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Cultures of Tetrahymena pyriformis in a non-nutrient buffer degrade RNA and excrete hypoxanthine, uracil and orthophosphate. Glucose addition leads to the retention of a portion of the purine, pyrimidine, and orthophosphate by the cells; however, the hexose has little influence on the RNA level. Acetate supplementation has no effect on RNA degradation or on the distribution of the catabolic products between the cells and the environment. Interruption of oxidative phosphorylation by 2,4-dinitrophenol results in an increase in RNA degradation. This action is annulled by the glycolytic substrate, glucose, but not by acetate. A combination of iodoacetic acid and glucose blocks glycolysis and increases cellular RNA loss which can be reversed by the addition of the citric acid cycle substrate, acetate. These findings suggest that the available cellular energy supply in starved cells is sufficient to regulate the rate of RNA degradation. Disruption of ATP generation by the appropriate inhibitors, however, allows the demonstration of the importance of energy-yielding reactions in the determination of the amount of nucleic acid loss. It appears that glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation are equally efficient in sustaining the regulatory process. RNA synthesis during starvation conditions is a discontinuous process with a sharp rate change after 30 min of incubation. 2,4-Dinitrophenol inhibits [2-14C] uracil incorporation into the nucleic acid. Glucose does not annul the inhibition of synthesis in contrast to the influence of the hexose on RNA degradation. This observation demonstrates that the synthetic and degradative processes are not directly coupled. Glycogen synthesis and RNA degradation appear to compete for the available energy supply and respond in a similar fashion to the metabolic inhibitors and carbon sources.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The formation of digestive vacuoles by starved Tetrahymena pyriformis could be induced by mixtures of latex particles and a variety of potentially digestible solutes. Latex particles themselves had little effect in inducing vacuole formation. Protein, polypeptide, and RNA were highly effective inducers, while glutamate, amino acid mixtures, polysacharides, and glucose were moderately effective. Sodium-β-glycerophosphate had a slight effect and sodium acetate was ineffective. The possible stimulus to endocytosis is discussed. The endocytic response to inducers does not appear to be an all-or-none phenomenon and varies with the concentration of inducer. The stimulatory effect for protein-related inducers seems to be produced by a large number of stimulatory molecules acting upon a single cell and the magnitude of the response appears to be related to molecular size.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Phenylalanine hydroxylase could not be assayed in extracts of Tetrahymena pyriformis strain W in a system by which the enzyme could be assayed in rat liver extracts. Isotopically labelled phenylalanine, however, was converted to tyrosine by growing or washed cells. Growth conditions which allowed limited synthesis of unconjugated tetrahydropteridine severely reduced the ability of the cells to synthesize tyrosine from phenylalanine. The presence of glucose and acetate in the growth medium resulted in elevated free tyrosine pools and an increased capacity of washed cell suspensions to convert phenylalanine to tyrosine. It would appear that the putative phenylalanine hydroxylation system is not subject to the repressive effects of glucose and acetate which apply to the enzymes of tyrosine catabolism. The significance of this distinction is discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship of cell size and contractile vacuole efflux to osmotic stress was studied in Tetrahymena pyriformis strain W, after transfer into fresh solutions iso- or hypoosmotic to the growth medium. Microscopic measurements of the cell and contractile vacuole dimensions, made with an image-sharing ocular at 27 C, allowed the calculation of the cell size and shape and the vacuolar efflux rate which provide a measure of osmoregulation. The contractile vacuole cycles have no homeostatic oscillations. In 0.03–0.10 osmolar solutions, the cell size and shape are constant while the vacuolar efflux rate has an inverse linear dependence upon extracellular osmolarity. Regression analyses indicate that for cells with systole faster than 0.1 sec (the major part of the population), it is only the final diastolic volume of the contractile vacuole that is related to osmotic stress while the frequency of systole is independent of osmotic stress and has a constant period of 7.7 ± 0.2 sec. Therefore, osmotic stress upon Tetrahymena is regulated by a corresponding change in the filling rate of its contractile vacuole to allow an unaltered cell size and shape. Kinetic measurements of vacuoles during diastole fit the model (dV/dt = K1-K2A), where (dV/dt) is the vacuolar filling rate and (A) is the vacuolar surface area. This dependence of vacuolar volume upon its surface area may be ascribed either to elastic components of the vacuolar membrane or to an increasing leakiness of this membrane during diastole. Mitochondrial inhibitors were used to observe the energy requirements of vacuolar operation and of intracellular secretion of water.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS Cell-free synthesis of high molecular weight polypeptides, programmed by RNA from Tetrahymena pyriformis strain W is reported, and methods for preparation of the RNA are described. The RNA was extracted by the SDS-phenol-chloroform-isoamyl alcohol technic. The bulk of extracted RNA was ribosomal and on sucrose gradients peaked at -17S and 25S. After heat denaturation all the 25S RNA was converted to 17S. indicating the presence of hidden breaks, possibly the result of nuclease activity during extraction. Nevertheless, when poly(A)–RNA was collected using oligo-(dT)-cellulose column chromatography, it promoted a 15–fold increase in incorporation of [35S] methionine into TCA-precipitable material. Slab-gel electrophoresis and autoradiography of the product revealed 12 different major polypeptides, varying in weight from 28.000 to 65,000 Daltons. A method for preparation of translatable RNA from Tetrahymena will make possible the comparison of messenger RNAs associated with specific cell structures and with different developmental events.  相似文献   

Micronuclear changes of variety 1 of Tetrahymena pyriformis during meiotic prophase have been observed by the light microscope. Morphologic changes in the micronucleus are divided into 6 stages. In stage I, chromatin begins to polarize; in stage II, the micronucleus becomes spindle shaped; and in stage III, one end of the micronucleus protrudes to form a “neck.” In stage IV, where the micronucleus elongates to maximal length, the whole micronucleus consists of 2 chromatin threads pairing longitudinally. One thread probably contains one genome. In stage V, the elongated thread becomes shorter and thicker. Finally, in stage VI, separate chromosomes appear and enter into metaphase. To discover the role of the elongation of the micronucleus, called crescent formation, autoradiographic analysis of RNA and DNA synthesis were undertaken using [3H]uridine and [3H]thymidine. Pulse label and chase experiments show that the crescent in stages II and III is actively synthesizing RNA. Though no remarkable DNA synthesis was observed during meiosis, a small amount of DNA synthesis occurred during the 1st and 2nd prezygotic divisions.  相似文献   

Cortical features were analyzed in successive samples of continuously growing stock cultures of amicronucleate strains GL-C and GL-I, and in micronucleate strain WH-6 (syngen 1, mating type I). Thirteen successive samples of strain GL-C, representing a time span of 111 months, 5 samples of WH-6 (43 months) and 2 samples of GL-I (1 month) were examined. The observed range of commonly expressed ciliary row numbers (corticotypes) was 16–20 rows in strain GL-C, 15–20 in strain GL-I, and 16–20 in strain WH-6. These ranges remained constant through time within each strain. The individual samples each included all or a large part of the total range observed in the strain, but the relative abundances of different corticotypes within this range shifted through time. The shifts appeared random, with no discernible trends. Mean contractile vacuole pore (CVP) position and number of CVP meridians were assayed in the 2 “GL” strains. Mean CVP position was an apparently stable character, with only slight fluctuations through time, while the distribution of number of CVP meridians was somewhat less constant. The CVP parameters of strains GL-C and GL-I were considerably different, and both of these strains were very different from the GL strain which had been studied by Nanney. In fact, these 3 “GL” strains have, among them, virtually the entire gamut of known CVP characteristics. The possible significance of these wide differences among strains presumed to be closely related is considered in the Discussion.  相似文献   

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