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The course of intranasal infection of Sendai virus in CBA and DBA mice was investigated in animals decomplemented with purified cobra venom factor. The mice were decomplemented either immediately before inoculation or at 4 days postinfection. Depletion of complement after the infection had been established had no apparent effect on the course of the viral infection in the two strains of mice. In contrast, both strains of mice were protected completely from the lethal effects of an infectious dose of 1 LD50 of virus when the serum C3 levels were depressed by more than 80% during the early stages of infection. The symptoms of morbidity were less pronounced in these animals and there was a delay in the production of hemagglutination-inhibiting antibody. There was no apparent effect on the growth of the virus in lung tissue. The results suggest that the complement system plays a significant pathogenic role during the course of Sendai virus infections in CBA and DBA mice.  相似文献   

Positive air ions decreased the electrophoretic mobility of erythrocytes of cats while negative air ions increased it. Inhalation of normal air supplied by a fan did not affect the electrophoretic mobility of erythrocytes.
Zusammenfassung Positive Luftionen setzten die elektrophoretische Beweglichkeit der Erythrocyten von Katzen herab, während negative Luftionen sie steigerten. Die Inhalation normaler Luft, die von einem Ventilator unterstüzt wurde,beeinflusste die elektrophoretische Beweglichkeit von Erythrocyten nicht.

Resume Les ions positifs diminuent la mobilité électrophorétique des érythrocytes des chats, alors que les ions négatifs l'augmentent. L'inhalation d'air normal,même activée par un ventilateur, ne l'influence par contre pas.

The course of Sindbis virus infection in 12-day-old BALB/c mice was altered significantly in animals depleted of the third component of complement (C3) by treatment with purified cobra venom factor (CoVF). Although the same percentage of C3-depleted and normal animals died (30%) after the subcutaneous inoculation of 1000 PFU Sindbis virus, the mean day of death was later in C3-depleted mice (8.4 days) than in controls (6.5 days). In addition, morbidity was prolonged in C3-depleted mice. Growth of virus at the inoculation site in the foot was not different; however, viremia was prolonged and the amount of virus in the brain was 1000-fold greater 6 days after infection in C3-depleted animals. These studies demonstrated that complement plays an important role in the host's response to Sindbis virus infection by participating in both beneficial and immunopathologic responses to the infection.  相似文献   

Ambient air untreated for removal of ordinary pollutants and ionized with tritium powered generators to contain 1–2 × 105 small positive ions/cm3 accelerated the rate of death of mice challenged intranasally with measured doses of KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE or of the PR8 strain of influenza virus. The differences between the cumulative mortality rates of controls and ion-treated animals were significant (p < 0.05 to p < 0.001) for several days of the period of observation. Exposure of infected mice to an electrical field of the same strength as that used for ion-treated mice showed no statistically significant field effect. Repetition of the influenza virus experiments using pollutant-free air and ion densities averaging 4.1 × 105 small positive ions/cm3 produced essentially the same results. The observation that high concentrations of positive ions accelerate the rate of death in pulmonary infections with KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE and with influenza virus conforms to the pattern of earlier work with COCCIDIOIDES IMMITIS.
Zusammenfassung Ungereinigte Umgebungsluft mit 1–2 × 105 kleinen positiven Ionen/cm3 nach Ionisation mit Tritiumbetriebenen Generatoren beschleunigte die Todesrate von Mäusen, die intranasal mit bekannten Mengen KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE und PR8 Influenza Virus okuliert worden waren. Die Unterschiede zwischen den Kontrolltieren und den ionenbehandelten Tieren waren an mehreren Beobachtungstagen signifikant (p < 0,05 bis p < 0,001). Die Exponierung der infizierten Tiere in einem elektrischen Feld der gleichen Stärke, wie für die ionenbehandelten Tiere verwendet wurde, ergab keine statistischen Unterschiede. Die Wiederholung der Versuche mit Influenza Virus in reiner Luft mit 4,1 × 105 kleinen positiven Ionen/cm3 ergab die gleichen Ergebnisse.

Resume De l'air non purifié additionné de 1–2 × 105 petits ions positifs/cm3 — ions provenant de générateurs au Trititium — a augmenté le taux de décès de souris qu'on avait au préalable infectées par le nez de quantités déterminées de KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE et de virus d'influenza PR8. La différence du taux cumulatif de mortalité entre des animaux traités avec cet air ionisé et des témoins a été significative pour chacun des jours de la période d'essais (p < 0,05 à p < 0,001). L'exposition de souris infectées à un champ électrique de même intensité que celui utilisé pour les animaux traités n'a pas présenté d'effets significatifs. La répétition de l'essai avec le virus de l'influenza, mais en utilisant de l'air libre de tout polluant et une densité d'ions moyenne de 4,1 × 105 petits ions positifs/cm3 a conduit à des résultats similaires. La constatation que de hautes concentrations en ions positifs augmente le taux de décès dûs à des infections pulmonaires avec KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE et avec le virus de l'influenza vient confirmer le résultat d'un essai antérieur pratiqué avec COCCIDIOIDES IMMITIS.

Experiments were done to determine the effect of BCG treatment on longevity, development of parasitemia, and in vivo distribution of 51Cr-labelled trypanosomes in C3H(He) female mice infected with a Brazil strain of Trypanosoma cruzi. BCG sensitization of mice was accomplished by a single IV injection of 3·0 mg (wet weight) of BCG. Twenty-one days after BCG injection mice were infected with 5 × 104 blood-form trypomastigotes. Parasitemia determinations were made on alternate days during the experiment while in vivo distribution of exogenously supplied 51Cr-epimastigotes was made in groups of BCG or PBS stimulated mice on day 15 of the T. cruzi infection.It was found that BCG sensitization had no effect on longevity or parasitemia development in T. cruzi infected C3H(He) female mice. There were, however, some differences in the in vivo distribution of parasites between BCG treated and control mice. BCG stimulated mice accumulated greater numbers of radiolabelled trypanosomes in the kidneys and small intestines while PBS treated mice were found to have greater numbers of labelled parasites in the liver. Although no significant differences were observed in longevity of BCG or PBS treated mice, it was noted that BCG treated animals which were bled for parasitemia determinations lived significantly longer than those which were merely observed for longevity.  相似文献   

The effect of RIL-2 on the survival of mice with S. aureus--induced peritonitis was studied. Animals received bacterial suspension and RIL-2 as following: bacteria--on days 0, +2, RIL-2--day 0 (group 1); bacteria--days 0, +4, RIL-2--days 0, +2 (group 2); bacteria--days 0, +6, RIL-2--days 0, +2, +4 (group 3). RIL-2 exerted no protective effect in group 1. However, in groups 2 and 3, where the control animals survival was, resp., 56% and 38%, the RIL-2 treatment increased survival up to, resp., 84% and 70%. Antibiotics given instead of RIL-2 in analogous regimen decreased the survival in group 3 to the level of 25%. Thus, RIL-2 proved to be a potent therapeutic agent in the 2nd of 3d studied models of S. aureus--induced peritonitis in mice. The perspectives of RIL-2 use in the treatment of bacterial peritonitis, including porous ones, and of the immunodepression--aggravated conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

Mice exposed for 48 hours to ca. 3.7 × 105 small negative ions/cm3 of pollutant-free air, then challenged with < 1.0 LD50 dose of influenza virus administered intranasally and subsequently maintained in a negatively ionized atmosphere displayed a lower death rate than controls; the differences were not statistically significant. Earlier work has demonstrated a marked increase in the death rate of influenza infected mice exposed to high concentrations of positive ions. Chi square analysis of the data from mice treated with negative ions compared with those treated with positive ions gave values of p < 0.01 to < 0.001.
Zusammenfassung Mäuse erhielten nach 48 Stunden Vorbehandlung mit 3,7 × 105 kleinen negativen Ionen/cm3 gefilterter Luft intranasal 80% der LD50 Influenza Virus und wurden in der negativ ionisierten Atmosphäre weiter beobachtet. Die Todesrate war niedriger als bei Kontrolltieren in nicht ionisierter Luft. Der Unterschied war nicht signifikant (p < 0.05). Der Vergleich der Todesrate der mit Influenza Virus infizierten Mäusen in negativ ionisierter Luft dieses Versuches mit der gleich behandelter Mäuse in positiv ionisierter Luft eines früheren Versuches ergab hochsignifikante Unterschiede (p < 0,01 bis < 0,001).

Resume Après avoir été placées durant 48 heures dans de l'air filtré enrichi de 3,7 × 105 petits ions négatifs per cm3, des souris ont reçu par le nez une suspension à 80% de la LD50 de virus de la grippe. Elles sont restées ensuite en observation dans la même atmosphère ionisée. Le taux de mortalité y fut inférieur à celui d'un groupe d'animaux de contrôle gardés dans de l'air non ionisé. Cependant, la différence n'est pas significative à p< 0,05. La comparaison du taux de mortalité des souris infectées par le virus de la grippe et placées dans de l'air ionisé négativement (essai décrit ici) et celui de souris traitées de la même façon, mais exposées à une ionisation positive (essai antérieur) a montré des differences hautement significatives (p < 0,01 à < 0,001).

Mice inhaling positively ionized air exhibited a significant rise in the blood level of 5-hydroxytryptamine [5-HT]BL. This effect was duplicated by non-ionized air to which CO2 + was added but did not occur when the same amount of either nonionized CO2 or CO2 replaced CO2 +. The rise in [5-HT]BL was associated with physiological changes that parallel those appearing after the injection of 5-HT or after administration of iproniazid.Some of the animals exposed to CO2 + in air became ill and suffered tissue damage attributable to excessive concentrations of 5-HT. A few of the mice died and at autopsy pulmonary and enteric lesions were found which also were reasonably ascribed to the increased 5-HTBL.The physiological,pathological and biochemical changes described furnish additional support for the 5-HT hypothesis of air ion action presented in earlier publications. There is good reason to believe that some of the known biological effects of gaseous ions involve other mechanisms.
Zusammenfassung Der 5-Hydroxytryptamin (5-TH) Spiegel im Blut von MÄusen war signifikant erhöht nach Inhalation von positiv ionisierter Luft. Der Effekt wurde bei Zugabe von CO2 + Ionen zu nicht-ionisierter Luft verdoppelt; er fehlte, wenn der Luft anstatt CO2 +, CO2 oder nicht-ionisiertes CO2 beigemischt wurden.Mit dem 5-HT Anstieg im Blut kam es zu den typischen physiologischen VerÄnderungen, wie sie nach Injektion von 5-TH oder Iproniazid auftreten. Ein Teil der Tiere, die Luft mit CO2 + geatmet hatten,erkrankte an GewebsschÄden, die sonst nach 5-HT überdosierung auftreten; mehrere Tiere starben; die Lungen- und DarmverÄnderungen wurden als Folge des erhöhten 5-HT Blutspiegels gedeutet. Diese physiologischen,pathologischen und biochemischen VerÄnderungen liefern weitere Belege für die Hypothese,dass die Luftionen über das 5-HT wirken. Es sind jedoch Anzeichen vorhanden, daas in den Wirkungsmechanismus der Gasionen noch andere Funktionen einbezogen sind.

Résumé Des souris inhalant de l'air ionisé positivement ont montré une augmentation significante du taux sanguin de 5-hydrocytryptamine [5-HT]BL. Cet effet fut reproduit par de l'air non ionisé auquel on avait ajoute du CO2 +, mais ne se produisit pas quand la mÊme quantité de CO2 non ionisé ou de CO2 remplaÇait le CO2 +. L'élévation de (5-HT)BL était accompagnée de modifications physiologiques parallèles à celles qui apparaissent après injection de 5-HT ou administration d'iproniazide. Quelques animaux exposés à du CO12 + dans l'air tombèrent malades et souffrirent de lésions tissulaires attribuables à un excès de 5-HT. Un petit nombre de souris moururent et les lésions pulmonaires et intestinales trouvées à l'autopsie furent attribuées à l'augmentation de (5-HT)BL. Les observations physiologiques, pathologiques et biochimiques décrites apportent un argument de plus en faveur de l'hypothèse présentée précédemment sur le rÔle de la 5-HT dans l'action des ions gazeux. Il y a de bonnes raisons de penser que quelques effets biologiques connus des ions gazeux sont produits par d'autres mécanismes.

Labration for rats and mice made by Rainbrook Feed Company.  相似文献   

Trofimova VA  P'ianzina TA 《Genetika》2005,41(9):1229-1235
In the apical meristem of Allium fistulosum, the relationship between peroxide lipid oxidation, antioxidant activity, proliferative processes, the yield of chromosomal aberrations and duration the exposure to ionized air was studied. Under the influence of air oxygen ions, superoxide dismutase and catalase activities increased, proliferative processes were stimulated, and shifts occurred in the process of lipid peroxidation in cells of A. fistulosum. When these cells were treated with air oxygen for 40 min, hydrogen peroxide and iron sulfate (II) enhanced oxygen biostimulating effect via stimulation of antioxidant enzyme activity and inhibition of lipid peroxidation. Under these conditions, cell proliferation was intensified and the yield of chromosomal aberrations was reduced in A. fistulosum rootlets. When the time of seed treatment with ionized air was increased to 80 min, lipid peroxidation was activated, antioxidant enzyme activity was inhibited, and the yield of chromosomal aberration increased in seedlings. It was concluded that the biostimulating activity of ionized air was mediated by active oxygen species generated in the cell. The accumulation of TBA(thiobarbituric acid)-reactive products was shown to be related to a decrease in antioxidant enzyme activity and an increase in the yield of chromosomal aberrations. It is emphasized that the mutagenic effect of ionized air is associated with generating conditions that support Fenton reaction and OH-radical formation in the cell.  相似文献   

Coccidioidomycosis, also known as San Joaquin Valley Fever, is an endemic mycosis restricted to the American deserts, caused by the ascomycete Coccidioides spp. In 2000 it was estimated that more than 100,000 cases of the disease took place in the United States, and that these numbers have been rising over time. The current impact of this disease in Mexico is unknown, but the available data suggest that an increase of the incidence of this mycosis in California and Arizona might have the same impact in Mexican nearby States. These two USA States both have a bioclimatic pattern similar to the nearby Mexican States endemic for coccidioidomycosis. The main objective of this study was to collect the available information on the historical and epidemiological research done in Mexico to assess the impact of the disease and to evaluate whether the disease have a tendency to increase in the endemic areas and if this grow could represent a problem of public health in Mexico. We have conducted an extensive search on this topic in Health institutions and Academic facilities of California, Arizona and Mexico. After analyzing the scarce Mexican records we found that: 1) the main studies conducted in Mexico are limited to the northern desert areas of the country, mainly in the states of Sonora, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and the Baja California peninsula; 2) until 1994 an increase of coccidioidomycosis in Mexico was noted; and 3) we found that Mexico shares a similar epidemiological data as that reported in the United States. For instance, the most affected groups in Mexico were children under 5 years-old and adults over 45 years-old. The collective information suggests the need to implement joined organized efforts and multi-institutional collaboration to clarify the current situation of this important endemic disease of North America to administer a viable early detection plan of this mycosis in Mexico.  相似文献   

In the mouse stomach exist two acid proteases separable on the polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. One of them increases in activity after weaning and is a pepsinogen immunologically related to the pepsinogens of other vertebrates. The other is predominant before weaning and is presumed to be a chymosin-like acid protease.  相似文献   

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