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肠道病毒71型的研究进展   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
周世力  杨帆  金奇 《病毒学报》2003,19(3):284-287
肠道病毒71型(enterovirus71,EV71)是小RNA病毒科(Picornaviridae)肠道病毒属(Enterovirus)成员,其感染主要引起患者手足口病(hand-foot-and-mouth disease,HFMD).通常情况下,EV71感染引起的HFMD在临床症状等方面与柯萨奇病毒A16(Coxsackie A16,CA16)引起的手足口病难以区别,但EV71感染除了引起HFMD以外,还能够引起无菌性脑膜炎(aseptic meningitis)、脑干脑炎(brainstem encephalitis)和脊髓灰质炎样的麻痹(poliomyelitis-like paralysis)等多种与神经系统相关的疾病[1].自1974年首次报道[2]以来,EV71已在世界范围内引起十多次爆发与流行[3-6].近年来,EV71病毒的流行在亚太地区呈上升趋势[7-9].根据病毒衣壳蛋白VP1核苷酸序列的差异,可将EV71分为A、B、C 3个基因型,其中,B型和C型又进一步分为B1、B2、B3、B4以及C1和C2亚型[10-12].  相似文献   

肠道病毒71型是一种具有较强致病性的肠道病毒,主要引起患者手足口病(Hand,foot and mouth disease,HFMD)。已在世界多个地区爆发和流行,主要症状是手、足、口、臀等部位皮疹或疱疹,少数患儿可以并发无菌性脑膜炎、脑炎、急性弛缓性麻痹等严重神经系统并发症,呼吸道感染和心肌炎等,可致残、致死。2007—2008年中国多个地区均有较大规模流行,危害十分严重。近四十年的多次流行中,EV71病毒的基因不断进化,研究其基因变化特点对早期诊断、分型以及了解基因与流行、致病的关系等有着重要的意义。对EV71感染尚缺乏有效的抗病毒药物,研制有效的预防性疫苗迫在眉睫,目前有灭活疫苗、减毒疫苗、多肽或蛋白疫苗、DNA疫苗等多种尝试,但至今尚无EV71疫苗上市。本文对EV71基因、实验室诊断和疫苗方面的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

手足口病(hand-foot and mouth disease,HFMD)作为全球关注的公共卫生疾病,亚洲地区频发,危害不容小觑.其传播途径广、传染性强、易引起并发症,致病株多样且易变异等特点,均为手足口病的治疗与防控带来挑战.肠道病毒71型(human enterovirus 71,EV71)作为手足口病主要的病原...  相似文献   

重症手足口病及其死亡病例多由肠道病毒71型(Enterovirus A71,EV-A71)感染引起,且近年来在亚太地区广泛流行。由于EV-A71具有严格的宿主细胞寄生性,需依赖细胞的能量和代谢系统完成其复制过程。因此研究该病毒在进入、脱衣壳等感染早期过程中病毒与宿主相互作用的机制,不仅有助于理解其致病机理,同时可为建立相应预防和治疗的策略提供科学依据。为此,就EV-A71感染早期的致病机制的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

肠道病毒71型(Enterovirus type 71,EV71),自1974年首次报道以来,在世界范围内引起多次爆发与流行。EV71感染主要引起患者手足口病(hand,foot and mouth disease,HFMD),在临床上与柯萨奇病毒A16(Coxsakie A16,CA16)感染所引起的手足口病难以区别,但EV71还能够引起多种与神经系统相关的疾病。近年来,EV71病毒的流  相似文献   

肠道病毒71型(Enterovirus 71,EV71)为手足口病(Handf,oot and mouth disease,HFMD)和相关疾病的主要病原体,多感染婴幼儿,少数病例可以并发呼吸道感染和心肌炎、无菌性脑膜炎、脑炎、急性弛缓性麻痹等严重疾病,可致残、致死。因此EV71实验室诊断对EV71引起疾病的治疗和防控具有重要意义。本文将从核酸检测、抗体检测及其他检测等三部分对EV71的实验室诊断方法研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

肠道病毒71型分子流行病学研究进展   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
肠道病毒71型(Enterovirus type71,EV71),自1974年首次报道以来,在世界范围内引起多次爆发与流行[1].EV71感染主要引起患者手足口病(hand,foot and mouth disease,HFMD),在临床上与柯萨奇病毒A16(Coxsakie A16,CA16)感染所引起的手足口病难以区别,但EV71还能够引起多种与神经系统相关的疾病[2].近年来,EV71病毒的流行在亚太地区呈上升趋势[3~5],其中最令人关注的是在该地区的EV71感染引起越来越严重的中枢神经系统症状.  相似文献   

手足口病在世界多个地区,尤其是亚洲爆发并流行,且其感染率和死亡率逐年增高,危害十分严重。肠道病毒71(Enterovirus 71,EV71)是手足口病(Hand,foot,andmouth disease,HFMD)的主要病原体,以感染婴幼儿为主,其感染常伴随神经系统并发症,严重可导致儿童死亡。近年来,分子生物学和抗病毒研究方面取得的进展为EV71感染的预防及治疗提供了新的途径。本文对EV71病毒学特点及抗EV71药物的筛选、疫苗开发、RNA干扰等进行了综述,以期为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

人肠道病毒71型动物模型研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人肠道病毒71型是婴幼儿手足口病的致病原之一,其严重的并发症可导致神经系统疾病,甚至死亡,是近期威胁中国儿童健康的因素之一。目前尚无临床疫苗可以预防该病毒感染,而EV71的动物模型是进行致病机理、疫苗评价和药物等研究的基础。本文对EV71的两种常用动物模型:小鼠和猕猴(Macaca mulatta)模型进行了描述,并对其在研究中的应用给与概括,为研究者选择合适的动物模型提供了依据。  相似文献   

肠道病毒71型(enterovirus 71,EV71)为小RNA病毒科肠道病毒属成员,是引起手足口病的主要病原体之一。EV71流行广泛,其感染可引发中枢神经系统疾病,并造成重症手足口病,给公共卫生安全带来极大挑战。EV71的致病机制与病毒和宿主天然免疫系统的相互作用关系密切,涉及病毒逃逸干扰素反应、病毒抑制核因子κB(nuclear factorκB,NF-κB)信号通路及病毒与天然免疫细胞相互作用等多个环节。本文就近年来EV71与宿主天然免疫系统相互作用的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

Enterovirus 71 (EV-71) is the main etiological agent of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD). Recent EV-71 outbreaks in Asia-Pacific were not limited to mild HFMD, but were associated with severe neurological complications such as aseptic meningitis and brainstem encephalitis, which may lead to cardiopulmonary failure and death. The absence of licensed therapeutics for clinical use has intensified research into anti-EV-71 development. This review highlights the potential antiviral agents targeting EV-71 attachment, entry, uncoating, translation, polyprotein processing, virus-induced formation of membranous RNA replication complexes, and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. The strategies for antiviral development include target-based synthetic compounds, anti-rhinovirus and poliovirus libraries screening, and natural compound libraries screening. Growing knowledge of the EV-71 life cycle will lead to successful development of antivirals. The continued effort to develop antiviral agents for treatment is crucial in the absence of a vaccine. The coupling of antivirals with an effective vaccine will accelerate eradication of the disease.  相似文献   

肠道病毒71(enterovirus 71,EV71)是手足口病(hand,foot and mouth disease,HFMD)主要致病原之一。手足口病临床上常表现为发热,手掌、脚掌及口腔黏膜皮疹或疱疹。然而,EV71感染导致的手足口病易伴随神经系统并发症,甚至死亡。EV71非结构蛋白2A作为蛋白酶和转录激活因子,在EV71生命周期中发挥重要作用。本文对2A的结构与功能研究进展进行综述,揭示2A的双重功能如何促进病毒复制和调控靶细胞,为进一步研究靶向2A的抗病毒疫苗和药物提供理论基础。  相似文献   

Aims: The anti‐enterovirus 71 (EV71) activity of six Nepalese plants’ extracts and gallic acid (GA) isolated from Woodfordia fruticosa Kurz (family; Lythaceae) flowers were evaluated in Vero cells. Methods and Results: The anti‐EV71 activity of tested compounds was evaluated by a cytopathic effect reduction method. Our results demonstrated that flowers’ extracts of W. fruticosa exerted strong anti‐EV71 activity, with a 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 1·2 μg ml?1 and no cytotoxicity at a concentration of 100 μg ml?1, and the derived therapeutic index (TI) was more than 83·33. Rivabirin showed no antiviral activity against EV71. Furthermore, GA isolated from W. fruticosa flowers exhibited a higher anti‐EV71 activity than the extract of W. fruticosa flowers, with an IC50 of 0·76 μg ml?1 and no cytotoxicity at a concentration of 100 μg ml?1, and the derived TI was 99·57. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that flower extracts of W. fruticosa possessed anti‐EV71 activity and GA isolated from these flowers showed stronger anti‐EV71 activity than that the extracts. Significance and Impact of the Study: Our results suggest that the GA from W. fruticosa flowers may be used as a potential antiviral agent.  相似文献   

近年来,手足口病(Hand foot mouth disease,HFMD)在中国多次爆发流行,严重威胁公众健康,尤其是5岁以下的婴幼儿。而肠道病毒71型(Enterovirus 71,EV71)是引起手足口病的主要病原体之一,由于目前还无针对该疾病有效的抗病毒药物,研制疫苗是控制EV71流行最为有效的措施。目前EV71疫苗及相关研究均取得重大突破,本文就近年来关于EV71疫苗研发、动物模型等的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Enterovirus A71 (EV‐A71), one of the most important causative agents of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in children, can lead to severe clinical outcomes, even death. However, the infection spectrum of EV‐A71 in different cell lines remains unknown. Therefore, in this study, the biological characteristics of EV‐A71 Subgroup C4 in different cell lines were investigated. To this end, the infectivity of EV‐A71Jinan1002 isolated from children with severe HFMD was assessed in 18 different host cell lines. It was found that the MA104 cell line displayed biological characteristics suitable for EV‐A71 Subgroup C4 strain isolation and proliferation; indeed, it was found that a broad spectrum of cell lines can be infected by EV‐A71Jinan1002. Among the screened cells, four cell lines (HEK293, RD, MA104 and Marc145) produced high 50% tissue culture infective dose (TCID50) values calculated in viral proliferations (ranged from 107.6 to 107.8); the TCID50 being negatively associated with the time to appearance of CPE. Proliferation curves demonstrated that EV‐A71Jinan1002 amplifies more efficiently in MA104, Hep‐2 and RD cells. Remarkably, the virus isolation rate was much higher in MA104 cells than in RD cells. Thus this study, to our knowledge, is for the first to explore the infection spectrum of EV‐A71 subgroup C4 in such a large number of different cell lines. Our data provide useful reference data for facilitating further study of EV‐A71.  相似文献   

Human enterovirus 71 viruses have been long circulating throughout the world. In this study, we performed a positive selection analysis of the VP1 genes of capsid proteins from Enterovirus 71 viruses. Our results showed that although most sites were under negative or neutral evolution, four positions of the VP1 genes were under positive selection pressure. This might account for the spread and frequent outbreaks of the viruses and the enhanced neurovirulence. In particular, position 98 might be involved in neutralizing antibodies, modulating the virus-receptor interaction and enhancing the virulence of the viruses. Moreover, both positions 145 and 241 might correlate to determine the receptor specificity. However, these positions did not display much difference in amino acid polymorphism. In addition, no position in the VP1 genes of viruses isolated from China was under positive selection.  相似文献   



Human enterovirus 71 (EV71) is an important pathogen caused large outbreaks in Asian-Pacific region with severe neurological complications and may lead to death in young children. Understanding of the etiological spectrum and epidemic changes of enterovirus and population’s immunity against EV71 are crucial for the implementation of future therapeutic and prophylactic intervention.


A total of 1,182 patients who presented with the symptoms of hand foot and mouth disease (67.3%) or herpangina (HA) (16.7%) and admitted to the hospitals during 2008-2013 were tested for enterovirus using pan-enterovirus PCR targeting 5′-untranslated region and specific PCR for viral capsid protein 1 gene. Overall, 59.7% were pan-enterovirus positive comprising 9.1% EV71 and 31.2% coxsackievirus species A (CV-A) including 70.5% CV-A6, 27.6% CV-A16, 1.1% CV-A10, and 0.8% CV-A5. HFMD and HA occurred endemically during 2008-2011. The number of cases increased dramatically in June 2012 with the percentage of the recently emerged CV-A6 significantly rose to 28.4%. Co-circulation between different EV71 genotypes was observed during the outbreak. Total of 161 sera obtained from healthy individuals were tested for neutralizing antibodies (NAb) against EV71 subgenotype B5 (EV71-B5) using microneutralization assay. The seropositive rate of EV71-B5 was 65.8%. The age-adjusted seroprevalence for individuals was found to be lowest in children aged >6 months to 2 years (42.5%). The seropositive rate remained relatively low in preschool children aged > 2 years to 6 years (48.3%) and thereafter increased sharply to more than 80% in individuals aged > 6 years.


This study describes longitudinal data reflecting changing patterns of enterovirus prevalence over 6 years and demonstrates high seroprevalences of EV71-B5 NAb among Thai individuals. The rate of EV71 seropositive increased with age but without gender-specific significant difference. We identified that relative lower EV71 seropositive rate in early 2012 may demonstrate widely presented of EV71-B5 in the population before account for a large outbreak scale epidemic occurred in 2012 with due to a relatively high susceptibility of the younger population.  相似文献   

利用流式细胞技术和激光共聚焦显微镜技术观察EV71感染前后,细胞内钙离子分布变化情况。细胞感染EV71后,细胞内质网内钙离子浓度显著降低,细胞质及线粒体内钙离子浓度显著升高。 EV71的感染能够引起宿主细胞内钙离子的分布变化,这种变化可能会调节病毒与宿主细胞间的一系列相互作用。  相似文献   

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