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A homogeneous fucogalactoxyloglucan, isolated from the leaves of Hymenaea courbaril, was analysed by methylation-GC–MS. These procedures involved derived partially O-methylated alditol acetates and acetylated aldononitriles, which demonstrated the presence of both 2-O- and 4-O-substituted Xylp units in the side-chains. The presence of the unusual, latter structure was confirmed by 2D NMR spectroscopy with a correlated HMQC C-4/H-4 signal at δ 77.8/3.73. A similar 4-O-substituted xylosyl structure was present in a decasaccharide Glc4Xyl3Gal2Fuc obtained via endo-glucanase treatment of the polysaccharide, which gave rise to a molecular ion with m/z 1555 (ESI-MS, Na+ form).  相似文献   

Treatment of the xyloglucan isolated from the seeds of Hymenaea courbaril with Humicola insolens endo-1,4-β-d-glucanase I produced xyloglucan oligosaccharides, which were then isolated and characterized. The two most abundant compounds were the heptasaccharide (XXXG) and the octasaccharide (XXLG), which were examined by reference to the biological activity of other structurally related xyloglucan compounds. The reduced oligomer (XXLGol) was shown to promote growth of wheat (Triticum aestivum) coleoptiles independently of the presence of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). In the presence of 2,4-D, XXLGol at nanomolar concentrations increased the auxin-induced response. It was found that XXLGol is a signaling molecule, since it has the ability to induce, at nanomolar concentrations, a rapid increase in an α-l-fucosidase response in suspended cells or protoplasts of Rubus fruticosus L. and to modulate 2,4-D or gibberellic acid-induced α-l-fucosidase.  相似文献   

A new biscoumarin (7-hydroxy-6,6′-dimethoxy-3,7′-dicoumarinyl ether), named hymenain (1) and the known biscoumarin ipomopsin (2) were isolated from the germinated seeds of Hymenaea courbaril var. stilbocarpa. Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods. Scopoletin was also detected in the extracts by TLC and GC–MS analyses. Hymenain and ipomopsin showed direct scavenging effect on a stable free radical, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) with the EC50 values of 100 and 300 μM, respectively.  相似文献   

Three known and two new diterpenes were isolated from the ethyl acetate extract of Hymenaea courbaril var. stilbocarpa seed pods. One of the compounds was elucidated as (5R*,8S*,9S*,10R*)-cleroda-3,13E-dien-15-oic acid and the other was elucidated, after treatment with diazomethane, as methyl (5S*,8S*,9S*,10R*)-cleroda-3,13E-dien-15-oate. The known diterpenes were identified as (-)-ozic acid, (-)-isoozic acid and (-)-kovalenic acid which were characterized as their methyl ester derivatives.  相似文献   

We developed 11 microsatellite markers for Hymenaea courbaril for the purpose of studying spatial genetic structure and gene flow. The microsatellite loci were screened in 44 trees from two populations. All loci were polymorphic, exhibiting between two and 16 alleles, and levels of expected heterozygosity from 0.174 to 0.909. Departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were detected for all loci in one population. The estimated null allele frequency is low or moderate. No locus combinations exhibited linkage disequilibrium.  相似文献   

Hymenaea courbaril is a leguminous tree species from the neotropical rain forests. Its cotyledons are largely enriched with a storage cell wall polysaccharide (xyloglucan). Studies of cell wall storage polymers have been focused mostly on the mechanisms of their disassembly, whereas the control of their mobilization and the relationship between their metabolism and seedling development is not well understood. Here, we show that xyloglucan mobilization is strictly controlled by the development of first leaves of the seedling, with the start of its degradation occurring after the beginning of eophyll (first leaves) expansion. During the period of storage mobilization, an increase in the levels of xyloglucan hydrolases, starch, and free sugars were observed in the cotyledons. Xyloglucan mobilization was inhibited by shoot excision, darkness, and by treatment with the auxin-transport inhibitor N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid. Analyses of endogenous indole-3-acetic acid in the cotyledons revealed that its increase in concentration is followed by the rise in xyloglucan hydrolase activities, indicating that auxin is directly related to xyloglucan mobilization. Cotyledons detached during xyloglucan mobilization and treated with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid showed a similar mobilization rate as in attached cotyledons. This hormonal control is probably essential for the ecophysiological performance of this species in their natural environment since it is the main factor responsible for promoting synchronism between shoot growth and reserve degradation. This is likely to increase the efficiency of carbon reserves utilization by the growing seedling in the understorey light conditions of the rain forest.  相似文献   

The phylogeography of Hymenaea courbaril var. stilbocarpa from Atlantic Forest and riverine forests of the Cerrado biome in central and southeastern Brazil was investigated. The data were compared with those of its congeneric Hymenaea stigonocarpa, a typical tree from savanna. In the Cerrado, H. courbaril var. stilbocarpa is found in sites contiguous with those of H. stigonocarpa, and they share common life-history attributes. The psbC/trnS3 region of the chloroplast DNA was sequenced in 149 individuals of H. courbaril var. stilbocarpa. High genetic variation was found in this species, with the identification of 18 haplotypes, similarly to what was found in H. stigonocarpa with 23 haplotypes in the same geographic region. Populations of H. courbaril var. stilbocarpa could be structured in 3 phylogeographic groups. Spatial analysis of molecular variation indicated that 46.4% of the genetic variation was due to differences among these groups. Three haplotypes were shared by H. courbaril var. stilbocarpa and H. stigonocarpa, and only 10.5% of the total genetic variation could be attributed to between-species difference. We surmise that during the glacial times, H. courbaril var. stilbocarpa populations must have gone extinct in most parts of the southern of its present-day occurrence area. After climate amelioration, these areas were probably recolonized from northern and eastern. The relatively similar phylogeographic structure of vicariant Hymenaea species suggests that they were subjected to the same impacts during the Quaternary climatic fluctuations. The sharing of haplotypes and the genetic similarity between the 2 Hymenaea species suggest the existence of ancestral polymorphism and/or hybridization.  相似文献   

Hymenaea courbaril is a tropical timber species, intensely exploited and found in the Amazon, Atlantic Forest and Brazilian Cerrado biome. Nine highly polymorphic microsatellite loci were developed from a genomic library enriched for AG/TC repeats. In a total of 41 individuals, from two natural populations, seven to 13 alleles per locus were detected and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.75 to 0.90. Seven loci were effectively transferred to Hymenaea stigonocarpa. High levels of polymorphism make the present primers useful for population genetic studies and are a powerful tool to investigate mating system, gene flow and spatial genetic structure.  相似文献   

The Neotropical tree Hymenaea courbaril, locally known as Jatobá, is a valuable source of lumber and also produces comestible and medicinal fruit. We characterized Mendelian inheritance, linkage and genotypic disequilibrium at nine microsatellite loci isolated from H. courbaril, in order to determine if they would provide accurate estimates of population genetic parameters of this important Amazon species. The study was made on 250 open-pollinated offspring originated from 14 seed trees. Only one of nine loci presented significant deviation from the expected Mendelian segregation (1:1). Genotypic disequilibrium between pairwise loci was investigated based on samples from 55 adult and 56 juvenile trees. No genetic linkage between any paired loci was observed. After Bonferroni's corrections for multiple tests, we found no evidence of genotypic disequilibrium between pairs of loci. We conclude that this set of loci can be used for genetic diversity/ structure, mating system, gene flow, and parentage analyses in H. courbaril populations.  相似文献   

Beta-galactosidases are enzymes that can be found in most living beings and in the plant kingdom its activity and genes have been detected in several tissues such as ripening fruits, developing leaves and flowers and storage tissues such as cotyledons. In plants, their activities are usually associated with the secondary metabolism or with oligosaccharide or polysaccharide degradation. Polysaccharide specific beta-galactosidases include beta-galactanases, which attack pectic polymers and beta-galactosidases that attack xyloglucans (XG). In the present work we purified an XG-specific beta-galactosidase (named hcbetagal) from cotyledons of developing seedlings of Hymenaea courbaril, a legume tree from the Neotropical region of the world. The enzyme has a molecular weight of 52-62 kDa and was shown to attack specifically xyloglucan oligosaccharides (XGOs) but not the polymer. It has a pH optimum between 3 and 4 and at this pH range the enzyme increases activity linearly up to 50 degrees C. Kinetic studies showed that hcbetagal is inhibited competitively by free galactose (K(i) = 3.7). The biochemical properties of hcbetagal as a whole suggest that it is involved in storage xyloglucan mobilisation during seedling development. Its high specificity towards XGOs, the low pH optimum and the fact that it is inhibited by its product (galactose) suggest that hcbetagal might be one of the biochemical control points in xyloglucan catabolism in vivo. A possible relationship with functional stability of the wall during cell death as cotyledons undergo senescence is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Hymenaea courbaril (Leguminosae-Caesalpinioideae) is a tree species with wide distribution through all of the Neotropics. It has large seeds (approx. 5 g) with non-photosynthetic storage cotyledons rich (40 %) in a cell wall polysaccharide (xyloglucan) as a carbon reserve. Because it is found in the understorey of tropical forests, it has been considered as a shade-tolerant, late-secondary species. However, the physiological mechanisms involved in seedling establishment, especially regarding the interplay between storage and light intensity, are not understood. In this work, the ecophysiological role of this carbon cotyledon reserve (xyloglucan) is characterized, emphasizing its effects on seedling growth and development during the transition from heterotrophy to autotrophy under different light conditions. METHODS: Seedlings of H. courbaril were grown in environments with different light intensities, and with or without cotyledons detached before xyloglucan mobilization. Development, growth, photosynthesis and carbon partitioning (dry mass and [14C]sucrose) were analysed in each treatment. KEY RESULTS: The detachment of cotyledons was not important for seedling survival, but resulted in a strong restriction (50 % less) of shoot growth, which was the main sink for the cotyledon carbon reserves. Carbon restriction promoted an early maturation of the photosynthetic apparatus without changes in the net CO2 fixation per unit area. The reduced surface area of the first leaves in seedlings without cotyledons was evidence of limited growth and development of seedlings in low light conditions (22 micromol m(-2) s(-1) photon flux). CONCLUSIONS: There is an increase in the importance of storage xyloglucan in cotyledons for H. courbaril seedling development as light intensity decreases, confirming that this polymer plays a key role in the adaptation of this species to establish successfully in the shadowed understorey of the forest.  相似文献   

Due to the negative consequences carried by the usage of synthetic insecticides, a global interest into finding substitutes for these chemical compounds through natural products has arisen. When yielded to external attacks, plants generally produce metabolites to defend themselves. The physicochemical characteristics of this kind of compounds have allowed their usage as potential bioinsecticides. The Hymenaea courbaril L. (algarrobo) has proven to be a plant rich in metabolites with outstanding biological activity, in such a way that some of its extracts have been tested as insecticides. The goal of this study was to know the phytochemical composition of Hymenaea courbaril L.’s resin and perform evaluations in vivo of its toxic and genotoxic effects in the biological model Drosophila melanogaster. For this, two resin extracts were prepared and both a phytochemical analysis were carried out on them, having found in the ethanolic total extract the presence of terpenes, flavonoids and coumarins, while in the partial ethanolic extract only presence of terpenes and flavonoids was found. Drosophila larvae were submitted to different concentrations of the extracts and both the survival and the sexual ratio were evaluated, finding that larvae are more sensitive to the partial ethanolic extract. Subsequently, the induction of somatic mutation and mitotic recombination (SMART) was evaluated in the flies’ eyes. The most significant affectations at a genotoxic level were found when larvae were tested with the partial extract, indicating that possibly the coumarins absence makes this insect more susceptible to damages at a genetic material level.  相似文献   

Due to the negative consequences carried by the usage of synthetic insecticides, a global interest into finding substitutes for these chemical compounds through natural products has arisen. When yielded to external attacks, plants generally produce metabolites to defend themselves. The physicochemical characteristics of this kind of compounds have allowed their usage as potential bioinsecticides. The Hymenaea courbaril L. (algarrobo) has proven to be a plant rich in metabolites with outstanding biological activity, in such a way that some of its extracts have been tested as insecticides. The goal of this study was to know the phytochemical composition of Hymenaea courbaril L.’s resin and perform evaluations in vivo of its toxic and genotoxic effects in the biological model Drosophila melanogaster. For this, two resin extracts were prepared and both a phytochemical analysis were carried out on them, having found in the ethanolic total extract the presence of terpenes, flavonoids and coumarins, while in the partial ethanolic extract only presence of terpenes and flavonoids was found. Drosophila larvae were submitted to different concentrations of the extracts and both the survival and the sexual ratio were evaluated, finding that larvae are more sensitive to the partial ethanolic extract. Subsequently, the induction of somatic mutation and mitotic recombination (SMART) was evaluated in the flies’ eyes. The most significant affectations at a genotoxic level were found when larvae were tested with the partial extract, indicating that possibly the coumarins absence makes this insect more susceptible to damages at a genetic material level.  相似文献   

Mating system and pollen flow are two key elements to understand the genetic structure of tree species. Mating and pollen-dispersal patterns of a low-density population of bat pollinated Hymanea courbaril were examined before logging in a 546-ha plot in the Brazilian Amazon. The multilocus genotypes of nine microsatellite loci were determined for 130 adult-trees and 367 seeds collected from 20 seed-trees. Mating system analysis, using mixed-mating model and paternity analysis showed that the studied population is perfectly outcrossed ( tm = 1.002), and probably self-incompatible. However, significant deviations from random mating were detected for mating among relatives ( tm − ts = 0.096, P < 0.05) and correlated matings ( rp = 0.289, P < 0.05), indicating inbreeding in the population and that part of offspring are full-sibs (28.9%). Inbreeding was reflected in the positive and significant fixation index observed in adult trees ( F = 0.137, P < 0.05), although no significant inbreeding was detected in offspring ( F = 0.074, P > 0.05). The effective number of pollen donors mating with each seed-tree was determined to be low ( Nep ≈ 4). The average of pollen flow distance was measured inside of the plot by both paternity (827 ± 429 m) and TwoGener analysis (115–363 m). However, this underestimated pollen dispersal distance, since the detected rate of pollen immigration inside of the plot was high (55%). The observed long-pollen dispersal distance is probably related to pollination by bats and the low density of reproductive trees in the site.  相似文献   

Abstract: Red‐rumped agoutis (Dasyprocta leporina) are important seed dispersers/predators of Neotropical large‐seeded plants. Several species of seeds cached by agoutis have an edible reward, in contrast to temperate rodent‐dispersed diaspores. The quick meal hypothesis states that the presence of a reward such as edible pulp will enhance the efficiency of rodents as seed disperses by satiating the animal and, consequently, reducing seed predation and enhancing hoarding. In this study, this hypothesis was tested using as the reference system the pulp and seeds of Hymenaea courbaril. Seeds with and without pulp were offered to agoutis and the behaviour of each individual was recorded. Since the probability of predation and hoarding were complementary, we used the probability of predation. The proportion of agoutis that preyed on at least one seed was similar for seeds with (42.8% of individuals) and without (40.0% of individuals) pulp. In agoutis that preyed upon at least one seed, the probability that they killed a seed did not differ between seeds with (0.17 ± 0.03) and without (0.20 ± 0.08) pulp. Hence, these results do not support the ‘quick meal hypothesis’.  相似文献   

山豆根木葡聚糖的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了山豆根中一种木葡聚糖的结构.用1mol/LNaOH提取,DEAE-SephadexA-25离子交换柱层析,Fehling试剂分级得到山豆根木葡聚糖组分SSb-1FA,用完全酸水解,甲基化分析,部分酸水解,三氧化铬氧化和1H,13CNMR等方法对其结构进行研究.结果表明:SSb-1FA的分子量为2.6×104,比旋光度[α]20D=+10.9°(c0.22,H2O),由L-Fuc,D-Xyl,D-Gal和D-Glc组成,摩尔比为:2.929.97.559.8.SSb-1FA由1→4连接的β-D-Glc残基构成主链,分枝有α-D-Xyl(1→,β-D-Gal(1→2)α-D-Xyl(1→等类型,部分非还原末端由L-Fuc(1→构成.  相似文献   

When UDP-[14C]glucose or UDP-[14C]xylose was incubated witha particulate fraction from soybean cells, radioactive polymerswere synthesized. On digestion with Aspergillus oryzae enzymes,these polymers gave 14C-monosaccharides and a 14C-disaccharidewith chromatographic and electrophoretic mobilities indistinguishablefrom those of authentic isoprimeverose (6-O--D-xylopyranosyl-D-glucopyranose).The disaccharide consisted of xylose and glucose, and the latterwas located at the reducing end. Evidence that the disaccharideis isoprimeverose was provided by methylation analysis. Hydrolysisof the methylated disaccharide yielded 2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-D-xyloseand 2,3,4-tri-O-methyl-D-glucose. Thus, incorporation of radioactivityinto isoprimeverose, the smallest structural unit of xyloglucan,suggests that xyloglucan is synthesized in vitro from UDP-glucoseand UDP-xylose. (Received November 20, 1980; Accepted February 14, 1981)  相似文献   

Hymenaea coubaril L. seeds are widely used by the population for the treatment of several ailments. Despite its popular use, no other phytochemical studies had been carried out about “Jatobá” seeds. For this reason, this is the first study on the matter and it was carried out with the purpose of finding and identifying the molecules that constitute this seed. This work presented the isolation and elucidation of two new biscoumarins from H. coubaril L. seeds. The new compounds: hymenain 7-O-β-glucopyranosyl-(1′′′  2′′)-O-α-apiofuranosyl-(1′′′′  2′′′)-O-α-galactopyranoside (1) and hymenain 7-O-β-glucopyranosyl-(1′′′  2′′)-O-α-apiofuranoside (2). Their structures were elucidated by extensive 1D and 2D NMR experiments, IR and electrospray high resolution mass spectrometry (ESI-HRMS).  相似文献   

A macromolecular complex composed of xyloglucan and cellulosewas isolated from elongating regions of stems of etiolated pea(Pisum sativum L. var Alaska) seedlings and binding of a xyloglucan-specificantibody was examined after treatment of the complex with endo-1,4-ß-glucanaseor 24% KOH. The antibody bound to the complex but the extentof binding was reduced after treatment of the complex with endo-1,4-ß-glucanaseand was hardly detectable after treatment with 24% KOH. Themolecular weight of the xyloglucan that remained (5%) in theß-glucanase-treated complexes was less than 9,200.Pea xyloglucan was allowed to bind to enzymeand alkali-treatedcomplexes to generaly reconstituted complexes. The amount ofthe antibody that bound to each type of reconstituted complexwas similar but was much lower than that bound to the nativecomplex. Immunogold labeling indicated that most of the antigenwas widely distributed between microfibrils in the native complex,whereas the antigen appeared to be confined to the microfibrilsin the reconstituted complexes. These findings suggest thata part of each xyloglucan molecule is strongly associated withcellulose microfibrils while the rest is free of the microfibrilsin the native complex. 1This work was supported in part by a grant from the YamadaScience Foundation.  相似文献   

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