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Summary By changing the velocity of protoplasm motion, a plant cell with a membrane permeability coefficient of 10–3 cm/s is able to control the intensity of transmembrane water exchange. The data were obtained by synchronous tracking, with the effective water self-diffusion coefficients measured by pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance.  相似文献   

The characteristics of water diffusional permeability (P) of human red blood cells were studied on isolated erythrocytes by a doping nuclear magnetic resonance technique. In order to estimate the basal permeability the maximal inhibition of water diffusion was induced by exposure of red blood cells to p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate (PCMBS) under various conditions (concentration, duration, temperature). The lowest values of P were around 0.7×10–3 cm s–1 at 10°C, 1.2×10–3 cm s–1 at 15°C, 1.4×10–3 cm s–1 at 20°C, 1.8×10–3 cm s–1 at 25°C, 2.1×10–3 cm s–1 at 30°C and 3.5×10–3 cm s–1 at 37°C. The mean value of the activation energy of water diffusion (Ea,d) was 25 kJ/mol for control and 43.7 kJ/mol for PCMBS-inhibited erythrocytes. The values of P and Ea,d obtained after induction of maximal inhibition of water diffusion by PCMBS can be taken as references for the basal permeability to water of the human red blood cell membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is employed to determine the time dependence of the change in erythrocyte water permeability following exposure top-chloromercuribenzoate (PCMB) orp-chloromercuribenzene sulfonic acid (PCMBS). pH variation was used to examine the environment of the sulfhydryl groups reactive to these drugs. PCMB reacted with at least two sulfhydryl groups which affect water permeability. This was shown by the double exponential character of the change in erythrocyte diffusional permeability with time after PCMB addition. However, only one inhibition rate process could be distinguished following PCMBS exposure, suggesting that one site bound by PCMB is not accessible to PCMBS. This site is postulated to be located in a hydrophobic region of the membrane, whereas the site reached by both drugs is located in the normal anion permeation channel. The effect of pH on the degree of inhibition due to each component and the inhibition rates is explained in terms of its effect on solubility of the reagents in the membrane and variation of the dissociated-to-undissociated ratio of PCMB.  相似文献   

Summary In order to assess the contribution of transcellular water flow to isosmotic fluid transport acrossNecturus gallbladder epithelium, we have measured the water permeability of the epithelial cell membranes using a nuclear magnetic resonance method. Spin-lattice (T 1) relaxation of water protons in samples of gallbladder tissue where the extracellular fluid contained 10 to 20mm Mn2+ showed two exponential components. The fraction of the total water population responsible for the slower of the two was 24±2%. Both the size of the slow component, and the fact that it disappeared when the epithelial layer was removed from the tissue, suggest that it was due to water efflux from the epithelial cells. The rate constant of efflux was estimated to be 15.6±1.0 sec1 which would be consistent with a diffusive membrane water permeabilityP d of 1.6×103 cm sec1 and an osmotic permeabilityP os of between 0.3×104 and 1.4×104 cm sec1 osmolar1. Using these data and a modified version of the standing-gradient model, we have reassessed the adequacy of a fluid transport theory based purely on transcellular osmotic water flow. We find that the model accounts satisfactorily for near-isosmotic fluid transport by the unilateral gallbladder preparation, but a substantial serosal diffusion barrier has to be included in order to account for the transport of fluid against opposing osmotic gradients.  相似文献   

Steadily growing use of electromagnetic fields, especially in conjunction with wireless communication systems, has led to increasing public concern about possible health effects of electromagnetic radiation. However, besides the well-known thermal effect of electromagnetic fields on biological tissue, there is no clear evidence of further athermal interaction mechanisms with biological systems. The present study was designed to determine the changes in bilayer permeability in egg lecithin multilamellar vesicles after exposure to 900 MHz microwave radiation for a period of 5 h. Specific absorption rate (SAR) of the radiation for the investigated liposome sample was found to be 12 +/- 1 W/kg. Liposomal changes in permeability were monitored using a light scattering technique. Optical anisotropy of the liposome sample decreased dramatically upon exposure to microwave radiation, indicating structural changes in acyl chain packing. IR and NMR ((1)H NMR) studies, which have been employed to reveal structural alterations in microwave, exposed vesicles showed an increased damage upon exposure to microwave. The changes observed in the (1)H NMR spectrum of the microwave exposed sample indicated hydrolysis of carboxylic and phosphoric esters. IR study showed conformational changes in the acyl chains of the lipids upon microwave exposure. However, both IR and (31)P NMR did not show any appreciable changes in the head group part of the lipids.  相似文献   

The cell water balance of maize (Zea mays L., cv LG 11) andpearl millet (Pennisetum americanum L., cv MH 179) duringosmotic stress was studied non‐invasively using 1H nuclearmagnetic resonance (NMR) microscopy. Single NMR parameter imagesof (i) the water content (ii) the transverse relaxation time (T2)and (iii) the apparent diffusion coefficient (Dapp)were used to follow the water status of the stem apical region duringosmotic stress. During stress there are hardly any changes in watercontent or T2 of the stem region of maize. Incontrast, the apical tissue of pearl millet showed a ~ 30% decreaseof T2 within 48 h of stress, whereasthe water content and Dapp did not change. Thesechanges can be explained by an increase of the membrane permeabilityfor water. This conclusion is supported by results from scanningelectron microscopy, relaxation measurements of sugar solutionsand numerical simulations of the relaxation and (apparent) diffusionbehaviour of water in a plant cell.  相似文献   

Changes of cytomorphology and water permeability of inner epidermal cells of Allium cepa L. cvs Spartan and Keep Well were investigated with the light microscope after irradiation with UV-C (254 nm) and UV-B (280 and 310 nm). The sequence of the investigated changes of viscosity, protoplasmic streaming, organelle shape and water permeability was the same with 254 as with 280 nm. although a higher dose of 280 nm was needed to produce the same biologically equivalent effect. However, when calculated as a percentage of the lethal dose, the initial doses that produced the effects were the same for 254 and 280 nm. No changes could he observed at the cellular level after the cells were irradiated with 310 nm. The lethal dose depended upon the time between irradiation and observation. At 254 nm it was 1.1 kJ m−2 up to 1 h after irradiation and dropped to 860 J m−2 when measured 24 and 48 h later. At 280 nm a dose of 2.8 kJ m−2 killed the cells within I h while the dose needed after 24 and 48S h was 1.99 kJ m−2. The minimum doses which caused the different cytomorphological effects did not depend upon the observation time. Normal cell structure and functions that were altered immediately alter irradiation did not recover. Doses that were not immediately effective alter irradiation caused no later damage. Doses which increased water permeability were much higher than doses which influenced cytomorphological parameters of the cell.  相似文献   

Summary The diffusive water permeability (P d ) of the plasma membrane of proximal kidney tubule cells was measured using a1H-NMR technique. The values obtained for the exchange time (T ex) across the membrane were independent of the cytocrit and of the Mn2+ concentration (in the range 2.5 to 5mm). At 25°C the calculatedP d value was (per cm2 of outer surface area without taking into account membrane invaginations) 197±17 m/sec. This value equals 22.3±1.9 m/sec when the invaginations are taken into account. Cell exposure to 2.5mm parachloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid,pCMBS, (for 20 to 35 min) reducedP d to 45% of its control value. Fivemm dithiothreitol, DTT, reverted this effect. The activation energy for the diffusive water flux was 5.2±1.0 kcal/mol under control conditions. It increased to 9.1±2.2 kcal/mol in the presence of 2.5mm pCMBS. Using our previous values for the osmotic water permeability (P os) in proximal straight tubular cells theP os/P d ratio equals 18±1, under control conditions, and 3.2±0.3 in the presence ofpCMBS. These experimental results indicate the presence of pathways for water, formed by proteins, crossing these membranes, which are closed bypCMBS. Assuming laminar flow (within the pore), fromP os/P d of 13 to 18 an unreasonably large pore radius of 12 to 15 Å is calculated which would not hinder cell entry of known extracellular markers. Alternatively, for a single-file pore, 11 to 20 would be the number of water molecules which would be in tandem inside the pore. The water permeability remaining in the presence ofpCMBS indicates water permeation through the lipid bilayer. There are similarities between these results and those obtained in human red blood cells and in the apical cell membrane of the toad urinary bladder.  相似文献   

Complete 1H and 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance assignments have been obtained for the octasaccharide repeating units of the bacterial polysaccharide succinoglycan from Rhizobium meliloti Rm1021 and Agrobacterium radiobacter NCIB 11883. The assignments were used to determine the locations of the O-succinyl and O-acetyl substituents. The O-acetyl substituent in Rm1021 was attached to the 3rd residue from the reducing end, and the O-succinyl group was attached to the 7th residue in both octasaccharides. The structure of the Rm1021 octasaccharide is as shown below:
A small amount of succinate was also attached to C6 of the 6th residue in both octasaccharides.  相似文献   

The complicated muscle activity of the human tongue and the resultant surface shapes can give us important clues about speech motor control and pathological tongue motion. This study uses tagged magnetic resonance imaging to provide a 2D surface deformation analysis of the tongue, as well as a 4D compression–expansion analysis, during utterances of four different syllables (/ba/, /ta/, /sha/ and /ga/). All speech tasks were performed several times to confirm the repeatability of the motion analysis. The results showed that the tongue has unique motion patterns for utterances of different syllables, and these differences, which may not be observed by a simple surface analysis, can be examined thoroughly by a 4D motion model-based analysis of the tongue muscles.  相似文献   

To understand how plasma membranes may limit water flux, we have modeled the apical membrane of MDCK type 1 cells. Previous experiments demonstrated that liposomes designed to mimic the inner and outer leaflet of this membrane exhibited 18-fold lower water permeation for outer leaflet lipids than inner leaflet lipids (Hill, W.G., and M.L. Zeidel. 2000. J. Biol. Chem. 275:30176-30185), confirming that the outer leaflet is the primary barrier to permeation. If leaflets in a bilayer resist permeation independently, the following equation estimates single leaflet permeabilities: 1/P(AB) = 1/P(A) + 1/P(B) (Eq. l), where P(AB) is the permeability of a bilayer composed of leaflets A and B, P(A) is the permeability of leaflet A, and P(B) is the permeability of leaflet B. Using for the MDCK leaflet-specific liposomes gives an estimated value for the osmotic water permeability (P(f)) of 4.6 x 10(-4) cm/s (at 25 degrees C) that correlated well with experimentally measured values in intact cells. We have now constructed both symmetric and asymmetric planar lipid bilayers that model the MDCK apical membrane. Water permeability across these bilayers was monitored in the immediate membrane vicinity using a Na+-sensitive scanning microelectrode and an osmotic gradient induced by addition of urea. The near-membrane concentration distribution of solute was used to calculate the velocity of water flow (Pohl, P., S.M. Saparov, and Y.N. Antonenko. 1997. Biophys. J. 72:1711-1718). At 36 degrees C, P(f) was 3.44 +/- 0.35 x 10(-3) cm/s for symmetrical inner leaflet membranes and 3.40 +/- 0.34 x 10(-4) cm/s for symmetrical exofacial membranes. From, the estimated permeability of an asymmetric membrane is 6.2 x 10(-4) cm/s. Water permeability measured for the asymmetric planar bilayer was 6.7 +/- 0.7 x 10(-4) cm/s, which is within 10% of the calculated value. Direct experimental measurement of P(f) for an asymmetric planar membrane confirms that leaflets in a bilayer offer independent and additive resistances to water permeation and validates the use of.  相似文献   

金城 《微生物学通报》2011,38(8):1306-1306
革兰氏阴性细菌细胞外膜具有多种重要的生理功能,不仅能维持细胞的形状和强度,而且形成一个筛选物质进出细胞的半透膜[1-2],降低细胞外膜的通透性,可提高全细胞催化反应的效率和工业微生物的产量[3].  相似文献   

Dark synthesis of anthocyanin in Sinapis alba seedlings is greatly promoted by short treatments with n-propanol. The effect of n-propanol treatment is reversed by subsequent far-red light pulses. Photoreversibility kinetics suggest that n-propanol and red light act in the same way. However, phytochrome measurements and other control experiments suggest that n-propanol treatment does not lead to significant Pfr production, nor does it increase the effectiveness of any ‘dark’ Pfr present in the seedlings. The findings are difficult to explain in terms of Pfr as the sole effector of this phytochrome-mediated response.  相似文献   

The temperature and hydration dependences of lipid lateral diffusion in model membrane/D2O multilayers of dipalmitoyl (DPL), dilauryl (DLL) and egg yolk (EYPC) lecithins were measured using pulsed gradient proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spin echo techniques. Oriented samples were used to minimize anisotropic dipolar interactions and permit formation of a spin echo. Significantly lipid lateral diffusion is hydration dependent over the range studied (15–40% D2O w/w), varying in DPL over this range for example by a factor of 2. For the saturated lipids at the same hydration and temperature, diffusion decreases monotonically as the chain length increases. The results tend to be larger, by factors of 2–5, than the earlier electron spin resonance (ESR) spin label results, the differences being attributable in part to the differences in hydration and to the absence of probe effects in this work. The addition of cholesterol (28.6 mol%) decreases diffusion of the lipids. Comparisons with other methods of lateral diffusion measurements are made.  相似文献   

The interactions among adenosine triphosphate, Mg+2, and epinephrine at pH's below 7.0 have been studied by observing the effects of these interactions on the chemical shifts and line widths of their 1H and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectra. Mg+2 is tightly bound by the β- and γ-phosphate groups of adenosine triphosphate and there is a weak association between this chelate and epinephrine. In the ternary complex, the aromatic ring of epinephrine overlaps the purine ring of adenosine triphosphate and there appears to be an ionic interaction between the protonated amino group and the α-phosphate of adenosine triphosphate. It was also found that dichloroisoproterenol forms essentially the same type of ternary complex.  相似文献   

1H NMR spectroscopy has been used to assess long-term toxicological effects of a rare earth. Male Wistar rats were administrated orally with La(NO3)3 at doses of 0.1, 0.2, 2.0, 10, and 20 mg/kg body wt, resp., for 3-6 months. Urine was collected at 1, 2, and 3 months and serum samples were taken after 6 months. Numerous low-M(r) metabolites in rats serum and rats urine, including creatinine, citrate, glucose, ketone bodies, trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), and various amino acids, were identified on 400- and 500-MHz 1H NMR spectra. La3+-induced renal and liver damage is characterized by an increase in the amounts of the excreted ketone bodies, amino acids, lactate, ethanol, succinate, TMAO, dimethylamine, and taurine and a decrease in citrate, glucose, urea, and allantoin. Information on the molecular basis of the long-term toxicity of La(NO>3)3 was derived from the abnormal patterns of metabolite excretions. An assay of some biochemical indexes and analysis of some enzymes in plasma supported NMR results.  相似文献   

This review focuses on the recent developments in the study of drug interactions with biological membranes and membrane-associated proteins using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and other spectroscopic techniques. Emphasis is placed on a class of low-affinity neurological agents as exemplified by volatile general anesthetics and structurally related compounds. The technical aspects are reviewed of how to prepare membrane-mimetic systems and of NMR approaches that are either in current use or opening new prospects. A brief literature survey covers studies ranging from drug distribution in simplified lipid matrix to specific drug interaction with neuronal receptors reconstituted in complicated synthetic membrane systems.  相似文献   

对细胞膜通透性变化的研究是认识微波杀菌机理的途径之一。用荧光探针检测微波处理后细胞内Ca2 浓度的变化,可以精确地表征细胞膜通透性的改变。选用二乙酸荧光素(FDA)和Fluo-3/AM两种荧光染料,对大肠杆菌(Escherichiacoli)和金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)经微波处理后的酯酶活性及细胞膜通透性进行研究,结果表明大肠杆菌与金黄色葡萄球菌的胞内非特异性酯酶(NSE)活性及细胞膜通透性的变化情形有所不同。在50℃、55℃、60℃和65℃微波处理条件下,大肠杆菌细胞膜通透性分别增加了20.7%、28.1%、74.8%、89.8%,而金黄色葡萄球的增加不显著,分别比对照组提高了4.1%、6.0%、21.9%和19.7%。细胞膜通透性的改变与微生物致死率有一定的相关性,也可能是微波杀菌非热效应的表现之一。  相似文献   

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