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Neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is associated with the activation of neurogenesis. The mechanisms underlying this crosstalk between neuronal death and birth and the extent to which it is affected by genetic risk factors of AD are not known. We employed transgenic mice expressing human apolipoprotein E4 (apoE4), the most prevalent genetic risk factor for AD, or expressing human apoE3 (an AD-benign allele), in order to examine the hypothesis that apoE4 tilts the balance between neurogenesis and neuronal cell death in favor of the latter. The results showed an isoform-specific increase in neurogenesis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) under standard conditions in apoE4-transgenic mice. Environmental stimulation, which increases neurogenesis in the DG of apoE3-transgenic and wild-type mice, had the opposite effect on the apoE4 mice, where it triggered apoptosis while decreasing hippocampal neurogenesis. These effects were specific to the DG and were not observed in the subventricular zone, where neurogenesis was unaffected by either the apoE genotype or the environmental conditions. These in vivo findings demonstrate a linkage between neuronal apoptosis and the impaired neuronal plasticity and cognition of apoE4-transgenic mice, and suggest that similar interactions between apoE4 and environmental factors might occur in AD.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein (apo) O is a newly discovered apolipoprotein preferentially contained within HDL; however, currently, no data are available on the (patho)physiological effects of apoO. Therefore, the present study assessed the impact of apoO overexpression on (i) plasma lipids and lipoproteins as well as on (ii) HDL functionality. Human apoO was overexpressed by means of recombinant adenovirus (AdhapoO) in human apoA-I transgenic mice, a humanized mouse model of HDL metabolism. AdhapoO substantially increased apoO in plasma and within HDL. However, plasma triglycerides, phospholipids, total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol did not change. HDL size distribution, lipid composition and the apoA-I and the apoO distribution over the different HDL fractions separated by FPLC remained unaltered. Furthermore, enrichment of HDL with apoO did not impact on HDL functionality assessed in four independent ways, namely (i) stimulation of cholesterol efflux from macrophage foam cells, (ii) protection against LDL oxidation, (iii) anti-inflammatory activity on endothelial cells, and (iv) induction of vasodilation in isolated aortic rings ex vivo as a measure of stimulating vascular NO production. These results demonstrate that although overexpression of apoO results in a substantial enrichment of HDL particles with this novel apolipoprotein, apoO does not impact the plasma lipoprotein profile or HDL functionality.  相似文献   

The apolipoprotein (Apo) AI-CIII-AIV gene cluster has a complex pattern of gene expression that is modulated by both gene- and cluster-specific cis-acting elements. In particular the regulation of Apo AIV expression has been previously studied in vivo and in vitro including several transgenic mouse lines but a complete, consistent picture of the tissue-specific controls is still missing. We have analysed the role of the Apo AIV 3' flanking sequences in the regulation of gene expression using both in vitro and in vivo systems including three lines of transgenic mice. The transgene consisted of a human fragment containing 7 kb of the 5' flanking region, the Apo AIV gene itself and 6 kb of the 3' flanking region (-7+6 Apo AIV). Accurate analysis of the Apo AIV mRNA levels using quantitative PCR and Northern blots showed that the 7+6 kb Apo AIV fragment confers liver-specific regulation in that the human Apo AIV transgene is expressed at approximately the same level as the endogenous mouse Apo AIV gene. In contrast, the intestinal regulation of the transgene did not follow, the pattern observed with the endogenous gene although it produced a much higher intestinal expression following the accepted human pattern. Therefore, this animal model provides an excellent substrate to design therapeutic protocols for those metabolic derangements that may benefit from variations in Apo AIV levels and its anti-atherogenic effect.  相似文献   

The levels of plasma apolipoprotein (apo) E, an anti-atherogenic protein involved in mammalian cholesterol transport, were found to be 2-3 fold lower in mice over-expressing human apoA-I gene. ApoE is mainly associated with VLDL and HDL-size particles, but in mice the majority of the apoE is associated with the HDL particles. Over-expression of the human apoA-I in mice increases the levels of human apoA-I-rich HDL particles by displacing mouse apoA-I from HDL. This results in lowering of plasma levels of mouse apoA-I. Since plasma levels of apoE also decreased in the apoA-I transgenic mice, the mechanism of apoE lowering was investigated. Although plasma levels of apoE decreased by 2-3 fold, apoB levels remained unchanged. As expected, the plasma levels of human apoA-I were almost 5-fold higher in the apoAI-Tg mice compared to mouse apoA-I in WT mice. If the over-expression of human apoA-I caused displacement of apoE from the HDL, the levels of hepatic apoE mRNA should remain the same in WT and the apoAI-Tg mice. However, the measurements of apoE mRNA in the liver showed 3-fold decreases of apoE mRNA in apoAI-Tg mice as compared to WT mice, suggesting that the decreased apoE mRNA expression, but not the displacement of the apoE from HDL, resulted in the lowering of plasma apoE in apoAI-Tg mice. As expected, the levels of hepatic apoA-I mRNA (transgene) were 5-fold higher in the apoAI-Tg mice. ApoE synthesis measured in hepatocytes also showed lower synthesis of apoE in the apoAI-Tg mice. These studies suggest that the integration of human apoA-I transgene in mouse genome occurred at a site that affected apoE gene expression. Identification of this locus may provide further understanding of the apoE gene expression.  相似文献   

Transgenic mice overexpressing human apolipoprotein A-II (huapoA-II) display high VLDL and low HDL levels. To evaluate the antioxidant potential of huapoA-II enriched HDL, we measured the activities of paraoxonase (PON) and platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase (PAF-AH). Both activities decreased up to 43% in the serum of transgenic mice compared with controls, varied in parallel to HDL levels, but decreased less than HDL levels. The major part of PON and PAF-AH was associated with HDL, except in fed high huapoA-II-expressing mice, in which 20% of PAF-AH and 9% of PON activities were associated with VLDL. PON mRNA levels in the liver, its major site of synthesis, were similar in transgenic and control animals, indicating normal enzyme synthesis. In transgenic mice, the basal oxidation of lipoproteins was not increased, whereas their VLDL were more susceptible to oxidation than VLDL of controls. Interestingly, HDL of transgenic mice protected VLDL from oxidation more efficiently than HDL of controls. In conclusion, the decrease in both PON and PAF-AH activities in huapoA-II transgenic mice is best explained by their lower plasma HDL levels. However, the unchanged basal lipoprotein oxidation in transgenic mice suggests that huapoA-II-rich HDL may maintain adequate antioxidant potential.  相似文献   

The 4 allele of apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (AD). In order to gain a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms by which apoE and possibly other apolipoproteins produced in the central nervous system (CNS) influence AD pathogenesis, we have purified and characterized the two most abundant apolipoproteins produced in the CNS, apoE and apoJ. We purified apoE and apoJ from primary cultures of mouse astrocytes, which were derived from transgenic mice expressing human apoE isoforms in the absence of mouse apoE. Utilizing antibody affinity columns, we were able to purify both human apoE3 and apoE4, as well as mouse apoJ-containing lipoproteins. Astrocyte-secreted human apoE was present in high density-like lipoproteins of three predominant sizes ranging from 8 to 15 nm in diameter. Mouse apoJ was in particles between 10 and 17 nm in diameter with a peak size range of 11 nm. ApoE and apoJ were in distinct lipoproteins. Utilization of quick-freeze, deep-etch electron microscopy revealed the apoE particles were discs while the apoJ particles were smaller and more irregular in appearance. The lipid composition of apoE particles was very different from those containing apoJ. ApoE-particles contained a similar mass of apoE and lipid, with cholesterol and phospholipid being about equal in mass per particle. ApoJ-particles were relatively lipid poor (three parts protein, one part lipid), with phospholipids being much more abundant than cholesterol. Detailed characterization of phospholipid composition by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry analysis revealed ethanolamine glycerophospholipids to be the most abundant phospholipid present in both apoE and apoJ particles. Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid from apoE3 and apoE4 transgenic mice revealed that human and mouse apoE were in particles the same size as those secreted by astrocytes. Further use of physiological preparations of CNS-derived lipoproteins may allow for a detailed understanding of the role of these molecules in the normal brain and in diseases such as AD.  相似文献   

Recent studies showed correlation between increased serum apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100) level and Alzheimer's disease. To reveal the possible role of apoB-100 in neurodegeneration, we analyzed the serum lipoprotein and cerebral protein profiles, amyloid plaque formation, apoptosis and brain morphology of transgenic mice overexpressing the human apoB-100 protein. Serum lipoprotein profile showed significant increase of the plasma triglyceride level, while no alteration in total cholesterol was detected. The antibody microarray experiment revealed upregulation of several cytoskeletal, neuronal proteins and proteins that belong to the mitogen activated protein kinase pathway, indicating active apoptosis in the brain. Histochemical experiments showed formation of amyloid plaques and extensive neuronal death. Biochemical changes severely affected brain morphology; a dramatic genotype-dependent enlargement of the third and lateral ventricles in the brain was detected. On the basis of earlier and present results, we conclude that overexpressed human apoB-100 protein significantly increases the level of serum lipids (triglyceride upon normal chow diet and cholesterol on cholesterol-rich diet) which leads to cerebrovascular lesions and subsequently induces apoptosis and neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E (apoE) and lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides were measured in blood serum of 272 persons randomly selected from a large industrial population in northern California. Serum apoE level increased linearly by 0.013 mg/dl with each 1 mg/dl increase in very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) triglycerides. This estimate was independent of sex and the use of sex hormones by women. Compositional studies of isolated apoVLDL in 156 hypertriglyceridemic men and 162 normotriglyceridemic persons of both sexes from the same population also indicated that the content of apoE was independent of VLDL level, sex, and hormone use. The estimate of the relationship between serum apoE and VLDL-triglycerides derived from these compositional studies was comparable to that derived by regression analysis. Regression analysis also indicated that only 10-20% of the apoE in the serum of the average person is in the VLDL fraction. Serum apoE levels were 1.4 mg/dl higher in women than in men with the same VLDL-triglyceride level and 1.8 mg/dl lower in women using contraceptive drugs than in nonusers of like age and VLDL-triglyceride level.  相似文献   

LPL and its specific physiological activator, apolipoprotein C-II (apoC-II), regulate the hydrolysis of triglycerides (TGs) from circulating TG-rich lipoproteins. Previously, we developed a skeletal muscle-specific LPL transgenic mouse that had lower plasma TG levels. ApoC-II transgenic mice develop hypertriglyceridemia attributed to delayed clearance. To investigate whether overexpression of LPL could correct this apoC-II-induced hypertriglyceridemia, mice with overexpression of human apoC-II (CII) were cross-bred with mice with two levels of muscle-specific human LPL overexpression (LPL-L or LPL-H). Plasma TG levels were 319 +/- 39 mg/dl in CII mice and 39 +/- 5 mg/dl in wild-type mice. Compared with CII mice, apoC-II transgenic mice with the higher level of LPL overexpression (CIILPL-H) had a 50% reduction in plasma TG levels (P = 0.013). Heart LPL activity was reduced by approximately 30% in mice with the human apoC-II transgene, which accompanied a more modest 10% decrease in total LPL protein. Overexpression of human LPL in skeletal muscle resulted in dose-dependent reduction of plasma TGs in apoC-II transgenic mice. Along with plasma apoC-II concentrations, heart and skeletal muscle LPL activities were predictors of plasma TGs. These data suggest that mice with the human apoC-II transgene may have alterations in the expression/activity of endogenous LPL in the heart. Furthermore, the decrease of LPL activity in the heart, along with the inhibitory effects of excess apoC-II, may contribute to the hypertriglyceridemia observed in apoC-II transgenic mice.  相似文献   

Reduction of plasma LCAT activity has been observed in several conditions in which the size of HDL particles is increased; however, the mechanism of this reduction remains elusive. We investigated the plasma activity, mass, and in vivo catabolism of LCAT and its association with HDL particles in human apolipoprotein A-I transgenic, scavenger receptor class B type I knockout (hA-ITg SR-BI-/-) mice. Compared with hA-ITg mice, hA-ITg SR-BI-/- mice had a 4-fold higher total plasma cholesterol concentration, which occurred predominantly in 13-18 nm diameter HDL particles, a significant reduction in plasma esterified cholesterol-total cholesterol (EC/TC) ratio, and significantly lower plasma LCAT activity, suggesting a decrease in LCAT protein. However, LCAT protein in plasma, hepatic mRNA for LCAT, and in vivo turnover of 35S-radiolabeled LCAT were similar in both genotypes of mice. HDL from hA-ITg SR-BI-/- mice was enriched in sphingomyelin (SM), relative to phosphatidylcholine, and had less associated [35S]LCAT radiolabel and endogenous LCAT activity compared with HDL from hA-ITg mice. We conclude that the decreased EC/TC ratio in the plasma of hA-ITg SR-BI-/- mice is attributed to a reduction in LCAT reactivity with SM-enriched HDL particles.  相似文献   

Administration of alpha-naphthylisothiocyanate (ANIT) to rats induces changes to plasma lipids consistent with cholestasis. We have previously shown (J. Lipid Res. 37 (1996) 1086) that animals treated with ANIT accumulate large amounts of free cholesterol (FC) and phospholipid (PL)-rich cholestatic lipoproteins in the LDL density range by 48 h. This lipid was cleared by 120 h through apparent movement into HDL with concomitant cholesteryl ester (CE) production. It was hypothesised that the clearance was mediated through the movement of the PL and FC into apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I) containing lipoproteins followed by LCAT esterification to form CE. To test this hypothesis, rats overexpressing various amounts of human apo A-I (TgR[HuAI] rats) were treated with ANIT (100 mg/kg) and the effect of plasma apo A-I concentration on plasma lipids and lipoprotein distribution was examined. In untreated TgR[HuAI] rats, human apo A-I levels were strongly correlated to plasma PL (r(2)=0. 94), FC (r(2)=0.93) and CE (r(2)=0.90), whereas in ANIT-treated TgR[HuAI] rats, human apo A-I levels were most strongly correlated to CE levels (r(2)=0.80) and an increased CE/FC ratio (r(2)=0.62) and the movement of cholestatic lipid in the LDL to HDL. Since LCAT activity was not affected by ANIT treatment, these results demonstrate that the ability of LCAT to esterify the plasma FC present in cholestatic liver disease is limited by in vivo apo A-I activation of the cholestatic lipid and not by the catalytic capacity of LCAT.  相似文献   

Introduction of human plasma protein genes into the mouse genome to produce transgenic mice furnishes an in vivo model for correlating chromosomal DNA sequences with developmental and tissue-specific expression. The liver produces an array of plasma proteins that circulate throughout the body contributing to homeostasis. Non-hepatic tissue sites of synthesis have been identified where a local provision of plasma proteins in needed. Analysis of expression of human plasma protein genes in ageing transgenic mice appears especialy promising in identifying DNA sequences that respond to environmental adversities such as inflammatory factors, hormonal changes and metal toxicity. The results indicate that human genes encoding and controlling liver plasma proteins serve as useful models for studying genetic regulation in the background of development and ageing.  相似文献   

We created three lines of transgenic mice with an integrated rat genomic apolipoprotein E gene fused with the mouse metallothionein I promoter. These lines transcribed rat apoE mRNA in the liver and/or in the kidney and expressed significant amounts of rat apoE in plasma. Enhancement of the plasma level by treatment with Zn ion or Bi ion was observed.  相似文献   

Human apolipoprotein E (apoE) exists in the population in three common genetically determined isoforms, apoE-2, E-3, and E-4, that are coded for by three alleles epsilon-2, epsilon-3 and epsilon-4 at the apoE structural gene locus resulting in six phenotypes, three homozygotes (E 2/2, E 3/3, and E 4/4) and three heterozygotes (E 2/3, E 2/4, and E 3/4). A new procedure is described that allows identification of apoE isoforms and phenotypes from whole plasma or serum without the need for isolating apoE-containing lipoproteins or two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of serum. This rapid method combines cysteamine treatment of apoE in plasma, separation in parallel of cysteamine-treated and untreated hydrophobic serum proteins by charge-shift electrophoresis, and isoelectric focusing of apolipoproteins with immunoblotting. Compared to phenotyping of apoE after isolation of VLDL, the new procedure agreed in most cases and may be of special value in detecting apoE mutants that differ in their cysteine residues or either are spun off during isolation of lipoproteins or cofocus with other apoproteins and thus escape detection by conventional one-dimensional techniques. The method provides a simple tool to screen apoE isoforms that are known to have a major impact on individual plasma cholesterol levels.  相似文献   

We compared the in vivo metabolism of prebeta HDL particles isolated by anti-human apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) immunoaffinity chromatography (LpA-I) in human apoA-I transgenic (hA-I Tg) mice with that of lipid-free apoA-I (LFA-I) and small LpA-I. After injection, prebeta LpA-I were removed from plasma more rapidly than were LFA-I and small LpA-I. Prebeta LpA-I and LFA-I were preferentially degraded by kidney compared with liver; small LpA-I were preferentially degraded by the liver. Five minutes after tracer injection, 99% of LFA-I in plasma was found to be associated with medium-sized (8.6 nm) HDL, whereas only 37% of prebeta tracer remodeled to medium-sized HDL. Injection of prebeta LpA-I doses into C57Bl/6 recipients resulted in a slower plasma decay compared with hA-I Tg recipients and a greater proportion (>60%) of the prebeta radiolabel that was associated with medium-sized HDL. Prebeta LpA-I contained one to four molecules of phosphatidylcholine per molecule of apoA-I, whereas LFA-I contained less than one. We conclude that prebeta LpA-I has two metabolic fates in vivo, rapid removal from plasma and catabolism by kidney or remodeling to medium-sized HDL, which we hypothesize is determined by the amount of lipid associated with the prebeta particle and the particle's ability to bind to medium-sized HDL.  相似文献   

The effects of diabetes and lipoprotein lipase (LpL) on plasma lipids were studied in mice expressing human apolipoprotein B (HuBTg). Our overall objective was to produce a diabetic mouse model in which the sole effects of blood glucose elevation on atherosclerosis could be assessed. Mice were made diabetic by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin, which led to a 2- to 2. 5-fold increase in plasma glucose. Lipids were assessed in mice on chow and on an atherogenic Western type diet (WTD), consisting of 21% (wt/wt) fat and 0.15% (wt/wt) cholesterol. Plasma triglyceride and cholesterol were the same in diabetic and non-diabetic mice on the chow diet. On the WTD, male diabetic HuBTg mice had a >50% increase in plasma cholesterol and more very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol and triglyceride as assessed by FPLC analysis. A Triton study showed no increase in triglyceride or apolipoprotein B production, suggesting that the accumulation of VLDL was due to a decrease in lipoprotein clearance. Surprisingly, the VLDL increase in these mice was not due to a decrease in LpL activity in postheparin plasma. To test whether LpL overexpression would alter these diabetes-induced lipoprotein changes, HuBTg mice were crossed with mice expressing human LpL in muscle. LpL overexpression reduced plasma triglyceride, but not cholesterol, in male mice on WTD. Aortic root atherosclerosis assessed in 32-week-old mice on the WTD was not greater in diabetic mice. In summary, diabetes primarily increased plasma VLDL in HuBTg mice. LpL activity was not decreased in these animals. However, additional LpL expression eliminated the diabetic lipoprotein changes. These mice did not have more atherosclerosis with diabetes.  相似文献   

A water-insoluble apoprotein was isolated from apo-VLDL by column chromatography on Sephadex G-200 in sodium dodecylsulfate followed by preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in a discontinous sodium dodecylsulfate system, or by preparative electrophoresis alone. The protein was similar in amino acid composition to the "arginine-rich protein" reported by Shore and Shore. It represented about 10% of the total protein mass of VLDL. The apoprotein showed one single band with an apparent Mr of 39000 in sodium dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis, and was homogeneous in gel electrophoresis at pH 8.9 In 8M urea. Immunochemical studies also showed homogeneity of this protein, and antisera prepared against it did not react with any other of the well known apolipoproteins, but did react with VLDL and apo-VLDL preparations. Analytical isoelectric focusing in 8M urea resulted in a heterogeneous banding pattern showing three major polypeptides with pI values of 5.5, 5.6 and 5.75. Thus this apolipoprotein clearly differs from the apo-B and apo-C polypeptides of VLDL as well as from apoproteins A and D in its molecular weight, amino acid composition, focusing behavior and immunochemical properties.  相似文献   

Apolipoproteins A-I and A-II comprise approximately 70 and 20%, respectively, of the total protein content of HDL. Evidence suggests that apoA-I plays a central role in determining the structure and plasma concentration of HDL, while the role of apoA-II is uncertain. To help define the function of apoA-II and determine what effect increasing its plasma concentration has on HDL, transgenic mice expressing human apoA-II and both human apoA-I and human apoA-II were produced. Human apoA-II mRNA is expressed exclusively in the livers of transgenic animals, and the protein exists as a dimer as it does in humans. High level expression of human apoA-II did not increase HDL concentrations or decrease plasma concentrations of murine apoA-I and apoA-II in contrast to what was observed in mice overexpressing human apoA-I. The primary effect of overexpressing human apoA-II was the appearance of small HDL particles composed exclusively of human apoA-II. HDL from mice transgenic for both human apoA-I and human apoA-II displayed a unique size distribution when compared with either apoA-I or apoA-II transgenic mice and contain particles with both these human apolipoproteins. These results in mice, indicating that human apoA-II participates in determining HDL size, parallel results from human studies.  相似文献   

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