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Creatine Transport in Cultured Cells of Rat and Mouse Brain   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
Astroglia-rich cultures derived from brains of newborn rats or mice use a transport system for the uptake of creatine. The uptake system is saturable, Na+-dependent, and highly specific for creatine and Na+. Kinetic studies on rat cells revealed a Km value for creatine of 45 microM, a Vmax of 17 nmol x h-1 x (mg of protein)-1, and a Km value of 55 mM for Na+. The carrier is competitively inhibited by guanidinopropionate (Ki = 15 microM). No such transport system was found in neuron-rich primary cultures from embryonic rat brain. It is hypothesized that creatine transport is an astroglial rather than a neuronal function.  相似文献   

Abstract: l -Glutamate, NMDA, dl -α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate (AMPA), and kainate (KA) increased the release of somatostatin-like immunoreactivity (SRIF-LI) from primary cultures of rat hippocampal neurons. In Mg2+-containing medium, the maximal effects (reached at ∼100 µ M ) amounted to 737% (KA), 722% (glutamate), 488% (NMDA), and 374% (AMPA); the apparent affinities were 22 µ M (AMPA), 39 µ M (glutamate), 41 µ M (KA), and 70 µ M (NMDA). The metabotropic receptor agonist trans -1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylate did not affect SRIF-LI release. The release evoked by glutamate (100 µ M ) was abolished by 10 µ M dizocilpine (MK-801) plus 30 µ M 1-aminophenyl-4-methyl-7,8-methylenedioxy-5 H -2,3-benzodiazepine (GYKI 52466). Moreover, the maximal effect of glutamate was mimicked by a mixture of NMDA + AMPA. The release elicited by NMDA was sensitive to MK-801 but insensitive to GYKI 52466. The AMPA- and KA-evoked releases were blocked by 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (DNQX) or by GYKI 52466 but were insensitive to MK-801. The release of SRIF-LI elicited by all four agonists was Ca2+ dependent, whereas only the NMDA-evoked release was prevented by tetrodotoxin. Removal of Mg2+ caused increase of basal SRIF-LI release, an effect abolished by MK-801. Thus, glutamate can stimulate somatostatin release through ionotropic NMDA and AMPA/KA receptors. Receptors of the KA type (AMPA insensitive) or metabotropic receptors appear not to be involved.  相似文献   

The binding properties of opioid receptors on isolated nerve terminals (neurosecretosomes) from bovine posterior pituitaries were characterized. Both [3H]etorphine and [3H]ethylketocyclazocine ([3H]EKC) showed high-affinity binding with complex binding isotherms, consistent with the presence of multiple classes of binding sites. [D-Ala2,D-Leu5]enkephalin showed no specific binding and failed to displace [3H]etorphine at high concentrations, indicating the absence of mu, delta, or benzomorphan (kappa 2) sites. Mathematical modelling of the data suggested the presence of three classes of binding sites. The first was of high affinity with Kd values of 0.9 and 2.0 nM for etorphine and EKC, respectively. The second class of sites appeared to bind etorphine with a KD of 150 nM, and EKC with extremely low affinity (unmeasurable binding). The third class of sites was characterized by KD values of 7 and 2 microM for etorphine and EKC, respectively. These results indicate that the nerve terminals of bovine posterior pituitary contain opioid binding sites of the kappa type. Furthermore, these binding sites appear heterogeneous, consisting of at least two and possibly more subtypes or states.  相似文献   

脑组织有着极其复杂的功能,这些功能的完成有赖于神经元细胞与胶质细胞之间的广泛合作。星形胶质细胞作为人脑内数量最多的细胞,其与神经元细胞之间的相互作用就显得十分重要。葡萄糖代谢途径包括糖酵解,有氧氧化及磷酸戊糖三条途径。其为脑组织维持其正常功能的前提。研究表明星形胶质细胞和神经元在糖代谢方面有着各自的特点,神经元在能量底物及抗氧化应激中对星形胶质细胞糖代谢途径存在一定的依赖性,干扰星形胶质细胞与神经元之间的代谢过程会导致疾病的发生。本综述主要从糖酵解及磷酸戊糖两条糖代谢途径阐述了星形胶质细胞与神经元的关系。这或许会对研究脑的代谢,脑疾病中神经元的损伤机制及如何保护神经元提供全新的视角,并可能为一些疾病的治疗开辟了新的途径。  相似文献   

Opioid receptors were solubilized from bovine striatal membranes with the zwitterionic detergent 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate-(CHAPS). High concentrations of NaCl (0.5-1.0 M) were necessary to ensure optimal yields, which ranged from 40 to 50% of membrane-bound receptors. This requirement was found to be specific for sodium, with only lithium able to substitute partially, as previously reported for solubilization with digitonin. Opioid antagonists, but not agonists, were able to bind to soluble receptors with high affinity. High-affinity binding of mu, delta, and kappa agonists was reconstituted following polyethylene glycol precipitation and resuspension of CHAPS extract. Evidence is presented suggesting that this is the result of inclusion of receptors in liposomes. Competition and saturation studies indicate that the three opioid receptor types retain their selectivity and that they exist in the reconstituted CHAPS extract in a ratio (50:15:35) identical to that in the membranes. In reconstituted CHAPS extract, as in membranes, mu-agonist binding was found to be coupled to a guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), as demonstrated by the sensitivity of [3H][D-Ala2,N-methyl-Phe4,Gly5-ol]-enkephalin ([3H]DAGO) binding to guanosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate) (GTP gamma S). In the reconstituted CHAPS extract, complete and irreversible uncoupling by GTP gamma S was observed, whereas membrane-bound receptors were uncoupled only partially. Treatment with GTP gamma S, at concentrations that uncoupled the mu receptors almost completely, resulted in a fourfold decrease in the Bmax of [3H]DAGO binding with a relatively small change in the KD. Competition experiments showed that the Ki of DAGO against [3H]bremazocine was increased 200-fold.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: A subclone of NG108–15 neuroblastoma-glioma hybrid cells was used to study the intracellular distribution of opioid receptors. Subcellular organelles were separated on self-generating Percoll-sucrose gradients and the enzymes β-glucuronidase, galactosyltransferase, 5′-nucleotidase, and glucose-6-phosphatase were used as markers to localize the various structures. Analysis of the receptor distribution from untreated cells shows that the plasma membranes contained the highest receptor density, but a significant portion of the opioid binding sites was unevenly distributed between the lysosomes, microsomes, and Golgi elements. The enzyme markers indicated that appearance of opioid receptors in these intracellular structures does not result merely from contamination with plasma membranes. About 11% of the receptors appeared in a fraction lighter than plasma membranes. The antilysosomal agent chloroquine altered the intracellular compartmentation of the receptors, possibly by blocking their translocation in the cells. Leu-enkephalin induced time-dependent loss of receptors from all four intracellular compartments examined, but a kinetic analysis showed that the rate of receptor loss in these fractions was not identical. Thus, the percent of receptors appearing in the lysosomal fraction that could still bind [3H]-D-Ala2D-Leu5-enkephalin in vitro was increased on treatment with Leu-enkephalin. As an additional approach to follow the intracellular fate of the receptors, cells were labeled with [3H]diprenorphine, chased with various unlabeled opiates, and the distribution of 3H-ligand-receptors in the cells was monitored. Leu-enkephalin and etorphine altered the distribution of receptor-bound [3H]diprenorphine between the plasma membranes, lysosomes, and Golgi elements, whereas morphine had no such effect. The study sheds light on the role of intracellular structures in the metabolism of opioid receptors in untreated and opioid-treated cells.  相似文献   

Opioid receptors solubilized in Mg2+-digitonin (2%, wt/vol) from Mg2+-pretreated rat brain membranes maintain, in addition to high-affinity opioid agonist binding, the modulation by guanine nucleotides. One of the modes of expression of the latter property is an attenuation of agonist binding by guanine nucleotides in the presence of Na+. To investigate the molecular basis of this modulation and to identify the G protein(s) involved, the soluble receptors were [32P]ADP-ribosylated by means of Bordetella pertussis toxin and subjected to molecular size exclusion chromatography. In addition, soluble extracts were chromatographed on lectin and hydrophobic affinity columns. The binding of 35S- and 3H-labelled analogues of GTP was also monitored in the species separated. The oligomeric G protein-coupled opioid receptors and the guanine nucleotide/pertussis toxin-sensitive species showed similar chromatographic properties in all three systems. This indicates that the biochemically functional G protein-opioid receptor complex formed in Mg2+-pretreated membranes in the absence of an agonist is stable in digitonin solution and to chromatographic separation. Further analysis showed that the guanine nucleotide modulation of opioid receptors is via the pertussis toxin substrates with Mr of 41,000 and 39,000, which are identified as Gi and Go alpha subunits, respectively.  相似文献   

Cannabimimetic drugs have been shown to inhibit adenylate cyclase activity in N18TG2 neuroblastoma cells. This investigation examines the possible role of opioid receptors in the cannabimimetic response. Opioid receptors of the delta subtype were found on N18TG2 membranes using [3H]D-Ala2-D-Leu5-enkephalin. No mu or kappa receptors were detected using selective ligands for these sites. The delta binding affinity and capacity were unaltered by cannabimimetic drugs. To test if cannabimimetic drugs may modulate opioid effector mechanisms, cyclic AMP metabolism was determined in intact cells and in membranes. N18TG2 adenylate cyclase was inhibited by the cannabimimetic drugs delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and desacetyllevonantradol, and by the opioid agents morphine, etorphine, and D-Ala2-Met5-enkephalinamide. The opioid inhibition was reversed by naloxone and naltrexone; however, the cannabimimetic response was unaffected. Both cannabimimetic and opioid drugs decreased cyclic AMP accumulation in intact cells, but opioid antagonists blocked the response only to the latter. Thus, cannabimimetic effects are observed even though opioid receptors are blocked by antagonist drugs. The interaction between desacetyllevonantradol and etorphine was neither synergistic nor additive at maximal concentrations, suggesting that these two drugs operate via the same effector mechanism. Other neuronal cell lines having an opioid response were also examined. The cannabimimetic inhibition of cyclic AMP accumulation in NG108-15 neuroblastoma X glioma cells was not as great as the response in N18TG2. N4TG1 neuroblastoma cells did not respond to cannabimimetic drugs under any conditions tested. Thus, the cannabimimetic inhibition of adenylate cyclase is not universally observed, and the efficacy of the cannabimimetic response does not correlate with the efficacy of the opioid response.  相似文献   

Respiration was measured polarographically in primary cultures enriched with cerebellar granule neurons or cerebral cortical neurons. The basal respiratory rate, measured on the sixth day after culturing, was 12.00 natom equiv. O/mg protein/min for the cortical neurons and 12.70 natom equiv. O/mg protein/min for the granule neurons. Maximal stimulation by 2,4-dinitrophenol produced a 20-40% increase over the basal rate for both neuronal types. Oligomycin inhibited neuronal basal respiration by 45%. These respiratory rates in neurons from primary culture are markedly lower than those measured in astrocytes grown under similar conditions.  相似文献   

Agmatine is an endogenous amine that is synthesized following the decarboxylation of L-arginine by arginine decarboxylase. Agmatine exists in mammalian brain and has been proposed as a neurotransmitter and/or neurotransmodulator. Agmatine binds to several targets and is considered as an endogenous ligand for imidazoline receptors. This review, mainly based on our research work in the past decade, focused on the modulations by agmatine action on imidazoline receptors to opioid analgesia, tolerance and dependence, and its possible neurochemical mechanisms. We went on to propose that agmatine and imidazoline receptors constitute a novel system of modulating opioid functions.  相似文献   

The effect of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and its agonists muscimol and 4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoxazolo[5-4-c]pyridin-3-ol (THIP) on the development of GABA receptors on cerebellar granule cells was studied by cultivation of the cells in media containing these substances. It was found that the presence of 50 μM GABA in the culture media led to the induction of low-affinity GABA receptors (KD 546 ± 117 nM) in addition to the high-affinity receptors (KD 7 ± 0.5 nM) which were present regardless of the presence of GABA in the culture media. The functional activity of the GABA receptors was tested by investigating the ability of GABA to modulate evoked glutamate release from the cells. It was found that GABA could inhibit evoked glutamate release (ED50 10 ± 3 (μM) only when the cells had been cultured in the presence of 50 νM GABA, 50 μM muscimol, or 150 μM THIP, i.e., under conditions where low-affinity GABA receptors were present on the cells. This inhibitory effect of GABA could be blocked by 120 μM bicuculline and mimicked by 50 μM muscimol or 150 μM THIP whereas 150 μM (-)-baclofen had no effect. It is concluded that GABA acting extracellularly induces formation of low-affinity receptors on cerebellar granule cells and that these receptors are necessary for mediating an inhibitory effect of GABA on evoked glutamate release. The pharmacological properties of these GABA receptors indicate that they belong to the so-called GABAA receptors.  相似文献   

The effects of pretreatment with dithiothreitol (DTT) on opioid binding activities of membrane-bound and digitonin-solubilized opioid receptors from bovine adrenal medulla were studied. Pretreatment of membranes with DTT or mercaptoethanol inhibited [3H]diprenorphine binding by reducing the number of binding sites. The inhibitory action of DTT was time and dose dependent. The binding of [3H]D-Ala2-D-Leu5-enkephalin was also inhibited by DTT pretreatment. Pretreatment of digitonin-solubilized binding sites with DTT also reduced the number of [3H]diprenorphine binding sites. The action of DTT was diminished by preincubating the DTT solution with H2O2. [3H]Diprenorphine protected the opioid binding sites from the inhibitory action of DTT. The present results provide evidence that disulfide bonds are implicated in opioid binding activity of the opioid receptor system.  相似文献   

Identification of a Mouse Synaptic Glycoprotein Gene in Cultured Neurons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Yu AC  Sun CX  Li Q  Liu HD  Wang CR  Zhao GP  Jin M  Lau LT  Fung YW  Liu S 《Neurochemical research》2005,30(10):1289-1294

The receptors mediating the inhibition of D1 dopamine receptor-stimulated adenylate cyclase by opioids were examined in primary cultures of rat neostriatal neurons. Adenylate cyclase activity was dose-dependently increased by the selective D1 dopamine receptor agonist SKF 38393 (EC50 = 0.05 microM). This stimulation was fully antagonized by the selective D1 dopamine receptor antagonist SCH 23390 (1 microM). SKF 38393 (1 microM)-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity was strongly reduced (by almost 60%) by the highly selective mu-agonist [D-Ala2, MePhe4, Gly-ol5]-enkephalin (DAGO; EC50 = 0.006 microM) and high concentrations of the selective delta-agonist [D-Ser2(O-tert-butyl), Leu5]-enkephalyl-Thr6 (DSTBU-LET; EC50 = 0.13 microM) but not by the selective delta-agonist [D-penicillamine2, D-penicillamine5]enkephalin (DPDPE). D1 dopamine receptor-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity was also slightly reduced (by approximately 20%) by high concentrations of the kappa-agonist U50,488 (EC50 = 0.63 microM). The inhibitory effects of submaximally effective concentrations of DAGO, DSTBULET, and U50,488 were equally well antagonized by the mu-opioid receptor-selective antagonist naloxone (EC50 of approximately 0.1 microM). Neither the irreversible delta-ligand fentanyl isothiocyanate (1 microM) nor the reversible delta-antagonist ICI 174864 (1 microM) reversed the inhibitory effects of DSTBULET. The inhibitory effects of DAGO and U50,488 were equally well reversed by high concentrations (greater than 0.1 microM) of the kappa-opioid receptor-selective antagonist norbinaltorphimine. The effect of DAGO (1 microM) was already detectable after 1 day in culture, whereas DPDPE (1 microM) had no effect even after 28 days in culture. These data indicate that an homogeneous population of mu-opioid receptors coupled as inhibitors to D1 dopamine receptor-stimulated adenylate cyclase is expressed in rat neostriatal neurons in primary culture.  相似文献   

Opioid receptors of NG 108-15 cell membranes are distributed in two membrane fractions sedimenting at 20,000 g (P2) and 200,000 g(P3). The number of receptors is identical in P2 and P3, but in P2 all sites are present in one high-affinity state (2 nM), whereas in P3 60% of these receptors display lower affinity (150 nM). Upon addition of GTP or pretreatment with pertussis toxin, 80% of the sites exist in low affinity in both P2 and P3. Therefore, the effect of GTP and pertussis toxin on agonist binding appears to be smaller in P2 than in P3. In contrast, sodium inhibits agonist binding in P2 and P3 to the same extent and with identical potency. Opioid-mediated stimulation of GTPase is much greater in P2 than in P3, whereas inhibition of adenylate cyclase does not differ in the two fractions. Using site-specific antibodies and pertussis toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation, we found that the amount of G proteins in P3 is only 30-50% of that in P2. Treatment of intact cells with the hydrophilic protein-modifying agent sulfosuccinimido-biotin results in biotinylation of proteins from both fractions and in a similar reduction of opioid binding in P2 and P3. Likewise, exposure of intact cells to the alkylating opioid antagonist, chlornaltrexamine, produces identical degrees of receptor inactivation in P2 and P3. The rate of in vivo pertussis toxin-mediated modification of G proteins is not different in the two fractions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Noradrenaline (NA) release and its modulation via presynaptic opioid receptors were studied in rabbit hippocampal slices, which were preincubated with [3H]NA, continuously superfused in the presence of 30 microM cocaine and stimulated electrically. The evoked release of [3H]NA was strongly reduced by the preferential kappa-agonists ethylketocyclazocine, dynorphin A1-13, dynorphin A, trans-3,4-dichloro-N-methyl-N-[2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-cyclohexyl] -benzeneacetamide (U-50,488), and (-)-5,9-dimethyl-2'-OH-2-tetrahydrofurfuryl-6,7-benzomorphan [(-)-MR 2034], whereas (+)-MR 2035 [the (+)-enantiomer of (-)-MR 2034] was ineffective. In contrast, the preferential delta-agonists Leu-enkephalin, Met-enkephalin, and D-Ala2-D-Leu5-enkephalin (DADLE) as well as the mu-agonists morphine, normorphine, D-Ala2-Gly-ol5-enkephalin (DAGO), and beta-casomorphin 1-4 amide (morphiceptin) were much less potent. However, in similar experiments on rat hippocampal slices DAGO (1 microM) was much more potent than ethylketocyclazocine (1 microM) or DADLE (1 microM). (-)-N-(3-furylmethyl)-alpha-noretazocine [(-)-MR 2266], 1 microM, a preferential kappa-antagonist, antagonized the effect of ethylketocyclazocine more potently than (-)-naloxone or (+)-MR 2267 [the (+)-enantiomer of (-)-MR 2266]. Given alone, (-)-MR 2266 slightly and (+)-MR 2267 (1 microM each) greatly enhanced NA release, apparently due to alpha 2-adrenoceptor blockade since their effects were completely abolished in the presence of yohimbine (0.1 microM).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: Mouse N18TG2 neuroblastoma and rat C6 glioma cell lines were injected into male nude mice, and the tumors were passaged serially. At each generation, tumors were analyzed for δ opioid binding using [3H][ d -Ala2, d -Leu5]enkephalin and for σ1 and σ2 binding with 1,3-[3H]di- o -tolylguanidine in the presence and absence of 1 µ M pentazocine. Receptor density ( B max) and affinity ( K D) were estimated by homologous competition binding assays. Opioid and σ B max values in the solid tumors were significantly lower than their original levels in vitro. K D values for opioid/σ ligands were similar in vitro and in vivo. With successive passages in the murine host, δ opioid and σ1 binding of the neuroblastoma-derived solid tumors became undetectable. In contrast, σ2 receptor B max values were unchanged with successive passages of the neuroblastoma-derived tumors and doubled in the nude mouse-borne gliomas. When neuroblastoma-derived solid tumors that were devoid of δ opioid binding were returned to culture, opioid receptors appeared to be up-regulated as compared with their original in vitro levels. Serial passaging of these recultured cells in vivo again resulted in a rapid decline in opioid receptor content. The opioid data are consistent with our prior findings on opioid binding diminution in human brain tumors. The pattern of change for σ binding was more complex, with the σ2 response in late passages of the glioma being reminiscent of the formerly observed increase in number of σ sites in transformed human meninges, kidney, and colon tissue.  相似文献   

Abstract: Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase) was activated by stimulation of glutamate receptors in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. Ten micromolar glutamate maximally stimulated MAP kinase activity, which peaked during 10 min and decreased to the basal level within 30 min. Experiments using glutamate receptor agonists and antagonists revealed that glutamate stimulated MAP kinase through NMDA and metabotropic glutamate receptors but not through non-NMDA receptors. Glutamate and its receptor agonists had no apparent effect on MAP kinase activation in cultured cortical astrocytes. Addition of calphostin C, a protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, or down-regulation of PKC activity partly abolished the stimulatory effect by glutamate, but the MAP kinase activation by treatment with ionomycin, a Ca2+ ionophore, remained intact. Lavendustin A, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, was without effect. In experiments with 32P-labeled hippocampal neurons, MAP kinase activation by glutamate was associated with phosphorylation of the tyrosine residue located on MAP kinase. However, phosphorylation of Raf-1, the c- raf protooncogene product, was not stimulated by treatment with glutamate. Our observations suggest that MAP kinase activation through glutamate receptors in hippocampal neurons is mediated by both the PKC-dependent and the Ca2+-dependent pathways and that the activation of Raf-1 is not involved.  相似文献   

Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan (CS-PG) was purified from rat brain and examined for its effect on neurite outgrowth in primary cultures of embryonic rat neocortical neurons. Neurite outgrowth was increased in culture wells coated with CS-PG. The core protein and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) prepared from the CS-PG were also examined for neurite-promoting activity. The activity was observed in culture wells coated with the core protein but not with GAG. These results suggest that CS-PG stimulates neurite outgrowth from the cultured neurons via its core protein.  相似文献   

Dermorphin and its Hyp6 analogue are opiate-like heptapeptides originally discovered in frog skin and characterized by the presence of a D-Ala2 residue in their sequence. They were assayed for their capacity to compete with [3H]Leu-enkephalin for binding to opioid receptors in membranes of neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid cells. In the presence of 7 nM-[3H]Leu-enkephalin, the concentrations at which they caused 50% inhibition of [3H]enkephalin binding (IC50 values) are 0.1 micro M and 0.3 micro M, respectively. In contrast, the synthetic L-Ala2-dermorphin shows very low affinity for the opioid receptors. In addition, like other opioid peptides, dermorphin and hyp6-dermorphin inhibit the elevation by prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) of the level of adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic AMP) (IC50 values 0.2 micro M and 0.4 micro M, respectively). The inhibition is prevented by the opiate antagonist naloxone, L-Ala2-dermorphin is at least three orders of magnitude less potent in inhibiting the PGE1-evoked increase in the level of cyclic AMP. The results show that peptides with an amino acid sequence quite different from that of the enkephalins can bind to opioid receptors of the hybrid cells.  相似文献   

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