexes as determined by pore exclusion gradient gel electrophoresis was 260 and 300 kDa, respectively. Proteolytic band clipping assays using trypsin and chymotrypsin revealed an identical partial cleavage profile for constitutive and heat-induced HSF-HSE complexes. Thus, it appears that both constitutive and heat-inducible complexes are formed by trimers composed of the same HSF molecule which undergoes conformational changes during heat shock. The mobility difference between the complexes was not abolished by enzymatic dephosphorylation and deglycosylation, indicating that the reduced mobility of the heat-induced HSF is probably due to a post-translational modification other than phosphorylation or glycosylation.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the expression of the Dictyostelium gene P8A7 which had been isolated as a cDNA clone from an early developmentally regulated gene. The single genomic copy generated two mRNAs which were subject to different control mechanisms: while one mRNA (P8A7S) was regulated like the cell-type-nonspecific late genes, the other one (P8A7L) was induced during development, when cells were allowed to attach to a substrate, and when cells were subjected to stress, such as heat shock and cadmium. Interestingly the same induction was also observed with cold shock. RNA processing was inhibited by heat and cold shock, leading to nuclear accumulation of a precursor. The translated region of the cDNA was common to both mRNAs and encoded an unusually hydrophobic peptide with the characteristics of a membrane protein.  相似文献   

The heat shock (hs) response during plant growth and development was analyzed in tobacco and Arabidopsis using chimaeric -glucuronidase reporter genes (hs-Gus) driven by a soybean hs promoter. Fluorimetric measurements and histochemical staining revealed high Gus activities in leaves, roots, and flowers exclusively after heat stress. The highest levels of heat-inducible expression were found in the vascular tissues. Without heat stress, a developmental induction of hs-Gus was indicated by the accumulation of high levels of Gus in transgenic tobacco seeds. There was no developmental induction of hs-Gus in Arabidopsis seeds. In situ hybridization to the RNA of the small heat shock protein gene Athsp17.6 in tissue sections revealed an expression in heat-shocked leaves but no expression in control leaves of Arabidopsis. However, a high level of constitutive expression of hs gene was detected in meristematic and provascular tissues of the Arabidopsis embryo. The developmental and tissue-specific regulation of the hs response is discussed.Abbreviations hs heat shock - Hsp heat shock protein(s) - hs Gus: heat-inducible Gus gene(s) - HSE heat shock element(s) - HSF heat shock factor - X-gluc 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl--D-glucuronide - Gus -glucuronidase - DAF days after flowering - SAR scaffold attachment region  相似文献   

Rat growth hormone (rGH) gene expression is normally restricted to the anterior pituitary. As a model of this tissue specificity, we compared the transient expression of an rGH-chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) hybrid gene in rGH-producing rat pituitary tumor (GC) cells and in non-rGH-producing rat fibroblast (rat-2) cells. Deletion analysis of the rGH portion of this hybrid gene demonstrated that DNA sequences within 140 base pairs 5' to the rGH gene were sufficient for correct cell type-specific expression. Deletion of an additional 35 base pairs of the rGH 5'-flanking DNA resulted in a loss of expression of the transfected hybrid gene and correlated with the interaction of a putative trans-acting factor with this region of the rGH promoter. This factor was detectable by DNase I footprinting in a crude nuclear extract from GC cells but not from rat-2 cells. Site-directed mutagenesis of the footprint region caused complete loss of expression of a hybrid gene containing 530 base pairs 5' to the rGH gene. Thus, the interaction of this factor, which we term GC2, is likely to be essential for the tissue-specific expression of the rGH gene.  相似文献   

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