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Improvement of the heat pulse method for determining sap flow in trees 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
Abstract. The heat pulse method for determining sap flux in large woody sterns was modified for easier field operation. It uses the measurement of the time elapsed between heat pulse release by a line heater radially inserted in the stem, and the occurrence of maximum temperature 15 mm downstream of the heater. This spacing between heater and thermometer is critical to the reliability of the measurement. Calculations using uncorrected theory provide estimates of the sap flux density in stems with both uniform and non-uniform cross-sectional distribution of conducting tissues which are about 55% of the actual sap flux density. This factor results from insufficient thermal homogeneity between tissues where sap flow occurs and tissues where sap flow has been interrupted.
Sap flow in trunks of citrus trees was inferred from measurements of the cross-sectional distribution of sap flux density. Variability of sap flux density is specific to each trunk and is time-dependent and imposes multiple radial and angular measurements. The method was checked in a citrus trunk ramified into three branches. Instantaneous determinations of the flow in the trunk and in the branches differed by less than 5.7%. The daily values agreed within 2.8%. 相似文献
Sap flow in trunks of citrus trees was inferred from measurements of the cross-sectional distribution of sap flux density. Variability of sap flux density is specific to each trunk and is time-dependent and imposes multiple radial and angular measurements. The method was checked in a citrus trunk ramified into three branches. Instantaneous determinations of the flow in the trunk and in the branches differed by less than 5.7%. The daily values agreed within 2.8%. 相似文献
Evaluation of the heat pulse velocity technique for measurement of sap flow in rainforest and eucalypt forest species of south-eastern Australia 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Sap flow in the stems of two cut saplings each of Eucalyptus maculata (a canopy eucalypt forest tree), Doryphora sassafras and Ceratopetalum apetalum (both canopy rainforest trees of south-eastern coastal Australia) was measured by the heat pulse velocity technique and compared with water uptake from a potometer. Scanning electron micrographs of wounding caused by implantation of temperature sensor and heater probes into the sapwood showed that wounding was similar in rainforest and eucalypt species and was elliptical in shape. A circular wound has been implicitly assumed in previous studies. Accurate measurements of sapling water use were obtained using the smaller transverse wound dimension rather than the larger longitudinal dimension because maximum disruption of sap flow through the xylem vessels occurred in the transverse plane. Accurate measurements of sap flux were obtained above a minimum threshold sap velocity. These velocities were 15·7,10·9 and 9·4 cm h?1 for E. maculata, C. apetalum and D. sassafras, respectively. Below the threshold sap velocity, however, sap flow could not be accurately calculated from measurements of heat pulse velocity. The minimum threshold sap velocity appeared to be determined by probe construction and xylem anatomy. Despite the elliptical wounding and inaccurate measurement of sap flow below the threshold sap velocity, total sap flow over the experimental period for two saplings of each species was within 7% of water use measured by the potometer. 相似文献
准确测量树干液流对研究树木耗水特性、植物生理和生态水文效应等具有重要意义.本文选用一种新型五针热脉冲多功能数字探头(PHPP),运用热脉冲理论,测量小叶杨树干液流,并与热扩散探针(TDP)进行对比分析,探究五针热脉冲探头测量树干液流的适用性和准确性.结果表明: 五针热脉冲探头能够准确揭示小叶杨树干液流昼夜变化规律,并且与热扩散探针测量结果呈显著的线性相关关系,R2达到0.90,均方根误差为2.75,平均相对误差为11%.PHPP探头能较为精确地识别低液流和逆液流,可以快速准确地拟合热参数,直接测得树干液流速率,应用潜力较大. 相似文献
三针热脉冲探头,基于热比率法(HRM)、最大温度法(TMax)和单针热脉冲法(SHPP)同时实现了旱柳液流密度的测定,并与热扩散探针(TDP)测量结果进行对比分析.结果表明: 三针热脉冲探头安装约5周后进入稳定测量阶段,3种方法初期测量结果比稳定测量阶段高135%~220%,HRM、TMax和SHPP法与TDP测量结果具有显著的线性相关性,R2分别为0.93、0.73和0.91,SHPP与HRM法测定结果的R2达到0.94.HRM在低速和逆向液流时测量具有较高的精度;SHPP探头配置简单、测量精度高,但无法甄别液流方向,是测定液流非常有前途的方法;TMax测量液流误差较大,无法测量<5 cm3·cm-2·h-1的液流,不建议单独用于液流测量,但其能够准确测定树干热扩散系数,并可用于其他方法液流计算.建议根据试验目的,选取不同方法或者几种方法组合进行树干液流测量. 相似文献
An external heat pulse method for measurement of sap flow through fruit pedicels, leaf petioles and other small-diameter stems 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The external heat ratio method is described for measurement of low rates of sap flow in both directions through stems and other plant organs, including fruit pedicels, with diameters up to 5 mm and flows less than 2 g h−1 . Calibration was empirical, with heat pulse velocity ( v h ) compared to gravimetric measurements of sap flow. In the four stem types tested ( Actinidia sp. fruit pedicels, Schefflera arboricola petioles, Pittosporum crassifolium stems and Fagus sylvatica stems), v h was linearly correlated with sap velocity ( v s ) up to a v s of approximately 0.007 cm s−1 , equivalent to a flow of 1.8 g h−1 through a 3-mm-diameter stem. Minimum detectable v s was approximately 0.0001 cm s−1 , equivalent to 0.025 g h−1 through a 3-mm-diameter stem. Sensitivity increased with bark removal. Girdling had no effect on short-term measurements of in vivo sap flow, suggesting that phloem flows were too low to be separated from xylem flows. Fluctuating ambient temperatures increased variability in outdoor sap flow measurements. However, a consistent diurnal time-course of fruit pedicel sap flow was obtained, with flows towards 75-day-old kiwifruit lagging behind evaporative demand and peaking at 0.3 g h−1 in the late afternoon. 相似文献
A S Golub' 《Biulleten' eksperimental'no? biologii i meditsiny》1975,80(11):120-122
The photometric trigger method described was used for determining the velocity of erythrocytes. It allows to take continuous erythrocyte velocity and cell flux measurements in the microvessels. Application of the impulse-digital chronometry of the intervals of the erythrocyte transit time ensures direct transformation of the measuring trigger signals into a digital code. The results of testing the device on the microvessels of frog mesentery are given. 相似文献
土壤温度对油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)树干液流活动的影响 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
为了弄清土壤温度对油松树干边材液流活动的影响作用,利用热扩散式边材液流测定系统(TDP-30)和自动气象站对油松边材液流速率和土壤温度等环境因子进行了为期一年的同步测定。结果表明,土壤温度对树干液流活动的影响,一方面与靠近植物最适吸水温度的土层有关,另一方面,与树种的根系分布特征有关。春季表层土壤温度对液流速率的影响最为显著,夏季深层土壤最大,秋季的最大影响土层间于春夏之间。10.0—14.9℃的土壤温度对油松树干边材液流活动的作用最为明显。土壤温度开始对油松液流活动起显著作用的温度阈值约为10℃左右。 相似文献
油松、栓皮栎树干液流速率比较 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
应用TDP(ThermalDissipationProbe)技术对油松和栓皮栎树干液流进行了初步研究,经过野外近1a的实地定位观测,研究结果显示:栓皮栎月平均树干液流速率在整个生长期都较油松的月平均树干液流速率要高。前者大约是后者的5~10倍。栓皮栎在土壤干旱时期能够在白天产生明显的树干液流。在土壤干旱时期油松白天不产生树干液流而在晚上产生明显树干液流。在土壤相对湿润时期,油松和栓皮栎树干液流速率的波形与太阳总辐射的波形变化一致,但不同的是油松的树干液流速率波形呈明显的单峰状,而栓皮栎树干液流速率波形呈明显的多峰状。在土壤相对湿润时期太阳总辐射很低时能对油松树干液流速率产生明显的降低作用,而对栓皮栎树干液流则没有明显影响。在土壤干旱时期,油松和栓皮栎树干液流速率的峰值分别大约为0.0001cm/s和0.0006cm/s左右;在土壤水分充足时期,油松和栓皮栎树干液流速率的峰值分别大约相等约为0.0015cm/s左右,分别是油松和栓皮栎在干旱日期的液流速率峰值的10倍和2.5倍。 相似文献
为了揭示树干自然温度梯度的变化规律及其对树干液流速率测算结果的影响,于2007年5月至10月利用改进的SF-L型热扩散式树液流测定装置,对北京低山区生长的油松和侧柏的树干自然温度梯度、加热温差和气象、土壤水分因子进行了连日同步监测。结果表明:(1)树干自然温度梯度对加热针温差的影响,侧柏大于油松。(2)树干自然温度梯度对液流速率计算结果的影响具有显著的统计意义(P0.01),平均误差大于30%,误差峰值出现在太阳高度角较小的时候。(3)影响树干自然温度梯度最重要的环境因子是光照强度,其次是空气温度。上述结果说明,树干自然温度梯度对热扩散法测定的液流速率的影响不可忽视,研究树木耗水机制时应予以充分考虑。光照强度和空气温度是影响树干自然温度梯度最重要的两个因子,但其影响机制仍需进一步研究。 相似文献
B M Yergin K Saketkhoo E D Michaelson S M Serafini K Kovitz M A Sackner 《Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)》1978,44(6):964-968
Nasal mucous velocity was estimated by following the motion of radiopaque discs of Teflon by means of a fluoroscopic image intensifier. From 5 to 10 discs were deposited on the superior surface of the inferior turbinate with a forceps. No local anesthesia was employed and the subjects experienced no discomfort. The linear velocity of the discs was obtained by playing the videotape onto a television monitor, measuring distance with a ruler, and dividing by elapsed time. Duplicate runs of 1-2 min, 15 min apart were very reproducible but runs at 4-h intervals or daily over a 5-day period had a coefficient of variation of 30%. Average nasal velocity for individual ranged from 0 to 22.5 mm/min and group means ranged from 6. 8 to 10.8 mm/min. There was no statistically significant difference in nasal mucous velocity between young and elderly subjects nor was there a sexual difference. The saccharin test of nasal mucous transport was unsatisfactory because of inability to repeat the test more often than 1-2 h and its propensity to produce mild discomfort in a significant number of subjects. Saccharin times did not correlate significantly with values of nasal mucous velocity. 相似文献
The objectives of this study were to develop and assess a method of using tree ring measurements in standing pruned Pinus patula trees for modelling the knotty core of the pruned section of a tree and to assess variability in knotty core diameters in the tree stem. A total of 170 trees from 17 compartments on a wide variety of growth sites from the Mpumalanga escarpment in South Africa were selected and destructively sampled. We show that ring width measurements at breast height can be used to predict growth in the upper pruned section which in turn can be used to reconstruct the internal knotty core through the full pruned section of the log.Analysis of variation for the entire data set from ring width measurements showed that there was far greater variation in knotty core percentages (the percentage of diameter occupied by knotty core) between different compartments than within compartments. Within a tree, the knotty core percentages between three stem sections, 0.0–2.4 m, 2.4–4.8 m, and 4.8–7 m, differed significantly. As expected the knotty core percentages were found to increase from the bottom section (49.1%) to the top section (65.4%).A comparison of the actual measured knotty core size and the modeled knotty core size of a sub-sample of trees showed only a modest relationship (R2 = 0.62). Reasons for this might be variability in pruning quality, inaccurate pruning records, nodal swellings, and the methodology used to measure the actual knotty core sizes.Knowledge of knotty core sizes can be used as a decision aid in the forest and forest products industry. 相似文献
A new method of sap flow rate determination in trees 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A new method of sap flow rate determination in stems of adult trees is described in which mass flow (the transpiration flux in the present case) is estimated from a heat-transfer measurement. The device used includes a couple of thermometers in a differential connection and plate electrodes, through which a controlled heat input flows into a denned studied segment of the xylem. The present method was tested first with a laboratory simulating system, then with the stem of a living adult treePrunus avium L. The data are registered continually and automatically; continuous measurement of sap flow rate of long duration with a greater number of trees is thus made possible. 相似文献
Heat-pulse methods to determine sap flux density in trees are founded on the theory of heat conduction and heat convection in an isotropic medium. However, sapwood is clearly anisotropic, implying a difference in thermal conductivity along and across the grain, and hence necessitates the theory for an anisotropic medium. This difference in thermal conductivities, which can be up to 50%, is, however, not taken into account in the key equation leading to the currently available heat-pulse methods. Despite this major flaw, the methods remain theoretically correct as they are based on derivations of the key equation, ruling out any anisotropic aspects. The importance of specifying the thermal characteristics of the sapwood according to axial, tangential or radial direction is revealed as well as referring to and using the proper anisotropic theory in order to avoid confusion and misinterpretation of thermal properties when dealing with sap flux density measurements or erroneous results when modelling heat transport in sapwood. 相似文献