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Human apolipoprotein(a) kringle IV type 10 [apo(a) KIV(10)] contains a strong lysine-binding site (LBS) that mediates the interaction of Lp(a) with biological substrates such as fibrin. Mutations in the KIV(10) LBS have been reported in both the rhesus monkey and chimpanzee, and have been proposed to explain the lack of ability of the corresponding Lp(a) species to bind to lysine and fibrin. To further the comparative analyses with other primate species, we sequenced a segment of baboon liver apo(a) cDNA spanning KIV(9) through the protease domain. Like rhesus monkey apo(a), baboon apo(a) lacks a kringle V (KV)-like domain. Interestingly, we found that the baboon apo(a) KIV(10) sequence contains all of the canonical LBS residues. We sequenced the apo(a) KIV(10) sequence from an additional 10 unrelated baboons; 17 of 20 alleles encoded Trp at position 70, whereas only two alleles encoded Arg at this position and thus a defective LBS. Despite the apparent presence of a functional KIV(10) LBS in most of the baboons, none of the Lp(a) in the plasma of the corresponding baboons bound specifically to lysine-Sepharose (agarose) even upon partial purification. Moreover, baboon Lp(a) bound very poorly to plasmin-modified fibrinogen. Expression of baboon and human KIV(10) in bacteria allowed us to verify that these domains bind comparably to lysine and lysine analogues. We conclude that presentation of KIV(10) in the context of apo(a) lacking KV may interfere with the ability of KIV(10) to bind to substrates such as fibrin; this paradigm may also be present in other non-human primates.  相似文献   

Solution structure of human apolipoprotein(a) kringle IV type 6.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The structure of apo(a) KIVT6 was investigated by two- and three-dimensional homo- and heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. The solution structure of apo(a) KIVT6 contains only a small amount of regular secondary structure elements, comprising a short piece of antiparallel beta-sheet formed by residues Trp62-Tyr64 and Trp72-Tyr74, a short piece of parallel beta-sheet formed by the residues Cys1-Tyr2 and Thr78-Gln79, and a small 3(10)-helix within residues Thr38-Tyr40. The backbone as well as the side chains are arranged in a way similar to those of apo(a) KIVT7, apo(a) KIVT10, and plasminogen K4. We determined additionally the K(d) value of 0.31 +/- 0.04 mM for the binding of epsilon-aminocaproic acid (EACA) to apo(a) KIVT6 and mapped the binding region on apo(a) KIVT6 by means of chemical shift perturbation. This lysine binding activity, which was reported to occur within apo(a) KIVT5-8, is functionally different from the lysine binding activity found for apo(a) KIVT10.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)] shares extensive sequence similarity with plasminogen and consists of multiple tandem repeats of domains similar to plasminogen kringle IV (KIV), followed by domains homologous to the plasminogen KV and protease domains. The apo(a) KIV domains can be classified into 10 types on the basis of amino acid sequence (KIV(1)-KIV(10)) of which KIV(10) contains a canonical lysine binding site (LBS); KIV(10) mediates the lysine-dependent interaction of Lp(a) with certain biological substrates. Molecular modeling studies indicated the presence of weak LBS in each of KIV(5)-KIV(8), and subsequent biochemical studies have revealed contributions of these kringles to lysine-mediated interactions involving apo(a). The present study describes the direct demonstration of a weak LBS within KIV(7), as well as the first characterization of the ligand specificity of an LBS outside that of KIV(10). We have expressed both KIV(7) and KIV(10) from bacterial cells and purified them to homogeneity from cell lysates. Equilibrium binding analyses of the KIV(7) LBS using intrinsic fluorescence revealed an affinity for L-lysine and its analogues approximately 10-fold weaker (K(D) = 230 +/- 42 microM for epsilon-aminocaproic acid) than that of KIV(10) (K(D) = 33 +/- 4 microM for epsilon-aminocaproic acid). Moreover, we demonstrated differences in specificity of the LBS of KIV(7) in comparison with KIV(10) in that KIV(7) preferentially bound L-proline. Both kringles bind 4-aminobutyric acid with similar affinities albeit with apparently different mechanisms. Key Phe(62) --> Tyr and Asp(56) --> Glu substitutions in the KIV(7) LBS result in alterations in the size of the LBS and in the spatial relationship between the cationic and anionic centers in the LBS and thus account for the differences in the binding properties of KIV(7) and KIV(10).  相似文献   

The plasma lipoprotein lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] comprises a low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-like particle covalently attached to the glycoprotein apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)]. Apo(a) consists of multiple tandem repeating kringle modules, similar to plasminogen kringle IV (designated KIV1-KIV10), followed by modules homologous to the kringle V module and protease domain of plasminogen. The apo(a) KIV modules have been classified on the basis of their binding affinity for lysine and lysine analogues. The strong lysine-binding apo(a) KIV10 module mediates lysine-dependent interactions with fibrin and cell-surface receptors. Weak lysine-binding apo(a) KIV7 and KIV8 modules display a 2-3-fold difference in lysine affinity and play a direct role in the noncovalent step in Lp(a) assembly through binding to unique lysine-containing sequences in apolipoproteinB-100 (apoB-100). The present study describes the nuclear magnetic resonance solution structure of apo(a) KIV8 and its solution dynamics properties, the first for an apo(a) kringle module, and compares the effects of epsilon-aminocaproic acid (epsilon-ACA) binding on the backbone and side-chain conformation of KIV7 and KIV8 on a per residue basis. Apo(a) KIV8 adopts a well-ordered structure that shares the general tri-loop kringle topology with apo(a) KIV6, KIV7, and KIV10. Mapping of epsilon-ACA-induced chemical-shift changes on KIV7 and KIV8 indicate that the same residues are affected, despite a 2-3-fold difference in epsilon-ACA affinity. A unique loop conformation within KIV8, involving hydrophobic interactions with Tyr40, affects the positioning of Arg35 relative to the lysine-binding site (LBS). A difference in the orientation of the aromatic side chains comprising the hydrophobic center of the LBS in KIV8 decreases the size of the hydrophobic cleft compared to other apo(a) KIV modules. An exposed hydrophobic patch contiguous with the LBS in KIV8 and not conserved in other weak lysine-binding apo(a) kringle modules may modulate specificity for regions within apoB-100. An additional ligand recognition site comprises a structured arginine-glycine-aspartate motif at the N terminus of the KIV8 module, which may mediate Lp(a)/apo(a)-integrin interactions.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] entrapment by vascular extracellular matrix may be important in atherogenesis. We sought to determine whether laminin, a major component of the basal membrane, may contribute to Lp(a) retention in the arterial wall. First, immunohistochemistry experiments were performed to examine the relative distribution of Lp(a) and laminin in human carotid artery specimens. There was a high degree of co-localization of Lp(a) and laminin in atherosclerotic specimens, but not in non-atherosclerotic sections. We then studied the binding interaction between Lp(a) and laminin in vitro. ELISA experiments showed that native Lp(a) particles and 17K and 12K recombinant apolipoprotein(a) [r-apo(a)] variants interacted strongly with laminin whereas LDL, apoB-100, and the truncated KIV(6-P), KIV(8-P), and KIV(9-P) r-apo(a) variants did not. Overall, the ELISA data demonstrated that Lp(a) binding to laminin is mediated by apo(a) and a combination of the lysine analogue epsilon-aminocaproic acid and salt effectively decreases apo(a) binding to laminin. Secondary binding analyses with 125I-labeled r-apo(a) revealed equilibrium dissociation constants (K(d)) of 180 and 360 nM for the 17K and 12K variants binding to laminin, respectively. Such similar K(d) values between these two r-apo(a) variants suggest that isoform size does not appear to influence apo(a) binding to laminin. In summary, our data suggest that laminin may bind to apo(a) in the atherosclerotic intima, thus contributing to the selective retention of Lp(a) in this milieu.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)] consists of a series of tandemly repeated modules known as kringles that are commonly found in many proteins involved in the fibrinolytic and coagulation cascades, such as plasminogen and thrombin, respectively. Specifically, apo(a) contains multiple tandem repeats of domains similar to plasminogen kringle IV (designated as KIV(1) to KIV(10)) followed by sequences similar to the kringle V and protease domains of plasminogen. The KIV domains of apo(a) differ with respect to their ability to bind lysine or lysine analogs. KIV(10) represents the high-affinity lysine-binding site (LBS) of apo(a); a weak LBS is predicted in each of KIV(5)-KIV(8) and has been directly demonstrated in KIV(7). The present study describes the first crystal structure of apo(a) KIV(7), refined to a resolution of 1.45 A, representing the highest resolution for a kringle structure determined to date. A critical substitution of Tyr-62 in KIV(7) for the corresponding Phe-62 residue in KIV(10), in conjunction with the presence of Arg-35 in KIV(7), results in the formation of a unique network of hydrogen bonds and electrostatic interactions between key LBS residues (Arg-35, Tyr-62, Asp-54) and a peripheral tyrosine residue (Tyr-40). These interactions restrain the flexibility of key LBS residues (Arg-35, Asp-54) and, in turn, reduce their adaptability in accommodating lysine and its analogs. Steric hindrance involving Tyr-62, as well as the elimination of critical ligand-stabilizing interactions within the LBS are also consequences of this interaction network. Thus, these subtle yet critical structural features are responsible for the weak lysine-binding affinity exhibited by KIV(7) relative to that of KIV(10).  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Lipoprotein(a) is a structurally and functionally unique lipoprotein consisting of the glycoprotein apolipoprotein(a) covalently linked to LDL. Lipoprotein(a) is assembled extracellularly by a two-step mechanism, still incompletely understood, in which initial non-covalent interactions between apolipoprotein(a) and apolipoprotein B precede specific disulfide bond formation. Elevated concentrations of plasma lipoprotein(a) are a risk factor for a variety of vascular diseases, including coronary heart disease, ischaemic stroke and venous thrombosis. Whereas many pathogenic mechanisms have been proposed for lipoprotein(a), it remains to be conclusively demonstrated which mechanisms are relevant to human disease. RECENT FINDINGS: Structural and functional studies have verified that apolipoprotein(a) kringle 4 types 6-8 contain lysine binding sites of a weaker affinity for lysine analogues than kringle 4 type 10. Recent evidence has conclusively shown a role for kringle 4 types 7 and 8 in lipoprotein(a) assembly. Moreover, apolipoprotein(a) has been shown to undergo a conformational change, from a closed to an open form, which accelerates the rate of covalent lipoprotein(a) assembly. Functional studies in vitro have identified the domains in apolipoprotein(a) that mediate its inhibitory effects on fibrin clot lysis, binding to fibrin and other biological substrates, and pro-inflammatory and anti-angiogenic properties. SUMMARY: Extensive structure-function studies of apolipoprotein(a) have begun to yield important insights into the domains in apolipoprotein(a) that mediate lipoprotein(a) assembly and the pathogenic effects of this lipoprotein. Continued investigations of these relationships will contribute critically to unravelling the many outstanding questions about lipoprotein(a) metabolism and pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is assembled via an initial noncovalent interaction between apolipoprotein B100 (apoB) and apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a)] that facilitates the formation of a disulfide bond between the two proteins. We previously reported that a lysine-rich, alpha-helical peptide spanning human apoB amino acids 4372-4392 was an effective inhibitor of Lp(a) assembly in vitro. To identify the important structural features required for inhibitory action, new variants of the apoB4372-4392 peptide were investigated. Introduction of a central leucine to proline substitution abolished the alpha-helical structure of the peptide and disrupted apo(a) binding and inhibition of Lp(a) formation. Substitution of hydrophobic residues in the apoB4372-4392 peptide disrupted apo(a) binding and inhibition of Lp(a) assembly without disrupting the alpha-helical structure. Substitution of all four lysine residues in the peptide with arginine decreased the IC50 from 40 microM to 5 microM . Complexing of the arginine-substituted peptide to dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine improved its activity further, yielding an IC50 of 1 microM. We conclude that the alpha-helical structure of apoB4372-4392, in combination with hydrophobic residues at the lipid/water interface, is crucial for its interaction with apo(a). Furthermore, the interaction of apoB4372-4392 with apo(a) is not lysine specific, because substitutions with arginine result in a more effective inhibitor.  相似文献   

A kringle fragment (type IV (9)-IV (10)-V) from human apolipoprotein (a) (called LK68) was expressed in an inclusion body in Escherichia coli. The LK68 in this inclusion body was rendered soluble with urea, and efficiently refolded via oxidation in the presence of re-dox couple. The refolded LK68 was then purified via two steps of ion exchange chromatography, concentrated via preparative reversed-phase chromatography, and freeze-dried, at a final yield of approximately 30%. The purified LK68 exhibited profound affinity for lysine and fibrinogen, which suggests the proper folding of the kringle fragment, and also indicates that the native characteristics of apolipoprotein (a) were preserved. The purified LK68 was determined to be highly homogeneous upon reversed-phase HPLC analysis and size-exclusion HPLC analysis, in the presence of 20% (v/v) acetonitrile. However, on size-exclusion HPLC analysis without acetonitrile, it was determined to be somewhat heterogeneous, and this was corroborated by native analyses, including native PAGE and IEF.  相似文献   

The effects of apolipoprotein (a), apolipoprotein-E, and apolipoprotein-A4 isoforms on quantitative lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] levels were assessed in a sample of 142 Dutch families consisting of two parents and their adolescent twin offspring. A total heritability of 95% was estimated for plasma Lp(a) concentrations. The largest part of this heritability was due to the apo(a) locus which explained 61% of the total variance in Lp(a) levels. The pattern of familial correlations for the residual part of the Lp(a) variance that could not be attributed to the apo(a) isoforms, suggested genetic influences on the residual variance. We addressed the question whether this residual genetic variance could be ascribed to the apoE or the apoA4 locus. A simultaneous analysis of all three loci showed that both the apoE and the apoA4 polymorphism did not contribute significantly to Lp(a) variation.  相似文献   

Isolation of apolipoprotein(a) from lipoprotein(a)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
An easy method was developed for the rapid and selective isolation of apo(a) from human plasma Lp(a). This procedure was applied to a "low density" Lp(a) subspecies (usually found in the density interval 1.050 to 1.070 g/ml) from a single individual whose apo(a) was of a size smaller than apoB-100. After reduction with 0.01 M dithiothreitol, apo(a) was separated from the Lp(a) particle by rate zonal centrifugation on a 7.5-30% NaBr density gradient. Two completely water-soluble products were recovered: apo(a), which contained less than 1% each of phospholipid and cholesterol, remained at the bottom of the gradient, and a lipid-rich floating LDL-like particle which contained apoB but not apo(a) and which we referred to as Lp(a-). The separation of these two components was also achieved by subjecting reduced Lp(a) to electrophoresis on 2.5-16% polyacrylamide gradient gels. However, dissociation of reduced Lp(a) could not be achieved by gel filtration in either low or high salt solutions. These observations indicate that apo(a) is associated to Lp(a) by non-covalent interactions in addition to its disulfide linkage to apoB. The latter is sensitive to chemical reduction whereas the former are broken through the action of a gravitational or electrical field.  相似文献   

Compounds of the general structure A and B were investigated for their activity as lipoprotein(a), [Lp(a)], assembly (coupling) inhibitors. SAR around the amino acid derivatives (structure A) gave compound 14-6 as a potent coupling inhibitor. Oral dosing of compound 14-6 to Lp(a) transgenic mice and cymologous monkeys resulted in a>30% decrease in plasma Lp(a) levels after 1-2 weeks of treatment at 100 mg/kg/day.  相似文献   

A novel lactose induction strategy for the production of rhLK68, the kringle fragments of human apolipoprotein(a) (apo(a)) as a novel anti-angiogenic protein, was investigated. A scale-up of the production was accompanied by a decrease in expression level, and severe aggregation occurred during the solubilization of rhLK68 from the inclusion body during a conventional single introduction of lactose. To overcome this problem, a continuous induction strategy was applied where lactose was mixed with glycerol and fed continuously in a dissolved oxygen (DO)-stat manner. With the sub-optimal feed medium consisted of 1:50 of lactose/glycerol (w/w), the expression level reached 16% of the total cellular protein, which was 1.6-fold higher than that obtained from the conventional lactose induction. Moreover, the solubilization yield of rhLK68 from the inclusion body increased from 30 +/- 5 to 85 +/- 3% compared to the conventional single introduction of lactose. This result suggests that the continuous lactose induction strategy beneficially influenced the expression level of rhLK68 and the quality of its inclusion body.  相似文献   

Chemical reduction of human plasma lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) yielded two water-soluble products which were separated by rate zonal ultracentrifugation. Apolipoprotein(a) (apo(a)) was completely recovered from the bottom of the gradient, whereas lipoprotein(a-) (Lp(a-)), which contained all of the lipids and apo-B100 of Lp(a), floated. By the techniques of circular dichroism and viscometry Lp(a-) was identical to low density lipoprotein (LDL). Lp(a-) was slightly larger in mass than autologous LDL and contained proportionally more triglyceride. The difference in mass between Lp(a) and Lp(a-) was accounted for by the loss of 2 molecules of apo(a) from the Lp(a) particle. The molecular weight of reduced and carboxymethylated apo(a) was 281,000 as determined by sedimentation equilibrium in 6 M guanidine HCl. By circular dichroism the structure of apo(a) was mostly random (71%) with the remainder representing 8% alpha-helix and 21% beta-sheet; its intrinsic viscosity, 28.3 cm3/g, was consistent with an extended flexible coil. The amino acid composition was characterized by an unusually high content of proline (11.4 mol %) as well as tryptophan, tyrosine, arginine, threonine, and a low amount of lysine, phenylalanine, and isoleucine. Apo(a) contained 28.1% carbohydrate by weight represented by mannose, galactose, galactosamine, glucosamine, and sialic acid in an approximate molar ratio of 3:7:5:4:7, respectively. Overall, the structure of Lp(a) appears to be consistent with a rigid spherical LDL-like core particle which, as a consequence of its association with a flexible glycoprotein such as apo(a), favors the entrapment of significant amounts of hydrodynamically associated solvent. Furthermore, the Lp(a-) remnant generated by the removal of apo(a) from Lp(a) was similar in structure but not identical to autologous LDL.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)] was isolated from several donors and its apolipoprotein (a) [apo(a)] dissociated by a reductive treatment, generating the apo(a)-free form of Lp(a) [Lp(a--)] that contains apolipoprotein B (apo B) as its sole protein. Using anti-apo B monoclonal antibodies, the properties of apo B in Lp(a), Lp(a--), and autologous low-density lipoprotein (LDL) were compared. Marked differences in apo B immunoreactivity were found between these lipoproteins, due to the presence of apo(a) in Lp(a). Apo(a) enhanced the expression of two epitopes in the amino-terminal part of apo B while it diminished the immunoreactivity of three other epitopes in the LDL receptor binding domain. Accordingly, the binding of the lipoproteins to the LDL receptor was also decreased in the presence of apo(a). In a different experimental system, the incubation of antibodies that react with 27 distinct epitopes distributed along the whole length of apo B sequence with plastic-bound Lp(a) and Lp(a--) failed to reveal any epitope of apo B that is sterically hindered by the presence of apo(a). Our results demonstrate that the presence of apo(a) modified the organization and function of apo B in Lp(a) particles. The data presented indicate that most likely the modification is not due to a steric hindrance but that some more profound conformational changes are involved. We suggest that the formation of the disulfide bridge between apo B and apo(a) in Lp(a) alters the system of disulfide bonds present in apo B and thereby modifies apo B structure.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein(a), Lp(a), an athero-thrombotic risk factor, reacts with EO6, a natural monoclonal autoantibody that recognizes the phophorylcholine (PC) group of oxidized phosphatidylcholine (oxPtdPC) either as a lipid or linked by a Schiff base to lysine residues of peptides/proteins. Here we show that EO6 reacts with free apolipoprotein(a) apo(a), its C-terminal domain, F2 (but not the N-terminal F1), kringle V-containing fragments obtained by the enzymatic digestion of apo(a) and also kringle V-containing apo(a) recombinants. The evidence that kringle V is critical for EO6 reactivity is supported by the finding that apo(a) of rhesus monkeys lacking kringle V did not react with EO6. Based on the previously established EO6 specificity requirements, we hypothesized that all or some of the six lysines in human kringle V are involved in Schiff base linkage with oxPtdPC. To test this hypothesis, we made use of a recombinant lysine-containing apo(a) fragment, rIII, containing kringle V but not the protease domain. EO6 reacted with rIII before and after reduction to stabilize the Schiff base and also after extensive ethanol/ether extraction that yielded no lipids. On the other hand, delipidation of the saponified product yielded an average of two mol of phospholipids/mol of protein consistent with direct analysis of inorganic phosphorous on the non-saponified rIII. Moreover, only two of the six theoretical free lysine amino groups per mol of rIII were unavailable to chemical modification by 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid. Finally, rIII, like human apo(a), stimulated the production of interleukin 8 in THP-1 macrophages in culture. Together, our studies provide evidence that in human apo(a), kringle V is the site that reacts with EO6 via lysine-oxPtdPC adducts that may also be involved in the previously reported pro-inflammatory effect of apo(a) in cultured human macrophages.  相似文献   

The study of human lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)] has been hampered due to the lack of appropriate animal models since apolipoprotein (a) [apo(a)] is found only in primates and humans. In addition, human apo(a) in transgenic mice can not bind to murine apoB to form Lp(a) particles. In this study, we generated three independent transgenic rabbits expressing human apo(a) in their plasma at 1.8-4.5 mg/dl. In the plasma of transgenic rabbits, unlike the plasma of transgenic mice, about 80% of the apo(a) was covalently associated with rabbit apo-B and was contained in the fractions with density 1.02-1.10 g/ml, indicating the formation of Lp(a). These results suggest that transgenic rabbits expressing human apo(a) exhibit efficient assembly of Lp(a) and can be used as an animal model for the study of human Lp(a).  相似文献   

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